12/07/1942.�{% � THE MINUTES O;E TF� C?TY COA�lITSSIQN 0�' TI3E CI'I".i OF CI,El�Et�VATER, F'LORIIiA �!'he City Commission o�' the City o� Clearwater, Florida, met in regular session December 7„ 1942 at 8:00 P, I+IL. ir. the City fiall, with the following members present; Geo, H. Seavy, Mayor-Commissioner � Sumner R. Lowe, Commissioner D. C. Stuith, Commissiol�er Jesse G. Smith, Commie�sioner Absent: Dan I,. Stoutamire The meeting was duly called to order by �,Zayor George R. Seavy and the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. The Gity Manager read a letter from Colonel F1oyd E. Zindley thartking the City officials for their cooperatio� with the Army. The City P�Ianager read a letter frqm P,qr. Guss Vlilder complaa.ning about the groins on Clearwater I�Iand. The City P.ianager also read a coucplaint from t�r. C:, C. Garma� relative to I.Sr. Gorm�n's city taxes. P�`.r. Hendrix stated: that the i�crease in �,�r. Gorman's assessed value was because the forne� owner had received ?�'idow' S Exemption and bir. Gor�nan had aiade improvements to the value oP � 8''S 'QO � i . . �.?oved by P�Ir. lowe, seconded by r.�r. D. C. Smith and unanimously carried that a transfer of �? e,000.00 from the Gas and Wa�Ger Tund to the General Fund on iVovember 25, 1942 be approved. The City Attorney read Ordinance n 492, entitled: ATd ORDINANGE REGULATIPZG t� S�E OF IvtII,K IN TAE �ITY OF CLEAR�"�AT�'�R, FLORIDA, DEFIi�FING "P,'IILfi AND P:IILK PRODIIC"�'S", "I[2IF�K PF20DUC�R'T, "PASTEURIZATTON", EmC,, PROHIBITING TF� SALE OF ADULTER.9TED AND �.?ISBI3AND�D l�2ILK AND 1�4ILK PRODUCTS, REQIII=FtING LIC�'�ISES FOR TE� SALE OF r.'IILK �iND PlfILK PI�ODUCTS, REGULATIVG TfLE INSPECTION OF DAIRY FARtRS AND 1l7ILK PLANTS, TI� �AP4INATION, GRADIVG, I�AS�LING, PLACARt�I21G, PAS'TEURIZATION, REGRADING, DISTRIBUTION, AND SAL� OF i�ILK AND 1!.IILK 1'RODUCTS, FI30VIDING FOR TIiE PUBL2SHING OF T;IILK GRAD�;S, THE CONSTftUCTION OF I'UTITRE DAIRIES AND I�fILFi PLAIdTS, r?ND PROVIDING FOR T� PAYP'IEIQT OF' CERTAIN FE�S OR CFiA�GES T0 COVER A PAAT OF THE COST OI' INSPECTIOIJ OF DATI?IES, D��IRY FARI�lIS OR DISTRIBTJTORS SELLING OR DISTRIBTT�P�G 2III,Ii OR b4ILIi PRODUC'1S IPT THE CITY OF C:LEART�'�ATER, �'IXING TIiE AMOUNT TfiIl�EO�', THE ENFORCrt,T�rT OF THIS ORnIIvANC� AND THE FIXII�TG OF P�fii'�LTIES. Doc�tor Bolser sxplained various parts of the Ordinance �vhich follows recommenda;iotts oi the IInited States Public Health Service and of the �rmy of the iTnited States. T�Ioved by :Sumner R. Lowe, seconded by J'esse G. Smith and unauimously carried that the Ordinance be gassed on its first reading. �' ,` �r�� � � ; � � !� ,, , � � , The City Attorney read an application to the I'ederal Cxovernment � rec�nestin� � 9,74Z.62 for recreat9.on of local sGldiers from Deoember � 1, 1942 through �uly 1, 1943. The Commission a�reed to the application but no official action was believed neceSsary. �� � � . � The City Attorney presented petitions nominating �eorge �2. Seavy for P-'[ayor-Corunissioner, �esse Smi�h for Go�nissioner and HerUert Grice in the ��unicipal eleetion to be held on December 15th, 1942. Since • the patitions had been checked and found to contain more than �`ive percent of the signatures of the quaiified voters in the City and uo other norainations had been received, it was moved by Sumnex R. Lowe, n seconded by'D. C. Smith and unanimously carried that thz names on the ballots for the r.4unicipal eleetion of December 15, 1942 be: For I��ayor-Cornmissioae�: George R. Seavy For Commissioner: Herbert Grice J'esse Smith r.�oved 'r,y Surriner R. ZoWe, se�onded by J`esse Smith and unanir�ously carried that P:�r. H'. F. Perry be apgointed Clerk and that PRrs. Ola r.+fills, D�:rs. John Meadows a:nd Ii4r. Gharles Ackerman be appointed Inspectors for � the 2Runicipal election of Dece�ber 15, 1942. There being no further business, the meetin� was adjaurned.' � � 2�'Ia,Yor -C ommi s sioner � Acting ity Auditor and C1er e � ,a . .. .,