11/16/1942� ■ , � . .; > ' , ' ` _� ��� T� MINUTES DF THE CITY CQMMISSION OF T$E CITY OF CIIEARWATER, FLORIDA: � The City Comrnission of the City oP �learwater, Florida met in - regular �ession November 16, 1942, at 8 P. pr�, in the Git� HaB�l witlz the � Pollowittg �embera present: � � Geo . R. Seavy, �Jfayor-Commissioner �umner �. Lowe, Commissioner - Dan �,. Stoutemire, Lommi,ssioner D. C. Smith, Commissioner �'ess3e �. Smith, �ommissioner Absent; None The meeti.ng was duly called to order by Mayor Geo. R. Seavy and the minutes of the previous m�etin� were approved as read. Mayor Seavy explained that City �anager Hendrix would be absent sinee he w�s attending in Savannah, �eorgia a meetYng ta discuss the crit3aal Gas Oil situation as the same applies to gas manufacture. The �omnissi�n had b�£ore it the bid oY Hovey Brotuers on a fire truck. Tt appear�d that t3�is was the only bid subra�tted in response ta advertisement callin� for same returnable not later than Saturday nonn November �, 1942. Moved by NIr. T�owe, seconded by �1, �. Sma.th and carried that the �1,2�'O,OO bid oi' Hovey Brothers be accepted. ' Below is set out such accepted bid; November 6, 19y.2 Mr. F. A. Hendrix City Manager Clearwat�r, F lorida Dear Sir: In response to your request for bids for one uaed truck suitable for use as a light fire truck unit- v�e, respectfully submit the following: pne blodel E D Maek with cab and hesvy duty express body, tire equipment �50 x l7 sll around. This is a Deluxe �Iodel having a Chrottium radiator grill, Chronium Pront bumper and hub caps. It also, has oil �ilter and oii batn a3.r cleaner. This truck has �er3= low m�leage, is like new and the color is red. The price is �1250,00 Deliver�d, Clear�aeter and can be seen at ou'r. �learwater salesroom at 907. Cleveland St. Yours 8er� txuly, � Hovey Brothers G. P. Hovey µ� . . �oved by Mr. Stoutamire, aoconded byr I�Yr, Lowe and carra.ed tliat a transfer of �y.,00�.'00 f'rom Gas & Water F'und tq General Fund on Nov ember 14, 1942 be approved. � _ ti City gttorney Ralph Richards now rb-� a Resolution ur�;in� desi�;nation of Pinellas County Master Airport a� a port oi entry. Moved b;� Mr. Lowa, seconded by Mr. Stoutamire and carried that tlie � r'ssolution be adopted� Below is set out such resolutiott; RESdLUTIQN 12FLATING T0 IITILI�ATION OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FI,ORIDl�, MAST�,R AIR PORT AS A PORT Or ENTRY FOR CENTRAL AND SOUTH 1�I�RICAN ANi� AFRICI�N POST �"lAF TRADE EXP�NSION PROGRE1l�Q t"IAEREAS f'inellas County, Flo;�ida, has construa�bed ar.d turned over to the Army za: large and ideally situated air port wit� combined land and water facilities; and ' ti,173EREAS feaeral authorities are notv thinking in tsrms of post war trade and co:runerci�l air expansion with the countri�s of Certral America, South ATuerica , and kfricas and Wi�R�AS the selection af a p,�aster Air Field for such purposes, t'o be designatad aQ a port o� entry, has be�n narrowed d�wn tn three lo�ations in the: s���e of Florida, one oi whl.ch is Pinellas County and its sir port �acilities; end V,�iER�,AS the people of Pinellas �uunty are definitely intsrested in hav3n� the Pinellas Oounty Master Air port designated a port of entry; N04'l, THEREFO�, B� IZ RE�OLUED BY TFi� 'CITY COI�Il44ISSION OF THE CIZ`Y OF CLEAR4�ATER, FLORIDA: gection 1. That the designation oP the Pinellas County Master �ir Port; as a port of entry in the abone mentioned post war air commercial egpansion program is recom�ended and strongly urged by the �it y Commi.ssion of the Gity of vleerv�atar. Section 2. That a copy of this resolution be fu.rnished to the Honorable Claude Pepper an d the Honorable �. 0. �Indrews, United States Senators from Floridaz to the Aonorable J. Hardin peterson, �ongressman of chis di;striet, and t he Honorable'Lea Green, Congressman at Large, and that they all be sincerely ur�red to use their.best e�for ts ta accompli�h the results abov� outiined, � � City Attorney R$lph Richatds now read to the �aard a proposed Ordinance to be known �s 4rdinan.ae No. 1�89 and governin� the gpeed of trains within the �ity limits of �learwater, I�oved by J'essie G. Smith, second�d ; by Sumner R, yowe and caxried that `�r,3 Ordinance be passe'd, on ita Pirat reading. T� proposed orcii.nance was then read` �hs 9econd and third time ` and aiter each reading was passed on tlie motion oY Jesse �.. Smith, seconcl�d by 8umner R= Lowe. Below is set out O�dinance �f3�:- , ,r 1 \� � �. �f �y� - ORDIN�NCE N0. �' . AN O RDINIINCE REGiTLA�iING THE OPERATION OF RAILROAD TFtAINS WIZ�iIN THE LIl'dITS OF TIiE CITY OF CLEAP.40AT?:;fi BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY` COPJl64ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARNIATER, FZORIDA: Section 1: SP�ED LIMSTS. No railroad train or locomotive shdl� be operated at a speed greater tYxan PiPiteenr�iles per hour within the erea in the Citpc oP Clearwater bounded on the north be Palmetto Stree�, on the east: by GreenwoUd Avenue, on the south by llruid 8oac3, and on the rvest by the GulP oP Maxico; no rail- ' road train or locomotive shall be operated at a sgeed excee�ing thirty miles per hour in �ny part of the �ity oP C].ezr-�vater lying `outsida aP the area above descri:oed.� �� Section 2, CEitTAIN STREETS TO BE FLEIGGED. All loco- motives and railread trains sha11 ceme to a full stop before cross= ing Dre� Street,and Cleveland Street, and some persun shall prececle said loconotive or train across the saici �raw and Cleveland Streets. Pro�rided, however, that this provision sha3�1 not apply at crossings that �re paotected by gates, or by bells and lights or any other efi'ectiva vaarning device properly installed and kept in ogeration. Section 3• TitA.'QvS NOT 7.'0 BLOCi� STREETS. It shall be unlawful for the directing off icer or �perator oY any railroad. train to direct the operation of or to operate the same in such manner as to interPere with t he use oP ang street far the purpose of travel for a period of time langer than Pive minutesy excapt that t�is provision shall not apply to trains or cars in motion other tha� those engaged in switching. It shall be unlaw.ful for any railroad train to stop at any interssction or on a cross walk for the purpose of ieceiving or discharging passengers except at regu�ar and designated stations. ' Sectio:� 4. STiVITCH ENGINES TO B� FLAGGED. It shall be unlawful for sv�i�tch engines or cars in the process of being switched to pass over any paved street in the �ity r�P Clearwater unless suci� switch engine or car shall be'preceded across said street bjc so�e person to �ive proper warnin� of the'approach of ss�d engi. ne or car. Section 5.� PENAI,TY, Any person, firm or corporat3on founcl to be guilty of a violation of t�is ardinance or eny provision h9reoP shall be punished by'fine not exceedin� Two Hundred Dollars (�20?.00) or imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such �ine an$ impriennment. ' � r � � �9 Seation 6. �ECTIV�' �ATE. This ardinance shall become ePfe�tive imraQdiately u�on its passage and adoption by th,e City Co�unission of the City of �learwater, Section 7. �;pFaT,, All ordinancas or parts of ordinances in conflict hdxewith aste hereby repealed, Mr. Richards now read to the Board a proposed ordinance t o be 'f91 knowl�as Ordinauce No. �3 and relatin� to rules for t he sale of wood, and the posting of prices and etc., Moued by Mr. Lorve, seconded by i�9 l �r. ll• C. Swith and carried that Ordinance No.-�96-be passed on its first reading, The ordinanc� was then read the sec�nd anri third time and after each reaaing th e ardinan ce was passed upon the motion of Mr« Lowe,� s�conded by Mr. �. C. Smith. Below ia set ou� Ox�dinance No. �.90. ORDIN�I�TCE : �6' r��I . AN ORDINANCE REGULATING V100D�YARa5 AND RE�TTIRING PI3BLIC POSTING OF PRICES. BE IT OB_DAINED BY fiHE CITY CO2v4�iISS�ODT OF TI'iE CZ�'Y' OF CL�ARP�AZ'ER, FLORIDA: Section 1. POS�ING OF PRTCES. Every person owning or operating a rvood-year sha11 post and keep poste3 in�a conapscuous placs on the premises a price list shnwing the various kin�s and sizes of wood for sale and the pri�es to be charged therefor. All selss c�f wood shal7. be in conPorm.ity wi,th the posted grices< Section 2. SAI�E BY TiiE CORD. Where wood is oYPered for sale at a certain price per cord, each cord shall conParm to the standard dimensioa of four feet wide and Poui� feet high and eight Yeet long, ar the equitralent thereoP. Section 3• BALE EY THE STRAND. Wh�re wood is oPfered Por sale at a certain price per 9tfi81� or othe� unit, t,he length oP the wood and the exact measurements oY the strand or other unit shall be sgecified. All sales of wood shall be in cozlPormity with the measurements as specified. S�ection 4. PENAI�TY. Any pe�son, ,firm or corporation found to be guilty of a violation of this ord�nance or any pro- vision hereof shall be punished by fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars (,�I.00.00) or by imprisonment not egceeding thirty (30) days! or by both such fine and imgri.sonment. Section 5e g',T_'EQTIV� DAT�. 2'his ordinance ahal.l bo- come efPective immediately upon its �ass�,ge and adoption l�y the City Gommi.asion of the City af Clearwater, ilorida. t � ', , � , , : ,, .��o ; � Section 6. All ordinances or parts of' ord�.nances in. conPlict �iere�vith arc� hereby repealed. � It was brought out ths.t the cause oi re-pa�sage oP Ordinances No. �j� and No. -�}�98/ was that proper ad7ertise- ment had not been made in the newspapare There being no Purther business to come bePore the Bpard tho meeting was ad�ourned. _ � � � � _ Mayor—Commissioner f � t �� � r':� _, '