01/22/1947 , , ' ,.gWj~!1il;;,~~t~~::' .,.!."t.1,..."t',I,!,<.!t'i "..~';"'I.""'~'~' t,..':t.t~~.'~'i ;.<~t """'-"';";:"'''''''''''::''''''1' ~:::~~~~t~r , ' ..' . ,"";>f."~._,~~-;";;;:;''''''''''''':J.:....... .......~_.,;...~.....4<I...;.:.....;....; 1..,J.."i.\..~. ...:..... ~... ..,.........'-... ,of - . '....';; ;.,., ," ';,,:':::;"J;~...~.;:\;~;~i~i.;;'... ;~~." . .~...:,~':; ", . ~ . .... ' . ,,' ,,' ", ~ :~-; . p:: '::,.' ';.~::\ . , .~".,~: . '.. ~,':';".':. ". ~.: .. .-. . ~,~ -. ,', . ,~ .,' '.,' ~"" CITY COMMISSION MINUTES The City Commission met in special session at 12:00 o'clock noon January 22, 194? in the 1,;1 ty .lia 11 wi th the following members present: ~ 'i~ Houze, ~arry D. Sargeant, W. C. Wells, J. h. Crane. Johnson. Also presont were City Attorney Smith and of Police, J. J. Elliott. Mayor Houze explained that the purpose of the meeting was to con- sider the appointment of a City Manager. J. O. 'J.. A. Chief It wa B moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by !vir. Sargeant and unBnimous11 carried that b01d A. Bennett be appointed City Manager at a salary of $500.vO per subject to the established rules and ilie six months probationary per1od. It was brought out that Mr. Bennett, 1n his capacity of City Manager would assume the direct management of the Engineering Department~ eLiminating the necessity' or appointing a City ~ngineer. Mayor Houze stated that Mr. Bennett would assume his duties aroung March 1st. There being no further business to oome before the ~oerd the meeting was adjourned. month ./ ~}~:.:t;;(~i~r~~;it;t'.> ~ ;p;. f!~f ~iayor-Comm1ss ner ~ lerk .if:}li!II~; . .. 'j;~~?~l , ,....,,,,,,,,,J }~i~~!~~&~il ....' f"'p,i.\'''''~ \~':1' t . J1rJJf~'l ;:';:i~~~.~;L~i~~;.',,';"i..j:,,~,'Gl;::"~;'\;;'i~~"'; ,..: . ' . ~-''-'~.''.:~:~''.~' ...,. ,."', ..,._~..:~ ';'~~":.~:~:4i.;.......,..".., ~' ..i '......... ,,-.t.....~.. h"\'~.......~~~:....- ~- -~~. . .. ...."',. ..'....... ..~. , ,,' ~~." ,; ,. ..~..r;'. .~'.: CITY OF CUI1.RWl1.TER CO~~ISSION MEETING MINUT~S January 21, 1947 o Honorable City Commissioners Clearwater, Florida. Dear Sirs: I hereby t"nder my reuigmd~ion B.S a member of t.h e 0i vii Service Bonrd, to beoome effective immediately. Yours trul~', Bur nic e !!qmi 1 ton Junu:ry 25, 1947 Mr. C. F. Taylor City fI.:a nager Clear~ater, Floridu. Detir ..d'. '1'4,' lor: It will be gretitly apPl.'ecitl.ted i1' you Viill prusent tfds information to the city Conunission at your eurliest cOllveuience. On Janu€.lry 21, 1947, ;,:r. Burnice Hamilton tendered his resienution us I:l. melIiber of the Civil Service Board. It is therefore necess~ry that u fifth Board member be appointed to fill the position created by this vacancy. Yours truly, CIVIL SERVICE fWARD By, Betty fiice Urmey Secretary Bnd Personnel Direotor January 23, 1947 to,. Ronorqble J. O. Houze Mayor of the city of Cl~8rwater Florida. My de~r Wor. M~yor: Some time aRo Mayor Ceavey appointed the ~riter as Chairman of the locBl'G~ I. Emergency Housing Committee. This Committee held n great n~ny meetings some of ~hich were attonded by representatives of the Federal Housing Authority, and we were afforded the cooperation of the city Administrntioll to the extent that they offered to supply a number of building lots at nominal cost on which G. I. houses could be erected. We were unable, however, to accomplish Anything tangible and the proposed projeut lias nOlI, been: a btindoned on account uf the fact that the ne cessary procedure VitiS to en i:a.qg}.ed with red tape, and restl'ictions to have a reasom.tble chance of ultimate success. In view of' this fact, I feel that it is unreasonable to ask the City to hold these lots longer for the sole benefit of the propesed G. I. Housing Program. I also want to ask you at this time to accept my resignation as Chairman of this Committee, as I feel that the amount of Viork Vihich the Committee has done in the matter has been totally wasted. Yours very truly, Marvin H. Boyce \' .. ,,'.. ~ ,., .'. ":"/.,: ""'!, : . , ;~ I . -'.' .'. ) ." . tLl'-'1 i 11I I . ',. J ",1 ~ \ 411 i I ' " I, ' , ; , t " ',:', I.:' ':,:,.' }':;'),(~,{-~fj;,:>:" , ~ .~..~...I""..:"'." ,~",'.i~it"... '.- till ~.~t, ~~:, ~~~~~ ,1 'J:, '" January 27, 1947 ..;.!:......,~~ ~. ',.~. .. -....-.-... ~" .~,..;,....~~:~,.,...:.:-..;.:".;.~~~~~~;~;,~.,:;;~~~. '. '7"':'~";:'~';~':: ; , '.1'. '''. ,1.-...... . :~',:~? ,,/};;~i'r~~:.::~!' ni',:\. f ,.:~:. ' t" ~ r 1\ ".. ":y.{,' .:,~"t""";;5' .",I..~n/)\. .\~'E;;~,~l;,W .1 , . :'~"~' :,:>::~};~;' ~:.~:> . ~ ':<':"~';:'/..?':::'" " . ~ ' .' '.. ..........,~.. ,~~ - _n". _. '. ...... ,"".. '.~.." . .'~ _". Mr. Marvin H. Boyce, Boyce Company 301 Druid Road Clearwater, Florlda. DE:lnr Mr. Boyce: Mayor Houze has tlsked that I acknowledge your letter of January 23 in which you submit your resignation as ctwirman of the local n. I. Emergenc~' Housing Committee. ~~ " I Ii . . I I .. II May I express to you on behalf of the Mayor and the city Con~ission our appreciation of your servic e and interest in this pro :iect. Your letter will be presented to the Board at the next regular meetine on Monday February ). With kindest personal regards, I am Yours very truly, .. Frank Cooley City Auditor and Clerk. 1 I j j l 'I 1 E A S E THIS IJF.ASE, made ~~nd entered into this 4th day of Februf.1ry, A. D. 19/17, by end between the CITY OF CLEAR'W\TEH, FLOHIDA, a Municipal Corporation, located in Pinellas County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Lessor, and C. W. HAROD, 710 PennsylvEinia Avenue, Clearwater, Florida, hereimlfter referred t,) as the Lessee, ....',: WITNESf3E1'H, That for und in cOllsidel'stion of the payments and covenantH herein provided for, to be pEiid c.Llld lJerl'ormed by the Lessee, una upon the terms and conditions set forth below, Lessor does hereby lease, let and remise, to Lessee the fOllowing-deseri bed property situate in Pine llus County, 1!'lorida, to Vlit: , , ," '" . :'.-;.. . ,.~;. ,.; ,': :. That portion of Lot Ten (lu), CITY PARK SUBDIVISION, on Clearwater Beach, described as begi~ning at u point 984.1 feet East of the Northwest Corner of Lot Thirteen (l)) of said CITY PARK SUBDIVISION, run thence South forty (40') feet more or less to Clearwuter B~y, thence East Fourteen (14') feet, thence North thirty-six ()6t) feet more or less, thence West fourteen (14') feet to p.o.b., together with that certain Tee-Head Dock or Pier abutting said property and constructed by the Clearwater Flyin~ Company in the Year 1946, for the term of One (1) Veal' beginning October 1, 1946 and ending september 30, 19l~7, at and for a total rental of ]i'our Hundred and Twenty ($420.00) Dollars, payable at Thirty-five (~35.00) Dollars per month on the 1st day of each and every month, wi th month ly paymen ts for October, Kovember and December 1946 and for JanUAry and February 1947 pHya ble at the ense~\l in!!, hereof, recei pt whereof if hereby acknowledged by Lessor, and each succeedin~ payment to be rrade in advance as Aforesaid. ~~' ..,' :"':1' I..... . ,'. :":.".: ..;...... ...' . ".' , "I ' ' ;, . ;. .' : ~." ~' :I'.i/:-, " The follo'winl!. terms end condi.tions are mutually e~reed upon by the Parties: 1. Lessee shall at all time durin~ the life of this Leese, keep above- desoribed Dock in proper repair, satisfactory to Lessor's City Manager, and shall keep the same insured against loss by fire at its full insurable value, with the policy to be held by the City Ivlanager and containint; proper clause directing payment of proceeds to Lessor and Lessee HS their interests may appeur. ,'t/o,.J..; ~!. 2. Lessor Bhall not aSBess, levy or colle ct any Municipal ad valorem taxes on leased property while this lease remains in "force. All other taxes, asses~ments and charges, state, County and City, assessed or levied against the property and/or business conducted thereon shall be paid by Lessee before the same sbBll become delinquent. 3. Lessor may cancel this Lease upon sixty (60) days' written notice tv Lessee if at any time the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, shall determine that leased property is required for pUblic purposes. 4. Lessee shall not use leased premises in finy unlawful manner. Lessee further covenants to use same for only such purpose or purposes as rooy be approved by the City Manager; not to assign nor sublet any part thereof Vi ittlOut written consent of the City Manager, to permit no waste or abuse of the property and tu deli vex up the same at the end of tile term hereof in as e;ood condition as same now are, ordinary wear, decay and~damage by the elements only e~cepted. 5~ If B default shall be made in any of the payments and/or covenants set ~1l>~fr .\. I.I~'.:"" .~ ):~,:" J.. >:t :.'),..',:~:.' . -..-- ~-- - ,'I,; . .".;..,.-..".....,., , .., . . -, .",",', ,~:, '"' "_~,,,,'~~c,' "'''''~~~:~~''''''.""~'l~ll~ c', ;pI!i,:; f&1~;~~;~~;i: I'" ,II 1"'a" '1/["";'-'''' ,!itEifJ~~~~: . {~. :.:.~ ' ., J ' ; ;:'.:., / /~..~:'>i;;l;.:....;::': '/, '. :~.\': '. :.;~~:.>~ " .'.' ., CITY OF CLEARWATER CITY COMMISSION. MEETING MINUTES (continued) C. W. HARan, IE^SE (') . ..~.,) out Above, Lessee shall become a tenant Ht sufferance 11ereby waivinp, all notice. nnd Lessor shAll be entitled to immediately re-enter FInd re-possess the leased pro!,erty. . , '. . .'r, '" , ,. 6. Lessee shall have the rjght to renew this Lease, upon the terms and conditions tl1en to be agreed upon, provided such option ShElll be exercised not later than september 1. 1947. '" .1" . .'; , IN WITNESS 'vVILb,;itEOJ.t', tIle IJE1!'tics hereunto set their hands and senls, the day and year first set out ubove, the Lessor l:1cting by and throu6h its duly constituted officers. ' '" t, ,'. .":'. ,- .," COUNTE;RSIGNED: CllfY 0$ CU;ARVlATER, BY: C. F. TA YLOH, CITY MArU~GER FRANK COOLEY, City Auditor & Clerk ,.. "; ..~ ..~'., ". '. ( .~ ;.:' ,~'.;.:",~.ij,~j~l~,!.'.~.~. : . ".1" _ 'L,,'I~-,', ,.,~, I~~~ft'?'~;\ J. O. HOUZE, Mayor-Commissioner Approved as to form and correctness: Geo. W. Smith, City Attorney SiRnad, se~led end delivered in presence of: H. Winpo Juanita Blanton As to Lessor C. W. H!Hod (SEAL) H. Wingo J Uti ni ta Blan ton As to Lessee ~ STATE OF li'lJORIDlI. ,COUNTY Olt' .p 11~~LL1iS I HEREBY C~RTIFY, That on this 4tIl day of February, A.D. 1947. before me personally ~ppeared C. F. TAYLOR, FRANK COOLEY and J. O. HOUZE, respectively City Manager, City Auditor and Clerk and Mayor-Commissioner of the City of Clearwater Florida, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals and..of1'icers descri bed in and who executed the foregoinr, lease and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of suid municipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said lease is the act and deed of said Corporation. \. WITnESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater, County of Pinellas, state of Florida. this the 4th day of February, A.D. 1947. H. Wingo Notary Public state of Florida Rt Large My Commission Expires: April 28, 1949 ";1.: . " . " '} . .'.J j:. ''':','' ;' .. ,. l , \ . . J ,! '. -",'."":, : :".'f'~," ~,:,~!,,~:~t3~:;~~:I;> . '.,. ~.:': '1.~"~"'~oIl..l~>""':':"'~;' .~, .,' ~.......~~;,!<.~:,i".~.~~.J! ".::..': ::,.~~:.,/ ",.I~.,:, .,,::,,:...~; ~\~).:';..~'~~'~~'r;~~'4~,.~~~~~..~:,:.,. :.":.':. ORDINANOE NO. 529 ;.N ORDINJ.NOE i.M1.!;[mING THE CITY ZONING ORDINi.NCE BY CRJ.NGING 'l'HE UNZONED AREA BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY OHESIDNUT STREET, ON 'l'HE SOUTH BY lAKEVIEYl hVENUE, ON 'lEE WEST BY GREENWOOD AVENUE AND ON THE EAST BY M~SSOUHI AVENUe: TO ^ MUL'lIl)LE DWELLING R-2 DIS']:HICT, hND ESTABLISHING J. BUILD- ING LINE IN SAID AREA; ,hND BY ESTABLISHING A BUILDING LINE ALONG CLEVELJ~ND STREET FROM MISSOUHI i.Vi!.'NUE ON THl!: NORTH SIDE J.ND WJ~SHINGTON lW EUNE ON 'l'HE ,;OU'l'H SIDE, BOTH Et..ST TO GULF-TO-B.hY BOULEVJ\RD - CL1!."VElAND STREET INT ERSEC'l'ION . ':::.'.~'; / ~:..~>:7~' :'..::,. 't?i;', ;Y~";::';' ~ \:':j "'~J , ',' d' , '<~':,>;:";':,, BE IT ORnAINED BY 'lHE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLE1~HV/Arr\Ea, FLOHIDi\: Seotion 1. Thilt the City Zoning Ordinbnce, being Ordinanoe No 455, passed ind ildopted December 4, 1939, be t:and the SQIIle is hereby iimended as folla.vs: Ii. That oertQin unzoned aI'elii in the City :Jf Glearv.kter rnorid., bounded on the North by Chestnut Street, on the South by L~keview bvenue, on the West by Greenwuod Avenue and on tne Ebst by Missouri ,hvenue, is hereby desigmilted, oonsti tuted and IIllide Ii Multiple Dwelling (R-2) District, with the building line on the Ellist side of Greenwood Aven~e and on ~ll other streets in said area, twenty (20') feet from the property line. b: A building line is hereby estbblished along uoth sides o~ Clevelilnd Street fifty (50') feet from the oenter of sbid street, on the North side thereof from Missouri Avenue ELst to the Gulf-to-B&y Boulevard - Cleveland Street intersection; ind on the South side thereof ~rom Washington Avenue Eust to said Gulr-toBtiy Boulevard -Cleveland Street intersection. ,", ,.',' i,~' , .. .,.:.' ',- ','t :::~. " ;~.~.. Section 2. All property located in the are~s desigruated in Section 1, hereof, are hereby m~de subject to all the regulations and restriotions of the City Zoning Ordin6noe and the Oity Zoning MHp aD amended. Section 3. This Ordin&nce shElll be effective i.mmedliltely upon its passage ind adopti on by the City Commission of the City of Cle&rwwter, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City or Clear'Wliiter, Floridli, 1n regul~r session assembled: Passed on First Re~dlng February J, 1947 Passed on Second Reading February 3, 1947 Passed on Third Reading Febru6ry J, 1947 . -, .,' ii, if" 'i", 1! . J". O. UZE Milyor Commissioner "'" :. r . "." C ler k: I > . " '" ' .'. '.", ~,_..,~-, ,�''��� .�, ,fi'r � � _' - _ ; ' �x� � 1 � � ,� , __ _ , . jj 1��,G�` �C ' - � i ozm�z- cohu+�zsszorr n2zrru�s j 'j'he �ity Commission met in special se4sion at 12:OU o�clock noon i January 22, 1947 in the �ity Ha 11 wi th tha �'ollowing members p�esera�; � i. 0. Houz.e, Harry D. Sargeant, lh`. C. 'Wells, J. K. Cr2ne, � , . A. Johnson. Also present were City Attorney S�ith and , � Chie�` of Police, d. T. �.11iott, Ma��;r Houze exp�:ained that the purpose o£ the meeting vtas to con- sider• the ap�oini:ment of a �ity M�nager. It was moved by Mr. Johnson, seconded by �ir, Sargeant and unanimously c�arried that �oyd A. Bennett bs appointed City &lanager at a salar�q of �500.v0 per month subject to the established rules and t,he six months probationary period. It was brought out that Mr. Bennett, in his capacity of �it� �anager rrould assume the direct management of the Engineerin�3 Department, e],imiriating ths necessitq of appointing a City Engineer. Mayor Houze stated that �r. �ennett ;vould assume his duties aroung March lst. ✓ There being no iurther busine�s to come before the "oaz,d the meeting was adjourned. . �'layor- ommiss' ner ..UR.�../1� ity A dit or and lerk • j � 1` � ,'