06/14/1948 (2)� �a�g� oz� co�muzsszarr r�rr�rTLs J'une 71j, , 1,91Eg 'The City Camsnission of the City of Clr.�arvaater, I'lorida mPt in special session present:1�4J.o94gouze�2j-OOxo'Crane, Harry Dt�Se�rgeanta1Leland FheDrew,�GuygZm Kenned f�bsent: none. Also present: $oyd k. Bannet�, City Manager, J, J, �,�lliott, Chief �� of ,�olice, George V1. Smi�h, City Attorney. The meeting wus callecl to arder by Ma�ror Houze, after which he read the Legal Notice which was pu'blished in the c:`learwater Suu, to explain t:a purpose oP the meeting. Ivir. H. H. �3askin was present and explained to the Commissioners the circumstances wnich concerned Lots 1-2-3, Block 1s, Breeze Hill Suodivision. #See 1?elnw It wa� movsrl by Com�issioner �rew, seconded by Commissioner Sargeant and unanimously cUrried that kttorney Smith read the resolution concerning the hardship case of Valentin de t�rriba , I� was moved by Cor.�issioner 5argeant, seconded bv Comnissioner Ken�ed3T and unanimously carried tliat the resolution be ado�ted, The resolution states that Lots 1-2- 3, 131ock k, Breeze Hill Subdivision be changed Yron an R-2 d�strict, to a business dis�rict to correspord with the surrounding nroperty ��hic�. is all in a busine�s district. '`�ere be:Lng no fu�tner Uusiness to ccme before the Board, the meetin•yres ad�ourned. IvIdyor-Co ssione ATT ' . � /'��ti.//2. � City huditor and Cle * It appeared from the Zoning Map, and it was the opinioa of 6he Commission,that a mista�e ha.d. evident7.y been made in showing the property in question ss an R-2 diatrict--probably an over- aight in drawing up the map. �� ���� � e , � LEGAL riOTIC� NOTICE TS HLREBY GTi7LtJ that tY�e City Commisgion of the City of Clearv�ater, Florida, siti:ing as a Board of C�djustment and lsppeal, ;�nd acting under authority of the City Zoning Ordinance, will hold a public hearing at the City Hall in said City on Mottday, June 1L�, 19�.£3, at 1.3:00 Noon, to consider and act upon, the betition of Valentin de l�rriba for correction of the City Zoning b�up, to locate the following described pronerty, to wit: Lots 1, 2 and 3 0#' Blocic "h't in B!'tEEZE HILT, SUBDIVTSTOIJ, �.�} in the Busineas (B) District in vahich al� other ro ert � N ' ` P P y�rontin� on the intersection where same is located is nov� designated. � D�,T�D at Cleqrwater, Florida, this 8th day of J'une, A.D, 194g. I''I�PTK COOL�Y City kuditor & Clerk � * * RES OLUTIO?T V�Ti�,RI'�S, public hearing has been held this day ei'ter due notice and pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance of the C�ty of Clearwater, on the Petition oF Valentin de fsrriba for correction of tYte City Zonin� Itia� to locate trie hereinsfter described property in the same Business (B) Distr�ict in v��hich all other property fronting on the interseetion in- volved is located, and, �'1HEEtPr�S, no objection has be,en made to such correction and i�; appearing to the Com- mission, aiter due consideration oP the �acts presented, thati the e�clusion of described property from the same use district as all other property ironting on the same intersection and the inclusion_ thereof in an �-� �ult?ple L4,+,elling District v�ras a dr��'tsuan's error ma;ie in the City Zoning IVia�, that all other property fron'ting on the intersection o� Fiighland Avenae, Chestnut Street and Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard is designeted as a Business (B} District, that tt�ere is no reason why nescribed prr�percy should not ha4e been located in the same busine�s district as �he other propert;� at said intersec�Gion and that same should be so used and that there are practical difi'iculties and that an unnecessary hard- ship results in carrying out the r�resent designation, entitling Petitioner to relieP pra5red for, yakiieh is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the City Zoning ordiii�anc e : NOVJ THLEtEFURE DE IT RESOLV�D by the City Cnmmission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that �the tollawizig described property, to wit: Lots 1,2 and 3 �f Blocit ��1," in BRLEGE HIZL SiTBDIVISIJN, according to ma� thereof recordod in Plst BooY. 13, Yage b�, public records of Pinellas County, Florida, h�iving been in�dvertently and erroneously designated as being in an R-2 11�u].tiple District rather tli�an in a Business (B) District, �vith all other property fronting on aforesaid $�% � � intersection should be and it is hereby designat:ed and located �s and in the same Businass (B) District and �hat the City Z�ning Map be corracted accordingly. PASSED I�ND xDOYTL+'D by the City Commission of the City of Clearwa'ter, Florida, this 1lr:th day of June, k.D. 194g, � Msyo - ouunission � � �,� . . . '. � � .. . . d � ' . . r