07/27/19481 • r4?r .? ..s.: ?;': ?..?. h? i ? s ? 4 '?i t }„ ? ?] r ! 7 t ? ? ?'tt. ?? a ''I• ?.?? J ri 4 ^ ,t I 1 '. f?i? t ??. ? + >?t +? •? ;1??1 ? ? "?. ?;::.. ;_, ; ` ?" ?. n. ?,?; ... z r ?.. r • ? .,?r u CITY CO?ll11TSSIUN h?ffP1I1TL+'S July 27, 194$ The City Commission met in special session on July 27, 1y48 at 6:30 1'.?I. in the City Ball with the following members present: J. it. Crane, ??cting bieyor-Commissioner Lelzjnd 1''. Urow, Co?.miissioner Ilarry ll. Saxgeant, Conunissioner G. L. Kennedy, Co;?missi?ner. ??bsent: J. 0. Howie, bjayor-Conunissioner, l+1so present: George IN. Smith, City ,attorney, and J. J. i?lliott, Chief of folic o, Soyd !?. Bennett, City filanager. E+cting I?Ieyor-Comr7issioarer Crane called the roasting to order and explained that the purpose of the raeetiirg was to consider the passage of Urdinance No. 1,62 on its second reading, the title of such ordinance being as fol:l.ows: OitUIT1?,IdC:!, I1U. 562 IIIG T;l• I:12 rT OF ZHL CITY COIIh1I5S OP Ob T E HN UP, i)I1dt+IdCE i;YPitL' :3;? ? 'mil , ' , CITY OF CLEf+I{'i!;.7.'+ , I+'LJ.+IUE, ??,) `1'U THL 1't.:?Sr+GE t,ND Ol'LI?1?TTON OF Ui{DIN1+TdCLS NOS. 55y ?+I?D 5?0, I3i?.YI?ICr OI{UII?l,PICLS Li?VYING kLSPECTTVLLY A TLfiJ 1'l?'RCLi1T G;,'I1'ilkr+I, ? CIUL Ti+X UI?1 CEl{TisiJ UTILI7.'Y S ? VICL+'S ?+f1D !? FIVL 1'i.'I•{CLi1T S?'i+aCIr+L 1',"tiCISL Ti+X UN Tiil+; S?;itti UTILITY ."ELI{VICi?S; COIH+'IltT:illdG tiLL r+CTS UOi1L l?i+ID 1tIGliTS t+I?D LIl?BILI`i'TL'S ,.kISIt`1G UPJJI;R S!'+ID OHl)Itdl1?dCLS;I?fii?1P1r.CTI'.dG A Gi?J'? trL ?XCIt:i; Ti?X ON 1'UkCH?;SES OF Gt?S, 1'fl+T?, '?LEC`1'RICITlT E+1? TELi;?'HUfJ ? SEI;VIC F, i'HOVIDING i'OR TIC COLLI';CTIUit Oii' SUCH Tr+X, ,.11U 1'I?ESCiiI13Ii1G 1'LIJt,LTIL''S FOF{ VIOL„TIOTJS, TU I{l+;i'I?.CL OkDIId?.`lCL' IIU, 559 IP1 THL i'VLidT THr+T THE COUkT SHUULD HOLD ShI?IE IIdV?,I,ID. It was reeved by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Kennedy and unanimously carried that the ordinance be read. ?,`s ?,? ? :? _ ?:?? >•. i r ?; ? I ? ;?''?` , City r.ttorney Smith notiv read Ordinance IJo. 4b2 in full, and it was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, and seconded by Connaissioner Drew that the Ordinance be passed on its second reading. ?'he motion being put, the vote was as follows: ryes: Crane, Kennedy, Drew, Sergeant. rdayes: None. Vlhereupon ratting T,iayor-Co?:u?rissioner Crane declared the ordinance duly passed on its second readitrg. L'ity 1,ttorney Smitr, reported that Judge John U. ilird had disqualified himself to hear the case brou?^,ht by the Telephone Company and that the heaxing would be held before Judge 47eh1e. Commissioner llrew called to attention, that a previous approval of the Girl's Scout Zease included property extending front the street in front of the auditorium to the bank in the rear of the auditorium and not merely to a srr??11 building plot near the bank. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded by Conuaissioner llrew, and unanimously carried that the lease to the Girl Scouts, show a description extending from the bank at the east end to the street, in fro;it of the auditorium, and being bounded on the south by the privote property line, and on the north by a line ten feet from the south side of the auditorium buildi?ig. On the motion of L'onuaissione r' Drew, seconded by Cornnii?sioner Sergeant, the meeting was adjourned. hTTLST: ?t-??..,?,le ty h for end clerk kcting ;??ayor-Corm ssioner ,: ;> ,. • ,?,:. ,.,i;,t; ,J• ?v??t?,_ i?F•?•?F;•?r•,1 • ?: ?,?;, , F?+try?y1'?$ ^ ??fi ?ti;?x? ?;? .; ,,? ,,,, z ?• ?, ?• ?y??d? i r ' k .? ?' a?' ? ' `, i i , . ???v$, ?:•.;,: d4 A Fri-0'.; i?}i+?'A, ;Y;,?±?s,?"? ;?"?• , li..a t... r ?.?; ;, , ??, ?'ia:?r #?, r s+ at ?:ra<<: ;,?::, h?,' . -? .? `,t. ?ti ; ,: ,? t 9?' X;?! ?'f' ?? {}?!. ? ??? l ? ? v . , . . prS ? , d? ? J 7 "w ?''?' . ,? .y?q ?ji ;? .,?' ?^ li d ??? ??yr9,",?,' ? . ;. . E? i?r?•; iel „�' - f, � ., , � r �i� CITY COn�'JISSION MINUTL'S Suly 2 7, 194g The City Cammission met in speoi�tl sessi�n on J'uly 27, 154$ at 6:30 T'.I�4, in �he City Hall wi�h the f'ollowing menz;�ers �resent: J', R, Crane, 1�cting Nisyor-Comm.issioner Zelanri F. Drew, Cocuaisaioner , Fiarry D. Ss.Tgeont, Commissioner G, L. Keunedy, Conmissianer. ��Usent: J. 0. Fi��zze; ATayor-�ommi�sioner, ATso presentc George 4V. Smith, City ��t�orney, and J. J. �lliott, Ghief of yolice, $oyd �� Bennett, City Managex�, �cting r,�ayor-Corr�issioner Crane called the rneeting to order r�nd explained ths't tt�e purpose of the meeting was to consider the passra�e of Ordinanae No. �t62 on its second reading, the title o� such ordin�nce being as foll.ows: ORDIN�NCE N0. 562 kN OR'i�IIdf1ATC� }�PFtESSTi�tG Tr� INTEi��T OF TE3E CITY COI4iMISST,nT�T' OF THE CITY OI' CLEai-2'i;:�TPR, T'L��tIDh b5 TO TFI� i't.C3SkGE AND OI'EFtE�TION OF ORDINANC�S NOS. 559 �si3� 560, B��7G ORDINANC'ES L�'VYING i2LSP�CTTVELY A TEN PF�CEI�T G��LRaL EXCISL T�X ON C�RTtsIN UTIT�ITY SERVICES �iPJD !i �IVE Yr'�iCEiIT Si'�,CIk�li �%CISE TAX ON �Ei� S� U'PILITY SLRVICiS; CONF'IF3t.1ING liLL xCTS DOT� I�ND I3IGHTS AND LIE>�TLI`'i'IES -.,HISING UND�R Sf�I:D OR1�INt�NCES;I�EEP1hCTIT7G A G�TF.RhL �CI�E TAX ON PURCHhSES OF G�iS, `rlATgt, ELECTRICITY kND TEL�nHONE SERtiTIC�, P�tOVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION Ok SUCH ThX, 1.I�TD 1'��SCFtIBIidG P�dhI�TI��+'S E+'0� VIOI�t.TIONS, TO R�?LIiCE ORDITdt>iVC � I70. 559 IN TFiE �VENT TIiAT T��IE COUItT SHOUL� HOLD S�t1� ITNr.LID. It was mo�ed by Commissio.ner Drew, secor�ded by Commissioner Kennedy and unanimously carriad that the ordinsnce be read. Gity �>ttornay Smith now read Ordinance No, l�62 in full, and it was moved by Co�nis sioner Kennedy, and secondecl by Commissioner Dre,va that the �rdinance be passed on its second reading. The moti�n being put, the vote was as fo7lows: kses: Crene, Kennedy, Drew, Sargeant. Nayes: None. V7�ereu�on �-,cting 14;ay�r-Coi�nissioner Crane declared the ordin�nce duly �assed on its secc,nd readii�g. Gity �t�torney Smith reporte�3 that Judge John U. Bird had disqualiiied himself to hear the case brou�ht �ay the Telephone Conpan� �nd thrat the hearing w�uld be held before J'udge �7ehle. Commissioner Dre�v called tio attention, that a previaus approyal of the Girl's Scout Zease included property extending from the street ir..front of the auditorium to the banlc in the rear of the auditorium. and not merely to s srr�11 building plot near the bank. It was moved by Commissioner Kennedy, seconded hy �ommissioner Drew, and unanimously carried tY�at the lease to the Girl Scouts, show a des�ription extending from the bank at the east end to the street, in front oi the andi:t�riur,c, and l�eing bounded on the south by tfie privste property 1ine, and on the north by a line ten feet frqm the south side oS the auditorium building. On tihe motioxi oY Commissio�r Drew, secanded by Commissioner S�,rge�ant, the meeting ti�ras adjourned. , �cting 4ayor-Commi�sioner ATTEST: � �'rr�t�� `ity hu tor and Clerk '.,� ” �