11/27/1948 (2),... _ _ . ,... .._ . _ __ _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ _ ,..: N., . ,� _ ,. 4„ , ,. � ' ' ' � , .t ,� r�, _ ' , t � , _ � „ , 1� � t� �� � . I � � �. 1 � f � � _ � _ ; . �' ..;, . . . . . .. .. ._�. :.. � . � � :,, , .. . . ,. . ., . . . � �. � � . . � . . � . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... _ .. , _,�...,�. .-, ..:,:: . _._�::. _..:_ � �, . ,.. .. . . . . � . . .. . . � . � . � . . .. . . � �, .. . , � .. � . . . . � . .� . . �. �. . � . . � . � . ,. . � .� j :;� . . � .. . . . , . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . - . . . . . . „ . . . , . ;: �D � � � ' _ , _ _ ,1 � '. � _ cz� oF cz��iv>>�T�;�. { , ' C Ob7NJISST ON P,Z�V'QT�S _ : : , i� : T7ovember ?7, 194� ` _ Tl , � , �.e City Commis�a.on rr�� �.li special session et l?. o'c1_ock n�on iVo�e , wi�h t�he Yoilowzng memt�prs zi�esent; , mber 27, 194$, _ � - ' J'. U. FIouze - Pd�y�r-Cortimissianer ; _ �.""� J. £t. Cra,R� - Commis:>iouer : H. D. S�r�eent - Commiss'ioner _' I G: T�. Kei2.iedY - Comrnissioner i: Lel:and F. Ilrew -Cor�missioner � ; , , _ t - i i�bsent: None. , � ��lso ,,resent: Boy� a. Benn�t�L, Ci�y Manager, G�:or re 4'l. Smith - .� , t�nd Je J. �lliott, i:hief oi Poliae. �- , Cxty k�,torney, 14layor Eiquze read the s�ecial call. notice which state� Y�. " t �t tiie �urpo�e of' the mee�in� was to c�nsider the re�ignatit•;� of E+rank C�oley as City �iuditor dnd J1erk. ll"fayor Iiouze read tha resignati �n a�i it w4s n�v' d >� . . e by �omnissioner Crane, see�nded ' t�y Conuaissio.ier Drew and unanimously carried that tYre resi nr�tion o , - , be aceepted yvi�;h regre�s, efiEctiue Dec�iber l. �' f I'rarLk Cooley The �i�:y TtiTanager paintecl out front �L-he late audit oi t&e :.it . � oi' �r,e Cit;;.�s business caithin tYie 7Ust fev� e�rs ��a r �`t�l�sn r_eat inczeasa it uaas his recouirtend�tion tti�� t Y , d e;;�,r�ed that�th�s in considsrazi.'an _ ' ' two he�ds, li�raely trlat oi' Cii, ruciiaor1and�C Gi�ty �uaitQr� and C1crk be: divided int� _ Y lerk, and Tiebsurer and C�1lector �nd ' hssista�t �l�ik, 'ant3` t�.Gi� Ieir. H.nG,., �'�ingo be appointed City �zuditor �nd �lerk, anct , ' IySr. Fran.k ��bernathy Ue appGin�Ged lre�surzr and Collec�Lor aad Hssistan� Clerk, affactive Deeenber l. T�l�, c�ss moved b Corumissioner Sargeani�, seconded by Commissi�ner �;rane and Y , unanimou.,l�� cr�rried that I�Lc. Vlingo and �z, �bernathy Ue al3��in�ea as recotamended Uy _ _ ' t�ie �;ity T,�an��er an3 th�,t e�,c;fi be given &s of Decmber l a?�25.00 inerease in sa1�:rY, i'urtY�er �tYi�t the Gity T�:anqge� wi�Ehi,n 30 days rr�ke s'sur�reJ oz the tj�» posi�ions in , order tlz�� tr�e sal�ries inigkit be a justed couanens�ra�e �o `thsir dutizs dnd res��nsibili�ies, • �i� the sugc,estion o� the <City I�Tanager, Lir, FI. i,_, Turnburke v�as rec uEsted ta m2 .� an hudi't as o� December 1 the end of .the 3 ke , present City Clerk's term, anct tii�t P�Tr, • , �i'urnburke b� p�id exi;ra f�r this worx. ._' , Ii I� wUs in�ved bg �omrei.ssianer Crsne, s ecanded b �a�uissiener D • .• , � rev� and un�ni�ausly car�ied th�,t tha next re�;ular '�or�mission meeti,ng bE �ostp�ued ir�m ivi�nday, Dec�bsr 6 � _ to ti�ednesday, 3�ecernUer £3. �'Yi�ir bei.�g n� furtY�er Uu�:iness to c;�r.�e befor� the �3aGrd, the rzse�in vaes a�3.'�urned ' ( g ) . _ � _ 111ayor-Cor.�m' � ianer , ,;:cTT�ST ; , _ ,, � � • �.i'L 1-,udit or and Clerk , • _ , _ i _ i - � ., � i _ , , _ �� ., i � . '� , _ ,, �� L + i 1 , 'ti;. ; , i, .„.,,, . . , , ., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ M� - �:��:�_. ' "�'++v�, �. , .� �,� � , '� ,�; . �� ,, , , f, � . , �- ,, ,� . , , - V, f ;� , u, . :., _ ; ; �= ; � , _ , , } f , ; j ���.� .� . ' j� �� � f , Honorc�ble k3aard of City Com�uissionerS _ _ CleE�r��J�ter, GZ�.'Y �:02���II �%IflSd 1'.TT1�I7T�ca' ' I+"loxida iJOV�]bii3.� 2'%, I.qyB _ e b endar ou ni resi n�rtion as i:it 1,ud�.tar and c;lerlt ef� eativ�e r�� _ Zhre�-� Y y g Y , yau� g�ad plaasure rzow, or, by �acetuber ls�t. 14it�yor Joo Ho�iz� _ _ �1e€�r�a��Ler, I'1a. _ I� has bEen r,iy g�od �or�une to enjoy the �riends�.`:;ip and alose co-operratioia.' oi esc>h mem�er of this �onmission and' �ha Cit TvTanr� er �or v�lhich I�m very D���' 1�7r. I�io�ize, , � ,, Y g �r� � e ful . , : .,�,,, �" ' Since Tv;r. [:ooley h�s r�ecic�ed t� leave tha em.;�loy oi' �t�e ::ity, z wo�xld lilsa to _ _ , . � . _ , . , . ... �- z, . , I also ,am dee �l ral,e�ul #'ar 'the �rivale e th�t has been aff'orded m� gf �,sk y�u 1�o kzndTy cotisiclex my b,�;,�licatzon for t;t� poss�ci�n �f Lity huaitor and Clerk. a Y � .E � , , _ , serving tha aitizens af wlearz�a�er so long. . ' I tiVould like �Go l.is�t sor�o oi' t;�e �`dkts, (�r�ny o� tvhicli , au. �re personal.ly ;�r�ar,iliar �, . . • , ,� _ � , . . , . T , o � d : f � e c�uties o� the ihe fir�t �f ti�� ye�r I expect t� '�e mployed in t�e ��'fice oi H,. �I. S�Cex1i a�, vaiti�.) •�kxseil I bela.eve uuala.fy rue as ta abz�it,� to peii r ]1 o h �ounty Tax z.ssess�s�,, i.1ec{;. ' Clerk and tc� coni`orm i,� 411 (;ivil uexvice rules th�t �,71�1y,• � ' I''n rs re ectfull* " I h�,ve liv�ti va9.t�in tl�� �it linti.i:s o� �1ear��Uter i'or 24z;Years, ,hGviz� arrived , u Sp y , ' Y , , �ierc iil ��u�ust ��?.4, so�n �,�i;ez• 1��vin� seh:�ol in ien�t�as�e, �i�� n�,tive stq�Ge. I h�ve FF�.uZK GOc�L��'Y' - si n�d beer� � hpr�e ot�a�ier i'or Glr��st lE� y�r�rs; �his I�e:,l i.s essentiel, ior G sgia���thetic r�nd . • r . ,Y � . a . ai 't�:e s��n ` r�blems �r�icli are dail 'brou ht ta the �ity �1er7� Clty ;,uda.tnr and ulerl� helpfiul unclerst nelzn� y� Y � by �ur �;��;,ale--�ttXe i�r���er �ir�ul'iti� o� v7hich is hi�;hly ir.���ar�tant ,�� t�he at:�ia'�le r��.�ti�n- ' stri� bettiueen ci�Gi�e�s �;xia t,he .�_d,rlinistrati�n. _ ;,.. ',� : ,,• t `, �� r .. .•' � � be' n s ertt I h�ve been ,e A.,la� .� by �,�,e �it,� ior �Ghe ��st £; ,, e�rs, 7 �s trt�a.ch �. v � p , � iii tiie ..1e�lc' � 0."1icP tol�e;.�p I k�ave served �� �uslzi�r una i�isbursing nf�"iear, The l�s� � � � 7. ,., � - �e ?ri t �az. :.ae �r�ie�t v,Yiez�� �t•�n'r �i' ri du.ties r�vv� qeen Gs dzrect _2z r c.br.� 1 ki�,ve U�, ii i he � ,r Y �:' . a.�sist�..it to ;.r. uo�1r- r��=�.rda.a 3r� erty �s.�e�srien�.� �n�:4 rruint�inir��; tr�e�L��a1 �i1� k f � 1 P . , ; 3� T� u -t h � r�=,1 Members ai tYie Cit,y Gos:�mission : ;�ria :t,;;ca�.�d; iii �ucli � n�:nZ��r us �� render '�:�ie aest �.oss_ lp serr_ e � t e�e�e , C1ear��s�er, Florida ��ubJ.ic �n'.�e11. �il t� t�c ot:i�r �e;,�ur�ents, , Crentlemen: : . T airt vorJ� ,r:.ud �i �;he fact I Y3uve �t h�st �i' ��i�nds arnong the Ghurcl2e�, �usinvss rt I. � ��ta r�rof�;�si�n41 �;roui�s �.au.� �:'�litic�+1 Leud�:cs, s:, s�r�il. as ��ea�,le in �11 oi t�.� oth�r ' . ,_ ; , : . „ • , , ,. . . , , � . .:ti, iY d� I �.�� e -�n r There v�il1 be a SI'iZi.iL biE�?;'TTl'I�1G �f the City (;ommiwsian, �aturd,a�, 12:Q0 T7�on., t�f�llis �f lif �, bu� 2 1�av�s iZcver er���,�..c3 a.n �ny ,.�alitic.,l �c ivi ,y na, 4 y � Cit Hall, _ ' a�,ti�iti�� t� tli�t �;tiil. Novembsr 7, 194.8, Y _ .. . .' .. �., .� ,: '- ,. `r '� �� , l. ^lhis meetiu is bein held i'�r•'the -�ur ose oi considerin 1;he resi �'!�tion I�ra 1�?. e�rs old tr,�rriec� .�nd i�. �,�od �:er�lth, �,s evz,Ic,r.eed b� the z�ct t��c I _ � g � � , , . a i� g � � . � ,� <.r y .;�� , • ' • . r rs I� ��au s� 1�*�.;.re T ir�ul.d =-reati.r of P��r. bruslt �ooley ana �iiling -Lhe vycuncy. �zvvc xus,.�.3et� 3 d4„s ���z� in -Grz� ���t 2 38r� . ,,, ,, U ., , �,��z�recz,�.�i.� r�u ��72;ox•tuniiy 'Go ;aersanGlly c�uze nef�re tihe U�x�i:�si�u t� fu�tY��r :��:.>cuss ._ . . . . , . , ,. r , -. .,s.. . , , ,. � > �-e C� iss�an �11 �i 2. To consia�z� ha1c11ng the flrst raeeting in Deeetuber tvao or three days lstex tYiis s,��.s�.tpr. I� 3ou, 1.>s. L�a�Ji Gncl t�e ati.e.z �exi-�1e1en oi t.z �� � , in th� morith. �rha� I consicler Liy �ri�ilcls . s�!.ie �i' very long s �:,�.�? tzb, �i�au.la so #'it to h��ar �e ` - ' _ ti�ith tha �rotz�ti�n t� Ci �y ��:1:er1L ��t r�udztar, I o�;n a�sure y�u af ruj� :aest ef�'�rts rt 3. Cansidera�ian of any ot'.er business tr,�� by unanim�us co�sen�G trxzgnt be • �ii.l ii�.e� i.az �,��riar�s�anc>� o�' �..y �u�ies. _ brou�ht up. { Y'78SyJGC�i't1�.1�', },'OUTu y Yours very truly, , �'���lc ,i�err_�thy - si�n��. HOv➢ t� �,ii4fiTNLT1 -signed _ C:ity T�anoger _ , . _ � a- x � * � , ^ November 26, 1:9'1�1 . l�s"s, H, G. kiingo .' . - 2�6 rez�:n.sylvF�nia _ Clear�vai;er, rlorida _ - De�r %;r . ��iugo : ` . , . This is �o advise you th�,� you h�ve successfuZly �assecl the pram��Li�nal � _ , examinati�n i'.or -G}�e posi�ion `oi City �>uditqr atrd �1zrk vsith � iin.a7_ grade of 9q.1� _ Your nutae has ueen �luced on �GYre eligible list �'or ?;���-� i».si{.ion, and y�u �^iill be given duE consicle�ati�n v�hen an Gppaintme�it is m�de, ,_ I�a�iu� that vae may �.uve the oppoxtunity ai' servisig yUu in tne near future. ' _ _ , Y�urs ver� truly, , . : _ . . �IV�L SiItVIC i? �OF_ktD , , . BYs F'r�nce5 i�ichax�s > 5ecre�:ry rand Chiei' is'x�anlmner , * � � Hon. �i.ty �ommissi�n _ Gitp �f Cleaz�V�a�er . : Glearwa�er, Flox•idd - , Geritlzment _ Liay I reyuest th�� �Lhe G'onu��i.s�ion, consider rnY-�+�.i�li�ation �or the �osition �!' City ' Clerk, _ I t�oc� the .Q�axa�.nati�n i'�r t'tiis o:�i�Li.on ori I7rivem�3er �5th 19LNT tr�kin a rt�cle ,. _ , ' . a� q0.1$ �nd va�s �clvisod by tkie �ivil Sexvic� :3ecre•L�.ry t1i��; my3nE+me b��i hezt�, • , , �laeed �n th� list �s being el:igible for �Yi�fi �josifii�n. Your considerai:i�i1 will be greatly �ap reCia�ad. _ P � ° . Hes�nct�ully �ouz:s, � , . , . "_'d.G: 6rin�;o - s:i�nQ�. , , ;- _:- _ _ �. _ , ; ` 4, -