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A~st 14, 1950
The City Commission of the City of Clearwater met in Special Session at
City Hall, Monday, Auguat 14th, 1950 at 12:00 Noon, with the fo11owlng members
E. 13. Casler Jr.
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Harry D. Sa rgeant
lIerbert M. Brown
Leland It'. Drew
Joe Turne:r
-Mayor..CoD11l11 sa ioner
Alac Present Were:
Boyd A. Bennett
Capt. Olenn Proctor
Ben Krentzman
-C i ty 11anager
..Police ])epartlllent
-City Attorney
, .. ',~ " .' .'
~e meetln~ having been called to orderJ City Attorney Krentzman submitted
a Resolution which would rescind the action o~ the Cammiss10n by Resolution June 8,
1950, takin~ over tho property known as the Everingham Pavil1on, f'()r Municipal
purposes, and which would auth~ize tr.e prope~ officials to execute a new lease
agl'eoment with !Ilr. Charles Everinf~ham for a period of one year from August 15,
1950, for the total sum of ~1500.00. Under the terms of' the prcposed new lease,
~lr. Everingham agrees to waive rights held under his ~onner lesse including any
rtght of :renewal and any right to oompensation for the buildings iooated on the
property, and has agreed to paint and otherwise improve the buildings by expend-
ing not less than $1,000.00. The Lessee is to pay all municipal and state and
County taxes on the property fo~ the year 1950 and his pro reta portion of the
taxes of 1951, for that part of the year included in the leese, and is to keep the
buildings insured at not less than 50% of the 1nsurab~e value. On a motion by
Conmdsaioner Drew, which was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried, the
Resolution was adopted.
The meeting now adjourned.
August 12J 1950
Meyor-Commissi oner Harry D. Sargeant,
Commissioner: Leland F. Drew
E. B. Casler, Jr.
Herbert lit. Brown
Joe Turner
A special meeting of the City Commission will be held at 12 noon Monday, August
14, 1950 in the Cft! r~ll to consider a new lease of city property o~ the beach
for Mr. Everingham.
Very truly yours,
F~ncis c. Midd1e~on
Acting City A1anager
WHEREAS '!:ihe C1t)' Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida heretofore
on the 8th day o~ June, 1950 adopted a resolution deem1tlg it necessary, desirable
and to the beat interest of the City that the lesse agreement between the City and
Charles Evering'hamJ dated MaY' 23~ 1935, covering property of the City on Clear- -
water Beach b,9 t~r:minated, and that said property be taken and used for munlc1p!\1
purposes a B a BG8,ch Recrea. tional Area J and
Yn~S since the 8doption of said resolution the international 8~tuation
and the entI7 01' th1.s Coun try into the war in Korea has :made 1 t dif'l'ieul t to ob.
tain bu.ilding 11'laterial, and has Jrl.ade it undesirable at this time to begin con-
struotionw ~ich is not absolute1y necessary, and
WHBRFAS said Charles Everingham haa agreed to _1ve all his z-1ght under said,
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August 14. 1950
Resolution re Everingham lease. Cont'd
Lease, inoluding any right of renewal a nd anY' right to c pensatlon for the
buildin~s looated on said property which hBva now beoome the property of the
City, and has agreed to paint and otherwise improve said buildings, and to
operate them for the use of the general public for the p r10d of one (1) year
from August 15, 1950 under terms incorporated in a writt n lease agreement,
WHERFAS because of said cotldition and oircumstanoe
desirable or to the best interest of the City to take sa
oipal purposes, and it 18 desirable and to the best 1nte
enter into suoh an agreement wi th said Cha.l~les Everingha
NOVl THEHEli'ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Comnissio
water, Florida in session duly and legally assembled as
it 18 not now
d property for mun1-
est of the City to
of the City of Clear-
1. That the author~ty of the City to take said pr perty for munic1pal
purposes as contained in said resolution dated June 8, 1 50 is hereby resoinded.
2. Tl~t the proper offioials and employees of the
au thorlzed to enter into a one-y-ear leasa covering sald
Charles Everingham 1n acoordanoe with the provisions con
dated August 14, 1950, and by reference made a part here
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th da y of A.ugust,
Ci ty a re hereby
roperty with said
a1ned in said lease
H. G. Wingo
City Auditor and blerk
.;. - .' \. '''"
, .'': .
cz� corr,rarsszozs n2E�rzrrG
Au�ust 14, 1�50
The City Commission of the CSty nf Clearwater met in �pecial Session at
Gity Hal.l, htonday, Au�;uat l4th, 1950. at 12s00 Idoon, with the follovcing member�
Harry D. Sargeant
Herbert Ai. Brown
Lela�cl r�. Drew
Joe Turrzer
E. Ii. C�sler Jr.
Also Yresent VJero t
noyd A. Bennett
Capt. Glenn Proctor
Ben Krentzman
-City h4�nager
-Police Department
-Citg Attorne�
The meetin� Y�aving been called to order, Cit� Attorney Krentzmar_ subrr�itted
a R,esolution which would res.cind the action of the Commission by Reaolution June 8,
1950, takin�; over the propert� knov�� as the Everingham Pavilion, for t�iunicipal
purposes, and which would auth�rize the proper officiala to erecute a new Iease
a�reement with P,tr. Charles Everin�ham for a period o£ one year from August 15,
1950, �'or the total sum of �1500,00. Under the terme of the proposed new lease,
hIr. Everin�ham agrees to waive rights; held undor his iormer lesse including any
s�i.�ht of renawal and any right to comnensation for the buildings located on the
property, and has a�reed to paint and othersvise improve the buildings b� expend-
ing not less than �1,000,A0. The I,essee 3s to pay all municipal an� State and
County taxes on the property for the year 1y50 and his pro rata portion of the
taxes of 1951, Por that �art of the year included in the lease, and is to keep the
buildings insured at not less t?�e.n 50;� of the inaurable valus. On a motion bq
Conunissioner Drew, which tivas seconded by Commissiol�er Turner and carried, the
Resolution was adopted.
The meeting novu adjaurned.
��y A dit r a Clerk
N[ayor-Commissioner Harry D. Sargeant,
Commissioner: Leland F. Drew
E. B. Casler, �'r.
Iierbart hi. Brorvn
Joe Turner
.ii,tt/G�� .: � �/ /
• � NI • - I _�
August 12, 1950
A special �oeting of tYie City Comnission will be held at 12 noon h5onday, August
1.4, 1950 in the City fIall to consider a nevr lease of city property on the beach
for ➢�r. Everingt�m.
Vesy truly yours.,
Francis C. Prtiddletan
Acting City :�lanager
WHEREAS the City Co�nission of the City o� CleArwater, F'lorida heretofora
on the 8th day of June, 1950 adopted a resolution deeming it necessary, desirable
and to the best intere,it uf the City that the lease agreement between the City and
Charlea �veringham, dat:�d hTay 23, 1935, covering property of the City on Glear-
water Bsach be terminated, and that said property be taken and used for municipal
purposes as a Beacli Recreat3onal Area, and
4YHEREAS since t2ae ad�ption of sa3d resolution the international aituation
s and the entry oi' this Country into the war in Karea has made it di�ficult to ob-
tain building material, and has �ade it undesi rable at th3s time to begin con-
struction w h ich is not absolutely necessary, and
4YHEREAS said Charles Everin�haan has A�reed to waive a11 his ri�ht under said
Au�ust 14, 1950
Re9olution re Everir.rrQm lease, Cont�d
Lease, including any right of renewsl a nd an5* ri�ht to coinpensation for tha
buildin�s located on ssid property which hav�e now become tha property of the
City, and has agreed to paint and other�vise improve said lniildin�a, and to
operate them for the use of the �eneral public for the geriod of one (1) year
from August 15, 1950 under terms i�corporated in a written lease a�reemont,
WHERF�FS because of said condition and circunstancas it is not nova
desirable ar to the best interest of the City to take sa3d property for muni-
cipal purposes, and it is des3.rat�le and to the best 3nterest of the City to
enter intio such an a�reement with said Charles Everin�;ham;
� NOPi THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED bg the C3ty Commission of the City of Clear-
water, Florida in sassion duly and lagally assembled as �ollow3:
lo That the authority of �he City to take said property for niunicipal
purpQses as cantained in said resoZution date�l June 8, 1950 3s hereby regcinded.
2. That the groper officials a nd eLnployees of the City � re hereby
authorized to enter into a one-_pear lease coverin� said proper�y with said
Charles Everingham in accordance with the provisions contained in said lease
dqted August 14, 1950, and by reference made a� rt hereof.
FASS'ED APID ADOPTED this 14th da;� of Au�;ust, A.D.91950
H. G. Win o
ity Audi ox� and Clerk
Harr,q D. Sargeant
I,�ay or-Gonunis sioner