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August lo, 1961
The City Commission af the Gity of Clearwater met in Special Session at the City
Hall, 7'hursday, August Z0, 1961, at 2:3Q P.M., with the following members present:
Cleveland Insco, Jr. Commissi.oner
Yerbert 1�. Fi:�.ds Commissionex
Amos G, Smith Gommissioner
Robert L. Weatherly Mayor-Commissioner
Kenneth Walters Commissioner
AJ.so present were:
James R. Stewart City Manager
Herbert Pd, Brown CitX Attorney
Sergeant Schineller R�presenting Police Chief
S. Lickton City En;ineer
The Acting Niayor called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by the
City Attorney.
Commissioner Fields moved that Gerald Weimer be appointed ticting Cit� Nianager
in the absen�e of the City Manager, James R. Btewart. Commissioner SmitYi seconded
the motion which carried unanimously.
The City Attorney read in full Ordinance Na, 900, declaring the intention of
the City to annex Lot 37, Sunset Highlands �2, and acreage in Section 13�29-15 and
in Section 23--29-15. Commissioner Smith moved OrdinGnce ho. 900 be passed on its
third and final reading, and «dopted and that the appropriate officials be authorized
to execute it. Motion was seconded by C�mmissioner Fields and unanim.ously carried.
The CiLy Attorney read in full Ordinance No. 901. Commissioner Smith moved
Ordinance I�To. 901 be gassed on its third and final reading and adopted, and that the
appropriate officials be aujhorized to Execute it, Motion was seconded by Commissionsr
Fiel3s and carried unanimously.
The City IYlanager presented filling station plans at the corner of Edgewater
Drive and Sunset Point Road together with easements from the owner o:i �he property
�or right of ways. There were no objectors presen�. Commissioner Smith moved the
plans be approved and the easements be accepted in accordance with recommendations
of the Cit� Engineer and subjec� to �lze approval of the City Attorney. Gommissioner
Fields seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The Cit� I�ianager presented a cost estimate for paving Osceola t�Venue be�ween
Cleveland and Drew Streets at �1�,101�.-00, and ointed out the necessity for an addi-cion
to .he storm sewer in that area at a cost o� �1t�7�.00. Bids for gaving will be sub-
mitted to the Commission on August 21, 19b1.
Commissioner Smith suggestsd the CiLy T�anager investigate the f3ooded condition
of the 1�00 block on Logan Street.
`1'here being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.F7.
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Acting NTayor-Commissioner
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Au�ust zl, 1g61
The City Commission of �he City of Clearwater met in regular session at the City
Ha11, Monday, August 21, 1961 a� 1:30 P.M., with the following members present:
Robert L. Weatherly Mayor-Commissioner
Herbert R. Fields Commissioner
Kenneth Walters Commis�ioner
Cleveland Insco, Jr.
Amos G. Smith
Also present were:
Gerald Weimer Acting Cit� Pnanager
Herbert Ma Brown City Attorr.ep
Tom Murphy Representing Ci.ty Engineer
Capt. Carl F. Martin Representing Police Chief
The Mayor called the meeting to order. `Phe invocai.ion was given by Reverend
Lloyd W. Mullis, of the Friendship Metho<iist Church.
Commissioner Fields moved that the minutes of the meetings of August 7, $ and
10, 1961 be approved as recorded and as submitted in u�ritten summation by the C1erk
to each commissioner, subject to approval of Commissioners Insco and Smith. Motion
was seconded by Commissioner Walters and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Wa.lters moved to deviate .£rom the agenda to consider the appoint-
ment oi Mr, and Nirs. Edgar Ralston as Ambassadors of the Gity. Commissioner Fields
seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The Mayor presented Identifica�zon
Cards to I�tr. and tiirs. �dgar Ralston, as personal representatives and Ambassadors-at-
Large for the City of Clearwater, and gave them a letter to the Mayor of the City of
Naoano, Ja�an, and a letter of introducticr. from Commissiorer Cleveland Insco, President
of the Sister City program of this City.
•Colonel James Watkins re�orted that an Alert Program had been planned for August
26, and recommended that the City of Clearwater participate in the exercise. He also
announced the I.2-hour Givil Defense Course will not be scl:eduled at the present time,
because af insufficient funds. Conmissioner Walters moved that the City of' Clearr,vater
participate in the Civil Defense Exercises on August 26, as recommended by Colonel
Watkins. Gommissioner Fields seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Commissioner Fields moved to deviate from the �lgenda to consider a contract for
Chestnut 5treet Right of Waf. Commissioner t�ialters seconded the mation which carried
unanimously. The City Attorney presented a proposed contract for purchase of property
known as Lot 5, Niarkley Addition, in the amount of �42,Od� from I�Ir, and Mrs. Thomas
Shepherd and Mr. and NIrs. H. Marvin Rittman, for the Chestnut Street Right of iniap,
and recommended approval. Commissioner Fields moved the con�ract for the purchase of
zot 5, Markley Additior� be approved as recommended by the City T�fanager, the City At-
torney, and Right of �4ay Agent, and that the proper officials be authorized to ex-
ecute it. Commissioner Waltars secnnded the motion which carrie� unanimouslp.
Mrs. Robert Butcher, representing Friends of the Library, presented a check in
the amount of �1$10.00 for furnishing th� colored library. Conimissioner V7aiiers moved.
that the City accept the check for �1810,00 from the Friends of the Library for furnish-
ings for the Nori,heast Branch of the Library. Commissioner Fields seconded the motion
which carried unanimously.
The Acting City Manager presented bids for resurfacing Osceola Avenue from Drev�
Street to Cleveland Street, and recommended the bid of Go�den Triangle Asphalt in the
amount of �y2211.60. Upon the joint recom�endation of the City Engineer, Finance
Director and Assistant Purchasing kgent, Commissioner Fields moved the bid for 1�,560
sc�uare yards of asphaltic cor_crete pavement presented by the GoZden Triang3.e Asphalt
Produc�s Company, St. Petersburg, for �2211.60 be accepted, vrhich is the lowest and
best responsible bid, and that the appropriate city officials be authorized to ex-
ecute said contract which shall be in a�cordance with the �ilans and specifications
and bid, and that the City of Glearwater keep an inspector on the job while it is in
process. -Commissioner Walters seconded the motion which carried un3nimously.
The Acting Manager presented bids for a portable chlorinatar for the Utilities
Depar�ment, Water Division and recom.mended the bid of Fisher Porter in the amount of
�$19.00. Upon recammendation of the Y�ater Superintendent, F'inanee Director and
Assistant Purchasing Agznt, Commissioner Walters moved that the bid in the amount of
$�$19.00 submitted by Fisher and Porter Gompany, Jacksonville, for one portable chlori-
nator be accepted as the lowest and best responsible bid, and the proper officials be
authorized to execute said contract which shall be in accordance with the plans,
specifications and bid. Commissioner Fields seconded the motion which car.ried
The Acting City Manager presented bid for 400 groin barriers on the beach and
stated the bid �rom Florida Prestressed Goncret8 in the amount of �"$600.00 was the only
bid received. Upon recommendation of tY:e City Engineer, Finance Director and Assistant
Pi,�rchasing l�gent; Commissioner Fields moved that the bid of Florida Prestressed Con-
cret;e Company, Inc,, Tampa, in the amount of �$60Q.00 Ue accepted as the lowest and'
best responsible bid, and that the proper officials be authorized to execute said con-
._.._ ..�
August 21, 1g61
tract which shall be in accordance with i;he plans, specifications and b�.d. Com-
missioner 4Valters seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Gommissioner j�lalters moved that Commissioners Smith and Insco be e�cused from
this meeting, Motia� was seconded by Commissioner Fields and carried un�animously.
The Acting Manager presented bids for Bainboo Lane paving and curbing, anu
recommended the bid of tdoorefield Paving Company in the amount of �1�260.00. Upon
the recommendation of the City Engineer, Finance Director and Assistant Purchasing
Agent, Commissior_er Wali;ers moved the bid for paving and curbing of Bamboo Lane be
accepted in the amount of �4260.00 from b'loorefield Paving, St. Petersburg, as the
lowest and best responsible bid, and that the proper officials be autharized to ex-
ecute said contract'which shall be in accordance with the -�lans, specifications and
bid. Gommissioner Fields secended the �otion which carr�.ed unanimously.
The Acting Nana��r presented bids for a 300-foot I�iandalay Park Groin-Fishin
Pier, and recommendec3 the bid of Bunnell Piling Co. Inc., in the amount nf �54,3�9.00.
Upon recommeridation of the City Engineer, Finance Director and Assistant Purchasing
Agenta Commissioner Fields moved that the bid of BunnellPiting Co., Inc., Naples,
in the amount of �w54,3$9.00 be accepted and that the proper officials be authorized
to execute said contract which shall be in accordance with the plans, specificatians
and bid. Commissioner Walters seconded the motion, Mr. �ank Photiadis oojected on
the grounds that there is no need for the pisr; does not provide sufficient parking
space, and will create more noise. Mr. Leonard Merrell stated that the pier should
be extended to 600 feet, that the City should regulate the parking in that area,
suggested adequate lighting along the beach, and recommended closing the beach c�t
cert�in hours. A�ter discussion, vote was taken and the rnotion carried unanimously.
The Actin,� I�ianager read a letter from Robert A. Freeze, City Prosecutor, re-
questing an increase of �1200.00 per year in salary. Commissioner Walters moved to
_ postpone a�tion on this request to discuss the matter with the City Manager. Com-
missioner Fields seconded the mot�ion which carried unanimously.
The Acting City Manager brouoht up the matter of sidewalks on Gulf to Bay
Boulevard. Commissioner Fields moved to postpone action on_sidewalks for Gulf to
Bay Boul•evard until the second meeting in September. Commissioner Walters seconded
the mction which carried u.-�anir�ously.
Commissionzr Fields moved Ordinance �902 regarding fees for garbage and�or
trash collection be read and considered on its s�cnnd reading by title only,. Com-
missioner [aalters seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The ordinance was
read by title only. Commissioner Fields moved that Ordinance #902 be passed on
its second reading by title only. Motion was seconded by Commissioner G�Ialters and
caxried unanimously.
The City Attorney read on first reading Ordinance �903, providing for the r:umber
of voting machines at Citp electi�ns. Com�-nissioner Fields moved that Ordinance #903
be passed �n first reading. Commissioner Walters seconded the motion wrich carried
Resolution �61-$3 was presented providing for the payment to Rompon and Asso-
ciates, �130.00 from Utility Revenue Certificate Trust Fund, 1960, for a survey of
property recentlp purchas�d in North Glearwater. Commissioner Fields move� that
Resolution �61-$3 be approved and the proper officials authorized to execute it.
Commissioner Walters seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The Gity Attorney presented an Easement 9;reement between the City of Clearwater
and Loyd C. Mosley and wife, at the north water tank siLe in the NW.-�� of the SW4 of
the SW4 of 2-29-15 to provide for laying and maintaining water lines from the site
to Kinos Highway. Commissioner Fields moved the Easement Agreement at thE: north
water tank site be approved and the proper officials be authorized to exerute it.
Commissioner Walters secanded the motion which carried unanimously.
The Citiy Attorney announced that the City had signed a Utility Agreement with
the State Road De;partment to �ove utilities in connection with the construction of
Niyrtle Avenue. 7'his agresment made the City liable for any delays in the con-
struction caused by the City. The Cone Brothers Construction Company have brought
suit against the State Road Department for about �43,000.00 with the City being a
party in interest. It has been agreed that the City would pay �17,000.00 and the
State Road Department �3,000.00 for a total of �20,000 in full settlement of the
suit. After discussion, Commissioner Fields moved the City of Clearwater pay
�17,OUO.QO and the State Road Department pay �3,000.00, making a total payment of
�20,000.00 to G�ne Brothers in full settlement of any and all damages as a result
of the Myrtle Avenue Gonstruction, it being understood tnat this settlement bears
the approvai of the City Manager, the Gity Attorney, and the City Engineer; and that
the lawsuit now pending against the State Road DepartmenL- in which the City of Clear-
water is a real party in interest, be dismissed forthwith, Commi�sioner �lalters
seconded the motion which carriecl unanimously.
ftesolution m61-$1� was presen�ed requiring bhirty-three property owners to clean
their lots of weeds and underbrush. Commissioner Fields moved that Resalution ;61-$4
be approved and the proper officials authorizea to execute it. Motion �aas seconcled
by Commissioner Walters �nd carried unar.imously.
August 21, 1961
Resolution �E�1-$5 was read protesting an increase in te�ephone rates and re-
questing public hearings and invest;igation by Floricla Failroad and Public Util-
ities Commission. Gommissio:�er Fields moved that Resolution #61-$5 be approved
and the proper officials authorized to execute it; and that a c�py be forwarded
to �he Florida Rai,lroad and Public Utilities Commission. Commissioner Walters
second.ed the raotion which carried unanim�usly.
Resolution ��61-$6 was preseizted providing for payment of �4.561.93 to Leedy,
Wheeler & Alleman, Fiscal Agents, for services in connaction with the issuance,
delivery and s_a.lp of Utilities Tax Improvement Certificates, Series 1960. Com-
missioner Fiel��is moved that Resolution �61�$6 be passed and the proper officials
aut-horized to execute it. I�Iotion was seconded by Commissioner �hTalters and carried
Resolution �61-$7 was presented providing for payment of �62$.30 to Security-
Columbian Banknote Company for preparing coupon certificates for tJtilities Tax Im-
provement CerLificates, 1960. Commissioner Fields moved that Reso_lution �61-$7
be approved and the proper officia].s authorized to execute it. Commissioner Walters
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
The Cit3� Attorney presented a settlement with Sarah Byers, owner of the east
half of Lot 1, Block 1, Sarah McMullen►s Subdivision in the amount of �$L�5.00 for
Drew Street right of way. Commissioner Fields moved that settleu�ent as outlined by
�he City Attorney be approved in the amount of �$I�5.00, Commissioner �lalters
seconded the motion wllich carried unanimously.
The �ity Attorney presented a settlement with Harry S. and Pauline IKanbeck
owners of the west half of Lot 1, Block l, Sarah Y�icPlullents Subdivision in the 'amount
of �1500.00, fo-• Dre*rr Street right of way. Gommissioner rields moved that settle-
ment as outlined by the Cit}* Attorney be approved in the amount of �1500.00. Com-
missioner �dalters seconded the mqtion which carried unanimously.
Commissioner VValters maved that all legal action taken by Commissioner Cleveland
Insco as 4cting I�4ayor-Commissioner during the absence of D7ayor-Commissioner Robert L.
Weatherly, be apgroved and ratified including his presiding as Acting Mayor-Com-
r�zissioner at the City Commission meetings and the signin,� of any and all legally
authorized documents which he may have been authorized to si�n. Gommissioner Fields
seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Commissioner Walters raported on his visit to The G7hitemarsh, Pa., Incinerator
Plant, while on a Lrip ATorth.
Commissioner Fields requested the Chief of police to investigate and report
the advisability of a curfew for the City af Clearwater.
Commissioner Fields requested the Commission consider the resurfacing of East
Avenue from Drew S�reet south to Fierce Str�et., and Lake Avenue from Druid Road
north to Cleveland or Drecv 5treet, as may be recommended; and Franklin Street from
Fort Harrison Avenue eastwardly. Commissioner Fields recomrr�ended that the City
order the ma�erial and that the Street Department do the work,
Commissioner Fields movea that the City Commission request the County to co�p-
erate as promised, in the rebuilding of Lakeview from Myrtle to Greenwuod Avenue,
Betty Lane from Palmetto Street north to where it intersects Douglas Avenue, and
Douglas Avenue north to Dunedin City Limits. Comreissioner Z"ta.'�ters seconded the
motion which aarried unanimously.
C�mmissioner Wal�ers requested the Cit}r Managerts Oifice to check drainaoe on
Hercules Avenue north of Drew Street.
^lhe nlayor stated that parents are protesting the lack of sidewalks on that
portion of Lakeview east of Missouri, which are es�ecially needed for school children.
The Ma}�ar suggested official action of the Commission to require the Chamber
of Commerce to submit a monthly financial statement. Commissioner Fields noved that
the sug�estion of the Mayor be approved. P•4otion was seconded by Commissioner @lalters
and carried unanimously.
Commissioner Fields moved that a Resolution to be numbered �61-$$ be prepared
expressing condolence on the death of Thomas K. Boteler, a former City Building In-
spector, and.that a copy of thz Resolution be sent to the family of the deceased.
Commissioner Walters seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
At this time the Commission adjourned to reconvene as the Trustees of the
Pension Fund.
The Trustees heard letters read from the Advisory Committe� recommending that
the following personnel be admitted to the Pension Plan:
Shirley Fass, Parkatte, Police Department
Carroll C. Garretson, Recreation Supervisor, Parks and Recreation
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l�ugust 21, 1961 � �;
CITY COI�aJiTSSION MEETII�G AGENDA Reports irom Git.y Mana�er ,} ;
August 21,, '1961 CI`lY COMMISSION MEETTNG � j
AUGUSt 21, 19bZ 1. Bids, Osceola Avenue Re;;urfacing - Drew �f
1:30 P.M. to Cleveland J.
�t Commissioner Fields moved appro�al of the rscommendations: Motion was seconded . . 2. Bids, Chlarinator �')
b Commissioner Walters and carried unanimous].y. lnvocation 3. Bids, Groin Barriers
Y Introductions i.
� 4. Bic3s, Bambc�o Lane Paving and Curbs �
'` There bet no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:50 P.NI, Minutes of 1'recedin 'Meetin s ,.
g g 5- Bids, Bids, Mandalay Park G.oin-Fishing �'i
� � Public H�arings Pier �
" _ Reports from C1.ty Manager 6. Request for Raise - City ProsecuLing ;
Reports from City Attorney Attorney ;
, Citizens to be Heard 7. Report - Gulf-to-Bay ' S
G���-�'.6' Other Commission Action $. Other Engineering Matters �
Adjournment 9e Verbal Reports and Oth?r Pending Matters
ayor-Commissioner � ' Nleeting Pension Plan Trustee5 ,
�, Reports from Cit�� Attornev'
10. Ord, �902 - Revised Charges for Garbage ,
Attest; Collection - 2nd Rea�din �, I
11. Ord. �9�3 - Amendin� Sec. 10 - Ord. 56%
_ _ 12. Resolution re Engineexing �'ees for NE ; i ,
Ci: C erk ' _- _ Water Tank Site
13. Easement Agreement - Wat�r Tank Site - '
nTE Clearwater
11�. Report - I�lyrtle l�venue
� 15. R4port - Riohts-of Way
16. Lot Mowing Resolution
, ,
_ t�ll.o. 16� �.9V1
Honoral�le City Commission _
C1'earwater, Florida
As Trustees of the City of Glearwater Employees1 Pension;Fund, you are �ereby
notiiied that Carrall G. Garxetsor_, Rec. s:apervisor II, Parks & Rec. has l�eer_ du3y
_ e�amined by a local physician and desi�nzted 'oy 1�im as a 11�irst Class" risk.
�l'he abave employee began his service with �Ghe Citp oz Clearwater on Dec. 2'7, 1960,
and is under L�5 years af age (birth date Aug. 2�., 1917) and meets �r�e reguirements
of our Civil Service.
It is her�by recommzncled by tre Advisory Gommittee that he be accepted into
Ve�y tru?y yours,
' Advisory Commii;tee of The �ployees' Pensior. Fur_d .
�s% Paul Kane, Chairman
,�s� Edwin Blanton
/s� Helen Peters
Aug. 15 �_ 1961 _ '
Horiorable Cit3T Commission
Clearwater, Florida �
ks '1'rustees of �he Cit} af Cleaxwater Emplayees� Fension Fund, you. are hereby
notified that Shirle}* Fass, Parkette,Police De�artment, has beer_ duly sxamined by '`
, a local physician and designa�ed by him as a"First Class�t risk.. ;
i'l�e above employee be�an her service with the City of Clearwater on Feb,.2G, 1961,
and is under 1�5 y�ars of age (birthdate Dec. 11,1921'J and meets the requirements ,,
of our Civil Service. ,
It is liereby recommended by the Advisory Committee that she be accepted into �,
membershap. ,
Very truly yaurs,
Advisory Committee of Tiie Etnployees� Pension Fund
�s� Paul Iiane, Chairman !
s Edwin Blanton
_ �s� Hel�n Peters ,i
_. ,
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