12/01/1910��":;��;; , . _ _ _ . :,.� :,�:,. _ _ � . R .,� �,�. . .. . ,;.m- ,.r. ,_,_... _.�_..,___ __. � .. ,. �. - - — _'_ :� ... �� � � :*�,, , 4 Mix��.�es: of 'zhe CG't1�1C�.;1:, Of �lea2�a�Ge�9 F1.orida. �pecia�. �e�ting Deu�nber lsi;, 191J. :� � • . Council me� in °.peeial Hiass ion f or th� pu,�,-�os e of n.c cep�ing bids for th� eanstrtxc��.r�r�. of watsr wc�rk� �5rs�em. The follovain.g �e�bers �rere pres�nt, Me��raa ,Coact�man, Dan�.els9 Merid:ania.�.I�, Tool�e ar� �'�x�zer� There tv�re six hids recei�ed and t�ere as fo�Z�wae D, Cobb of Jackson�riii�, offer� to da th� v�arl� ��r � 3�525.3fi Vd. Ba Houaton„ Ci-G�. - � 9�4a12 G�o, Ii. PaZ,mer, Ja���onvi.].Ie - � 3,5f3o�2 F6mbertar� �. Cha�n�n., Pl�n� Gi�y� - 1,�50.OQ Crc�ckett P�v�.ng Coo Birms.ngham, �ia. - �,C�8Q.5$ I� C.P,Z�.sh�e�, C�.�.t �anoo�a, Tnnn. - 3,, �44. �4 St vras r;zovad I�� r�ir, Cc�aGhman, sseond:e�. Uy' M� o T�oke an�1 duiy carrie�, �k�at the l�id of Mr. V�J. B. 7Iou��an Ue a.ccep�e3 provic �d Idra FIous�ora. �vouia ga.Vs a satisiac�ory bt�nd or rez��cif ied chec:k x ox� :��50 a00 ��f�thin fiv� aa;,-s . t;ounciZ th,en ad j c>ta.rned . A-�test• Tlios. J'. Sheridan, Clork. _ _,_.�,.._......_�___.__-�- �.b,... _,. _..� �_,._ �._ _._ _ .. . _ ....._.__ _, ,. . : , ,� .�:,.1. �