06/11/2003MARINE ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF CLEARWATER June 11, 2003 Present: Tom Horne Chair Hank Epstein Board Member Nick Matsis Board Member Dick Safirstein Board Member Edward O’Brien Board Member Denis Sparks Board Member Absent: Paul J. Kelley Board Member Also Present: Bill Morris Marine & Aviation Department Director Catherine Yellin Senior Staff Assistant Brenda Moses Board Reporter The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. at the Marina. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. ITEM #2 – Minutes Approval from May 14, 2003 Member O’Brien moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 14, 2003, as submitted in written summation to each board member. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM #3 – Guest Speakers: a. Reg Owens, Economic Development Director, Discussion on the waterfront, Station Square, and the Marina Economic Development Director Reg Owens presented a conceptual plan for Coachman Park and Station Square Park. The presentation included plans for a downtown marina, an 18-acre waterfront park, station square, and how they all tie into the overall streetscape program. In response to a question, Mr. Owens said the City is considering the “super block” being able to accommodate from 750 to 1,000 parking spaces. Peace Memorial Church owns a surface parking lot with a children’s development center next door. They want to demolish the children’s development center and are open to a joint venture with the City regarding a parking lot, which could add 350 to 400 more parking spaces for the downtown. Mr. Owens said the purpose of the marina concept was to be able to physically provide a water link between the bayfront and the beach. He said once all the legal and regulatory issues have been addressed, the City would concentrate the implementation of the marina. Staff continues to consider transportation needs including the possibility of a rail or guideway system to and from the beach. In response to a question, Mr. Owens said the estimated costs for the marina are $5 million and $7.5 million for Coachman Park. Funds are anticipated to be obtained from the private sector and bonds. He said it is likely that the slip fees for this marina would be higher than in the municipal marina. Planning Director Cyndi Tarapani said the focus of this new marina is the beach and the retail-oriented aspects. This marina would not compete with the municipal marina. In response to a question, Mr. Owens said the new marina would include long-term use slips, transient slips, and possibly water taxis or a ferry. No commercial uses or fishing boats would be permitted as this marina will be in a recreational area. Mr. Owens said the new bridge includes the ability for bicycle riders and skaters to access the bridge from Turner Street and along Coachman Park. He said regardless of whatever happens to the Harborview Center, the City would try to accommodate Steinmart in another location, possibly on the super block or nearby their current location. Mr. Morris said the City is utilizing the input from advisory boards regarding redevelopment throughout the City. This board will be more interested in the marina design process and the mix of slips and how they should be used. Mr. Morris said there are 300 names on the waiting list for boat slips. Staff is keeping an analysis of the revenue from existing slips and information regarding market demand. He said the new marina being proposed would be more of an upscale marina than a municipal marina, with larger high-end boats. Mr. Morris said any input from this board is greatly appreciated. He said more public input is being received regarding the marina thanks to this board, the Planning and Economic Development department staff, and updates given at public hearings. In response to a question, Mr. Owens said he would appreciate discussion by the board regarding long-term leases versus selling slips at the new marina. He said staff is anticipating a marina design within the next few weeks. He said the design should include costs, the history of comparable slip rates, regulatory issues, etc. It was suggested that the City consider five-year leases, which would pay the costs of construction of the new marina. It was suggested keeping a few public slips for people who wish to frequent the downtown businesses. It was remarked that space should be left open for a public access walkway near the new marina. In response to a question, Mr. Morris said the new marina would have a maximum of 149 boat slips, as more than that would require another level of review by the state and additional standards would have to be met. Mr. Owens said due to dredging and environmental issues, the new 149-slip marina is anticipated to be built in 2006. In response to a question, Ms. Clayton said the entryways to downtown would be elaborately landscaped and include signage. Some intersections will include pavers. There also would be architectural elements such as pillars in some areas. Ms. Clayton said the wayfinding signage is anticipated to begin in 2003 – 2004. She anticipated the new bridge to be completed in January 2004. b. Cyndi Tarapani, Planning Director, Presentation on downtown development Planning Director Cyndi Tarapani presented an overview on downtown development followed by Long Range Planning Manager Gina Clayton who updated the board on downtown plan updates. Ms. Clayton referred to a map that is currently under study regarding the six downtown character districts. She said the new Memorial Causeway Bridge would cause a major change in traffic patterns, a dramatic impact on the downtown, and change the emphasis on the entry to downtown to the east. She said the downtown plan also contains a capital improvement plan that details public projects the City would like to happen within the next 15 to 20 years. Some of those project already are being funded by the FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation), however funds still are needed to implement other projects. She said renovation of Station Square Park also is a downtown core project. The Chair thanked Ms. Tarapani, Ms. Clayton, and Mr. Owens for attending the meeting and presenting their updates. ITEM #4 – Other Business The Chair said he neglected to invite Commissioner Hibbard to meetings, but he would do so next month. Mr. Morris said he would give a presentation to the Commission at Monday’s Work Session regarding Clearwater Pass and the proposed vessel exclusion zone. He referred to a map of the area being discussed and discussed the businesses and area condominium owners that were either for or against the exclusion zone. He said the state owns the land, therefore the City must obtain state, county, FDEP (Florida Department of Protection), Army Corps of Engineers, and the Fish and Wildlife Commission, and Coast Guard approval before an exclusion zone could be established. Mr. Morris said as boaters are pushed into deeper water, potential safety hazards are created. It was remarked that the businesses in this area should pay for security and enforcement of the area. A comment was made that Shepard’s has turned down the volume of the music in the area. It also appears that there are fewer boats in that area. Mr. Morris said all the local law enforcement agencies have indicated the area is extremely difficult to enforce due to the density of the boats and the proximity of the boaters to one another. Concern was expressed that the lack of a buffer zone would affect emergency responses. It was felt that a weekend law enforcement presence still is needed in that area. It was remarked that the Quality Inn has fenced off part of the beach which blocks off the traffic in the area, however, their fence is on public beach property. It was suggested that a “tow zone” be established to remove people who park in other businesses’ parking lots to frequent a different business, however that scenario also presents an enforcement issue. Member O’Brien moved that Chair Horne present this board’s concerns and suggestions to the Commission at the next Commission meeting. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. Member Epstein encouraged everyone to attend the Special Olympics being held at the Clearwater Sailing Center on June 21 and 22, 2003. ITEM #5 – Agenda for next meeting on July 9, 2003 Member O’Brien moved to cancel the July 9, 2003, meeting. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. The next meeting would be August 13, 2003, at 8:00 a.m. ITEM #5 – Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:11 a.m.