03/12/2003MARINE ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF CLEARWATER March 12, 2003 Present: Hank Epstein Acting Chair/Board Member Dick Safirstein Board Member Paul J. Kelley Board Member Denis Sparks Board Member Edward O’Brien Board Member Absent: Tom Horne Chair Nick Matsis Board Member Also Present: Bill Morris Marine & Aviation Department Director Catherine Yellin Senior Staff Assistant Brenda Moses Board Reporter The Acting Chair called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m. at the Marina. To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. ITEM #2 – Minutes Approval from February 12, 2003 Marine & Aviation Department Director Bill Morris requested that page 2, paragraph three, sentence four read: “…Chuck Pollick…”, and also on page 3, paragraph seven, sentence 11 read: “…Mr. Pollick regarding stops at the bait house at the east end of the Marina…” Member Safirstein moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 12, 2003, as amended. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously. ITEM #3 – Other Business Mr. Morris said the FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) and the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office would have access to boat slips and office space at the Police substation at Clearwater Pass. The docks are on Bayway Boulevard close to the Yacht Club on the intercoastal side of the water. Mr. Morris has been meeting with both entities on a monthly basis and they both have agreed to assist Clearwater with law enforcement in Clearwater Pass. They already have developed a plan to control the waterways during Spring Break. Mr. Morris said Belleair has funded a marine police boat out of their City tax revenues. The marine police officer works Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays when the weather permits distributing warnings and reminders to people to obey the law. As he is a police officer, he has the authority to issue citations within the city of Belleair. In response to a question, Mr. Morris said neither the Coast Guard nor the City plan to put a light on the end of the jetty on Sand Key. This jetty marks the South side of the entrance channel to Clearwater Pass. The existing channel markers were moved and the lights in the Clearwater Pass channel were rearranged to ensure boaters coming northbound along the beach would see a charted “quick flash” light just west of the end of the Jetty. Prior to the channel marker re-alignment, viewing the channel marker lights over top of the jetty when headed northbound along Sand Key was confusing and an “entrance marker” not easily distinguished. Mr. Morris said he receives frequent calls regarding marine enforcement issues. He has written a letter, which he personally distributed and discussed with local high-and-dry marina operators. The letter also lists the local Coast Guard Auxilliary and Power Squadron telephone numbers and other marine related information. He said he also distributed a supply of the letters at the City launch ramp. It was suggested that small signage listing the police enforcement number for water-related issues be posted at various locations to alleviate calls to the marina office. It was remarked that as Spring Break is approaching, the local law enforcement agencies need to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Mr. Morris said the State and County have requested a Clearwater Police officer be present in order for the State or County to enforce local regulations. He said the noise violation is the most difficult to address. He said the mullet fisherman had begun using airboats as early as 4:30 a.m. at Island Estates and in the north beach area greatly disturbing the local residents. The Clearwater Marina staff is working on educating the public about marine regulations and increased enforcement. In response to a question, Mr. Morris said the City continues to consider the highest and best use of real estate throughout the City, including the waterfront. The general consensus of the Commission is that boat launch ramps are not aesthetically pleasing or the highest and best use of the waterfront. Mr. Morris referred to a pamphlet the City published regarding economic development, which will be mailed to developers. He said a developer is performing a feasibility study on 150 boat slips at Coachman Park. Consideration also is being given to docks on both sides of the new Memorial Causeway bridge. Mr. Morris said he met with two marine companies in Ft. Lauderdale that can offer a development plan to maximize marine usage or promise a guaranteed return to build a marine facility, manage it themselves, and pay the City a revenue stream. Mr. Morris said the boat slip rates would probably double at the marina once the slips were built and maintained by the developer. He said he is considering a marine configuration that includes floating marina offices, fuel tanks, etc. so that in future, the marina buildings could be redeveloped. Before that plan could be implemented, financial considerations must be addressed as well as relocation of the post office. Barbara Short, President of the Clearwater Community Sailing Association, distributed a copy of the first CCSC (Clearwater Community Sailing Center) newsletter entitled Tell Tales: CCSC member newsletter, which was distributed this month. She said the first CCSC membership meeting is tonight. Guest speaker Meka Aiken of Sail Fit will give a lecture/demonstration on fitness training for persons who sail small boats. The next CCSC regatta and other upcoming events also will be discussed. Ms. Short reviewed recent events and said the CCSC calendar is filing up quickly. The CCSC membership is now over 120 members and growing. The CCSC had a $1,000 revenue day yesterday, which included private sailing lessons, new memberships, and transient rentals. Many Canadian visitors are using the CCSC. Everyone was encouraged to visit the CCSC. Volunteers always are needed. Advisory Board Appreciation Dinner It was remarked that the Advisory Board Appreciation Dinner is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on March 18, 2003 at the Harborview Center. The City requests all board members RSVP regarding their attendance. Public Comments & Other Business In response to a question from a resident, Mr. Morris said he did not know if there are vessels currently using the docks at the Police substation at Clearwater Pass. He said when public docks were at the marina, vessels would tie up alongside the barge but would not use the lift. One member remarked that on Saturday, both the Pinellas County Sheriff’s office and the FWC were present in the Clearwater Pass area. Sunday afternoon there was a lot of boat activity around the bridge. In response to a question, Mr. Morris said Steve Fowler, one of the City’s architects, is giving a presentation to the CCSC board at 3:30 p.m. today regarding a draft set of plans for floating docks at the marina and construction projects for the CCSC. Staff is awaiting approval of paperwork regarding dockage at the CCSC from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association). Hopes are that the grant funds that the City has applied for would be received in July 2003, although not all the permitting requests would be complete at that time. It was suggested that the City’s lobbyist might be helpful in obtaining funds for city projects. Mr. Morris said a concerned citizen requested the lifeguard towers at Clearwater beach be painted in a similar manner to those in south beach in Miami. Assistant Marine and Aviation Director Beverly Buysse discussed the matter with the resident, explaining that staff prefers not to initiate an artist contest and have to find funding for the ongoing maintenance of the artwork. ITEM #4 – Agenda for next meeting on March 12, 2003 This topic was not discussed. ITEM #5 – Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:58 a.m.