January 9, 2002
Present: Tom Horne Chair
Hank Epstein Board Member
Nick Matsis Board Member
Paul J. Kelley Board Member
Dennis Sparks Board Member
Absent: Edward O’Brien Board Member
Dick Safirstein Board Member
Also Present: Barbara Short Citizen
Kevin Thiesman Sand Key Civic Association
Bill Morris Marine & Aviation Department Director
Marcia Charlton Administrative Analyst
Catherine Yellin Staff Assistant III
The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:04 a.m. at the Marina.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
ITEM 2 – Minutes Approval
Consensus was to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 12, 2001, as submitted.
ITEM 3 – Yacht Basin and Lighting Project
Bill Morris stated that Gina Clayton, Senior Planner with the Planning & Development Department would attend the February meeting. She will be addressing the wording change in the
city ordinance regarding commercial and condo docks. He does not have the new wording yet.
Mr. Horne told members that 200 condo units would be constructed at the Yacht Basin; the intent is to build slips for some of the owners. There is no room to build slips for everyone.
There are 17 docks that exist now on the north end, but are not maintained and need replacing. On the east end there is one dock out approx. 100 ft. and used for fishing. The north
side is city property and contains a swimming pool, tennis courts and recreation center. The city wants to put slips in and wrap to north at the east side of the recreation center and
to the north of launching ramp. The property north of the launch ramp has yet to be acquired.
The Yacht Basin apartments will be demolished and new construction will start for the condos. The owner will present plans for new docks at a later date, Mr. Horne’s preview is not
in its final format.
Mr. Morris stated that the commissioners wanted the Marine Advisory Boards’ input on large commercial projects and multi-use docks.
Mr. Horne showed on a chart where the new docks will replace the old docks. He stated that the engineers for the project have already surveyed the area. The owner will be proposing
new docks, which will affect the grass bed; the owner will have to put something in to replace the affected area.
The city will gain because they will not have to spend money to do the maintenance dredging in the area. A water quality study is being done now, which must pass city, county and state
environmental rules.
Walkways will have handrails, which will prevent people getting onto the docks. Water depth is about 4 feet; there will not be any boatlifts, which obstruct the view. Mr. Horne encouraged
the members to go by and look at the beach area. The seawall will be raised a foot and a half and will be replaced with a new vinyl wall and cap. All the drainage must be underground
and a filtering system and a trap. The drains must be 18 inches and must have steel bars across them to prevent manatees entering the drain.
Discussion ensued regarding required public hearings by the city, county and state approval process.
The lighting at the Clearwater Pass Jetty and Sand Key Park is Pinellas County responsibility. Hazards to navigation are the responsibility of the Captain of the Port (the Marine Safety
Office) in Tampa. Since the MAB deals with the harbor in Clearwater, Mr. Horne made a motion to ask the commission to direct Mr. Morris to write a letter to the COP to address the jetty
as a hazard to navigation and also for him to send copies of the letter to other responsible agencies.
Motion was seconded.
Mr. Morris stated that the commission would probably send the request to him to write the letter.
A discussion followed about what the letter should state to the MSO in Tampa, Mr. Morris said he would present the request to his boss and talk to the Commissioners and he will send
the letter out under his letterhead.
ITEM 4 – Other Business
Mr. Morris stated that the dredging project would start by the end of the month. The Army Corps of Engineer tug/barge will be here around the 23rd, and will be moored out by the causeway.
The dredging will take approximately one month.
The process to get maintenance dredging in the marina has been slow. The dredged material will mostly be stored at the city’s compound on Sand Key, where sand is piled now and be used
for various areas. Pinellas County may have an interest in the sand, which will be close to 3,700 cubic yards.
Mr. Morris said that the Island Grill at Island Estates is going forward with a request to put docks in by their restaurant. These will be public purpose docks on private property.
He has gotten some complaints about putting the docks in the basin, but feels they meet the regulation standards.
Mr. Morris is looking into the possibly of a grant that may pay for the cost of educational signs at the Seminole Launch Ramp, Sailing Center and one at the beach recreational center
to direct boaters to launching areas, wake zones signs, etc.
Also, police are patrolling the beach area on the left side of Sand Key Bridge and Mr. Morris is bidding out a security package with camera and other items but needs funding.
ITEM 5 – Agenda for next regular meeting March 13, 2002
Gina Clayton is scheduled to speak to members regarding ordinance wording,
ITEM 6 – Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m.