September 12, 2001
Present: Tom Horne Chair
Hank Epstein Board Member
Nick Matsis Board Member
Edward O’Brien Board Member
Dick Safirstein Board Member
Paul J. Kelley Board Member
Absent: Denis Sparks Board Member
Also Present: William Morris Marine & Aviation Department Director
Brenda Moses Board Reporter
The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. at the City Marina.
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
ITEM #2 - Approval of Minutes
One member said he had an excused absence at the last meeting and wanted the record to reflect same. It was remarked the purpose of listing a member as absent is to indicate attendance
and make note of the fact he/she did not participate in discussion at a particular meeting. The Clerk’s office does not keep track of why a member was absent. There is no criteria
that would differentiate an “excused” absence from an “unexcused” absence.
Member Epstein moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 8, 2001, as submitted. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
ITEM #3 – Other Business
Marine & Aviation Department Director Bill Morris said due to the increase in jet ski accidents, late night drinking, etc., he is installing a security camera system at the Sailing
Center the end of this month to monitor the entrance and exit of the north beach area. He said there are funds for a manual gate for the entryway and he is looking for additional funding
for an electronic gated access system with coded or magnetic strip cards. During the day, gates would be kept open. He anticipates short-term police interaction that would include
locking the gates at 11:00 p.m. until a long-term solution could be found. Mr. Morris said he has received a lot of support from the Sand Key Civic Association to police the north beach
area of Sand Key. There is sufficient signage regarding no boat launching, o trailer parking and dangerous currents, but enforcement needs to be increased. The Police Department does
not have the resources to keep monitoring the north beach hourly. He said landscaping on Gulf Boulevard and bollards along with the gated access system would help eliminate late night
parties and other problems by making unauthorized access to the site more difficult. Mr. Morris said he is not trying to exclude fishermen/fisherwomen from the fishing piers at Sand
In response to a question, Mr. Morris said piling butts for use as fencing at Sand Key would not be aesthetically pleasing to residents and would not fit into the City’s landscaping
In response to a question, Mr. Morris said the City is waiting for the Army Corps of Engineers to provide preferred alternatives regarding dredging of Clearwater Pass. The County has
indicated the City would have to pay costs above $400,000 if the dredged material is to be moved from an area other than where the Corps of Engineers wants to put it. Mr. Morris said
the intercoastal waterway basin has too much sand and the Clearwater Harbor should be dredged every 5 years. Adding sand to the spoil areas along the intercoastal waterways is not an
option. One of the islands is a bird sanctuary. Dredging on spoil islands would require pumping which could cost $1 million; scooping the sand costs only $400,000. It was remarked
that the dredging project is the responsibility of the Army Corps of Engineers. They pay for the project costs and they will make the final decision regarding the project.
It was remarked that rocks were placed on the island bird sanctuary/spoil island and birds are beginning to frequent the nearby channel. Concern was expressed that within a few years,
the rocks would encourage mangroves, which would change the channel’s topography. It was commented that the tidal process over the last 40 years has been altered dramatically resulting
in major damage. It was suggested environmental concerns be directed to the Environmental Advisory Board, as those types of issues are complicated.
Mr. Morris requested the MAB’s (Marine Advisory Board) support regarding a minimum wake zone in front of the recreational beach area between the City Sailing Center and the Sand Key
bridge. He said he is considering a non-combustion zone south of the Sailing Center, although it would receive opposition from commercial entities. It was suggested that the City make
the entire area from Clearwater Pass to the Sailing Center a no wake zone. It also was suggested that instead of a non-combustion zone, a no wake zone be considered south of the Sailing
Center in Clearwater Harbor. It was felt that this topic should be the subject at a public hearing.
Discussion ensued regarding the buoys that mark the minimum wake zone in Clearwater Pass being under water during high tide periods. It was remarked that the no wake signs on the Sand
Key bridge are difficult to see. Mr. Morris said definitions of “no wake” and “minimum wake” would be posted at the Sailing Center and the Marina. Drawings cannot be used, as they
could be mistaken as navigational charts.
Member O’Brien moved that additional signage be posted at the Seminole Boat Ramp, fuel docks, and all other ramps in Clearwater. The motion was duly seconded and carried unanimously.
Mr. Morris said he would provide the MAB with aerial views of the southern section of the Sailing Center before the MAB makes recommendations to the Commission.
It was suggested copies be made and distributed of the article written by Tim Johnson entitled “Clearwater is missing the boat” for discussion at the next MAB meeting. It was remarked
that everyone has already read the article, which was broad, and beyond the MAB’s
scope. It is a Commission level issue. Mr. Morris said the Commission would request the MAB’s input regarding such matters.
ITEM #4 – Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 8:57 a.m.