04/25/1915_ __ � -- , - ��, � r �� , �,� �99 . � �- ;� I N U T� S 0 F � 0 U N� I L . '�' 188,7;44'a,��r �'l��'lday.l���. r`3�a(',Y7.��315�'� . � . � � . � . � . � . . � . � . ..i � � : � regular �ueat�.ng oi ��s C��n�il wa,s hald, �,ree�n�, B�d Garu�her�, ; 1� K Br��on� �'� Iiarri�an, N� Migi1e11., � S�m�.th s,�,d. �1�t�ng ?��y��,J R Thoms,�. , idinuc��� o� G�unail v�a$ read: and no ob ja�tioxae pr alt�ra�iong,�inut�� ' ' �a� apvrov��i �� �e��. �dat�ar o�' imFloym�nt of D�a,ugh��m�n �a� �is�u�ea�., �nd > au��.c,r��y fQx� �ame. r Lr t �avr�c� by �-c �. Brsndon �eoo��d bg �f fi Ha�riso�, tha� a�.t�tar of �s�gira��x � impl�y��a�t s�P �ir� Y J Kilg�rs a� Dra�ag�tem�,n b� r��e�r��i to City gtto�°n�y, �ar �.n �p�.nic�r�;ae te ��ga�.�t�'a� iraplay�aent. �lhiah, was c�a�ri.ed, Dx,uhaa. � F��1ds ma,�.� re�.�ort �� He�.li�h tif�io�x sta��.n� �ha� as su�h o�Pia�x he h�,�. not��ied. all �table o�ers �o aomp�.y v��.th prae��io�.s o�' O�c�ina�ce and th.at as � ru�e own�rs had aonp�i�d. a� n.sa� ae �os�ib�e;But �r� olo�s p�o�im�, uy o�' �ta,b3�s i� �en�ral pax� o� �i.t�,x�r����rith�t�.r�ai�ng all . � effort� te kesp �he st�bl�a �.u,��ani���^y �anc�3.�ion ��i3��. �h� exia�er�oe �Y �tabl.ee in �h� Yooa7.i�y wae �. nui�aM�e a,���. ��ul�. raAonunc�nd �ha� �om� aa�ion ba ta]cen to aba�e tra saan� o �iavod �y Dx. N E�dighel]. that �iaxel��,ll b� ��ptrv:vt�d. to pxa�ea�.: to arxe�� �11 v�i�la�ion� �f �a,nit�x� O��.inar_o�,No.'i�� v�hien �vas se�oned by 'W S ��nx th �,��. �a��j ad. Dr. N E�4ip�helZ �nacle 're�o�t in re��renoe to �rieanit�axy c�nc�itiQ� o�' premisee �n Pina S�r�at-�B��o� 7�Tall.aae'a A¢�alition.�iov�d by N��Ii�hB�1S. that �a�,rsha�.i �� 3ns�rcuG�e� to �a�.1 on p�opex�y o�m��s �.n Bloa� 7�a�.�.�ae aB Aeidition and �p n��ify a1,1, o�zere to Qon�truvt C��s-pocsls in ae�oxala�n�� tiq3.tY� �rdi�anae govexning s�ane,seaoned by � I� Branc�ox� anca Garxied.. Dr. Ch�6. H F18IF��3aHe&l�h 01'f3C��'2�6o0mm��d2d $hat e.11 �xc3.��ance b� ga��ed.� regul�.�ing the c�i��oeal gx er�ta�� ��o� re�idena�s on Bay �'xont. I� t�9�� mov��. °�h`,� I)�. N E�i�h�1Zr thd� D�. I''ielc� b� au-�h�ri�ed �a at3mf�x ��rith Sta�a 3oax� c�i �i�a�th and �eaura �psa�.ficat3.ons �or pr�vate ��sptio Tanks which vaa� ��c�oixed by ��' S�mith anc� aarri.ed, lir. J� ���.? 1�.a�n�an ae�a��d Counvil in r��exenes to City's purch�ee o� ; �ome property auitabl� fox an A�Y�.�:atia' Par� ane� xsvommonaed th�� the Ci �y enould pu.,:�ha.sr such a�1at o� gxound,dnd uxge:� u�on the Gity tY�e aa��.sap��it� of purchasing ro�� whil� '��.�tai3le pro��r�ty Qould. be eeaur�el a� resor_�bi� pri��: B�r.R I{ Bxandan supplimen�ad L'Ir. P�i�.l3ara�on's x�tnar3.s that he had inve�ti- ;atael i,lie pr^.vsBTlt� t3a1.J. Pax3C a,T1c1 3.1.�0 t�lC:e17, u�a the �at�er oi pxie�s �.nd t��m�, and. that �ht� a�Er� fl� t�e pro�e�ty wnu�.d :pe willir�g ta zna;ca oon�tr��t, and oxecu�e a dQe�, in e�cxa�,eubject to ].evy in azdxt y�a�� �z�.ct��t anct waulcl acaept �ive �hausanc� �'i�*e riun.dred aol7.ars {�5500. } �,nd r�Q�sadareci �erms � sati���,c�oxy. ---- ,.� i._. _ :�...�...�.�.a�a_�� � —�e��� — ._���, y� ; �J�� '` � � " �� L+qIRTU�'ES QF COITNC SL a t,� Cld�w'a��x �7.oxida,Aug.a5 19:1� ; , ; �ov�d by R g Br�,ncion �ha� Pr�s�.r���� �ppoint s. Qommi.�;�ee a� no� mor� ' t�an �hree to �u.rchae� pla� for the �thistic ta�]c an3 su'c�mit vontract �.t t nsxt ra�ular meet�ng ,ee�o�.�a by � S�m�.th axad. Qarried.. i Presie3en�t a�apoi.a��d �R K B�andc�n,� S�mith and N E�iighell. ' �ov�d b� R� Brandt�n sa���ad by �� T��rison that S�n�.�ary� CQm�ai�te� � ingt�ucte�; �'�n ha�� p?uuibing in City ��1 put in good c�ond.i�3on, �hit�h �wa� xri sd . � � � � � �,�o.a�'e � �-` i�r� R� BrandBrr �txbm:�tt�� the follav�in� ��eolu�ion: �har���; �� a rQ�u:�,r � �t�ng of the �ity Co�ne�il. hsld on t�e16�h d�,v of I�s���b�� 19133� x�s�lu�tic�n a ciul� �►a���d. that no �ag�aia't shmt�.ld. b� drawn bg� th� ���.t�' Ol�x� f4r the �burs����.t �� aziy �it�:��'und.� v.riti� �he �a�n� Y:ad b�e:� r�uthc�ri���. i�g th� �ans�� a�mm3t�t�$ 2r,Yt.d C����sx�d db�e i�� th8 Ci$y G'Gt�1t�il.r�andliy�erfl�,s:it h�s be�xa und impra��ia�l to �;eomply wi�h aaid. rsso].ution,thex�f�r� '�e 9.�� :�2�eo�,ged; T�a� �a�yd� xae�luti�z� b� �,nd �h� eassn.�. 3s hexeb� xsc�r�ded, Aaz,r� be it �ut�e� �a�ol�e�. . Th�� no �arxax�te ah�Z1. h�re���r �e d��v�a the Gi ty �lexk fcr the ci3.sbu�eem�nt of any �i°�� Funds un�il s,�taz th� ��n� s:aall ha�e �een agprov�d in v�s�i�t�.n� '�y ��ajcrity o� �he �inance 4ommit�se ancl. or�er�i� paid b f the City Counail; ExaSp� ��lari�s of th� v�f3caial� �hiah havs b�en f��d by ��s�lution of' the City Cou.��si? o� re�o��.j Pro�'id.e�. t21at t7�� �eel�ly FaY�ol].s e� t3�e ampl�y�e� �oi the Ci�� inay 'be pa3d upQn the �pro�al. ox �he pa,yrrll bp the h�ad of the depax umen� e�plc��ying suesh l.�zi�ox, and >p�o�cci 'a�r �... m��ar�ty oi` the �'inance �ommi�teea R � Bra,ndon. Ihie�h �va� s�econect �y �� T Harr3�on a�d Adapted.. i�o�ad by Dre N��3gha�.�. t�a�� Buildin� �o�ntnitte� k�e in�truat��. tQ hav� tair R�il plm�ed �.�our_�. �ounoil Cha„xmhera secon�d. by � T Harriaon 2.nd a�r�ieda Ch�if o� Fir� Deg�ar�ment submitt�d ros�er�ire departmen.t: O S Hart,� Crs�s, ��o�Tair, 0� Wil3iams , C I3e���e�.1, J A�ea�va R Mar�in s��tephene = Lu�� I�artii �: � _ ;; id J J Cota.ch. ��! A��l.iv��ions sor Eui�.ding Pexa11��. H r� Toak� ,xe�ag� �rnilding ,on Lot � �,. `�o�ee �dciition. J E A�mstrong,rer�av� �.nzil.dixa�I,o� 7 Au�he�� Acidition. �� j:, l�. o� ��iah ���e grari���te �� � �r &iaFed bST R� 3�anelan s�econed b� �� Smitn th��G � vouehex �a� d.rawxi on ��d �'�,irid� iio re�'�z� to Genexal �'unds am�unt g�i.d �nginc�exia�� De�a.��ment, � pQ� payroil au.�mit�e�,�hiah �R�,a aarriaci. �, B�i Ca�ruthexe �epor�s�. �ha� Imho�� �e�tic Taxik ��ae praQ�i¢��.�:g omp�.e*ed and aa gl.ails da not c��.�. �or �ov�er ,h� r�oon�raed��1:��.at �ovex bs bu�:.t �ov�d �;� R�{ B:��,x�do:i se�;onea by � S Srnith �hat San.�.taxp CGm;nit��e b� 3ne�ruct esi tc� ha,ve c�ver b,.zzlt a�rex ��p�ic Tank ar�d Sand. Tr�p ,,t��ial� w�� a�rx3ad. i ��� �-- _ �z �' �'� _' 4;,;: NU�'ES �F CQL�Id'� I I�, ; � , '� , ��' �°� -.,,�. �� t , '�iov�d. 'bX '�P :� 3m3�h ��ooaed by 1P T Harrison $h�.t ail help empl�oyed bg En,gia�ex ;�� ;� ' �r�ar be �tiep�r�a�d wita�, ��t�r �h� pre�ent �e�k8upon qkeetion bai�.g put , � :'.�,17. pxeaent vQtsd "Ay�"par�d t���ian �as �e��laresi varri�d,ananmou���, � { ,` ,� ' 3�x.W T Ha�ran �.n beaal�' �� Adr�ao i,s�i� ixa xaierana� ta l�.ghta �f Cs�ias ���e�t ;:k ; � � aroe��n�,tha� a��i.�snt h,ad aoaurc�d on �aoun� c�� �a l;lghte. "� ;�oqed �i��P T Harriaon d:es�onad 'b�r �t S�mi�h th�t Zi.�Y,�ta b� ord�zad. p�aa$a at € ; in�e�aac�tion �� A G I, R�R an� �Qda,� �t�oat,� �rhie�h �a,s �a�r��do ; ; R�a�r�d �y W fi�Ia�xi�on �tecsQned by P� � b�ig�e�+ that �eor�ia �npin�erin, Co a � '�� � la� i�a��ruated: ta repai� sidsw�lic at St���t int�re�sati�ns and C�bing ; : a�teo�ding �o th� texm� o� csontr��. iPiaiah e�ae +aaxrlg€�� :, T�ier• being no ��ther bu�3.:��e� i� v�ag a���$d �ad oarr3r�a �h��G Coun�31 aei�ouxn„ ' � � �.� �r; p f' t„ t>'YJ` "<°` P t`"�.:: k� , � . . � ��...Sr'+n�.�'-)�if .'� ��`:"�..�uy"�:�'' a.. . .. . . . . . . . . . P. � :. . . . . . . . i � . � � . � . � .. � . .. � . � . . . . � ■