02/27/1915,,. ,�.�t,n _—�_ - �_w. _ . ..,,�...., ,._._. �...�. ��. , ��;, �, ! �` ;t � �09 ' } �� ,, ��; � -� �tiN-_II_T�S �'F COIIi��.I:L. G�earc�a,ter, F2ae Feb;i. a4�na ��15 ;z ; A re�ulax me�t�.ng d� Ct�uz�c31 �vas helcl, �ar��ent: J R�ho���, ; I� 1� Caxuthera, �' � I�iarrisor,r �� Smith, J G?l�h3t�1.�, Z?r �, iv' E Migh�7.1, and R K Bxand�ne ; . A4inut�� oi' �?r�vioue ,�e�tin�s titere xeaci a�nd a��roved. R�port o� Catp Attorney t�aa r�ac� as ial].a�'$. I ha,ve ex��minea :�h� �.hstxact to �.o� 19 Sue F_�raa Subdivisio�, ; . �. � � . � . 3 �! and �.l�a the dz�d to �hs 'ioc:n f�r sa,me f��� �T. Ne I�l�:t� a�a� wi�e. Th� �.be�r�.ct ahot�e �. r�or�g�.go incumbrance againet the lo� held bv '�, �, S�nith, :4ae�.�nee. T'he ����e �rd C�unty anci TQwn �a�se for 191� are no� p�id, otherv��is� I f�.nd no d�fe�� e s �, a�,tia�'actian..of the mort�a�� �l�,cec� on xecoxd, fr�� H. G. �mi�h .. �: A�si�nee, and tn.e pa,yment of the t�,x�s, rvi'll �ake ti:e tita.e g�ad, and the deed a v�,lid one aa gc?on a� �3.00 �rorth o� xev�nu� ���aps ; �.r� aifixed., �hich it did no� p�a,�e ��rhzn I exaa�:ined 1t. Lero� Br€tndon City �lttoxr.e�r, I�fo��c3 by bF� Y� S Smith that Vouchex� be iasuPct in pavm�nt o� i�ater Fxor�t �ro�ertie� �,nci �laced in. F3ank of C3earti�ater, to be ��.id �o Fdrtx�s orrr.in� s&an�: v71i�n good, anci su�ii�ient desd� a�� de:�ivexed, v�hic�� v�a� aecond�c� by ��fr n�3 Caxuther� o t7pon questi+a�x bein� �ut alI �.re�en � �ate�. �ye �� , Commun� ��,ti�r. frarn �x 3� � I��lson was re�ci .��o��d by Md F3 �� C�ruthers �h�.t Cornr;�uszic�.tion b� file3 �.nd �1�x?� in� �ructed to �rite �ir rs�l�dn t�at �;n ��fort wa� �ein� �ad.e to collec� annual a.nc In��re� ��aymente on Pa�in� C::?'tlfies.te:�. Bc�nd af A�r R I, Dt�vis �r�as read, ij, vra� moved by ��r �. �:� i3x�.nd��. secc�.t�ed b� x:� � S�mi�h �hat �ond of Mr h� L Davia be xe�urned f.ox� better and mo�e suafi��en�t Eonda�en. �4haeh v��s carx�ed. A��.ttex of �ayin� legal e�pEnne o� Attnrr.�y to �.}��.e�,r in. b�haX� ci To��n in s�xit no�r p�nding in su�r�me Caur. t in xe Cour� ho,ase letig�,�i�n �. ;�raft o� �`�5Go0�3 vtiYas �ree�nt�d �Gx �;�yrlent. No a�tion �vas t�zkQn. Appl�ca,tion fo� �ui�,din� Pexmits ��er.e read, �.x�� u�on motion sus�e �.nd ,arri ed Perr�its t�ere ordered gx�:mted. John Jur�en�. Frame Rld�• �'& B John J'urgena Sab� Frca Caznbel� t1 Ad�.. Lot 6 �ll�, I i�iexri�ta. t�„r��Tn�k� � tt �].dr� � 3Q Fal,�r Park A.c�ditinn. i ;' .�m_ mM... - _ _ ��.., , ...�.. �.-- � , ` � � , . 31� F :�:.- ��-{ � � I��NLTTES 0�' C�UNC I L Cae� �ra�er Fla,. Feby. �4th, 191:5 �„��`� Ja�� � N'. Pl�,tt � Frame Bldg. Lo� 8 Bli�h eub o� Sue B�,rcos Add. Mava� bg �r � T FiF�,xrieon th�i �llay�z b� requ��ted to ne�oti�t £ox t�!e widening of Clevela.nd Stree� �rom Ea.e�t St, to �ity I�imite �.nd re�!br� at next me��ing, 8dh�.ah �ra� eecondeci �ncl carriedo Mr �3 �?I C�rut�-�ss�s reporteci th�.t he haci in�ervi:e�ed T�p�. �'i�rne and had. �ec�.xsd pricea on IJuxnp eart fo r S�nitary Dep�xtt�e�n,t �Io�ed �ay bRr m S Smitn seconded, by Dr N E�i�hea�. tha� Ci�rk 'ae instxuct�d tfl g�r�.ez frcm ��I�b� `.Ande Kni�ht Tamp� F'1s,. oria lhunp Car� pric� �45,OQ tieiivered and $st o� H�,rnee� l�se the Co11aa � ' Srials . �hich vJa;a e�,rxied. A�o�red by i�sr B�3 Ca,�uthexs t�at �fx ��.r�;eant Ha�iilton dnd Jahn Philla�aoff b� employed as inspectt�rs and. ��rchat�eta in charge c�f Gitp �oncre�e �''i�r for the e�n o� 2� °�a .�Phich �as secor�de� l�y ;%:r 1i T Ha�xison �,ncl carriede h�r x L Eid�el�. submi�teci P3�,t of �ngh�:iet 2zza. A.d�itiQn� I�sovzd �nd carri�cl that Plat be r�c�e��ecl and fi�.�dm �f���ti��� sub�it�ed bill. fo� ext�s. ,lRg�,1 worl� clerica7. L���� a.nd a�Gherrvise, for �125.OG it �v�� moved �y A4x Y�' � H�xr�.c��r�a s�conded by Nr l3 � C�.xuther�� th�.t C? er� be ingtrua�ed to cixat� �rarr�.n� fox �125.�0 favox Judge Leroy Aran�3on. • Ordina.n�e Ne� ?49 :�Ta� in�roduc�dr�•�.c�.��as.`read��;�t�s::�i��t.�:��:�e Jwn.l,7,� �o��d by ?�I�c R K iixandon secondeci by B I�I Car�€�hers �hat all. x�le� ir�t�riPrin� �ith -th� �.mmedsate �assage o� Ordinance No 1�9 be Svai��cT, �n� tha� Ordinance �10 149 'ae ruad a�econ� tim�, b� titJ.e, a thi�c3 ti�e in xul�. and �lacEc� upon �.ts �i.n�,l �e,���,ge, �RDINANC� NO � 1.49 OF THL TO�it� OF CI�EARFdAm�F , F�'LO�iiDA. An �rdiiaa�nes Enti ��ecl, "An Ord.inance �o R�pe�,l Ordin€z��ce �o. �12 af t%�� To�rn af �ledrwate-r, Floriclas en�itled nAn Ord�.na.nes Amendin� Section Zl9 �� Oxtiindn�� Na 104�� �,nd to Ame�d Section 119 di th� f�od� of t�.� Tocm o� �1e�.r-�+atex= tioridt�, Providing fo� ths ABa�s�mer_t a,:a,cl Col�.ec��.on o� Taxea�F. A�ter rea�.in� by fiit�.� i�c �va,� axs���ci�'�Sd ca�r�.ed �hat Ord.inan� r�o. 7.49 be �asr�ed far i�e sscancl r��ciin� aa follo�r�. ORDINAICCF i10. 149 QF TH � TOl'�N OF CLt�RPI�`i'ER, �'LQRiIJA. A�¢ ��dinanae �nti �led, 4'An Ordinance to �;epeal Oxainanae no a�.13 of the Town of Clear.r�ater s i� lorid�., enti �aed An O��iin�,nce f � ; �; 31? ...�.. �.::.:• hq�NU�ES QF C JU21C Z L G�.ear+�ater, �1�x�fic��. Feby. 24th. 1915 Amending S�c�ion 119 af (}rd�na.nc� No. 104 a.nd. t� Ar�end S�c�ion 119 of ��z���adeYo� �he mo�n o� Cle�,rwater, Fls���d,�, I'ro�ri.ding far Lhe A�se�s�ent and CollectiQn of Ta,xee." BE I� ORT3hI?��D �y the �Co�n Coun�i}� �f Lhe iav+n of C1sax- vraterA Fl�mi�t SEc�xan 1, That Or�ir�r��e I�a� 1,12, entit].�cl "An i�xdinanc� Amending Seotion 119 of Ord�.n�ne:e IJa> 104� "�as��d l�y th� '�s�t�n COl1T]G1.3: on the 5�h day of �►arch Ae 1�. 19].3y b�s ancl �he sr�n� iB hexe�y rE�p�aled, S�ctian 2. That S�c�ion 119 in Chapter 6 undPx �i�le Qf r��vent�e of the C�de of the Tawr� of Cl�arwa.t�r, �'lor�.d�e�, a� ado�t�� the �th day o= �abxua,ry, Aa D. 1912, ba, a�.d �he ��n� is h��eby amencted �lc a� to re�,d as ��1i��ve ; Section ll�a It s�all be the ���x t�i '�he Tdv�n T�x AssaBBar �.�imeciiat�ely �.iter �he a.sses�zrient �f the p�operty ef tk�e Tovrn h�s b�en c�rxected, and the amour.`� to be ?'aiet�d for de�xr�yin� ti�� eApensea af �h� fiovrn �evern�en� ha� b��n d.�t�xmin�d, and th� millag� ta be �ss�ssed h�,e b�en xia�e�, 't� �alculat� �.nci a�,rr� �ut in se��.rr�te ,olumn� the s�x�xa�. amoun�s of �ai3 t�ixe�, �ettin� op�osite the �ever.ai co?.umn� aet da�rn the v�,lu� af rea.l and pexsonal prope'-"tY, the reepec �i�re sume a��e�sed fox tax�s �hEreonp th� aaoll,ars �,nd cente, �xempti.ng �.11 Yx�c�ional na,r�� of �, aent. He aha1.1 als4 �,d� up a�.1 �he colur�ns in thA �,saese��nt ro�I and. m�,k� thex�r�n euch xecs�pitul�.tian table� as ma.y be req�aired, b� e�,id Tov:n CcuneilA Anti the Asse�eor sha,31 make aut a Gany �� s�,ic'4 a�eea�ment rali vrhen c����eted an�. ahaZl aff3.x to the or3,�,in�1. co�p 'th� iollor�in� �f�idavi �, to-�r� � : �tate o� Florida, ' Cqunty o� Pin�lla,�, Tov;�n �f Clearw�tex. Personally a�peared be�ore m�. �e�es�or of �ax�s ior �he `�o�n o� Clearwater who first b�in� auly s�rorn acco�clir_� to 2��r, ss,}�s the abovs �nd �ore�oin� aseessraen.t xo1.1 con��,in� a txu� �tatam�nt a.nd de�criptxo:� of a3.1 real �.rtct ��raondl pro�erty in th� m�wn �f Clear��rater �ubjecL to tax:r�,tian and 1iak�le to be aa�es�ad �h�x�on, ar�d that th� 4 r � ,��;. .,.�.,�..M.... _ ,..w: �,. � � , �� ,,.... � -� � •. -.� :, z � �; 33?,� �i '`�,� ' -�° `` f. t � � ' MZNtTfi�3 aF Ct�UN'�I �, f . . � .� � � . . . .. . . . .. � . . � . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . � . .. . �'S .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . ..t . .. Cle�r�rater, F'Zarida. F�bq. ��tho 1315 s ,s r value� thexeQ�s sa iar �.� th�y �,r� made by hia�, axe juat a�t� ; � acrrect. :� , ; T�.x ���essox. ;� Sworn �o a%d su'��exb�ed before r�� this � d�;� o� ; A. A. �9 . _ Not�.xy Pu�lic. , ; l�;r c�mmi�sion ex�i,r�� � Anci sha�l haue tne �azn� coxnp�.eteci by thE iou�th �Ionda.y in �ul� � �f �ach �.nci e�ery� ye�.r, �r as ac�on thereai �er as pr�,c��cab�e a�,� �h�ch tim� �he Tawn Council �?�all e�e�i3.n� the or��zna.l �rrtl �he co;:�a ...*�a �:� found to �e ccxxec�, s�ti�.11. �� cG:.ti�y c�n eaG� Q�" �hE �cck�, v�k;i.ch cex�ii'ie;�,�e� ,�1�w�1 be �i�neci by at Ze�.st a majo�ity o:f t�e n;�ne�e c� ��� �'�'o�:n Gour�ci3g �,nd the ��id 11ss�ss�r sh�.11 tY:en delivex � copY o� �he �sa,ici ��seasmen� rol�. to the Rptirn ��er�c, and eh�.i1. delivex the orig�.na1 �o �he Toss�n Ta�x Callevto� o� �he ��,ic� To�na after atta.c�ting to i� the folTawing w�,rrar.t: State o£ F1or�.da, County of Pinell.as, �0 4 , T�,x �o11�ct�x ef tha To�:n o� Gle�rwtater • You ax� coma.n��d to c��.leet �ram ��ch af the pexsons �.nd cox�aor�tion� rzarcecl. 3n �he fi'ore�o3n� xol,l �.�.ci of the ov�ner� of �ha real est�t� clescxibed �hereir� the taxes ee� dov�in in ��ch roll opoeit ti�eix na�.es, and to tr�e s�verr�l parcele� pf 1Fin� thexe:�z� deecribed= and in cas� �,ny �erson ar coxposation u�on �hich any taxe.s are i��aosed Bha11. refuse ar neglect to pay tre �a,m�� yc�Z are tc� co�lect �h:: �arre by l.�vy �ntl s�,le a� the gooci.�, chat�el�, 1.ans �,nd tene�e�t� so asae�s�d, �f the ��x�or� anc3 a4x�ox�.tions so asse�ssd; an� �,11 suure �o collected �ou ar� ta pa.y� inta ��� Totirrn depor�it�,r.y dai.ly �.s �he ar�,rne �.x� coll�et�d; anc� yal� a�re fu7`the� �C;p�13.x�ti �o m�.k� &�ll aollection� payable 'the f`�xat cia� af A�ril necta a,nd anp and al.l taxea ti�hich ahal� be dalinquent and un.x.�i� on the f�irst day ef Apxil you will i;nt�ed�ately pxoceeci to levy upcny ac�uer��ae �,nd �e11 �hc� sa�� for un�aid taxPs, aa pro�ide3 . t � ��.., �, ...�. ,_.��.. �,,� t ,_� �1 3�.� � ; -: ,} ;. �,�pIN�aUTES 4� Gt?�NG I Ia ,, _ ; . Cl9aryv�.�srg F�.arid�.. ' F'eby. 24thv i�i5 -}' , ; b� ahe chartes and ar�;inanc;es �� �the Tovm a� Gle�wa�ex. ': �iven umer roy ha,nd a,nd gz�,l t�iie� �3ay- �f { , � . A.L�o 19 . Tax �:sse���r f�x the To�n o� C�earv�at�r, Florid�.. , �eation 2, All Qrd�nancee or ��,xts o� or��nan�e€� in aon� f13.ct herewi�;h �.re hsrel�� r��ealed.. , Passe�l by �he To��n Gauncil a�' the lt�wn of �;l.earvuatex, r lorida. uY�.i� ��th da�x of �ebruary A. D. 191.5. J R Thomas. Pre�icien�, �a�n Councild Att�t�t s R T Daniele T�r�n Clerk, �PPROUE� by ua� �h is� 2� th da,y a f J�,nu�,rp A, D. 1 J15. J'ohn R J�f f e rds . , Mayor, Moved :oy ��r V9 S Smi�h eec�andeci by �dr � K Rxandon that Orciinance No . I49 be �do�tea , all pxe�en� vote�, ct�,ye" and Ordinane� �to. 1.�° rvae c�ec�wred ad�p�ed. It vr•as n�oveci �.nci carrieci -that t�e Cierk i�e in�txuo �ed to notify �a�xone of �t,iblic Ilock t�at D�ck has 'been tu�ned over t� Gc�ntract�r and Ta�rn aa�fumes no xe��cneibil�.�y ftar del�ys �vhicr may be �u�tain�ed �n account �i c�natxuo���n, �.n handl.ing Frei��t or ���.fii.c on Doak. I� v���.� m6ve�� by ���� �? Pf C�,ruthcr� secor,cle�. an�i cari�ied th�,t Cdat�x �'rant ComiT�it��ee be instrtutEci to oa��'ex �ri+h City En,�,ineex a�id de�igna'�e locatipn of N�vz Dis�o��.1 Plant. ?�;oved ana. �arxi�� that Cour:�i]. adjourn, �.. � . > . r- ,.- '� �,�