02/10/1915.., _.._.`._ �, � � °� r { � `� �99 �S INII�E� 0�" C aUNC I L, Clear�uat�r, Flos.i�.&o Feb. lOth. 1.915 An �.djourn�d me� vin� of Co�.ncit Ras he1c�. Pree�nt : �, J R Themae , R K�rr�ndt�n, B� Caruther�, �► 'P �3axrison, �I E�Si�;be2l, iY S:3mi th, �.nd J% P�h� t t l� . M� i�eI,i.sle Ha�adorn asked p�rmageion to a�.dxe�� �c+uncil' �ermi�sion boi�� granted �ir Hs,gadarn addr�s�ect Counail in Y����.Zf �IZ' �'11G �'�'�,�.ZB,P_� t�f the Tov�n o'� �'�BfiY'?.':�.sp�S :�G.'�t�aatir�o fn.M,+ ihrv 'ilr��n f Co�n�:i� make �, ap�eial levy of one �i],1 on maxea coll�c��d fox the. pur�oee c� 3��,�n �airia.no� oz Publi.c Lf���ry. �x Chaa. A. Evan� aa aecre�drg c�f �k�e Libra.s� p�soci.ation a�a'�ed �hat The Caxnagie �,ibx�r� A�Pociation rE�uired that �`oc�n pass aui'�able Or�.in�nc�� pxe� viding fox the speci�.�. 1�Qy far rr.aintainancz. ' �Ioved by Mr �Y T fiarxisan �nat th� �ayor call � a:peci��. E? eetion � f�r tha pur�os�. cf provi,ding a� fund Ly apscial levST �c�r the main�- tainance ai 4 Ca�aga.e Libraxy. ��Ir iiar�a.aon �ithdrE� 'n�.a �otion anr� ' upo� eu�;ge�tion o� Mr E��ine tha� ��,�ter be ref�xe3 to Gity At��arney � N�oved �y� 2�x H�.rrison ee�conded by Dx N E�ti�hell tha� mat:ter be raf�c�� �t� City �ltta�ney �o dr.�tr �.n Ordin�:�,nce pxr��riding for the tn�,in�a�.ntaxice oi I�ibrary anc� re�o�t at ne�t meet�ngp a�hich �ras c�ar��ed, Mayor J F Jeff�scis re�ortEci tha� he had tak�n up the �atter af �videing Clevelanc� �t�eet frUn� A C. I� R R tQ Ea�� Stree�, s�ate3 tiadt Mr C E 4Ta,ekaon ag�e�d �'o dana,te nec�sBaxy �'�xi�a of lar�ci �rovid�d fiov�n wc�ld pay fox mov3ng houne �,n� pay �or SOit. a�' gav�m.� �tnd half' oi -the o�her' .proper.tp at�r.ers �,greeing tr� r�a�e necee�a,gy don�,�ian� af atrip o� la��c� n�Ge� �aryo �n��d by �ir R K Bran,don ae�an�3Ed by T�r �� Rarrison �ha.� the p�opa�t3�n o= Mr G E Ja.ck.son ag stated by- -�he ��ayax be accepted. U�;on call of xo7.1 the �ollo�rin� voted; R IC �rari�on "ayen, B i� Car�thers nno"; � T�iarxison "aye"i rI E hfi�hell "r�o'rs �' S Smit� �ncan; � � Tno�t�e' °1ag�°�, J C T�hi��i� "r.o", Motion �ra€� 'declared �os�. , �Zr R L Davis addreased Caur_c�.]. in reference to �u-Gt�r� in s��1� o£ �sphalt San� Ftoad statin� th�.t he waTalci be wil�.in� �o �ut 400G yds �.s a�a�nle a� �i. �� �er yard ancl Yvoula. a.�ceF� g�,vin� cex ��.Lica�e and ar�an�� the �inanci�.? h�n.nctiing �� �rhatev�� metnoci o.f ��,yanent �he Tav�-n ah�s�ti�l d�air� e P¢� B I��I Ca:ruthex� aci.clresa�c� Council in ���er�nce to ixavita.tian to �,tr R L DaviK to cnnfex �it�� �:c�unc�.I about 8and ��phal� an� $�gges��c� �_._ � _ _ ,_ y'y ,�-� °-��k . . . .� . .. .. . �� . � . .. . . . . . . � � :�QV� ' f . � ; .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. - . . . .. . � . . ... , . . k . . �,� � f � � � j � ��Tr�u�'�s �F Gnu�tcz�. - ; ; Clear�a+er, Fltsrida, ��b. if�th. �815 ' t�a,� l�d�_R_ L Dav�.� r��ke a, defin�t� propo�i�ion to put in �am�%� og s Ro�. and �ubmit s�,me to Counai�.. Nr Davis s�ated that he wc�ul.d m.�,lce a; d.e�inite p�o�oc�it�.cn and aubmi.t same at next meetin; �r� > Ca�a i1. � l�t�v�ci by �tr N' E�aghell th�,� Tas�n's attorney be i,n$ �ruct�d to ' �nvesti�ate the legality of t�aing �ond &2oney ��r Sax�ti As�halt I�o� � �n.cl �hat Tn��tt�3.an ta pa.va Certair� �treEts 'be �h�,ng�ci t� c�onios�ri� and that pra��o�al$ lox paPi.ny '�� ext�ndeti or postgoned , rc�quir�a l��al].y, c��iioh ?��s seao�d�d '�� �dr tA T Tiarri�s@z� �,nd oarr��ci unaniwt��zsly' . � ��,:�'' ��,�tier �g �a�zd ii ,� & �as. H �iu::phy upon motian �aci� anr3 carxi�d �a�s ���srecl ta �iiy �ttorney. �Pplica�i�n of �Ir J A; La.nde�s fo, t?�e po�i�i�n �f P��r��r �o� the' l�u�€� �'ir� �x�:^k s�ag read. Mo�ec� by I�r hT E�i3ghe11 aeaon�ed Y�� Mx J C�tthittle �hat A�plication af Mr J A I,and�rg be fi2ed and that the Tcv�r, �ive hi8 a}�pli�a�ion p��fexenc� anc� iirst trial.. i�h1�h waa c�,rried. �he �o�.1oV�in� Re�olution v�a� reaci: "'ESOLTITZE?rd OF' THI+� TO"�N C(3I7NCIL (�F THF T0�1:1 0� CVEAF��A.TL+R, FT��RIUA o '�HEREAS thz volume �f bu��.nass t� b� tr�nsacted by �he mo�rn Coixnc il �¢ the To�tn of CT�ax�� ��r ha$ beca?ne so lax�e th�.t i.t �g i►�po��ible for the Ta�n Caunci� to txane�,ct �he bu�ines� �vh3ie h�,vin; onl�• t�vo x�g�slar meeting� each znonth; and �fiER�AS it is d�erned ex�edien� and �ar the beat interes� Qf the T�rvn. of �'1ea.�watex, in axdar �� �acilita.�Q tl�e bus�nes� requix¢d cf the Tocrn �oun�il, tha.t more fxequent mee�in�s be helc�, T�TEREFORI,, F3� IT Rr':SqL�lED k3Y �'HE TOVt1N CO�T:�ICIi� 0�' TH� Tfl�T QF GLE�R'�A�'ER, �.n z�egular �e�sion as��mbleci this 6th �a,y �� �a,n- uaxy, ,A. I�. 1915 thwt Rul� No. One af the ru1�:� for the �egul,a�f.�n a.nd �overnrn�nt of �he To.vn Co�xnc5.1 of the Torvr. c>f C1�arwa.ter, F10- �ida, as adopted �ox tra 15th d�:y of Sept�mbex A. �. 191a, b� .�.nd �G�� same is h?rehy, �.r�ended 'to read ag foTlov�s, to--�vi�; t�IILE QNE, ThQ '�osvn G�un�il sh�.11 me�t at the CounciZ Chan�bzx on �IA�nesday �v'enin; of each a.nd every �eek a� 7; 30 0' ciock P, I�. Resolutiar� introduee3 by �ix �3 �i Car�thexs �nd l�id ov�x tzntil `he fizat re�talar' meetin� in Feb�u�,ry, �.�15, a� �rovided in ,� �..��.�.. � .�_ .� - —�._ ""� ' �~�" a�1 s ts: � � `��� � 4 ;�i.. � � , � . . . . . . � . . . .. j� ry,,.' �� . : . .� . . .� i�y, �i. . . � . "�.��y � . � F ; �� �ri`� � U :� �IIPtU�'ES �i+' C,OtiTtiTCI L � . i _ , ; ��; ' C1aax�w�,t�x: �`lo�idao F�b. 1.Q�h. ? 935 s � .� '' RuZ� a3. � f,, � .� { �io�ec� by bir R K Rr�,nd�x� th�z� t?�� fo�egoin� re�calutinn � t be actoptecl. Second.�d by I�x �9 S Smi �h �nd mca �ian b°at 1�y the {: " P��sid�nt �rith �he f��.7.�w3ng result: � , x e as 7 ; �'a�s �one . � , Tho rnotion, having receiv�d the neces9axy two-�hird:� vate in ; the a.f��:r�ia.�ive, �a� clec7.ared caxr����. ` �1�OPTEJ� by whe Taz.n Counci� this 1J�h day o� Febr�ary, ; A. �0 1915 J R '�he�ma� : Presid�nt, Toa�n Couna�l. - ATTEST� f R 3' Daniel. Tv�n Cl�rk, �PFRO�'Fn by me thi:� TC}th day of Fe'�ru�,ry A. D. 1.�15, J R Jei:� ords . �fa�4� of tp�e �a�n a� t�l.ea��a��e� The iolla�ir� a��lication� ior BuiT�.3.n� Perr�it� vre?•p r�;ad and u�om m�tio� made and o�rri�ei Pax�it� �r�,nted, Tiana�l�. Alvoxcl r xa�e B�,dg. Lt�t 5 Fiaraor Qa�ks. Acl�., , iD V D�,vidsola " �' �� 1 k31.k. 3a �f€�gno�i�, Park. � �'ame� Ayt�h Shed nE�� R' 6 Go�xld I� �v�i�ga I�te C� Ja,ct;�son Fzar�t� of n�,� n 2p er n 2. R ,H Pad�ett .�wri�3.ng n $&� � g '► "' �.�t �*as refexe� to th� �uil:ding Committee, wi�th ��v�er to ae�, :e�ovud by �r, B�i' C�ruther,a seconded �y �tx @� S Sm��i� �ht�t Orcli�anca ;�o. 1�8 be p�,ssea �ax i�s �i��t rea.ding. Mov�d by Mr B t�t G�ruthere �.econdec� by �r � T' Harrisc�n th�t �,�3. rul�s �.n�exfexin c���, the i r�ediate pa�a ae Q� c�rc�inance �Ja 1�8 �� �� ` " ����;:�� �� +�-s� �,,�?-���� �.�. �,�: �: � �'� �` � t � be xead; a secdnd �iina �y title, a� �hird time in full s,na pla.ced u�an it� fina�. gass�.�e9 OR�IrTAi��E NQ. 1�8 �F TiiE TQ��`? Ox CLEAR;�ATER, �� L�JRtDA. AN QR�I2Ti��TCF ��ITa?'L�n AN ORL�I�A�Cr, TO REt�tiIRF �iLR�An �Oi�1fPA:�IF�: HAVII?C TRACFiS 't'7I`1`HI1V THP TOF�N I,IA:iITS Ta M�1T�E AIv';3 ��AZ�TAZN GRAnk� CR�SSIVG� A`T ALI, PQIPi�S ��iFRE �:��' aLTGH TRAuKS IIS'�Ei2SFCT THE 'S�REET� OF THF TQVJN, Ar�n �� PRE�CI�,I�� T�� i�lil�hTER I�I C9H� �H SUCu GRA�E CRO:��IfTG� SHALI� B� CO�1STRtJCTED, �iND '�0 � k'ROVIII� FOR 'PHr CO�a^t ��:URTIOI�T 0�' T�3^ �A3{E BY 'PH:� T0�`�l' ��'H�xs l:Ni SUG� _ �, „_ �_: �� : __ _ � . — �- �---., _ww t , , .; "� t � , ,�, ��� € �IIi1UT�. i t�F G�t7A1CI� � Cleaxsvatex, F�ori�,a. �'e�a. 14th. lgl5 RArI,R�E►D CQ�'P�iATY SFiALL �T+'AIL 'I`� I.2AKE St3�:H GRADF CRQSSTNGS, ANI� T0 ' � PR�VID� FOR T_H� COL,bE�TIORT OF THE C�S'►' 4N' TIiE SA�4E FROIh THE RAILROA� C��iPANY, A�ter read3.ng, by title it w�,� moqed �nd aarr�eei tn�.t �Jrdinance No 14$ be ��,eaed fox its saconcl resadin� a,s f�3.3cavrss ; ORI3INA:i�T�F N(?� 1.4$ G�° �H� �'OF�T OF CLFAR.��T�A;, r^I,aRZT�A. AN 0?�.D7NAN�E E�tTiTLuA Al� DRDINANCE TO REG�Ui�tE RAILRtJAD �0�'I�'AItTIE� HAV�NG TitACKS �9ZTHIv ^z�iE TO�N �TPdITS '�Ct MAI�E A,NI} MAIt7T.4sN �ftA?�E CRJSS"I�TGS AT ALI� POINTS �'HERE �:NY �UC�i '�RA�;KS ' I13TER�ECT T�E STRE�Tw OF THE Tp�I�s, AND TO PRES�RI:BE THE MAN�SER �N �IHICr� SUCH GRAD� CROSSII�GS S�iA�,L BE COiVSTRIICTET�, A13� TQ PF�OtfiD� FOR TI� CO�STRt7C�'I01� 4F �HE SA�RE BY THF '�� �HEPd ANY . SUCH '�I��AD CbMP.�AIY SFxAI,L FAIZ� TO �RAKF' Si1CFi G�ADE CRdSiI�TGSs �1�?� TO I'Rt��TTDF F0� THk� GOI,�EG7.'TQRt QF TT�F: CDS� (3F THE SA.'�E FRQ��I TT3E RAII,ROAn C0�4P��dY, Be � t ordaineci by the Ta�n Coun�il of t;�e To�n a� G1��:r-� yz�ter, Florid�.; Sec�ion ],. '�ha� al1 r�il�osd earnpa.nien n�.v�n� t�acks within the Tt�wn l.im? ta o� the Tarvn o� Cieax�r�a��r �.re her�by� required to ��,ke �,nd r�ain��,in �xade croasinga at a�.l poin �� v�h��e a.ny �uah tracks m�y �.nt�rsect tre atxeeta of tlaz To�n. Sec �:on 2. All. araxie c�o�si.ngs aha1l be nrade th� iull tivi�ti� a�' thz st��et e�hexe �h� s�;me inte:csec �-n the r�ilroa.d tga.ek af tr�.cks �;nd �ha.�.l be gracl�c� to cc�nforni a�s net�� 1�T as pxac �icabl:e �o �h� gr�de esta�lished f:ox �i�e street; a,nd. wh�re �y $t?'eet �h�,Z� ha:ve besn pa,t�d up to �.nd abut �ing th� ri�ht o� Fv�y of a.n�t �ucn x�,ilroad c�m- = p�,ny �iavin; txacke �r�.�hin the Torrn of Clearwatext the sa,id r�.i�.:�o�.d aornpany s�.�,ll c�u�e to �e ���ved the cxoasing �t the int�r$ecti�n o� any �uch s'�xeets �v�.�h its �xacka. and ri;ht �f w�,y ,vit7: �he �ame ma�t�ri�.l a.nd in �hA aame ma.nner �:a th� b�,lance vi pai_d stree � may �� ��V�a. S�ctian 3� �hE a�avor of the �'o�vn of C3.ear�a�er sh�.Tl cau�e �. �o�ic� to be s�x�v�d. u�an a11. xailxoa3 cora�anieg h�,ving tracks within �he To� of C1e�x�tater, cr u�on the a;en�s of suazh campanies, ta �ake the g-rade crnasin�a, as �raaiae�: in this orciina,r.c�, �ithi� ten days fr�m �uch no�xc�; anc� in c�.se ar�d railro�d company ahall � �" _.. ' __ _ . ...�� � 'ww _ _. �-..� ��� _____` ,...�,..,._.4. .. � � .. �� . � . . � � . `sy h � . .. � �� ' }J 30� �,� `, ..• � . . . K �L� _r'4�;* . . �� . .. . . . � . :� �1 . �� � . .. . . � '. . � r.4 . . . . . . . . � . � .. . � � . :� . � . � � . ' . . . .. . � . .. � . , � . . � � . . � . . .. � . . . . . . ..j , y � � � � T �' S 0 �' �' � U '_� Ci � � � B _ ca.e�.���t�r, �ioxia�.. ��b, �otr.. z�z� � � ,f fail or refuse to m�.ke any such gxade cxosain�� a� the interse�tion c t G� any �i the streets o� the '�o�n rvith the txacks of auch company ; . � v�ri thin $�z�� daye af tr�x �uch notic�, then and in thsi; e�en.� the :' Tov�n Council authorized a,nd empovrered �c cau6� euch �xade cr��singa � F �o be �on�txucted �,nd the cast of the sam� eha11 be ase�sac�d. against Quch r�.ilroad ccmp�,ny� and the To�vn C��r� sha,�l ��.us� a not3Qe �� ; ; 9UC1_'1 �.lGTl i;a be r�ca�dad in the offi�e o£ the Glerk o� the �ircv:i$ � Court o� Pinellas Countys Floridaf within n�nety da,y� �fter tlie �om� nletio� of such �rade c�o�sin�s�i.and ii the eame shal;. n�� b� Faicl wi�hin nin�ty days, tY�e To�vn Attcrney ahall i�nediately' en�ex sui� for the collection c>f the sa�eo P�ssed by the ToSvn Council cf the Toti�n oi Clearw�ter, F�orida, tii:�.� i0th day of F`ebxua.ry, A. D. 1915. �_ _._.J R 'Thomas _ P�eaident, To�n Couneil ATTES'� : � 'P Daniel ______ fin�n Clexk. ,���roved by �e th�.s 1Qth d4y ai Fek�ruary�y �. D. 1915, Jnhn R Jeffoxda, A��.yo r o After third readin� in fu:il it w�,:� r�o;rad Uy �'x R K BrandQni s�conded b,T �x W T H�,xrison, that Qr�.ir_a,nce No 7.48 be pasaed :ae read which was c�.rxizd un�anzmoualy� Rqovec anc3 carriect that C;�uncil �,djozxrn, ; '� ��. ,..__ ,� �,. 304 �■� -:,�..�,.: ,�. M I N L' T,,.�F S�tJ . F_ C 6' Ti N C I: T, _ , ! C1ea��ta:t�r, Floxid�. Feb. 1.7th. 19�5 ;�n adjcu�ned :meetin� of Cauneil S�ae he3d, presen'�, � R T�ao�a�, ; B�? C�ruthers, W T H�.rri�on, �! S Smith, �tnd J G�hitt�e, k �xo}�a�ale for Ext�aaion o� Sani�t�ry SeEv�x� and �ispo��� �1�n$ and Extenaiar�� of �iater �orks were opaned. IIp�r� me��,nn made and c�,rxied Cauncil, adj��rne�. until three �' � ', vrren �n;inFe� �voulci cubt�it �'abu7,�,�io�a� oi git�a anci ���the lo�e�t ann be�� bid. Counc:il me� pur�u�nt �a adjournment ��esen�i; J R Th�a.e, �� Caxuther�, 5� T kiarxisan, 1� �,9mi�h� �nd �� C B�hittle. J rfir J N Dre�r City �n;i:n�er reportetl th�.t he aou3ci not pos�ibl3r h�.ve b�.d� tabula,ted before 7.3� ��i. s�hereu�;gn it �r�a an�ved and carxieci �hat Counc:il adjeu�r� until 7:3(� P. �. �a�ncil m�t p�xrsuant to ad��uxnmen�, present: u R Thc,m�a, � `�' Hi�,1:T3.$OIl� 5� �' �ilnilEiZ� � Ri �aruthEre, 1�9 fi Smiths �x1d J' ,r'.; �th�.utl�. Mir�utea �f pre�iou� me�tin� �va,� re�d an:d a�;graved. r�titions �nd comtruszica,tiGr�s �rere th�n �Gado Th� �o11:ov�in.g apPlica,tior�� iox i?ua.Zdin� P�rmi�� s��re �za,�. t�nd. u�on matic�n rnt�d.� and ca,rx�ed Perr�i�s orciered �rant�d. ,9 C�ar��z�hire E`xr�rrie Bl��. Lot 5�1.k. 1.�. Tuxnexa �3nd Add. J R��n i�c�rc� � '� p 26 � �� l�iz:,gnoli�, F'��'k. �!ir. J. rr, Pr��v City Er��ineer eubmi+te�. t�.rf�tlt�ted bids �,s follo�as : Ente�s�.on� to S�nit€�ry Sewex S��tezn R i� Da.�ri� 15,��3.�Ci S�n�i,n�le Qon�txuetion Co 17,31:OoG�: Rat�ert�. F,� �►��kas 16,4?7.$� �di�hlet & �'l�rna� 17,,Q15e?�0 Bry&n & C� . 19, �3� 8. Cf0 I� v��s moved by Mr i�' T Harrisan th�.t ���y En�ineer ret�bu7.�.ts a��.7, propoaa,l� and. submi� �i�a �a,me at meetin� ta l�e held �G9--�:orrow ni�ht �,t 7t30 p.�. Ivo �eoonci to D�x �arr��ans �r.otion �dlaich ���as decl�r�d ],ost for �x�;nt of �econd. �r �' � Ca.�t�there r.eq���t,ed �hat Mr � N Dre�v, City Eng3neex� �ak� explanation �.s �o ho�v qu�,ni�i �i�s a,nd to d�i�.c� �rer� co�uputed t�8 �or�� of the Gontrac ��ra haci m�de com�,lain� aa to mannex �if ���.ich ' �he xesu? t v�ias �.erive�.. ,