04/30/2015,�o„�„ � -.�.,� ,,�.,, � � .� � ,;;�;;.' ,,� 3E�3 ' � _ .�-�ITNU_�ES Q�' �9{3i�NC�L' ; ; Clea��ter, Fl.a. �psi1. 30th 1�2�, ; A$�eaial mee�ing o� �7c�uxacsfi wa� held �e�x��nt �o aa3.�. of the I+d��ar, ` Prees�at, J.R.�h�mas, B A� G�.r+a.thar�, �iT.�i�,rrison9 R.�. �r�ndor� ; � �e���Tli�.'fi�ia pc'�.116�. cf��ia�l�.�'i�.R�1y �I2 $�G`C+Qifiii�'i Of f'iYRe il���i' Oi C�f�'e'�.'Ie8Si� `; pre�ez�t it s�ae ma��d and, e�axi�d �ha� x�+aeting o� ���noi�. be he�.d. �f G`��t H�u�e s ingte� of Cou��il t�h�xta�er �h��h w�� unci�� �^B�siri3. �tze �a7.1, �� �h� Pda.�ver vta.� ��ad as �o��.aw�,, �le�r�.�sr �'T�. �p��l 3�th, ; xo the �emYasr� o� �a�n C�u.*�cs�i �a�i 4� Cl��,�ate�, �n�3�zn�n: Xou �r� xec�uest�� ea m�e � a� Cou.*��31 C�e,mhe?�r� toz�ight at 7 30 P.�. ta co�.��.d.er s��n�nents �o C�.�t� �h�r���a�na�t uns�e� con��d.�rati�n by state I,agi�la�o, J.R��JEFFORD� o �agor. - I��wed 'qy Mx I3o �io Caru�h�s�� ac�oazxd.ed by M.� R. KE Br�ndon, t�xs.t vha.r��r �e r�a�. by ��gtsons, �.nd that ��ah 3���$ �n �hat �ht�u].d i�� �,m�n�.�d � n��e b� �d1�, upon m� ��on b�i.ng pix� �.��. �r��en� �o �gd. af�i�aia��.��1.�, a� �o�ic�� �ra� d���e� aarrie�. Ai�er ac�a�i.ing oa Ch�te� i� f�zl.J, ax��, abta�ia�€� ra�,8� �£ Seotiou� �hi�hz� �hauld, be a�en�.��, it �r�g mo��d. 'by hdr Ii. �. t�aruth�rs � secrond.�d by � R �, Brand.vra that Seeiio�� '�s ��&�n �,� �� �.ateci, �.nd th�.t t�e �itiz��2� prs��n� he �I.�.o�'�ti '�� diaau�� e�me aa2ti o��e� �nendme�.��, �h3.�h �s c�xris�. u�aan�mouelY9 i ��vas �h�a �no��� by �ir 5�:�:Harri�on $�c���d.sd. ' by' �dr Bf�I,C��st'�h�3r�, Tha� i� a�y �sct�ion as :e��o. �Y�c,ui.d be obj�ctad �a �ha� aaama �hou].ti be mu'�m���eci �o � Vo�c� �f �1.1 �res�nt �n3 �liat Amencl�i�n�� �,s c��fe�ed ah�uld �ae �r����. u�on bg �iti.z��s pTessn� wh�oh t��,� eab�3.��3 e �e�titsn Y3o 35 c�as rea� it �ras mgv�d bp B,M„uas�z.t��ac� e�con,�lect '�� R.�e B�andon 'i'�.a� �ev w�on No 35 be zm�n��d by �sser�a.�g a���x �h�a c��xd �qu�.lizat�c�n That th� ���a Counci3. shall �i�� ��n day� n���.ae �d Ta� pa3rex8 aI1t3L1x1Ct312� the t��8 44Y1�2i 14de�$�.11g �h���. be h�Zd as Equ�i,�z��i�n �o�rd. nati�e to ,b� gu.i�lis��c� in �ome Ne�epa�g�� publi�hsd. �� th� Tca�nn+� o� Cl�arv�at�x. Upon ��w��tion �c iss.� pu� a��ori��� v�ted in ��'i �r�'��.� ax�d Amsndn�n� v��s d.��7�r�d ad.opt��= S�C G�.A31 �0 5� r�s th�Ic1 r�a,ds �t �e.� mGV�d b� �" 3't5hn U$��� ��B�oI�.c3.ect `, b h� �..�d.T�i2gc�r�a `� �eCt�.Qn 1�9 55 be ��x3,t3kC�� f�0� f�'tia�`v�xa �' � x?dr ��xoy �r�,nd�n oi�s a,� a��dn�x�t t� �r Birds r�etion , t��,'� �`��''�� a.��er the �'o�� f'or, 2�� ix�c�en �hat �he Ro�d� �y Qae be s���.a�e� � �� , �nd� ths �oxd �a11��, aul�g �er3 �her��o�, �ahiah �ras �acso�d�d� .���� �ir ��.rd xi�hd.re�r h�.s mmtian whi�h �s ag�eed to by Mr Kil�ar�, �`°'_ � J � � ._ � �E ._ � . .. �.��YCP . � ��fi�l — bYu . .. i� . . ' . . . . . . . . Y• aF�'� . � .. 1. . , . . . ��. . . . � � . . � .. . . � . . . . . � �. . 5 `� � ,1 ��3 -:�m:-' i � . . . � . � . . . . . . . . � . . . . �.-f . , �q i ia 'r� �' �' .� o .I' -� � il � c�z� �, � f�iea����g F13. A�azil 3�th � L�pc��s���m�:�3.-��t�i�a-�.,� � .�. �+ .�,fl���..���� S�ation No Pi �a� re�,d�., �nd �� �ix�, mc�vad �t� ��x�ks ��� �roxd. �ts1�11� and eul�eti�ute �he vs�rd nffie�g; vrY:i�� ��a� ssc�z�dQd, a��e� �on�iaer�bl.e _ ; �.i��u��ic�n �nd ffic��io� b�i�g �a.� i� wa� de��.a��ci �.a�t, � Seutio� l�o ?1 �a� diec�uss�d, �.po� mo��.c�xa m�d8 �rsd: ��.r�i��. ��ca���n��ic��'�1 w�x� �lo�at�d a� rg�i:., S�v�ian Nt� 81. �aa �hen t�.�Cer� up 3t �ras m�sted. aacad aars���d �h�t �ea�io� 81 be �en�t�ci ao �� ta px�virle �o� p�yme�.ta bg a�.�� in�t�a� �f' �e�e��e�� �,�a�.�� v prapar�y. Sectiean A� �5 �at ��o��.on N� �5 �a �m��.cl�d �� p�ov�.�� r���r�n.�.va� u2e���,s� _ t� �ae va�ed. t�pon '�p°Eievto��s ���.� �'re�al���,d,�sa �a b� e�.ig�bl«�� It �r�s moved �� o�r�^��d that a. ���t�Axa be �d�d. �rd�vidi�� 4hat �iil��ge Bhal� no� �xr��ec� �en�y fiva ��1�$ an a����eraent �ar a3.1 pu��o�ee, Seat�an N� ?3, I� t��,s s�cva�. �d c�a��igc�: �ha� ���s�3�� :�$ ��x�.cs�.�� and ���t pr�sa�t T�x�t��e�al bou�i.dri�s o� �resent ���rporat�,on b� �u'��i�i.�u�ers �hexe��r. ���<:.�,.' Tt �as a�c��eci a,��. aa�xiscl �:r�at a3.1 �f Sgratiana �3 �nd. J� 'be atr�.u7�en, It �as maro��d b� R�KoBx�,nc�2� seconded b� hf� �:Y�:��,gtu�hera r�ncl ca��1e�.A Tha4 Amen�u��,t� �.e �dc�p�ed la�r �a�� m�e�ir� `�e a,dop�ed by th� �owr. �Touna�a araci th��G City A�t�ornoy b� ins�xuss�od. �a drai't �ame �nd presen� ��t n�xt re�.tZa.r m�e��ng, ;'&;�� � ; �he a�oll.ov�in� Re���u.��.on ��a p����n���i bg �Ix R.kaBra,radonj R��v2ve:� b�r �o'� Coun�� l o� �h� ���rxt o� Q3.e�r��er� �hat Couzieil. had nn �.nL��tiaz� o� d���.�n���� ag�ix��� the �slZe�ri�c� Ho���. qr in��r���a o� �ir �tor��a F Fiant s.a �xten3�� �ity iixni�� �.n ne�r �lz���r, �nd t�a� ��t�r haci: b��z� am�nd.eci to make ��,t�r '� i�i t� �em�in ��.e a� h�re tcf�a�e m an�i that �, ocapy o� �his R���lu��.oa '�e mai��d i�y �Gh� T��. (71.$�k '�o �dr J:�`.�1c�.r3.d��. �pon ma�ion �nr ado��i�n ����a%u��.on �ta� �3��a�ecl ux�n.im�u,�3.g. T�e�c be3n� n� ��,�r�hex bu�in��� it �'�.� m��ed b�r ��o�:St���� �e�aan�.ed by Adr J:C.�3��I� ��a�,� Counai� a,d journ, �h3nh �ra� �s.�ri�d. ,� Ex < a f, r .