06/09/1999Marine Advisory Board
City of Clearwater
June 9, 1999
Present: David C. Martens Chair
David Hemerick Board Member
Bill Wilhem Board Member
Donald McFarland Board Member
Hank Epstein Board Member
Nick Matsis Board Member
Dick Saferstein Board Member
Also Present: William D. Morris Harbormaster/Marine
Dave Perkins Ex-member of board
Marcia Charlton Staff Assistant III/Marine
Tom Miller Engineering Department
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
ITEM 1 - Call to Order - 8:00 a.m. at the municipal marina
ITEM 2 - Minutes Approval - May 5, 1999
Minutes approved as submitted.
ITEM 3 - Mangrove Presentation by Tom Miller
Mr. Tom Miller with the City of Clearwater Engineering Department handed out a list of what the Florida Statue states concerning mangroves. Most of the mangroves are in public hands
not privately owned, or approximately 20% of the total mangroves in the state are privately owned. The state says no trimming or any alteration of mangroves may be permitted on uninhabited
islands, which are publicly owned or land set aside for conservation preservation, except where necessary to protect public health. (the causeway mangroves leading to the beach fall
under this designation)
He has looked at public health, safety and welfare and/or to enhance public use. Now they are looking at using “with approved management plan” and he is now meeting with the public
and other environmental boards to see if the idea is feasible and we can get permitting.
There is a city comprehensive city plan which says that the city will not trim back the mangroves or alter them. Mr. Miller stated there are other problems with people wanting to see
the water and another group who do not want to see cars. He is trying to get permission to do selective trimming of the mangroves which may serve the city and both groups of citizens.
He also stated that the permitting process alone may take months, because the state doesn’t even want to talk about it.
Along the causeway, there are red, white and black mangroves. The red mangroves or trees cannot be topped but the lower limbs can be trimmed. If we are able to get this okayed by the
state, we can start a precedence to continue this selective trimming program. Tom stated that if they were to be trimmed, they would be as low as 3 feet to as high as they would normally
grow. This would include both sides of the causeway. It would cost approximately $45,000 to $90,000 a year to maintain the trimming, more if done at an oblique angle.
Mr. Morris asked about the mangroves at the sailing center, Tom indicated that they would first be attempting to get permitting and funding to trim the causeway mangroves. The mangroves
help protect the land by their roots and “canopy”, water erosion and wind. The process will take some months to bring this to the commission, including the funding.
Tom stated that he would like to have a letter signed by all the board members that they support this effort regarding the mangrove trimming but not at this time. Mr. Wilhelm stated
that they should have specific locations and determine how much needs to be cut, and in a few months put this together to be presented to the city commission. Mr. Miller stated that
this would be done with the feasibly study in a few months and he could bring that to one of their meetings. The feasibly study would include an overlay of the new bridge. A question
was raised as to the impact of the trimming on the area, exactly where to trim and how much will be allowed and the feasibly study will hopefully answer those questions.
Mr. Miller has put money in the budget for this year but it has not been approved yet. He invited the board to visit his office at the MSB building (2nd floor) to look at pictures already
taken of the mangrove area on the causeway. Also, the possibly to plant other species and soften the new causeway bridge.
ITEM 4 - Other Business
Mr. Morris stated a new member had been appointed to replace Mr. Martens. His name is Tom Horne and his first meeting will be at the July meeting on the 14th.
Mr. Morris had looked in to the other areas regarding speed zones. The county has pockets of Idle Speed zones and he is pursuing the background on what the county does. He will present
his findings at a board meeting as soon as has the information. There is a successful program on Lake Tarpon and he is checking it out.
The city manager has asked Mr. Morris to try to triple the number of dock spaces for the public use. One of areas is a basin that was a yacht club, the Yacht Basin apartments put in
docks and are in fight with the state because the docks were not built according to the approved plan. The city is going to do a seagrass survey, before they can proceed with permitting
for docks. A question was asked regarding the pass around under the short bridge to the beach that was raised at a commission meeting. It was a proposal to connect up with the Pinellas
trail. There is another location along Coachman Park from the dock to the new bridge which Mr. Morris is looking at again.
ITEM 5 - Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 a.m.