01/14/1998MARINE ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF CLEARWATER January 14, 1998 Present: David C. Martens Chair Donald McFarland Vice-Chair David Hemerick Member Edward Dohrman Member Ernie Cline Member Bill Wilhelm Member Rich Howard Citizen Scott Shuford Special Projects Administrator William Held Harbormaster Brenda Moses Board Reporter Absent: David Smith Member (resigned) The meeting was called to order by Chair Martens at 7:53 a.m. at the Marina conference room, 25 Causeway Boulevard, Clearwater. In order to provide continuity for research, the items will be listed in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order. Chair Martens asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of December 10, 1997. Since there were none, he said the minutes will stand approved as submitted. Chair Martens said he received a letter from Member David Smith. Mr. Smith has resigned from the MAB (Marine Advisory Board) effective Sunday, January 18, 1998, due to unforeseen business conditions. Harbormaster Bill Held suggested Mr. Smith send his resignation letter to the City Clerk so that a replacement can be found. Special Projects Administrator Scott Shuford briefly spoke about the One City. One Future. program. The project will be unveiled to the public on January 23, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. Those who cannot attend the meeting can view it on C-View TV. The program ties together the City’s tourist and residential corridors and components. Redevelopment plans will encompass the highly visible tourist paths of Gulf-to-Bay Boulevard, downtown and the beach. Plans include redevelopment of the waterfront, the City Marina, and yacht basin. Private redevelopment will be stimulated through partnerships. He distributed copies of Clearwater magazine, noting the One City. One Future. program is outlined as well as a schedule of events for 1998. The magazine will be published quarterly and is an opportunity to reach citizens regarding activities and projects throughout the City. Mr. Shuford said as further redevelopment plans are unveiled, he will keep the MAB informed. 1. Marine Department Business Plan Update Harbormaster Held presented an update of the Clearwater Marina and Pier 60 business plans, and the third year update of the Sailing Center business plan. The plans were presented to the Fiscal Review Board on January 8, 1998. They will be presented to the City Commission in February, 1998. Marina Mr. Held discussed Marina objectives completed in fiscal year 1996/97: 1) discounts for slip rentals; 2) increased transient/commercial rates; 3) charges for commercial tenant office and storage rent; 4) building lease rental rates instituted; 5) building lessee parking requirements; 6) increased fuel sales; 7) upgraded computer hardware and software; 8) increased revenue due to favorable weather conditions; 8) concentration on marketing campaigns; 9) annual customer service training; 10) installation of decorative lamp posts; 11) purchase of a portable sewage pump-out station for slips at Island Estates; 12) installation of a City kiosk in the lobby; 13) Seminole launch ramp resurfaced; 14) concrete landings at Seminole launch ramp were repaired under budget and on time; and 15) an agreement has been negotiated with Clearwater Marina to sell parking permits at Seminole launch ramp. He discussed Marina expenditures including projected and actual revenue. Revenues saved each year are deposited into the unappropriated retained earnings of the Marina, to be used for improvements to the municipal marina and/or launch ramp. The balance sheet listing the assets and liabilities of the Marina and the CIP (Capital Improvement Project) projections were reviewed. Accomplishments included: 1) automatic doors installed at entrance; 2) an ATM installed outside the Marina building; 3) a tourist information center will be completed soon and staffed by the City Tourism Department personnel; 4) Cable TV to the building and slips; and 5) a quarterly Scuttlebutt Newsletter. Objectives for the Marina for fiscal year 1997/98 include: 1) providing power outlet utility stations to slip tenants; 2) renovation of Marina restrooms; 3) providing laundromat facilities; 4) using recycled lumber for repairs/replacement of docks as necessary; 5) customer satisfaction survey by outside consulting firm; 6) installation of a Pier 60 Park kiosk; 7) custodial workshop renovation; 8) construction of 3 wooden fishing piers at Clearwater Pass; and 9) providing boat lifts for Sheriff and Florida Marine Patrol use. Pier 60 Mr. Held reviewed the Pier 60 business plan and 5-year revenue and expense information. Objectives completed in fiscal year 1996/97 included: 1) switched Pier 60 from an enterprise fund to a general fund; 2) increased part-time employees’ hours; 3) increased revenue; 4) adjusted markup on merchandise; 5) monitored high turnover stock; 6) received support from Marina office; 7) budgeted maintenance funds; 8) conducted annual survey of other fishing piers; 9) continued advertising campaign; and 10) completed annual customer service training. Marina services to the Sailing Center and Pier 60 come out of the Marina budget. The Pier and the Sailing Center purchase their own equipment. Projected 5-year revenues and expenditures are based on Pier 60 being operated as a General Fund operation, under the control of the Marine Department. Since weather conditions affect revenues and activity at the Marina, Pier 60, and the Sailing Center, part-time employees work on an as-needed basis, helping to offset costs. Final projections were reviewed. Net revenues saved each year go into the General Fund. Accomplishments included: 1) sponsored 6 fishing tournaments and 2) the “Make A Difference” fishing tournament. Objectives for fiscal year 1997/98 include: 1) increase the number of fishing tournaments; 2) repaint the exterior of the bait house; and 3) increase revenue by 5% over actual fiscal year 1996/97 revenue. Sailing Center Mr. Held said objectives completed for the Sailing Center included: 1) promoted Sailing Center activities; 2) increased fleet of vessels; 3) increased contract instructors; 4) increased the number of part-time employees; 5) increased revenue; and 6) built a floating dock. Revenue projections were exceeded thanks to the mild weather in 1997 and excellent employee customer service. Revenue is projected to increase by 5% a year for each year of the business plan. Accomplishments for fiscal year 1996/97 included: 1) increased revenue; 2) held 12 regattas; 3) facility used as a focal point for rentals, organizational meetings and City departmental meetings; 4) increased students by 398; and 5) the center has continued to be an asset to the City. Objectives for fiscal year 1997/98 include: 1) increase donations by 50%; 2) increase number of regattas held; 3) increase number of students taking sailing classes by 5%; 4) continue using facility for public hearings; and 5) offer the facility to other City departments for meetings and other functions. Discussion ensued regarding projected versus actual revenues. Mr. Held explained in order to have a comparative analysis in 5 years, the original forecast numbers in each business plan will not be adjusted annually. 2. Land Development Code Discussion Revising the LDC (Land Development Code) is one of the City’s 5 major projects. The new LDC will be more customer-friendly and less restrictive. The MAB is involved with the LDC when repairs or construction of docks create a navigational impact. MAB members will receive new information regarding the LDC as available. 3. Fishing Piers at Clearwater Pass Mr. Held said the State is processing the City’s application for 3 new wooden fishing piers at Clearwater Pass. The request will be reviewed by the County Commission on February 10, 1998. 4. Magnolia Street Dock This project has been on hold since last month. The contractor is waiting for timber to work on the roof. Repairs are being made to a plastic storm drain. There are no permitting problems. 5. Marina Free Standing Sign Mr. Held said 48-foot free standing identification signs can be constructed at or near the Marina. Research is being done regarding the number, colors, messages, and locations for signs. Wherever the signs are located, it was agreed they should be highly visible. It was noted a directory sign listing all Marina tenants would be too difficult to read and update. A comment was made there are numerous Convention Center signs on State Route 60 and Court Street but only 2 signs within 100 yards of the beach causeway. There are no other Marina signs in Clearwater. MAB members requested Mr. Held research the matter. 6. Latest Issue of Scuttlebutt Mr. Held distributed copies of Scuttlebutt newsletter. The newsletter is published quarterly and distributed to all Marina tenants. It was suggested pertinent information in Scuttlebutt be incorporated into Clearwater magazine. Mr. Held said the MAB’s request to extend the wake zone in Clearwater Pass will be reviewed by the City Commission on February 2, 1998. Discussion ensued regarding the wake problems throughout Clearwater’s waterways. A request was made that future consideration be given to extending the no-wake zone into the channel due to safety and traffic reasons. Traffic has dramatically increased and contributes to wake problems in all areas of the channel. Wakes are thrown into the Marina even when boaters stop at the markers. A member said he has lost numerous tools on his dock due to severe wakes. The meeting adjourned at 8:46 a.m.