October 9, 1997
Present: Carol Warren Member
Daniel Fleck Member
Richard Lynch Member
Tina Wilson Budget Director
Brenda Moses Board Reporter
Absent: Janet MacNutt Member
Daniel Moran Member
Budget Director Tina Wilson called the meeting to order at 8:14 a.m. at the Municipal Services Building, Clearwater, Florida. In order to provide continuity for research, the items
listed were not necessarily discussed in that order.
In response to a question, Ms. Wilson explained the purpose of this committee is directed by the City Commission for the most part, and is self-directed in that members are encouraged
to perform their own research and make recommendations to the City Commission regarding issues of importance that require scrutiny. Prior to this committee being renamed the FRC (Fiscal
Review Committee), it was called the Budget Advisory Committee. That committee basically focused on single capital items or projects. The FRC will be focusing on broader issues. Over
the past year, the FRC has discussed FRC goals, developed a mission statement, reviewed committee rules of procedure, and reviewed and made recommendations to the Commission on departmental
business plans. Members were encouraged to develop their own list of suggested projects and issues to be reviewed by the FRC for submission to the City Commission. Some frustration
was expressed about the lack of direction from the Commission and the difficulty getting FRC members to attend meetings regularly. A suggestion was made that members attend Commission
meetings and contact their respective City Commissioners to discuss any areas of interest or concern. It was noted that at a previous FRC meeting, City Manager Michael Roberto suggested
the FRC review the PBMP (Performance and Behavior Management Program). A suggestion was made to consider review of the downtown redevelopment plan.
Ms. Wilson reviewed a list of possible committee projects. Some of the projects have already begun or completed and included: 1) committee Mission Statement and goals; 2) development
of FRC rules of procedure, including member absences; 3) business plan updates for the Clearwater Marina, Pier 60, Sailing Center, Gas operations, Solid Waste Department, and Recycling;
4) the utility rate study analysis (Solid Waste & Recycling anticipated to go tot the Commission in January/February of 1998); 5) Penny for Pinellas priorities (Commission workshop on
November 18); and 6) PBMP. Discussion ensued regarding a process being developed by upper management, how those projects relate to economic benefits, whether or not they create jobs,
and how they relate to other projects. The Penny for Pinellas projects will be scrutinized to ensure the funds are properly allocated.
The PBMP is beginning and department directors are taking courses on the Internet through the Innovations Group. Course guides were supplied, assignments given, and discussion with
other companies to determine performance measurements and goals for a
given department. Ms. Wilson stated she learned a lot and the course helped her to recognize other avenues exist to measure standards not previously considered.
Board members requested a formal letter be sent to the City Commission, noting the FRC has met with City Manager Michael Roberto and Assistant City Manager Bob Keller. Based on those
meetings, as goals are defined by the City Manager and the City Commission within the next 60 days, the FRC be provided with a copy of the “priority list” of issues. The list will help
the FRC focus on those priorities and provide recommendations to the Commission more effectively and expeditiously. It is hoped that the Commission will make the priority list an agenda
item at their next worksession. FRC members noted their diverse backgrounds and input will be very important to the future of Clearwater.
Discussion ensued regarding the date and time of FRC meetings. It was suggested changing the meeting to 7:30 a.m. to encourage members to attend more regularly. Ms. Wilson will contact
all members to discuss the time and date for the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 a.m.