AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE - DEPOSITORY ACCOUNTS AND TREASURY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Cnq4;�_ qo5 36 31, 3 Authorization Certificate Depository Accounts and Treasury Management Services The undersigned hereby certifies that hear sire is the duty appointed authorized representairwe ar City tof Clear ,to F 1 Cif#dam (Accountholder's complete,legal entit !Carso a name), GoyE+rnt1'entEntity entity yP$l y P C _,. tdescript rt<sf lCrrsunthalde�sNisinessent€ t ("Csastramer'},rritta authority to act tut toehaff ttf Ctrsttrrrier,and that thne following are tMe and correct resolutions dulyadogted by Custoaster in +7cC dance with its fa oration and governing documents,and that these resolutions have riot beers irk any way altered,amended or rescinded, and are now in full force and Effect: Thee undersi"E#fcsIhor certifies that any t of Me f+gawing are set forth opposite their nanwt(and tit(c4 if applicable. Name Title(if applicable) Signature for Facsimile Ski tet 0 Arlan Jay Ravin$ Finance Oftecor 112 mlonica Aiktchell Assistant Finance 01rectar X -ry% 'K vL- A X xa X a, a� X h indivlduatty authorized M and to deslgnatte one or more other Customer officers,agenkts,or employttes teach such afoternent€ones€person, oftloat or designee theroofis inferred to hEerelin n an"liktilhortzed Representative")tw (a)open of dose one or more deposit arlwor serurixles accounts(the",Accounts")with Wills Fargo Gaokl National Association("Bank"),(b}execute and deliver in custo"Wes name such:agreerxsentts3 regarding the Accounts and the services related thereto as Bank may from time to time fegvire;(d authorlx+e and execute transactions an the Accounts,including.w1thout limitation,9)sigrio9chtcks and othor k%struments withdraMng kxWs&om the Accounts,ImIuding thew poaW to ca�,h of to persons who sign thorn.(ii)reatr,esting furls trarisfers by Bank to and from the Ac ants.(ill}entering into arrangements lar the processing of automated clearing house f AC€t)debit entries andhorACH credil entries toand from the Accounts,and(iv}endorsing on beffalf of Customer,and otherwise n€gotiating�checks and other items poable to Customer,(d)incur overdrafts and other obl)gatlons In the Accounts at Bars in connection with anysof the products,services,or activitiesauthorized by ttoeseresoiutlans;and(e)invest Customer's fcknds on wch terms and conditions as suer+ dieemsakppraoprime. Custon*r Is authorized to enter into anyother arrangements,agreements and documents with aspect to any of Bonier deposit and treasury management products and services,in such fcrmand on such terms and coed•>tioas as may be agreed to by an Authorized Representative signing such agreements and documents. ugonwr shall be hound to Bank by,and Bank mAy rely upc n.arty communication or act,isidcrdirsg telepfxdrw communications,purfi Wag to bedone by any partner,employee or agent of Costumer provided that Bank believes,in goad faictr,that the same is,done bya person authrarimci to sa act. The authority hereby c<mferred is in addition to that conferred by arryother cera trate herewfcrreor hereafter delivered to Barrs and shalt -continue in fult farce and effect until thank strati have received notice in writing from Customw of the revocation hereof. Any such fevocalf= shalt beeffective only as to actions which aretaken by Ckxstarnes pursuant to the certifications contained herein,subsettuent to&anir sreceipt of such notice.The authority hereby conhured shall be deemed retroactive,and any and atl acts authorized ht vfn which were performed prior to the ex4ncution or this tertifrcate are hereby.approwd and ratified. The undersigned further certify that the activities covered by the foregoing certiftcalloras ccrnstit+ute duty authorized activities of Custzamr;that said cortincatiens are nGw in full force and eifec t<and that there is ou provision in any decun3eot pursuant to which Customer€s argarriWd 0kn41 rorwhichE governs Customer's continued existeoce ilmiting the power of the undemirgrtedto make the Certlficat€ons set forth herein,and boat the r �'i � CtrstsarsrerrkulfrCkr`kA'�rcrsenf�uGfr"miksdtrlktycksinc'alor�ct�skdr{sArsvl�r7+tt�tcrMirrcrrrnlfris�!irCthsrnrp6+irrkr7 �acarnyrt�'#ngDrsxaramle'ettantfk�i'arm. CcrcrnrwcrrtQreesirr�esal`rbe/ars�Grsiterh�,ttxsritlltdylarN�tf��cerric;cCn,rrrk .{of,7rrnr,rkr�kgrt�t. AutAnrizaLlcrkt ertil"reata •IYrkrk PersrkrtatAtCouMES Fagg t tell 4fa�rt#rdl3i4tl'�'2l!15} 0 53w130(e. same are in conformity with the prOVI$1 %caf at€i such d=Ments, ACKS+14"�tNI.EDGED&AGREED TO: BylSignaturcUL _ �, f Printed Name: William S.Home,it (th€s individual must tsea duiyapvoirtted representative of the Iw of'record) TIVe(if applicable). City l er Cate: titc E S �?l "fax Identification Number of ustomer: 5%0002$9 MN of the Account holder as amlgned iay the iRSt 207 5 MUs Paigo 03,wL ISA.,AN 09his feskm edr Authar#xativn C4itttiratr.Non•PrrrsorW AccmMN Paste 2 o Z €Revisctt pl�'D7fXti l53