DECLARATIONS - ADDITIONAL INSURED ADDED STATE FARM FL OR INSURANCE COMPANY A S7 V'Vf 7+-f"'("')ME E.IIFFK',Eo'!N ivVINTEP t VEP1 F'l.()h"DO POLICY NUMBER 98-CM-S680-4 JA 001626 3123 M-19-6607-F-BBO F Z CITY OF CLEARWATER Po BOX 4748 CLEARWATER FL 33758-4748 YOUR POLICY PROVIDES COVERAGE FOR A CATASTROPHIC GROUND COVER COLLASPE THAT RESULTS IN THE PROPERTY BEING CONDEMNED AND UNINHABITABLE. OTHERWISE YOUR POLICY DOES NOT PROVIDE COVERAGE FO� SINKHOLE LOSSES. YOU MAY PURCHASE ADDITIONAL COVERAGE FOR SINKHOLE LOSSES FOR AN ADDITIONAL PREMIUM. i pan incl A LJ G 0 5 2 0 2 1 N 98-CM-S680-4 DECLARATIONS(CONTINUED) Food Slop Policy for CITE"OF CLEARWATER Policy Number 98-CM-S680- SECTIONI ar p .RTS � ' t Location Location of Limit of InsUr nce* Limit of Insurance* Seasonal Number Described In reale- rail Coverage mr `sr�ess Buildings r nal personal Property property 001 -1`1998 DREW ST No Coverage $ MOO 25% C"LEARWATER Fl- 33759 As of the!! e f( t'1ve date of this policy, thc,, f irn f of lYe7,7anIce as .l"ro1+ n includes any Incl'u'ase in file" lirril dLf' 10 Inflation CoYt,�rag . SECTION I - D, TI L Basic Deductible Spaniel Deductibles: YV7C.n(-,,,y and ' ; ?:,'6.�ritie $25 1":;'Tiployee Dishonesty $250 Other deductibles rn ay;apply relei to policy, AUG�, 05 20�21 I , i�iit f�'E:r'arw"'"��i.i ua ll + r]e ill �.�� 4, 153" `a STATE FARM FLORIDA INSURANCE COMPANY A /:;CP, G"0AIt"AiY•a' P118-11H,10A/lE..11F F IG,r IN K-17fyri r r,AV,--N, F-,F-L Lx-itd:A DECLARATIONS AME _I_ C 202! Policy Numbef 98-CM-S680-4 f I insured-Section 11 Ont M-19-6607-1 13130 F Z 12 Yonl s iii 1 2021 FEB 'I 2022 ripe pool yf pr�l {, I b WW1 c n(l ends m,'1I?01 am 1�:i���3C ai d CIT" OF CLEARWATER t-Ime atthe pre Iseflr,7"cation. PO BOX 4748 CLEARWATER FL. 33758-4748 NamedIncur ed KINNEYS KITCHEN l.LE Food Shop Policy Automatic Rnewal, 1f 11u,,,policy R rloc1 is sls )wn as 12 inonths,this pulaey will be renevved a UtOrnatic lky sulafeul Lo the pYnniiuins,nikes and fours In effect for i;ach s ucr; Fero! policy period. if this policy is tr'rrainatr d,vve tviH give you and the f0w, notice in com Pkarlce With t1b policy provisions or as required by l€uvv, Entity: Li1 iited Liability GuTspr ray Reason for Declaraflons, Your policy is Cern nrred JUL 14 207211 ADDI"] It..?NAL °I`ZtJRED SAD i +t'.�:ID P-ORW CMP-4i86,0 ADDED I_:ndors r entr`'rcn- k-,n' Nore Discounts App ied: Fears in Business ''Enclosed Building Prepared AIJC-� 05 2021 Smit rFrnn rvlu9 al rAutoi i ohi?e lazy' all""' C' 1pany'=�M« t P ' y} [J .s{r,P�,lk] fed�~ rsiiti{�w"+7si,t�r,; Eiv r.es i'sf1,e,Ir��,., .�%17�%s 01;%3"56 r ..0 A.I Cc;ntinued on R eve rseCde of Page P.;rao I ^o f" 6 N DECLARATIONS(CONTINUED) Food Shop Policy for CITE" OF CLEARWATER Policy Number - & - SE l r STM° : l 1 'The coverages and corresponding lifnits shown below apply separately to each described premises shown in these Declarations, u nl indicated b "See Schedule." if a coveragedoes not have a corresponding limit shown below, r` but has "Included" indicated, please refer to that policy provision for an explanation of that coverage, LIMIT OFCOVERAGE INSURANCE Ars.~1OUIItr lac' twsij ,1l sa On Prernises, $10.0100 Off Pren-,ises $5,000 Arson Reward $15_,000 Back.Uri Of Sewer r;Oi Drain $1 a`1,000 Collapse included Daii"age T v I*'o Owne(J „ ildirn. ." r i"orn I hreft, Burglary Or, RC,t7:;=t=err - d.. ,, r�C:'3 Limit Debris Rt rnc:.vac 251%1 ot,t,vo ,cl loss Ey�`gL.,6pr,nfm�,]1 pB�Pa;rS5_'fr'`�tn�.yyk+` rt 0311 9t,'}. re vice, Charge-, Fire Exf ng iss iie Sy(.Merris Rechlarge t}..e a 4p rnse $5000 Food Corflarnination $3-000 Per OCCLArrence $1 0000_1 Glass Expenses lire PLidr1a increased Cost Of C;rl"iti.,lmmion And _14.rnollt[o Costs (applies only wher, brlildings are, <k% i'nssrred Lana r pace lent cost basis", Money And Stectiritle s, (Off P +daises) $5000 Moriey Order's And CoLAnterfeit Money $ 1000 AUIC, 01 20121 13 mi? a in����";.ji�,,1U;e�1`a�,'r (_- 00 ,,,`i?,I .,I in 4ai� I4�nfil'" xII .al: vices off , s,C.its pe (:2'f. G Ca.nfli-lIr(acl on 19(,wexirse Side of Page Page 3 of n N DECLARATIONS ?NTNC ) Ford Shop Policy for CITY OF CLEARWATER Policy Number m - - Newly Acquired BUSineSS Personal Property (applies only Ir this policy pme'1dt), Coverage B - Business Pemon al Property) Newly Acquired Or Constructed Bu ldings (applies only if this policy prCr+,id s $250.000 Coverage A - Buildings) Ordinance Or Law - Equipment Coverage Inr•[Ljded Outdoor Property $5,000 ersC3aa Effects {pplie: imly to those pr rnisrs proviclod rtV ragc B . Business $ 3 0 Personal PropeR {� P'orsonal' Property er"ty Of Prel-nises $15,000 Pollutant Clean Up f^karst Rein val $110.000 Pre,servation Of Property 30 Days Property rte OOkllel, (applies only to �those or;�Cnlsr;s Provided Co°ai 'rage B Bl.d'*r33'`?ss l::er5i,n,al Property) Signs $10.00 0 Spoilage (applies only to Berme prernises provided Covrmg� .. I` rra.rr ess Pt'rs(:)nali Property) Expediting Expenses $1,000 Oyn Prt;i iisc.,,s. $,11151,1�0 0 Valuabk e, Papers, And Record;- On Pr�aii si r:; $i 0.00 Water Dar agtW, ()Hie, Liquids, Powder Or M ter° Ma[ellal Darnag ,Wlt,r :.r:f -IOC_ The coverages and corresponding limits shown below are the most we will pay regardless of the number of described pr nli shown in these l r t€ons. LIMITOF. COVERAGE INSURANCE f`:ae pr`�nds,,nt 1�,ro.p)� rty ... ; civ U Incorn $5-000 PI..i:;1)ar°r rl AI...JG 05 2021 rrr& v, C�d'1 1' _5° P �aYi�li tpl t, it„F r 3 S'1fi4,z VVIIIJ CMP-40-00 �.l� U01'Itinur�, an Next Page Page 4. r'..7f DECLARATIONS(CONTINUED) Food Shop Policy for CITY OF CLEARWATER Policy Number mm1- ,4 Employee Dishonesty $50,00 EX, Utility into fUlDbOt Loss Of 1rrorm,',) $1 OMO Loss Of I n r -ne,, And Ext a, Ex,,Pense Actual 1..oss Sustained - 2 Months P LiMiT OF COVERAGE; INSURANCE Coverage, L - Business Liability $1 M0,000 Coverage M Medical Expenses 'Any f nc,',t Person) $10,000 $i,000,41,E LIMIT OF AGGREGATE LIMITS MURANCE I r t.a Cw,''C• "ilsl l Operations atProns A1gg gate $2,000,000 t..acl"� paid c°lairn for LiabiliIW Coverage reduces the u"tnio rit of ii"IS lean e we provide dti ing [he applicable arlrual period, Please refer to Section I Liability in the Coverage Form and any attached enclo serine ts. Your policy consists is of those e 3}f...-,"I rations .the BUSHiEKSOWNEF S 'GOVERAGE" FORM shown J liuand any -t3', r forms and rvaindorsernem,ts that pf:flyinCli.ding those shown below as well as those i,.,.ued SUbsequent to the iss.iance of this policy, FORMS AND SS CMP-4100 Businc',ssownevs Coverage Fr rrn t'i; P-48 60 'Al D Igri Person rOrg CMP-4702.1 Food Cont t.I ,inatifP n FE-6999-3 rerr rias Insu "am..e Cov Notice CM'-'-4259A +`'1mer7dG.`.G:,1r'r' Endorsement C MP-4561 I Policy Endorsement P l;; 36:.70 xr c,,,Iu ("ash IPilcie Endorsrsn-ient. tJ'€9r°ed f. /'CMP-4000 �+ 3 05 p�, 2yt.. c „.3 >Py;'gh ..it;r F a Psi M -t,�. .' AUto!'nvb Cfll� MP 44J0 C ,�,,.., 290 o Cir' u c rt htev( r.e �, of Page L' ,t F r J P14 DECLARATIONS(CONTINUED) Food Shop Policy for CITY OF CLEARWATER Policy Number 98-CM-S680-4 CMP-45,22.11 !_OSS Of IrrCOMre & Extra.. Expense CMP-47,1 0 Employ (r, Disf­tonest CMP-4709 Money and Secudlies CMP-477/5 Spoilage Coo ra=ge' CMP-4706 Back-Up of Sewer or Dm�n CMP 4704,-1, Dependent l-rop, Loss of, liit loin-w; ¢OM1...-47ry3.t Ufil ty interruption, f oss incr CMP-4788 Add] rnsd Mars Lessor ; STATE FAW FLORIDA NSUPANCE COMPANY HAW N INLAND MARINE ATTACHING DECLARATIONS A ��VH(,"A4U'-'-' Policy Num GA XWOW, 98-ChIS6854 beF Named Insured 1--, " --- -,-"...... PWI Period Effective Dam E"hathn Dme 12 M092605FBBO z �Yonths FEB 1 2021 FEB 1 2022 ,sty Period begs ond ends aa!ZM wo smndard KINNEYS KITCHEN LLC orne e[nommoi catimi, ATTACHING INLAND MARINE .. ........... Aulonrafic Rwwwel - Rdta polley pedod is shown as 12 monos,IN Wy w he renewed aulomatrctial y subjectto the I and fxms A effecthr each s"ceedig POKY We 4 his PAKY I twmhamf we will give you and he viLten, nake in cwhmce voM he polly prowsimm ur as rquired b-,i la,,v AwuWPWhyPremWm Induced The above Prendurn Amourd is AxWed A he Polky Prern"�unn shuv'irt on d-le Decdarabons, Your poky consists of Mese Dedwahons,flrt,,� INI-AN0 MARINE CONDHIONS shcmiri beflovi,and any other forms and endorsements hat appYinduding Mose shouvrt behTni as vveH as Most,msued subsequentto the issuance of this poky, Fo rms, 0 pflows,and E ndorsornents FF;8739 lnL�--md Vlanrxe Cr,)06tjons FE-8791 Amendment of Condbons F087=1 !nWnd NAarine Computer 1'rop c v e"'-se fees' Sc 1 a d u 1 e D; g e Uj',jf!,j Prepared AUG 05 2021 Dnyl;g'M'qt'f-'r" r AMM MOMAh Vannu commy, ,TIN FD--6007 a "W"d"MI d WS"(""S""r [Cs Cff!Cpl IfIr—.r tl its PE, MS„'y; 0 1 MY-) 98-CM-S680-4 ATTACHING INLAND MARINE SCHEDULE PAGE ATTACHING INLAND MARINE ENDORSIMIN T LIM11 OF DIDUCTIBLE ANNUAL W.)MBER COVERAGE INSURANCF, AMOUNT FIRFUIUM FE-8743.1 Wiland Marine Coinputei, Prop 25 , 000 $ 500 1 r1 lUded L',Jss of Incorne, and Ex[ra Expense 2,5 , Included R E"IV E D 2021 171, 011,1ER LIMI FS AND EXCLUSIONS WY APPLY RF.-TFR-1-D`TOUR POLICY, prepwed AUC' 05 2021 11 If,it I d("-j C,Q I q,I I tp,411 111 Fit'.I, ,"I:of 1-ts t Ir t,ii;,13 S P 1 vi 11,r",it I IV'),i,'I q5 j,"p,1 ill SM!,'?I 011"--13r1'.'')