162+172 Devo,n Dr
Bayside Subdivision
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C LEA A W ATE R, F LOR IDA 3 4 6 1 8 - 4 7 4 8
Telephone (813) 462-6567
~ March 1,1996
Peter S Caffentzls, PhD
1058 Chmaberry Road
Clearwater, FL 34624-4902
Dear Mr Caffentzls
Reference IS made to our meetmg of February 26, 1996 at WhICh you requested assistance m su b-dlvldmg
the lots at 162 and 172 Devon Drive, Clearwater Beach
To effect such a property sub-chvlsIOn, you wdl want to execute an applIcation for a sub-dIvIslon plat
review, accompanied by (1) an appropnate survey descnbmg the actIOn you are taking at thIS time, (2)
a graphic showmg the locatIOn of the property, (3) a recorded umty of title, (4) a qUIt claim deed for the
property acquired, and (5) a check for $150 Once the applicatIOn and accompanymg documents have
been received, we Will effect the approprIate staff reVIew and prepare an approval memorandum for the
CIty Manager
Attached you will find an application for a subdlVlsIOn plat reView, the apphcable Clearwater Land
Development Code section govermng admmlstratlve lot subdivIsions and a Umty of Title form To
provide a model for you to follow, also attached IS a completed document set for an actual admImstratlve
lot subdivision action
As, I understand, two subdlvldmg actions are mvolved at two dIfferent times to accomplish what you
want to do, thiS process will have to be repeated as the house IS vacated and razed
Please let me know of any follow-on asSIstance I may render
Central Permittmg Department
"Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer'
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Telephone (813) 462-6567
March 20, 1996
Mr. Wade Hubbard
13465 Walsingham Road
Largo, FL 34644
Dear Mr Hubbard
Reference is made to our conversation of March 15, 1996 dunng whIch you requested mformatIon on
admimstratIve lot SUb-dIVISIOns
To effect such a property sub-divislOn, you will want to execute an applicatIOn for a sub-dlvlslon plat
reVIew, accompanied by (1) an appropnate survey describmg the action you are takmg at tins trme, (2)
a graphic showing the location of the property, (3) a qUIt claim deed for the property acqUIred, and (4)
a check for $150. Once the applicatIOn and accompanymg documents have been received, we Will effect
the appropnate staff review and prepare an approval memorandum for the City Manager
Attached you wIll find an application for a subdivision plat review and the apphcable Clearwater Land
Development Code section governmg admmistratIve lot subdivisions. To provide a model for you to
follow, also attached IS a completed document set for an actual admimstratlve lot subdIvision action
Please let me know of any follow-on assistance I may render
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Central Permlttmg Department
Reohubl AVM
Equal Employment and Aff,rmat've Action EmployerN
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Telephone (813) 462-6567
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March 1, 1996
: I
Peter S Caffentzls, PhD
1058 Chmaberry Road
Clearwater, FL 34624-4902
Dear Mr CdffentzL~
Reference IS made to our meetmg of February 26, 1996 at whIch you requested asslstanGl:, In sub-dlVldmg the
lots at 162 and 172 Devon Dnve, Clearwater Beach '
To effect such a property sub-dIVIsIOn, you will want to execute an apphcatIon for a sub-dlVlslOn plat reView,
accompamed by (1) an approprIate survey descnbmg the actIOn you are takmg at tlus lIme, (2) a grapmc
ShOWIng the locatIOn of the property, (3) a recorded umty of title, (4) a qUlt claim deed for the property
acqUlred, and (5) a check for $150 Once the apphcatlOn and accompanymg documents have been receIVed, we
will effect the approprIatc staff reView and prepare an approval memorandum for the City Mdnager
Attached you wIll find an apphcatlOn for a subdIVISion pIal revlCW, the applIcable Clearwater Land Development
Code sectIOn goverDlng admmlstratIVe lot subdlVlSlOns and a U filty of Title form To provide a model for you
to follow, also attached 15 a completed document set for an actual admmlstratJve lot subdIVISIOn actIon
As, I understand, two subdlVldmg aalOns are Lnvolved at two different hmes to aLwmphsh what you want to
do, thl'> prou,SS Will have to be rcpeated as the house IS VdLdted and fazed '
Please let me know of any follow-on assistance 1 may render
r- .-5 ....-
Allen V Mahan, Coordmator
Central Pernuttmg Department
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C LEA A W ATE R, F LOR IDA 3 4 6 1 B 4 7 4 8
December 3, 1993
Mr. Peter S. Caffentzis
162 Devon Drive
Clearwater, Florida 34630
Dear Mr. Caftentzis:
RE: Administrative Lot Division
This letter serves as confirmation of our meeting on Friday,
December 3, 1993 relating to the future administrative lot division
of your residential property having the addresses of 162 and 172
Devon Drive, Clearwater Beach, Clearwater, Florida.
I have been advised by Lou Hilton, Planner II, that your proposal
meets all standards for approval for administrative lot divisions,
and we stand ready to assist you in carrying out your plans once
you are in a position to proceed with removal of the existing
structures on the property.
If should have any questions concerning this matter, please contact
Mr. Hilton or me at 462-6567.
cc: Administrative Lot Division File
'Equal Employment and Affumat've Action Employer
December 3rd, 1993
Peter S. & Maria V. Caffentzis at 162 Devon Drive and Stella
Caffentzis at 172 Devon Drive
Scott Shuford
Clearwater Code Section 46.06. Administrative plat approval;
condominium plats and lot divisions....... (2) Lot divisions
This is a follow up to my meeting with Mr. Wright on 12/1/93 at 8:00 A.M.
I explained that this is a request by two owners for "...minor subdivision plat
adjustments..... .
The motive for the request is to create a better and safer environment for Stella
Caffentzis (age 93 and mentally competent) by her son Peter S. Caffentzis.
The request will involve two applications:
The first application (filed by Peter & Maria Caffentzis)will be to adjust the 75'
presently allocated to 162 Devon Drive ( owned by Peter & Maria Caffentzis) by
retaining the East 50. and transferring the West 25. to 172 Devon Drive which is
owned by Stella Caffentzis.
The second application (filed by Stella Caffentzis) will be to adjust the 100. now
allocated to 172 Devon Drive into two 50' lots.
Stella Caffentzis will allow the house located at 162 Devon Drive to encroach
upon her property until the house at 162 Devon Drive is either donated or
demolished. A period not expected to take longer than six months.
The house on 172 Devon Drive will be allowed to encroach on both lots until it
is either donated or demolished. a period not expected to take longer than nine
State of Flonda
County of Pmellas
unders1gned are the owners of the property In Bays1de Subdlv1Jllion, said property being lo-
cated In P1nellas Cowrty, Florida, and more particularly described as follows:
Lots 2 to 53 mclus1ve of Bayside Subd1vislon
accorchng to map or plat thereof recorded m
Plat Book 23 at page 17 of the Pubhc Records
of Plllellas County, Flonda.
WHEREAS, we, the owners of the above descnbed properties are deS1r-
OUS of plac mg additional restrictions on the us e of sald property for residential purposes
tins agreement for and m cons1deration of the mutual covenants herem controned and the
further contnderanon of One Dollar ($1. 00) 10 hand pa1d by each of the parnes to the other,
the rece1pt whereof 1S hereby acknowledged, and for other good and valuable cons1deratlOns,
do herem and hereby covenant and agree, one with the other for ourselves, our heirs. Suc-
cessors. assigns and legal representatives, that as to sald property above descnbed, the
followlIlg restnctlOns are hereby placed upon our respective holdmgs as come W1thm the
boundal"1es above described.
1. All lots in the tract shall be known and descnbed as res1denhal one
family lots. No structure shall be erected, altered, placed, or permitted to remain on any
reSidential budding plot other than one detached single-famlly dwelhng or cabana, not to
exceed two stories m height and a private garage and necessary servant's quarters attached
to the malO dwelling.
2. No lot or lots of ttns tract shall at any time be subdlvided or sold ex-
cept each lot as a whole and shall be deeded With reference to the map or plat thereof re~
corded in Plat Book 23 at page 17 of the Pubhc Records of Pinellas County, Flonda, but
ttns restriction shall not prevent the owner from conveymg any part of said lot or lots to
the owner of the adJollUng lots.
3. The plans and spec1ficatlOns for all bUlldlngs or structures wh1ch
the owner contemplates build1ng or placmg upon the lot or lots located 10 Bayslde Subdlvi-
swn shall and must fll'st be submitted to the owners and developers of Bayside SubdlvislOn
or thett duly appolllted agents by the owner or owners of said lots before beginning any work
on any structure or buildlllg.
4. No servant's quarters, garage or outbulldmg of any kmd or nature,
exceptmg only when attached to the mam bUlldmg shall be erected or constructed on the lot
or lots herelll described.
5. No ammals or poultry excepting household pets, shall be kept or
r8.1sed on sald lot or lots.
6. No tra.ller, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other outbulld-
mg erected m the tract shall at any time be used as a reSidence temporarily or permanently,
nor shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a reSidence.
7. No advertismg display or other Signs of any nature or descrlption
shall be erected or placed upon the lot or lots hereby conveyed Without the express written
consent of the owners and developers of Bays1de SubdlVls1on.
8. No boathouse, dock, wharf, or bUllding or other structure shall be
placed. bullt or erected between the sea wall hne as shown on the map or plat of Bays1de
Subd1VlsIon and the channel of Clearwater Bay, except the owner or owners of any lot or
lots located in this submVlslon shall be perm1tted to erect a dock begmnlng at the sea wall
hne shown on s8.J.d plat and III no event extending further than into the waters of Clearwater
Bay than the dock hne shown on said map or plat.
9. No dwellUlg or cabana cost1Og less than Three Thousand F1ve Hundred
($3,500) Dollars shall be permitted on Lots 2,3,4,5,6 and 53 of the tract. The ground floor
area of the mam dwellmg exclUSive of one-story open porches and garages, shall be not less
than 700 square feet in the case of a one story house and less than 700 square feet in the
case of a one and one-half or two story house. No dwelhng or cabana costing less than Four
Thousand ($4, 000) Dollars shall be permitted on Lots 7 and 52 of the tract. The ground
floor area of the mlUn dwellmg, exclusive of one story open porches and garages, shall be
not less than 1,100 square feet III the case of a one story structure nor less than 800 square
feet 111 the case of a one and one-half or two story structure. No dwellmg or cabana costing
less than F1ve Thousand ($5, 000) Dollars shall be permItted on Lots 8 to 51 inclUSive of tlus
". '
-2 -
tract The ground floor area of the maln structure excluslve of one-story open porches
and garages shall be not less than 1.200 square feet 10 the case of a one-story structure
nor less than 800 feet 1n the case of a one and one-half or two story structure.
10. No outs1de totlet shall be permltted. but there shall be constructed
1n connectIon WIth any dwelling or cabana on any of Sald lots a sephc tank the 10catlOn and
constructIon of wtuch meets all the reqUlrements of the local and State health author1tIes
and wluch has been approved 10 wr1hng by the owners and developers of Bayslde SubdIVISion.
11. No bUIldmg shall be erected on Lots 2 thru 31 InClUSIVe nearer than
20 feet to the bulkhead hne and no buIldmg shall be erected on Lots 32 to 53 mcluSlve nearer
than 25 feet to the bulkhead lme nor nearer than twenty (20) feet to Devon DrIve, as shown
on the map or plat of said Bayslde SubdiVlSIOn No buildlng shall be located nearer than fIve
feet to any Side lot lme.
12. No owner of any lot or lots located W1th1O tlus SubdIVlslOn shall be
permitted to fill 10 or cause to be fIlled m any submerged lands WhICh shall extend further
mto Clearwater Bay than the sea wall hne as shown on the orIgInal map or plat of thiS sub-
13 No sea wall or retalnlng wall shall be bUllt abuttIng any of the lots
located In tlus subdlV1sIon, except on the hne deSIgnated on the orIginal plat as the sea
wall lme.
14 These covenants are to run WIth the land and shall be bmd10g on all
the parnes and all persons clalmmg under them untIl January I, 1985, at wh1ch hme s81d
covenants shall be automatically extended for succeSSIve periods of ten (10) years unless
by a vote of the majonty of the then owners of the lots It IS agreed to change the s8.1d cove-
nants In whole or m part.
15. If the partIes hereto, or any of them, or thet.r hell'S or ass1gns, shall
v10late or attempt to violate any of the covenants herem It shall be lawful for any other per-
son or persons owning any real property sltuated m 88.l.d development or subdiVlslon to prose-
cute any proceedmgs at law or In equity ag8J.nst the person or persons Vlolatmg or attemptmg
to Vlolate any such covenant and eIther to prevent h1m or them from so dOing or to recover
damages or either dues for such vlOlahon.
16. invalidatIon of anyone of these covenants by Judgment or court order
shall in no wise affect any of the other proVlslOns whtch shall remain III full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals thIS
31st day of May 1940 A. D.
860 page 51
No. 609891
Shows acknowledged In Ptnellas County. FlorIda, on June 22, 1940.