DRB97-018 DRB 97-018 2701 Via Cipriani The Grand Bellagio JOHNSON, BLAKELY, POPE, BOKOR, RUPPEL & BURNS, P A ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLOR,> AT LAW E D ARM~ I RONG III BRUCE W BARNES JOHN I BLAKELY BRUCE H BOKOR GUYM BURNS 10NA THAN S COLcMAi'l MICHAEL T CRONIN ROBERT M DAISLEY ELIZABETIJ J DANIEU MARION HALE JAMES Vv HUMANN SCOTT C ILGENFRITZ FRA..'IK R JAKE.'. TIMOTHY A JOHN'>ON, 1R AMAl\'DA C KAISER SHARON E !-.RICK ROGERA LARSON JOHN R LAWSON 1R * MICHAEL G LITTLE MICHA} L C MARK] IAIvl ~TFPHANIE T MARQUARDr F WALLACE POPE 1R ROBERT V POTTER, JR DONALD P REED DARRYL R RICHARDS PETER A RJVELLINJ DENNI~ G RUPPEP CHARLES A SAMARKOS JOHN A SCHAEFER PHILIP M SHASTEEN CLAY C SCHUETT PIERCY J STAKELUl'vI IV JOAN M VECCHIOU AIvillER F WILLIAM" TIJLIUS J ZSCHAU .01' COUN"EL PLEASEREPLYTO CLEARWATER FILE NO 40534 1 00804 June 11, 1999 VIA FACSIMILE (727) 562-4547 AND U.S. MAIL Ms Cynt\'1la Hardin Planning & Development Services Administration City of Clearwater Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33758-4748 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES City OF CLEARWATER Re The Grand Bellaglo at Bay Watch Dear Clndl Based on the definition of a "subdivIsion" as set forth In ArtIcle 8 of the Clearwater Community Code, It IS our understanding that the City Will not requIre platting of the referenced property It appears that the platting requirements set forth In the Code may be In conflict With the "subdivIsIOn" definition, and therefore, we ask that you confirm to us In writing that the "subdivIsion" definition Will govern the project and therefore, platting Will not be required Very truly yours, RALlar cc Mr Ralph SanJurJo 188068 CLEARWATER OPJ<IC.F 911 C.HE:>rNUT <;[REliT POST OFFICE BOX 1368 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33756-1368 TELEPHONE (727) 461 1 BIB TELECOPIER (727) MI 8617 BANKRUPTCYTELECOPlrR (727) 44J-<;5<lll TAMPAOFFIC.E 100 NORTH TAMPA ~ IRLL'T SUITE 1800 POST OFFICE BOX HOO TAMPA, FLORlDA 336025145 TELEPHONE (ll J3) 225 2500 lELECOPIER (813) 223 7]] R NAPLES OFFICE g75 SIXIH AVE S POST 0 FFIC P EO X 1,68 NAPLE~ FLORIDA ,4102 TLLhPHONE (g41) 435 0035 TELEC-OPlrR. (941) 435 9992 :. K~ """,,",NO !!!g CI\o'II Engl neefln~ TransPQrti)tlon Pla" nln€ .& :Englneenng Envlronmenlal Engineering PI3nnong & land'cape Archlt"c!u," E.coloe:u::al Ser....lce.s. Su'vey, ng & MapPing Cons.tructlon Management 4921 Memorial Highway One Memoflal Center SUite 300 Tampa, Florida 33634 Phone 813 880 8881 ~J 813 880 8882 E Mali klng@klngeng com June 10, 1999 Mr, Kevm Gamatt CIty of Clearwater Planning & Development Services P.O Box 4748 Cleanvater, FL 34618-4748 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY OF CLEARWATER Re' Baywatch Plattmg Requirements Dear KevIn, I would like to affirm m vmtmg the detenrunatlOn that was given to the potential developers of the Baywatch apartment community at the June 2, 1999 BPRC regarding the CIty plattmg requIrements Based upon our conversatIOns at the BPRC meetmg, It was determmed that the project SIte would be divided mto two distinct parcels and according to the City Land Development Code, a record plat will not be reqUIred for thIS project. The delineation between the two parcels Will be proVided by meets and bounds legal descriptIOns for the purposes of potential resales of each parcel m the future Please proVide a determrnatIon In \VTltmg from the City of Clearwater verifying that our understandmg IS correct I can be contacted at (813) 880-8881 If you have any further questlOns regardmg thiS request, ~e~rJZf'~rzd ~-tJ. Gotwald, P.E Sernar Project Manager JJG/sv cc Antonia Gerh, City of Clearwater Don Kafka, Del Amencan Properties Coos Del Guidice, Del Amencan PropertIes Paul Verlander, Paul Verlander Landscape Architect Don Lang, The Lang ArchItectural Group, Inc MIchael Gallo, Humphreys Arcmtects Ralph Sanjwjo, The SanJwjo Co Roger Larson, Johnson, Blakley et al Gerald BlOndo, Murat, Wald, BIOndo & Moreno, P A. FIle 1180-002-000302 99 G 1ADMIN\ 1180-002 000\LETIERS\GARRI002 JJG .r ~mrwater ;~ ARTICLE 8: DEFINITIONS AND RULES OF CONSTRUcnON DefmitioDs (Note. All buildings are structures, but, not all structures are buildings). Subdivision means any diVIsIOn or redivision of land mto three or more lots, tracts, sites or parcels for the purpose of transfer of ownership or buIlding development. The term "subdIvision" shall also mclude any change of a property line of a lot, tract, site or parcel. , Subdivision street means a street within a subdivision designed to provide access to those lots unmediately adjacent to said street; (average daily traffic should not exceed 1000 vehIcle tnps per day). Substantial enlargements or improvements means a 10% increase m eXIstIng square footage or 50% increase 10 assessed valuatIOn of the structure. Substantially affected person means any person or entIty whIch will suffer to a greater degree than the general publIc an adverse effect to a legally recogruzed 10terest protected or furthered by thIS Development Code or the Comprehensive Plan Substantia) damage means damage of any ongm sustamed by a structure whereby the cost of restonng the structure to Its before damages conditIon would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred Substantial improvement means: I With respect to any property located on Clearwater Beach or Sand Key, any repaII', reconstruction, rehabIlitation, addition or other improvement of a structure dunng a five~year period, the cumulative cost of whtch equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the start of construction of the lDlprovement; or 2, With respect to any property located in an area of special flood hazard other than on Clearwater Beach or Sand Key, reconstruction, rehabilttation, addition or other Improvement if a structure during a one~year period, the cost of wluch equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the start of constructIOn of the Improvement For the purposes ofthts defuution, construction IS considered to have started when the first alteratIon of any wall, ceIlmg, floor or other structural part of the buildIng commences, whether or not that alteratIon affects the external dimensIOns of the structure The term includes structures whIch have mcurred substantIal damage, regardless of the actual repaIr work performed The term does not, however, mclude any project for Improvement of a structure to correct eXIstmg VIOlatIOns of health, sarutary or safety code specIficatIOns wluch have been Identified by the bUlldmg OffiCIal and whIch are the mmimum necessary to ensure safe hvmg conditIons. The terms does not include any alteratIon of a structure lIsted on the NatIonal Register of Ristonc Places or the state Inventory of lustoric places, provided that the alteratIon Will not preclude the structure's cont1Oued deSIgnation as a Instonc structure on such NatIonal Register or state inventory Swale means a shallow channel, usually sodded and generally dry except during and CITY OF CLEARWATER LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS JANUARv21,1999 PAGEs.41 AS ADOPTED , ,J I ~I .l ,{j rt- . .J." .1 j." Ill' n '"d '"d n ::0.:: f-' f-'.... (I) ro orn n rn ::J '<: .., ::J ::r> :E:: t/:j .... 0 ::J - lb 0 ::J I-!, n n ~ oq 0 rD n ::J - '1 """1<'> f-' .... "-..J rD p:, - ..,...I;:jp:, >Tj COrD Ii 0 f-' <: :E:: rD 0 rD tll '1 - '1 f-'n f-' - .... 0 rD .... P. 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