Glenda E Hood
Secretary of State
September 22,2003
Mr Mark Parry
City of Clearwater
100 South Myrtle Avenue
C!ear.vater, FL 33758
Do~I~6ater Design GUidelmes
Grant No FU216
SEP 2 4 2003
Dear Mr PalTY
The draft of the Downtown Clearwater Design GUidelmes, sub~'itetl CUft~~-&ffi~W1\TA-ugust 11,
2003, have been reviewed and can be considered approved by this office once the followmg
Issues have been addressed
An acknowledgement of the use of histone preservatlOil grant assistance through
federal/state fundmg must be mc1uded as staled m Part I, A f of Attachment A of the
Grant Award Agreement to read as follows
This project has been financed In part with hlStOlIC preservatIOn grant assistance
prOVIded by the NatIOnal Park SerVice, US Department of the InterIor, adnlllllstered through
the Bureau of HIStOrIC Pre~ervatlOn, D/vlslOn of HIstorIcal Resources, Flonda Department of
State, assisted by the Flonda Hlstoncal CommissIOn However, the contents and opinIOns do not
necessanly reflect the views and opinions Of the Department of the InterIOr or the Flonda
Departmem of State, nor does the mentIOn of trade names or commerCial products constl/Ule
endorsement or recommendatIOn by the Department of the InterIOr or the FlOrIda Department of
Sta te TIm program receives Federal financial an /s tance for Iden lIfica tlOn and protectIOn of
h IS tOrI C propertle ~ Under Tit Ie VI of the CIVIl R Igh Is A ct of 1964, SectIOn 504 of the
RehabllltatlOn Au of 1973, and the Age DHcnmlllatlOn Act of 1975, as amended, the US
Department of the lntenor prolublts dISCn/JIlllatlOn all tile baSIS of race, color, natlOnalorIglll,
dlsabllllY, or age 111 ItS federally assisted programs If YOll belleve YOIl have been dl ~ulml1Jated
agal1Jstl/1 allY program, actIVIty, or facdlty as descnhed above, or if you de~lre filrther
lIiformatroll, please WI Ite to Office oj Equal Opportul1lty, NatIOnal Pm k SerVIce, 1849 C STreeT,
NW Washmgton, DC 20240
500 S Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . http'llwww nherltage com
o D1rf!ctor's Office
(850) 24%300 . FAX 245-6435
o Archaeological Research
(850) 245-6444 · FAX 245-6436
o Hlstonc Preservation
(850) 245-6333 . FAX 245-6437
o Hlstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6400 . FAX 245-&133
o Palm Beach Regional Office
(561) 279-1475 . FAX 279.1476
o St Augustine Regional Office
(904) 825-5045 . FAX 825-5044
o Tampa Regional Office
(813) 272-3843 . FAX 272-2340
Grant No
Page 2
2 Secretary of Interior's Standards/or RehabilItation must be mcluded m the gUldelmes
3 A descnptJon of the dIfferent architectural styles and the charactenstIcs of each style found
m the histone area, needs to be mcluded Photographs of local examples should be used as
representdlive of the archItectural styles
4 The gludelInes are lackmg on rehabilitation gUIdelines concernmg matenals found m the
area and the proper way to perfonn restoration on those matenals A chapter needs to be
mcluded covenng the dIfferent matenals, how to repair and restore these matenals and
procedures that should be aV01ded that could damage the matenals Applicable Secretmy
of intenor 's Standards for RehabdaatLOn, that apply to the restoratIOn of each matenal,
should be mcluded as reference
Please note that the final Progress and Expenditure Report and two copies of the final DesIgn
GUldelmes are due m thiS office no later than October 31. 2003.
lfyou have any questIOns or If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesItate to contact me
at (850) 245-6333 or toll free at (800) 847-7278 or VIa e-maIl at mrowley@dos state f1 us
SIncerely ~
~: Mt-
HIstone PreservatIOn Planner
B u reall 0 f HIS ton c Preserv a tlOn
Glenda E. Hood
July 14,2003
JUL 2 1 20U3
Ms Cyndl Hardlll Tarapalll
CIty of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, uti
RE Dow ater Design GUidelznes PrOject
GranfJ)/n r.g2}(r-
Dear Ms Hardlll Tarapalll
This IS to remllld you that per the reqlllrements of the scope of work as stated III the Grant Award
Agl eemcnt, a draft of the final product must be submitted to thiS office for review and approval
no later than forty-five days pnor to the end of the grant penod The draft. for the l!rant
I efercnced above must be submitted to this office no later than Au ust 15 2003 Please note
that thele IS no extensIOn for thIS ate
Please be cClialll to send the draft to my attentIOn and to IIlclude a detailed descnptlOn of any
IIlfOrmatlon that IS IIlcomplete, such as graphIcs, appendIces, IIldexes, etc
If you have any questIOns or If I can be of further aSSistance, please do not heSitate to contact me
at (850) 245-6333 or (800) 847-7278 via e-maIl at mrowlev@mall dos state flus
Sl11ceIely, ~
~~:: ~
~;~c PreservatIon Planner
BlIleau ofHlstonc Preservation
500 S Bronough Street . Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . http /lwww flhentage com
o Director's Office 0 Archaeological Research ~nc Preselvatlon
(850) 2-15.6300 . FAX 245-6435 (850) 2-15-6-14-1 . FAX 245-6-136 (850) 245-6333' FAX 245-6-137
o I-h~toncal Mu~eums
(850) 2-15-6-100' FAX 245-.
o Palm Beach Regional Office
(561) 279-1475 . FAX 279-1476
o 5t Augustine RegIOnal Office 0 Tampa RegIOnal Office
(90-1) 825-5045' FAX 825-5Q-l4 (813) 272-3843' FAX 272-2340
Glenda E. Hood
Secretary of State
May 13,2003
Ms CyndI Hardm Tarapam
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Re Downtof~r Design GUidelines
Grant No F0216
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
Thank you for submlttmg your thIrd Progress & ExpendIture Report for the above referenced
project on May 8,2003 The repOlt was reviewed and approvcd on May 13,2003
To date you have documented $0 00 m Donated Services/Donated Values, and $0 00 m grant
fund expenditures
In order to complete the grant file, please provide a copy of the eO\'el Jetter of consultants
respondmg to the city's RFQ
Should you have any questIons please feel free to contact me at (850) 245-6333, toll free at (800)
847-7278, or via e-mail at mrowley@maIl dos state fl us
Histone PreservatIOn Plamler
Bureau of HIstone PreservatIon
..0 .4, ('A\.
C}~~ ~ '/i
~~~ /& ~
O;(\Q d'~
~O~ '?o V
~...t'\ "'9;p
:ov~ ~/'
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-02St. http'/
Jjz ~fjI-
CJ Directors Office
(850) 245-6,00 . FAX 245-6435
o ArchaeologICal Reb\.arch
(850) 245-64..\4 . FAX 245-6436
CJ I Itslonc Preservation
(850) 2..\5-6333 . FAX 245-6437
CJ Hlstoneal Museums
(850) 245-6400 . r AX 245-6433
o Palm Beach Regwnal Office
(561) 279-1475 . FAX 279-1..\76
o St Augu~tme RegIOnal Office 0 T dmpd RegIOnal OffIce
(904) 825-5045' FAX 825.50,14 (813) 272-38..\3 . FAX 272-2340
Glenda E. Hood
Secretary of State
May 12, 2003
Ms CyndI Hardm Tarapam
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
RE g~~~tf~~ter DesIgn GUldelznes ProJ ect
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
Enclosed you wIll find your copy of the fully executed Amendment Number One to the
subject Grant Award Agreement
Please allow me to respond to any questIOns or comments you may have I can be reached by
telephone at (850) 245-6333, or toll free at 1-800-847-7278 In addItIon, my e-mail address IS
mrowley@maII dos state fl us Thank you
HIstone PreservatIOn Planner
Bureau of HIstone PreservatIon
Enclosure (1)
MAY 1 tj lUlJ1
~rry OF CL ;f'ARTMEN1
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . h9p'llwww.f1herltage com
D Dlredor's Off"e 0 Archaeolog"al Research C!J1'istonc Preservation D Ihstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6300' FAX 245-6435 (850) 245-64-14' FAX 245-6436 (850) 245.6333' FAX 245-6437 (850) 245.6400' FAX 2-15-6433
D Palm Beach Regional Office
(561) 279-1475' FAX 279.1476
D 5t Augustine Regional Office D Tampa Regional Office
(904) 825.5045 · FAX 825-5044 (813) 272-3843' FAX 272-'2340
Grant No. F0216
This AMENDMENT to the Agreement dated October 29, 2002, heremafter referred to as the
Agreement, between the State of FlorIda, Department of State, D1VlSlon of HIstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the City ot Clearwater, herelllJ.ftt.r referred to as the
Grantee relatIve to the Downtown Clearwater Design GUidelines Project, heremafter referred to as
the Project, shall be effewve when properly executed by the parties thereto, and shall be made a part of
the angInal Agreement
The Grantee has requested leVlSlon of the ProJec.(s completlOn date as descnbed m Paragraph One and
SectIOn IT A of the ongmal Agreement The reVlS10n IS necessary to complete the Project and 1S fully
acceptable to the Department The requested reV1SlOn has been reviewed and found to be III accordance
WIth current regulatIons The Agreement IS amended as follows
1 The Project completlOn date as descnbed In Pal agraph One ,:md ScctlOn II A 1S hereby
changed from June 30,2003 to September 30,2003
All other terms, conditIons and prov1slOns of the Agreement remam In full force and effect
ThiS A.mendment 15 entered mto and executed on
dJ.Jl~'"8. ~-Z
SIgnature of Authonzed OffiCial
Will~am B. Horne II, C~ty Manager
Typed Name and TItle of Authonzed Officlal
Glenda E. Hood
Secretary of State
May 6, 2003
MAY 1 2 2003
CIty of Clearwater
il2 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
RE 'JUleanvater DesIgn GUldelmes PrOject
Grant No F0216
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
ThIS IS to remmd you that the final Grant Award Agreement Penod for the project referenced
above ends June 30, 2003 You must have all funds, both from the grant and the match,
encumbered pnor to thiS date Any expendIture encumbered after June 30. 2003 WIll not be
Please be certam to have all work related to the proJect, mcludmg a final draft(s) of the
dehverable and a final progress and expendIture report, submItted to thiS office no later than
July 31,2003 to ensure prompt review and payment
If you have any questIons or If I can be of further aSSistance, please do not heSitate to contact me
at (850) 245-6333 or at 800-847~7278, via e-mail atmrowley(cV.maIl dos state fl us
~~ PreservatIOn Planner
Bureau ofHlStOflC Preservation
~ ~~-:;;k~~,~~
~-MeA-""" .MJ ~~ ff~ LY~ _'-- /J
~ 4ij?ii?/~/llV _ LJ
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . http://www.fihcntage com
o Dlrector's Office 0 Archaeological Research ~nc Preservation 0 I-hstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6300' FAX 245-6435 (850) 245-6444' FAX 245-&136 (850) 245-6333' FAX 245-6437 (850) 245-&t00 . FAX 245-6433
o Palm Beach Regional Office
(561) 279-1475 . FAX 279-1476
o Sf; Augustme ReglOnal Office 0 Tampa Reglonal Office
(904) 825.5045 . FAX 825-5044 (813) 272-3843 . FAX 272-2340
.. .. '0
Glenda E. Hood
Secretary of State
MAY 02 20D3
Ms CyndI Hardm Tarapam
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
r2 n n f,;:J
U:=' \,;\, H~
RE Dow.ntown=@letlr-water Deslgn Gwdelmes Project
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
Please find enclosed two copIes of ~end:thent:'N,tl.mber'One to the HIstone PreservatIOn Grant
Award Agreement for the above referenced project-Xfter YOl~r reView, please
I Have both copIes of the Amendment sIgned
2 Return both sIgned copIes to me We Will sign, date and return one completely
executed document to you for your files
If you have any questIOns or In can be of further assIstance, please do not heSitate to contact me
at (850) 245M6333
~7i;~ ~fr
NfaGi Rowley
Histone PreservatIOn Planner
Bureau ofHlstonc PreservatIon
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 .
o Director's Office 0 Archaeological Research ~c PreselVahon 0 Hlstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6300 · FAX 245.6435 (850) 245-6444 · FAX 245-6436 (850) 245-6333 · FAX 245-6437 (850) 245-6400 · FAX 245-6433
o Palm Beach ReglOnal Office
(561) 279-1475. FAX 279-1476
o 5t Augustme Regional OffIce 0 Tampa ReglOnal Office
(904) 825-5045 . FAX 825-5044 (813) 272-3843 . FAX 272-2340
Grant No. F0216
This AMENDMENT to the Agreement dated October 29, 2002, heremafter referred to as the
Agreement, between the State of Flonda, Department of State, D1VISlOll of HistorIcal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the City of Clearwater , heremafter referred to as the
Grantee, relative to the Downtown Clearwater Design Guidelines ProJect, heremafter referred to as
the ProJect, shall be effect1ve when properly executed by the partIes thereto, and shall be made a part of
the oogmal Agreement
The Grantee has requested revIsIon of the Project's completion date as descnbed m Paragraph One and
SectlOn 11 A of the ongmal Agreement The reVISion IS necessary to complete the Project and 1S fully
acceptable to the Department The requested reVlSlOn has been reviewed and found to be 111 accordance
wlth current regulations The Agreement 1S amended as follows
1 The Project completlOn date as descnbed m Paragraph One and SectlOn II A 15 hereby
changed from June 30,2003 to September 30,2003
All other terms, condltlO1l5 and proVlSIons of the Agreement rema111 111 full force and effect
This Amendment 15 entered Into and executed on
Director, DIVISIOn ofH1stoncal Resources
c1J.~A'a~13. 4,- -:II:
SIgnature of Authonzed OffiCial
William B. Horne II, City Manager
Typed Name and TItle of AuthorIzed OffiCial
Grant No. F0216
Th1S A1V1ENDMENT to the Agreement dated October 29, 2002, heremafter referred to as the
Agreement, between the State of Flonda, Department of State, DIvISion of Hlstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the CIty of Clearwater, heremafter referred to as the
Grantee, relative to the Downtown Cleanvater Design GUldelmes Project, heremafter referred to as
the Project, shall be effeCtlve when properly executed by the parties thereto, and shall be made a part of
the ongmal Agreement
The Grantee has requested revIsion of the ProJect's completlOn date as descnbed III Paragraph One and
SectIon II A of the ongmal Agreement The reVlSlon IS necessary to complete the Project and 1S fully
acceptable to the Department The requested reVlSlOn has been reVIewed and found to be m accordance
wIth current regulatIOns The Agreement IS amended as follows
The Project completlOn date as descnbed In Paragraph One and SectlOn II A IS hereby
changed from June 30, 2003 to September 30,2003
All other terms, condltlons and prOV1S1ons of the Agreement rema10 10 full force and effect
ThIS Amendment IS entered mto and executed on
Director, DlVlSlon ofHlstoncal Resources
~'fIJ:'__ 13. ~-...... T
SIgnature of Authonzed OffiCIal
William B. Horne II, City Manager
Typed Name and Title of Authonzed OffiCIal
~DrL ~
Summary of HlstofiCPreservanon Grant
Grant NO 1'0216
Dept of State FEID No - 59-60001874
CFDA No 15-904
FP/stJ '
PrOject Amount - $10,000
2 Scope - Architectural DesIgn GUldelmes utIhzmg the DlvlSlon's Model
GUldehnes for DesIgn Review and the Secretary of Intenor Standards for
3 A draft must be submitted to the Dept 45 days pnor to June 30tl1
4 3 COplCS of the final document must be submitted to the Dept of States, DIVISiOn
ofHlstoncal Resources
5 The CIty may subcontract the work as necessary provIded that the Department of
Hlstoncal Resources pnor to ItS execution has approved the subcontract In
6 The CIty shall not charge the Dept for any travel expense without the
Department's wntten approval
7 All project work must be m compliance with the Secretary of the Intenor's
Standards for Preservation PlannIng
8 The product of the Project must be the ongmal work of the Grantee or ItS
consultants If the work of others IS used as background mformatiOn, It shall be
appropnately credited to the ongmator
ProfeSSIonal services may be procured by competitIVe negotIatiOn procedures In
the followmg manner
a Request proposals from 3 or more competitors
b Evaluate and rank theIr qualIficatiOns, and
c Select the most qualified competItor, ensunng fair and reasonable
cornpetI tl on
The followmg must also be done
Publicize the request through notIces In local newspapers or trade
Journal, 10 addItion to mdlvIdual solIcItatiOns, and
11 Identify all slgmficatiOn evaluation factors and their relative
Importance III the request of proposal
rrn.~~~'-tnar f!J(UJ-
9 Amount of Grant IS available In 4 quarterly Installments The first 3 may be made
at the begmmng of each quarter A "Progress and Expenditure Report" must be
submItted each reportmg penod Progress and Expenditure Rcports shall be
receIved by the Dept wlthm 30 days of the endmg of a reportmg penod
Reportmg pen ods are as follows
1st PerIod - Date the Agreement IS fully executeC\.by this Office to Sept
30lh (deadlIne for receIpt of report IS Oct 31,2002 )
2nd Penod - Oct 1, 2002 - Dec 31 S\ 2002 (deadlIne for receipt of report
IS J an 3 1 SI)
3rd Penod - Jan 1, 20rjl- Mar 315\ 2003 (deadline for receipt of report IS
4th PerIod - Apr 1, 2003 - June 30, 2003 (deadlme for receipt of report IS
July 31 SI)
PrOject Progress Reports must mclude a schedule or major work elements
and final completIon of the project, bnef descrIptIOn of work
accomplished WIthm prevIOUS 3 months, descnptlOn of unusal
problems/conditIons encountered, copies of reqUire documents I e
contracts, press releases, etc ), and any completcd work
10 If the project work IS not fully completed m both a timely and satisfactory
manner, the Dept reserves the rIght to demand and receIve full reimbursement of
all sums which It has paid the CIty under thIS Agreement
11 The Dept shall review and approve as to form and content all proposed contracts
of the Grantee for the procurement of goods and services relatmg to the project
work and all proposed contract change orders or amendments prIor to final
executIOn of said contracts, etc
12 Surplus funds must be temporarily mvested and the mterest earned on such
mvestments shall be returned to the State The CIty must report mterest earnmgs
quarterly and shall rcmlt the total mterest earned at the end of the grant penod m
the form of a check or money order made payable to the Dept of State
PrOject Progress and Expenditure Report must be filed by the followmg dates
(Project must be mLtIated wlthm first 90 days of grant penod)
Oct 31,2002
J an 3 1, 2002
Apnl 30, 2002
July 31,2002
Any extensIon of the grant penod must be authonzed by a formal agreement of the grant
award agreement
PublIcIty ReqUirements ]n Attaclunent A
At the outset of the project, a news release must be Issued The release must mclude
sources of grant funds, name of project along with Its nature and benefits to the
commulllty This must be sent to local pnnt and electrolllc media Another release must
be Issued upon completIOn of the project
Must have effort to encourage publIcatIOn of one or more feature stones on the project by
a newspaper, magazme or televlSlon program of at least local cIrCUlatIon EVidence IS
copy of artIcle or letters to papers, magazme, teleVisIOn statIOns requestmg such story If
artIcle done - thiS must be sent to State
Must mform elected offiCIal (state, mayor, Clty and county commissIOn) by letter of the
nature and benefits of the project
Because our grant If from federal money - we must use A 1 f (2) standard bne re who IS
fundmg prOject m new releases and promotIOnal matenal
Glenda E. Hood
Secretary of State
AJ-'I( iC t:: lUll3
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam PLANNI
~ NG OEP,~
ThIS IS to remmd you that per the reqUIrements of the il~QF @ k '!~ ~Nirthe Grant Award
Agreement, a draft of the final product must be submItted to thiS o~ 1Ni\S~v and approval no
later than forty-five days pnor to the end of the grant penod The deadlIne [or subnnttal of the draft for
Lhe grant referenced above IS Mar 15. 2001 Please be certam to send the draft to my attentIOn and to
mclude a detaIled descnptlon 0 any InfOrmatIon that IS Incomplete, such as graphics, appendices,
mdexes, etc
Ms CyndI HardIn Tarapam
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceold Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
RE Downto~ ~l~rUaer DeSign GuIdelmes Project
Grant NOF(jf'~
If you have any questIOns or If! can be of further aSSistance, please do not heSitate to contact me at (850)
245-6333 or (800) 847-7278 VIa e-maIl at mrowley@marl dos state f1 us
Smcerely, ~
HIstonc PreservatIon Planncr
Bureau of HIstone Prescrvatlon
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . http://www.tlhentage com
o DIrector's Office 0 Al'l:haeologJcal Research ~onc PreservatIon D I-hstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6300' FAX 245-6435 (850) 245-6444' FAX 245-6436 (850) 245-6333' FAX 245-6437 (850) 245-6400' FAX 245-6433
o Palm Beach RegIOnal OffIce
(561) 279-1475' FAX 279-1476
o St Augushne RegIonal Office 0 Tampa RegIonal OffIce
(9lM) 825-5045 . FAX 825-5044 (813) 272-3s.t3 . FAX 272-2340
Glenda E. Hood
Secretary of State
Apnl 11,2003
Ms Cyndl Hardm Tarapam
CI ty 0 f Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Re Dow~i~e~Clter DesIgn GUIdelines
Grant No F02Ta
APt{ 1 ~ 1003
Dear Ms Hardin Tarapam
Your second Progress & Expenditure Report for the above referenced project was receIved on
Apnl 2, 2003 The report was reviewed and approved on Apnl 11, 2003
To date you have documented $0 00 In Donated ServlceslDonated Values, and $0 00 In grant
fund expendItures
Should you have any questIOns about the grant process, or If I ean help you m any way, please
feel free to contact me at (850) 245-6333, toll free at (800) 847-7278, or Via e-mail at
mrowley@mml dos state f1 us
~c: ~3
Mary E Rowley
Histone Preservatlon Planner
Bureau ofHlstonc PreservatIOn
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399p025ty' hltp://w,""
[] Dlre~tor's Off"e [] Archaeological Research ltI"klstonc PreselVahon [] Hlstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6300' fAX 2-15-6435 (850) 245-6444 . fAX 245-6436 (850) 245-6333 . FAX 245-6437 (850) 245-6400 . fAX 245-6433
C'I Palm Beach Regional Office
(561) 279-1475 . FAX 279-1476
[] St Augustme RegIOnal Office C'I Tampa RegIOnal Off1~e
(904) 825.5045' FAX 825-5044 (813) 272-3843' FAX 272.2340
, <t'
Glenda E. Hood
Secretary of State
Malch 31, 2003
Ms Cynch Hcudln Tmapal1l
City oCClealwdtel
il2 SOLlth Osceola Avenue
Clec\l\Vdtcr FL 33756
Re DOHI;JB1LEater De5lgn GUlClel/J1es
G, {{Ill Nn Fm /6
[Q) IE @ lE 11 \i} l~ \~
liD f.:'] - 9 2003 lJ)J
CITY OF (:t ftSfI<I;.TEfl
Deal Ms Haldlll Tarapam
ThIS 1.', to lemlnd YOLl that the third pellod ofyoLll Grant Award Agreement ended
IVlarch 31,2003, dnd that the PloJect Progress & Expenditure Report for the third penod IS due
111 1111:' office 110 latel than Apnl 30, 2003 Please be awale tlut you must submIt each PloJect
Plogless <lnd ExpendIture Report on schedule, fatlure to submit a repOlt by the stated deadline
wdllesult 111 the grant project bell1g leported to the DepaItment's Bureau ofPJannlllg Budget,
and Flll<lncldl SCI vIces as belllg out of compl1anee with the grant reporting leqUII ements
P dymcnt 0 f grant f lInds Will be suspended until the 1 epOI tlllg reqUIrements have been satisfied In
<lckh tlOll. p lease note that pi oJ cct 1111 tl aUon must be shown before giant funds can be 1 eleased
PI ed.',e let me know I [ I can answer any questlOns about the gl ant process or If I can help yOll III
,my W,IY Feel 1'1 ee to COil tact me at (850) 245-6333 OJ (800) 847-7278 or vIa e-mail at
mlowlev@mall dos state f1 us
S',nWCIY, C~
~WI~Y ~
H IStOllC Presel vatlOll Planner
13 LlI CelLi 0 f HI :::.tOIIC PI cservatlon
, ,
500 S Brnllollgh Stl eet ., FL 32399-0250 . 1~/Jwww flhent.lgc wm
o D!reclor', OffIce 0 ArdlJl'olog!cal Research ~sloflc Preservahon 0 Historical Museums
(850) 245-6,00 . FAX 245-6435 (850) 245-6-144 . FAX 245-6436 (850) 245-6333 . FAX 245-6437 (S50) 245-6400 . FAX 245-6433
o Palm Beach RegIonal OffIce
(561) 279-1475. FAX 279-1-176
o 51 Augustme l{eglOn,l1 Offlce 0 Tampa RegIOnal OffIce
(904) 825.5045 . r AX 825-5044 (813) 272-3843 . r AX 272-2340
Kenneth W. Detzner
Secretary of State
February 10,2003
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Ms Cyndl Hardm Tarapam
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
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Re Do,wnrowLl,llJefJlwater De5/gn GUidelines
Grant No F0216
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
This IS to rcmmd you that the second penod of your Grant Award Agreement ended December 31,2002,
and that the Progress and Expenditure Report for the first penod was due 10 my office no later than
,January 31,2003 and IS now late, Please be aware that you must submit each Progress Report on
schedule and prOJ ecl ImhatlOn must be sho\\'11 pnor to the disbursement of grant funds As of this date and
per the cover letter of July 15,2002 10cluded w1th your Grant Award Package, the Department has reported
the above referenced grant project as bemg In non-compliance with the grant report1Og reqUIrements to the
Depal1ment s Bureau of Planl1lng Budget and FInancIal ServIces Payment of grants funds will be
suspended unt]l the report1Og reqUIrements have been satIsfied
In additIon, please do not fax caples of the Progress and Expenditure Rcport, as 11 will not be accepted The
Department must leCClVC a mailed Progress and Expenditure Report with onglllal signatures
Feel free to contact me If! Gan answer any questions about the grant process or If! can help you III any
WdY I Cdn bc reached dIrectly at (850) 245-6333, toll frcc at (800) 847-7278 or via e-mail at
mlOwlev(cumall dos stJ Ie t1 us
Sl;'; d ;t~
Histone PreservatJon Planner
Bureau of H lstOflC PreservatiOn
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . http~llw,,,w nhentage com
o Directors Office 0 Archaeological Research ~OTlC PresenratIQn D HlstoTlcal Museums
(850) 245-6100' FAX 245-6435 (850) 2-15.6..\44 . FAX 2-15.6-136 (850) 2-15-6333' FAX 245-6437 (850) 245.6400' FAX 245-6433
o Palm Beach RegIOnal OffIce
(561) 279.1475 . FAX 279-1476
D St Augustme RegIonal OffIce
(904) 825.5045 . FAX 825-5044
D Tampa RegIOnal Office
(813) 272-3843 . FAX 272-2340
o fhc<. of the Secretary
OffICe 0 fIn lema tlOnal Rela tlOns
DI VI510n of FlectlO ns
DIvIsIon of Corpora 110T15
DIvIsIOn of Cullural Mfa Irs
DIvIsIOn of Hlstoncal Resources
DIvIsIon of Library and Informal1on Servlce5
D,vISIOn of Licensmg
DIVlslOn of AdlIUIllStrallve ServICes
State Board of fducatlOn
Trustees of the Internal Improvement j rusl tund
Admlnlstratlon CorrurusslOn
Honda Land and Watu AdjudIcatory COmml5SlOn
S,tmg Board
DIvISIon of Bond Fmance
Deparlmenl of Revenue
Dl parlrnenl of Law I:nforcement
Department of l-hghway Safely and MOlor Vdudl5
Deparlrn~nl of Veterans' Affmr5
Jim Smith
Secretary of State
Ms CyndI Hardm Tarapam
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearvvater, FL 33756
Re DcStlUrwater DesIgn GUldellnes
Grant No FO) I f)
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January 2,2003
D-ear Ms Hardm Tarap~Ill
, u
ThIs IS to remmd you that the second penod of your Grant Award Agreement ended
December 31, 2002, and that the Project Progress & ExpendIture Report for the second penod IS
due In thiS office'no later than January 31,2003 Please be aware that you must submIt each
Project Progress and Expenditure Report on schedule, failure to submIt a report by the stated
deadline Will result m the grant project bemg reported to the Department's Bureau ofPlannmg,
Budget, and FmancIaI ServIces as bemg out of complIance With the grant reportmg reqUirements
Payment of grant funds Will be suspended untIl the reportmg reqUirements have been satIsfied In
additIOn, please note that project InitiatIon must be shown before graIlt funds can be released
Please let me know If! can answer any questIons about the grant process or 1fT can help you m
any way Feel free to contact me at (850) 245-6333 or (800) 847-7278 or VIa e-mail at
mrowley@mall dos state fl us
Smcerely, ~ .
HIstone Preservation Planner
Bureau ofHlstbncPreservatlon
~ (i f \ '1
~ ... f' ...
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 .
o Dlfedors Office
(850) 245-6300 . FAX 245-6435
o Archaeological Research
(850) 245-6444 . FAX 245-6436
o Hlstonc PreselVahon
(850) 245-6333 . FAX 245-6437
o Ihstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6400 . FAX 245-6433
o Palm Beach Regional Office
(561) 279-1475. FAX 279.1476
o St Augu5tme Regional Offtce
(904) 825.50-15. FAX 825.5044
o Tampa Regional Office
(813) 272-3843 . FAX 272-2340
Offlce 0 f the Secretary
OffIce of In lema tlOnal Rda lions
D,vIsIOn of Flecllons
DIvISion of Corporallons
DIVlSJon of Cultural AffaIrs
D I V~'IO n 0 f HIS loneal Resources'
DIvISIOn of l.1brary and Informallon Services
DIVISIOn of L1cen~mg
D,vlSlon of Adnumstrallve ServIces
State Board of [ducalloll
Trustees of lhe Internal hnprovemenl1rU5t Fund
Adl1Umstrallon COmmissIon
Dortda Land and Waler Ad]udlcatory ComrrusslOn
SI hng Board
DIvISIon of Bond hnance
Department of La" Enforcement
Department of Hlghway Safety and Motor VehIcles
Department of V ctcra "0' A ff"""
Jim Smith
Secretary of State
October 4, 2002
Ms Cyndl Hardm T arapam
CIty of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Cleanvater, FL 33756
~~~ ~
RE Down,tQwn':i.ri:learwater Deslgn GUldelmes
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
A grant award package for the above referenced grant was maIled to you 111 July I have not received
two Signed caples of the Grant Award Agreement, one Signed Addendum or the four signed
Advanced Payment Forms Please note that untIl a fully executed Grant Award Agreement has been
entered m to, funds wIll not be advanced
Please contact me at (850) 245-6333 or toll free at (800) 847-7278 or Via e-mail at
mrowlev@mml dos state fl us, to mform me of the status of this grant
If: Rowley
HIstone PreservatIOn Planner
Bureau of HIstone PreservatIOn
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahas!lee, FL 32399-0250 · htt /
o Duector's OffIce
(850) 245-6300 . FAX 245-6435
o ArchaeologIcal Research
(850) 245-6444 . FAX 245-6436
Istonc Preservahon
(850) 245-6333 . FAX 245-6437
o l-hstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6400 . FAX 245-6433
o Palm Beach Regional Off,ce
(561) 279-1475 . r AX 279-1476
o St Augustme RegIOnal Office
(904) 825-5045 . FAX 825-5044
o Tampa RegIOnal Ofbce
(813) 272-31\43 . FAX 272-2340
OffIce of the Secretary
OffIce of InternatIOnal Relabons
DI v ISlOll 0 f ElectlOns
DIVISIOn of Corpora lIOns
DIvIsIOn of Cultural Affairs
DIVISiOn of Hlstoncal Resoun;es
Dl VISIOn of LIbrary and Informallon ServIces
01 VIS Ion of LlCenstng
DIvIsIOn of Administrative ServIces
S late Board of Ed uea lIOn
Trustees of the Intemallmpravement Trust Fund
AdnuIUstrallon CorrurusslOn
Honda Land and Waler AdjudIcatory CommIssion
51lmg Board
DIY !Slon 0 f Bon d FInance
Departmenl of Revenue
Deparlment of l..a" Fnforcemenl
Department of HIgh" ay Safety and MOlor VehIcles
Department of Ve lerans' Affalr~
Jim Smith
Secretary of State
October 29,2002
Ms Cyndl HardIn Tarapam
CIty of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
(S~O ~
RE DO'vJli~I1rg.l!Jt.l1lBvater DeSign GUldehnes Project
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\1 \\ \1 NOV u t 2002 JLill
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rill O~CL::J'.FWAH:R
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
Enclosed IS a fully executed copy of the Grant Award Agreement for the above referenced
project Please note the effective starting date of the Grant Award Agreement is October
29, 2002 and the ending date is June 30, 2003. No costs incurred prior to this startmg date
or after the June 30,2003 ending date will be eligible for payment from grant funds.
Please reVIew the Agreement and Attachment A carefully, so that we may aVOId any
lTIlsunderstandmg as to the reqUIred admmlstratlve procedures and documentatIOn of PIOJCCt
progress and costs We mVlte your particular attention to the reqUIrements for
1) SohcltatIon for Contractors/Consultants ReqUIrements
2) Approval by the BUleau for Consultant Contracts Pnor to ExecutIon
3) Investment of Surplus Grant Funds and Return of Interest
4) Acknowledgement of grant aSSIstance for Federal and State Projects (Refer to Part I,A f and
Part I,A g of Attachment A of the Grant Award Agreement)
500 S Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . http://www.llhentage com
o Dlredor's Office 0 ArchaeologIcal Research ~onc Preservation 0 Hlstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6300' FAX 24S-6435 (850) 245-6444 · FAX 245-6436 (850) 2-l5-6333 · FAX 245-6437 (850) 245-6400' FAX 2,15-6433
o Palm Beach RegIOnal Office
(561) 279-1475 . FAX 279-1476
o St Augustme RegIOnal Office
(904) 825.5045 . FAX 825"5044
o Tampa RegIOnal Office
(813) 272.3843 . FAX 272-2340
. ..
~ ...
The schedule for submissIOn of the Progress and Expenditure Reports for your project are as
~~ ~ ~ H@& l(. i -~
~d,~<:? ." ~ SECO~D~"
BEGIN DATE 10/29/02 10/1 /02 1/1/03 4/1/03
END DATE 12/3 1/02 3/31/03 6/30/03
DUE DATE None required 1/31/03 4/30/03 7/31/03
It IS Important that your Progress and Expenditure Reports be submitted III a tImely manner, and
that any Interest earned on surplus ST ATE or FEDERAL grant funds dunng a reportIllg penod IS
properly documented Reports received after receipt deadline shall be considered late and
may ieopardize future payments.
Upon submissIOn of your first Progress and Expenditure Report we will review It for project
mltmtIOn and request the first "advance" payment The next check will then be requested upon
receIpt, approval and need of the second and third Progress and Expenditure Reports The final
payment will be authonzed upon submiSSion and approval of the final product and the Fmal
Progress and Expenditure Report The final payment will be released upon review and
approval of all reQUIred documentation and cannot be reQuested before the submiSSIOn of
the final products and final Proeress and Expenditure Report.
I would be happy to answer any questIons you may have regardmg the admlnlstratJon of the
grant Please feel free to contact me at (850) 245-6333 or toll-free at (800) 847-7278 or via e-
mall at mrowlev@matl dos state fl us I look forward to workmg with you toward the successful
completIOn of this project
Mary E Rowley
Histone Preservation Planner
Bureau of Histone PreservatIOn
~ .
Histone preservah~~fl.~~d Agreement
L;::- t ~ 1 :1-,.
Survey and Plannm~ !Anl..ed Payment
Grant No F0216
Tim AGREEMENT IS between the State of Flonda, Department of State, DIvIsIOn ofHlstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the City of Clearwater, a mUlllClpal corporatIOn eXlstmg under the
laws of the State of Flonda, herem after referred to as the Grantee, relative to the DO"}'{ltown Clearwater Design
GUidelines Project, heremafter referred to as the ProJect, and IS entered mlO this ol~ """ day of
t9c..Ao~ ,2002, and shall end on Jnne 30,2003
The Department IS responsible for the adnumslTatlOn of grant-m-ald assIstance for hlstonc preservation purposes
under the provISIons of SectiOn 267 0617, Flonda Statutes The Grantee has applied for grant-m-ald ass Istance for
the Project The applicatIOn, mcorporated by reference, has been reviewed and approved 111 accordance with Chapter
lA.35, Flonda AdrrumslTatJve Code, which regulates Hlstonc PreservatIOn Grants-m-Ald Subject to the lirrutatJons
set forth In this Agreement, grant-lll-ald funds III the amount of ten thousand doll ars ($10,000 00) have been
reserved for the Project by the Department The Department and the Grantee agree as follows
The Project shall Illclude the followmg authonzed project work
A Architectural DesIgn Gmdelmes for the City of Clearwater's Downtown Redevelopment
Area, uhhzmg the DIVISIOn's Model GUldehnes for Design Review .lnd the Secretary of
Intenor Standards for Rehabilitation, will be produced.
B A draft of the Design GUldehnes Will be submitted to the Department no later than Forty-
five days pnor to the end of the grant penod for review and approval.
C. Three copies of the Architectural Design GUidelines wdl be submitted to the Department at
the end of the grant penod as final products.
II The Grantee agrees to admllllster the Project III accordance with the GENERAL AND SPECIAL
Chapter lA-35, Flonda AdmllllslTatlve Code, and the followmg speCific conditions
A The Grantee agrees to complete the Project by June 30,2003 and subnut the Fmal Products and
the Fmal Progress Report and Fmal Expenditure Report, as speclfied III Attachment "A", Part II,
subparagraph B 2 , wlthm 30 days of completIOn of proJect work No costs mcurred pnor to the
commencement date of this Agreement are ehglble for payment from grant funds No costs
lllcurred after the above project work completIOn date wlll be eligible for payment unless
speclfically authoTlzed by the Department before the cost IS mcurred
B The Department shall not assume any liabIlity for the acts, orrusslOns to act or negligence of the
Grantee, Its agents, servants or employees, nor shall the Grantee exclude liablhty for Its own acts,
orruSSlons to act or negligence to the Department The Grantee hereby agrees to be responsible for
any lllJUry or property damage resultmg from any actJVltles conducted by the Grantee, Its agents,
servants or employees
C The Grantee, other than a grantee which IS the State or agency Or subdivIsIOn of the State, agrees to
mdemmfy and hold the Department harmless from and agamst any and all clalfllS or demands for
damages, mcludmg attorney fees and court costs, resultmg from personal injury, mcludmg death or
damage to property, ansmg out of any actlvltJes performed under thIS Agreement, omlSSlOns to act
or negligence of !lIe Grantee, ItS agents, servants, or employees and shall InvestIgate all claims at
lts own expense
D The Grantee shall be solely responsIble for all work performed and all expenses mcurred m
connectIOn WIth the Project The Grantee may subcontract as necessary to perform the services set
forth In thIS Agreement, mcJudmg entenng mto subcontracts Wlth vendors for services and
commodltIes, proVided that such subcontract has been approved m wntmg by the Department pnor
to ltS executlOn, and provided that It IS understood by the Grantee that the Department shall not bt:
hable to the subcontractor for any expenses or liabIlities mcurred under the subcontract and that
the Grantee shall be solely liable to the subcontractor for all expenses and liabilIties Incurred under
the subcontract
E The Grantee shall submIt complete bId documents, mcludmg plans and speclficatlOns, to the
Department for review and approval pnor to the executIOn of any contract for constructlOn work
F The Grantee agrees that all acts to be performed by It III connectlOn With thIS Agreement shall be
performed In Strict confOrmIty WIth all applicable laws and regulatlOlls of the State ofFlonda
G The Grantee shall coordmate consultatIOn between ItS profeSSIOnal consultants and appropnate
Department staff representatIves as necessary to assure mu lual understandmg of and agreement on
the objectIves, reqUirements, and hmltatlons of the Project m rclatlOn to the State HIstone
PreservatIOn Program
H The Department shall umlaterally cancel thIS Agreement III the event that the Grantee refuses to
allow public access to all documents or other matenals subject to the provIsions of Chapter 119,
Flonda Statutes, and made or received by the Grantee m conjunctIOn With thiS Agreement
Bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be subrrutted III detail suffiCient
for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof The Grantee shall not charge the Department for any
travel expense WIthout the Department's wntten approval Upon obtallllllg the Department's
written approval, the Grantee shall be authonzed to mcur travel expenses to be reimbursed In
accordance WIth SectIon 112061, Flonda Statutes
J The Grantee recogmzes tha t the State of Flonda, pursuant to Section 212 08(6), Flonda Statutes, IS
not reqUITed to pay taxes on any goods or services which may be prOVided to It pursuant to thIS
K The Department's performance and obligatIon to pay under thiS Agreement IS contmgent upon an
annual appropnatlOn by the Legislature In the event that the state funds on winch thiS Agreement
IS dependent are Withdrawn, thIS Agreement IS terrrunated and the Department has no further
!lability to the Grantee beyond that already mcurred by the tenrunatlOn date In the event ofa state
revenue shortfall, the total grant shall be reduced III proportIon to the revenue shortfall
L All project work must be m complIance WIth the Secretary of the InterIOr's Standards for
PreservatIon PIalllnng
M The GJantee wIll not dlscnmmate agamst any employee employed m the performance of this
Agreement, or agamst any applicant for employment because of race, rehgiOn, color, handIcap,
national onglO, age, gender, or mantal status The Grantee shall msert a similar provlslOn III all
subcontracts for services by thiS Agreement
N The Department shall not be liable to pay attorney fees, mterest, late charges and service fees, or
cost of collectlOn related to the grant
o These grant funds WIll not be used for lobbymg the Legislature, the JudiCIal branch or any state
P Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, shall submIt to an audit or submH an
attestation statement pursuant to SectJon 216 349, Flonda Statutes
Q The product of the Project must be the ongmal work of the Grantee or Its consultants If the work
of others ]S used as background mfonnatlon, It shall be appropnate]y credited to the ongmator
III The Department agrees to pay the Grantee for 50% of the Grantee's total cash expenditures and donated
values, so long as the Grantee's cash expenditures equal or exceed the amount of donated values, up to a
maximum payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) If the donated values exceed the amount of cash
expenditures, the Department shall only pay the Grantee for 100% of actual cash expenditures up to a
maXImum payment often thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
In order for any expendlh1re to qualify for payment, It must be properly documented, be for work
performed dunng the term of the Agreement, and for a charge which IS reasonable m amount and directly
related to and necessary for the completlOn of the authonzed project work
The total amount as prescnbed above shall be made to the Grantee m four quarterly mstallments The first
three may be made at the begmnmg of each quarter for whIch they are allotted Grantees shall submIt the
four Signed Requests for Advanced Payment Forms (No HR2E560397, effective 3/97), herem
mcorporated by reference, with thiS Signed Grant Award Agreement to IllltJate the grant The Grantee shall
submit to the Department a completed "Progress and Expenditure Report" form for every reportmg penod
of the grant penod Progress and ExpendIture Reports shall be recelVed by the Department wIthm 30 days
of the endmg of a reportmg penod
Wlthm 30 days of completiOn of project work, the Grantee shall submIt the completed "Fmal Progress and
Expenditure Report" form to the Department The last grant payment mstallment shall be payable dunng
the last quarter for which allotted and upon receIpt and venficatlon of the Grantee's Fmal Progress and
Expenditure Report and venficatlOll of all prevlOusly submitted Progress and Expenditure Reports
When advance payments have been made by the Department, adjustments for overpayments shall be made
quarterly and upon receipt of the Fmal Progress and Expenditure Report, unless otherWIse agreed by the
parties In additIon, m the event that all project work whIch IS the subject of thiS Agreement IS not fully
completed III both a tImely and satisfactory manner, the Department reserves the nght to demand and
receive full reimbursement of all sums which It has paid the Grantee under thiS Agreement
Payment for project costs Will also be contmgent upon all authonzed project work bemg III compliance
With the aforementIoned Secretary of the lntenor's Standards, and the mspectlOn and approval of the grant
aSSisted work by the Department The Department further agrees to the followmg condlt1ons
A The Department shall review and approve as to form and content all proposed contracts of the
Grantee for the procurement of goods and servIces relating to the prOject work and all proposed
contract change orders or amendments prior to final executiOn of said contracts, change orders or
amendments, but Said review and approval shall not be construed as acceptance by or ImposItiOn
upon the Department of any finanCial hablhty m COlmectlOn With said contracts
B The Department shall reVIew and approve detailed plans, specillcatlOns, and other bId documents
for constructIOn work relatmg to the Project prior to the execution of any contract for such work,
review and comment on all prelimmary reports and recommendatlOns, and confer WIth the
Grantee and 1 ts profeSSIOnal consullants as necessary throughout the course of the Project, to
assure compliance With the objectives, reqUlrements and limitatiOns ofthe State HIStOriC
Preservation Program
IV The payment schedule of grant funds shall be subject to the timely filmg ofreqUlred reports and to any
speCial condltlOns reqUired by the Office of the Comptroller, State of FlOrida
Surplus funds must be temporarily mvested and the mterest earned on such mvestments shall be returned to
the State The Grantee shall report mterest eammgs quarterly, and shall remit the total mterest earned at
the end of the grant period m the form ofa check or money order made payable to the FlOrida Department
of State
V ThIS Agreement IS executed and entered mto III the State of Flonda, and shall be construed, performed, and
enforced m all respects m accordance WIth the laws and rules of the State ofFlonda Each party shall
perform 11s obligatlOns hereunder III accordance With the terms and conditions of thIS Agreement
VI If any term or provIsion of thiS Agreement IS found to be Illegal and unenforceable, the remamder of thiS
Agreement shaH remam m full force and effect and such term or prOVlSlOn shall be deemed stncken
VII No delay or omiSSIOn to exercise any right, power or remedy accrumg to either party upon breach or
default by either party under thIS Agreement, shalllmpau any such nght, power or remedy of either party,
nor shall such delay or omiSSIOn be construed as a waiver of any such breach or default, or any Similar
breach or default
VIII Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, agrees that, Its officers, agents and employees,
III performance of thiS Agreement shall act III the capacIty of an mdependent contractor and not as an
officer, employee or agent of the State Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a Slate agency, IS not
entitled to accrue any benefits Illcludmg retirement benefits and any other nghts or priVileges connected
WIth employment III the State Career Service The Grantee agrees 10 take such steps as may be necessary
to ensure that each subcontractor of the Grantee WIll be deemed to be an mdependent contractor and will
not be conSidered or permitted to be an agent, servant, Jomt venturer, or partner of the State
IX The Grantee shall not assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer ItS nghts, duties or obligatIOns under thiS
Agreement Wlthout pnor wntten consent of the Department whICh consent shall not be unreasonably
Withheld The Agreement transferee must also demonstrate compliance With Chapter lA-35, Flonda
Admmlstratlve Code If the Department approves a transfer of the Gran tee's obligatIOns, the Grantee
remams responsible for all work performed and all expenses Incurred ill connectlOn WIth the Agreement
In the event the LegIslature transfers the nghts, dutles and obligal1ons of the Department to another
government entity pursuant to SectIOn 20 06, Flonda Statutes, or otherwise, the nghts, dutles and
obligations under thIS Agreement shall also be transferred to the successor government entIty as lf It were
an ongmal party to the Agreement
, .'
X This Agreement shall bmd the successors, aSSigns and legal representatives of the Grantee and of any legal
entity that succeeds to the obligation of the Department
XI The following provlslOns shall apply for the voluntary and Involuntary sllspenSlOn or termmatlOn oflhe
grant by either the Department or the Grantee
A SuspensIOn SuspenSlOn IS actlon taken by the Department which temporarily wlthdraws or lumts
the Grantee's authority to utilize grant aSSistance pendmg correctJve actlOn by the Grantee as
specified by the Department or pendmg a declSlon by the Department to tenmnate the grant
NotlficatlOn When the Grantee has matenally failed to comply With the terms and
condItions of the grant, the Department may suspend the grant after glvmg the Grantee
reasonable notice (usually 30 calendar days) and an opportumty to show cause why the
grant should not be suspended The notice of the suspenSlOn will detaIl the reasons for
the suspenSIOn, any corrective actIOn requued of the Grantee, and the effective date of
the suspensIOn
2 CommItments No comnutments of funds mcurred by the Grantee durmg the penod of
suspensIOn will be allowed under the suspended grant, unless the Department expressly
authonzes them m the notice of suspenslOn or an amendment to It Necessary and
otherwIse allowable costs which the Grantee could not reasonably aVOid dunng the
suspensIOn penod will be allowed If they result from charges properly Incurred by the
Grantee before the effective date of the suspensIOn, and not m anticipatIOn of suspensIOn
or termmatlon Third party contnbutlons applicable to the suspenSIOn penod shall not be
allowed m satisfactIOn of ma tchmg share reqUIrements, unless otherwise agreed by the
3 Adjustments to payments Appropnate adjustments to the payments submItted after the
effective date of suspensIOn under !he suspended grant wIll be made either by
wlthholdmg the payments or by not allowmg the Grantee credit for disbursements made
m payment ofunauthonzed costs mcurred dunng the suspensIOn penod
4 SuspensIOn penod SuspensIOns will remam m effect untIl the Grantee has taken
corrective actJon to the satisfactIOn of the Department or glVen wntten eVidence
satisfactory to the Department that correctIve actIOn will be taken, or until the
Department termmates the grant The grant shall be termmated by the Department If the
Grantee fails to respond III wntmg to a notificatIOn of suspensIOn wIthm 30 calendar days
of receIpt of such notIficatIOn by the Grantee
B Terrmnatlon TenmnatlOn IS the cancellatIOn of grant aSSistance, m whole or m part, under a grant
or project at any time pnor to the date of completlOD
TenrunatlOll for cause The Department shall have the authonty to cancel this Agleement
because of failure of the Grantee to fulfill ItS obhga tlOllS under this Agreement or any other
past or present grant award agreement with thiS DIVISIOn or any other DIVISion wlthm the
Department of Sta te S atlsfactlOll of obhgatlOns by the Grantee shall be detenruned by the
Department The Department shall provIde the Grantee a wntten notIce of default letter The
Grantee shall have IS calendar days to cure the default, unless It IS detennmed by the
Department that the default IS of a nature that cannot be cured If the default IS not cured by
the Grantee wlthm the stated penod, the Department shan tenrunate thiS Agreement Notice
shall be sufficient 1f 1t IS delIvered to the party personally or mailed to ItS specified address In
the event oftenrunatlOn oftius Agreement, the Grantee will be compensated for any work
satlsfactonly completed 10 accordance With thiS Agreement prior to notlfical1on of
2 Tenrunatlon for convelllence The Department or the Grantee may ternunate the grant 111
whole or III part when both part1es agree that the contmuatlon of the Project would not
produce benefiCial results commensurate wllh the further expendllure of funds The two
parties will agree upon the tenrunallOn conditIOns, 1I1c1udmg the effectIVe date, and III the case
of partial tenrunatlOns, the portIOn to be tenrunated
3 TenrunatlOn by Grantee The Grantee may umlaterally cancel the grant at any hmc pnor to
the first payment on the grant although the Department must be notlficd m wntmg pnor to
cancellatIon After the m1llal payment, the Project may be tenrunated, modIfied, or amended
by the Grantee only by mutual agreement of the Grantee and the Department Request for
tenrunatlOn pnor to completIOn must fully detail the reasons for the actIOn and the proposed
dlsposltlon of the uncompleted work
4 Corrumtments When a grant IS temunated, the Grantee wIll not Illcur new obhgatlOns for the
tenrunated portIOn after the nottficat10n of the effecl1 ve date of temunatlOn The Grantee Will
cancel as many outstandmg obhgatlOllS as pOSSIble The Department Wlll allow full credlt to
the Grantee for the Department's share ofthe noncancelable obhgatlOllS properly Incurred by
the Grantee pnor to tenrunatlOn Costs \I1Cllrred after the effecl1ve date of the tenrunatlOn Will
be disallowed
XII Unless there IS a change of address, any no lice reqUired by tlus Agreement shall be dehvered to the Bureau
of Histone PreservatIOn, DIVISIon of Hlstoncal Resources, Flonda Department of State, R A Gray
BUildmg, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250, for the Department, and to, City of
Clearwater, 112 South Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, Flonda, 33756, for the Grantee Unless the
Grantee has nottfied the Department m wntmg by return receipt mall of any change of address, all notices
shall be deemed dehvered Ifsent to the above address
XIII Neither the State nor any agency or subdlvlslOn of the State waives any defense of sovereign lmmumty, or
IIlcreases the hl11lts of ItS liability, upon entenng mto tillS contractual relattonshlp
XIV ThiS mstrument and the Attachments hereto embody the whole Agreement of the parties There are no
proVISIons, tenns, conditIOns, or obhgatlOns other than those contamed herem, and thiS Agreement shall
supersede all prevIOUS commullIcatlOns, representatlOlls or agteements, ellher verbal or wntten, between the
parties No change or addltlOll to thiS Agreement and the Attachments hereto shall be effective unless III
wntmg and properly executed by the parties
1 '
All wntten approvals referenced m thIs Agreement must be obtamed from the parties' grant admInistrators or their
designees The Department and the Grantee have read this Agreement and the Attachments hereto and have affixed
tl1elr signatures
Signature of Authorized Official
Office of the Sene tory
Office of International Relabons
Dl VISlOn of Elections
D,vlSlOn of Corporations
D,VL>IOn of Cultural AffaIrs
DIVISiOn of Hlstoncal Resou rces
0. vls,on of Library an d Informa lion Services
DIVIsion of LlOcnsong
DIVISiOn of AdrrumstratlV~ Servlc~s
Slale Board of Educahon
Trustees of the Inl~rnal Improvement /rust Fund
AdnumstratlOn ConurusslOn
Flonda Land and Water Adjudicatory COITUlllSS'On
SItIng Board
DIVISIon of Bond hnance
Deporhnent of Revenue
Deporhnent of Law Enforcement
Deparhnent of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
D~partment of Veterans' AffairS
JIm Smith
Secretary of State
October 4, 2002
Ms Cyndl Hardm Tarapam
City of Cleanvater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Fe ['J n ff;::I
RE Do~to@1:6I~ater DeSign GUldelmes
Gra]}t No FunD
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
A grant award package for the above referenced grant was mailed to you m July I have not receIved
two sIgned copies ofthe Grant Award Agreement, one signed Addendum or the four sIgned
Advanced Payment Forms Please note that untll a fully executed Grant Award Agreement has been
entered In to, funds will not be advanced
Please contact me at (850) 245~6333 or toll free at (800) 847-7278 or VIa e-maIl at
mrowlev@mml dos state fl LIS, to mform me of the status of this grant
!A Rowley
Histone Preservation Planner
Bureau of HIstone Preservation
Pu.,~-- . 1/1
~li'J..t~U~ --..-..,. __.. I
If'v Cl tv" .--'_ I
: 1 OF f', r '~,",fA r' " I
--'< 'j" ". :;;VCr-
'!:j '-,
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . ht~/www t1hentage com
o DIrector's Office 0 ArchaeologIcal Research ~onc Preservation 0 I-l1stoncal Museums
(850) 245.6300' FAX 245.6435 (850) 245-6444 . FAX 24S~6436 (SSO) 2..5-6333' FAX 245-6437 (S50) 245-6400' FAX 245-6433
D Palm Beach RegIOnal OffIce
(561) 279-1475 . r AX 279-]476
o St AugustIne RegIOnal Off]C(
(90..) 825.5045 . fAX 825-50..4
o Tampa RlglUnal OffIce
(813) 272-38..3 . r AX 272-2340
~. ,
Offoce of lhe Secretary
OffIce of Inlernal10nal RelatIOns
D,VISIon of Elcctlons
D,VISIon of Corporations
D,v",on of Cultural AffaIrs
01 VISIon of HIS lmlcal Reso urces
DIVISIOn of L,brary and Information Servlc~s
01 V ISlOn of Llcenslflg
DIVISIon of AdnUlllslrallve ServIces
Slale Board of Lducallon
rruslees of the jnternal lmprovcm~nt Trust rund
Adrrumstratlon Comm,,,,on
Fhmdo L~nd and Waler Adjudicator;' ConulUsslon
Sllmg Board
DIVISIon of Bond FInance
Departmenl of Revenue
Department of La" enforce mull
Department of HIghway Sufe ty and Motor V~h,cle"
Department of V~tcran' Aff.",.
Katherine Harris
Secretary of State
July 15,2002
JUL 2 2 2002
Ms Cyndl Hardm Tarapam
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
RE D ~ ~ or'1 r.s D G d I
owntown.J.l:7 eawater eSlgn Ul e mes
Grant No F0216
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
The followmg Items relatmg to the above referenced project are forwarded for your Immedlate actIOn and
future reference Please look closely at the Grant Number aSSIgned to your grant It IS hsted above on the
reference lme and should be mcluded m all future correspondence wlth thIs office For projects usmg
FEDERAL funds, the grant number will be preceded by an (F), while 8T ATE funded projects WIll begIn
With an (8) Also, for audltmg purposes, the Department of State FED number IS 59-60001874 Our CFDA
number IS l5-904 \
Grant Award Agreement (2 copies). the Addendum (1), and Requests for Advanced Pavment (4)
Please revIew the Agreement and Attachment A (see below) carefully to aVOId any misunderstandings of the
iJ m I ta tlOns, condItIOns and req Ulremen ts of the grant Then
1 have both copies ofthe Grant Award Agreement, the Addendum, and the four Request for Advanced
Payment forms slgned by the person duly authonzed to act for the grantee organizatIon,
2 return both cODie'i of the Ae:reement. the Addendum, and four sie:ned Reqlle<;t for Advanced
Payment forms to me tor final executIOn wlthm thirty days. We will sie:n and date both COple~ of the
Agreement and return one fully executed copy of lt to you for retentIon In you project file
It I~ Important that you return your Agreement to me within thirty (30) days of rel.cipt so that we may
fully execute the Agreement. The proJe(.t beginning datc is the date when the Agreement I~ finally
signed by all parties. Project expenses incurred before thiS project bcgmning date and expense~
incurred after the project ending date, which IS June 30, 2002, are not eli!!ible for payment.
Attachment'-\ Retam Attachment A and all other Attachments m your project file
Publlcltv Information Th]s mformatiOn 1$ deslgncd to aSSIst you In meeting the pub!Juty reqUirements as
outlined In Pan I of Attachment A
500 S. Bronough Street. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . h!!p:llwww flhentage com
o Directors OffIce 0 Archaeological Research ~stonc PreservatIOn 0 HIstoncal MllS(UOlS
(850) 245-6300' FAX 245-6435 (850) 245-6444 · FAX 245-6436 (8S0) 245-6333' FAX 24S-6-l37 (850) 245-6400' FAX 245-64,~
o Palm Beach RegIOnal Office
(561) 279-1475 . FAX 279-1476
o St AugustIne RegIOnal OffICe
(904) 825-5045 . FAX 825.5044
o Tampa RegIOnal OffIce
(813) 272.3843 . r AX 272.2340
1'>'. '"
Ms Hardm Tarapam
July 15, 2002
Page Two
PrOlect Progress & Expenditure Report A copy of the reportmg form IS enclosed Please make
additional copies for you use dUring the Grant Period. This report must be submltted four tImes dunng
the Grant Penod Failure to submit a reoort bv the stated deadline '\,111 result In our reoortJnl! the l!rant
proJect as belOg In non-compliance with the 2rant reportln2 reqUirements to the Departmel1t'~
Bureau of Plannin2:. Bud2:et. and Fmanclal Services. Payment 01 2:rant fund'i will be susoended until
the reportin2 requirements have been satisfied. The four reportmg penods will be as follows
First Period:
September 30,2002 (Deadline for receipt of the report 1S October 31,2002)
Second Period'
October 1,2002 to December 31, 2002 (Deadlme for receIpt of the report IS
January 31, 2003)
Tlurd Period:
January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2003 (Deadlme for receipt oCthe ]epOit]S Apnl 30
Fmal Period:
Apnl1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 (Deadlme for rece1pt of the report ]S July 31,
Upon submiSSIon of your first Progress and Expenditure Report we Will review It for project lllltlatJon dnd
request the first "advance" payment The followmg checks wlil then be requested upon reV1ew and approval
of the second and th1rd Progress and Expenditure Reports The final payment w1l1 be duthonzed upon
review and approval ofthe final product and the Fmal Progress and Expenditure Report Please note that
you must illltlate the prolect wlthm the first 90 days of the grant period.
Attachment B For those projects mvolved III survey work, we have enclosed an Attachment B which
contams mformatIon relatmg to the documentatJOn ofFlonda Site FIle fom1s For archaeological surveys,
Attachment Balsa contams a copy of Rule lA-46, Flonda Admmlstrahve Code
My very best to you for a successful project I f you ha ve any questiOns or If I can be of any further
assistance, please do not heSitate to contact me at (850) 245-6333 or toll free at (800) 847-7278 or by e-mml
at mrowleyr@maIl dos state fl us
Histone Preservatlon Planner
Bureau of Histone Preservatlon
Off,ce of the Secretary
Office of I Fltern~hon~l Relahons
D,v,sIon of ElectIons
DlvlsLon of CorporatlOns
OJ vIsIon of Cui rural AffalTs
DlV1S,on of HIstorical Resources
D,v,s,on of LIbrary and InformatIOn ServIces
DIvIsIOn of LlCen<lIIg
D,v,sLon of Adnun,strallve ServIces
Sta te Board of Education
Trust~es of the l"ternollmplOwment Trust Fund
Adrrunlstrabon Con\Jru.ssLon
Flo! Ida La"d d"d Waler ^dJud'C3tary C0nu111sslOn
SLtmg B03rd
O,VISLOn of Bond Finance
Department of Revenwe
Deportment of Law Enforcemenl
Department of Hlghw~y Sofely and Motor VEhIcles
Deparlment of Velerans' Affa"s
Katherine Harris
Secretary of State
July 15, 2002
JUL ~ 27002
Ms Cyndl Hardm Tarapam
CIty of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL~7?6
if nn F5
RE Downtt'iwn'=Cleaevater DeSign GUldehne~
G rem t-Afo LO 2l.!1
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
The followmg Items relatmg to the above rcferenced project are forwarded for your ImmedIate actIOn and
future reference Please look closely at the Grant Number assigned to your grant It IS listed above on the
reference lme and should be mcluded In all future correspondence WIth thIs office For project!:. usmg
FEDERAL funds, the grant number will be preceded by an (F), whlle STATE funded projects will begm
WIth an (S) Also, for audltmg purposes, the Department of State FErn number 1559-60001874 Our CFDA
number IS 15-904
Grant Award Aercement (2 copies), the Addendum (1). and Requests for Advanced Payment (4)
Please revIew the Agreement and Attachment A (see below) carefully to aVOld any mlsunderstandmgs of the
1Imltattons, condltlOns and reqUirements of the &'Tant Then
1 have both COPIes of the Grant Award Agreement, the Addendum, and the four Request for Advanced
Payment forms slgned by the person duly authonzed to act for the grantee orgamzatlOn,
2 return both COllies of the Agreement, the Addendum, and four sH!Ded ReQlle!>t for Advanced
Payment forms to me for final execution within thIrty days. We wdl Sl!!:" and date both COpieS of the
Agreement and return one fully executed copy of It to you for retentIOn m you project file
It IS Important that you return your Agreement to me wlthm thlrtv (30) days of receipt so that we may
tully execute the Agreement. The project beginmng date I~ the date when the Agreement IS finally
Signed by all parties Project expenses incurred before thiS project beglllnlllg date and e:\penses
mcurred after the project ending date, which is June 30, 2002, arc not eh!!lble for payment
Attachment A Retam Attachment A and all other Attachments In your ploJect file
Pn bhcltv I nformation TIm mformatlon IS deSigned to aSSlst you In meeting the publiCI ty requll ements as
oLltllned In Part I of Attachment A
500 S Bronaugh Street . Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . http Ilwww I1helltage COllI
o Director's Office 0 Archaeological Research tr Hlstunc Pn.suvahon
(850) 2../5.6300 . FAX 245-6135 (850) 2../5.6444 . FAX 245.6136 (850) 2..5-6333 . FAX 245.6437
o HISIOrlcal MlJsellm~
(850) 245-6100 . FAX 2..5-6../33
o Palm Beach RegIOnal OffIce
(561) 279.1--I7S' FAX 279-1476
o 51 Augushne ReglDnal OffIce
(904) 825.50..5. FAX 825-501 I
o Tampa r{eglOnal OffIce
(813) 272-3843 . FAX 272-23../0
Ms Hardm Tarapam
July] 5, 2002
Page Two
ProJcct Progress & Expenditure Report A copy of the reportmg form 1& enclosed Pleasc make
additIOnal copies for you use dunng the Grant Period Thls report must be submitted four times dunng
the Grant Penod Failure to submit a rcport bv the statcd deadllnc will result In our reportme the j:!rant
nrolcct as being: m uOIl-comnliance with the l!rant renortinl!: reqUIrements to the DeJJartment'~
Bureau of Planlllng, Budeet, and Financial Services Payment of grant fund" 'WIll be sll"pendcd until
the reportmg reqmrements have been satt..fied. The four reportmg penods wIl] be as follows
First Period:
September 30, 2002 (Deadline for receipt of the report IS October 31, 2002)
Second Period:
October 1,2002 to De(ember 3],2002 (Dead]me for receIpt of the report IS
January 31, 2003)
Third Penod:
January 1, 2003 to March 31, 2003 (Dead]1Oe for receIpt of the report IS Apn I 30,
Final Period.
April 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003 (Dead]me for receipt of the report IS Ju]y 31,
Upon submission of your first Progress and Expenditure Report we wil] revIew It for project lnltlatlOn and
request the first "advance" payment The followmg checks will then be requested upon review and approval
of the second and thlfd Progress and Expendlture Reports The final payment wlll be authonzed upon
review and approval of the final product and the FlOa] Progress and Expenditure Report Please note that
you must illltiate the nroi ect within the first 90 days of the 2rant penod
Attachment B For those projects Invo]vcd 10 survey work, we have enclosed an Attachment B which
conta1Os mformatlOn relatmg to the documentatIOn of f]onda Site File forms For archaeo]oglcal surveys,
Attachment B .1]so conta1Os a copy ofRu]e IA-46, Flonda Adm10lstratlve Code
My very best to you for a successful project If you have any questions or IfI can be of any further
aSSIstance, please do not heSitate to Gontact me at (850) 245-6333 or toll free at (800) 847-7278 or bye-mall
at mrowlev@mad dos state fl us
H I stan c Preserva t10n Pl anoer
Bureau of Hlstonc Pre!:,ervatlon
Return Completed Report to:
Grants and Education SectIOn
Bureau of Historic Preservation
DIVISIOn of Historical Resources
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
Your Grants Manager IS:
Mary Rowley
(850) 245-6333 or Toll Free at (800) 847-7278
FAX: (850) 245-6437 EMAIL: mrowlev{a:lmall dos.state tl us
1 SI 2nd 3rd Fmal
Reports are due every three months of your grant perrod
Grant Number F0216
Grantee Name City of Clearwater
Project Title Downtown Clearwater Desie:n Guidelines
Project Type Survey and Planuine:
Grant Award Amount $10,000.00
Grant Award Agreement Begmmng Date
Date ofImtJatlOn of ProJect Work
Scheduled Project CompletIon Date
June 30, 2003
Project Contact InformatIOn IS" below Please correct or update as needed.
Project Contact:
Ms. Cyndi Hardm Tarapam
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Daytime Phone Number:
FAX Number:
(727) 562-4547
(727) 562-4576
, Project Progress & Expenditu. .:.eport
, Page Two
Expenditure Report
Documentation Procedures
For Advanced Payments
Please read all Documentation Procedures before preparing each Progress & Expenditure
Report. The following information is required for each report.
Detailed backup documentation MUST accompany expenditure reports.
1. Reportmg Period Review
A. Enter your total CASH expendltures for the reportmg penod Cash expenditures MUST be detaIled on
the Cash Outlay Sheet List all expenses/mvOIces PLEASE SEE ITEM 5 BELOW
B. Enter your total donated services and donated values Donated services and values must be detailed on
the Donated Values and Donated Servlces Sheets PLEASE SEE ITEM 6 BELOW
C. Enter the sum ofItems A and B above to show your Total ExpendItures for the reportmg penod
2. Grant Summary
A. Enter the total cash you have expended to date
B. Enter the total Donates Servlces/Donated Values used and recelVed to date
C. Enter the sums ofItems A and B above to show your Total ExpendItures dunng the Grant Award
3. Interest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all subgrantees of a State shall remIt mterest or other
investment income which exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Historic Preservation Fund
grant funds.
4. CertificatIOn To be sIgned and dated by authonzed person
5. Cash Outlay
A. LIst the mformatlOn 10 the proper columns
B. Back-up Documentation is required. Each cash/check or voucher expenditure must be
documented with ao Invoice AND proof of payment, either III the form of a canceled check (front
and back) or proof of receipt of payment BY THE VENDOR, or a detailed accounting page
showing debits and credits.
C. The purpose of each expendIture must be stated clearly and m sufficIent detali for the DIVISion to
determme If the expenditure IS allowable
D. For in-kind services (salaries), time sheets and back-up payroll documentatIOn are reqUIred. In
IIstmg paid employees, be aware that the amount clauned may be greater than the amount of check smce
you are allowed to claim the gross salary plus benefits A sample In-Kmd ServIces Time Sheet IS
attached You may choose to use th15 or other forms
E. The maXimum allowable hourly rate for Federally funded grant projects IS $60 29
- Project Progress & ExpendltUl ..eport
, Page Three
6. Donated Values
A. Donated Materials and Transportation
1. Donated matenals must be documented on thIS [onn
2 Make certam all matenals were donated wnhm the Grant Award Agreement penod
3 MIleage must be calculated at $ 29 / mIle DestmatlOn, purpose of travel, and number of miles
dnven must be lIsted
B. Donated Services
I All Donated ServIces MUST be documented on an attached Donated Services TIme Sheet
2 Each attached Time Sheet must be sIgned and dated by the Volunteer and the Project SupervIsor
3 List each of the donors and theIr donated services
4 Be sure to mclude the total hours worked
- Project Progress & Expenditu~ _~eport
Page Four
Expenditure Report
Cash expended this Period:
Donated ServIces/Donated Values claimed this Penod
Total expendItures for this Period
Total Cash expended to Date
Total Donated Services/Donated Values expended to date
Total expenditures to date
3. Interest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all subgrantees of a State shall remit interest or other
investment mcome which exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Historic Preservation Fund
gran t funds. Checks must be made payable to: "National Park Service".
4. Certification:
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the mformatlOD reported herem is correct, that all goods
and services invoiced have been received, and that all outlays were made m accordance With grant
Signature of Authonzed Person
(Please Sign In mk Ongmal Slgnatures Only Please)
- Project Progress & Expendltm.. _,,-eport
Page Five
5. Cash Outlay
Attach additIOnal pages for Cash Outlay as necessary
PrOject Progress & ExpendIture Report
Page SIX
6. Donated Values
A. Donated Matenals and Travel
Ltst all donated matenals below
The nuleage allowance lS $ 29/nule
Attach additIOnal pages for Don,lted Materials and Tramportation a\ nCCCS'iar)
Project Progress & Expenditul. ~eport
Page Seven
B. Donated Services
List total donated hours provided by each ll1dlvldua1 Hourly rates shall be Federal Mlmffium Wage, ($5 15 per hour), unless
the work perfonned IS that In which the person performIng the service IS otherwIse usually employed or possesses professIOnal
skills, and lor trammg and expenence m that field of professIOnal expert1se, III which case the rate shall be that normally paId for
such services If the hourly rate hsted IS above Federal Mllll1Tlum Wage, attach a sIgned statement from the mdlVldual hstmg
hls/her quahficatlOns
Attach additional pages for Donated Service,> as necessar)'.
Project Progress & Expendituf\.- -,,-'\.eport
Page Eight
Progress Report
For Project Progress Reports submitted for all reporting periods other than the final,
please answer or provide information for all of the fonowing items except those
marked FINAL REPORT ONLY. For the final report, please respond to all items.
1 Project Work Schedule for thIS reportin2 period:
2 Summary of ProJect Work Completed
3 Unusual or Slgmficant CondItIOns or Problems Encountered
4 LIstmg ofReqmred Documents to be SubmItted or Already SubmItted
_ Copy of selectIOn process documentatIOn (RFP, bId notlces, results of bIds, etc ) for profeSSional
services such as consultants, etc
Date SubmItted
_ Draft copy of contract(s) for professIOnal and scrvlces for reVlew and approval
Date SubmItted
_ Approved fully executed copy of contract(s) for professlOnal servlces
Date SubmItted
Caples of Draft Products (Plans, Reports, Brochures) for revlcw and dpproval
Date SubmItted For product
Ncws Releases
Date Submltted
Grdntee Staff and/or Volunteers (attach lIst of names, pOSI tIOTIS, and pay scales)
Date Submitted
PrOject Progress & Expeoditurtc ~..eport
Page Nme
FINAL REPORT ONLY (items 5-8 are applicable only to the 4th/final report)
5 Bnefly descnbe the project work actually accomplIshed and mdlcate any vanatlOns from that ongInally
Number of attendees at workshops, semmars, etc
Number of caples of final products produced or pnnted
6 Descnbe dIfferences between ongmal cost estImates and actual costs of project work Items
7 Descnbe the economlC benefit achIeved from the project Please complete the followmg mformatlOn
Total number of paId person-hours worked
Number of employees workmg on project (do not mclude volunteers)
Total pa)ll all
. Project Progress & ExpendituL ..eport
, Page Ten
8 (FINAL REPORT ONLY) Attestation Statement
I attest, under penalties of perjury, that this organization has complied
with the provisions of the grant and that all information reported to the
Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources is correct.
SIgnature of Duly Authonzed RepresentatIve
Grant Award Agreement Number
Grant A ward Amount $
Send to Grants and Educahon SectIOn, Bureau of Htstonc Preservation, 500 South Bronough
Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250, (850) 245-6333, Fax (850) 245-6437
Project Title
Grant No
Name of Volunteer
Type of Work Performed
Hourly Rate of $
!hour Based on
The hourly rate shall be the Federal mInImUm wage ($5 15) unless the work performed IS that In
which the volunteer IS otherwIse usually employed or possesses professlOnal sk.111s, tra1010g and
expenence, 10 which case the rate shall be that normally paid for such semces 10 the project area
or actual salary A letter support1Og any rate over m10tmum wage must accompany thts form
Total Hours
Total Amount
Claimed $
Slgnature of Employee
SIgnature of Project Supervisor
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Preservation Planning
Prese rv a lion pia n n I ng I s a process th at 0 rgan Izes pre s ervatlon activities (Ide ntlfl catlo n, eva luatlo n,
registration and treatment of hlstonc properties) In a logical sequence The Standards for Planning
discuss the relationship among these activities while the remaining activity standards consider how each
activity should be carned out The ProfeSSional Qualifications Stanpards discuss the education and
expenence required to carry out vanous activities
The Standards for Planning outline a process that determines when an area should be examined for
historic properties, whether an Identified property IS significant, and how a significant property should be
Preservation planning is based on the following principles
. Important hlstonc properties cannot be replaced If they are destroyed Preservation planning
provides for conservative use of these properties, preserving them In place and avoiding harm
when possible and altenng or destroYing properties only when necessary
. If planning for the preservation of historiC properties IS to have pOSitive effects, It must begin
before the Identification of all significant properties has been completed To make responsible
deCISions about histone properties, eXisting information must be used to the maximum extent and
new Information must be acqUired as needed >
. Preservation planning Includes publiC participation The planning process should provided a
forum for open discussion of preservation Issues Public Involvement IS most meaningful when It
IS used to assist In defining values of properties and preservation planning Issues, rather than
when It IS limited to review of deCISions already made Early and continuing public participation IS
essential to the broad acceptance of preservation planning deCISions
Preservation planning can occur at several levels or scales In a project area, In a community, In a State
as a whole, or In the scattered or contiguous landholdings of a Federal agency Depending on the scale,
the planning process Will Involve different segments of the public and profeSSional communities and the
resulting plans Will vary In detail For example, a State preservation plan Will likely have more general
recommendahons than a plan for a project area or a community The planning process descnbed In these
Standards IS flexible enough to be used at all levels while provldmg a common structure which promotes
coordination and minimizes duplication of effort The GUidelines for Preservation Planning contain
additional mformatlon about how to Integrate vanous levels of planning
Standard I Preservation Planning Establishes Histone Contexts
DeCISions about the Identification, evaluation, registration and treatment of histone properties are most
reliably made when the relationship of IndiVidual properties to other Similar properties IS understood
Information about hlstonc properties representing aspects of hiStOry, architecture, archeology,
englneenng and culture must be collected and organized to define these relationships ThiS
organizational framework IS called a "histone context" The hlstonc context organizes information based
on a cultural theme and ItS geographical and chronological hmlts Contexts descnbe the Significant broad
patterns of development In an area that may be represented by hlstonc properties The development of
hlstonc contexts IS the foundation for deCISions about Identification, evaluation, registration and treatment
of historiC properties
Standard It Preservation Planning Uses Hlstonc Contexts To Develop Goals and Pnontles for the
IdentificatIon, EvaluatIOn, RegistratIon and Treatment of Histone Properties
A series of preservation goals IS systematically developed for each histOriC context to ensure that the
range of properties representing the Important aspects of each histone context IS Identified, evaluated and
treated Then pnontles are set for all goals Identified for each hlstonc context The goals With aSSigned
prlontles established for each histOriC context are Integrated to produce a comprehenSive and conSistent
set of goals and priorities for all histOriC contexts In the geographical area of a plannmg effort
The goals for each hlstonc context may change as new Information becomes available The overall set of
goals and prlontles are then altered In response to the changes In the goals and prlontles for the
IndiVidual histOriC contexts
Activities undertaken to meet the goals must be designed to deliver a usable product within a reasonable
penod of time The scope of the activity must be defined so the work can be completed with available
budgeted program resources
Standard III The Results of Preservation Plannmg Are Made Available for Integration Into Broader
Planmng Processes
Preservation of historic properties IS one element of larger planning processes Planning results, Including
goals and pnOrltles, information about historic properties, and any planning documents, must be
transmitted In a usable form to those responSible for other planning activities Federally mandated histone
preservation planning IS most successfully Integrated Into project management plannmg at an early stage
Elsewhere, this Integration IS achieved by making the results of preservation planning available to other
governmental planning bodies and to private mterests whose activities affect hlstonc properties
Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Preservation Planning
These GUidelines link the Standards for Preservation Planning With more speCific gUidance and technical
Information They desCribe one approach to meeting the Standards for Preservation Planning Agencies,
organizations or IndIViduals proposing 10 approach planning differently may Wish to review thelf
approaches wllh the National Park Service
The Guidelines are organized as follows
ManaGinG the PlanninG Process
DevelOPinG Hlstonc Contexts
DeveloPlnq Goals for a Hlstonc Context
IntearatmG IndIVidual Historic Contexts-CreatinG the Preservation Plan
Coordlnatlno With ManaGement Frameworks
Recommended Sources of Technical Information
Managmg the Planning Process
The preservation planning process must Include an expliCit approach to Implementation, a prOVISion for
review and reVISion of all elements, and a mechanism for resolVing conflicts Within the overall set of
preservation goals and between this set of goals and other land use planning goals It IS recommended
that the process and ItS products be desCribed In publiC documents
Implementing the Process
The planning process IS a continuous cycle To establish and maintain such a process, however, the
process must be diVided mto manageable segments thai can be performed, Within a defined period, such
as a fiscal year or budget cycle One means of achieVing this IS to define a penod of time dUring which all
the preliminary steps In the planning process Will be completed These preliminary steps would Include
setting a schedule for subsequent actiVities
Review and ReviSion
Planning IS a dynamic process It IS expected that the content of the historic contexts desCribed In
Standard I and the goals and priorities desCribed In Standard II Will be altered based on new Information
obtained as planning proceeds The incorporation of this information IS essential to Improve the content of
the plan and to keep It up-to-dale and useful New Information must be reviewed regularly and
systematically, and the plan reVised accordingly
Public PartIcIpatIOn
The success of the preservation planning process depends on how weill! SOliCits and Integrates the views
of various groups The planning process IS directed first toward resolving conflicts In goals for hlstonc
preservation, and second toward resolving conflicts betvveen histone preservation goals and other land
use planning goals Public partiCipation IS Integral to this approach and Includes at least the following
Involving hlstonans, architectural hlstonans, archeologlsts,iolklonsts and persons from related
dlsclplmes to defme, review and revise the histone contexts, goals and prlontles,
Involving mterested indiViduals, organizations and communities In the planning area m Identifying
the kinds of hlstonc properties that may eXist and SUitable protective measures,
Involving prospective users of the preservation plan In defining Issues, goals and pnontles,
Provldmg for coordination with other planning efforts at local, State, regional and national levels,
as appropriate, and
Creatmg mechanisms for IdentifYing and resolving conflicts about hlstonc preservation Issues
The development of hlstonc contexts, for example, should be based on the professional Input of
all disCiplines Involved In preservation and not be limited to a single disCipline For prehlstonc
archeology, for example, data from fields such as geology, geomorphology and geography may
also be needed The Individuals and organizations to be Involved will depend, In part, on those
present or Interested In the planning area
Documents Resulting from the Plannmg Process
In most cases, the planning process produces documents that explain how the process works and that
discuss the hlstonc contexts and related goals and pnontles While the process can operate In the
absence of these documents, planning documents are Important because they are the most effectIVe
means of communicating the process and ItS recommendations to others Planning documents also
record decIsions about histone properties
As vanous parts of the planning process are reviewed and reVised to reflect current information, related
documents must also be updated Planning documents should be created m a form that can be easily
reVised It IS also recommended that the format language and organization of any documents or other
matenals (Visual aids, etc ) contamlng preservation planning information meet the needs of prospective
Developmg Hlstonc Contexts
General Approach
Available information about hlstonc properties must be divided Into manageable units before It can be
useful for plannmg purposes Major deCISions about Identifying, evaluating, registering and treating
histOriC properties are most reliably made In the context of other related properties A histOriC context IS
an organizational format that groups Information about related hlstonc properties, based on a theme,
geographiC limits and chronological period A single historiC context deSCribes one or more aspects of the
hlstonc development of an area, conSidering hiStOry, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture
and Identifies the Significant patterns that IndiVidual hlstonc properties represent, for example, Coal
M In Ing In Northeastern Penns ylva n I a betvveen 1860 an d 1930 A set of h Istonc con lexts IS a
comprehenSive summary of all aspects of the history of the area
The hiStoriC context IS the cornerstone of the planning process The goat of preservation planning IS to
Identify, evaluate, register and treat the full range of properties representing each histone context, rather
than only one or two types of properties Identification actiVities are organized to ensure that research and
su rvey actlv It I es In cI ude p rap ertl es re pres en tin g a II as pects of th e his torlc con text E val uat Ion us es th e
hlstonc context as the framework within which to apply the Criteria for evaluation to speCifiC properties or
property types DecIsions about treatment of properties are made with the goal of treating the range of
properties In the context The use of histone contexts In organizing major preservation actIVities ensures
that lhose actiVities resullm the preservation of the Wide variety of properties that represent our hiStOry,
rather than only a small, biased sample of oropertles
Historic contexts, as theoretical constructs, are linked to actual historic properties through the concept of
property type Property types permit the development of plans for Identification, evaluation and treatment
even In the absence of complete knowledge of Individual properties Like the histone context, property
types are artifiCial constructs which may be revised as necessary Historic contexts can be developed at a
vanety of scales appropnate for local, Stale and regIOnal planning Give the probability of histone contexts
overlapping In an area, It IS Importanllo coordinate the development and use of contexts at all levels
Generally, the Slate Hlstonc Preservation Office possesses the most complete body of Information about
histone properties and, In practice, IS In the besl position perform this func!ion
The development of histone contexts generally resulls In documents that descnbe the prehistoric
processes or patterns that define the context Each of the contexts selected should be developed to the
pOint of Identifying Important property types to be useful In later preservation deCISion-making The
amount of detail Included In these summaries Will vary depending on the level (Jocal, State, regional, or
natIOnal) at which the contexts are developed and on their Intended uses For most planning purposes, a
synopsIs of the written deSCription of the hlstonc context IS sufficient
Creatmg a Histone Context
Generally, histone contexts should not be constructed so broadly as to Include all property types under a
single hlstonc context or sa narrowly as to contain only one property type per histone context The
follOWing procedures should be followed In creating a histone context
1 Identify the concept, time penod and geographlca/llmlts for the hlstonc context
EXlshng Information, concepts, theones, models and deSCriptions should be used as the baSIS for defining
histOriC contexts Biases In primary and secondary sources should be Identified and accounted for when
eXisting information IS used In defining hlstonc contexts
The Identification and descnptlon of historiC contexts should Incorporate contnbutlons from all diSCiplines
Involved In hlstonc preservation The chronological penod and geographical area of each hlstonc context
should be defined after the conceptual baSIS IS established However, there may be exceptions,
espeCially In defining prehIstoriC contexts where drainage systems or phYSiographic regions often are
outlined first The geographical boundaries for hlstonc contexts should not be based upon contemporary
political, project or other contemporary boundaries If those boundaries do not COinCide With historical
boundaries For example, boundanes for prehistoriC contexts Will have little relationship to contemporary
City, county or State boundaries
2 Assemble the eXisting mformatlon about the hlstonc context
a CollectIng InformatIOn Several kinds of information are needed to construct a preservation plan
InformatIOn about the history of the area encompassed by the hlstonc context must be collected,
including any Information about histone properties that have already been Identified EXlslIng
surveyor Inventory entnes are an Important source of Information about histone properties Other
sources may Include literature on prehistory, histOry, architecture and the enVironment, SOCial and
environmental Impact assessments, county and State land use plans, architectural and folkllfe
studies and oral hlslorles, ethnographic research, State historic inventOries and registers,
technical reports prepared for Section 106 or other assessments of hlstonc properties, and direct
consultation With IndiViduals and organized groups
In addition, organizations and groups that may have Important roles In defining hlstonc contexts
and values should be Identified In most cases a range of knowledgeable profeSSionals drawn
from the preservation, planning and academiC communities Will be available to assist in defining
contexts and In Identifying sources of Information In other cases, however, development of
hlstonc contexts may occur In areas whose history or prehistory has not been extensively studied
In these Situations, broad general hlstonc contexts should be initially Identified uSing available
literature and expertise, With the expectation that the contexts Will be reVised and subdiVided In
the future as primary source research and field survey are conducted It IS also Important to
Identify such sources of Information as eXisting planning data, which IS needed to establish goals
for Idenliflcatlon, evaluation and treatment, and to Identify factors that Will affect attainment of
those goals
The same approach for obtaining Information IS not necessanly deSirable for all historic contexts
Information should not be gathered Without first conSidering ItS relatIVe Importance to the histOriC
context, the cost and time Involved, and the expertise reqUired to obtain It In many cases, for
example, published sources may be used In wrltmg Initial definitions of histone contexts, archIVal
research or field work may be needed for subsequent actIVities
b Assessing Information All information should be reviewed to Identify btas In historic perspectIVe,
methodological approach, or area of coverage For example, field surveys for archeological sites
may have Ignored hlstonc archeological Sites, or county land use plans may have emphasized
only development goals
3 Synthesize mformatlon
The Information collection and analysIs results In a written narrative of the histone context ThiS narrative
provides a detailed synthesIs of the data that have been collected and analyzed The narrative covers the
history of the area from the chosen perspective and Identifies Important patterns, events, persons or
cultural values In the process of Identifying the Important patterns, one should conSider
. Trends In area settlement and development, If relevant,
. Aesthetic and artistiC values embodied In architecture, construction technology or craftsmanship,
. Research values or problems relevant to the hlstonc context, SOCial and phYSical sCiences and
humanities, and cultural Interests of Jocal communities, and
. Intangible cultural values of ethniC groups and native American peoples
4 Defme property types
A property type IS a grouping of IndiVidual properties based on shared phYSical or assoCIatIVe
characteristics Property types link the Ideas Incorporated In the theoretical hlstonc context With actual
hiStoriC properties that Illustrate those Ideas Property types defined for each hlstonc context should be
directly related to the conceptual baSIS of the histone context Property types defined for the hlstonc
context "Coal Mining In Northeastern Pennsylvania, 1860-1930" might Include coal extraclion and
processing complexes, railroad and canal transportation systems, commercial dlstncls, mine workers'
hOUSing, ch urches, SOCial clubs and other community faCilities reflecting the ethniC onglns of workers, and
reSidences and other properties associated With mJne owners and other industrialists
a Identify property types The narrative should diSCUSS the kinds of properties expected Within the
geographical limits of the context and group them Into those property types most useful In
representing Important hlstonc trends
Generally, property types should be defined after the hiStoriC context has been defined Property
types In common usage ("Queen Anne House," "mill bUildings" or "stratified sites") should not be
adopted Without first venfylng their relevance to the hlstonc contexts being used
b Characterize the locatlonal patterns of property types Generalizations about where particular
types af properties are likely to be found can serve as a gUide for Identification and treatment
Generalizations about the dlstnbutlon of archeological properties are frequently used The
distribution of other hlstonc properties often can be estimated based on recognizable hlstoncal,
environmental or cultural factors that determined their location locatlona! patterns of property
types should be based upon models that have an expliCit theoretical or hlstoncal baSIS and can
be tested In the field The model may be the product of histOrical research and analYSIS ("Prior to
Widespread use of steam power, mills were located on rivers and streams able to produce water
power" or "plantation houses In the MISSISSippi Black Belt were located on sandy clay knolls"), or
It may result from sampling techniques Often the results of statistically valid sample surveys can
be used to describe the localional patterns of a representative portion of properties belonging to a
particular property type Other surveys can also proVide a baSIS for suggesting locatlonal patterns
If a diverSity of histOriC properties was recorded and a vanety of environmental zones was
Inspected It IS likely that the Identification of locatlonal patterns Will come from a combination of
these sources Expected or predicted locatlonal patterns of property types should be developed
With a proVISion made for their verification
c Cnaractenze the current condition of property types The expected condition of property types
should be evaluated to assist In the development of Identification, evaluation and treatment
strategies, and to help define physlcallntegnty thresholds for vanous property types The
follOWing should be assessed for each property type
I Inherent characlenstlcs of a property type that either contnbute to or detract from Its
phYSical preservation For example, a properly type commonly construeled of fragile
matenals IS more likely ta be detenorated than a properly type constructed of durable
matenals, structures whose histone function or deSign limits the potenllal for alternative
uses (water towers) are less likely to be reused than structures whose design aJlows a
wider vanety of other uses (commercial bUildings or warehouses)
2 Aspects of the social and natural environment that may affect the preservation or VISibility
of the property type For example, community values placed on certain types of
properties (churches, historic cemetenes) may resuJt In their maintenance while the need
10 reuse valuable materials may stimulate the disappearance of properties like
abandoned houses and barns
3 It may be most efficient to estimate the condition of property types based on profeSSional
knowledge of eXisting properties and field test these estimates uSing a small sample of
properties representatIVe of each type
5 IdentIfy rnformatlOn needs
Filling gaps In Information IS an Important element of the preservation plan designed for each histone
context Statements of the Information needed should be as speCific as pOSSible, focusing on the
Information needed, the hlstonc context and property types It applies to, and why the Information IS
needed to perform IdentIfication, evaluation, or treatment activities
Developrng Goals for a Histonc Context
Developrng Goals
A goal IS a statement of preferred preservation actiVitIes, which IS generally stated In terms of property
The purpose of establIshing preservation goals IS to set forth a "best case" version of how properties In
the hlstonc context should be Identified, evaluated, registered and treated
Preservation goals should be Oriented toward the greatest pOSSible protection of properties In the hlstonc
context and should be based on the prinCiple that properties should be preserved In place If pOSSible,
through affirmative treatments like rehabilitation, stabilization or restoration Generally, goals Will be
speCIfic to the histOriC context and Will often be phrased In terms of property types Some of these goals
Will be related to Information needs previously Identified for the hlstonc context Collectively, the goals for
a hlstonc context should be a coherent statement of program direction covenng all aspects of the context
For each goal, a statement should be prepared Idenllfymg
1 The goal, Including the context and property types to which the goal applies and the geographical
area In which they are located,
2 The actlVltles reqUired to achieve the goal,
3 The most appropnate methods or strategies for carrying out the actIVities,
4 A schedule Within which the actiVities should be completed, and
5 The amount of effort reqUired to accomplish the goal, as well as a way to evaluate progress
toward ItS accomplishment
Setting priOrities for goals
Once goals have been developed they need to be ranked In Importance Ranking Involves exammIng
each goal In light of a number of factors
General socml, economIC, political and enVIronmental conditions and trends affecting (positively
and negatively) the Identification, evaluation, registration and treatment of property types In the
histOriC context
Some property types m the hlstonc context may be more directly threatened by deterioration, land
development patterns, contemporary use patterns, or publiC percepllons of their value, and such
property types should be given priority conSideration
2 Major cost or technical conSiderations affecting the Identification, evaluation and treatment of
property types In the historiC context
The Identification or treatment of some property types may be technically pOSSible but the cost
prohibitive, or techniques may not currently be peliected (for example, the Idenllflcallon of
submerged sites or objects, or the evaluation of sites contamlng matenal for which dating
techniques are still being developed)
3 Identification, evaluation, registration and treatment actiVities preViously carned out for property
types In the hiStoriC context
The followmg provisions MUST be included lJl all contracts between a grantee and a Contractor(s)
or Consultant(s) for work in which Grants~In-Ald funds are utIlized as stated m Attachment A Part
I A 2 c of the Gran t Award Agreement
1 Project DuratIOn
A provIsIOn for the date of completIOn of the project or project dura tlOn
2 Legal Remedies
Contracts other than small purchases shall contam prOVISions or conditions WhlCh will allow for
administrative, contractual, or legal remedies m mstances where contractors vIOlate or breach contract
tenns, and provide for such sanctlOns and penalties as may be appropriate
3 TermmatIOn
AH contracts shall contam SUItable provIsions for tenmnatlon by the grantee, mcludmg the manner by
which It will be effected and the basIs for settlement In addltlOn, such contracts shan descnbe conditIons
under whICh the contract may be termmated Tor default as well as conditions where the contract may be
tennmated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor
4 Equal Employment Opportumty ComplIance
The (Insert Contractor/Consultant name here) shall comply with Title VI of the ClVll Rights Act of 1964,
SectIOn 504 of the RehabilitatIOn Act of 1973, and Title I of the Amencans with DlsabIhtles Act of 1990
m that No person m the UUlted States shall on the grounds of race, creed, color, national ongln, sex, age,
politlcal affilIatIOn, belIefs, or disability be subject to dlscnmmatlOn under any program or actlvlty which
the Contractor has agreed to undertake by and through the covenants and prOVlSlOns set forth In thiS
5 Access to Records
All contracts (except those awarded by small purchases procedures) awarded by grantees shall mclude a
provIsiOn to the effect that the granlee, the Department, or any of their duly authonzed representatIves
shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the GOntractor which are dIrectly
pertment to that specific contract, for the purpose of makmg audlt, examination, excerpts, and
transcnptlOn Grantees shall reqUire contractors to mamtam all reqll1red records for FIVE years after
grantees make final payments and all other pendmg matters are closed
6 Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (RehabIlitation Projects ONLY)
All contracts Involvmg constructIOn work shall mclude prOVIsion for complIance with the Copeland
"Antl-Klckback" Act, 18 use 874, as supplemented m Department of Labor regulations, 29 CFR Part 3,
prohibIting employers from mducmg any person employed to give up any part of the compensatIon to
which he or she IS otherWise entitled
7. Rights to Data and Copynghts
When pubhcatlOns, films, or SimIlar matenals are developed, dIrectly or mdlrectly, from a program,
project or activity supported by grant funds, any copyright resultmg therefrom shall be held by the Flonda
Department of State, DIViSion of l-Iistoncal Resources The author may aIrange for copynght of such
matenals only after approval from the Department Any copynght arranged for by the author shallmc\ude
acknowledgment of grant assistance As a condl tlon of grant aSSistance, the grantee agrees to, and awal ds
to the Department and, If applicable, to the Federal Government, and to ItS officers, agents, and
employees actmg wlthm the scope of their offiCial dutles, a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and mevocable
license throughout the world for offiCial purposes, to publIsh translate, reproduce, and use a 11 subJ eet d8 ta
or copYllghtable matenal based on such data covered by the copynght
Recommended Sources of Technlcallnformabon
Current RecommendatIOns
A Planmng Compamon A GUide for State Histone Preservation Planning Susan L Henry Renaud, 1983
(draft) Describes an approach to preservatIOn planning that uses fully developed historic contexts as
special technical studies necessary to effective planning and declsron-maklng
GUldelmes for Local Surveys A BasIs for Preservation Planning (formerly National Register Bulletin 24)
Anne Derry, H Ward Jandl, Carol 0 Shull, and Jan Thorman, revised by Patricia L Parker, 1985
Local Histone Preservation Plans A Selected Annotated Blb/Jography Nell GaglJardl and Stephen Morris,
1 993 Provides an overview of th e ran g e of I oca I historiC pres ervatl on pia ns from acros s the cou n try,
including information on how a number of communilles have addressed vanous Issues In their
preservation plans
The National Hlstonc Landmarks Program Theme Study and PreservatIon Planmng Robert S Grumet
Technrca! Bnef 10, Archeology & Ethnography Program, National Park Service, 1990, revised 1992
National Park ServIce, 1994, Thematic Framework Use of the National Park Service ThematiC
Framework need not be limited to the federal level, as the conceptualization It provides can equally Inform
preservatIon and Interpretation at Jocal, slate, and regional levels
Prepanng a Hlstonc Preservation Plan Bradford J White and Richard J Roddewlg Planning AdvIsory
Service Report No 450, 1994 Describes components that are Important In a good preservation plan and
explains how several communities have carned out preservation planning actiVities Available from the
American Planning ASSociation, 122 South Michigan Avenue, SUite 1600, Chicago, WInOIS 60603-6107,
(312) 786-6344
Protecting Archeological Sites on Pnvate Lands Susan L Henry, with Geoffrey M Gynsco, Thomas H
Veech, Stephen A Morns, Patricia L Parker, and Jonathan P Rak PrOVides useful Information on
- strategies for protecting archaeological sites In local communities
Reaching Out, Reaching In A GUide to Creating Effecttve Public PartiCipation In State Hlstonc
Presetvatlon Planning Barry R Lawson, E II en P Ryan, and Rebecca Bartl eU Hutch Ison, 1993
DesCribes an approach for designing public partiCipation programs for State Hlstonc Preservation Office
preservation planning, With a mini-case study from the Maryland Historical Trust May also be applicable
In local community preservation planning settings
Taking Command of Change A Practical GUIde for ApplYing the strategic Development Process In State
Historic Preservation Offices Douglas C Eadie, 1995
DesCribes a strategic planning approach designed to prOVide practical gUidance to SHPOs In managing
growth and change
If a number of properties representing one aspect of a historic context have been recorded or
preserved, treatment of additional members of that property type may receive lower pnorlty than
treatment of a property type for which no examples have yet been recorded or preserved ThiS
approach ensures that the focus of record I n g 0 r p reserving a II el e ments of th e h I stan c co n text IS
retained, rather than limiting activities to preserving properties representing only some aspects of
the context
The result of consldenng the goals In light of these concerns will be a list of refined goals ranked
In order of pnorrty
Integratmg Individual Contexts-Creating the Preservation Plan
When hlstonc contexts overlap geographically, competing goals and pnontles must be Integrated for
effectNe preservation planning The ranking of goals for each hlstonc context must be reconciled to
ensure that recommendations for one context do not contradict those for another ThiS Important step
results In an overall set of pnontles for several historic contexts and a list of the actiVities to be performed
to achieve the ranked goals When applied to a speCific geographical area, thiS IS the preservation plan
for that area
IllS expected that m many Instances historiC contexts will overlap geographIcally Overlapping contexts
are likely to occur In two combinations-those that were defined at the same scale (I e, textile
development In Smlthtown 1850-1 9 10 and CIVil War In Smlthtown 1855-1870) and those defined at
different scales (I e , CIVil War In Smlthtown and CIVil War In the Shenandoah Valley) The contexts may
share the same property types, although the shared property types will probably have different levels of
Importance, or they may group the same properties Into different property types, reflecting eIther a
different scale of analYSIS or a different hlstorlca! perspective As previously noted, many of the goals that
are formulated for a histone context will focus on the property types defined for that context Thus It IS
critical that the Integration of goals include the expliCIt conSideration of the potential for shared property
type membership by Individual properties For example, when the same property types are used by two
contexts, reconcIling the goals will reqUire weighing the level of Importance assigned to each property
type The degree to which Integration of hlstonc contexts must Involve reconciling property types may be
limited by the coordinated development of histone contexts used at vanous levels
IntegratIon WIth Management Frameworks
Preservation goals and pnontles are adapted to land units through integration With other planning
concerns ThiS mtegrallon must Involve the resolution of conflicts that arise when competing resources
occupy the same land base Successful resolution of these conflicts can often be achieved through
JUdiCIOUS combination of Inventory, evaluation and treatment actiVities Since hlstonc propertIes are
Irreplaceable, these actiVities should be heaVily weighted to discourage the destruction of Significant
properties and to be compatible With the primary land use
HIstonc Preservation Grants-ill-AId Program
Bureau of HIstonc Preservation, DlVlSlon of Historical Resources,
Flonda Department of State
We hope the followlllg mformatlOn will aSSIst you In g::llnlng pubhcity for your local proJect~ Be sure
to revIew the Dubhcltv reqUIrements In Attachment A, as well.
To those of us III the HIstonc preservatIOn field, the paSsIOnate concern for savmg and
restanng a hlStOriC structure, excavatmg an archaeologIcal site or delving mto our ovm
local history often overwhelms our recogrutIOll of the importance of modern
communication and Its relauonsmp to preservatron VItalIty
One form ofrnodem COIT1D1Wllcation WIth wmch we are all familiar is publicity If you
ask someone what publICIty IS, you'll get the answer from many, "free advertising," but
p-ublIC[ty is much more that' Publicity 1S mfonnation \Vith news value, PUbl1CIty IS news!
If your publICIty is used by a newspaper, radlO or TV station, the story gams somethmg
advertIsing can't offer - credIbIlIty Since your mformation comes from a dismterested
thrrd party, It makes an lll1pact that paId advertising has dIfficulty matching
There are,a number of reasons why publICIty is rmportant to hIstoric preservation, and
why we as preservatlOnlsts must develop the necessary skills to handle it Here are some:
· Your work is recognized within your community
That IS, you gam greater commuruty awareness and goodwilJr
· You give your loyal volunteers the personal satIsfaction that what they are doing
is being noticed and appreciated
· You make your membership proud
Everyone likes to be assocIated WIth a Wlnller'
· You encourage greater participatIon in you project
· You heighten your appeal to prospectIve members
Make them WANT to belong'
· You develop greater financial support
Publicity IS very lffiportant to your orgarnzabon and to your histonc preservatlOn goals
But publIc1ty 1S also Lmportant to the media Here's some reasons why newspapers love
local publICIty (remember, radIO and teleVISIOn stations work the same way).
1 The activItIes of local people and orgaruzations are news PublishIng that news IS
good for busmess SInce local news ranks h1gh W1th the readershIp, and mgh
readersmp attracts paId advertIsmg
2 Newspapers don't have the staffs to cover all the rmportant local events, so they must
depend on You If you can contnbute a pubhClty release that has news Interest and
HIstone Preservation Grants-ill-AId Program
Bureau of HIstone Preservation, DIvisIOn of HIS tonca I Resources,
Flonda Department of State
We hope the followmg InformatlOll will assIst you m gaming publicity for your local projec( Be sure
to reYleW the publicIty reqUIrements In Attachment A, as well.
To those of us In the H1stonc preservatIOn field, the passIOnate concern for savmg and
restoring a historic structure, excavatmg an archaeologIcal SIte or delving into our O\V11
local history often overwhelms our recognitIOn of the importance of modem
commurucatIOn and its relationslup to preservatIOn vItality
One form of modem cornmurucatIon With wluch we are all famIlIar IS publIcity. If you
ask someone what publICIty is, you'll get the answer from many, "free advertISIng," but
publICIty is much more thatr Publicity IS informatIOn WIth news value, publicity IS news'
If your publICity is used by a newspaper, radlO or TV statton, the story gains somethmg
advertIsmg can't offer - credibl.l1ty Smce your mformatIOn comes from a disinterested
thrrd party, It makes an Impact that paId advertIsing has dIfficulty matching
There are a number of reasons why publICIty IS lITIportant to histonc preservatIOn, and
why we as preservatIornsts must develop the necessary sIalls to handle It Here are some'
. Your work is recognized within your community
That is, you gam greater commurnty awareness and goodWIll!
· You give your loyal" olunteers the personal satisfaction that what they are doing
is being noticed and appreciated
. You make your membership proud
Everyone hkes to be assocIated WIth a WInner!
· You encourage greater participation in you project
· You heighten your appeal to prospective members
Make them WANT to belong'
. You develop ereater finanCIal support
PubliCIty 15 very nnportant to your orgarnzatIon and to your histone preservation goals
But publICIty 15 also important to the medIa Here's some reasons why newspapers love
local publICIty (remember, radIO and televlsIOn stations work the same way)
1 The actIVItIes of local people and orgaruzatlODS are news PublIshmg that news is
good for busmess Since local news ranks hIgh w1th the readership, and rogh
readersmp attracts pald advertIsmg
2 Newspapers don't have the staffs to cover all the 1ffiportant local events, so they must
depend on You If you can contnbute a publIcny release that has news mterest and
Historic Preservation Grant Award Agreement
Attachment A
General and Special Conditions Governing Grants
and Administrative Instructions for
Historic Preservation Project Accountability
For Advanced Payment
State of Florida
Department of State,
Division of Historical Resources
June 2000
Introduction and Definitions
In accordance with the provIsions of Chapter 267, Flonda Statutes, the DIvIsion of Historical Resources,
Department of State IS responsible for the administration of a comprehensive program of historic
preservation activities m Flonda, and IS authonzed to participate In and receive funding assistance from
the Federal hlstonc preservation program administered by the National Park Service, United States
Department of the Intenor as authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended
Major funding for the overall program IS denved from State funds authorized by the Flonda Legislature and
from the annual apportionment of Federal funds to Flonda through the Federal hlstonc preservation
The award and administration of grant-m-ald aSSistance for hiStoriC preservation projects to be carried out
by public agenCies or preservation organizations at the local level IS one elemen! of the State's
comprehensive hlstonc preservation program Grants are awarded from funds available In the Histone
Preservation Trust Fund established under authority of Section 2670617, Flonda Statutes These funds
may Include a part of the Federal funds apportioned annually to the State, as well as funds appropnated
for this purpose by the State Legislature and funds contnbuted from other sources The cost of
admlnlstenng hlstonc preservation projects grants IS Included In the overall costs of the comprehensive
program, and IS supported In part by the annual apportionment of Federal funds
Conlinued eligibility for Federal funding assistance reqUires that the State's comprehensive histone
preservation program be administered In accordance with Federal laws, regulations, and conditions, as
welf as those of the State of Flonda The General and Special Conditions Governing Grants and the
Administrative Instructions for Histone Preservation Project Accountability contained herem are Intended
to Inform grantees of and assure grantee compliance with the Federal and State requirements applicable
to hlstonc preservation projects grants
"Allowable project costs" are the direct costs In cash expenditures and value of In-kind donations that
are necessary to the accomplishment of authorrzed project work, Incurred durrng the project penod, and
properly documented In accordance with the Department's Administrative Instructions for Historic
Preservation Project Accountability
"Autnonzed project work" means those activities deSCribed In Section I of the grant award agreement or
In a fully executed amendment thereto
"Department" means the State of Flonda, Department of Slate, DIvIsion of Hlstorrcal Resources
"Grantee" means the agency, organization, or Individual named In the grant award agreement
"Grant penod" means the period of time beginning on the effective date of the grant award agreement
and ending on the date speCified In the grant award agreement
"PrOject funds" refers to all amounts available for or expended In connection with the authorized project
work, whether derrved from State or Federal grant share or local matching share sources, public or
private, and whether prOVided In cash or In-kind
"PrOject penod" means the period of time beginning on the effective date of the grant award agreement
and ending when the project completion report IS approved by the Department or on the date otherwise
specified In the grant award agreement or any amendment thereto
General and Special Conditions Governing Grants
All expenditures In connection with projects approved for assistance under the hlstonc preservation grant
program are subject to the provIsions of Chapter 267, Flonda Statutes, the National HistoriC Preservation
Act of 1966, as amended, other applicable State and Federal laws, rules and regulations, the general
conditions listed below, and special conditions affixed to project grant awards
These conditions are applicable both to the grantee and 10 any consultants, contractors, or employees to
which grant-In-aid funds are paid Failure by the grantee to comply with the conditIOns of grant assistance
will be considered to be noncompliance
A General CondItIons
Grantee Publicity ReqUIrements In order to Insure a Wide public awareness of historiC
preservation In general and local preservation proJects, the grantee shall meet the followrng
reqUirements regarding publiCity of his/her project
a At the outset of the proJect, a news release Iden!JfYlng the proJect's specifics including
source(s) of grant funds, name of the project, along with Its nature and benefits to the
community shall be sent by the grantee to local pnnt and electronic media
b Upon completion of the proJect, the grantee shall Issue another news release to local
pnnt and electronic media
c There shall be an effort on the part of the grantee to encourage publication of one or
more feature storres on the grantee's project by a newspaper, magazine or televIsion
program of at least local circulation Satisfactory eVidence regarding feature stones
shall consist of a copy of any newspaper or magazine articles, or letter(s) from
grantees to newspapers, magazines or televISion stations Indicating the grantee has
requested such a feature story, or wrrtten certification from the grantee to the
Department that an effort was made In any case, If the effort was successful, the
grantee shall proVide the Department with a copy of any such articles or wntten
statement of when any televIsion story was broadcast
d Durrng the course of the proJect, the grantee IS encouraged to Inform elected offiCials,
including state offiCials, mayors, and city and county commiSSions, by leller of the
nature and benefits of the project
e Finally, In the case of rehabilitation or restoration projects, the grantee should also
make an effort, where appropriate In the Judgment of the grantee, to pUbllclze the
project and the source of grant assistance (at any stage of the project) to the
community through a dedication or other public ceremony of some nature
f Federally Funded Projects All news releases and promotional matenals relating to
the project shall contam acknowledgment of grant assistance, substantially as follows
"ThiS project (or publication) has been financed In part with histOriC preservation grant
assistance provided by the National Park Service, US Department of the Interror,
administered through the Bureau of HistOriC Preservation, DIVIsion of Hlstorrcal
Resources, Flonda Department of State, aSSisted by the Histone Preservation
AdVISOry CounCil However, the contents and opinions do not necessanly reflect the
views and opinions of the Department of the Interior or the Flonda Department of
Stale, nor does the mention of trade names or commerCial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation by the Department of the Interior or the Florida
Department of State This program receives Federal financial assistance for
Identification and protection of histone properties Under Title VI of the CIvil Rights
Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age DISCrimination
Act of 1975, as amended, the U S Department of the ~ntenor prohibits diScrimination
on the basIs of race, color, national origin, disability, or age In ItS federally assisted
programs If you believe you have been discriminated against In any program,
actIVity, or facility as described above, or If you desire further Information, please wnte
to Office of Equal Opportunity, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20240 "
g State Funded Projects All news releases and promotional matenals relating to the
project shall contain acknowledgment of grant assistance, substantially as follows
"ThiS project (or publication) has been financed In part with hlstonc preservation grant
assistance provided by the Bureau of Historic Preservation, DIVIsion of Hlstoncal
Resources, Flonda Department of State, aSSisted by the Histone Preservation
AdVISOry CounCil However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the
views and opinions of the Flonda Department of State, nor does the mention of trade
names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the
Flonda Department of State
2 Amendments to the Grant Award Agreement All amendments to the grant award
agreement for the project shall be In writing and fully executed by both parties Amendments
Will be prepared by the Department, either at ItS own Initiative or upon approval of the written
request of the grantee
3 Changes In Scope of Project Work The grantee may not, without formal amendment of
the grant award agreement, make changes In the scope of the project which would alter the
allowable project work or services as stipulated In the grant award agreement or make any
changes which might result In a deviation from the mtent of the reglsfatlon which authorized
the award of the grant In the event of uncertainty, queslions should be referred to the
Department for final determination
4 ExtensIon of Grant Penod No extension of the grant penod Will be authorized without
formal amendment of the grant award agreement
5 TImeliness of Work The grantee shall cause work on the project to be commenced within
a reasonable lime not to exceed ninety (90) days after the effectIVe date of the grant award
agreement The grantee shall prosecute the authonzed project work to compretlon With
reasonable diligence and Within the project period
6 Project Supervision The grantee Will assure that competent and adequate profeSSional
supervision and Inspeclion IS prOVided and ensure that the completed work conforms to the
approved standards and speCifications
7 Conflict of Interest The grantee shall comply With the laws of the State of FlOrida
governing conflict of Interest and standards of ethical conduct, Including Chapter 112, Part
III, Flonda Statutes In addition, no grantee offiCial, employee, or consultant who IS
authOrized In his or her offiCial capacity to negotiate, make, accept, approve, or take part In
deCISions regarding a contract, subcontract, or other agreement In connection With a grant
aSSisted project shall take part In any deCISion reratlng 10 such contract, subcontract or other
agreement In which he or she has any finanCial or other Interest, or In which his or her
spouse, minor Child, or partner, or any organization In which he or she IS serving as an
offIcer, director, trustee, partner, or employee of which he or she has or IS negotiating any
arrangement concerning emproymenl has such Interest
8 Dual Compensation If a grantee staff member or consultant IS Involved simultaneously In
two or more projects supported by Slate or Federal funds, and compensation on either
project IS based upon percentage of time spent, he or she may not be compensated for more
than 100 percent of his/her time dUring any part of the period of dual Involvement
9 Contingent Fees No person, agency, or other organization may be employed or retained to
soliCit or secure a grant or contract upon an agreement or understanding for commission,
percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee For breach or Violation of this prohibition, the
Department shall have the fight to annul the grant Without liability or, at ItS discretion, to
deduct from the grant or otherwise recover the full amount of such commission, percentage
brokerage or contingent fee, or to seek such other remedies as may be legally available
10 Use of IndiVidual Consultants No project funds shall be used for the payment of fees to
individual consultants Without the wntten authOrization of the Department The procurement
of IndiVidual consultant services must be Justified and documented In accordance With the
Administrative Instruclions for Hlstonc Preservation Project Accountability contained In PartlJ
herein In no case Will consultant fees over and above regular salary be paid to employees
of the grantee organization or of profeSSional firms or organizations whose services have
been properly procured by the grantee for the project The grantee Will not use any project
funds to pay travel expenses of employees of the Flonda Department of Stale or Federal
government for lectures, attending program functions, or any other actlVllIes In connection
With the project
11 CIvil Rights Compliance The grantee Will assure that the project IS administered In
conformance With the CIVil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
and the Age Dlscnmlnatlon Act of 1975, as amended Title VI of the CIVil Rights Act of 1964
states that no person Will, on the grounds of race, color, or national ongln, be excluded from
participation In, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under
any program or actIVity receiving Federal fmanclal aSSistance Sedan 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 reqUires that no qualified disabled Individual IS solely, by reason of
disability, excluded from partiCipation In, denied the benefits of, or subjected to dlscnmmatlon
under any program or activity receiVing Federal finanCial aSSistance The Age DISCrimination
Act of 1975 prohibits diSCriminatIOn on the baSIS of age under any program or activity
receiving Federal finanCial aSSistance Every grantee IS reqUired to submit a CIVil Rights
Assurance of Compliance Form No grant awards may be made Without a CIVil Rights
Assurance of Compliance Form on file
12 Dlscnmlnatlon In Employment ProhIbIted In all hiring or employment In connection With
the proJect, each employer (1) Will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national ongln, and (2) Will lake
affirmative action 10 ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated
dUring employment, Without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin In
addition, no qualified person shall, on the baSIS of disability, be subject to diSCrimination In
employment In the grant aSSisted project These reqUirements apply to, but are not limited
to, the follOWing employment, promotion, demotion or transfer, rates of payor other forms of
compensation, and seleclion for training, including apprenticeship The grantee and ItS
consultants or contractors Will comply With all applicable statutes and Executive Orders on
equal employment opportunity and grant awards Will be governed by the prOVISions of all
such statutes and Executive Orders, IncludIng enforcement provIsions
13 ReligIOUS Institutions If the project mvolves a church or church related organization or
properly, the grantee Will assure that neither the execution of nor the publiC benefit resulting
from the project require Involvement or partiCipation In religiOUS services or activities
14 Po Iltlcal ActiVIties No expenditure of project funds may be made for the use of equipment
or premises for political purposes, sponsoring or conduction of candidate's meetlng(s),
engaging In voter registration or voter transportation activity, or other partisan poJltrcal
15 Hatch Act No officer or employee of the State whose prrnclpal employment IS In connection
with any activity which IS financed In whole or In part with grant assistance shall lake part In
any of the polItical actIvIty proscribed In the Hatch Political ActiVity Act, 5 USC 1501 et seq,
as amended, With ItS stated exceptions
16 LobbYing ActiVity No part of the prOject funds shall be used, either directly or indirectly, to
pay for any personal service, advertisement, telegram, telephone, letter, pnnted or wrrtten
matter, or other device, Intended or designed to IfIfluence In any manner a Member of
Congress or the State Legislature, to favor or oppose, by vote or otherwIse, any legislation or
appropriation by Congress or the State legislature, whether before or after the Introduction
of any bill or resolution proposing such legislation or appropflatlon, as proscribed In 18 USC
17 Safety PrecautIOns and LiabIlity The Department assumes no responSibility With respect
to accidents, Illness, or claims arising out of any work performed under a grant supported
project The grantee IS expected to take necessary steps to Insure or protect Itself and ItS
personnel and to comply With the applicable local, State or Federal safety standards,
Including those Issued pursuant to the National Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
(see 20 CFR 1910)
18 Federally Funded Project Audit ReqUirements Non-Federal entities that expend
$300,000 or more a year In Federal awards must have a Single or program-specifiC audit
conducted IfI accordance With OMS Circular A-133
19 Reports, Records, and Inspections The grantee Will submit finanCial, program progress,
evaluation, and other reports as required by the Department and WIll maintain such property,
personnel, finanCial, and other records and accounts as are deemed necessary by the
Department to assure proper accounting for all program funds The grantee, ItS consultants
and contractors Will permit on-site IfISpectlons by Department representatives and Will
effectively reqUire employees to furnish such Information as, In the judgment of the
Department representatIVes, may be relevant to a question on compliance With grant
conditIOns and the effectIVeness, legality, and achievements of Ihe program
20 ExammatlOn of Records The Secretary of State of the State of Flonda and the State
Auditor General, or any of their duly authOrized representatives, shall have access for the
purpose of finanCial or programmatic audit and examination 10 any books, documents,
papers, and records of the grantee that are pertinent to the grant at aU reasonable times
dunng a period of five years follOWing completion of the project, or until all claims or audit
findings have been resolved
21 Disclosure of Information The grant award agreement may be canceled by the
Department Without prior notices for refusal by the grantee to allow public access 10 all
documents, papers, letters or other material relating to the proJect, In accordance with the
provIsions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and with the Freedom of Information Act,S use
22 Rights to Data and Copynghts
b When publications, films, or similar matenals are developed, directly or indirectly, from
a program, project or activity supported by grant funds, any COPYright resulting
therefrom shall be held by the FlOrida Department of State, DIVIsion of Historical
Resources The author may arrange for COPYright of such materials only after
approval from the Department Any copYflght arranged for by the author shall Include
acknowledgment of grant assistance As a condition of grant assistance, the grantee
agrees to, and awards to the Department and, If applicable, to the Federal
Government, and to ItS officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of
their offiCial duties, a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and Irrevocable license throughout
the world for offiCial purposes, to publish, translate, reproduce, and use all subject
data or COPYrightable matenal based on such data covered by the copYright
23 ComplIance with EnVironmental Protection Laws and Regulations No project funds
shall be used for project work InvolVing ground disturbance, modification of land use
patterns, new construction, or olher known or potential alteration of the natural environment
that does not conform to State and Federal laws and regulations relating to protection of the
natural enVironment, Including but not limited to the National EnVironmental PoliCY Act of
1969, as amended, 42 USC 4321 et seq, establishing national poliCY goals and obJeclives
for protecting and enhanCing the enVIronment
24 Energy Conservabon The grantee shall promote energy conservation and utilize to the
maximum extent practicable the most energy effiCient eqUipment, materials, construclion
methods, and operating procedures available In the accomplishment of project work
25 Convict Labor The grantee or Its contractors may utilize the labor of State pflsoners In
authOrized work release, parole or probation programs IfI the accomplishment of work In
accordance With Executive Order 11755, no person undergOing a sentence of Imprisonment
at hard labor shall be employed on grant aSSisted project work
26 Mmonty BUSinesses The grantee shall encourage greater economic opportunity for
minority bUSiness enterprises, as defined In Chapter 288 703, FlOrida Statutes, In
accomplishment of proJect work To the maximum extent pOSSible, the grantee and ItS
consultants or contractors Will take affirmative steps to assure that minority bUSinesses are
used as sources of supplies, equipment, construction, and services AffirmatIVe steps shall
Include but not necessarily be limited to the follOWing
(1) InclUSion of qualified minority bUSinesses on SoliCitation lists,
(2) the assurance mmorlty bUSinesses are soliCited whenever they are Identified as
potential sources,
(3) the diVISion of total requirements, when economically feaSible, Into small tasks, or
quantities to permit maximum partiCipation of minority bUSinesses,
(4) the establishment of reasonable delivery schedules when feaSible, so as to
encourage partiCipation by minority bUSinesses, and
(5) utilization of the services and aSSistance of the Small BUSiness Administration and the
MinOrity BUSiness Development Agency of the U S Department of Commerce
B Special ConditIons Applicable to AcqUIsition and Development Projects The following
special conditions apply to grant assisted projects Involving the acquISition, preservation, protection,
restoratIOn, rehabilitation, stabilization, or construction of a site, bUilding, structure, or object
1 AcceSSIbility for the Disabled The grantee shall ensure that the grant aSSisted property
meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Public Law 101-336, Section
2521, Florida Statutes, and Part V, Chapter 553, Florida Statutes regarding acceSSibility for
the disabled SpeCifications for proJect work must conform With the "SpeCifications for
Making BUildings and Facilities AcceSSible to, and Usable by, the Physically Handicapped"
published by the Amencan National Standards Institute and The Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Rehabilitation
2 Project Signs When grant assistance IS prOVided for acquIsition or development work, a
project Identification sign will be displayed In a prominent location at the project site while
proJect work IS In process The sign must be a minimum of eight (8) square feel In size
(usually 2x4 feel), be constructed of plywood or other durable matenal, and IdentJfy the
project and source of grant support Any variation In the above speCifications must be
approved by the Department The sign wording shaH contain acknowledgment of grant
The costs of preparation and erection of the project Identification sign are allowable project
costs, routine maintenance costs of signs are not allowable
Administrative Instructions for
HIstone PreservatIon Project AccountabIlity
These Instructions are Intended to assist historic preservation grant reCipients In meeting the accounting
and public benefit requirements of the historic preservation grants-In-aid programs administered by the
Grantee Admlnlstrallve Records and Reports
Grantees are responsible for maintaining financial records and project progress reports as outlined below
These records and reports shall be retained for a peflod of fIVe (5) years following completion of the
proJect, or until such lime as any litigation, claims. or audit questions arising from examination or audit
initialed prior to expiration of the five year period are flnaUy resolved
All grantee project records and reports are subject to public disclosure under the prOVISions of Chapter
119, Florrda Statutes, and the Freedom of Information Act, 5 use 552
A Fmanclal Records Financial records must be adequate to account for the receipt and
expenditures of all project funds, and to demonstrate compliance with required procedures
Grantee financial records are subject to audit by Stale auditors Inadequate, Incomplete or
Incorrect project fInanCIal records may result In mel,glbllity for grant assIstance Financial records
shallmclude, but are not limited to
1 Documentation of PrOject Funds Project funds Include the total amount of cash and In-
kInd values avaIlable to defray the dIrect costs of the proJect They consist of the grant
assistance share proVided by the Department plus the local matchmg share proVided by the
a Grant ASSistance Share Grant assistance IS authonzed to pay a percentage of
allowable project costs, Within the dollar limits of the grant, as speCified In the grant
award agreement Grantee finanCial records shall Include complete documentation
pertaining to the application for grant aSSistance, the award of the grant, the grant
award agreement, and the receipt and depOSition of grant funds
b Local Matching Share Local matching share may be proVided In the form of cash
expenditures or the value of materials and services donated In-kind for use In the
direct accomplishment of authOrIZed project work Matching share may be derived
from any other sources available to the grantee, With the exceptIon that funds from
other Federal funding programs cannot be used to match grant assistance funds
derived from the Federal HistOriC Preservation Fund apportionment to the State of
Flonda (ThiS restriction does not apply to Community Development Block Granls,
Urban Development Action Grants, or Revenue Shaflng Funds)
(1) Grantee finanCial records shall clearly Identify the source, amount, and date of
receipt of all cash funds and donated values applied to the prOject Receipts
sharI be recorded as they occur
(2) Donated services shall be valued at the Federal minimum wage rate, unless the
services donated are those normally prOVided by the donor In hiS or her
profess/on or trade. In whIch case they may be valued at rates conSistent With
those paid for Similar work In the local labor market area
(3) Donated matenals shall be valued at the donors cost or the fair market value at
lhe t,me of donation, whichever IS less
2 How to Obtain Goods and Services (DocumentatIOn of Procurement Procedures) Be
sure that your organization provides maXimum free competition when procunng goods and
servIces related to your grant assisted project Every effort must be made to use small
business firms, minority owned firms, women's bUSiness enterprises, and labor surplus
With the one exception noted below, the grantee must obtain goods and services by uSing
one of the follOWIng methods
a Small Purchase Procedures Goods and services may be procured by purchase
order, acceptance of vendor proposals, or other appropriate procurement document,
provided that
(1) you request cost quotes or proposals from three or more vendors, and
(2) you are provided With an adequate deSCription of the goods and services
b Competitive Negotiation ProfeSSional services may be procured by competitIVe
negotiation procedures In the follOWing manner
(1) Request proposals from three or more competitors,
(2) Evaluate and rank their qualifications, and
(3) Select the most qualified competitor, ensunng fair and reasonable compelitlon
Be sure that you have also done the follOWing
(a) PubliCized the request through notices In local newspapers or trade
Journals, In addition to IndiVidual soliCitations, and
(b) Identified all significant evaluation factors and thelf relative Importance In
the request for proposal
c Competitive Sealed Bids Contracts for the procurement of goods and services may
be let on the baSIS of sealed bids soliCited through formal advertisement In newspaper
of local or area Circulation Be sure to Include the follOWing Items In your
(1) Notice of the time and place of public bid opening,
(2) Instructions on how to obtain detailed bid documents or procurement
specifications, and
(3) A statement that public funds are Involved
d Exception The follOWing method must be used by departments or agencies of the
state, and by units of county, muniCipal or other local government
ProfeSSional architectural, engineering, landscape architectural, or land surveYing and
mapping services must alwavs be selected throuqh competitive neqotlatlon orocedures
as stipulated In the "Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act", Sedan 287055,
Florrda Statutes
e Qualification of Contractors It IS essential that the project be superVised and
carned out by personnel possessing training and experience appropriate to the nature
of the projecl Grantees shall require, as a part of the bid or proposal package
submitted by prospective contractors, documentation of the professional qualifications
of the key personnel to be employed Such documentation shall Include, but not be
limited to
(1) resumes of academiC training and employment In the applicable field,
(2) eVidence of possession of reqUired licenses or business permits, and
(3) eVidence of any prevIous experience In projects of a Similar nature
f Contract PrOVIsions In addition to proVIsions defining a sound and complete
procurement contract, any grantee shall ensure that the follOWing contract prOVIsions
or conditions are Included In all procurement contracts and subcontracts relating to
the project
(1) Contracts other than small purchases shall contain prOVIsions or conditions
which Will allow for administratIVe, contractual, or legal remedies In Instances
where contractors Violate or breach contract terms, and prOVide for such
sanctions and penalties as may be appropnate
(2) All contracts shall contain SUitable proVISions for termination by the grantee,
Including the manner by which II Will be effected and the basIs for seWement
In addition, such contracts shall desCribe conditions under which the contract
may be terminated for defauIl as well as conditions where the contract may be
terminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor
(3) All contracts and subcontracts awarded by the grantee and ItS pnmary
contractors shall assure equal employment opportunity
(4) All contracts (except those awarded by small purchases procedures) awarded
by grantees shall Include a prOVIsion to the effect that the grantee, the
Department, or any of their duly authorized representallves shall have access
to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor which are
directly pertinent to that speCifiC contract, for the purpose of making audit,
examination, excerpts, and transcnptlon Grantees shall reqUire contractors to
maintain all reqUired records for five years after grantees make final payments
and all other pending mailers are closed
(5) All contracts InvolVing construction work shall Include prOVISion for compliance
With the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act, 18 USC 874, as supplemented In
Department of Labor regulations, 29 CFR Part 3, prohibiting employers from
IndUCing any person employed to give up any part of the compensation to which
he or she IS otherwise entitled
(6) All contracts InvolVing the research, preparation, and publication of data shall
Include notice of the conditions relating to copynghts contained In paragraph
I A 22 on page 6 of thiS document
g Contract Pnclng
(1) Procurement by small purchase procedures or competitive negotiation methods
may be priced on either a fixed-fee or cost reimbursable basIs
(2) Procurement by the competitive sealed bid method shall be priced on a flrm-
fixed-fee basIS
(3) Procurement based on cost-plus-percentage-of-cost or percentage-of-
construction-cost contracts shall not be Included In determining allowable
proJect costs
h Documentation to be Submitted to the Department The grantee shall submltlhe
follOWing Items to the Department as eVidence or compliance with procurement
procedures prior to the execution or any contract for project work
(1) copies of the solicitation for proposals or Invitation to bid and all applicable bid
documents, Including construc!lon plans and specifications If required - to be
submitted upon dlstnbutlon or publication,
(2) a summary of proposals or bids received and the baSIS for contractor selection -
to be submitted upon complellon of the seleclion process, and
(3) a copy of the final contract - to be submitted for review and approval by the
Department prior to final execution by the grantee
3 Documentallon of Project Costs The grantee shall submit a ProJect Progress and
Expenditure Report for every reporting period of the grant
a Determmatlon of Allowable Project Costs The total project cost submitted by the
grantee might contain expenditures that are not allowable In determining the eligible
costs In accordance With the grant award agreement The Department Will review
each Expenditure Report, and make Its determination of the eligible costs on the
baSIS of the follOWing cntena
(1) Allowable project costs shall Include
(a) costs Incurred by contract for procurement of goods and services
approved by the Department,
(b) costs Incurred by properly documented small purchase procedures,
(c) costs Incurred by the grantee for the follOWing Items applied directly to
authOrized project work
accounting the cost of establishing, maintaining, and auditing
financial accounts,
II communications speCifiC charges for telephone, telegraph, or
other communications services,
III employee salaries and benefits,
IV materials and supplies,
v procurement services the cost of advertiSing, soliCitation,
processing, and administration of procurement contracts,
VI reproduclion the cost of limited reproduction of reports, forms,
and project documents,
1 ]
VII travel the costs of travel. lodging and subsistence at rates not
exceeding commercial coach fares or current mileage and per
diem rates allowed by the State, only after obtaining written
approval from the Department
(d) the properly documented value of donated services and materials
(2) Costs not allowable shall Include
(a) project costs Incurred outside the project period,
(b) costs of gOOds and services not procured In accordance With reqUired
procurement procedures,
(c) costs or value of donations not properly documented as desCribed below,
(d) costs Incurred by the grantee other than those specified In the authOrized
project work, or not directly related to the project, and
(e) Indirect costs Incurred for common or JOint activities of the grantee
b State Funded ProJects-Documentation of Grantee Cash Expenditures Grantees
shall provide a detailed listing of each expenditure In the Expenditure Report, which IS
to be submitted at the end of each quarter wllhln the grant period and contains the
follOWIng informatIon
(1) check number, or If a cash expenditure, a copy of the receipt must be
(2) check date or date of cash expenditure, expenditures overlapPing the grant
penod must be prorated, and
(3) the purpose of each expenditure, stated clearly and In suffiCient detail for the
Department to determine If the expenditure IS allowable,
Unless requested by the Department, detailed backup documentation does not need
to accompany the Quarterly Expenditure Report
c State Funded ProJects-Documentation of Donated Values The value of donated
mateflals and volunteer services IS not eligible for grant funds, but IS allowable In
determining the grantee matching share Documentation of donations shall Include
lists of IndiViduals donating services or materials, Indicating the total hours of
volunteer services donated In the accomplishment of authoflzed project work and the
type and fair value of the donated materials
d Federally Funded Projects-Documentation of Grantee Cash Expenditures In
addition to proViding a detailed listing of each expenditure In the Expenditure Report,
grantees receiving Federal gran! assistance must also submit the follOWing
documentatlOn as applicable
(1 ) co pies of contractors' Invoices Item I ZI ng th e mate rial s dell vered, services
rendered, and work Items completed,
(2) an original signed and dated receipt from the contractor/supplier shOWing the
date payment was received and the amount received along With a copy of the
check 0 r cop I es of the front and b ac k of th e cance I ed checks,
(3) caples of In-kind (salary) services forms Indicating the dates and hours devoted
to authorized project work signed by both the employee and the supervisor, and
(4) copies of payroll regIsters for all pay periods claimed for each employee or the
front and back of canceled checks for all pay penods claimed for each
e Federally Funded ProJects-Documentation of Donated Values As with State
funded grant proJects, the value of donated materials and volunteer services IS not
eligible for grant funds, but IS allowable In determining the grantee matching share In
addition to providing a listing of donated materials and services In the Expenditure
Report, grantees receiving Federal grant assistance must also submit the follOWing
documentatIon as applicable
(1) caples of donated materials forms Indicating the matenaJs donaled and their
value signed by both the donor and the project supervisor, and
(2) caples of donated services forms indicating the dates and hours devoted to
authorized project work signed by both the volunteer and the project
4 Transfer of Grant Funds Grant funds shall be transferred to the grantee In four quarterly
payments Payment for lhe first quarter shall be transferred upon receipt by the Department
of the grantee's first Progress and Expenditure Report Grant funds for the second quarter
Will be sent to the grantee upon receipt of a second Progress and Expenditure Report The
third quarter payment shall be transferred upon receipt of the third Progress and Expenditure
Report The final quarterly payment Will be transferred to the grantee upon completion of the
grant project and submiSSion and review of a properly documented Final PrOject Progress
and Expenditure Report, and a determination by the Department that the grantee has
complied With all terms of the grant award agreement The fourth quarterly payment cannot
be transferred to the grantee prior to the fourth quarter
For state agencies and state Institutions of higher education, grant funds may be transferred
on a reimbursement ralher than advanced payment baSIS Journal Transfers Will be
processed upon receipt by the Department of an IfIVOlce for the amount requested for
reimbursement (50% of the allowable project costs Incurred dUring thiS billing penod), and a
completed Request for Journal Transfer form
a Incremental Payments The total of grant funds transferred to the grantee In
response to requests for Incremental payments pnor to final completion of the project
work shall not exceed seventy-five percent of the amount reserved for the project as
stated In the grant award agreement
b Final Payment The total of grant funds transferred to the grantee follOWing final
project completion, Including all funds previously transferred In Incremental payments,
shall not exceed the amount of the grantee's actual cash expenditures In payment of
allowable project costs
B Project Progress and Completion Reports A Project Progress Report IS required for all grant
assisted proJects, regardless of the type of work Involved
PrOject Progress Report To be submitted at the end of each quarter Within the grant
period It should be submitted In conjunction With the Expenditure Report ThiS report shall
a Include a schedule of the anticipated completion of maJor proJect work elements and
final completion of the project,
b a brief description of work accomplished In the prevIous three months,
c a description of any unusual problems or conditions encountered or any unusual
methods, matenals, or techniques employed,
d caples of required documents (contracts, press releases, etc ) as applicable, and
e photographic documentation of construction work lfI-progress or completed work may
be Included
2 Fmal Project Progress Report To be submitted within 30 days of completion of aU project
work IfI conjunction with the Final Expenditure Report In addition to the above Information,
thiS report shall also Include
a a descnptlon and explanation of any vanatlons between the planned project work and
that actually accomplished,
b a descflptlon and explanation of any Significant differences between the planned
project budget and the actual project costs,
c photographic documentation of completed construction work, and
d reqUired audit dOcuments
C Reports Required for Survey Projects In addition to the reports deSCribed In B above, the
following reports are reqUired for histOriC and archaeological survey projects
1 Final Survey Report To be submitted In a draft form no later than forty-five (45) days prior
to the end of the grant period and as the final product at the conclUSion of the project penod
Archaeological Survey Reports shall comply With the "Archaeological Report Standards and
GUidelines," Rule 1A-46, Flonda Admlfllstratlve Code ThIS report shall mclude In the
followmg order
a a title page Indlcatlflg the name of the proJect, the name of the author, and the date of
the report,
b an acknowledgments page citing the sources of funding and other Significant
aSSistance, disclaimer, and CIVil nghts statement (CIVil rrghts statement applies to
Federally funded projects only),
c an Introduction descrlblflg the origin and objectives of the proJect,
d a description of the survey area or theme, accompanied by a Florida Department of
Transportation county highway map or USGS topographic map outlining or
highlighting the survey area With Identified sites plotted on a legible map of
appropriate scale,
e a summary of all past field surveys In the survey area of the current project and their
major fmdmgs relevant to the current survey,
f a deSCription of the field survey, Including the speCific methodology employed to
Identify Sites, to locate their boundaries, and to evaluate them,
g a summary and chronological narratIVe of the Significant historical events or
developments related to the project area or theme,
h Identification of indIViduals and organizations that played Significant parts In those
events and/or developments,
a final list of all previously Identified sites located within the survey area, Including the
Florida Site File Number and Survey Record Number,
a fina/list of all newly Identified sites within the survey area, Including the F/oflda Site
File Number and Survey Record Number,
k conclusions and recommendations as 10 the Significance of resources Idenllfied
according to National Register of Hlstonc Places criteria, local deSignation crltefla
(where applicable), and future survey, planning, and preservation action, and
a list of bibliographiC sources and other appropriate supplemental mateflal
2 Survey Log Sheet To be submitted with the Final Survey Report The Survey Log Sheet
form shall be prOVided to the grantee by the Department, and shall be completed as speCified
In Attachment B
3 Flonda S.te FIle forms To be submitted with the Final Survey Report for all sites recorded
dUflng the survey These forms shall be completed as speCified In Attachment B
o Reports ReqUIred for Commumty EducatIOn Projects and PreservatIon Planning Projects In
addition to the reports descnbed In B above, a draft of the final product Will be submlUed to the
Department no later than forty-five days (45) prior to the end of the grant period, supplemental
reports or drafts of the final product may be reqUired to be submitted for community education and
preservation planning proJects depending on the nature and scope of the indiVidual project
Bureau of Hl~tOtlc Preservation
TALLAHASSEJ:: FL 32399.0250
TELEPHONE (850) 245-6333
SUNCOM 205-6333
FAX (850) 245 6437
TOLL FREE 1-800-847-7278
E-MAIL rnrowley@rnatl dos Slate fJ "s
TELrPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
May 21,2003
Ms Mary E Row ley
HIstonc PreservatIOn Planner
Bureau of HIstonc PreservatIon
500 South Bronaugh Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 F I L E
RE Downtown Clearwater Design GUIdelmes, Gran~
Dear Ms Row ley
Please fmd attached a copy of the cover letter from each consultant that responded to the CIty'S
RFQ (RFQI4-03) The lIst mcludes those consultants not selected (RMPK Group, Glattmg
Jackson Kercher Anglm Lopez Rmehart, Inc, CIVIC DeSign ASSOCIates and Abell GarcIa
Partnership) In addition to the consultant which was selected, Land DesIgn InnovatIOns, Inc (LDI)
It IS my understandmg that submIssIOn of thIS document WIll enable the completIOn of the fllmg of
the abovementIoned grant
If you have any questIons, please do not heSitate to call me at 727-562-4547 OT Gma Clayton at
CynthIa ~~pambff! t-
Planmng DIrector
Cover letters fo omthe followmg
Land DesIgn InnovatIOns, Ioc
RMPK Group
Glattmg Jackson Kercher Anglm Lopez Rmehart, Inc
Abell GarcIa PartnershIp
U \My DowmpnnlLong Range Plannmg\DowntownlJ)eSlgn GUIdelines GranN..etlerSJ.DI RFQ response request [me r 05-2/-03 doc
{(1\'1 P K
February 14, 2003
1-31l) \1.)111 Sleed
S<lr,hola, FlOrid,) 3-1-236
4...J.1 l)5-l-. 1 7 I S
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rill pl(1I rmpl.i<roll P COIll
CIty of Clearwater
Mr George McKibben, CIty Purchasing Manager
MUnicIpal ServIces Bulldmg
100 South Myrtle Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear Mr McKibben ~~ f~ ~ ~--i
We are pleased, Mr McKrboen';t(}offer to you thIs letter of mterest for RFQ l4-03,
Downtown Clearwater Design GUldelmes At RMPK we believe success begms with a well-
laId plan and an exceptional execution team For Just that reason we have assembled the
perfect compOSItIOn of seasoned professIOnals from our firm and Roger Browne Associates
for your project
The RMPK Group, Inc. has a proven track record in results In over twenty years our firm
has grown to meet the demands of our clients and their challenges Our diverse team allows
us to contnbute to projects of all magnitudes and vanetles including commumty and regIOnal
plannmg, land development planmng, parks planmng, urban design, and landscape
archItecture Because we stnve to be the best we have earned numerous NatIOnal awards for
our Urban Planning & Design projects
Roger Brown Associates, Inc. IS a natIOnal leader In retail design and merchandlsmg
Producmg more than seventy-five retaIl projects the firm provides design services to retail
and commercIal developers and institutional chents With over twenty-five years expenence
Roger Browne Associates has unparalleled performance and dnves a project through to
Our fifteen profeSSionals would like the Staff of Parkland to know we are committed to
takmg on thIS project and are truly eXCIted about the opportunity to create the City of
Clearwater Downtown DesIgn GUldelmes Our expenence should assure you of our devotion
to your proJect's success, but don't Just believe us, please call any of our prevIous clients and
ask them
The RMPK Group would like you to know we are eXCited to have the opportumty to work
With you on thIS prOject and look forward to your assiduous review of the followmg proposal
Slncer ly,
Pnnclpal, RMPK Group
\ I~] P1 1,11,
L'I ill2lon,11 i))<l1111IIN t.:n\lI()[Ulllnta! P/anI111l<:' Landsl<lpe All!1]h~LjUl~
1. Inri rLll111ln~ l' I ban ])CS1~n ..,
February 12,2003
Mr George McKlbben
City Purchasmg Manager
City of Clearwater
MuruClpal ServIces Bwlchng
100 South Myrtle Ave (3rd floor)
Clearwater, Flonda 33756
RE. Downtown Clearwater Design Gwdehnes (RFQ 14-03)
Dear Mr McKlbben
Thank you for tlus opporturuty to subrrut our quahfications to provIde the City of
Clearwater WIth professlOnal urban deSIgn servIces It would be an honor for Land DeSIgn
Innovations, Inc (LDI) to aSSIst the CIty WIthm the commuruty redevelopment study area
Our firm has specIabzed expertise ill redevelopment planrung, urban deSIgn, comprehenSIve
planrung, landscape arclutectute and Clvll engilleenng Our project team for tlus asslgnment
would conSIst of several deSIgners and urban planners, three are cerufied through AICP, two
are degreed arclutects and all have reCeIved then masters ill planrung Our professlOnals
have receIved several awards illcluchng the Gilla M Langevill Memonal A ward for
Outstanchng COm.m1tment to Urban DeSIgn, the FPZA 1991 Outstandillg Innovation
Award and the LeFrak Award
Recently, LDI has been worktng on several small area stuches and CltywIde deslgn gwdelmes
for the CIty of Apopka Our professlOnals have also prepared deSIgn gwdeltnes and deSIgn
overlay chstncts for the Town of Celebration and the clties of Ormond Beach, Orlando,
Willter Spnngs, Leesburg, Punta Gorda, Ithaca (New York) and Sanford In adchtion, we
have prepared deSIgn gwdehnes or tmplemented deSIgn standards, for many pnvate
development clients, such as, Osceola Corporate Center, North POillt DR! (Shell 011
Company), Festival Bay Mall, Meadowwoods DR!, and Honzon West (Orange County)
We have worked throughout the State aSSIStlng governments WIth the preparation of
corndor plans, small area stuches, and redevelopment plans We have been selected on a
contlnwng baSIS to prOVide surular servIces by several of the State's ReglOnal Planrung
Counclls LDI currently has a contlnwng servIces contract WIth the Tampa Bay ReglOnal
Planmng Councll for Commuruty VIslOrung and Planrung, our deSIgn work is on illsplay for
the South Pasadena project at http / /southpasadenavlSlon homepage com We also
frequently proVIde servIces to the East Central Flonda ReglOnal Planmng Councll to
facilitate DR! workshops In adchtion, we were selected to partiCIpate ill the Flonda Mam
Street Commuruties techrucal aSSistance program, and have worked With the CIties of Darua
Beach and St Cloud
''10 N.rth O,'."d. /lo,"", · 5.." 2' 5 · Wm'or Pork F'."d. 3278' . Ph.., '107-915-' 273 · F.. '107 -915-' 278 · www L..db,~.m lL.
~ 1
Please find attached ten (10) coples of our team orgaruzanon and qualtficanons,
representatlve expetlence and letters of recommendatlon from recent cltents LDI will
remam comnutted to meel:1ng rmlestones agreed upon wlth the Clty ill a ttmely and cost
effectlve manner We know you will be sansfied by our c01ll1ll1tment, respooslveness and
overall professlonal qualtty of work
W,lhamJ Anghn,Jr
DaVId L B>rm
Jay H Exum
Jack F Gl>ttmg
Ca,oy S Hayo
Jay R Hood
TimothyT J""k.on
W Ilharn C Kerch or J r
Waltor M Kula,h
Shuon K umanlla
S Raymond Lopez
John H Porcy
John F Rmd"lrt
Grogory A Bryla
France. E Chandl<r
DavId ROm.
Charlo. P Cnbblo
Mlchaol R Cochran
J <frrey S Colhn.
Richard E DUr<, J r
A Blake Drury
Brue. C H.oll
DaVId M Kutner
Frank A Jasklewlcz
G oli Due")'
Brellt A ucy
Wilham D Lk'
Ian M Lockwood
Jolliey F M:rnud
EdwordJ McKmney
Thomas J McMacken,Jr
Randill S M eJeu'
Douglas A Metzg.,
J ahn J Moo'" 1lI
BalraJ N M ohahcer
!{ukJ Olney
TImothy R Polermo
KeUey Samuel. Pete ,mOn
H <ather J PhI el
Troy PRuss
Jod'l Rutmann
Peter C Sechler
Nathon P SIlva
J elf M Sugar
Laura K Turner
Ronald L U ,h>.Olok
G Wocle Walkor
Gary E Warn er
Donald G WIShart
oil I
222 Clemans Stre"
SUlte 200
We" Palm Beoch
Flo"da 3340 I
P 561 659 6552
F 561 833 1790
www glatung com
lIcense /I EB 0005812
LC C000049
1#.. P.tJ m !U,w, . OrLrn4o
Letter of Interest
February 14,2003
George McKibben
CIty Purchasmg Manager
Mumclpal Services BUlldmg
100 South Myrtle Avenue (3rd floor)
Clearwater, FL 33756-5520
Re: City of Clearwater - Planning Department RFQ 14-03; Request for
Qualifications for Downtown Clearwater Design Guidelines
Dear Mr McKIbben
Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rlllchart, Inc. (Glathng Jackson) IS
pleased to submit thiS proposal to proVIde Downtown DeSIgn GUldelmes services III
conJunctton WIth the update of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan 1Oc1udmg the
Gateway area We are a fun service Commumty Planmng firm With extensIve
redevelopment expenence, and our teams' ability to mtegrate urban deSign,
transportation, land use and strategIc thmkmg m challengmg urban envtronments IS
natIOnally recogmzed Our team bnngs together diverse expertise m corrunumty
redevelopment, urban deSign, landscape archItecture, parks and pubhc space deSign
and commumty 1Ovolvement to buIld consensus
Glathng Jackson's team IS partIcularly well sutted to assist the City 10 developmg
Deslgn Gutdehnes for the Downtown area We have consIderable expenence m
Clearwater, most recently workmg With the City to develop ItS Parks and RecreatIOn
System Master Plan and facihtatmg a Mam Street Deslgn GUldeltnes Workshop for
the Cleveland Street commerCial area The team we've assembled for thiS project
bnngs the WIde range of sktlls and background and Clearwater expenence that Will
be needed to develop effecttve urban deSign strategIes for the CIty'S downtown area
We are excited about the opportumty to work WIth the City of Clearwater on thiS
project and we are confident that we can complete the Gutdehnes well WIthm
ttmehne for subnussIOn to the State of Flonda We look forward to dIscussmg our
Ides With you 10 more detaIl Please feel free to contact me WIth any questlOns you
may have regardmg our proposal
DaVid M Kutner, AICP
Semar Planner
Davld L Barth, ASLA, AICP, CPRP
Glattmg Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc
[ ~l
? '
75 NE 6th Avenue
SUite 215
Delray Beach, Flonda
tel 561 330 9611
fax 561 330 9612
r "
.p.- "')
e- ""'i
2136 Kipling Street
Houston, Texas
tel 713 520 6608
fax 713 5207197
~ ~l
~ ~l
. ,
, "
~ "'I
12 February 2003
George McKtbben
CIty Purchasing :Manager
Munlopal Services BUlkhng
100 South Myrtle Avenue, 3rd Floor
Clearwater, Flonda 33756-5520
Re: Reque-st for QualificatIons
Downtown Clearwater Design Guidehnes
Dear Mr McKtbben,
CIVIC DesIgn Assooates (CDA) IS pleased to submtt Its statement of quahficanons for the
above referenced project As a muln-dtsoplmary team of arclutects, planners, and
redevelopment consultants, we are commltted to the Improvement, densIficanon, and
sustamable urba111Zaoon of Amenca's bwlt envttonment, parttcularly 111 mner-oty
redevelopment situations and the re-l11ventIon of the now ubIqmtous suburban development
CDA speoahzes 111 an l11tegrated approach to town planntng, urban destgtl, and economtc
development The finn has become nationally recogruzed for Its comprehensIve approach
to urban planrung through Its deSIgns and Innovanve development regulations for both new
commuruties and redevelopment areas The work of the firm demonstrates, at vanous
scales, the Critical relationshtp between land use and transportation, transIt, parlung,
walkabillty, the VItahty of an active street bfe, and a conumtment to strong, healthy
We ate great beltevers In an open, pubbc destgtl process, and are fully comnutted to working
closely Wlth residents and property owners of Clearwater to define shared VISIons, goals,
objectives, and pnonties for these Des1g11 Gwdelmes We are also great believers 111
vnplementmg development plans, and would stress at the outset the rmportance of Identifymg
fundtng sources, pnvate 111vestment Incentives, and workable deSign regulations to msure
that quality development and redevelopment occurs
It would be an understatement to say that we are merely Interested In worlung on clus
project We thank you for clus opporturuty and look forward to your favorable conSIderation
of our subm1ttal
Chnstopher J Brown
1110 N Flonda Avenue, SUIte 301 . Tampa, FL 33602 Telephone 813-318-9100 Fax 813-318-9101
13 February 2003
Mr George McKibben
City Purchasmg Manager
The City of Clearwater
MUOlclpal Services BUlldmg
100 South Myrtle Avenue, 3rd Floor
Clearwater, FL 33756 - 5520
Dear Mr McKIbben
We, Abell Garcia Architects and Stephame Ferrell, FAIA as Jomt venture firms, are wntmg to
express our strong interest In prepanng the Downtown Clearwater Design Guidehnes for the City
of Clearwater
Each of our firms has had extensive expenence In creating design gUldehnes for hlstonc districts
and mdlvldual structures, and further, In applymg and In usmg design gUldehnes m our profession
As the director of the Historic Tampa / Hlllsborough County Preservation Board, architect
Stephanie Ferrell has both supervised the preparation of architectural deSign gUldehnes and used
them as the admmlstrator of the Tampa Architectural Review comnusslon, the Barno Latino
CommiSSion and the Hdlsborough County HIstoric Resources RevIew Board over the course of
her 19 years with the board In that capacity, she also prepared deSign gUidelines for each of the
13 deSignated landmarks In the city As a pnvate consultant, she also authored the City of
Lakeland's Munn Park Historic Dlstnct GUldehnes (1985) for Its downtown hlstonc dlstnct and
most recently (July 2002) she prepared Illustrations and additIonal text for the City of EustiS
(umllustrated) gUidelines for Its downtown
Kenneth Garcia has served In many roles pertment to the creation and use of deSign gUldehnes
Includmg servmg as the admmlstrator of the Barno Latmo CommissIOn 1975-1978 and havmg
served as a CommisSioner for 15 years and as Its chaIr for 5, guidmg the apphcatlon and
Page 2
Lellel to Mr George McKIbben
13 Febnwry 2003
mterpretatlon of the design guidelines to this urban district Among its many hlstonc preservation
projects, the firm of Abell Garcia Architects IS the Architect for the restoration and rehabihtatlOn
of the Umverslty of Tampa's Plant Hall (Tampa Bay Hotel) In the course of thiS work, they
created desIgn gUIdehnes for future work related to both the histone bUlldmg and ItS
Additionally, both firms have extensIve expenence m usmg and mterpretlng the Secretary of the
Intenor's Standards for Rehabilitation m their private sector work Stephame Ferrell's pnvate
practice over the last SIX years mcludes a Significant element of hlstonc preservation tax credit
consultmg, where successfully mterpretmg and meetmg the Secretary's Standards IS imperative
Based upon the depth and breadth of our expenence in both creating and usmg design gUidelines,
we beheve that our two firms are emmently well qualIfied to undertake these serVices for the City
We would be pnvlleged to work with the City of Clearwater In the preparation of design
gUIdelines which would address histonc rehabilitatIOn, new constructIOn, additions, fa~ade
alterations and slgnage
Thank you for your consideratIOn
Smcerely yours,
It, FAIA and Kenneth GarCia, AlA
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TELEPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
ApnllO, 2003
Ms Mary E Rowley
HIstone Preservatlon Planner
Bureau of HIstonc PreservatIOn
500 South Bronaugh Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
RE Downtown Clearwater DesIgn GUidelInes, ~16
Dear Ms Rowley
The CIty of Clearwater IS proceedIng wIth the development of the Downtown DesIgn GUldehnes
however we could not proceed wIth the project untt! conceptual approval from City ComrrussIOn
regardIng the creatIOn of the character dIstncts wlthm the downtown was granted That approval
has been granted, a consultant selected and the scope will be fmalIzed thlS week Due SIze of the
study area and the number of character dlstncts bemg created, It WIll be dlfflcult to meet the
reqUlred grant deadlme
The Clty of Clearwater IS requestmg an extenSIOn of the current deadline to September 30, 2003
We wtll be able to encompass all expenses mcurred or encumbered by that date In addltlOn, a
draft of our GUldelInes can be proVIded to the Bureau by August 15, 2003 The fmal report and
gUIdelInes can be submItted on or before September 30, 2003
Your help m thIS matter 15 greatly apprecIated
If you have any questIOns, please do not heSitate to call me at 727-562-4547 or Gma Clayton at
CynthIa Tarapam, AICP
Planmng DIrector
U \My DOLUmenls\Long Range PlannJng\Downtown\DeSlgn GUIde/me, GranN.ellers\Granl extenSIOn request [eller 4-09-03 dOL
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POST Orfln Box 4748, CLEARWATFR, FLORIDA 33758-4748
TFLFPHONF (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4865
October 24,2002
Mary E Rowley
Hlstonc PreservatIon Planner
Bureau of Histone PreservatlOn
500 S Bronaugh Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
~~ R [J f'5
DorwntQw.n~OIB.anvater Deslgn Guldellnes
Grant No F0216
Dear Ms Mary E Rowley
Please find enclosed the followmg Items that were referenced 111 your letter dated October
4,2002 The ongmals of two signed caples of the Grant Award Agreement, one sIgned
Addendum and the four sIgned Advanced Payment Forms Also mcluded IS the ongmal
memo sent the CIty Managers office explall1ll1g the grant and actIvItIes the grant wlll be
applIed towards
These Items should complete the City's reqUIrements to fully execute the Grant Award
If you have any questIOns, please do not hesitate to call Gma Clayton, Long Range
Plaruung Manager at 562-4587, or RIchard H Kephart, Senior Planner at 562-4557
Cyndl Tarapam
Plannmg DIrector
City of Clearwater
WIlIl >-in G RAY, VieT J'v!\ \ OR COM.I1I~SIONER HoY! HAMil ION, COM \11 "~IO~ FR
I RAM. HIBIl\RD, CO\t~\I<;<;lo~rR * Ell L)ONSON, CO\t\IISSIONI R
; Clearwater
To Bill Home, City Manager
From Cyndi Tarapam, Planmng DIrector rJ.Y
Date September 1 I, 2002
RE HIstoncal Resources Grant
The City of Clearwater was awarded $10,000 from the Florida Dept of State, DIVIsion of
HlstoncaJ Resources to be used m the preparatIOn of Downtown DesIgn GUldehnes The eRA
pledged another $10,000 to assIst m fundmg thts project The Planmng Department wIll use this
$20,000 to htre a consultant to develop the gUldelmes for the eXlstmg and expanded Downtown
CRA They wIll replace eXlstmg gUIdelines that currently only address the tradItional downtown
core and lack speCifics to produce quahty design
Attached for your reVIew and signature are two copies of the grant award agreement, the
Addendum and Advance Payment Forms, which must be returned to the State Please contact
Gina Clayton at x4587 when the attachments have been signed Tills project must commence
Within 90 days of executIOn of thts agreement and must by completed by June 3D, 2003 If you
have any questions please contact me at your convemence
Hlstonc PreservatIOn Grant Award Agreement
Suney and Planmng Grants - Advanced Payment
Grant No F0216
ThIS AGREEMENT IS between the State ofFlonda, Department of State, DIvIsIOn ofHlstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the City of Clearwater, a mUlllClpal corporatIOn eXistmg under the
laws of the State ofFlonda, heremaftel referred to as the Grantee, relative to the Downtown Clearwater DeSign
GUidelines ProJect, heremafter referred to as the ProJect, and IS entered mto thiS day of
,2002, and shall cnd 011 June 30, 2003
The Department IS responsIble for the admmlstratIon of grant-m-ald assistance for histone pre~ervatlOn purposes
under the provISIons of SectIOn 2670617, Flonda Statutes The Grantee has applied for grant-m-ald assIstance fO!
the Project The apphcatlOn, mcorporated by reference, has been revlewed and approved III accordance With Chapter
IA-35, Flonda Adll1l111stratlve Code, which regulates Histone PreservatIOn Grants-m-Ald Subject to the lIll1ltatlOns
set forth III thiS Agreement, grant-m-ald funds m the amount often thousand dollars ($10,000.00) have been
reserved for the Project by the Department The Department and the Grantee aglee as follows
I The Project shall mclude the followmg authorIZed project work
A. Architectural DeSign Gllldelmes for the City of Clearwater's Downtown Redevelopment
Area, utIhzmg the DiviSIOn's Model Gllldelmes for DeSign ReView and the Secretary of
InterIOr Standards for RehabIlitation, wlil be produced.
B. A draft of the DeSign GUldelmes wIll be subnutted to the Department no latcr than Forty-
five days prIOr to the end of the grant period for review and approval.
C. Three copies of the Architectural DeSign GUidelines WI)) be submitted to the Department at
the end of thc grant period as final products.
II The Grantee agrees to adll1l111ster the Project m accordance With the GENERAL AND SPECIAL
Chapter lA-35, Flonda Adnulllstra!Ive Code, and the followlllg speCific conditions
A The Gnmtee agrees to complete the Project by June 30, 2003 and subnut the Filla] Products and
the Flllal Progress Report and Fmal Expenditure Report, as speCIfied III Attachment "A", Part II,
subparagraph B 2 , wlthm 30 days of completlOn of ProJ ect work No costs Incurred pnor to the
commencement date of thiS Agreement are eligible for payment from grant funds No costs
Incurred after the above proJect work completlOn date wJiI be eligIble for payment unless
speCifically authorIZed by the Department before the cost IS mcurred
B The Department shall not assume any hablhty for the acts, OnuSSlOns to act or negligence of the
Grantee, Its agents, servants or employees, nor shall the Grantee exclude liability for ItS own acts,
onuSSlOns to act or negligence to the Department The Grantee hereby agrees to be responsIble for
any lllJury or property damage resultmg from any acttvltles conducted by the Grantee, ItS agents,
servants or employees
C The Grantee, other than a grantee which IS the State or agency or subdivIsion of the State, aglees to
mdemmfy and hold the Department harnlless from and agamst any and all c1anns or demands for
damages, mcludmg attorney fees and court costs, resultmg flOm personal mJury, Il1cludmg death 01
damage to properly, ansmg out of any actiVities performed under thIS Agreement, onusSlOns to act
or negligence of the Grantee, ItS agents, servants, or employees and shall lllveStlgate all clam1S at
Its own expense
D The Grantee shall be solely responsIble for all work performed and an expenses mcurred 111
connectIOn wlth the Project The Grantee may subcontract as necessary to perform the services set
forth III thiS Agreement, mcludmg entenng mto subcontracts WIth vendors for services and
commodities, proVided that such subcontract has been approved m wntmg by the Department pnor
to Its executiOn, and provlded that It IS understood by the Grantee that the Department shall not be
liable to the subcontractor for any expenses or liablhtles Incurred under the subcontract and that
the Grantee shan be solely liable to the subcontractor for all expenses and liabilities mcurred under
the subcontract
E The Grantee shall subnut complete bld documents, mcludlng plans and speclficatlOns, to the
Department for review and approval pnor to the execution of any contract for constructlOn wOIk
F The Grantee agrees that all acts to be perfonned by It 111 connectlOn With thiS Agreement shall be
performed m Strict conforrruty With all appl1cable laws and regulatIOns of the State ofFlonda
G The Grantee shall coordillate consultatIOn between Its profeSSIOnal consultants and appropnate
Department staff representatIVes as necessary to assure mutual understandmg of and agreement on
the obJectives, requIrements, and hnutatlOllS of the Project m relatIOn to the State HIstonc
PreservatIOn Program
H The Department shall Unilaterally cancel thiS Agreement III the event that the Grantee refuses to
allow pubhc access to all documents or other matenals subject to the prOVISIOns of Chapler 119,
Flonda Statutes, and made or received by the Grantee III conjunctIOn wIth thiS Agreement
Bills for fees or other compensatIOn for services or expenses shall be subnutted m detail suffiCient
for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof The Grantee shan not charge the Department for any
travel expense Without the Department's wTltten approval Upon obtam1l1g the Department's
written approval, the Grantee shall be authonzed to mCur travel expenses to be reimbursed ill
accordance With Section 112061, Flonda Statutes
J The Grantee recogmzes that the State of Flonda, pursuant to Section 212 08(6), Flonda Statutes, IS
not reqUired to pay taxes on any goods or services which may be proVided to It pursuant to thiS
K The Department's perfonnance and obhgatlOll to pay under thiS Agreement IS contlllgent upon an
annual appropnatJon by the LegIslature In the event that the state funds on which thiS Agreement
IS dependent are Withdrawn, this Agreement IS terrrunated and the Department has nO further
habllity to the Grantee beyond lha t already lllculTed by the terrrunatlon date In the event of a state
revenue shortfall, the total grant shall be reduced In proportIOn to the revenue shortfall
L All project work must be ill compIlance With the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for
Preservation Planmng
M The Grantee will not dlscnmlnate agamst any employee employed m the performance of this
Agreement, or against any applicant for employment because of race, religIOn, color, handlcap,
natIOnal ongm, age, gender, or mantal status The Grantee shall msert a slmlla! provIsIOn In all
subcontracts for services by thiS Agreement
N The Department shall not be liable to pay attorney fees, mterest, late charges and service fees, or
cost of collectIOn related to the grant
o These grant funds will not be used for lobbymg the Legislature, the Judicia] branch or any state
P Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, shall submit to an audit or submit an
attestatIOn statement pursuant to SectIOn 216 349, Flonda Statutes
Q The product of the ProJ ect must be the ongmal work of the Grantee or Its consultants If the work
of others IS used as background mformatlOn, It shan be appropnately credlted to the ongmator
III The Department agrees to pay the Grantee for 50% of the Grantee's total cash expenditures and donated
values, so long as the Grantee's cash expenditures equal or exceed the amount of donated values, up to a
maximum payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) If the donated values exceed the amount of cash
expenditures, the Department shall only pay the Grantee for 100% of actual cash expenditures up to a
maximum payment often thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
In order for any expenditure to qualify for payment, It must be properly documented, be for work
performed dunng the term of the Agreement, and for a charge which IS reasonable m amount and directly
related to and necessary for the completIOn of the authorIZed project work
The total amount as prescnbed above shall be made to the Grantee III four quarterly mstallments The first
three may be made at the begmnmg of each quarter for which they are allotted Grantees shall submit the
four Signed Requests for Advanced Payment Forms (No HR2E560397, effective 3/97), herem
lllcorporated by reference, With thiS SIgned Grant A ward Agreement to Illlhate the grant The Grantee shall
subnut to the Department a completed "Progress and ExpendIture Report" form for every reportmg penod
of the grant penod Progress and Expenditure Reports shall be received by the Department wlthm 30 days
of the endlllg of a reportmg penod
Wlthm 30 days of completion of project work, the Grantee shall submIt the completed "Fmal Progress and
Expenditure Report" form to the Department The last grant payment mstallment shall be payable dunng
the last quarter for WhICh allotted and upon receipt and venficahon of the Grantee's Fmal Progress and
Expenditure Report and venficatIOn of all preVIOusly submitted Progress and Expenditure Reports
When advance payments have been made by the Department, adjustments for overpayments shall be made
quarterly and upon recelpt of the Final Progress and Expenditure Report, unless otherwlse agreed by the
parlles In additIOn, m the event that all project work which IS the subject of thiS Agreement IS not fully
completed In both a limely and satIsfactory manner, the Department reserves the nght to demand and
receIVe full reimbursement of all sums WhICh tt has paid the Grantee under thiS Agreement
Payment for project costs Will also be contmgent upon all authorIZed project work bemg m compliance
With the aforemenhoned Secretary of the lntenor's Standards, and the lllspectlOn and approval of the grant
aSSisted work by the Department The Department further agrees to the followmg condllions
A The Department shall review and approve as to form and content all proposed contracts of the
Grantee for the procurement of goods and services relatmg to the project work and all proposed
contract change orders or amendments pnor to fmal execution of said contracts, change orders or
amendments, but said reVlew and approval shall not be construed as acceptance by or ImpositIOn
upon the Department of any financial liability m connectIon With said contracts
B The Department shall review and approve detailed plans, specIficatIOns, and other bid documents
for constructIon work relatIng to the Project pnor to the executIOn of any contracl for such work,
review and comment on all prelimmary reports and recommendatIons, and confer With the
Grantee and ItS profeSSIOnal consultants as necessary throughout the course of the Project, to
assure comphance WIth the obJectives, reqUIrements and hmltahons ofthe State Histone
PreservatIOn Program
IV The payment schedule of grant funds shall be subject to the tImely fihng of reqUIred reports and to any
speCial conditIOns reqUIred by the Office of the Comptroller, State of Flonda
Surplus funds must be temporanly Invested and the Interest earned on such Investments shall be returned to
the State The Grantee shall report Illterest earnmgs quarterly, and shall remIt the total mterest earned at
the end of the grant penoct In the form of a check or money order made payable to the Flonda Department
of State
V This Agreement IS executed and entered mto In the State of Flonda, and shall be construed, performed\ and
enforced In all respects III accordance with the laws and rules of the State of Flonda Each party shall
perform Its oblIgatIOns hereunder In accordance With the terms and conditIons of thIS Agreement
VI If any term or provISIon of this Agreement IS found to be Illegal and unenforceable, the remamder of this
Agreement shall remam m full force and effect and such term or provISIon shall be deemed stflcken
VII No delay or omission to exercise any nght, power or remedy accruIng to either party upon breach or
default by either party under thlS Agreement, shalllmparr any such nght, power or remedy of either party,
nor shall such delay or omISSIon be construed as a waiver of any such breach or default, or any SimIlar
breach or default
VIII Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, agrees that, ItS officers, agents and employees,
In performance of this Agreement shall act III the capacity of an mdependent contractor and not as an
officer, employee or agent of the State Each grantee, other than a grantee whICh is a State agency, IS not
enl1t1ed to accrue any benefits mcludmg rel1rement benefits and any other nghts or pnvIleges connected
With employment III the State Career Service The Grantee agrees to take such steps as may be necessary
to ensure that each subcontractor of the Grantee WIll be deemed to be an llldependent contractor and Will
not be conSidered or permItted to be an agent, servant, Jomt venturer, or partner of the State
IX The Grantee shall not aSSIgn, subhcense or otherwise transfer Its nghts, dUfles or obligatIOns under thiS
Agreement without pnor wntten consent of the Department whIch consent shall not be umeasonably
WIthheld The Agreement transferee must also demonstrate compliance With Chapter lA-35, Flonda
Admmlstratlve Code If the Department approves a transfer of the Grantee's oblIgatIOns, the Grantee
remalllS responsible for all work performed and aU expenses mcurred III connectIOn With the Agreement
In the event the LegIslature transfers the nghts, duties and obligatIons of the Department to another
government entJty pursuant to SectIOn 2006, Flonda Statutes, or otherwlse, the nghts, dul1es and
obhgatlOns under th1s Agreement shall also be transferred to the successor government entity as If It were
an ongmal party to the Agreement
X ThIs Agreement sIlall bmd the successors, assigns and legal representatives of the Grantee and of any legal
entIty that succeeds to the obligatIOn of the Department
XI The followmg provlSlons shall apply for the voluntary and mvoluntary suspensIOn or termmahon or the
grant by eIther the Department or the Grantee
A SuspensIOn SuspensiOn IS action taken by the Department WhICh temporanly withdraws or limits
the Grantee's authonty to ulihze grant aSSIstance pendmg corrective actlon by the Grantee as
specified by the Department or pendmg a declSlon by the Department to termmate the grant
NotlficatlOn When the Grantee has matenally faded to comply with the terms and
conditions of the grant, the Department may suspend the grant after glvmg the Grantee
reasonable notlce (usually 30 calendar days) and an OppOrtufilty to show cause why the
grant should not be suspended The notice of the suspensIOn Will detaIl the reasons for
the suspenSiOn, any corrective action reqUired of the Grantee, and the effectlve date of
the suspensIOn
2 Comnutments No comnutrnents of funds mcurred by the Grantee dunng the penod of
suspensIOn WIll be allowed under the suspended grant, unless the Department expressly
authonzes them In the notice of suspenSIOn or an amendment to It Necessary and
otherwise allowable costs whICh the Grantee could not reasonably aVOld dunng the
suspenSiOn penod will be allowed If they result from charges properly lTIcurred by the
Grantee before the effective date of the suspenslOn, and not III antIclpatlon of suspenSiOn
or termmatlOn Thrrd party contnbutlOns applicable to the suspensIOn penod shall not be
allowed 10 satisfactIon of matchmg share reqUirements, unless otherwise agreed by the
3 Adjustments to payments Appropnate adjustments to the payments submitted after the
effective date of suspenSiOn under the suspended grant WIll be made either by
wlthholdmg the payments or by not allowmg the Grantee credIt for disbursements made
m payment of unauthonzed costs mcurred dunng the suspenSiOn penod
4 SuspensIOn penod SuspenslQns Wlll remam m effect unbl the Grantee has taken
corrective actIOn to the satisfaction of the Department or gIven wn tten eVidence
satIsfactory to the Department that correctIve action Will be taken, or until the
Department termmates the grant The grant shall be termmated by the Department If the
Grantee fails to respond III wntmg to a notIficatiOn of suspenslon wlthm 30 calendar days
ofrecelpt ofsuch notIficatlon by the Grantee
B TennmatlOn TermmatJon IS the cancellatIon of grant aSSistance, III whole or III part, under a grant
or project at any tIme pnor to the date of completton
All wntten approvals referenced m this Agreement must be obtamed from the parties' grant admmlstrators or theIr
designees The Department and the Grantee have read thiS Agreement and the Attaclunents hereto and have affixed
theIr slgnatures
Director, DIVISion ofHlstoncal Resources
Signature of AuthorIZed OffiCIal
lIoe~ 1L (J/{
Historic Preservation Grant Award Agreement
Survey and Plannmg Grants ~ Advanced Payment
Grant No. F0216
This AGREEMENT IS between the State ofFlonda, Department of State, DIvIsIOn ofHlstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the City of Clearwater, a ffiWlIclpal corporatIOn eXlstmg W1der the
laws of the State ofFlonda, heremafter referred to as the Grantee. relative to the Downtown Clearwater DeSign
GUIdelines ProJect, heremafter referred to as the Project, and IS entered mto thIS day of
,2002, and shall end on June 30,2003
The Department IS responsible for the adnnmstratlOn of grant~m-ald assistance for histonc preservatIOn pwposes
under the proVISIOns of SectIOn 2670617, Flonda Statutes The Grantee has applied for grant-m-ald aSSistance for
the Project The applicatlon, mcorporated by reference, has been reviewed and approved m accordance with Chapter
IA-35, Flonda Aduulllstratlve Code, winch regulates HIstone PreservatIOn Grants-ill-Aid Subject to the lumtatlOns
set forth 111 thIS Agreement, grant-Ill-aid funds III the amount often thousand dollars ($]0,000.00) have been
reserved for the Project by the Department The Department and the Grantee agree as follows
I The Project shall mclude the followmg authonzed project work
A. Architectural DeSign GUldelmes for the City of Clearwater's Downtown Redevelopment
Area, utIhzmg the DIVISIOn's Model GUldelmes for DeSign ReVIew and the Secretary of
Intenor Standards for Rehabilitation, wlil be produced.
B. A draft of the DeSign GUldelmes will be subnntted to the Department no later than Forty-
five days prior to the end of the grant period for review and approval.
C. Three copies of the Architectural DeSign GUldehnes will be submitted to the Department at
the end of the grant penod as final products
II The Grantee agrees to adlll1lllster the Project m accordance With the GENERAL AND SPECIAL
Chapter lA-35, Flonda Adrrumstratlve Code, and the followmg speclfic condmons
A The Grantee agrees to complete the Project by June 30,2003 and subnnt the Fma! Products and
the Filla! Progress Report and Fmal Expenditure Report, as speCified m Attachment "A", Part II,
subparagraph B 2 , Wlthm 30 days of completIOn of proJ ect work No costs lllcurred pnor to the
commencement date of thiS Agreement are ehglble for payment from grant funds No costs
Incurred after the above project work completIOn date Will be ehglble for payment unless
specifically authorlZed by the Department before the cost IS II1curred
B The Department shall not assume any habll1ty for the acts, onnsslOns to act or negligence of the
Grantee, Its agents, servants or employees, nor shall the Grantee exclude liabIlity for ItS own acts,
onusslOns to act or negligence to the Department The Grantee hereby agrees to be responSIble for
any IllJury or property damage resultmg from any actlvltles conducted by the Grantee, Its agents,
servants or employees
C The Grantee, other than a gJantee wluch IS the State or agency or subdivIsIOn of the State, agrees to
mdenuufy and hold the Department harmless from and agalllst any and all clalll1S or dernands for
damages, mcludlllg attorney fees and court costs, resultIng from personal mJury, Illcludmg death or
damage to property, ansmg out of any activIties performed under th1s Agreement, onusslOns to act
or negligence of the Grantee, Its agents, servants, or employees and shall lllvestlgate all clalffiS at
Its own expense
D The Grantee shall be solely responsible for all work performed and all expenses mcurred III
cOlmectJon with the Project The Grantee rnay subcontract as necessary to perform the services set
forth In tlus Agreement, mcludmg entenng mto subcontracts WIth vendors for services and
conunodItles, provIded that such subcontract has been approved III wntmg by the Department pnor
to Its execution, and provided that It IS understood by the Grantee that the Department shall not be
hable to the subcontractor for any expenses or liabilIties mcurred under the subcontract and that
the Grantee shall be solely hable to the subcontractor for all expenses and hablhhes lllcurred under
the subcontract
E The Grantee shall subnut complete bid documents, mcludmg plans and speclficatlOns, to the
Department for review and approval pnor to the executlOn of any contract for constructIOn work
F The Grantee agrees that all acts to be performed by It ill connectIOn With tlus Agreement shall be
performed ill strict confollTll ty W1 th all applicable laws and regulatIOns of the S tate of Flonda
G The Grantee shall coordmate consultatIOn between Its professlOnal consultants and appropnate
Department staff representatIves as necessary to assure mutual understandmg of and agreement on
the obJectives, requuements, and huutatlOns of the ProJ ect In relatIOn to the State Histone
Preservanon Program
H The Department shan urulaterally cancel tills Agreement ill the event that the Grantee refuses to
allow public access to all documents or other matenals subject to the provlSIons of Chapter 119,
Flonda Statutes, and made or received by the Grantee ill COn]Wlctlon WIth tlus Agreement
I Bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be subrmtted ill detaIl suffiCient
for a proper pre-audIt and post-audit thereof The Grantee shall not charge the Department for any
travel expense Without the Department's wrItten approval Upon obtamlllg the Department's
wntten approval, the Grantee shall be authonzed to illCur travel expenses to be reimbursed ill
accordance W1th Section 112061, Flonda Statutes
J The Grantee recogruzes that the State ofFlonda, pursuant to Section 21208(6), Flonda Statutes, IS
not requued to pay taxes on any goods or services wmch may be prOVIded to 11 pursuant to tlus
K The Department's performance and obligatIOn to pay under tlus Agreement IS contillgent upon an
annual appropnatlOn by the Legislature In the event that the state funds on wmch thIS Agreement
IS dependent are Wlthdrawn, thiS Agreement IS temnnated and the Department has no further
hablbty to the Grantee beyond that already illcurred by the tellTllnatlon date In the event ofa state
revenue shortfall, the total grant shall be reduced III proportIOn to the revenue shortfall
L AU project work must be ill compliance Wlth the Secretary of the InterIOr's Standards for
Preservabon Planmng
M The Grantee will not dlscnrrunate agamst any employee employed m the performance of th1S
Agreement, or agams! any apphcant for employment because of race, religIOn, color, handIcap,
natJonal ongm, age, gender, or mantal status The Grantee shallmsert a surular provlSlOn m all
subcontracts for services by thiS Agreement
N The Department shall not be hable to pay attorney fees, mteres!, late charges and service fees, or
cost of collectIOn related to the grant
o These grant funds will not be used for lobbymg the Legislature, the Judicial branch or any state
P Each grantee, other than a grantee whIch 1S a State agency, shall sublD1t to an audit or subll11t an
attestatIOn statement pursuant to SectJon 216 349, Flonda Statutes
Q The product of the Project must be the ongmal work of the Grantee or Its consultants If the work
of others IS used as background mforrnatJon, It shall be appropnately credited to the ongmator
III The Department agrees to pay the Grantee for 50% of the Grantee's total cash expendItures and donated
values, so long as the Grantee's cash expendItures equal or exceed the amount of donated values, up to a
maxImum payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) If the donated values exceed the amount of cash
expendItures, the Department shall only pay the Grantee for 100% of actual cash expenditures up to a
maximum payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
In order for any expendIture to qualify for payment, It must be properly documented, be for work
performed durmg the term of the Agreement, and for a charge wluch IS reasonable m amount and drrectly
related to and necessary for the complenon of the authorIZed project work
The total amount as prescnbed above shall be made to the Grantee In four quarterly Instalhnents The frrst
three may be made at the begmrung of each quarter for which they are allotted Grantees shall subll11t the
four sIgned Requests for Advanced Payment Forms (No HR2E560397, effectIve 3/97), herem
Incorporated by reference, With thiS signed Grant A ward Agreement to mltJate the grant The Grantee shall
subrmt to the Department a completed "Progress and Expenditure Report" form for every reporting penod
of the grant penod Progress and Expenditure Reports shall be receIved by the Department wlthm 30 days
of the endmg of a reportIng penod
W1thm 30 days of completIon of proJect work, the Grantee shall sublD1t the completed "FIllal Progress and
ExpendIture Report" form to the Department The last grant payment lllstalhnent shall be payable dunng
the last quarter for which allotted and upon receipt and venficahon of the Grantee's FInal Progress and
Expenditure Report and venficatJon of all previously sublD1tted Progress and ExpendIture Reports
When advance payments have been made by the Department, adjustments for overpayments shall be made
quarterly and upon receipt of the Fmal Progress and Expenditure Report, unless otherwIse agreed by the
parties In addltJon, m the event that all project work whIch IS the subject of thiS Agreement IS not fully
completed m both a tunely and sattsfactory manner, the Department reserves the nght to demand and
recelVe full reimbursement of all sums which 11 has paid the Grantee under thIS Agreement
Payment for project costs WIll also be contmgent upon all authonzed project work bemg m compliance
With the aforementIoned Secretary of the Intenor's Standards, and the mspectJon and approval of the grant
assisted work by the Department The Department further agrees to the followmg cond1tJons
A The Department shall revIew and approve as to form and content all proposed contracts of the
Grantee for the procurement of goods and services relatmg to the project work and all proposed
contract change orders or amendments pnor to final executIon of saId contracts, change orders or
amendments, but Said reVlew and approval shall not be construed as acceptance by or ImposItlon
upon the Department of any fmanclal hablhty ill connection With said contracts
B The Department shall review and approve detailed plans, specIficatIons, and other bid documents
for constructlOn work relatmg to the Project pnor to the executIOn of any contract for such work,
review and comment on all prehmmary reports and recommendatIons, and confer WIth the
Grantee and lts profeSSIOnal consul tants as necessary throughou t the course of the ProJ ect, to
assure compliance WIth the obJectives, reqUirements and hIIlltatlOns of the State Hlstonc
PreservatIOn Program
IV The payment schedule of grant funds shall be subject to the timely filmg ofrequued reports and to any
speclal conditions required by the Office of the Comptroller, State of Flonda
Surplus funds must be temporanly mvested and the mterest earned on such mvestments shall be returned to
the State The Grantee shall report mterest earnmgs quarterly, and shall remit the total mterest earned at
the end of the grant penod ill the form of a check or money order made payable to the Flooda Department
of State
V This Agreement IS executed and entered mto U1 the State of Flonda, and shall be construed, performed, and
enforced U1 all respects m accordance WIth the laws and rules of the State of Flonda Each party shall
perform ItS obhgatlOos hereunder m accordance With the terms and condltlOns of thiS Agreement
VI If any tenn or provIsIOn of thlS Agreement IS found to be Illegal and unenforceable, the remamder of thiS
Agreement shall remam m full force and effect and such term or proVIsIon shall be deemed strIcken
VII No delay or OmISSIOn to exerCIse any nght, power or remedy accrumg to either party upon breach or
default by either party under tillS Agreement, shall ImpaIr any such nght, power or remedy of either party,
nor shall such delay or orrusslon be construed as a waIVer of any such breach or default, or any surular
breach or default
vm Each grantee, other than a grantee wmch is a State agency, agrees that, ItS officers, agents and employees,
In performance of thiS Agreement shall act 10 the capaCIty of an mdependent contractor and not as an
officer, employee or agent of the State Each grantee, other than a grantee wmch IS a State agency, IS not
entItled to accrue any benefits mcludmg rettrement benefits and any other nghts or povIleges connected
WIth employment m the State Career Servlce The Grantee agrees to take such steps as may be necessary
to ensure that each subcontractor of the Grantee WIll be deemed to be an mdependent contractor and WIll
not be conSidered or permItted to be an agent, servant, Jomt venturer, or partner of the State
IX The Grantee shall not aSSign, sublicense or otherwIse transfer ItS nghts, duties or obhgatlOns under thiS
Agreement Without poor wotten consent of the Department which consent shaH not be unreasonably
Withheld The Agreement transferee must also demonstrate comphance With Chapter lA~35, Flonda
Admmlstrahve Code If the Department approves a transfer of the Grantee's obhgatlOos, the Grantee
remams responsible for all work performed and all expenses mcurred m connechon WIth the Agreement
In the event the Legtslature transfers the nghts, dutIes and obhganons of the Department to another
government ennty pursuant to SectIOn 20 06, Flonda Statutes, or otherwIse, the nghts, dunes and
obhgatIons under thiS Agreement shall also be transferred to the successor government entity as lilt were
an onglllal party to the Agreement
X This Agreement shall bmd the successors, assIgns and legal representatIves of the Grantee and of any legal
entity that succeeds to the obhgation of the Department
XI The followmg provISIOns shall apply for the voluntary and mvoluntary suspenSIOn or tenrunatIon of the
grant by either the Department or the Grantee
A SuspensIOn SuspensIOn IS action taken by the Department which temporanly WIthdraws or hrmts
the Grantee's authonty to util1ze grant assistance pendmg correctIve action by the Grantee as
speCIfied by the Department or pendmg a deCISIOn by the Department to termmate the grant
NotifIcatIOn When the Grantee has matenally failed to comply WIth the terms and
conditIons of the grant, the Department may suspend the grant after glvmg the Grantee
reasonable notice (usually 30 calendar days) and an opportumty to show cause why the
grant should not be suspended The notice of the suspenSIOn wtll detail the reasons for
the sUspenSIOn, any correchve actIon requrred of the Grantee, and the effecbve date of
the suspenSLOn
2 Comnutments No comnutments of funds illcurred by the Grantee dunng the penod of
suspensLOn Will be allowed under the suspended grant, unless the Department expressly
authonzes them III the notice of suspensIOn or an amendment to It Necessary and
otherwise allowable costs wruch the Grantee could not reasonably aVOId dunng the
suspenSIOn penod WIll be allowed If they result from charges properly mcurred by the
Grantee before the effectIve date of the suspensIOn, and not ill antiCipation of sUspenSIOn
or tenrunahon Thud party contnbutIons applicable to the suspenSIOn penod shall not be
allowed m sabsfaction of matchmg share requuements, unless otherwIse agreed by the
3 Adjustments to payments Appropnate adjustments to the payments subrrutted after the
effective date of sUspenSIOn under the suspended grant WIll be made either by
wlthholdmg the payments or by not allowmg the Grantee credIt for dIsbursements made
ill payment of unauthonzed costs Illcurred dunng the suspenSIOn penod
4 SuspenSIOn penod SuspensIOns Will remam m effect until the Grantee has taken
correctIve actIOn to the satIsfactIOn of the Department or gIven wntten eVidence
satisfactory to the Department that correctIve action will be taken, or untd the
Department termmates the grant The grant shall be tenrunated by the Department If the
Grantee fads to respond ill wntmg to a notIficatIon of suspenSIOn wlthm 30 calendar days
of receIpt of such notlficatlon by the Grantee
B TerrnmatlOn TernunatlOn IS the cancellation of grant aSSistance, ill whole or ill part, under a grant
or project at any tIme pnor to the date of completIon
Terrrunahon for cause The Department shall have the authonty to cancel thiS Agreement
because of failure of the Grantee to fulfillltS obhgatlOns under tills Agreement or any other
past or present grant award agreement WIth this DlvlslOn or any other DlvlslOn Wlthm the
Department of State SatisfactIOn of ohhgatlons by the Grantee shall be deterrruned by the
Department The Department shall provide the Grantee a \vntten notice of default letter The
Grantee shall have 15 calendar days to cure the default, unless It IS detennmed by the
Department that the default IS of a nature that cannot be cured If the default 1S not cured by
the Grantee wlthm the stated penod, the Department shall temunate this Agreement Notice
shall be sufficlent If It IS delivered to the party personally or malled to Its speClfied address In
the event of ternunatlOn of thlS Agreement, the Grantee WIll be compensated for any work
satlsfactonly completed III accordance Wlth thIS Agreement pnor to notlficatlon of
2 Termmahon for convemence The Department or the Grantee may ternunate the grant m
whole or ill part when both parties agree tha t the contInuahon of the ProJ ect would not
produce beneficIal results commensurate WIth the further expenditure of funds The two
parties will agree upon the telTIllnahon conditions, mcludmg the effective date, and ill the case
of pamal ternnnatlons, the portion to be temunated
3 Ternunahon by Grantee The Grantee may UnIlaterally cancel the grant at any time poor to
the first payment on the grant although the Department must be notified m wnnng poor to
cancellation After the illltJal payment, the Project may be ternnnated, modified, or amended
by the Grantee only by mutual agreement of the Grantee and the Department Request for
ternnnatlOn poor to completion must fully detail the reasons for the action and the proposed
diSpositIOn of the uncompleted work
4 Comnutments When a grant IS terrrunated, the Grantee Will not mcur new obhgahons for the
ternnnated portion after the notIficahon of the effectIve date of ternnnatlon The Grantee WIll
cancel as many outstandmg obhgatlons as pOSSible The Department WIll allow full credit to
the Grantee for the Department's share of the noncancelable obligations properly mcurred by
the Grantee pnor to tennmatlon Costs mcurred after the effectlve date of the termmahon WIll
be disallowed
XII Unless there IS a change of address, any notice reqUIred by this Agreement shall be delivered to the Bureau
of Histone PreservatIOn, DIVIsIOn ofHIstoTlcal Resources, Flooda Department of State, R A Gray
BUlldmg, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250, for the Department, and to, Cdy of
Clearwater, 112 South Osceola. Avenue, Clearwater, Flonda, 33756, for the Grantee Unless the
Grantee has notified the Department 1I1 wntmg by return receipt mall of any change of address, all notices
shall be deemed delivered If sent to the above address
XIII Neither the State nor any agency or subdlvlslOn of the State walVes any defense of sovereign Immulllty, or
mcreases the llIDlts of ItS hablhty, upon entermg mto tills contractual relanonshlP
XIV ThIS mstrument and the Attachments hereto embody the whole Agreement of the parties There are no
prOVlSlons, tenns, conditions, or obligatIOns other than those contamed herelJ1, and tIus Agreement shall
supersede all prevIOUS commurucatlOns, representatIOns or agreements, either verbal or wntten, between the
parties No change or addItJon to tms Agreement and the Attachments hereto shall be effective unless ill
wnhng and properly executed by the paTtles
All wntten approvals referenced ill thiS Agreement must be obtamed from the partIes' grant admllllstrators or theu
designees The Department and the Grantee have read tlm Agreement and the Attachments hereto and have affIxed
theu SIgnatures
Duector, DlvlslOn ofI-hstoncal Resources
~__ 8.AJ..........--:IJ:
Signature of AuthorlZed OffiCial
1/, ft{'f\ ~ etJe: If- t!..
Typed Name and Title of Au
The adnumstratlon of resources awarded by the Department of Stale to the Grantee may be, subject to audlts
and/or momtonng by the Department of State as descnbed m this Addendum to the Grant A ward
In additIon to reviews of audits conducted m accordance with OMB Cucular A -13 3 and Section 215 97,
F S , as revised, momtormg procedures may mclude, but not be hnuted to, on-sIte VISits by Department of
State staff, Imuted scope audits as defined by OMB CIrcular A-133, as revised, and/or other procedures
By entenng mto trus agreement, the recIpient agrees to comply and cooperate wIth any momtonng
procedures/processes deemed appropnate by the Department of State In the event the Department of State
detenrunes that a hnuted scope audit of the recIpient IS appropnate, the reCipient agrees to comply with any
addItional mstructlons provided by the Department of State staff to the recipient regardmg such audit The
recipient further agrees to comply and cooperate with any mspectlOns, reViews, mvestlgatlOns, or audits
deemed necessary by the Comptroller or Auditor General
This part IS applicable If the recipient IS a State or local government or a non-profit orgalllzatlOn as defined
m OMB Cucular A-133, as revised
In the event that the recipient expends $300,000 or more III Federal awards III ItS fiscal year, the reCIpIent
must have a smgle or program-specific audd conducted III accordance With the provIsions of OMB Circular
A-133, as reVised EXHIBIT I to thiS agreement mdlcates Federal resources awarded through the
Department of State by thiS agreement In delemnnmg the Federal awards expended m liS fiscal year, the
reCipient shall consider all sources of Federal awards, mcludlllg Federal resources received from the
Department of Sta te The detennmatlOn of amounts of Federal awards expended should be III accordance
WIth the gUldelmes established by OMB CIrcular A-133, as reVIsed An audlt of the reCipient conducted by
the Auditor General to accordance With the prOVISIOns OMB Cucular A-133, as reVised, will meet the
reqUIrements of this part
2 In connection With the audit requrrements addressed III Part I, paragraph 1 , the reCIpient shall fulfill the
reqUIrements relatlve to audllee responSibilitIes as provIded III Subpart C of OMB ClTcular A-l33, as
3 If the reCipIent expends less than $300,000 III Federal awards III ItS fiscal year, an audIt conducted III
accordance With the proVISIOns of OMB Circular A-l33, as reVised, IS not reqUired In the event that the
reCipIent expends less than $300,000 m Federal awards III ItS fiscal year and elects to have an audit
conducted In accordance with the provlSlOns of OMB ClTcular A-I33, as reVised, the cost of the audIt must
be paid from non-Federal resources (I e , the cost of such an audit must be paid from recipient resources
obtamed from other than Federal entItles)
4 The Internet web addresses listed below will assist reCipIents m locatmg documents referenced III the text
of thiS agreement and the mterpretatlOn of comphance Issues
State of Flonda Department of Bankmg and Fmance (Comptroller)
http I!www dbf sla te f1 us!
Federal Office of Management and Budget Circulars Index
http Ilwww whitehouse gov/OMB/grantsltndex html#c]rculars
Governor's Office Il1ltlahves, Flonda Smgle AudIt Act
!:Lttp Ilwww mvflonda com/mvtlonda/government/governonmtmtlves/fsaal
State ofFlonda Legislature (Statutes, LeglslatlOn relatmg to the Flonda Smgle Aud]t Act)
http IIwww leg state fl usl
ThIS part IS apphcable If the recIpIent ]S a nonstate entity as defined by Section 215 97(2)(l), Flonda Statutes
In the event that the reCipIent expends a total amount of state finanCial asslstance equal to or m excess of
$300,000 m any fiscal year of such reCIpient, the recipient must have a State smgle or project-specific audit
for such fiscal year ill accordance with SectIOn 215 97, Flonda Statutes, apphcable rules of the Executive
Office of the Governor and the Comptroller, and Chapters 10 550 (local governmental entlt]es) or 10650
(nonprofit and for-profit orgamzatlOns), Rules of the AudItor General EXHIBIT 1 to thIS agreement
mdlcates stale financml aSSIStance awarded through the Department of Stale by thIs agreement In
determmmg the state finanCial assistance expended ill Its fiscal year, the reCipient shall conSIder all sources
of state finanCial aSSistance, mcludmg state financml aSSistance receIved from the Department of State,
other state agenCIes, and other nonstate entities State finanCIal asslstance does not mclude Federal direct
or pass-through awards and resources received by a nons tate entity for Federal program matchmg
2 In connection With the audit requuements addressed III Part II, paragraph 1, the recipient shall ensure that
the audit compIles With the reqUIrements of SectIOn 215 97(7), Flonda Statutes ThiS mcludes submiSSIOn
of a financial reportmg package as defined by SectIOn 215 97(2)(d), Flonda Statutes, and Chapters 10550
(iocal govenunental entitles) or 10 650 (nonprofit and for-profit orgamzatlons), Rules of the AudItor
3 If the reCIpient expends less than $300,000 III state finanCial assistance mlts fiscal year, an audit conducted
m accordance WIth the prOVIsions of SectIOn 215 97, Flonda Statutes, IS not requITed In the event that the
recipient expends less than $300,000 III state finanCial assistance III ItS fiscal year and elects to have an
audit conducted m accordance wllh the prOVISIons of SectIOn 215 97, Flonda Statutes, the cost of the audit
must be paid from the nons tate entity's resources (I e , the cost of such an audit must be paid fTom the
recipient's resources obtallled from other than S tate entities)
Request For Advanced Grant Payment
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Pnor Payment
Total Contract Amount
Balance to Date
Balance Due
Authorized Signature
LJl 1f,At-A lleN~lL, C,I-e( HAJAjel:--
Typed Name and TI e 6f
Authorized Official
Fund ID Category 101547
Enc # ECF0216 Pay #
Vendor 10596000289 !lnv #1.F0216
45200340500 FD 710000 $2,500 00
DeSCription 1"1 art - F0216
Inv Rc'd Goods Insp N/A
Goods Rc'd N/A Start Date
Copies ofreportrng packages for audits conducted In accordance with OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and
reqUired by PART I of this agreement shall be subnutted, when reqUIred by Section 320 (d), OMB Circular
A-133, as revised, by or on behalf of the recipient dlfectIy to each of the followlllg
A The Department of State at each of the followlllg addresses
DIVISiOn ofHlstoncal Resources
Bureau of Hlstonc PreservatIOn
Grants and Education SectIOn
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
B The Federal Audit Cleannghouse designated III OMB Circular A-133, as revised (the number of copies reqUired
by Sections 320 (d)(l) and (2), OMB Clfcular A-133, as revIsed, should be subnutted to the Federal Audit
Cleannghouse), at the followmg address
Federal Audit Cleannghouse
Bureau of the Census
1201 East 10th Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47132
C Other Federal agencies and pass-through entllies III accordance With Sections 320 (e) and (f), OMB Cucular A-
i33, as revised
2 In the event that a copy of the reportlllg package for an audIt reqUIred by P ART I of thIS agreement and
conducted ill accordance WIth OMS Circular A-133, as revised, IS not reqUired to be subnutted to the
Department of State for the reasons pursuant to Section 320 (e)(2), OMB Circular A~133, as revIsed, the
reCipIent shall subnut the reqUIred wntten notificatIOn pursuant to SectlOn 320 (e)(2) and a copy of the
reCipIent's audIted schedule of expenditures of Federal awards dlrectlv to each of the followlllg
DIVISIOn of Hlstoncal Resources
Bureau of Hlstonc PreservatIOn
Grants and EducatIOn SectIOn
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
3 Caples of financml reportmg packages reqUIred by PART II of thIS agreement shall be subnutted by or on
behalf of the reCipient dlfectlv to each of the follOWing
A The Department of State at each of the followlllg addresses
DIVISion of Hlstoncal Resources
Bureau ofl-hstonc PreservatlOn
Grants and EducatlOn Section
500 South Bronaugh Street
Tal1ahassee, FL 32399-0250
B The Audllor General's Office at the followmg Jddress
Auditor General's Office
Room 401, Pepper BUIldmg
III West Madison Street
Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-1450
4 Any reports, management leller, or other mformatlOn reqUIred to be subnutted to the DepaItment of State
pursuant to thiS agreement shall be subm1tled timely m accordance With OMB CIrcular A-133, Flonda
Statutes, and Chapters 10 550 (local governmental entities) or 10 650 (nonprofit and for-profit
orgamzatlOns), Rules of the Audltor General, as applicable
5 ReCipIents, when submlttmg financial reportmg packages to the Department of State for aud1ts done m
accordance With OMB Circular A-133 or Chapters 10 550 (local governmental entitles) or 10 650
(nonprofit and for-profit orgamzatlons), Rules of the Aud1tor General, should md1cate the date that the
reportmg package was dehvered to the reClp1ent III correspondence accompanymg the reportmg package
The rec1plent shall retam suffiCient records demonstratmg ItS compliance With the tenus of thiS agreement
for a penod oftive years from the date the audit report 1S 1ssued, and shall allow the Department of State, or
Its deSignee, Comptroller, or Auditor General access to such records upon request The reclp1ent shall
ensure that audit workmg papers are made available to the Department of State, or Its deSignee,
Comptroller, or Auditor General upon request for a penod of three years from the date the audit report IS
Issued, unless extended m wntmg by the Department of State
NOTE If the resource~ awarded to the reCipient replesent more than one Federal program, prOVide the same
informatIOn shown below for each Federal program and show total Federal resources awarded
Federal Program NatIOnal Park Service, U S Departmem of the Intenor, Hlstonc PreservatIOn Fund Grants-In-Aid,
CFDA # 15-904, $10,000.00 (ten thousand dollars).
As contamed III OMB CHcular A-l33
Stale ProJed Flonda Department of State, AcqUlsillOll/RestoratlOll of Histone Properties, CSFA Number
45,031 $0.00.
As contamed In the Compliance SuppJemenllo CSF A Number 45 031
The Grantee has read thlS Addendum to the Grant Award Agreement and has affixed then signature
~iA~ ~,..._ ~
Signature of Authorized Official
M!ltitm 73. f.loRJ:eJL; e,~HAJ.JA~
Typed Name and Title of Authorized Official
Request For Advanced Grant Payment
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater FL 33756
Prior Payment
$10.000 00
.$5.000 00
Total Contract Amount
Balance to Date
/1 . _ Balance Due
~~ ~.AA.,~.. ~
Authorized Signature
&J/lmff\] ~zr (2/~J.fmJ~
Typed Name and Tltl~ of
Authorized Official
Fund 10 Category 101547
Enc # Pay #
Vendor 10596000289 Ilnv #2-F0216
45200340500 FD 710000 $2,50000
Description 2ndQtr-F0216
Inv Rc'd Goods Insp N/A
Goods Rc'd N/A Start Date
Request For Advanced Grant Payment
CIty of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater FL 33756
Total Contract Amount
$5.000 00
$2.500 00
Pnor Payment
Balance to Date
Balance Due
Au honzed Signature
tJillfA/I\ '] ~~rL f,~f-/fW~
Typed Name and Title 6f
Authonzed Official
Fund 10 Category 101547
Enc # Pay #
Vendor 10 596000289 Ilnv #3 - F0216
45200340500 FD 710000 $2,50000
DescriptIon 3rd Qtr ~ F0216
Jnv Rc'd Goods Insp N/A
Goods Rc'd N/A Start Dale
Request For Advanced Grant Payment
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater FL 33756
Total Contract Amount
Prior Payment
$2.500 00
.$2,500 00
Balance to Date
Balance Due
~ 1>. /J--"""It
Authorized Signature
Fund ID Category 101547
Ene # Pay #
Vendor ID 596000289 I lnv #4F-F0216
45200340500 FD 710000 $2,500 00
Descflpllon 41h Final F0216
Inv Rc'd Goods lnsp N/A
Goods Rc'd N/A Start Date
~ Clearwater
To Bill Home, City Manager
From Cyndi Tar.pam, Plannmg DIrector cJY
Date September 11, 2002
RE HIstoncal Resources Grant
The City of Clearwater was awarded $10,000 from the Florida Dept of State, DivisIOn of
Histoncal Resources to be used III the preparation of Downtown Design GUIdelInes The CRA
pledged another $10,000 to assIst III fundmg tlus project The Planmng Department will use tlus
$20,000 to hire a consultant to develop the gUidelines for the eXlstmg and expanded Downtown
CRA They Will replace eXIstmg guIdelmes that currently only address the trad1tlOnaI downtown
core and lack specrfics to produce quahty deSign
Attached for your reV1ew and signature are two copies of the grant award agreement, the
Addendum and Advance Payment Forms, which must be returned to the State Please contact
Gina Clayton at x4587 when the attachments have been signed This project must commence
within 90 days of execution of thiS agreement and must by completed by June 30, 2003 If you
have any questions please contact me at your convenience
HistoriC Preservation Grant Award Agreement
Suney and Plannmg Grants - Advanced Payment
Grant No. F0216
Tlus AGREEMENT IS between the State of Flonda, Department of State, DIVlSlOn ofHlstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the City of Clearwater, a mUlllclpal corporatlOn eXlstmg under the
laws of the State of Flonda, heremafter refened to as the Grantee, relative to the Downtown Clearwater Design
GUidelines ProJect, heremafter referred to as the PloJect, and IS enteled mlO thiS day of
, 2002, and shall end on June 30,2003
The Department IS responsible for the adm1l11stratlon of grant-ill-aid asslstance for hlstonc preservatlOn purposes
under the provlSions of SectIon 267 0617, Flonda Statutes The Grantee has applied for grant-lIl-ald aSSIStance fO!
the Project The apphcatlOn, mcorporated by reference, has been reviewed and approved III accordance with Chapter
IA-35, Flonda Adrmlllstrahve Code, whIch regulates Hlstonc PreservatJon Grants-ill-Aid Subject to the limItatIOns
set forth mthls Agreement, grant-m-ald funds In the amount often thousand dollars ($10,00000) have been
reserved for the Project by the Department The Department and the Grantee agree as follows
I The Project shall mclude the followmg authoTlzed project work
A. Architectural DeSign GUldehnes for the City of Clearwater's Downtown Redevelopment
Area, utIhzing the DIVISIOn's Model GUldehnes for DeSign ReView and the Secretary of
InterIor Standards for RehabilitatIOn, wIll be produced
B. A draft of the DeSign GUIdelines Will be submitted to the Department no later than Forty.
five days prior to the end of the grant penod for review and approval.
C. Three copies of the Architectural DeSign GUldehnes will be subnntted to the Department at
the end of the grant period as final products.
II The Grantee agrees to aduul1lsler the Project m accordance With the GENERAL AND SPECIAL
Chapter lA-35, Flonda Adnulllstratlve Code, and the followlIlg specific condltlOns
A The Grantee agrees to complete the Project by June 30, 2003 and subnut the Fmal Products and
the Fmal Progress Report and Fmal ExpendJture Report, as specified m Attachment "A", Part II,
subparagraph B 2, W1thm 30 days of completIon of proJect work No costs II1curred pnor to the
commencement date of thIs Agreement are ehglble for payment from grant funds No costs
II1curred after the above project work completIOn date Will be ehglble for payment unless
speCifically authOllzed by the Department before the cost IS mcurred
B The Department shall not assume any hablhty for the acts, onuSSlOns to act or negligence of the
Grantee, Its agents, servants or employees, nor shall the Grantee exclude lIablhty for Its own acts,
OnuSSlO1lS to act or negligence to the Department The Grantee hereby agrees to be responsible for
any IllJury or property damage resultmg from any actIVItIes conducted by the Grantee, Its agents,
servants or employees
C The Grantee, other than a grantee which IS the State or agency or subdlvlslOn of the State, agrees to
mdemmfy and hold the Department harmJess from and agamst any and all c1am1S or demands for
damages, mcludmg attorney fees and court costs, resultmg from personal mJury, mcludmg death or
damage to property, arising out of any actlvitles performed undel this Agreement, orruSSlons to act
or negligence of the Grantee, Its agents, servants, or emp loyees and shallmvestJgate all c1am1S a I
Its own expense
D The Grantee shall be solely responsible for all work performed and all expenses l11curred m
connectIOn with the Project The Grantee may subcontract as necessary to perform the serVices set
forth 111 this Agreement, mcludlng entenng mto subcontracts With vendors for services and
connnodltles, provided that such subcontract has been approved In wntmg by the Department pnor
to ItS execution, and provided that It IS understood by the Grantee that the Department shan not be
hable to the subcontractor for any expenses or hablhhes ll1curred under the subcontract and that
the Grantee shall be solely hable to the subcontractor for all expenses and habilll1es mcurred under
the subcontract
E The Grantee shall subrrut complete bId documents, mcludmg plans and spec1fkallOns, to the
Department for review and approval pnor to the executIOn of any contract for COllstJuctlOn work
F The Grantee agrees that all acts to be perfonned by It m connection With thiS Agreement shall be
performed 111 strict confornuty With all apphcable laws and regulatIOns of the State ofFlonda
G The Grantee shall coord mate consultation between ItS profeSSIOnal con"ultants and appropnate
Department staffrepresentatlves as necessary to assure mutual understandmg of and agreement on
the obJectlves, reqUlrements, and hrrutatlOns ofthe Project ill relatIOn to the State Hlstonc
Preserval10n Program
H The Department shall umlaterally cancel thIS Agreement 111 the event that the Grantee refuses to
allow pubilc access to all documents or other matenals subJ ect to the prOVISIons of Chapter 119,
Flonda Statutes, and made or received by the Grantee m conjunctIOn With thlS Agreement
Bills for fees or other compensatIOn for services or expenses shall be subIllltted 111 detail suffiCIent
for a proper pre-audIt and post-audIt thereof The Grantee shall not charge the Department for any
travel expense WIthout the Department's wntten approval Upon obtall1ll1g the Department's
wntten approval, the Grantee shall be authonzed to 1I1cur travel expenses to be reImbursed In
accordance With Sechon 112061, F10nda Statutes
J The Grantee recogmzes that the State ofFlonda, pursuant to SectIOn 21208(6), Flonda Statutes, IS
not reqUIred to pay taxes on any goods or serVlces Whlch may be proVided to It pursuant to thiS
K lhe Department's performance and obhgallon to pay under thiS Agreement IS contmgent upon an
annual appropnatlOn by the Legislature In the event that the state funds on Wlllch thiS Agreement
IS dependent are WIthdrawn, thIS Agreement IS termmated and the Department has no further
hablh ty to the Grantee beyond that a heady ll1curred by the terrmnatlOn date In the event of a state
revenue shortfall, the lotal grant shall be reduced 111 proportion to the revenue shortfall
L All project work must be 111 compliance With the Secretary of the InterIOr's Standards for
PreservatIOn Planmng
M The Grantee will not dlscnmlnate agalllst any employee employed In the performance of this
Agreement, or against any apphcant for employment because of race, rehglOn, color, handicap,
nallonal ongm, age, gender, or manta I status The Grantee shallmsert a slmllar provlslOn III all
subcontracts for serVIces by tins Agreement
N The Department shall not be hable to pay attorney fees, mterest, late charges and service fees, or
cost of collectIOn related to the grant
o These grant funds will not be used for lobbymg the Legislature, the JudiCial branch or any state
P Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, shall suhmll to an audit or submit an
attestatIOn sta tement pursuant 10 SectIOn 216 349, Flonda Statutes
Q The product of the Project must be the ongmal work of the Grantee or ItS consuilants If the work
of others IS used as background mformatlOn, It shall be appropriately credited to the ongmator
III The Department agrees to pay the Grantee for 50% of the Grantee's total cash expendltlIres and donated
values, so long as the Grantee's cash expenditures equal or exceed the amount of donated values, up to a
maximum payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) If the donated values exceed the amount of cash
expendItures, the Department shall only pay the Grantee for 100% of actual cash expenditures up to a
maximum payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
In order for any expenditure to qualIfy for payment, 1t musl be properly documented, be for work
performed durmg the term of the Agreement, and for a charge which IS reasonable m amount and directly
related to and necessary for the completlOn of the authorlZed project work
The total amount as prescnbed above shall be made to the Grantee m four quarterly mstallments The first
three may be made at the begmnmg of each quarter for which they are allotted Grantees shall submit the
four SIgned Requests for Advanced Payment Forms (No HR2E560397, effecllve 3/97), herem
mcorporated by reference, With thiS Signed Grant A ward Agreement to Imoate the grant The Grantee shall
submit to the Department a completed "Progress and Expenditure Report" form for every reportmg penod
of the grant penod Progress and Expenditure Reports shall be received by the Department wlthm 30 days
of the endmg of a reportmg period
W Ithm 30 days of completIOn of project work, the Grantee shall submIt the completed "Fmal Progress and
ExpendIture Report" form to the Department The last grant payment mstallment shall be payable dunng
the last quarter for which allotted and upon receipt and venficatlOn of the Grantee's Fmal Progress and
Expenditure Report and venficatlOn of all preVIOusly subrmtted Progress and Expenditure Reports
When advance payments have been made by the Department, adjustments for overpayments shall be made
quarterly and upon receipt of the FlOal Progress and Expenditure Report, unless otherwise agreed by the
parties In additIOn, 10 the event that all project work which IS the subject of thiS Agreement IS not fully
completed III both a timely and satisfactory manner, the Department reserves the right to demand and
receive full reimbursement of all sums which It has paid the Grantee under thiS Agreement
Payment for project costs will also be contmgent upon all authOrized project work bemg 10 complIance
With the aforementioned Secretary of the rntenor's Standards, and the mspectlOn and approval of the grant
aSSIsted work by the Department The Department further agrees to the follow 109 condItions
A The Department shall reVIew and approve as to form and content all proposed contracts of the
Grantee for the procurement of goods and servIces relatmg to the project work and all proposed
contract change orders or amendments pnor to final execution of SaId contracts, change orders or
amendments, but said reVIew and approval shall not be construed as acceptance by or ImposItion
upon the Department of any financial hablhty m connectIOn With said contracts
B The Department shall reVIew and approve detaIled plans, specificatIOns, and other bId documents
for constructIOn work relatmg to the Project pnor to the executIOn of any contract for such work,
review and comment on all preliminary reports and recommendatIOns, and confer With the
Grantee and Its profeSSIOnal consul taots as necessary throughout the course of the ProJ ect, to
assure compliance With the obJectives, reqmrements and hmltatlons of the State Hlstonc
PreservatIOn Program
IV The payment schedule of grant funds shall be subject to the timely filing of reqmred reports and to any
speCial conditIOns reqU1red by the Office of the Comptroller, State of Flonda
Surplus funds must be temporanly mvested and the mterest earned on such Investments shall be returned to
the State The Grantee shall report mterest eammgs quarterly, and shall remit the total mterest earned at
the end of the grant penod m the form of a check or money order made payable to the Flonda Department
of State
V ThIS Agreemenlls executed and entered mto In the State ofFlonda, and shall be construed, performed, and
enforced In all respects m accordance With the laws and rules of the State of Flonda Each party shall
perform Its obhgatlOns hereunder m accordance With the terms and conditions of thiS Agreement
VI If any term or provlSlon of thiS Agreement IS found to be Illegal and unenforceable, the remamder of thiS
Agreement shall remam m full force and effect and such term or prOVISIOn shall be deemed stricken
VII No delay or omiSSIOn to exercise any TIght, power or remedy accruing to either party upon breach or
default by either party under thiS Agreement, shalllffipau any such nght, power or remedy of eIther party,
nor shall such delay or omiSSion be construed as a walVer of any such breach or default, or any SImilar
breach or default
VIII Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, agrees that, Its officers, agents and employees,
m performance of thiS Agreement shall act In the capacity of an mdependent contractor and not as an
officer, employee or agent of the State Each grantee, other than a grantee whICh IS a State agency, IS not
entitled 10 accrue any benefits mcludmg retirement benefits and any other TIghts or pnvIleges connected
With employment m the State Career Service The Grantee agrees to take such steps as may be necessary
to ensure that each subcontractor of the Grantee wIiI be deemed to be an Independent contractor and Will
not be conSidered or permitted to be an agent, servant, Jomt venturer, or partner of the State
IX The Grantee shaH not aSSIgn, subhcense or otherwIse transfer ItS nghts, duties or obhgatlOns under thiS
Agreement Without pnor wntten consent of the Department which consent shaH not be unreasonably
Withheld The Agreement transferee must also demonstrate comphance With Chapter lA-35, Flonda
Admmlstratlve Code If the Department approves a transfer of the Grantee's obhgatlOns, the Grantee
remallls responsible for all work performed and all expenses mcurred III connectlOn With the Agreement
In the event the Legislature transfers the nghts, duties and obligations of the Department to another
government entity pursuant to SectlOn 2006, Flonda Statutes, or otherwIse, the nghts, duhes and
obhgatlOns under thiS Agreement shall also be transferred to the successor government entity as If It were
an oTlgmal party to the Agreement
X This Agreement shall bind the successors, aSSigns and legal representatives of the Grantee and orany legal
entity that succeeds to the obhgatIOn of the Department
XI The followmg prOVISJOnS shall apply for the voluntary and Involuntary suspenSIOn or terminatIOn of the
grant by either the Department or the Grantee
A SuspensIOn SuspensIOn IS actIOn taken by the Department which temporanly Withdraws or limIts
the Grantee's authonty to utilize grant aSSIstance pendmg correctJve actIOn by the Grantee as
specified by the Department or pending a deCISIon by the Department to terminate the grant
Notification When the Grantee has matenally faded to comply With the terms and
conditions of the grant, the Department may suspend the grant after glvmg the Grantee
reasonable notice (usually 30 calendar days) and an OppOrtuOlty to show cause why the
grant should not be suspended The notice of the suspensIOn will detail the reasons for
the suspensIOn, any correctlve actIOn reqUIred of the Grantee, and the effective date of
the suspensIOn
2 Conumtments No conumtments of funds Incurred by the Grantee durmg the penoct of
suspenSlOll will be allowed under the suspended grant, unless the Department expressly
authonzes them m the notice of suspensIOn or an amendment to It Necessary and
otherwise allowable costs which the Grantee could not reasonably aVOId dunng the
suspenSlOn peflod Will be allowed If they result from charges properly mcurred by the
Grantee before the effectIve date of the suspenSIOn, and not III antiCipatIOn of suspensIOn
or termmation Thud party contnbutlOns apphcable to the suspenSIOn penoct shall not be
allowed m satisfaction ofmatchmg share requuements, unless otherwise agreed by the
3 Adjustments to payments Appropnate adjustments to the payments submitted after the
effective date of suspenSlOn under the suspended grant Will be made either by
wlthholdmg the payments or by not allowmg the Grantee credit for disbursements made
III payment of unauthonzed costs mcurred dunng the suspensIOn penod
4 Suspension peflod SuspenSIOns wdl remam 10 effect untd the Grantee has taken
corrective actIOn to the satisfactIOn of the Department or gIVen wntten eVidence
satisfactory to the Department that corrective action will be taken, or untll the
Department termmates the grant The grant shall be termmated by the Department If the
Grantee fads to respond III wfltmg to a notificatIOn of suspensIOn wlthm 30 calendar days
of receipt of such nOtIficatIOn by the Grantee
B TernunatlOn Termmation IS the cancellatIOn of grant aSSIstance, III whole or III part, under a grant
or project at any tIme pnor to the date of completion
All wntten approvals referenced m this Agleement must be obtamed from the parties' grant admmlstrators or their
designees The Department and the Grantee have read thIS Agreement and the Attachments hereto and have affixed
theIr signatures
Drrector, DIvIsIon ofHlstoncal Resources
SIgnature of Authonzed OfficIal
cd/tAm 7J ~~m::~d~~~tA~~:O~:~
Hlstonc Preservation Grant Award Agreement
Survey and Plannmg Grants - Advanced Payment
Grant No. F0216
Thls AGREEMENT IS between the State ofFlonda, Department of State, DlvlslOn of HIstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the City of Clearwater, a mumcIpal corporatJon eXlstmg under the
laws of the State of Flonda, heremafter referred to as the Grantee, to the Down tow n Cleanva ter Design
GUldehnes ProJect, heremafter referred to as the Project, and IS entered mlo thiS day of
, 2002, and shall end on June 30,2003
The Departmenlls responsIble for the ad1rumstratlon of grant-m-ald aSSlstance for hlstonc preservatlOn purposes
under the provIslOns of SectIOn 267 0617, Flonda Statutes The Grantee has apphed for grant-m-ald aSSistance for
the Project The applIcatIOn, mcorporated by reference, has been revIewed and approved In accordance Wlth Chapter
I A-35, Flonda Code, wluch regulates Hlstonc PreservatiOn Grants-m-Ald Subject to the lllTUtatlOns
set forth m thiS Agreement, grant-m-aId funds III the amount often thousand dollars ($10,000.00) have been
reserved for the Project by the Deparbuent The Department and the Grantee agree as follows
I The Project shall mc1ude the followrng authorlZed project work
A. Architectural DeSign GUldehnes for the City of Clearwater's Downtown Redevelopment
Area, utIhzmg the DIVISIOn's Model GUidelines for DeSign ReView and the Secretary of
Intenor Standards for RehabIlitation, will be produced.
B. A draft of the DeSign GUidelInes wlil be subll11tted to the Department no later than Forty-
five days pnor to the end of the grant penod for review and approval.
C. Three copIes of the Architectural DeSign GUldelmes will be subll11tted to the Department at
the end of the grant penod as final products.
II The Grantee agrees to adnnruster the Project ill accordance With the GENERAL AND SPECIAL
Chapter lA-35, FlOrIda Admlll1stratlve Code, and the followmg spec1fk condlt1ons
A The Grantee agrees to complete the Project by June 30,2003 and subrmt the Fmal Products and
the Fmal Progress Report and Fmal Expenditure Report, as speCified m Attac1unent "A", Part II,
subparagraph B 2 , Wlthm 30 days of completIOn of project work No costs mcurred pnor to the
commencement date of tins Agreement are eligible for payment from grant funds No costs
mcurred after the above project work completIon date Mil be eliglble for payment unless
speCIfically authorlZed by the Department before the cost 1S IIlcurred
B The Department shall not assume any hablhty for the acts, OIIllSS1ons to act or negligence of the
Grantee, Its agents, servants or employees, nor shall the Grantee exclude hablltty for ItS own acts,
OlTIlSSIOns to act or neglIgence to the Department The Grantee hereby agrees to be responsIble for
any mJury or property damage resultmg from any actIvIties conducted by the Grantee, ItS agents,
servants or employees
C The Grantee, other than a grantee whIch IS the State or agency or subdl VIS lOll of the State, agrees to
mdelI1IllfY and hold the Department harmless from and agamst any and all clallllS or demands for
damages, mcludmg attorney fees and court costs, resultmg from personal Injury, mcludmg death or
damage to property, aIlsIUg out of any activities performed under tIns Agreement, onn~slOns to act
or negligence of the Grantee, ItS agents, servants, or employees and shall lllveshgate ail clamlS at
ItS own expense
D The Grantee shall be soJely responsIble for all work performed and all expenses Incurred m
connection WIth the Project The Grantee may subcontract as necessary to perform the servlces set
forth m th1s Agreement, mcludmg entenng mto subcontracts With vendors for servIces and
conrrnodltles, proVIded that such subcontract has been approved III wntmg by the Department pnor
to Its executlon, and proVIded that It IS understood by the Grantee that the Department shall not be
lIable to the subcontractor for any expenses or ltablhnes mcurred under the subcontract and that
the Grantee shaH be solely hable to the subcontractor for all expenses and lIabIlIties lllcurred under
the subcontract
E The Grantee shall subnnt complete bid docwnents, mcludlllg plans and speCIficatlOns, to the
DepJ.rtment for reV1ew and approval pnar to the executlOn of any contract for construction work
F The Grantee agrees that all acts to be performed by It ill connectlOn WIth th1s Agreement shall be
performed ill strict confonruty With all apphcable laws and regulatIOns of the State of Flonda
G The Grantee shall coordmate consultatIOn between Its profeSSIOnal consultants and appropnate
Department staff representatives as necessary to assure mutual understandmg of and agreement on
the obJectives, reqUIrements, and hnutatlOns of the Project ill relahon to the State Hlstonc
Preservation Program
H The Department shall umlaterally cancel this Agreement III the event that the Grantee refuses to
allow pubhc access to all documents or other matenals subject to the prOVISIOns of Chapter 119,
Flonda Statutes, and made or received by the Grantee III conjunctIOn WIth tills Agreement
I Bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be subnntted ill detaIl suffiCIent
for a proper pre-audIt and post-audit thereof The Grantee shall not charge the Department for any
travel expense Without the Department's wntten approval Upon obtauung the Department's
wntten approval, the Grantee shall be authOrIZed to IDCur travel expenses to be reIIDhursed ill
accordance With Section 112 061, Flonda Statutes
J The Grantee recognIzes that the S tate of Flonda, pursuant to Section 212 0 8( 6), Flonda Statutes, IS
not requued to pay taxes on any goods or servIces WhIch may be proVIded to It pursuant to tins
K The Department's performance and obhgatlOn to pay under tIns Agreement IS contmgent upon an
annual appropnatIOn by the LegIslature In the event that the state funds on whIch thiS Agreement
IS dependent are Withdrawn, tIns Agreement IS ternunated and the Department has no further
habilIty to the Grantee beyond that already mcurred by the termmatlOn date In the event of a state
revenue shortfall, the total grant shall be reduced III proportlOn to the revenue shortfall
L All prOject work must be ill comphance "WIth the Secretary of the InterIOr's Standards for
Preservation Planmng
. .
M The Grantee w1l1 not dlscnmmate agamst any employee employed m the performance of tIns
Agreement, or agamst any applIcant for employment because of race, relIgIOn, color, handicap,
nahonal ongm, age, gender, or manta I status The Grantee shall msert a slll1l1ar provIsIOn m all
subcontracts for services by tlus Agreement
N The Department shall not be lIable to pay attorney fees, mterest, late charges and service fees, or
cost of collectIOn related to the grant
o These grant funds Will not be used for lobbymg the Legislature, the JudiCial branch or any state
P Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, shall subrrut to an audit or subrrnt an
attestahon statement pursuant to Sechon 216 349, Flonda Statutes
Q The product of the Project must be the ongmal work of the Grantee or ItS consultants If the work
of others IS used as background mformahon, It shall be appropnately credIted to the ongmator
III The Department agrees to pay the Grantee for 50% of the Grantee's total cash expendItures and donated
values, so long as the Grantee's cash expenditures equal or exceed the amount of donated values, up to a
maXlTIlUm payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) If the donated values exceed the amount of cash
expenditures, the Department shall only pay the Grantee for 100% of actual cash expenditures up to a
maXIDlUm payment often thousand dollars ($10,00000)
In order for any expenditure to qualIfy for payment, It must be properly documented, be for work
performed dunng the term of the Agreement, and for a charge wmch IS reasonable m amount and drrectly
related to and necessary for the complehon of the authorIZed project work
The total amount as prescnbed above shall be made to the Grantee ill four quarterly illstallments The frrst
three may be made at the begmmng of each quarter for which they are allotted Grantees shall subrrut the
four signed Requests for Advanced Payment Forms (No HR2E560397, effechve 3/97), herem
illcorporated by reference, WIth thIS Signed Grant A ward Agreement to mlhate the grant The Grantee shall
subrrut to the Department a completed "Progress and Expenditure Report" form for every reportIng penod
of the grant penod Progress and ExpendIture Reports shall be received by the Department wlthm 30 days
of the endmg of a reportIng penod
Wlthm 30 days of complehon of project work, the Grantee shall subrrut the completed "Fmal Progress and
ExpendIture Report" form to the Department The last grant payment mstallment shall be payable dunng
the last quarter for whIch allotted and upon receipt and venficahon of the Grantee's Fmal Progress and
ExpendIture Report and venficatIOn of all preVIOusly subrrutted Progress and ExpendIture Reports
When advance payments have been made by the Department, adjustments for overpayments shall be made
quarterly and upon receipt of the Fmal Progress and Expenditure Report, unless otherwIse agreed by the
parttes In addlhon, m the event that all project work wmch IS the subject of thiS Agreement IS not fully
completed ill both a hmely and sahsfactory manner, the Department reserves the nght to demand and
receIve full relffibursement of all sums whIch It has paid the Grantee under thIs Agreement
Payment for project costs WIll also be conhngent upon all authonzed project work bemg m complIance
With the aforemenhoned Secretary of the Intenor's Standards, and the illspechon and approval of the grant
aSSisted work by the Department The Department further agrees to the followmg condlhons
A The Department shall reVIew and approve as to form and content all proposed contracts of the
Grantee for the procurement of goods and services relatmg to the project work and all proposed
contract change orders or amendments pnor to fmal executIOn of said contracts, change orders or
amendments, but saId reVlew and approval shall not be construed as acceptance by or Imposlnon
upon the Department of any financJaI lIabilIty m connectIOn With said contracts
B The Department shall reVIew and approve detalled plans, speCIficatIOns, and other bid documents
for constructIon work relatIng to the Project pnor to the execunon of any contract for such work,
review and comment on all prelllTIlnary reports and recommendatIOns, and confer With the
Grantee and Its profeSSIOnal consultants as necessary throughout the course of the ProJ ect, 10
assure complIance WIth the obJecnves, requuements and lmutatlOns of the State Hlstonc
PreservatIon Program
IV The payment schedule of grant funds shall be subject to the tunely filmg ofreqmred reports and to any
specIal condltlons requrred by the Office of the Comptroller, State of Flonda
Surplus funds must be temporanly mvested and the mterest earned on such mvestments shall be returned to
the State The Grantee shall report mterest eammgs quarterly, and shall remit the total mterest earned at
the end of the grant penod m the form of a check or money order made payable to the Flonda Department
of State
V TIus Agreement IS executed and entered mto ill the State of Flonda, and shall be construed, performed, and
enforced m all respects m accordance With the laws and rules of the State ofFlonda Each party shall
perform Its obhganons hereunder ill accordance With the terms and conditions of thiS Agreement
VI If any term or prOVISIOn of thIS Agreement IS found to be Illegal and unenforceable, the remamder of thIS
Agreement shall remam III full force and effect and such term or prOVISIOn shall be deemed stncken
VII No delay or ODllSSlOn to exercise any nght, power or remedy accrumg to elther party upon breach or
default by eIther party under tlus Agreement, shall1lllpaU' any such ught, power or remedy of either party,
nor shall such delay or omiSSIOn be construed as a walver of any such breach or default, or any Similar
breach or default
VIIl Each grantee, other than a grantee whICh IS a State agency, agrees that, ItS officers, agents and employees,
m performance of thiS Agreement shall act In the capaCIty of an mdependent contractor and not as an
officer, employee or agent of the State Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, IS not
entitled to accrue any benefits mc1udmg retrrement benefits and any other nghts or pnvIleges connected
With employment m the State Career Service The Grantee agrees to take such steps as may be necessary
to ensure that each subcontractor of the Grantee will be deemed to be an mdependent contractor and will
not be conSIdered or penmtted to be an agent, servant, Jomt venturer, or partner of the State
IX The Grantee shall not aSSign, sublicense or otherwIse transfer Its nghts, dut1es or obhgat1ons under thIS
Agreement WI thout pnor WrItten consent of the Department which consent shall not be umeasonably
WIthheld The Agreement transferee must also demonstrate comphance With Chapter lA-35, F\onda
AdmInistrative Code If the Department approves a transfer of the Grantee's obhganons, the Grantee
remams responsible for all work performed and all expenses mcurred Ul connectIon WIth the Agreement
In the event the LegIslature transfers the nghts, dunes and obligatIons of the Department to another
government enhty pursuant to Section 20 06, Flonda Statutes, or otherwise, the nghts, duties and
obligatIOns under t\us Agreement shall also be transferred to the successor government entity as If It were
an ongmal party to the Agreement
X This Agreement shall bInd the successors, assigns and legal representatives of the Grantee and of any legal
entity that succeeds to the obhgatlOn of the Department
Xl The followmg prOVISIOns shaD apply for the voluntary and Involuntary suspensIOn or tenrunahon of the
grant by either the Department or the Grantee
A SuspensIOn SuspensIOn IS action taken by the Department which temporanly withdraws or lInuts
the Grantee's authonty to utIlIZe grant assistance pendmg corrective actIon by the Grantee as
speCified by the Department or pendmg a declSlon by the Department to temate the grant
NotIficatIOn When the Grantee has matenally failed to comply Wlth the terms and
conditIOns of the grant, the Department may suspend the grant after glvmg the Grantee
reasonable notice (usually 30 calendar days) and an opportumty to show cause why the
grant should not be suspended The notIce of the suspensIOn Will detaIl the reasons for
the suspensIOn, any corrective actlOn requiIed of the Grantee, and the effectIve date of
the suspenslOn
2 Comrmtments No comrmtments of funds InCIlITed by the Grantee dunng the penod of
suspensIOn WIll be allowed under the suspended grant, unless the Department expressly
authonzes them m the notice of suspenslOn or an amendment to It Necessary and
otherwIse allowable costs which the Grantee could not reasonably aVOid dunng the
sUspenSIOn penod Will be allowed If they result from charges properly Incurred by the
Grantee before the effectIve date of the suspensIOn, and not ill antiCipatIon of suspensIOn
or termmatlOn Thn:d party contnbutlOns apphcable to the suspensIOn penod shall not be
allowed In satisfactIon of matchmg share reqUiIements, unless otherWIse agreed by the
3 Adjustments to payments Appropnate adjustments to the payments subrmtted after the
effectIve date of suspenSiOn under the suspended grant Will be made either by
WithholdIng the payments or by not allowmg the Grantee credIt for disbursements made
ill payment of un au than zed costs Incurred dunng the suspensIOn penod
4 SuspenslOn penod SuspenslOns Will remam ill effect untIl the Grantee has taken
correctIve actIon to the satIsfactIon of the Department or given wntten evidence
satIsfactory to the Department that correctIve actlOn Will be taken, or until the
Department termmates the grant The grant shall be temunated by the Department If the
Grantee faus to respond m wntmg to a notIficatlon of suspenslOn wIthm 30 calendar days
of recelpt of such DonficatloD by the Grantee
B TemunatIon TermmatlOD IS the cancellatIon of grant aSSistance, m whole or ill part, under a grant
or project at any tune poor to the date of complenon
TermmatlOn for cause The Department shall have the authority to cancel thIs Agreement
because of fallure of the Grantee to fulfill ItS obhga trons under thIS Agreement or any other
past or present grant award agreement Wlth this DlVlSlOn or any other DIvIsIon wlthlll the
Department of State Satisfaction of ob!JgatlOns by the Grantee shall be detel111lned by the
Department The Department shall provIde the Grantee a written notIce of default letter The
Grantee shall have 15 calendar days to cure the default, unless It IS detenmned by the
Department that the default IS of a nature that cannot be cured If the default IS not cured by
the Grantee Wlt!un the stated pen ad, the Department shall terrrunate tins Agreement Nolice
shall be suffiClent If It IS delIvered to the party personally or mailed to lts speclfied address In
the event ofternnnatlon of thiS Agreement, the Grantee Wlll be compensated for any work
satlsfactonly completed III accordance Wlth tillS Agreement pnor to notificatIOn of
2 Tel111lnatiOn for converuence The Department or the Grantee may temunate the grant III
whole or ill part when both parties agree that the contmuatlon of the Project would not
produce beneficial results commensurate Wlth the further expenditure of funds The two
parties will agree upon the tenrunatlOn condltIons, mcludmg the effectIve date, and m the case
of partial tennmatrons, the portion to be tenrunated
3 TermmatlOn by Grantee The Grantee may umlaterally cancel the grant at any tIme pnor to
the flISt payment on the grant although the Department must be notlfied m wntmg pnor to
cancellatiOn After the 1II1tlal payment, the Project may be tenmnated, modlfied, or amended
by the Grantee only by mutual agreement of the Grantee and the Department Request for
tenrunatlOn pnor to completion must fully detail the reasons for the actIOn and the proposed
dispOSItion of the uncompleted work
4 COl11ITIltments When a grant IS termmated, the Grantee will not mcur new obligations for the
tenrunated portion after the nol1ficatlOn of the effectIve date oftermmatIon The Grantee Wlll
cancel as many outstandmg oblIgatIOns as possible The Department wtll allow full credit to
the Grantee for the Department's share of the noncancelable oblIgatIOns properly mcurred by
the Grantee pnor to tennmatIon Costs mcurred after the effective date of the ternunal10n Wlll
be disallowed
XII Unless there IS a change of address, any nolice requlIed by tlus Agreement shall be dehvered to the Bureau
ofHlStonc Preservalion, DIViSion ofHlstoncal Resources, Flonda Department of State, R A Gray
Bmldmg, 500 South Bronaugh Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250, for the Department, and to, CJty of
Clearwater, 112 South Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, FlOrida, 33756, for the Grantee Unless the
Grantee has nolified the Department III wntmg by return receIpt mail of any change of address, all notIces
shall be deemed delIvered If sent to the above address
XIII NeIther the State nor any agency or subdivIsIOn of the State waives any defense of sovereign lITIllluruty, or
mcreases the houts of Its habIlity, upon entenng lUto tins contractual relal10nshlp
XIV ThIS Illstrument and the Attachments hereto embody the whole Agreement of the parties There are no
proVlSlOllS, terms, condll1ons, or obligatIons other than those contamed herem, and thiS Agreement shall
supersede all prevIOUS commumcahons, representations or agreements, eIther verbal or wntten, between the
partles No change or add1l1on to thiS Agreement and the Attachments hereto shall be effecl1ve unless III
wntmg and properly executed by the parnes
All WrItten approvals referenced ill thiS Agreement must be obtamed from the parties' grant admilllstrators or theu
designees The Department and the Grantee have read tlllS Agreement and the Attachments hereto and have affixed
their SIgnatures
Drrector, DIVISion of Hlstoncal Resources
~;._8A",~. "1I
Slgnature of Authonzed OffiCial
t),II,Ftff\ ~. ItOE/J~rr.. (!1~}./JA-AJ~eb
Typed Name and Title of Au onzed 0 etal
The adll1lmstratlOn of resources awarded by the Department of State to the Grantee may be subject to audits
and/or mOllltonng by the Department of State as descnbed III this Addendum to the Gran! A ward
In additIOn to reviews of audits conducted III accordance with OMB Cucular A-l33 and Section 21597,
F S , as revised, momtonng procedures may mclude, but not be hll1lted to, on-site VISItS by Department of
State staff, hll1lted scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A-133, as reVIsed, and/or other procedures
By entenng mto this agreement, the recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any momtonng
procedures/processes deemed appropnate by the Department of State In the event the Department of State
detenmnes that a hll1lted scope audit of the recipient IS appropnate, the reCipient agrees to comply with any
addltlonalmstructJons provided by the Department of State staff to the recipient regardmg such audit The
reCipIent further agrees to comply and cooperate With any lllspectlons, reVIews, lllveStlgatlOns, or audits
deemed necessary by the Comptroller or Auditor General
ThiS part ]S applicable ]f the reC]plenlls a State or local government or a non-profit orgamzatJon as defined
III OMS Cllcular A-133, as reVised
In the even! that the rec]plent expends $300,000 or more III Federal awards 111 ItS fiscal year, the leclp]ent
must have a slllgIe or program-specific audit conducted III accordance with the prOVISIOns of OMB Circular
A-133, as reVised EXHIBIT 1 to this agreement mdlcates Federal resources awarded through the
Department of State by tlus agreement In determmmg the Federal awards expended III Its fiscal year, the
reClp]ent shall consider all sources of Federal awards, mdudmg Federal resources received from the
Department of State The determmatIon of amounts of Federal awards expended should be III accordance
With the gUldelmes estabhshed by OMB C]rcular A-l33, as reVised An audit of the reCipIent conducted by
the Auditor General III accordance With the provISIons OMS Cucular A-l33, as revised, WIll meet the
requuements of thiS part
2 In connectlon With the audit reqUIrements addressed III Part I, paragraph I , the reC]plent shall fulfill the
reqUirements relahve to audltee responslbilllies as prOVided III Subpart C of OMB Cucular A-l33, as
3 If the reCipIent expends less than $300,000 111 Federal awards III ItS fiscal year, an audit conducted III
accordance wIth the prov]slOns of OMS Circular A -133, as revised, ]S not reqUired In the event that the
recipient expends less than $300,000 III Federal awards III Its fiscal year and elects to have an audit
conducted III accordance wjth the proVISlOllS of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, the cost of the auda must
be paId from non-Federal resources (I e , the cost of such an audit must be paId from recipient resources
obtamed from other than Federal entlt]es)
4 The Interne! web addresses hsted below will assist recipients In locatmg documents referenced 111 the text
of this agreement and the I nterpreta lIon of comp hance Issues
State of Flonda Department of Bankmg and Fmance (Comptroller)
httP //www dbf state fl us/
Federal Office of Management and Budget Cuculars Index
h!tp /!www wllltehouse gov/OMB/glantsltnde" html#clrculars
Governor's Office Illltlahves, Flonda Smgle Audit Act
http //www myflonda comlrnyl1onda!govemmentle:ovemonmt!atlves/fsaa/
State ofFlonda Legislature (Statutes, LegIslatiOn relating to the Flonda Single Audit Act)
http J/www leg state f1 us!
ThIs part IS applicable If the reCipIent IS a nonstate enlity as defined by SectlOn 21597(2)(1), Flonda Statutes
In the event that the reCIpient expends a total amount of state financial assistance equal to or m excess of
$300,000 In any fiscal year of such reCIpient, the reCipient must have a State slllgle or project-specific audit
for such fiscal year III accordance With Seclion 21597, Honda Statutes, applicable rules of the Executive
Office of the Governor and the Comptroller, and Chapters 10 550 (local governmental en litJes) or 10 650
(nonprofit and for-profit orgalllzatlOns), Rules of the Auditor General EXHIBIT I to thIS agreement
indicates state financwl asslslance awarded through the Department of Stale by thIS agreement In
deterrllllllng the state financial assistance expended In ItS fiscal year, the recipient shan conSider aU sources
of state fmanclal aSSistance, including state financial assistance received from the Department of State,
other state agencies, and other nonstate enli!ies State financial assIstance does no! Include Federal duect
or pass-through awards and resources received by a nonstate entity for Federal program matchmg
2 In COlmectlOn with the audit reqUIrements addressed In Part 11, paragraph 1, the recipient shall ensure that
the audit complies With the reqUIrements of SectIOn 215 97(7), Flonda S latutes ThIS mcl udes subrruSSlOn
of a finanC131 reportmg package as defined by SectIOn 215 97(2)( d), flonda Statutes, and Chapters 10 550
(local governmental entitles) or 10 650 (nonprofit and for-profit orgalllzatlOns), Rules of the Auditor
3 If the recipient expends less than $300,000 m state financial assistance m lis fiscal year, an audit conducted
III accordance wIth the provIsions of SectIOn 215 97, Flonda Statutes, IS not reqUired In the event that the
reCipIent expends less than $300,000 III state financ131 assistance m ItS fiscal year and elects to have an
audIt conducted 10 accordance WJth the proVJS1ons of Sechon 215 97, Flonda Statu les, the cost of the audit
must be paid from the nonstate entity's resources (I e , the cost of such an audit must be paid from the
reCipient's resources obtamed from other than State entities)
, ,
Request For Advanced Grant Payment
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Pnor Payment
$10.000 00
$10.000 00
Total Contract Amount
Balance to Date
Balance Due
~4...... &. .aS~'" · ':J:(
Authorized Signature
uJl !f'Am 13 lfoeAl~n:, (!/ir; t1AklAQee--
Typed Name and Ti e of ( ,,)
Authorized Official
Fund ID Category 101547
Enc # ECF0216 Pay #
Vendor ID 596000289 [ Inv #1-F0216
45200340500 FD 710000 $2,50000
Descnptlon pi Qrt - F0216
Jnv Rc'd Goods fnsp N/A
Goods Rc'd N/A Start Date
, '
Copies ofreportmg packages for audlts conducted m accordance wlth OMB CIrcular A-133, as revised, and
reqUired by PART I of this agreement shal1 be subnutted, when requued by SectIOn 320 (d), OMB Circular
A-133, as revised, by or on behalf of the reCipient duectly to each of the followmg
A The Department of State at each of the followmg addresses
DIvIsIOn of Hlstoncal Resources
Bureau of Histone Preserva bon
Grants and EducatIOn SectIOn
500 South Bronough Street
Tal1ahassee, FL 32399-0250
B The Federal AudIt Cleannghouse designated III OMB Circular A-133, as revIsed (the number of copies requued
by Sections 320 (d)(1) and (2), OMB ClfCular A-133, as revised, should be suhnutted to the Federal AudIt
Cleannghouse), at the foHowmg address
Federal Audit Cleannghouse
Bureau of the Census
1201 East 10th Street
Jeffersonv]lle, IN 47132
C Other Federal agencies and pass-through entitles In accordance With SectIOns 320 (e) and (f), OMB Cucular A-
133, as revised
2 In the event that a copy of the reportmg package for an audit reqUired by PART I of thiS agreement and
conducted In accordance WIth OMB CIrcular A-I33, as revised, ]S not requlfed to be subnutted to the
Department of State for the reasons pursuant to SectlOn 320 (e)(2), OMB CIfcular A-133, as revised, the
recipient shall subnut the requIred wntten notificatIon pursuant to SectlOn 320 (e)(2) and a copy of the
recipient's audited schedule of expenditures of Federal awards directly to each of the followmg
DiVISIon of H Istoncal Resources
Bureau of HIstonc Preservation
Grants and EducatIOn SectIon
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
3 Cop les of finanCial reportmg packages requued by PART II of tIns agreement shall be submitted by or on
behalf of the reCipient duectlv to each of the followmg
A The Department of State at each of the followmg addresses
D]vlslOn of Hlstoncal Resources
Bureau of Histone Preserva liOn
Grants and EducatIOn SectlOn
500 South Bronaugh Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
, .
B The Auditor General's Office at the followmg address
Auditor General's Office
Room 401, Pepper BUlldmg
III West Madison Street
Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-1450
4 Any reports, management letter, or other mfomutlOn reqUired to be subrrutted to the Department of State
pursuant to thIs agreement shall be subnutted Iimely m accordance with OMS CIrcular A-133, Flonda
Statutes, and Chapters 10 550 (local governmental entities) or 10 650 (nonprofit and for -profit
orgamzatlOns), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable
5 ReCipients, when subIIllrtmg fmancIa] reportmg packages to the Department of State for audits done 10
accordance WIth OMB Circular A-B3 or Chapters 10 550 (local govenunental enlItles) or 10 650
(nonprofit and for-profit orgamzatlOns), Rules of the AudItor General, should lOdlcate the date that the
reportmg package was delivered to the reCIpient m correspondence accompanymg the reportmg package
The reCIpient shall retam suffiCient records demonstratmg Its complIance With the terms of thiS agreement
for a penod of five years from the date the audIt report IS Issued, and shall allow the Department of Sta te, or
ItS deSignee, Comptroller, or Auditor General access to such records upon request The recipient shall
ensure that audit workmg papers are made available to the Department of State, or Its deSignee,
Comptroller, or Auditor General upon request for a penod of three years from the date the audit report IS
Issued, unless extended ill wntmg by the Department of State
NOTE If the resources awarded to the reCipient replesent more than one Federal program, prOVide the same
informatIOn shown below for each Federal program and show total Federal resources awarded
Federal Program Nahonal Park Service, US Department of the Intenor, HIstonc Preservation Fund Grants-In-Aid,
CFDA # 15-904, $10,000.00 (ten thousand dollars).
As contamed In OMB Circular A-I33
, .
State ProJcct Florida Department of State, AcquISItIOn/Restoration of Hlstonc Properties, CSFA Number
45.031 $0.00.
As contamed In the Compliance Supplement to CSF A Number 45 031
The Grantee has read thIS Addendum to the Grant Award Agreement and has affixed their slgnature
tfJ.~~ ~".- J:I
Signature of Authorized OffIcial
IJ/ItPrm 75. tbfJ.:eJI..! C,~HAIJA~
Typed Name and TItle of Authorized Official
, .
Request For Advanced Grant Payment
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater FL 33756
Total Contract Amount
.$10.000 00
Prior Payment
Balance to Date
/1. _ . Balance Due
~~ ~.M.i.~~ If -~
Authorized Signature
&XtftMfl]. ~Jr (!, '~ Uw6f3-el-
Typed Name and Titl~ of
Authorized Official
Fund 10 Category 101547
Enc # Pay #
Vendor 10 596000289 Ilnv #2-F0216
45200340500 FD 710000 $2,50000
DeSCription 2nd Qlr ~ F0216
Inv Rc'd Goods Insp N/A
Goods Rc'd N/A Start Date
, -'
Request For Advanced Grant Payment
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater FL 33756
Total Contract Amount
Prior Payment
$10.000 00
Balance to Date
Balance Due
~"'<k.13. ~-:rr
Au horized Signature
LJiIIrM\] ~lL t?,~f-/fW~
Typed Name and Title 6f
Authorized Official
Fund 10 Category 101547
Enc # Pay #
Vendor ID 596000289 Ilnv #3 - F0216
45200340500 FD 710000 $2,50000
Description 3rd Qtr - F0216
lnv Rc'd Goods Insp N/A
Goods Rc'd N/A Starl Date
.. ""
Request for Advanced Grant Payment
City of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater FL 33756
Total Contract Amount
Prior Payment
Balance to Date
Balance Due
~~. /J..-.-:It
Authorized Signature
Fund ID Category 101547
Ene # Pay #
Vendor 10 596000289 !Inv #4F-F0216
45200340500 FD 710000 $2,50000
Descnptlon 4th Final F0216
Inv Re'd Goods Insp N/A
Goods Rc'd N/A Start Date
Parry, Mark
Clayton, Gina
Thursday, May 29,2003828 AM
Parry, Mark
FW Downtown Design GUidelines
Follow Up Flag
Flag Status
Codes to pay with
f~(~ ~
-----0 ng mal Messa ge-----
From: Hames, Angel
Sent: Tuesday, May 27,20033 11 PM
To: Clayton, Gma
Ce. Tarapam, Cyndl
Subject. fIN Downtown Design GUidelines
Good afternoon Gina,
Just to follow up on the conversation thiS morning these are the codes that will be used for payments I have not made
any payments yet & will be awaiting your 'go' to do so
City Portion, $1 0,000 from 010-09216-530300-552-000
CRA Portion, $10,000 from 315-94714-530100-552-000
Grant Portion, $10,000 fro m 181-99139-000073-000-202
Angel Hames
Senior Staff ASSistant
Planning Department
City of Clearwater
(727) 562-4579
-----0 n g I nal M essage-----
From Hamger, Sandy
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 8 20 AM
To. Clayton, Gina
Ce: Parry, Mark, Nicodemus, Sheme, Hames, Angel
Subject. RE Downtown DeSign GUidelines
Then whatever line Item you will be uSing to cut the PO ~ I could transfer the money to that line Item (like your 3016
Professional Services or 303 Contractual Services)
Sandy Harriger
Admin Analyst- City Manager's Office
-----Onglnal Message--m
From' Clayton, Gina
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 8 17 AM
To Harnger, Sandy
Ce: Parry, Mark, Nicodemus, Sherne, Haines, Angel
Subject. RE Downtown Design GUidelines
We don't have any grant money yet
-----Ongmal Message-----
From: Harnger, Sandy
Sent. Monday, May 19, 2003454 PM
To: Clayton, Gma
Cc' Parry, Mark, Nicodemus, Sheme, Hames, Angel
SUbject: RE Downtown Design GUidelines
Just my thoughts but If you do a PO with 3 different codes then you will have to have 3 different line Items each
referencing a different code (unless you do a blanket saYing various on the codes but I don't thmk you should do a
blanket as the money won't be encumbered) It would probably be easier to transfer these amounts mto one code
and then cut the PO usmg that code Do you know what lme Item your grant money IS In - I could transfer my two
commitments to that line Item? Let me know what you a\l decide Thanksl
Sandy Harriger
Admin Analyst - City Manager's Office
727 -562 -4039
-----Onglnal Message-----
From' Clayton, Gina
Sent. Monday, May 19, 2003 12 37 PM
To' Hamger, Sandy
Cc: Parry, Mark, Nicodemus, Sheme, Hames, Angel
Subject: RE Downtown Design GUidelines
I would hke to do the simplest thing I assume It would be to access your codes?? Sherrle - Angel - IS that
okay With you?
-----Ongmal Message-----
From. Hamger, Sandy
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 12 31 PM
To: Gayton, Gma
Subject: RE Downtown DeSign GUldelmes
OK. the two codes to use are - City Portion, $10,000 from 010-09216.530300-552-000 and - CRA
Portion, $10,000 from 315-94714-5301 00-552.000
Let me know whether you want to transfer these amounts to one of your codes or If you Just need access
to the codes to cut the PO I will nollfy Fmance once you decide Thanksl
Sandy Harriger
Admin Analyst - City Manager's Office
727 -562-4039
-----angmal Message-----
From: Clayton, Gma
Sent Monday, May 19, 2003 11 50 AM
To: Hamger, Sandy, Parry, Mark, Nicodemus, Sheme, Hames, Angel
Subject RE Downtown DeSign GUldelmes
We need to cut the PO as soon as pOSSible
-----Ongmal Message-----
From: Hamger, Sandy
Sent Monday, May 19, 20039 12 AM
To: Clayton, Gma
Subject. fIN Downtown DeSign GUidelines
Gina, let me know when you are gomg to cut the purchase order and I Will provide you With the
two codes to cha rg e the $20,000 to ($1 0 K from C RA and $1 0 K from Econ Dev) Thanks I
Sandy Harriger
Admin Analyst- City Manager's Office
727 -562-4039
-----onglnal Message-----
From: Stone, Ralph
Sent' Monday, May 19, 2003 9 04 AM
To: Hamger, Sandy
SubJect: RE Downtown Design GUidelines
-----Ong m a I Message-----
From: Hamger, Sandy
Sent, Monday, May 19, 2003 8 37 AM
To Stone, Ralph
SubJect: FW Downtown Design GUidelines
FYI - see below - they are gOI ng to need $1 OK from eRA and $1 OK fro m ED - ok With you?
Sandy Harriger
Admin Analyst - City Manager's Office
72 7 -562-4039
-----Onglnal Messagen---
From: Clayton, Gma
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 B 34 AM
To: Harriger, Sandy
Cc: Stone, Ralph, Tarapanl, Cyndl
Subject: Downtown Design GUidelines
HI Sandy,
I spoke With Cyndl and there was no addItional money from the General Fund that had been
ldenllfled by Garry The $1 0,000 that we seem to be m ISSI ng IS the $10,000 that was
originally committed to the project when we applied for the grant The other $10,000 should
be coming from the money thai had been set aSIde for the traffiC analYSIS (that Included some
general fund $s) As we discussed last week, It does not matter to us If the $10,000 comes
from the EconomiC Development or the CRA budget- whatever Ralph wants to commit
Please adVise Thank you very much for your helpl
Gina L Clayton
Long Range Planning Manager
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@c1earwater-fl com
Parry, Mark
Nicodemus, Sherne
Tuesday, May 20, 2003 11 54 AM
Clayton, Gina, Hames, Angel, Parry, Mark
RE Mid Year amendments for design gUidelines
~~( 6 . H
The full revenue code for thiS project that Barbara (m Finance) & I set-up last year IS
Mark, when a draw IS sent to the State be sure to let Steve Moskun In Fmance know the amount to look for & the project
(send him an e-mail), along with Barbara Schill The state does not always clearly Identify money coming In and you want
to be sure that It goes to thiS account
-----0 rig I nal Messa g e-----
From: Clayton, Gina
Sent Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9 43 AM
To: Haines, Angel, Parry, Mark, Nicodemus, Sherne
SubJect: FW Mid Year amendments for design gUidelines
Importance: High
Please read thIS e-mail trail The project number for the Downtown Clearwater Design GUidelines IS 181-99139 All
revenue from the CRA (10,000) and from E D (1 0,000) Will be put under thiS proJect number When we get grant
money. work With Barbara and that money should be put In thiS project number If you have questions, please see
me Thanksl
-----On glna I Messa ge-----
From: Clayton, Gina
Sent Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9 42 AM
To Wombacher, Lucette, Stone, Ralph, Tarapam, Cyndl
Cc Harnger, Sandy, Wilson, Tina, SChill, Barbara
SubJect. RE Mid Year amendments for design gUidelines
Importance: High
Please disregard thiS e-mail Sandy, Lucette and I have worked thiS out $10,000 IS coming from the CRA and
$10,000 from ED We have established a project number and these revenues Will be put In thiS code and planning
Will process all payments to the consultant
-----0 rI g I na I M essage-----
From: Wombacher, Lucette
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 9 27 AM
To Stone, Ralph, Tarapanl, Cyndl
Cc Harnger, Sandy, Clayton, Gina, Wilson, Tina, Schill, Barbara
SubJect: Mid Year amendments for design gUidelines
Downtown Clearwater Design Guidelines - Establish a $30,000 00 budget to be used In the
preparation of the Downtown Design GUidelines which consists of $5,00000 from Planning
General Fund, $10,00000 from Community Redevelopment Plan, $5,00000 from Economic
Development Operating Budget, and $10,00000 grant from FlOrida Department of State,
DIVISion of Historical Resources
Barbara Schill of Finance has been Instructed verbally to Include the above amendment in the
mid year adjustments However, the Office of Management and Budget has received no
authOrization from either Planning or Economic Development to transfer operating savmgs to
establish a project We need an e-mail or memo from each department speclfymg the line
Item to reduce In order to make the transfer to the project
We also need authorization from the CRA to transfer funding to the project
As of this moment the only piece of the above amendment we have the authority to Include In
mId year IS the grant from the state for which Fmance has a copy of the award letter
We must have this resolved before the end of this week to mclude It In the mid year document
Call me at extension 4541 If you need help pinpointing your potential operating savings
F..erz, (6 -
\ Pa~ry, Mark
'Clayton, Gina
Monday, May 19,20031237 PM
Harnger, Sandy
Parry, Mark, Nicodemus, Sheme, Haines, Angel
RE Downtown Design GUidelines
I would like to do the simplest thing I assume It would be to access your codes?? Sheme - Angel - IS that okay With you?
-----Onglnal Message..........
from: Harnger, Sandy
Sent Monday, May 19, ~03 1231 PM
To: Clayton, Gina
Subject: RE Downtown Design GUidelines
OK ..the two codes to use are - City POrllon, $10,000 from 010-09216-530300-552-000 and - eRA Porllon, $10,000
from 315-94714-530100-552-000
Let me know whether you want to transfer these amounts to one of your codes or If you just need access to the codes
to cut the PO I WIll notIfy Finance once you decide Thanks'
Sandy Harnger
Admin Analyst- City Manager's Office
-----On 9 In a I M essage---..-
From: Clayton, Gina
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 11 50 AM
To. Hamger, Sandy, Parry, Mark, Nicodemus, 5herne, Haines, Angel
Subject: RE Downtown Design GUidelines
We need to cut the PO as soon as pOSSible
..........Onglnal Message-----
From: Harnger, Sandy
Sent. Monday, May 19, 2003 9 12 AM
To: Clayton, Gina
Subject: FW Downtown DeSign GUidelines
Gina, let me know when you are gOing to cut the purchase order and I Will proVide you With the two codes to
charge the $20,000 to ($1 OK from eRA and $10K from Econ Dev) Thanks'
Sandy Hamger
Admin Analyst- City Manager's Office
727 -562-4039
-----Ong Ina I M essage-----
From: Stone, Ralph
Sent Monday, May 19, 2003 9 04 AM
To: Hamger, Sandy
Subject RE Downtown DeSign GUidelines
-----0 rig In a I Messa ge-..---
From: Harnger, Sandy
Mona..." I"lay 19, 2003 8 37 AM
Stone, Ralph
FW Downtown Design GUidelines
FY I - see below - they a re gOing to need $1 OK from eRA and $1 OK from ED - ok with you?
Sandy Harriger
Admm Analyst - CIty Manager's Office
-----Ongmal Message-----
From: Oayton, Gina
Sent: Monday, May 19, 20038 34 AM
To Hamger, Sandy
Cc: Stone, Ralph, Tarapanl, Cyndl
Subject: Downtown Design GUidelines
HI Sandy,
I spoke with Cyndl and there was no additional money from the General Fund that had been Identified by
Garry The $10,000 that we seem to be miSSing IS the $10,000 that was originally commll1ed to the
project when we applied for the grant The other $10,000 should be commg from the money that had
been set aSide for the traffiC analYSIS (that Included some general fund $5) As we discussed last week, It
does not mal1er to us If the $10,000 comes from the Economic Development or the eRA budget -
whatever Ralph wants to commit Please adVise Thank you very much for your heJpl
Gma L Clayton
Long Range Plannmg Manager
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@clearwater-fl com
r;!~ II;
!Parry, Mark
Clayton, Gina
Monday, May 19, 2003 11 50 AM
Harnger, Sandy, Parry, Mark, NIcodemus, Sheme, Haines, Angel
RE Downtown Design GUidelines
We need to cut the PO as soon as possible
-----Onglnal Message-----
From: Hamger, Sandy
Sent: Monday, May 19, 20039 12 AM
To Clayton, Gina
Subject: FW Downtown DeSign GUidelines
Gina, let me know when you are gOing to cut the purchase order and I will provide you with the two codes to charge
the $20,000 to ($10K from CRA and $1 OK from Econ Dev) Than ks 1
Sandy Harriger
Admin Analyst - City Manager's Office
-----Ong In a I Message-----
From: Stone, Ralph
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 9 04 AM
To: Hamger, Sandy
Subject: RE Downtown DeSign GUidelines
-----Ong In al Messag e-----
From: Harnger, Sandy
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 8 37 AM
To. Stone, Ralph
Subject: FW Downtown DeSign GUidelines
FYI - see below -they are gOing to need $10K from CRA and $10K from ED. ok With you?
Sandy Harriger
Admin Analyst - City Manager's Office
727 -562-4039
-----Original Message-----
From. Clayton, Gina
Sent: Monday, May 19, 20038 34 AM
To Hamger, Sandy
Cc: Stone, Ralph, Tarapanl, Cyndl
Subject: Downtown DeSign GUidelines
HI Sandy,
I spoke With Cyndl and there was no additional money from the General Fund that had been Identified by Garry
The $10,000 that we seem to be missing IS the $10,000 that was Originally committed to the project when we
applied for the grant The other $10,000 should be coming from the money that had been set aSide for the traffiC
analYSIS (that Included some general fund $s) As we discussed last week, It does not matter to us If the $10,000
comes from the Economic Development or the CRA budget - whatever Ralph wants to commit Please adVise
Thank you very much for your help!
Parry, Mark
Clayton, Gina
Monday, May 19, 2003836 AM
Parry, Mark
FW Downtown Design GUidelines
-----On glna I Messa ge-----
From: Clayton, Gina
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003834 AM
To: Hamger, Sandy
Cc: Stone, Ralph, Tarapanl, Cyndl
Subject" Downtown Design GUidelines
HI Sandy,
I spoke with Cyndl and there was no additional money from the General Fund that had been Identified by Garry The
$10,000 that we seem to be mIssing IS the $10,000 that was onglnally commItted to the project when we applied for the
grant The other $10,000 should be coming from the money that had been set aSide for the traffiC analysIs (that Included
some general fund $5) As we dIscussed last week, rt does not matter to us If the $10,000 comes from the Economic
Development or the CRA budget - whatever Ralph wants to commit Please adVise Thank you very much for your help'
Glfla L Clayton
Long Range Planning Manager
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@c1earwater-fl com
~) if /
Nicodemus, Sherrie y-
From Nicodemus, Shem€"
Sent Friday, May ;0003 9 15 AM
To WombacherX~~~tle, Clayton, Gina
Subject FW 3rd Quarter Adjustment
Any progress since we last spoke on what I need to do for an amendment to shOw Planning has this money?
I' ~~/ 0tragelOfl
;l, 11.-. d'~
1,/ ~
- f
Thanks for your help on working With us on this
Sheme Nicodemus
Planning I x4582
-----Onglnal Message-----
From: Nicodemus, Sheme
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 11.31 AM
To: Wombacher, Lucette
Cc: Clayton, Gina
Subject: 3rd Quarter Adjustment
HI, you said to walt until the 3rd quarter budget adjustment to get this done, so now It IS time Please tel! me what
I need to do to move money from the CRA capltallmpovement project 315-94714 (Downtown Redevelopment) to
Planning I have caples of the agendas that went to the CommisSion back In April 2002
Sherne Nicodemus
Planning I x4582
bo/L .A~
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Page 1 of 1
Nicodemus, Sherrie
From: Clayton, Gina
Sent Thursday, March 20, 2003453 PM F a lIE
To Nicodemus, Sherne fvZ'h
Subject. FW See Agenda Items for Design 4~/- F OdJ-/ ~
here are the agenda Items re: downtown design gUidelines. Let me know If you need any
help. Thanks'
[Clayton, Gina] -----Ongmal Message-----
From: Harriger, Sandy
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 20034 51 PM
To: Clayton, Gina
Subject: See Agenda Items for Design GUidelines
See attachments - note $50,000 of thiS money was spent on Bellomo Herbert ($30,000 from ED 9216 and
$20,000 from CRA 315-94714) for Streetscape & Wayflndlng Contract Thanksl
727-562-4039 ~y
fT' tl" JIf
H)~ bf{ Y
(j - AmI-
c,~..J 63 f .j J"
A ~,lfJI/
Sandy Harnger
Admm Analyst - City Manager's Office
v5 /[)
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Agenda Cover Memorandum
Final Agenda Item #
Meeting Date Apnl 1, 2002
Approve $30,000 to fund eRA portion of a design and transportation planning services contract to update the
Downtown Redevelopment Plan and to add the Gateway area to the Downtown Plan,
['SJ and that the appropnate officIals be authonzed to execute same
In 1995, the Community Redevelopment Agency prepared a Downtown Redevelopment Plan for an area
that extended from Clearwater Bay eastward to Fredenca Avenue
Staff will be merging the "Our Downtown" Plan, the Downtown Penphery Plan, and the Downtown
Redevelopment plan and adding the "Gateway" area east to Highland between Drew Street and Chestnut
The updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan will also address the changes In the CommIssion's policies
since the Plan's adoption In 1995 by revIsing the policies, land use potential and major redevelopment
Design and transportation planning services are required for both the Downtown and Gateway areas
The $30,000 cost IS the CRA portion of a $60,000 contract for desIgn services within the CRA The City
will fund the additional $30,000 Funding the CRA portion of $30,000 IS available In the capital
Improvement project 315-94714, Downtown Redevelopment
These design and transportation services are related to
1 Streetscape
2 Wayflndlng Slgnage
3 Waterfront Park on Bluff
4 General Urban Design Elements for the Downtown and Gateway
5 Evaluate and confirm land use potential and transportation network
Reviewed by Onglnatlng Dept Costs $30,000
Legal Info Tech NA Economic Development Total
- -
Budget Public Works NA User Dept Funding Source
- - Economic Development
purchasln NA DCMfACM Ca pllol 1m pfoveme nt Current Fiscal Year
g - -
Risk Mgmt NA Planning Attachments Operating
- -
Funding Code
Submitted by lEI None 315-94714-530100-552-000
Cltv Manager
o Printed on ree cled a er Rev 2/98
y p p
Clearwater CIty COllll1llssion
Agenda Cover Memorandum
Final Agenda Item #
Meeting Dale April 4, 2002
Approve $30,000 to fund City portion of a design and transportation planning services contract for the
Gateway area, as the corndor to downtown, In the Downtown plan,
[2J and that the appropriate officIals be authorized to execute same
. In 1995, the Community Redevelopment Agency prepared a Downtown Redevelopment Plan for an area
that extended from Clearwater Bay eastward to Frederica Avenue
Staff will be merging the "Our Downtown" Plan, the Downtown Periphery Plan, and the Downtown
Redevelopment plan and adding the "Gateway" area east to Highland between Drew Street and Chestnut
The updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan will also address the changes In the Commission's poliCies
Since the Plan's adoption In 1995 by revIsing the poliCies, land use potential and major redevelopment
Design and transportation services are required for both the Downtown and Gateway areas
The $30,000 cost IS the City portion of a $60,000 contract for design services within the Gateway The
Gateway IS outsIde the current CRA boundary and therefore services for thIs area cannot be funded by the
CRA The CRA Will fund the additional $30,000
Funding In the amount of $30,000 IS available for the City's portion of this contract In the Non-
Departmental program In the "deSignated reserve" established by the Commission upon the adoption of
the 2001/02 budget A mid-year budget amendment Will transfer these funds from the Non-Departmental
program to the EconomIc Development Department budget to provide funding for thiS contract
. These design and transportation planning services are related to
1 Streetscape
2 Wayflndlng Slgnage
3 Waterfront Park on Bluff
4 General Urban Design Elements for the Downtown and Gateway
5 Evaluate and confirm land use potential and transportation network
Reviewed by Originating Dept Costs $30,000
Legal Info Tech NA Economic Development Total
Budget Public Works NA User Dept Funding Source
- -
Purchasln NA DCM/ACM Economic Development Cap,lollmprovement Current Fiscal Year
g - -
Risk Mgmt NA Planning Attachments OperatIng
- -
Other X
Funding Code
Submitted by [8] None 010-09216-530100-552-000
City ManaQer
o Prmted on rec cled a er Rev 2/98
y p p
Page 1 of 1
Nicodemus, Sherrie
Nicodemus, Sherne
Monday, May 12, 2003 11 31 AM
Wombacher, Lucette
Clayton, Gma
3rd Quarter AdJustment
Trackmg Recipient Read
Wombacher, Lucette Read 5/12/2003 1 27 PM
Clayton, Gina Read 5/12/2003 1 46 PM
HI, you said to walt until the 3rd quarter budget adjustment to get thiS done, so now It IS time Please tell me what
I need to do to move money from the CRA capltallmpovement project 315-94714 (Downtown Redevelopment) to
Plannmg I have copies of the agendas that went to the CommiSSion back In April 2002
Sheme Nicodemus
Planning I x4582
Page 1 of 1
Clayton, Gma
Harnger, Sandy
Thursday, March 20, 2003451 PM
Clayton, Gina
See Agenda Items for Design GUldellfles
See attachments - note $50,000 of this money was spent on Bellomo Herbert ($30,000 from ED 9216 and
$20,000 from CRA 315-94714) for Streetscape & Wayflndlflg Contract Thanksl
Sandy Harnger
Admin Analyst- City Manager's Office
Agenda Cover Memorandum
Final Agenda Item #
Meeting Date Apnl 1, 2002
Approve $30,000 to fund CRA portion of a deSign and transportation planning services contract to update the
Downtown Redevelopment Plan and to add the Gateway area to the Downtown Plan,
[Z] and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute same
In 1995, the Commumty Redevelopment Agency prepared a Downtown Redevelopment Plan for an area
that extended from Clearwater Bay eastward to Frederica Avenue
Staff will be merging the "Our Downtown" Plan, the Downtown Periphery Plan, and the Downtown
Redevelopment plan and adding the "Gateway" area east to HIghland between Drew Street and Chestnut
The updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan Will also address the changes In the Commission's poliCies
since the Plan's adoption In 1995 by revIsing the poliCies, land use potential and major redevelopment
DeSign and transportation planning services are required for both the Downtown and Gateway areas
· The $30,000 cost IS the CRA portion of a $60,000 contract for deSign services Within the CRA The City
Will fund the additional $30,000 Funding the CRA portion of $30,000 IS available In the capital
I m prove me nt project 315-94714, Downtown Redeve 10 pm ent
These deSign and transportation services are related to
1 Streetscape
2 Wayflndlng Slgnage
3 Waterfront Park on Bluff
4 General Urban DeSIgn Elements for the Downtown and Gateway
5 Evaluate and confirm land use potential and transportation network
ReViewed by Ongmatmg Dept Costs $30,000
Legal Info Tech NA Economic Development Total
- -
Budget Public Works NA User Dept Fundmg Source
- -
Purchasln NA DCM/ACM Economic Development Capitol Improvement Current Fiscal Year
g - -
Risk Mgmt NA Planning Attachments Operating
- -
Fundmg Code
Submitted by ~ None 315-94714-530100-552-000
City Manager
o Printed on recycled, a er Rev 2/98
p p
Clearwater City Commission
Agenda Cover Memorandum
Final Agenda Item #
Meeting Date April 4. 2002
Approve $30,000 to fund City portton of a design and transportation planning services contract for the
Gateway area, as the cOrridor to downtown, In the Downtown plan,
~ and that the appropriate officials be authorized to execute same
· In 1995, the Commumty Redevelopment Agency prepared a Downtown Redevelopment Plan for an area
that extended from Clearwater Bay eastward to Frederica Avenue
Staff wIll be merging the "Our Downtown" Plan, the Downtown Periphery Plan, and the Downtown
Redevelopment plan and adding the "Gateway" area east to Highland between Drew Street and Chestnut
The updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan will also address the changes In the CommissIon's policIes
since the Plan's adoption In 1995 by revIsing the policies, land use potential and major redevelopment
Design and transportation services are required for both the Downtown and Gateway areas
The $30,000 cost IS the City portion of a $60,000 contract for design services within the Gateway The
Gateway IS outSide the current CRA boundary and therefore services for this area cannot be funded by the
CRA The CRA will fund the additional $30,000
Funding In the amount of $30,000 IS available for the City's portion of this contract In the Non-
Departmental program In the "designated reserve" established by the CommiSSion upon the adoption of
the 2001/02 budget A mid-year budget amendment will transfer these funds from the Non-Departmental
program to the Economic Development Department budget to prOVide funding for this contract
These design and transportation planmng services are related to
1 Streetscape
2 Wayflndlng Slgnage
3 Waterfront Park on Bluff
4 General Urban Design Elements for the Downtown and Gateway
5 Evaluate and confirm land use potential and transportation network
Reviewed by Orlgmabng Dept Costs $30,000
Legal Info Tech NA EconomiC Development Total
~ -
Budget Public Works NA User Dept Fundmg Source
- -
Purchasm NA DCM/ACM EconomiC Development Capl(ol I mprovemen( Current Fiscal Year
g ~ -
Risk Mgmt NA Plannmg Attachments Oparatlng
~ -
Oll1er X
Funding Code
Submitted by lEI None 010-09216-530100-552-000
City ManaQer
o Printed on rec cled a er Rev 2198
y p p
Clayton, Gina
Dougall-Sides, Leslie
Thursday, February 27,2003 1 08 PM
Clayton, Gina
Agreement for Consultant Services
Here IS a draft Agreement The amount of payment needs to be filled In and Exhs A, 8, and C attached Is there a
corresponding Grant Agreement that goes with thiS, from Dept of State to City? Or was that already approved?
::onsultlng Services
for Plannl
Clayton, Gina
Rowley, Mary [MRowley@mall dos state fI us]
Tuesday, January 14,2003846 AM
'Clayton, Gina'
RE Clearwater RFQ
Hl Glna,
RFQ looks flne except for two typos at the end of the flrst paragraph were
you state the tlme frame, at" June 30, 2003 and that "take out that
and the of "State" needs to be corrected
-----Qrlglnal Message-----
From Clayton, Glna [mallto gclayton@clearwater-fl com]
Sent Monday, January 13, 2003 8 45 AM
To Mary Rowley (E-mall)
SubJect Clearwater RFQ
(f~l [E
Hl Mary,
Attached please flnd the revlsed RFQ I'm trYlng to get a copy of our
standard contract for your reVlew Let me know lf thlS 1S okay Thanks I
<<Downtown Deslgn GUldellnes RFQ doc>>
Glna L Clayton
Long Range Plannlng Manager
(727) 562-4587
gClayton@clearwater-fl com
~1/06/2003 15 37
Ken Detznel'
Secretary of Sta~
TOFAXNUM"BER -!~ l .... S&a- ~60-~
N A.M:E (::t I '\. ">-. C. ( ).\. r\r)j.,\ ')
Yv\. "" I' '" 12ou..) I ~
\ .
(850) 245~0437
500 S Bronough Street . Talbhll5see, FL 32399-0250 . http l/wW'V't, f1hentage com
a D lXe Clor' s om ~ e
185Q) 24i)-{)3()O · fAX 245-1)4:i;
a Axcha(oJcg\caJ Re:;eilt(h
(650) 245-6...~' FAX 245-64311
a f:(".,tori~ l"reserv anon
(650) 245-6333 . FAX 241)-6437
l"J Hl~/( Mu~eu,'l;l.S
(SSG) 24:5-6400 . F ^^ 245-6433
CI Pillm BeaCh Regional OffJ.ce
(561) 273-1475' PAX :!79-1476
o SI Augustme R.eglQl:\;l,] Offl~e 0 Tamp.. Reglorlill Ot,fu::e
(904) 825-5045' FAX 1;125-,044 (813) 272-3843 ol'A.,X :!72-Z'40
Bl/06/2003 15 37
PAGE 132
Rowley. Mary
Rowley, Mary
Monday, Januat)' 06, 2003 927 AM
'Clayton, Gma'
RE' Clearwatel RFQ
r O~) G,.
I have revle~ed the RFQ and except for ~ couple thlngs it looks f~ne
Flrst T~e a~nounce)~ent sho~ld state tb~t grant tu~ds a~e belng ~sed and ~hat there ~s a
tlme frame ~hat m~~t be met I would state t~at a craft of the Deslgn GU1del.neS wust be
SUD~ltted to the State for ~ev_ew ana app~o~al 45 days pr_or to the end of tre gra~t
perlod of June 30, 2003 and tnat the ~lnal product must be subu_tted to t~e state by Ju_~'
30, 2:.103
Th_s lS all per your Grant Award Agree~ent
s~~ono Slrce your grant lS federal grant ~oneJ' yOU only need to .ncluoe t~e tlxst
d~scla_me~ on the flnal page of the RFQ YOU can remove tbe s~ort paragra?h :hat 15 undey
ct, t~at 19 onlj used for state fundlng
1n adct~tlon if yOU ~a~e a conttac~ that Wlll be used, you can go a~eaa a~d send tha~ to rre
for reVLeW. That way it wlll be appro~ed a~d =eadj for Signing
If you have any guestio~s pledse get bacc With me
Mary Ro.,!lef
H_storlC ?reserv3tlon ?lanner
Bureau of nlstorlC ~reservatlon
-----Orlginal Message-----
From CIajton, Gina [n311to'gclayto,@clearwater-:l com]
Sent. t~~rsday, Decembe= 25, 2002 5 04 PM
To Mary ROrlIey (S-ITa~l)
SuDJect Clearwater RFQ
Attached please f~nd the C_ty of C~earwater'5 draft qFQ for a consultant to
prepare de5~gn gUlcel~nes for our ctowntowr Coul~ you please r~v~ew so t~at
\le ca"'j ~ssue" Than-<:s I
<<Downtown De$lgn Gu~del~~es RFQ doc>>
r,lna L Clayton
~ong Range ?iarnlng Manager
('27) 562-4587
gc1aytonJclearwater-fl com
'!s!phart, Richard
Tarapanl, Cyndl
Wednesday, October 16, 2002 1024 AM
Mike Sanders
Please add M1ke Sanders to your reference 1st for lustonc photos and mformatlon cltywide and especially
downtown M1ke IS a realtor but has long served as the unofflcIal "lustonan" for the Gtyand IS a member-maybe
presIdent of the Histoncal SOCIety M1ke's number IS 434-1684
M1ke was very helpful m the Coates project downtown ill gettmg them pIctures to asSISt ill the renovatIon When I
talked to hIm yesterday, he was mterested ill helpmg m thIs way ill the future He has also illdlcated mterest ill
helpillg us Wlth hIStonc photos of the Geveland Street blocks Gilla-let's follo'WUp Wlth hun when you return
Cyndi Tarapani
Plannmg DIrector
ctarapan@ clearwater- fl com
Po Z ( b
~hart, Richard
Clayton, Gina
Thursday, October 03,2002407 PM
Kephart, Richard
Downtown Design GUidelines
Rich - I was planning to manage the Downtown Design GUidelines, however, due to recent staff changes I do not think I
have time to gel this project started and we are on a major deadline We have to get the RFQ process In motion as soon
as pOSSible We need to advertise before the end of the month We have to submit a progress report to the State at the
end of the month We can obtain the RFQ procedures and purchasing manual off of the Intranet If you have any
questions, George McKibben or someone In his office can assist I obtained a list of consultants from the DIvISion of
Hlstoflcal Resources I would also like to add Frank Bellomo to thiS list because he knows some firms that may be
Interested Also, Sherrle Will work with you on all of the finanCial aspects of the grant We have already prOVided Barbara
Schill In the Finance Dept a copy of the grant You Will also need to keep Sarah Agralt In the Clerk's office appnsed of the
status of the grant
Could we please talk about thiS Fnday morning? Thanks
Glrla L Clayton
Long Range Planning Manager
(727) 562A587
gclayton@c1earwater-fl com
1:-02/6 :
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'I----- "\ .....,r
-..,.., ....,..-
InteroffIce Correspondence Sheet
OCTOBER 4, 200~
The Downtown plan update IS well underway The CIty has hired Bellomo-Herbert to
prepare a streetscape and gateway plan, a master plan for Coachman Park and designs for pubhc
spaces Bellomo-Herbert held Its first pubhc meetmg to receive mput on this project on August
14,2002 The Economic Development Department has prepared and submitted to Pmellas
County an expanded CommunIty Redevelopment Area to mclude the Gateway area The
PlannIng Department has prepared studies and other research on current downtown Issues as well
as mIllal development of downtown policIes
The CommIsSIOn has mdlcated a strong Interest m partlclpatmg In the Downtown plan
update To begm that dISCUSSiOn, the followmg major tenets about Downtown are presented
below I suggest that these elements be discussed by the CommisSIon for policy directiOn
Agreement on these tenets or as revIsed will then gUIde the development of the Downtown Plan
In addItion to thiS dISCUSSiOn, I suggest three addItIonal major tOpiCS for dlscusslOn and mput by
the CommIsSiOn The three subject areas are outlmed below WIth suggested dates for speCIal
meetmgs by the City CommiSSIOn
Major Downtown Components
October 14, 2002
Streetscape/ Gateways/ Character Dlstncts
Week of December 2,2002
Land Use Plant Waterfront and Open
Space Plan
Week of February 18 or 24,2003
Redevelopment Projects
Week of March 17 or 24,2003
, )
The followmg assumptIOns are provIded for the CommiSSIOn's diSCUSSIOn and polley
1. Downtown is Clearwater's center of activitv. business and euvernment. As such,
Downtown will have higher densities for resldentJal uses and higher mtensltIes for retail!
commercJalloffIces uses than the rest of the Clty The higher densIties and IntensItIes
wIll assist m creatmg a synergy for an mterestIng vital and urban environment The
highest densIty and IntenSIty of Downtown WI]] be found In the Core area wnh decreasmg
denSIty and mtenslty movmg east through the balance of downtown
2. Cleveland Street is downtown's "Main Street" and IS valued both for ItS histone
character and as the major retail street Redevelopment on Cleveland Street should
encourage renovatIOn of hIstone properties, new constructIOn shall be consistent WIth the
hIstone bmldmg streetscape m terms of mass, scale and height
3. Ft. Harrison and Osceola A venues should be re-developed as pedestnan onented streets
and m conjunctIon WIth Cleveland Street shall form the major retail core of Downtown
The streetscape deSIgn for these three streets shall emphaSize thelf pnnclpal pedestnan
4. Clearwater recoenizes the uniQueness of its waterfront as the focal point for
Downtown. The Bluff with its commandine views of the water is a sienificant
positive aspect of Clearwater's Imaee and sense of place~ the views of and access to
the water shall be preserved.
a. Coachman Park IS valued as open space, a commumty gathenng place and a
locatIOn for cultural actiVItIeS The Park and the eXlstmg amphitheater should be
Improved to better serve as a regIOnal outdoor entertamment venue
b. Within the publiclv owned land. there is a need for a more active waterfront
area for all Citizens to more frequently enJoy thIS amemty The followmg uses should be
evaluated as ways to mcrease enjoyment of the waterfront area and to attract repeat VISitS
by reSIdents and tounst ahke
Restaurant on piers of old Memonal Bndge or other waterfront locatIon
Interactive Fountain
Retatl Uses-I e , street vendors, kIOSks, and/or permanent retml bUlldmgs
c. On the privatelv owned land, preservation of the view of Clearwater Bav and
compatibility of new development with Coachman Park is criticallv important.
Development m thiS area should be deSigned to mamtam the views of the water through
methods such as VIew comdors, pedestnan onentatIOn, connectIons between bUlldmgs
and to the water, and places for pubilc InteractIon and CIVIC actIVItIes New constructIOn
In thiS area should utIlize the bluff elevatIOn to achieve a tiered effect of height while
preservIng views wIthm the Downtown core
5. Desi2n of new or renovated downtown buildin2s IS expected to relate to the scale and
proportIOns of Its surroundmgs and create mterestmg and active publIc spaces
RenovatIOn of hlstonc bUlldmgs should respect the hlstonc features of the bUlldmg For
new constructlOn, rephcatlOn of a hIstonc bUlldmg IS not deSIred but the desIgn should
have a relatlOnshIp to the eXIstmg Downtown m character, form, scale, mass and
matenals New constructIOn should welcome people mto downtown through both "front
doors" -the street side and the water side Urban and archItectural deSign IS equally
Important tor both elevatiOns
6. Automobile oriented uses such as gas statIOns, convemence stores and dnve through
facIlitIes mcludmg banks and fast food restaurants shall be prohibIted wIthm the
Downtown Core, mcludmg the Court/Chestnut comdors These automobIle onented uses
shall also be prohibIted at the major gateways to the Downtown (at a mmIffium, locatIOns
mclude the HIghland/ Court/Cleveland mtersectlOn, DrUid! Ft Hamson mtersectIOn,
Court! ML Kmg A venue mtersectIOn)
7. The visual and Derformin2 arts are a vital Dart of Downtown ArtIsts should be
encouraged to live and work downtown Art ga]]enes and perfonmng spaces are also
encouraged downtown The development of public art polIcIes should enhance and add
to the overall quality of downtown Pubhc art mstallatIOns should be mtegrated mto the
gateways and streetscapes of Downtown, m publIc plazas and mother pubhc
Attachment Downtown Schedule
cc Garry Brumback ASSistant CIty Manager
Ralph Stone, ASSIstant CIty Manager
Page 1 of 1
Nicodemus, Sherrie
Nicodemus, Sheme
Thursday, October 03,2002345 PM
Clayton, Gina
Tarapanl, Cyndl
Downtown Design GUidelines Grant
Clayton, Gma
Tarapanr, Cyndl
- . ----=-
Barbara SChill, Finance, was reviewing the application I copied and forwarded to her yesterday What she noticed
IS that the First report to the state IS due October 31 sl, and IS to Include a Progress Report for the months of July
through September
Read 10/3/2002 3 47 PM
Do you have these documents prepared to forward to the State by the end of the month?
Is administering thiS grant something that one of the new planners IS gOing to do when hired? As a suggestion,
they may want to start with pullmg together a limehne of when reports are due so as to avoid the penalties
Barbara and I are workmg on determlnmg the Increments the money Will be receIved and when the City has to
send Interest back to the State
Page 1 of 1
Nicodemus, Sherrie
From' Clayton, Gina
Sent Thursday, October 03,2002400 PM
To NIcodemus, Sheme
Cc Tarapanl, Cyndl
Subject RE Downtown Design GUidelines
I originally was gOing to manage It, however, with the addlllonal work I have due to Etlm's absence, I plan to give
this to Rich I did prepare an outline of the requirements and they are In my file I plan to give these to Rich
tomorrow ~ provIded he IS here
nmOnglnal Message-----
From: NIcodemus, Sherne
sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 3.45 PM
To: Clayton, Gina
ee: Tarapanl, Cyndl
Subject: Downtown Design GUidelines Grant
Ft) lib
Barbara SChill, Finance, was reviewing the application I copied and forwarded to her yesterday What she
noticed IS that the first report to the state IS due October 31st, and IS to Include a Progress Report for the
months of July through September
Do you have these documents prepared to forward to the State by the end of the month?
Is administering thiS grant someth Ing that one of the new planners IS gOing to do when hired? As a
suggestIon, they may want to start WIth pulling together a tlmellne of when reports are due so as to avoid
the penalties
Barbara and] are working on determlfllng the Increments the money Will be received and when the City
has to send Interest back to the State
SChill, Barbara
Wednesday, September 25,2002 11 47 AM
Nicodemus, Sherne
Hlsloflcal Grant
I talked to Jay and he Indicated that codlflg a portion of the expense to eRA would be 0 k Reading the Addendum to
Grant Award Agreement #F0216 this grant may be a pass-thru of Federal grant money Once, you gel a contact we
should call the contact to determine the answers to the questions we have
rJi01n fJ
- ~-L~Lt '3
.FpZ/6 -
NIcodemus, Sheme
Thursday, September 12,2002 9 15 AM
Clayton, GIna
RE Hlstoncal Resources Grant
Just tell me when & how you want to get started Sheme
-----Ong mal Messag e-----
From: Oayton, Gina
Sent Thursday, September 12, 20029 12 AM
To: Nicodemus, Sherne
Subject: fIN Hlstoncal Resources Grant
I spent you an e-mail about helpmg me with the grant
J=ot , b
I wanted you to see-wtrat~S-artmra had to say about It
-----Ongmal Message-----
From: Schill, Barbara
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 3 17 PM
To: Clayton, Gina
Subject: RE Historical Resources Grant
After I receIVe the grant award we can discuss how to capture the expenses We can establish a separate number so
that you can charge the expenses to the program and credit the reimbursement from the US Dept of Interior ThiS
way you Will have a record for your file of all the activity for the grant In many cases the award Will dictate that we Will
need to do Just that
I can establish the number for you as well as establish the expense and revenue codes
-----0 rig I nal M essag e-----
From: Clayton, Gina
Sent, Wednesday, September 11, 2002 11 24 AM
To: Schill, Barbara, Agralt, Sara
Subject: Hlstoncal Resources Grant
"ve asked to have a copy of the grant award agreement copied and sent to Barbara
I also wanted to let you know that money for thiS grant ongmated from the National Park Service, U S Dept of
Intenor (I think I told you Oept of State) and IS authonzed by the legislature through the Flonda Oept of State
Willi work wIth you Barbara on the accounllng of thiS grant money? I'm new a1 admlnlstenng a grant and I would
appreciate any gUidance you can give me Thanksl
Gina L Clayton
long Range Planning Manager
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@c1earwater-fl com
Clayton, Gina
Wednesday, September 11,2002 11 39 AM
Nicodemus, Sheme
Historical Resources Grant
We received a $10,000 grant from the Florida Dept of State to prepare design gUidelines for the downtown I'm reading
through the material and will be sending to the City Manager for his signature to execute the contract I need your
assistance In the accountmg of the project Let's get together within the next few days to talk about how this project needs
to be handled from an accounting standpoint I've briefly talked to Barbara SchIll and have asked Angel to copy the grant
contract for her Thanks
Gina L Clayton
Long Range Planning Manager
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@c1earwater-fl com
~-J r" Ii r~
LJ, L. ,-1.: -~
Eiif.!~ ~::
Clayton, Gina
Monday, September 23, 2002 10 22 AM
SChill, Barbara
Nicodemus, Sheme
RE Historical Resources Grant
1 thmk It should be called Downtown Design GUldelmes We will be hiring a consultant to prepare the gUidelines I will
manage the work of the contract and Sheme Nicodemus will help do the fmanclal aspects of the grant
----- 0 rI 9 I na I Messa ge-----
From: SChill, Barbara
Sent Monday, September 23, 2002 10 01 AM
To Clayton, Gina
Subject' RE Hlstoncal Resources Grant
Gina, I received the copy of the historical resource grant I will open a special program number for your program so
that you can capture the expenses and grant money received Will we call the program Downtown Clearwater
Design? The revenue codes would be 000073 Flonda Department of State 334900 Other State Grants What type of
expenses will the program have? Professional Services
Give me a call or the person In your department that will be handling the program and we can discuss the coding
-----On 9 In a I Messa ge-----
From Clayton, Gina
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 11 24 AM
To SChill, Barbara, Agralt, Sara
Sub]ect: Historical Resources Grant
f::o l ( 6
I've asked to have a copy of the grant award agreement copied and sent to Barbara
I also wanted to let you know that money for thiS grant originated from the National Park Service, U S Dept of
Interior (J think I told you Dept of State) and IS authorized by the legislature through the FlOrida Dept of State
Willi work With you Barbara on the accounting of thiS grant money? I'm new at administering a grant and I would
appreciate any gUidance you can give me Thanksl
Gina L Clayton
Long Range Planning Manager
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@c1earwater-fl com
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Glenda E. Hood
Secretary of State
May 12,2003
(r~(O\! =))'\'v(
'~=:"7\..~_/1s-' LJ
Ms Cyndl Hardm Tarapam
CIty of Clearwater
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
RE Dow~~ ~Sater Deslgn Guzdehnes Project
Grant NO j<U7T'5"
Dear Ms Hardm Tarapam
Enclosed you will find your copy of the fully executed Amendment Number One to the
subject Grant Award Agreement
Please allow me to respond to any questions or comments you may have I can be reached by
telephone at (850) 245-6333, or toll free at 1-800-847-7278 In addItIOn, my e-maIl address IS
mrowley@mml dos state fl us Thank you
Histone PreservatIon Planner
Bureau ofHlstonc PreservatIOn
Enclosure (1)
;rry OF CP!!",ARTMEN1
i.J"\RWA Tf::.R
500 S Bronollgh Street . Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 . h!Jp'llwww Ohentage com
o Director's Office 0 ArchaeolOgical Research C1J1'islonc Preservation 0 Hlstoncal Museums
(850) 245-6300 . r AX 245-6435 (850) 245-6444 . FAX 245-6436 (850) 245-6333 . FAX 245-6437 (8S0) 245-6400 . FAX 245-6133
o Palm Beach RegIOnal Office
(561) 279-1475' FAX 279-1476
051 Augustine RegIOnal Office 0 Tampa Regional Office
(904) 825-5045' FAX 825-5044 (813) 272-3843. FAX 272-2340
Grant No. F0216
Th1s AMENDMENT to the Agreement dated October 29, 2002, hereinafter referred to as the
Agreement, between the State of Flonda, Department of State, D1VlSlOn of Hlstoncal Resources,
hereinafter referred to as the Department, and the City of Clearwater, hereinafter referred to as the
Grantee, relative to the Downtown Clearwater Design GUldehne~ ProJect, hereinafter referred to as
the ProJect, shall be effective when properly executed by the partles thereto, and shall be made a part of
the ongmal Agreement
The Grantee has requested reVISIon of the ProJect's complctlOn date as descnbed m Paragraph One and
Section II A of the onglllul Agreement The reV\S1on IS necessary to complete the Project and IS fully
acceptable to the Department The requested reVISIOn has been reviewed and found to be m accordance
with current regulatlOns The Agreement IS amended as follows
The Project completIOn date as descnbed III Paragraph One and SectlOn II A 1S hereby
changed from June 30, 2003 to September 30,2003
All other terms, condltlOns and prov\S1ons of the Agreement remain III full force and effect
ThiS Amendment IS entered mto and executed on
<=-~ ... 2003~-
dJ~73. AJ,_-z
Signature of Authonzed Offic13l
William B. Horne II, C~ty Manager
Typed Name and Title of Authonzed Officlal
Hlstonc Preserva~ Rr~ t ~!:ard Agreement
Survey and Planmeg ~ anced Payment
Grant No F0216
ThIS AGREEMENT IS between the State ofFlonda, Department of State, DIvIsIOn ofHlstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the City of Clean,' atef, a mumclpal corpora tlOn eXlstmg under the
laws of the State of Flonda, heremafter referred to as the Grantee, relatlve to the Do'Wtown Clearwater Design
GUldehnes ProJect, heremafter refened to as the Project, and IS entered mto thiS Olct ~ day of
t9c.....\o'fm ,2002, and shall end un June 30,2003
The Department IS responsible for the adnumstratlOn of grant-m-ald assistance for hlstonc preservation purposes
under the proVISions of Section 267 0617, Flonda Statutes The Grantee has applied fOl grant-m-md assistance for
the Project The application, Illcorporated by reference, has been reviewed and approved III accordance wlth Chapter
lA-35, Flonda Admlmstratlve Code, which regulates Histone PreservatIOn Grants-ill-Aid Subject to the linutatlons
set forth III thiS Agreement, grant-m-31d funds III the amount often thousand dollars ($10,000 00) have been
reserved for the Project by the Department The Department and the Grantee agree as follows
The Project shallmclude the followmg authonzed project work
A, Architectural Design GUidelines for the City of Clearwater's Downtown Redevelopment
Area, uhhzmg the DIvISIon's Model GUidelines for Design Re\'lew and the Secretary of
Intenor Standards for RehablhtatlOn, ",dl be produced.
B, A draft of the Design GUidelines Will be subnntted to the Department no later than Forty-
five days pnor to the end of the grant penod for review and approval.
C Three copies of the Architectural Design GUidelines will be submitted to the Department at
the end of the grant penod as final products
II [he Grantee agrees to adnumster the Project III accordance With the GENERAL AND SPECIAL
Chapter lA-35, Flonda AdmulIStTallVe Code, and the followmg speCific conditIOns
A The Grantee agrees to complete the Project by June 30, 2003 and subnut the Fmal Products and
the Fmal Progress RepOli and Flllal Expenditure Report, as specified III Attachment "A", Pall II,
subparagraph B 2 . \'.'lthm 30 days of completIOn of project work No costs lllcurred pnor to the
commencement da te of thiS Agreement are chglb Ie for payment from grant funds No costs
lllcurred after the above project work wrnpletlOn date will be ehglble for payment unless
specifically authonzed by the Department before the cost IS lllcurred
B The Department shall not assume any habllity for the acts, onuSSlons to act or neghgence of the
Grantee, ItS agents, servants or employees, nor shall the Grantee exclude liablhty for ItS own acts,
omISSIOns to act or neghgence to the Department The Grantee hereby agrees to be responSible for
any lllJUry or property damage rcsultmg from any actIVities conducted by the Grantee, ItS agents,
servants or employees
C The Grantee, other than a grantee which IS the State or agency or subdivIsion of the State, agrees to
mdemmfy and hold the Department harmless from and agamst any and all claims or demands for
damages, mc1udmg attorney fees and court costs, resultmg from personal mJury, mc1udmg death or
damage to property, ansmg out of any aCtiVIties performed under thls Agreement, onllSSlOns to act
or negligence of the Grantee, ItS agents, servants, or employees and shallmvestlgate all c1atms at
Its own expense
D The Grantee shall be solely responsible for all work performed and all expenses mcurred m
COlmectlOn with the Project The Grantee may subcontract as necessary to perform the services set
forth m thiS Agreement, mcludmg entenng mto subcontracts With vendors for services and
COnunOdl ties, proVided that such subcontract has been approved m wntmg by the Department pi !Or
to ItS executIOn, and proVided that It IS understood by the Grantee that the Department shall not be
liable to the subcontractor for any expenses or liabilities mcurred under the subcontract and that
the Grantee shan be solely liable to the subcontractor for all expenses and habllitles mcurred under
the subcontract
E The Grantee shall subnut complete bid documents, mcludmg plans and speClficatlOns, to the
Department for reVIew and approval pnor to the executlOn of any contract for constructIOn work
F The Grantee agrees that all acts to be performed by Jt III connectIOn With tillS Agreement shall be
perfoffi1ed m StrKt conformity With all applicable laws and regulatIOns of the State ofFlonda
G The Grantee shall coordmate consultatIOn between ItS profeSSIOnal consultants and appropnate
Department staff representatives as necessary to assure mutual understdndmg of and agreement on
the obJectIves, requIrements, and ImutatlOns of the Project III relatIOn to the State Histone
PreservatIOn Program
H The Department shall um]aterally cancel tills Agreement m the event that the Grantee refuses to
allow public access to all documents or other matenals subject to the prOVISIOns of Chapter 119,
FlOrida Statutes, and made or received by the Grantee Ill_ conjunctIon With thiS Agreement
J Bills for fees or other compensatIOn for services or expenses shall be submitted III detail suffiCient
for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof The Grantee shall not charge the Department for any
travel expense Without the Department's Written approval Upon obtammg the Department's
written apPlOval, the Grantee shall be authonzed to mcur travel expenses to be reimbursed III
accordance With SectIOn 112 061, FlOJ Ida Statutes
J The Grantee recogmzes that the S ta te of Flonda, pursuant to Section 212 08(6), Flonda Statutes, IS
not reqUired to pay taxes on any goods or services whIch may be proVided to II pursuant to thiS
AgI eement
K The Department's pelforn1ance and obligatIon to pay under thiS Agreemenlls contmgent upon an
annual appropnatlOn by the Legislature In the event that the state funds on which thiS Agreement
IS dependent are WIthdrawn, thiS Agleement IS ternunated and the Department has no further
hablltty to the Grantee beyond that already lllcurred by the lermmatlOn date In the event of a state
revenue shortfall, the tOlal grant shall be reduced In proportlOn to the revenue shortfall
L An project work must be In compliance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for
PreservatIOn Plannmg
M The Grantee will not dlscnmmate agamst any employee employed m the performance of this
Agreement, or agamst any apphcant for employment because of race, religlOn, color, handicap,
national ongm, age, gender, or manta I status The Grantee shall msert a similar provlSlon III all
subcontracts for services by thiS Agreement
N The Department shall not be liable to pay attorney fees, mterest, late charges and service fees, or
cost of collectlOn related to the grant
o These grant funds Will not be used for 10bbYlllg the Legislature, the JudiCial branch or any state
P Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, shall submlt to an audit or subnut an
attestation statement pursuant to Section 216 349, Flonda Statutes
Q The product of the Project must be the ongmal work of the Grantee or Its consultants If the work
of others IS used as background mformatlOn, It shall be appropnately credited to the ongmator
III The Department agrees to pay the Grantee for 50% of the Grantee's total cash expenditures and donated
values, so long as the Grantee's cash expenditures equal or exceed the amount of donated values, up to a
maximum payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000,00) If the donated values exceed the amount of cash
expenditures, the Department shall only pay the Grantee for 100% of actual cash expenditures up to a
maximum payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
In order for any expenditure to qualify for payment, It must be properly documented, be for work
performed dunng the term of the Agreement, and for a charge which IS reasonable m amount and directly
related to and necessary for the completlOn of the authonzed project work
The total amount as prescnbed above shall be made to the Grantee III four quarterly Illstallments The first
three may be made at the begmnmg of each quarter for which they are allotted Grantees shall submIt the
four SIgned Requests for Advanced Payment Forms (No HR2E560397, effectlVe 3/97), herem
mcorporated by reference, With thiS Signed Grant Award Agreement to Iml1ate the grant The Grantee shall
submit to the Department a completed "Progress and Expenditure Report" form for every reportmg peflod
of the grant penod Progress and Expenditure Reports shall be recelVed by the Department WltblO 30 days
of the endmg of a reportmg penod
Wlthm 30 days of completIOn of proJect work, the Grantee shan submit the completed "Fmal Progress and
Expenditure Report" form to the Department The last grant payment IOstallment shall be payable dunng
the last quarter for which allotted and upon receipt and venficatlOn of the Grantee's Flllal Progress and
Expenditure Report and venficatlOn of all preVIOusly submitted Progress and Expenditure Reports
When advance payments have been made by the Department, adjustments for overpayments shall be made
quarterly and upon receipt of the Flllal Progress and Expenditure Report, unless otherwise agreed by the
parties In addll1on, m the event that all prOject work which IS the subject of thiS Agreement IS not fully
completed m both a timely and satisfactory manner, the Department reserves the nght to demand and
receive full reimbursement of all sums which It has paid the Grantee under thiS Agreement
Payment for project costs will also be contmgent upon all authonzed project work bemg III comphance
With the aforementIOned Secretary of the Intenor's Standards, and the mspectlOll and approval of the grant
aSSisted work by the Department The Department further agrees to the followmg condll1ons
A The Department shall review and approve as to form and content all proposed contracts of the
Grantee for the procurement of goods and services relatmg to the project work and all proposed
contract change orders or amendments pnor to final executIOn of saId contracts, change orders or
amendments, but said review and approval shall not be construed as acceptance by or ImpositIOn
upon the Department of any financial habillty lO connectIOn with said contracts
B The Department shall review and approve detaIled plans, specificatIOns, and other bid documents
for construction work relatlOg to the Project pnor to the executIOn of any contract for such work,
review and comment on all prehmmary reports and recommendatIOns, and confer wIth the
Grantee and Its professIOnal consultants as necessary throughout the course of the ProJ ect, to
assure compliance with the obJectives, reqUIrements and limltatlOns of the State Hlstonc
PreservatIOn Program
IV The payment schedule of grant funds shall be subject to the timely fihng 0 f reqUired reports and to any
special conditIOns reqUired by the Office of the Comptroller, State of Flonda
Surplus funds must be temporanly mvested and the mterest earned on such mvestments shall be returned to
the State The Grantee shall report mterest eammgs quarterly, and shall remit the total mterest earned at
the end of the grant penod 10 the form of a check or money order made payable to the Flonda Department
of State
V This Agreement IS executed and entered 1OtO 10 the State of Flonda, and shall be construed, performed, and
enforced In all respects m accordance With the laws and rules of the State of Flonda Each party shall
perform Its obligatIOns hereunder In accordance With the terms and condItions of thiS Agreement
VI If any term or proVISIOn of thiS Agreement IS found to be Illegal and unenforceable, the rema10der of thiS
Agreement shall remam m full force and effect and such term or provlSlon shall be deemed stncken
VII No delay or omiSSion to exercise any nght, power or remedy accrumg to elther party upon breach or
default by either party under thIS Agreement, shall Impair any such TIght, power or remedy of either party,
nor shall such delay or omiSSIon be construed as a waiver of any such breach or default, or any Similar
breach or default
VIII Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, agrees that, ItS officers, agents and employees,
10 performance of thiS Agreement shall act 10 the capacity of an llldependent contractor and not as an
officer, employee or agent of the State Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, IS not
entitled to accrue any benefits mc1udlllg retirement benefits and any other nghts or pnvileges connected
With employment m the State Career Service The Grantee agrees to take such steps as may be necessary
to ensure that each subcontractor of the Grantee will be deemed to be an llldependent contractor and Will
not be conSidered or permitted to be an agent, servant, Jomt venturer, or partner of the State
IX The Grantee shall not assign, subhcense or otherwise transfer ItS nghts, duties or obl1gatlOns under thls
Agreemcnt Without pnor wntten consent of the Department which consent shall not be umeasonably
wlthheld The Agreement transferee must also demonstrate compliance With Chapter lA-35, Flonda
Admmlstratlve Code If the Department approves a transfer of the Grantee's obligatIons, the Grantee
remains responsIble for all work performed and all expenses Incurred m connectIon With the Agreement
In the event the Leglsla lure transfers the nghts, dutles and ob IlgatlOns of the Department to another
government entity pursuant to SectIon 2006, Flonda Statutes, or otherv"lse, the nghts, dutles and
oblIgatlOns under thiS Agreement shall also be transferred to the successor government ent! ty as If It were
an ongmal party to the Agreement
X This Agreemen t shall bind the successors, assigns and legal representatl ves of the Grantee and 0 f any legal
entity that succeeds to the obligation of the Department
XI The followmg provlSlons shall apply for the voluntary and illvoluntary suspensIOn or termmatlOn of the
grant by either the Department or the Grantee
A SuspensIOn SuspensIOn IS action taken by the Department which temporanly withdraws or limits
the Grantee's authonty to utilize grant assIstance pendmg corrective action by the Grantee as
speCified by the Department or pendmg a declSlon by the Department to tenmnate the grant
NottficatlOn When the Grantee has matenally failed to comply With the terms and
condlt1ons of the grant, the Department may suspend the grant after glvmg the Grantee
reasonable notice (usually 30 calendar days) and an opportumty to show cause why the
grant should not be suspended The notice of the suspenslOn will detail the reasons for
the suspenslOn, any corrective actlOn requued of the Grantee, and the effectIve date of
the suspenslOn
2 Comnutments No comnutments of funds Ulcurred by the Grantee dunng the penod of
suspenSlOn wlll be allowed under the suspended grant, unless the Department expressly
authorIZes them m the notice of suspenSIOn or an amendment to It Necessary and
otherwise allowable costs whIch the Grantee could not reasonably aVOid durmg the
suspenslOn penod Will be allowed If they result from charges properly mcurred by the
Grantee before the effectlVe date of the suspenSIOn, and not m antlclpatlOn of suspensIOn
or termmatlOn Third party contTlbutIOns apphcable to the suspenSlOn penod shall not be
allowed 10 satisfactIOn of matchmg share reqUlIements, unless otherwise agreed by the
3 Adjustments to payments Appropnate adjustments to the payments submItted after the
effective date of suspensIOn under the suspended grant Will be made either by
wlthholdmg the payments or by not allOWing the Grantee credit for disbursements made
m payment of unauthonzed costs mcurred dunng the suspenslOn penod
4 SuspenslOn penod SuspenslOns will remain 10 effect until the Grantee has taken
corrective actlOn to the satisfaction of the Department or given wntten eVidence
satisfactory to the Department that correctlVe actiOn Will be taken, or until the
Department tenmnates the grant The grant shall be ternnnated by the Department If the
Grantee falls to respond m wntmg to a notificatiOn of suspenSlOn wlthm 30 calendar days
of receipt of such notificatIOn by the Grantee
B Termmatlon TermmatlOn IS the cancellation of grant aSSIstance, III whole Or ill part, under a grant
or project at any tlme pnor to the date of completion
Tenmnatlon for cause The Department shall the authonty to cancel thlS Agreement
because of failure of the Grantee to fulfill ItS obhgatlOns under this Agreement or any other
past or present grant award agreement with this DIvIsion or any other DlvlslOn wlthm the
Department of State Satisfaction of obligations by the Grantee shall be detenmned by the
Department The Department shall provide the Grantee a wntten notIce of default letter The
Grantee shall have 15 calendar days to cure the default, unless It IS determmed by the
Department that the default IS of a nah1re that carmot be cured If the default IS not cured by
the Grantee wlthm the stated penod, the Department shall ternunate thiS Agreement NotiCe
shall be sufficient If It IS delivered to the party personally or mailed to ItS speCified address In
the event oftermmahon of this Agreement, the Grantee will be compensated for any work
satlsfactonly completed m accordance with thiS Agreement pnor to notificatIOn of
2 TermmatlOn for convemence The Department or the Grantee may termmate the grant m
whole or m part when both partles agree that the contlI1uahon of the Project would not
produce beneficial results commensurate with the further expendlh1re of funds The two
parl1es will agree upon the tenmnatlOn conditiOns, mcludmg the effective date, and m the case
ofpart131 ternunatlOns, the portion to be ternunated
3 Ternunatlon by Grantee The Grantee may umlaterally cancel the grant at any time pliOr to
the first payment on the grant although the Department must be notified 1I1 wntmg pnor to
cancellatiOn After the milia I payment, the Project may be ternunated, modlfied, or amended
by the Grantee only by muh1al agreement of the Grantee and the Department Request for
ternunal10n pIlor to completIOn must fully detail the reasons for the actIOn and the proposed
dlSposltlOn of the uncompleted work
4 Commitments When a grant IS termmated, the Grantee Will not Incur new obligatIOns for the
ternunated portiOn after the notlfica tlon of the effective date of ternunatiOn The Grantee will
cancel as many outstandmg obligatIOns as pOSSible The Department will allow full credit to
the Grantee for the Department's share of the noncancelable obhgatlOns properly lllcurred by
the Grantee pnor to termmatlon Costs Incurred after the effect! ve date of the termmatlOn Will
be disallowed
XlI Unless there IS a change of address, any notice reqUired by thiS Agreement shalI be dehvered to the Bureau
ofHIStOIlC PreservatIOn, DIVISIOn ofHlstoIlcal Resources, Flonda Department of State, R A Gray
BUlldmg, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250, for the Department, and to, City of
Clearwater, 112 South Osceola Avenue, Clearwater, Flonda, 33756, for the Grantee Unless the
Grantee has notified the Department m \'lntlng by return receipt mail of any change of address, all notices
shall be deemed delivered If sent to the above address
XIII Neither the State nor any agency or subdiVISion of the State waives any defense of sovereign Immumty, or
mcreases the Imuts of ItS liability, upon entenng mto thiS contractual relatlOnshlp
XIV ThiS mstrument and the Attachments hereto embody the whole Agreement of the parties There are no
provlSlons, terms, condltlOllS, or obligatIOns other than those contamed herem, and thiS Agreement shall
supersede all prevIOus commuUlcatlOns, representatIOns or agreements, either verbal or wntten, between the
partles No change or addition to thiS Agreement and the Attachments hereto shall be effective unless m
wntlng and properly executed by the parties
~, .
All written approvals referenced In thIs Agreement must be obtamed from the partIes' grant admmlstrators or theIr
desIgnees The Department and the Grantee have read IhlS Agreement and the Attaclunents hereto and have affixed
theIr SIgnatures
SIgnature of Authonzed OfficIal
(!/ /-
:2fTtt /; J
This AGREEMENT made this day of UI}/2 r; 2003, by and between the
City of Clearwater, Flonda (City), a Flonda mUnicipal corporation, POBox 4748, Clearwater
Flonda 33758-4748, and Land Design Innovations, Inc , (Consultant), a Ftonda corporation, 140
North Orlando Avenue, SUite 295, Winter Park, Florida 32789
WHEREAS, City desires to have Consultant provide consulting services for preparation
of Downtown Clearwater DesIgn GUidelines (the ProJect) described In Exhibit A, and
WHEREAS, Consultant agrees to provIde the consultmg services described In ExhIbit A,
under the terms and condlttons of thiS Agreement,
NOW THEREFORE, the City and Consultant do hereby Incorporate all terms and
conditions In ExhIbit "A" and mutually agree as follows
1. SCOPE OF PROJECT. Consultant agrees to provide planning services under
the terms and conditions described In Exhibit HA"
2, TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The work product descnbed In Exhibit "A" shall be
complete on or before September 30, 2003
3 REPORTS. Consultant agrees to provide to CIty reports on the Project upon
request by the City and upon completlon of the Project
4 COMPENSATION. The City Will pay Consultant a sum not to exceed
$ 30,000
, Inclusive of all reasonable and necessary direct expenses as descnbed In the
cost estimate attached as ExhibIt "A" The City may, from time to time, require changes In the
scope of the project of Consultant to be performed hereunder Such changes, Including any
Increase or decrease In the amount of Consultant's compensation and changes In the terms of
thiS Agreement which are mutually agreed upon by and between City and Consultant shall be
effective when Incorporated In wntten amendment to thiS Agreement
Consultant shall bill City, and City agrees to pay
after approval of the City Project Manager under the terms of the Flonda Prompt Payment Act
FS 21870
6. CONTACTS FOR RESPONSIBILITY. Gina Clayton, Long Range Planning
Manager, will be designated as Project Director for this project by Consultant to manage and
supervise the performance of this Agreement on behalf of Consultant Associated with the
PrOject Director wIll be staff members whose experience and qualifications are appropnate for
this Project The City WIll be represented by Gina Clayton or her designee for all matters
relating to this Agreement
7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. The City at Its sole d]scretlon may terminate
this Agreement by glvmg Consultant ten (10) days' wntten notice of Its election to do so and by
specifYing the effecttve date of such termination The Consultant shall be paid for Its services
through the effective date of such termination Further, If Consultant shall f,;ul to fulfill any of ItS
obligations hereunder, thIs Agreement shall be In default, the City may terminate the
Agreement, and Consultant shall be paid only for work completed Consultant may terminate
the Agreement In the event that circumstances beyond the control of Consultant result In
Impossibility of performance of the Agreement, mcludlng, but not limited to, diSsolution of
corporate eXistence of Consultant
8. NON~DISCRIMINATION. Consultant shall comply wIth Title VI of the CIVIl Rights
Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and T]tle I of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 In that No person In the UnIted States shall on the grounds of race,
creed, color, nat]onal ongln, sex, age, political affiliation, beliefs, or dIsabilIty be subject to
dISCrimination under any program or activIty which Consultant has agreed to undertake by and
through the covenants and prov]slons set forth tn this Agreement There shall be no
dlscnmmatlon against any employee who IS employed In the work covered by the Agreement, or
against applicants for such employment, on saId grounds This prOVISion shall Include, but not
be limited to the following employment, upgrading, demotIon, or transfer, recruitment or
recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, rate of payor other forms of compensation, and
selection for training, mcludlng apprenticeship
9. INTERESTS OF PARTIES. Consultant covenants that Its officers, employees
and shareholders have no Interest and shall not acquire any Interest, dIrect or indIrect, which
would conflict In any manner or degree with the performance of servIces required to be
performed under this Agreement
10. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE. Consultant agrees to protect, defend,
mdemnlfy and hold the City and Its officers, employees and agents free and harmless from and
agamst any and all losses, penaltIes, damages, settlements, costs, charges, professional fees or
other expenses or liabilitIes of every kind and character anslng out of or due to any neghgent act
or omiSSion of Consultant or ItS employees In connection with or anslng directly or Indirectly out of
thiS Agreement and/or the performance hereof Without limItIng Its liabIlity under thiS Agreement,
Consultant shall procure and maintaIn dunng the life of thiS Agreement professional liability
Insurance ThiS prOVIsion shall survive the terminatIon of thiS Agreement
COPYRIGHT. Upon termination of thiS Agreement, Consultant shall transfer, assign and make
available to CIty or ItS representatIVes all property and matenals In Consultant's possession
belonging to or paId by the City The City, the Department of State, DIVIsion of Histoncal
Resources, or any of their duly authorized representatives shall have access to any books,
documents, papers, and records of Contractor whIch are directly pertinent to the Agreement, for
the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcnptlon Consultant shall maintain
all required records for five years followmg the later of final payment by City or closure of all
pendIng matters When publications, films, or SimIlar matenals are developed, directly or
Indirectly, from the ProJect, any copynght resulting therefrom shall be held by the Flonda
Department of State, DIVISion of Historical Resources Consultant may arrange for copynght of
such matenals only after approval from the Department Any copynght arranged for by
Consultant shall Include acknowledgement of grant assistance As a condition of grant
aSSistance, CIty has agreed to and has awarded to the Department and, If apphcable, to the
United States Government and to Its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of
their officIal duties, a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and Irrevocable Ilcense throughout the world for
official purposes, to publish, translate, reproduce, and use all subject data or copynghtable
matenal based on such data covered by the copynght
ATTORNEYS' FEES AND JURISDICTION. In the event of breach of thiS Agreement by either
party, the other party shall have such administrative, contractual, or legal remedIes as provided by
thiS Agreement, the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clearwater, and the laws of the State of
Flonda In the event that either party seeks to enforce thiS Agreement through attorneys at law,
then the partIes agree that each party shall bear Its own attorneys' fees and costs, and that
Junsdlctlon for any court action filed regarding thiS Agreement shall be In a court of competent
Junsdlctlon In Plnellas County, Flonda TerrOlnatlon of thiS Agreement shall be In accordance With
the proVISions of paragraph 7 above
13. GOVERNING LAW. ThiS Agreement shall be governed by and construed In
accordance WIth the laws of the State of Flonda
14. INCORPORATION OF RFP BY REFERENCE. The provIsions of City of
Clearwater RFQ 14-03, Request for Qualifications for Downtown Clearwater Design GUidelines,
are attached hereto as ExhIbit "8" and Incorporated herein by reference
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Consultant have executed thiS Agreement on the
date first above wntten
Wilham 8 Horne II
City Manager
Approved as to form
Exhibit A
Ar'i~ to' ,) IUld
City of Clearwater CITY OF CLEARWATER
Design GUidelines fot Downtown Character Distncts
The Plannmg Department of the CIty of Clearwater IS seekmg urban desIgn and land
planrung setV1ces to prepare desIgn gwdelmes for development reVlew of projects located
W1thm the SIX (6) character Dlstncts of downtown Clearwater The desIgn gwdehnes will
provIde for a 1ugh standard of desIgn to promote a umfied, coheSIVe appearance Wlthm each
dtstnct and to promote development of the area consIstent WIth the CIty'S Character
DIStncts and Street ClassIficatlon Plan for the downtown. The mtent of the deSIgn
standards will be to mamtam and enhance the posItlve charactenstlcs of the eXlstlng
development WIthm the downtown, as well as preventing further unpacts of development
that are not reflectlve of the tradtt10nal development patterns or are mcompatJble WIth
ex1StU1g development
Descnption of Tasks
1.0 Pre-Contract Meeting
LDI will meet WIth CIty staff to dtscuss the scope of tlus project and clearly define
the tasks to be accomphshed under tlus contract
2.0 Kick-Off Meeting
A meetmg will be held between illI and City staff to dtscuss the major problems
and opportumtles Wlthm the Distncts, and to learn what the common Issues and
lunttatl.oos are dealt WIth 00 a datly baSIS ill development rev1ew that have prevented
the CIty from ga:mmg quahty deSIgn final products from development projects
3.0 Site Visits /Data Collection
Through a senes of SIte VISIts and on-SIte mcet:1ngs Wlth staff, LDI will evaluate the
current development patterns of the DIStncts
31 LDI will gather mfonnatlon with respect to the eXlstlng development
patterns and will document these patterns through photographs
32 Butldtng hues, :.etbacks, fenestration, wmdow glazmg, color schemes,
archttectural styles, and other Issues related to appearance of each mdtVldual
DIstnct will be documented
33 Alleys, parkmg, c!Oss access, and other vehIcular and pedestrIan C1tculatlon
Issues will be analyzed
3 4 The types of sIgnage currendy present will be analyzed
Crty of Clearwater Downtown Design Gmdelines
Page 1 of 5
4,0 Data Gathermg
41 LDI will ohtam caples of recent studIes related to the downtown
redevelopment and stteetscape unprovements for consIstency WIth the
desIgn gwdehnes
42 If ava1lable, LDI will gather basemaps from the CIty Idenhfymg the locahon
of eXlStulg developed and vacant propernes m the project area, as well as the
eXlStUlg patterns of development
43 WI will gather from the CIty and evaluate the extent of Iustonc structures
and concentrahons throughout the dtstncts
44 WI will go through hbranes of photos, take new photographs and gather
photos from around the nanon that best depIct the CIrcumstances m
Clearwater and potenttal Opportullit1es for 1mprovement
5.0 Define Predominant Styles
51 Sellior staff at LDI, expenenced ill both urban desIgn and arclutecture, will
define the urban desIgn charactenshcs of each d1stnct based upon the SIte
V1SIts, comments from staff and photo mterpretat10ns HIstonc ardutectural
styles and concentrattons will be IdentJfied, no actual lustonc structure
surveys or detatled histone preservat10n analYSIS will be conducted for thts
scope. The product for tlus task will be eIther a watten analYSIS of each
d1stnct, a map of each dtstnct that Identifies key areas, or a combmatton of
both watten and mappmg analysIS
6,0 Photos/Graphics
61 LDI graphic personnel will download and orgalllZe photographs taken In the
field, as well as attend meetIngs, and find Images from other sources that can
be used to educate property owners and developers
62 Our team of grapmc desIgners will also create Images that depIct the lIltent of
wntten codes to illustrate the proposed desIgn gmdehnes
7.0 Workshop #1
7 1 The WI staff of urban deSigners and graphtc artists will coord1nate to
develop a PowerPol11t presentation to educate the pubhc regardmg good
deSIgn prmC1pals
7 2 The presentation will be ta1lored to the speCial charactensncs WItlun each of
the SIX (6) character DIstncts
7 3 One (1) d1gttal copy of the PowerPol11t presentatton will be sent to CIty staff
1Il order that CIty staff may proV1de add1nonal copies of the presentahon for
the workshop LDI will also proVide twelve (12) black and whtte copIes (two
per dtstnct) of the presentahon for use durmg breakout seSSIons.
7 4 LDI will prepare slgn-lIl sheets for the meetmg
7 5 City staff will proVIde nametags
76 CIty staff will arrange the meetmg room and l11V1te the attendees to the
City ojC!carwafer Dawn/own DesQ;!I GII/deflnes
Page 2 of 5
7.7 Clty staff will advertIse for the pubhc workshops
78 The CIty staff will prepare the aenals and any other presentatIon boards that
are needed to Identify the dtstncts
79 LDI will facilitate the pubhc workshop and breakout seSSIons CIty staff will
aSSIst with the facilitation
80 Written Design Guidehnes
81 LDI will prepare one (1) wntten deSIgn gwdehne draft report Wlth standards
for butlchngs, SIte layout, parkmg, access, and slgnage standards for the
project area The consultant will prOVide one copy-ready hardcopy of the
draft to the CIty and one mgItal verSIon
8 2 The Destg11 GUldehnes will meet the Secretary of the Intenor Standards
deSIgn gwdehnes, and the Florida Bureau of HIstone Preservation standards.
8 3 The destg11 gwdehnes will be broken roto sections based upon the SIX (6)
character DlstnctS, lOcludmg the Old Bay. Downtown Core. South Gateway.
Town Lake ReSIdential, East Gateway. and Town Lake BuslOess Park
D1StnctS Each section willlOclude those standards that are apphcable to
the lOWVIdual DIStnct. as well standards that are apphcable to all DlstnctS
84 The destg11 gwdehnes will be 111tegrated 111to the CIty of Clearwater's
Redevelopment Plan
8.5 Subsequent to the Chent's reV1ew of the draft copy of the deSIgn gwdehnes
and mput proVided dunng the pubhc meettngs, LDI will prepare one (1) final
verslOn of the destgn standards mcorporattng the Chent's comments The
consultant will proVide one copy-ready hardcopy of the final report to the
CIty and one dtgttal verSlOn
9,0 Workshop #2
91 LDI will facthtate a follow-up workshop to lughhght the key gwdehnes ill the
proposed report for each character DIStnct CIty staff mll aSSIst With the
facilitatlon LDI will prepare one (1) ongmal dtgItal copy of the dIaft and
agendas. The dtgttal caples will be sent to CIty staff ill order that CIty Staff
may proVide caples for the meettng LDI will prOVide SIX (6) caples of the
dIaft (1 per chstnct) for use dunng the breakout seSSIons.
92 LDI will prepare an agenda and slgn-ltl sheets for the meettng.
9 3 CIty staff will proVlde nametags
9 4 City staff will arrange the meetmg room and lOVlte the attendees to the
9 5 City staff will advertise for the pubhc workshop
96 The CIty staff WllI prepare the aenals and any other presentatIon boards that
are needed to Idennfy the DlstnctS
Gty of Clearwater DowlltO!JlIJ DeslglJ GllldelmcJ
Page 3 of 5
10.0 Public Heanngs
101 LDI will be avatlable to answer quesnons about the desIgn gUldehne report
dunng one (1) Local Plantllng Agency and one (1) CIty ComnusS1on heanng
for adopnon
10 2 If the CIty reqw.res attendance at any addtttonal meetings beyond those
descnbed ill 10 1 above, LDI will be compensated on an hourly basIs for
meeting tune and travel costs assocIated With the adchttanal project needs,
based upon the attached hourly rate schedule.
11.0 Compensation and Deliverables
The followmg Items shall be cons1dered the project dehverables, and 1n exchange for
the servtces descnbed above herem, the Consultant shall receIve a lump sum fee of
$30,000 for those dehverables, to be pa1d 1n three equal mstallments based upon the
11 1 Data Collecnon, Defirution of Predonunant Styles and Pubhc Workshop #1
- $10,000
112 Pubhc Workshop #2 - $10,000
113 Filla! Document - $10,000
All reports, drawmgs, photographs, and plans for tbts project shall be prepared
utilizmg eIther Microsoft Word, Excel or Pubhsher, and ArcV1ew. An electroll1c
copy of all final dehverables will be proV1ded to the Cay upon complenon of the
The consultant will be respons1ble fot chrect expenses 10curred by the consultant 10
preparation of the project These expenses 10clude nuleage, lodgmg, telephone
charges, 1O-house matenal costs, as well as the costs assoCiated W1th the
photocopymg, as defined above. The CIty will not pay reunbursable expenses to the
Chent The CIty will aSSIst WIth reprograpluc, photocopy, and presentation matenals
10 adchnon to that defined ill dus scope
G!y of Clearwater Downlliwn Dmgn GmdelweJ
Page 4 of 5
Standard Rate
er $97
Ct!J a/Clearwater Downtown Dmgn GtIldelinu
Page 5 of 5
Exhibit B
RFQ 14-03
~ Clearwater
The CIty of Clearwater announces that It IS requesting responses from qualIfied
professlOnals for the folloWing:
Downtown Design GUIdelIne servIces associated WIth the update
of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan includIng the "Gateway"
area The general boundaries of this area are Highland Avenue
on the east, Clearwater Bay on the west, Drew Street on the
north, except for the area contained in the Northwest Penphery
Plan area, and Court Street on the south, but Including the
area contained In the Southwest Periphery Plan (see attached
map). QualIfied firms will prepare ArchItectural DeSIgn
Guidehnes for the CIty of Clearwater's Downtown
Redevelopment Area, utilizing the Florida Department of State
DIVIsion of Historical Resources Model GUIdelInes for DeSIgn
ReVIew and the Secretary of Interior Standards for
RehabIlitation. GuidelInes shall provide cntena for histonc
renovation, new construction, budding addItions, fafYade
alteratIons, and signage for the Downtown area. The Design
GuidelInes will prOVIde for appropnate renovation of buildings
m the hIstone downtown, as well as for new constructIon and
redevelopment In the surrounding areas. The GUIdelines should
also be related to and support the character distncts
established In the updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan.
Grant funds are beIng used for thIS project and a draft must be
submitted to the State of Flonda for review and approval 45
days prior to the end of the grant period of June 30, 2003 and
the final product must be submitted to the State by July 30,
The firm(s) selected for these aSSIgnments will be expected to SIgn a contract
WIth the CIty of Clearwater. The CIty reserves the nght to select speCIfic
companies submitting as part of a team submittal.
QualIfied responses will be reviewed and ranked by the CIty'S Review
Committee. Preference at the dIscretion of the Review Committee may be gIven
to respondents WIth national and/or FlOrIda deSIgn experIence SpeCIfic
emphasis will be placed on firms with proven InnovatIve and state of the art
expenence In developIng deSIgn guidehnes for hIstoric areas WIth substantial
C \Documents and Setbngs\LDI\Loca! Settmgs\Temponuy Internet Flies\OLK62\Exhlblt B - Downtown DeSIgn
Gmdehnes RFQ doc
areas for mfill and redevelopment, Oral presentatIOns will be requested of
short-hsted potent1al selectees at the dIscretIOn of the ReVIew CommIttee.
Qualified firms are Invited to notIfy the Clty of Clearwater of theIr mterest In
bemg selected by submItting ten (10) copIes of the Information required In the
SubmIttals section and shoWlng the qualificatIOns of your firm to address the
below by the required date. AddItional response forms and non-technical
Information may be obtaIned from George McKibben, City Purchasing Manager,
(727) 562-4634. This Request for Qualifications is aVaIlable on-hne at:
www clearwater-fl.. com Select: "Purchasmg"; "Invitations for Bid", then "RFQ
George McKibben
Crty Purchasmg Manager
MunICIpal Services Building
100 South Myrtle Avenue (3rd floor)
Clearwater, FL 33756 - 5520
MallIng address: P O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
All proposals must be received not later than 4:00 p.m. local time Friday,
February 14, 2003. The CIty assumes no responSIbIlity for responses received
after the stated tIme and date, or at any office or locatIon other than that
specIfied herein, whether due to mall delays, courier mistake, mishandlIng or
any other reason. Late responses will be held unopened and not considered for
Written response, other submiSSIOns, correspondence, and all records made
thereof, as well as negotiabons conducted pursuant to this request, shall be
handled in compliance with Chapters 119 and 286, Florida Statutes, The CIty
gIves no assurance as to the confidentIalIty of any portion of the qualIficatIOns
once submitted
The Clty reserves the nght to retain all subrrutted responses for offiCIal record
purposes The CIty also reserves the right to dispose of any or all caples of
responses III whatever manner It deems appropriate. No copIes of responses will
be returned to the firm.
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Intemet Ftles \OLK62 \ Exlllblt B - Downtown Deslgn
GmdeJmes RFQ doc
\ '
Once a response IS presented, the City shall not accept any requests by any firm
to correct errors or omIssions in any calculations submItted
The CIty reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all
submissions/ proposals, to waive irregulantres and technlcaliues. and to request
resuhmlssion. Any sole response received the first submIssion date mayor may
not be rejected by the CIty depending on avaIlable competItion and timely needs
of the City. The City shall be the sole Judge of the submISSIOn/proposal and the
resulting negobated agreement that IS ill ItS best interest and ItS deCISIOn shall
be final Also. the City reserves the right to make such InvestigatIon. as It deems
necessary to deterrmne the abilrty of any responder to perform the work or
service requested. The responder shall provide informatIon the City deems
necessary to make thIS determinatIon.
Any prospectIve firm should make an affrrmatIve statement In its proposals to
the effect that, to Its knowledge, ItS retentIon would not result In a conflict of
Interest With any party Alternatively, should any potential conflict exist. the
prospective firm should speCify the party With which there might be a conflict.
the nature of the potentIal conllict. and the means proposed to resolve such
Any actual or prospective responder who IS aggneved In connectIon With the
soliCItatIon or award of a contract may seek resolution of its complronts by
contacting the Purchasing Manager.
By offering a submIssion to the RFQ, the responder certifies, and In the case of a
JOInt submISSIOn/proposal each party thereto certIfies as to ItS own organIZation,
that in connection WIth the submISSIon/proposal
a. No attempt has been made or will be made by the responder to
mduce any other person or firm to submit or not to submIt a
submIssion/proposal for the purpose of restrictIng competition, and
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet Fl1es\OLK62 \ Exhibit B - Downtown DeSign
GUidelines RFQ doc
b The only person(s) or pnncipal(s) Interested in tillS
submissIOn/proposal are named therein and that no person other
than those thereIn mentioned has/have any interest In thIS
submISSIOn/proposal or m the agreement to be entered Into; and
c. No person or agency has been employed or retalned to SOhClt or
secure thIS agreement upon an agreement or understanding for a
commISSIon, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting
bona fide employees or established commercial agencies maintained
by the purchaser for the purpose of dOIng bUSIness.
Professional seIVIces requested In thIS RFQ are withm the scope of the practice of
arclutecture, landscape archItecture, professional engrneering, or registered land
surveying, as defined by the laws of the State of Florida ProvisIons of F.S.
287055 apply.
The Crty, an ennty of government, IS subject to the appropriation of funds by Its
legislative body in an amount sufficient to allow continuanon of its performance
In accordance WIth the terms and conditions of this contract for each and every
fiscal year follOWIng the fiscal year m whIch thIS contract IS executed and entered
into and for which thIS contract shall remain In effect. The City shall, upon
receipt of notice that sufficIent funds are not available to continue Its full and
foothful performance of thIS contract, provide wntten nonce to the Contractor of
such event and effective thirty (30) days after giving such notice or upon the
expIration of the period of time for which funds were appropriated, whichever
occurs first, be thereafter released at all further obliganons In any way related to
the contract.
Interested firms should state theIr Interest In thIS prOject by submltnng eIght
copies of the following
. Letter of Interest and understanding on FIrm statIOnery;
. Description of FIrm to include only the followIng:
" Legal name, years In business, officers, staff SIZe, and staff breakdown by
clas sIfica tion,
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Intemet Flles\OLK62 \ Exhtb It B - Downtown DeSign
GUldelmes RFQ doc
../ LIst of all sImilar prOjects or work completed wIthIn the last ten years,
WIth dates of completIOn, size of projects, project cost. name of lead staff
person, addresses, client contact persons, and telephone numbers;
../ Names and titles of the project team,
../ Resumes of all persons who wIll be workIng on thIs prOject. includIng
consultants and Interior design staff;
../ Table of organ1ZatIOn proposed by the FIrm for thIS proJect;
../ Selected examples from at least three dIfferent desIgn guIdelines where
the firm has been the pnnClpal author;
../ Statements of professIOnal and generalliabIhty Insurance. as requIred by
the CIty,
../ Firm brochures and bUSIness cards of persons to be assIgned to thIs
../ List of legal actIons brought agmnst the firm WithIn the last ten years.
MultIple firm or JOInt venture teams must clearly identify the roles and
responsIbIlities of the proposed partiCIpants.
ApprOXImately $20.000 has been earmarked for these services
The City Project ReVIeW CommIttee wIll reVIew the RFQ submIttals and select
three to five firms for IntervIews Those firms not asked to respond to the RFQ
wIll also be notified.
The selected firms wIll be shortlisted and given advance notIce to prepare for a
public IntervIew, to be held in Clearwater The Interviews wIll be conducted
over a one- or two-day schedule. A decisIOn followlOg the Interviews wIll be
made withm five workmg days of the last intervIew. The selectIon wIll be based
on the most qualified firm with the most relevant expenence, the quality of
guidehnes completed. theIr ease of admInistration and the abIlity to convey
desIgn issues to the pubhc.
The Crty reserves the nght to accept and/or reject any or all proposals. to waIve
any Irregularity, varIance, or informality whether technIcal or substantIal In
nature, and to negotiate wIth all qualIfied Firms In keeping wIth the best
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDl\Local Settrngs\Temporary Internet FIles\OLK62\Exl'llblt B - Downtown DeSign
Gmdelmes RFQ doc
Interests of the City. An award resultIng from thIS request shall be awarded to
the Firm whose proposal IS determined to be most advantageous to the City of
Items whIch the SelectlOn and TechnIcal CommIttee WIll consIder and weIgh
durmg the selection process are aVaIlabIlity of the firm, successful experience
creatIng desIgn guidelmes utIlizing the Secretary of Intenor Standards for
RehabihtatIon, successful experience In preparing guIdelines for downtown
In fill development, completeness of response to the RFQ, and qualificatIons of
key personnel to be assIgned to projects.
See Exhibit "A" attached.
This RFQ is being mailed to FIrms that have contacted the City and those that
are belIeved to have the experience needed for thIS project. The project is also
being advertised per City of Clearwater purchasing policies.
Release date of RFQ
January 23, 2003
Due date of RFQ
February 14, 2003
Oral Presentations
February 27, 2003
Selechon Comnuttee Decision
March 7, 2003
1 All responses become property of the City of Clearwater.
2 The City wIll not reImburse the respondent for any costs aSSOCIated
with the preparahon, submittal, or presentatIOn of their responses to
thIS request.
3. The respondent acknowledges that all Information contained WIthIn Its
response IS part of the public domaIn as defined by State of Flonda
Sunshine and PublIc Record Laws. The CIty gives no assurance as to
confidentiality of any portIon of any proposal once submItted
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\ OLK62 \Exhlblt B - Downtown DeSIgn
GllIdelmes RFQ doc
4. The awards made pursuant to thIS Call for ProfessIOnal ServIces are
subject to the prOVISIons of Chapter 112, Part III, Flonda Statutes All
respondents must disclose with theIr responses the name of an officer,
dIrector, owner, or agent who is also an employee of the CIty of
5 Respondents, theIr agents, and aSSOCiates shall refraIn from contactmg
or soliCIting any Clty officials regardIng this Call for ProfessIOnal
ServIces during the selection process. FaIlure to comply WIth thIS
prOVISIon may result in disqualIficatIon of the respondent, at the
optIOn of the City Only George McKIbben may be contacted,
6 There shall be no dIscrimInatIon as to race, sex, color, creed,
handicaps, or national ongln In the operations conducted under this
engagemen t.
7 Due care and dilIgence has been exercIsed In the preparatIon of this
Call for Professional ServIces, and all mformation contained hereIn is
believed to be substantIally correct. However, the responsibilIty for
determining the full extent of the servIces rests solely WIth those
making responses. Neither the CIty nor Its representatives shall be
responsible for any error or omISSIOn In thIS response, nor for the
failure on the part of the respondents to determine the full extent of
the exposures.
8 Preference WIll be given to those responses In full or substantially full
complIance WIth the requested informatIOn In this document.
9 Each respondent is responsIble for full and complete compliance WIth
all laws, rules, and regulations includIng those of the Federal
Govemment, the State of Florida, and the Clty of Clearwater. FaIlure
or Inablhty on the part of the respondent to have complete knowledge
and intent to comply with such laws, rules, and regulations shall not
relieve any respondent from ItS obligation to honor ItS response and to
perform completely In accordance WIth Its response.
10, Any interpretatIon, clarification, correctIOn, or change to the Call for
ProfesslOnal ServIces WIll be made by wntten addendum Issued by the
City's Purchasing Manager. Any oral or other type of communIcation
concernIng the Call for Professional Services shall not be bIndIng
unless Issued by the CIty In the form of an addendum
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\OLK62\Exlublt B - Downtown Destgn
GUIdelmes RFQ doc
11. Responses must be sIgned by an IndIvidual of the respondent's
organizatlOn legally authorized to commIt the respondent's
organizatIon to the performance of the servIces contemplated by thIS
Call for Professional Services
12. The successful respondent shall be required to submit proof of
hcenses, certIficatlOns, and proofs of Jnsurance as required by the City.
13 The successful respondent shall not be allowed to substitute project
team members named in this response wIthout the wntten permlsslOn
of the City.
14. The designer IS responsible for all costs assocIated With any non-
discretionary changes. A bond for this purpose may be required.
Documents cited In this document but not attached are available upon
"This project has been financed in part with historic preservation grant
assistance prOVided by the National Park ServIce, V.S, Department of
Interior, administered through the Bureau of Histone Preservation, DiVIsion
of Historical Resources, Florida Department of State, assisted by the Historic
Preservation AdVISOry COunCIl. However, the contents and oplnlOns do not
necessanly reflect the views and opinlOns of the Department of the Intenor or
the Flonda Department of State, nor does the mention of trade names or
commercial products constJtute endorsement or recommendation by the
Department of the Intenor or the FlOrIda Department of State ThIS program
receIves Federal financIal assistance for IdentificatIon and protection of
hIstOriC propertIes. Under TItle VI of the CivIl Rights Act of 1964, Section 504
of the Rehabihtation Act of 1973, and the Age DIscriminatlOn Act of 1975, as
amended, the U.S, Department of the Intenor prohibIts discrimInation on the
baSIS of race, color, national origin, disabIlity, or age in its federally assIsted
programs If you believe that you have been discnminated against In any
program, actiVIty, or facllrty as described above, or if you desire further
mformatIon, please wnte to, Office of Equal OpportunIty, NatIonal Park
ServIce, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240,"
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet FlIes\ OLK62 \ ExhibIt 8 - Downtown DeSign
Gmdelines RFQ doc
U~f~Vt'VV~ ~~ ~~ ~-n~ 'v'v~v~,~.
'* 4iRl/2001
.Alexander Insurant8 AQenq ONLY AND CONFERS NO RlGHTS u N THB CERTIFlr:AiE
MaRland, FL32151 I
l407l 82904825 INSURERS AFFORDING co\$RAGE I NAIC t1
1NSUJl.EJJ Land Design Innovatlonl1l,ItIc. 1t.tsuRE:Fl: A: ZurfelllnsW'aIlC8 eodiDsnv i
140 N9rth Orlando Awnue: INRtlRER \I, ~11t8d IndulStriM Instlrance ComDdnv
Suite 195 INSUREA c' CNA I
Winter Part FL 32169 "
1N!lU 1l!!1l tI:
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OTHER Each OccuItlJ\~ $1,000,000
C Prafuslonal Liabnity MeA 254Q26451 7/28102 7128103 General Agg:reg $2,000,000
The Clty Df C1earwater
Arm: City Cieri
P.o. Box 47411
Clearw3tet, FL 337584748
o,ani THmEOI', TIlE llISiJlNGI 1NSu:RfA WILL Dll)fA'ro~ TO MAIL .1!L.. DAYS 'MUTTEN
HOTIC~ TOTHI< c;arr1RCAU MoureR IUMEt> TO na uiFr, aUT FlldLUllE 'fa gO SO &HAU.
1Ml'QS2 NO (luLlOo\llO'" ClR llABlm OF NfY IOND III THE I~URER, mi AGEtml OR
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TELFPHONE CJ27) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
August 14, 2003
President Rowland MIlam
Old Clearwater Bay Neighborhood ASSociatIOn
1844 Venetian pomt Dnve
Clearwater, FL 33755
Please note that the dates scheduled to review the Downtown Plan at the Commumty
Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and the CIty CommIssIon have changed The CRA date
has been rescheduled from Monday, 8/18103 to Tuesday, 9/2/03 at 9 00 a m The City
CommiSSIOn date has been rescheduled from Thursday, 8/21/03 to Thursday, 9/4103 at
600 P m Both meetmgs wIll take place 10 the City CommIsSIOn Chambers on the thud
floor of CIty Hall
If you have any questIons or comments on the Downtown Plan, please feel free to contact
me Thank you'
Gma Clayton, Long Range Planmng Mdnager
Plannmg Department
CIty of Clearwater
(727) 562-4587
gc1ayton@clearwater-fl com
S~zH1Igl~1fimM~ROWN PIAN UPD~ubllc MeeI1ll8.1\B-I~.l~\~/19;i~
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TELEPHONE (]27) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
August 14,2003
Pat Vaughn
Gateway Neighbors
1326 Pierce Street Apartment #2
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear Ms Vaughn
Please note that the dates scheduled to review the Downtown Plan at the Commumty
Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and the City CommIssion have changed The CRA date
has been rescheduled from Monday, 8/18/03 to Tuesday, 9/2/03 at 900 a m The CIty
Commission date has been rescheduled from Thursday, 8/21/03 to Thursday, 9/4/03 at
600 P m Both meetmgs wIll take place III the City CommISSIOn Chambers on the third
floor of City Hall
If you have any questIOns or comments on the Downtown Plan, please feel free to contact
me Thank you I
~~. ~f{)J,Jrv /
Gma Clayton, Long R~~~ ~mg Manager
PlannIng Department
City of Clearwater
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@clearwater-fl com
s vltllillllJdr~fll!"IiI\71l\V>WNi1VWN PLAN U PDA Ttf!b/!c MeelmgN3-14-1BliJI~&llm;WIt)N'VWgArhI9F.J1.doc
fe:st)" \ st,
~c=:t =- ~ ~~
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Posr OFFICE Box 4748, CLl:ARWATER, FLORJDA 33758-4748
TELEPHONl: (]27) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
August 14, 2003
Pierce 100 CondomInIUm ASSOCIatIOn
Ms Terry Turner
100 PIerce Street #710
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear Ms Turner
Please note that the dates scheduled to review the Downtown Plan at the Conunumty
Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and the CIty CommiSSIon have changed The CRA date
has been rescheduled from Monday, 8/18/03 to Tuesday, 912/03 at 900 a m The City
Commission date has been rescheduled from Thursday, 8/21103 to Thursday, 9/4/03 at
600 P m Both meetmgs WIll take place In the City CommISSIOn Chambers on the third
floor of City Hall
If you have any questIOns or comments on the Downtown Plan, please feel free to contact
me Thank you'
I/d1iJtA (!jO~
Gma Clayton, Long Range Planmng Manager
PlannIng Department
City of Cledfwater
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@clearwater-fl com
1liS\'NRlIrlm/Jt8lI'il,ejJRmIMltl\fY!l}WNTOWN PLAN U ~ TElPuhlU" Meell1lg~\ffiM-pjNRncy ITOIW<l/Xl'ltaNLR
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June 17,2003
POST OFFICE Box 4748, CllARWATER, FWRlDA 33758-4748
TELEPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (J27) 562-4576
Mr David Healey, AICP
Executive Director
Pmellas Plannmg Council
600 Cleveland St , SUIte 850
Clearwater, FL 33755
-r"Z( [
Re Clearwater Downtown Plan
Enclosed please find two copIes of the draft Clearwater Downtown Plan ThIs Plan Will
serve as the Downtown Redevelopment Plan and SpecIal Area Plan. It updates the
eXIstmg Downtown Redevelopment Plan, Incorporates the areas governed by the
Downtown Penphery Plan and addresses the newly expanded CRA boundanes I am
respectfully requestmg that the PPC staff start revlewmg the plan so that any concerns
can be IdentIfied early and resolved pnor to the Clearwater City CommIssion first
readmg, which IS scheduled for August 21 Sl It IS antIcIpated that the Plan Will be
submItted for reVIew by the PPC at Its October 15th meetmg
If you find you have concerns or comments regardmg the Plan, I would hke to dISCUSS
them WIth you at your earlIest convemence
Smcerely yours,
Gma L Clayton
Long Range Plannmg Manager
Cc CynthIa H Tarapam, AICP
J!'~~MOF Fill ~"'"
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THE PHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX ()27) 562-4576
June 17,2003
Mr Bnan SmIth, Planmng Director
Pmellas County
600 Cleveland St Smte 750
Clearwater, FL 33755
t!{~ ~
Re Clearwater Downtown Plan
DearMr ~
Enclosed please find seven copIes of the draft Clearwater Downtown Plan ThIs Plan
wIll serve as the Downtown Redevelopment Plan and SpecIal Area Plan governmg
Downtown It updates the eXlstmg Downtown Redevelopment Plan, mcorporates the
areas governed by the Downtown Penphery Plan and serves as the Plan for the land
contamed m the newly expanded CRA The draft Plan wIll be presented to the City
CommISSion for first readmg on August 21, 2003
I am requestmg that the County start revlewmg the plan so that any concerns can be
resolved pnor to the CIty'S official submissIOn to the County on August 22nd A meetmg
has been scheduled With you on Fnday June 20th to diSCUSS the Plan and ItS reVlew
schedule m more detatl I have had multiple dIscussIOns WIth Gordon Beardslee and
DaVid Walker regardmg the reVIew schedule for thIS project I am respectfully requestmg
that the Clearwater Downtown Plan (redevelopment plan) and the use of TIP 10 the eRA
expanslOn area be considered by the Board of County CommissIOners on the followmg
. September 9, 2003 ~ Board of County CommIssion - Pubhc Heanng Ad
A uthonzatI on
. September 23, 2003 - Board of County Commission Public Heanng on
Redevelopment Plan and Public Heanng on TIF
The CIty of Clearwater mtends to submit the Plan (specIal area plan) for review by the
PPC m October and the CountYWide Planmng Authonty on November 4th
Gma L Clayton
Long Range Plannmg Manager
Cc Cynthia H Tarapam, AICP, Plannmg DIrector
Reg Owens, EconomIc Development and Housmg Duectors
r"'l '"" ~'\ '" -,
Attachments ~ -'~..r_..~ ~J
Page 1 of 1
Nicodemus, Sherrie
From Clayton, Gina
Sent Thursday, March 20, 2003453 PM
To Nicodemus, Sheme
Subject FW See Agenda Items for Design
here are the agenda Items re: downtown design gUidelines
help, Thanksl
[Clayton, Grna] ---~-Orlgmal Message-~m
From: Harriger, Sandy
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 20034.51 PM
To: Clayton, Grna
Subject: See Agenda Items for Design GUIdelines
Let me know If you need any
fD~( b
See attachments - note $50,000 of this money was spent on Bellomo Herbert ($30,000 from ED 9216 and
$20,000 from CRA 315-94714) for Streetscape & Wayfindlng Contract Thanksl
Sandy Harriger
Admin Analyst - City Manager's Office
727 -562-4039
Clearwater Clty CommIssIOn
Agenda Cover Memorandum
Final Agenda lIem #
Meeting Date Apnl 4, 2002
Approve $30,000 to fund City portion of a design and transportation planning services contract for the
Gateway area, as the corndor to downtown, In the Downtown plan,
and that the appropnate officials be authonzed to execute same
. In 1995, the Community Redevelopment Agency prepared a Downtown Redevelopment Plan for an area
that extended from Clearwater Bay eastward to Fredenca Avenue
. Staff will be merging the uQur Downtown" Plan, the Downtown Penphery Plan, and the Downtown
Redevelopment plan and adding the "Gateway" area east to Highland between Drew Street and Chestnut
The updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan will also address the changes In the Commission's policies
since the Plan's adoption In 1995 by revIsing the policIes, land use potential and major redevelopment
Design and transportation services are required for both the Downtown and Gateway areas
The $30,000 cost IS the City portion of a $60,000 contract for design services within the Gateway The
Gateway IS outside the current CRA boundary and therefore services for this area cannot be funded by the
CRA The CRA will fund the additional $30,000
Funding In the amount of $30,000 IS available for the CIty's portion of this contract In the Non-
Departmental program In the "designated reserve" established by the Commission upon the adoption of
the 2001/02 budget A mid-year budget amendment will transfer these funds from the Non-Departmental
program to the Economic Development Department budget to provide funding for this contract
These design and transportation planmng services are related to
1 Streetscape
2 Wayflndlng Slgnage
3 Waterfront Park on Bluff
4 General Urban Design Elements for the Downtown and Gateway
5 Evaluate and confirm land use potential and transportation network
Reviewed by Onglnatlng Dept Costs $30,000
Legal Info Tech NA EconomIc Development Total
- -
Budget Public Works NA User Oept Funding Source
- -
Purchasln NA DCM/ACM Economic Development ' Capitol Improvement Current Fiscal Year
9 - -
Risk Mgmt NA Planning Attachments O~rallng
- - {
Other X
, Funding Code
Submitted by l&I None 010-09216-530100-552-000
City Manaaer
a Printed on rec c1ed a er Rev 2/98
y p p
Agenda Cover Memorandum
Final Agenda Item #
Meeting Date April 1, 2002
Approve $30,000 to fund CRA portion of a deSign and transportation planning services o~r~to .ate the
Downtown Redevelopment Plan and to add the Gateway area to the Downtown Plan, U- II L I:
and that the appropriate officials be authOrized to execute same
In 1995, the Community Redevelopment Agency prepared a Downtown Redevelopment Plan for an area
that extended from Clearwater Bay eastward to Fredenca Avenue
Staff Will be merging the "Our Downtown" Plan, the Downtown Perrphery Plan, and the Downtown
Redevelopment plan and adding the "Gateway" area east to Highland between Drew Street and Chestnut
The updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan will also address the changes In the Commission's poliCies
since the Plan's adoption In 1995 by revIsing the policies, land use potential and major redevelopment
DeSign and transportation planning services are required for both the Downtown and Gateway areas
The $30,000 cost IS the eRA portion of a $60,000 contract for deSign services within the CRA The City
Will fund the additional $30,000 Funding the CRA portIon of $30,000 IS available In the capital
Imp rove ment proJect 315~94 714, Downtown Redeve lopm ent
These deSign and transportation services are related to
1 Streetscape
2 Wayflndmg Slgnage
3 Waterfront Park on Bluff
4 General Urban DeSign Elements for the Downtown and Gateway
5 Evaluate and confirm land use potential and transportation network
ReViewed by Orrglnatlng Oept Costs $30,000
Legal Info Tech NA Economic Development Total
Budget Public Works NA User Oept Funding Source
- - Economic Development
Purchasm NA DCM/ACM Cal"tol Improvement Current Fiscal Year
g - -
Risk Mgmt NA Planning Attachments Operallng
- -
Funding Code
Submitted by I!I None 315-94714-530100-552-000
City ManaQer
o Printed on rec cled a er Rev 2/98
y p p
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TELEPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
May 20, 2003
Dear Downtown Property Owners
J::r2~ ( 6
The CIty of Clearwater received a grant from the Flonda Bureau of Htstonc PreservatIOn
to assist 10 the preparatIOn of new DesIgn GUldehnes for the expanded Downtown area
Land DesIgn Innovations, Inc of W10ter Park has been hued to prepare these GUldel1Oes,
which will be 1Ocorporated Into the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown DesIgn GUidelInes kick-off meeting WhICh IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 530 pm - 700 P ill at the Harborvlew Center, Meeting
Room 1 The MalO Street Commmees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neIghborhood associatIOns are invIted to partIcipate In thIS meeting
Please mark your calendar for two additional pubhc Input meetmgs on the deSIgn
gUIdelines that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetings
wIll take place at 5 30 P m at the Harborvlew Center Please contact me If you have any
questIOns or comments about thiS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28th'
~t~ fv)jM. ~
Long Range Plannmg Manager
Plannmg Department
CIty of Clearwater
5 V'lam,m/( Departmell(lJ)OWNTOWN PLAN UPDAl L"\Publu Meellll/(\\DwllIwlI Prop Owller DDG NOI" elfor 05280?\{)52Sm
DDG lener 10 prop" rly OWller.l do,
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TELEPHONF (J27) 562-4567 FAX (J27) 562-4576
May 20, 2003
Pierce 100 CondomInIum AssocIation
Ms Terry Turner
100 PIerce Street #710
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear Ms Turner
The Clty of Clearwater received a grant from the Flonda Bureau of HIstonc PreservatIOn
to aSSIst In the preparatlOn of new DesIgn GUIdelines for the expanded Downtown area
Land DeSIgn InnovatIOns, Inc of Wmter Park has been hIred to prepare these GUldelmes,
which will be mcorporated IOta the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown DeSIgn GUidelInes ktck-off meetmg WhICh IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 5 30 pm - 700 pm at the HarboTVlew Center, Meetmg
Room 1 The MalO Street Comrmttees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neIghborhood assoclatlOns are mVIted to partIcipate 10 thiS meetmg
Please mark your calendar for two addItIonal public mput meetmgs on the design
gUidelines that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
Will take place at 530 p m at the HarboTVlew Center Please contact me If you have any
questrons or comments about thIS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28th'
Gma Clayton
Long Range Planmng Manager
Planmng Department
CIty of Clearwater
5 \Planmng DepartmenMJOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATElPubllc MeellngMelgliborllOod Assoc DOG NOllce,jor 05280.NJ52803
DDG Terry Turner doc
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TELEPHONF (727) 562-4567 FAX CJ27) 562-4576
May 20, 2003
Old Clearwater Bay NeIghborhood ASSocIatIOn
Mr Rowland Milam, PresIdent
1844 Venetian Pomt Dnve
Clearwater, FL 33755
Dear Mr Milam
The CIty of Clearwater receIved a grant from the Honda Bureau of HIstonc PreservatIOn
to assIst m the preparatIon of new Design GUldelmes for the expanded Downtown area
Land DesIgn InnovatIOns, Inc of Wmter Park has been hIred to prepare these GUIdelines,
which Will be lllcorporated lllto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown DeSign GUIdelllles ktck-off meetmg whIch IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 530 pm - 700 pm at the Harborvlew Center, MeetIng
Room 1 The MalO Street Committees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neIghborhood aSSOCiations are lnvlted to partlcIpate III thiS meetmg
Please mark your calendar for two additIonal publIc mput meetmgs on the deSIgn
gUIdelmes that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
WIll take place at 5 30 p ill at the HarborvIew Center Please contact me If you have any
questIOns or comments about thiS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28th'
Gma Clayton
Long Range Planmng Manager
Planmng Department
City of Clearwater
S \Plannmg DeparlmenNJDWNTOWN PU.N UI-'OATBPubilc Meetmg!i'vVelghborlwod AHOC DOG Norlrel for 05280.N)5280~
DOG Rowland Milam doc
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TELEPHONE: (J27) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
May 20, 2003
Gateway NeIghboTS
Ms Pat Vaughn
1326 PIerce St , Apt #2
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear Ms Vaughn
The CIty of Clearwater received a grant from the Flonda Bureau of Histone Preservation
to assIst m the preparatIOn of new DesIgn Gmdelmes for the expanded Downtown area.
Land DesIgn InnovatIOns, Inc of Wmter Park has been hued to prepare these GUIdelInes,
which WIll be mcorporated mto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown Design Gmdelmes kIck-off meetmg whIch IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 5 30 pm - 700 pm at the Harhorvlew Center, Meetmg
Room 1 The Mam Street Committees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neighborhood assoclatlQns are mVIted to participate m thIs meetmg
Please mark your calendar for two addItlOnal publIc mput meetmgs on the deSIgn
gmdehnes that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
wIll take place at 5 30 P m at the HarborvIew Center Please contact me If you have any
questIOns or comments about thiS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28th I
Smcerely, ~
~ ' , fi
Long Range Plannmg Manager
Planmng Department
CIty of Clearwater
:, \Plannmg Deparll11enMOWNTOWN PUtN UPDATE\Publn Meellllgi>\NelgllborllOod k.loC DDG NO/I(es/or 05280.NJ5280J
DDG Par Vaughl! dOt
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TELEPHONE (127) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
May 20, 2003
Dear Downtown Property Owners
The CIty of Clearwater received a grant from the Flonda Bureau of HIstonc Preservation
to aSSIst In the preparatIOn of new Design GUidelines for the expanded Downtown area
Land Design InnovatIOns, Inc of Winter Park has been hired to prepare these GUidelines,
which will be Incorporated mto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown Design GUidelines kick-off meetmg WhICh IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 530 pm - 700 pm at the Harborvlew Center, Meetmg
Room 1 The Mam Street Committees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neIghborhood associatIOns are mVIted to partICipate m thiS meetmg
Please mark your calendar for two additIOnal public mput meetmgs on the deSIgn
gUidelInes that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
will take place at 5 30 pm at the Harborvlew Center Please contact me If you have any
questIOns or comments about thiS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28th 1
fllrE;L.t6 -
Long Range Planmng Mdnager
Planmng Department
CIty of Clearwater
~ \Planmng DJtI~hMgrNS\~!jM#'6WN=~~WP"lM-TE\Publlc MeelmgNJwnrwn Prop ~tlliWIl!i6&>>"oQw.w~~i}j'\052803
DDG teller 10 #9P1r1j1MlJiffi'ld&o\IMI~~IOJ\.ER * BIll Jot%OJ\., COM\IISSIONER
TFLEPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (J27) 562-4576
May 20, 2003
Old Clearwater Bay Neighborhood ASSOCiatIOn
Mr Rowland MIlam, President
1844 VenetIan POInt Dove
Clearwater, FL 33755
Dear Mr MIlam.
The City of Clearwater receIved a grant from the Flonda Bureau of HIstonc PreservatIOn
to aSsIst m the preparatIOn of new DesIgn GUldelmes for the expanded Downtown area
Land DesIgn InnovatIOns, Inc of Wmter Park has been hired to prepare these GUIdelInes,
whIch wlll be mcorporated mto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown DesIgn GUIdelInes kIck-off meetIng which IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 5 30 pm - 700 P ill at the Harborvlew Center, MeetIng
Room 1 The Matn Street Committees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neighborhood aSSOCiatIOns are Invited to partICipate In thIS meetIng
Please mark your calenddr for two additIonal public mput meetIngs on the deSIgn
gUIdelines that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetIngs
will take place at 5 30 p m at the HarborvIew Center Please contact me If you have any
questIOns or comments about thiS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seeIng you on May 28th'
Smcerely, ~L, ~
~yton ;r" - ~
Long Range Planmng Manager
Plannmg Department
City of Clearwater
S V'lallllmg &9Ji1b1!JI'lIVl5i!iI~~~>>'G1"~ TElPflblU" Meellllgo WelghborlwviflA!lJJil:.'Y6iJ:t)'Wbffrt!.r-Wf:JmD 1105280 ~
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TFLEPHONE (J27) 562-4567 FAX (J27) 562-4576
May 20, 2003
Pierce 100 Condorrumum AssociatIOn
Ms Terry Turner
100 Pierce Street #710
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear Ms Turner
The City of Clearwater received a grant from the Flonda Bureau of H:tstonc PreservatIon
to assIst m the preparatIOn of new DeSign GUIdelInes for the expanded Downtown area
Land DeSign InnovatIOns, Jnc of Wmter Park has been hired to prepare these GUldelmes,
WhICh wIll be mcorporated mto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown DesIgn GUldelmes k1Ck-off meetmg WhICh IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 5 30 pm - 700 pm at the Harborvlew Center, MeetIng
Room 1 The Mam Street CommIttees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neighborhood assoctatIons are mVIted to partICipate In thIS meetmg
Please mark your calendar for two addItIOnal publIc mput meetmgs on the deSIgn
gUidelInes that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
will take place at 530 P m at the Harborvlew Center Please contact me If you have any
questIons or comments about thiS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28thl
Long Range Planmng Manager
Plannmg Department
City of Clearwater
S \Plamu1l8 &PaJ:Hmln\lJ~N<f-)l~W~A I Nubile Meetmg:, WelghborhooJYJ.~qb?!E})fjI!tXrJij'fJ~IfYl'8fJ.NJ52803
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TELEPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562.4576
May 20, 2003
Gateway Neighbors
Ms Pat Vaughn
1326 PIerce St , Apt #2
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear Ms Vaughn
The C1ty of Clearwater receIved a grant from the Flonda Bureau of Hlstonc PreservatIon
to aSSIst m the preparatIOn of new DeSIgn GUldehnes for the expanded Downtown area
Land Design InnovatIOns, Inc of Wmter Park has been hired to prepare these GUldelmes,
which will be mcorporated mto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown Design GUidelInes kIck-off meetmg which IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 5 30 pm - 700 pm at the Harborvlew Center, Meetmg
Room 1 The Mam Street COffiIlllttees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neIghborhood aSSOCIatIOns are mVlted to partIcipate m thiS meetmg
Please mark your calendar for two additIOnal public mput meetmgs on the design
gUidelines that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
wIll take place at 5 30 P m at the Harborvlew Center Please contact me If you have any
questIOns or comments about thiS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28th'
~~ p.L~
Gma Clayton
Long Range Plannmg Manager
Planmng Department
CIty of Clearwater
S \Plan/lmg rk}tJ:hmTn\i>\J~N<jl>'zIJlf~A TNublle MeetlngsWelghborllOoJ.'5\~I.!IJtIIo)')9Y.X!(1fll?,?}'j&~1m1Y83\052803
1) PROJECT TITLE Downtown Clearv.oater DeSllnI GUldeluJ~s and Arch1Ve of Histone Photol!raohs
2) APPLICM'T CJtv of Clean vater and the Clearv.oater Mam Street Jomt Venture
3) AMOUNT REQUESTED, S 20 000 00
rc)v b
6) In the space provIded belo\\, briefly describe the project and the property or propertIes for whIch fundmg IS requested do not attach
addItional sheets
Prepare and establish a set of Design GUldelmes and an Archive ofHlstonc Photogmpl!~.Jor the City of Clearwater Do\'mtown Redevelopment Area
that will aSSist city officials, city staff and bus mess owners 10 the redevelopment of downtown Crbe DeSign GUldehnes will provide deSign standards
for the appropnate renovatIOn of bU1ldmgs 10 the hlli9nc downtown, as well as for new constructIOn and redevelopment m the surroundmg areau
The Mam Street DeSIgn Comm1!tee and the "Our Downtown' plan has an ImplementatlOn bluepnnt that supports deSign standards that encourage
senslllvlty to eXlstmg structures as well as standards for renovatmg and rehablhtatmg properlles by restormg and/or mamtammg the hlstonc character
of the downtown The DeSign GUIdelines wd] bUild upon past studies that have been completed m the downtown that Idenllfied the archltectural
history of the area
The Archive of Histone Photographs of Downtown Clearwater WIll proVide histOrIC photographs and documentation of bUlldmgs WithIn the
Downtown Redevelopment Dlstnct The ArchIve WII! Ill1t1ally start With bUlldmgs that were surveyed m the Clearwater Hlstonc PreservatIOn
Survey and Plannmg PrOlect The Clearwater Central Busmess DISlriCt and The Old Clearwater 8av Neighborhood Grant Number F9702 The City
Will house the Archive and make It avaIlab]e to the publJc The mformatIon contamed In the Archive WI]] proVIde valuable information m
derermmmg whether a property IS eligIble for lIstIng on the NatIOnal Register It WI]] also prOVide a basiS for rehabIlltatIOn work wIthm the
Dov,'l1town Clearwater Redevelopment Area It IS be]leved that property and bUSiness owners WIll be more receptlvlO..!2.!ehabrJltatlOn projects when
they can see actual photographs of how thClr propertIes Will look before an~~llas startecJTheArchIVe-v,;iIT have a positive-ImpacT 6ii- downtown
redevelopment and can be usedlO garner s'uppOi1~foraownfown redevelopment that IS senSitIVe to the corrunUnIty's hIStory
At present, there are three (3) properties wIthm the downtown area that are listed on the NatIOna] Register Past studies have Idenllfied numerous
other bUlldmgs wIthm the downtown that are ehglble or potentially eligible for lIstmg on the RegIster One ovemdmg goal for the City of
Clearwater IS to protect the hlstonc resources by either IIstmg the mdIvldual propertIes andlor determmmg the necessary steps to estabhsh a
dOwntO'rVIl hIstonc dlstnct These DeSign GUldelmes Will proVIde the framework to ensure compallble mfill, as well as gmdanee to restore the
hlstonc buddmgs to their histone character The ArchIve of Histone Photographs WI]] asSiSt m the rehabilitatIOn to standards that Wll! budd upon
historically conect deSign and bmldmg stan~t.JlJzmg the Secretary of Intenors S.!..andards for Rehabll1tatIOll
7) PrOVide a 3x5 photograph of the prinCipal vIew of the property
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Flonda Department GfState
DIVISion of Hlsloncal Resources
Form HR3E21 0695
(Effecllve July] 996)
STREET ADDRESS NA- Downtown Clearwater mc1udme: the Mam Street Pro~ram area
Pmellas County
QRGANIZA TI ON NAME CIty of Clearwater
ADDRESS 112 South Osceola Avenue
CITY Clearvvater STATE Flonda
SAMAS NO (STATE AGENCIES ONLY)______ - ______ - ________ ~ __ 00100000
CONTACT PERSON Cvndl Hardm Tarapam
FAX l\TUMBER (727) 562-4576
10) State House Of Representatives Dlstnct Number And Name Of RepresentatIve For Project LocatIOn
State Senate Dlstnct Number And State Senator For The Project Location
SENATOR Don Sullivan
CongressIOnal Dlstnct Number And Name OfU S CongresslOndl RepresentatIve for The Project LocatIOn
II) APPLICANT'S GRANT HISTORY, Has the applicant receIVed prevIous grant assistance from the Department of State? If yes, specify the
year, the project name, the DIVISIOn whICh awarded the grant and the amount oflhe award
Hlstoncal Resources
Clearwater Downtown & Old Clearwater Bay Neighborhood Survey & Planning Grant $15,000
~ Indlv]duaJ NatIOnal Register Listing, _ NatIOnal RegIster District - Contrlbutmg Sile,
_lndlVldual Local Deslgnatlon, _ Local DISlnct DeslgnatlOn - Contrlbutmg SIte, _ None Of The Above
-2L- Local Ordinance ~ Local Ordinance DeSign Rev]ew
Covenant _ Mamtenance Agreement _ Other (SpecIfy)
PreservatIOn Or ConservatIOn Easement
Protecl1 ve
14) PrOVIde a bnef exp lanatlOn of Immedmte threats to the site or area such as proposed demol ]110n, extensIVe structural damage, on-gomg site
dlslurbance for archaeologIcal SItes, planned re-zonlng, etc
The Immediate tbreatlo the Clty of Clear.\'ater IS the mappropnate redevelopment of downtown that results In the loss of hlstonc structures and
sense of place Current redevelopment pressure bas resulted In the constructIOn ofmappropnate bUlldmgs Wlthm the downtown area Addllionally, a
proposed bndge re-allgnment Wlll result In the changmg of current trdffic flow circulatIOn Wllhout strong deSign gUldehnes and an archive of
hIstone photographs on which to base those gUldellncs, thc downtown Will lose Its hlstoncally s]gnlficant structures and will not attract quahty
redevelopment prOjects that are senSitIve to the hlstonc character of downtown
15) Indicate the level(s) of Prolect ActlVltles completed to date
Archltectura] _ Feaslblhty study, _SchematIcs, _ DesIgn Development, ConstructIOn documents, Other, ~ None
PreservatIOn P]anmng l DesIgn Gmdehnes, _ PreservatIOn Ordmance, _ PreservatIOn Element, _Other _None
Archaeo]oglca] Excavation _ Research Design, _ Excavallon, _AnalysIs, CuratlOn, ConservatIOn, _ Other, ----X.......... None
Museum Exhibit _Research, _ SCript, _ArTIfact Se]ectlOn, _Design, _ FabricatIOn, _ Other, ~None
]f other, descn be
]6) PrOJect tlmehne on graph below mdlcate all the maJOr elements of/he prOlect and the amount of time reOUlred to comolete each Item
(SpeC-nil Category Rrojedsl'0nly) ,
'-V' <:::z ~ ~ ---'>"": =.;J ~ t,j, t'~
MONTH , I, 2' 3,( 1 At' , ys~' \ :6, 7 'P;48~~,,;:"\9~, ',I'On' la~i<r~~l:~13'r:j:.~4~J'5~r(j~t7,~1'8&;: It9.~19s:>$fll~",\u~"'i,f
B Archlvmg ofHlstonc Photographs XXXXX
17) Descnbe the malar elements of the project and mdlcate the entities (I e Consult~nt, Jll-house, volunteers) responsible for each element
Wntmg of Deslgn GU1dehnes Consultant, m-house
Research of Hlstonca] Photographs Consultant, m-house
Lmllted Fle]d Research Consultant, m-house
Pubhc WorkshopsfEducatlOn Consultant, m-house
Rev]ew and AdoptIOn by Local Government Consultant, m-house
18) VI'hatlS the anllclpated annual Cost Of Mam tenance of the Histone Property, Archaeo]oglcal SIte, or Museum Exhl bl! upon completIOn of the
project, and what ]S the source ofthe fundmg?
19) ProVIde a bnef descnptlOn of the EducatIOnal Benefits thiS project WIll have on the local commumty and the state Please enter the current or
anticipated annual VISitatIOn lD space prOVided below
PrOject WII! educate the pubhc about the hlstonc bUI]dmgs located wltll1n downtown Cleanvater by Il1ustratmg what constitutes a hlstonc bUl]dmg
and methods to rehabdltate bUl]dmgs through deSign gUldelmes and how bUl]dmgs Wlll look through high quahty hlstoneal photographs Recorded
hIstone b\JJldmgs will be preserved for future generations to enjOY and fully appreciate the hIstory and evo]utlOn of the downtown and the Importance
the area had m the overall development of the CIty of Clearwater
Currently the downtown IS home for many cIty-sponsored events such as parades, festIvals and open-air concerts It IS anticIpated through
redevelopment efforts that the downtown will encourage year round activIties wIth the establIshment of more full service businesses and attracting
year round resIdents to the area
Annual VIsItatIOn
150,000 persons
20) ProvIde a bnef explanauon Indicating the direct Impact of thIS project on mInOrItIes and the disabled Include any alteratIOns to the sIte that
will make the site more accessIble to the publIc
SignIficant contnbutlOns by all cltJzens of the communIty are Idenufied and bUIlt upon wlthm the downtown area As more bUildings are renovated,
more tax mOnIes can be reinvested mto the area for qualIty ofhfe Improvements that benefit everyone wlthm the downtown As the downtown area
mcludes areas ofmmonty concentrations, the qualIty of lIfe Improvements will directly Impact the mlnontles wlthm the downtown One ImmedIate
Impact WIll be that mmonty bUSInesses Will have the opportunIty to bId for renovatIOn jobs WIthIn the do\'mtown and thus creatIng an employment
The DeSign GUidelines WIll mclude references to the "ADA Amencan's WIth DlsabllIues Act", to ensure that acceSSIbIlIty Issues are addressed
WIthIn the downtown
21) PrOVide a bnef explanatIOn of the DIrect Economic Impact thIS project wll] have on the surroundmg communIty Include any informatIOn
regardmg number of jobs It will prOVIde, If known
Numerous dIrect economic Impacts are expected from thIS project InltJally, property and busmess owncrs Will hIre contractors for bulldmg
rehabilItation projects As more and more bUSinesses Improve bUIldings, the CIty expects to Increase both tOUrISt and reSidential lIfe Within the
downtown, whIch will result m more retail salcs for bUSiness owners With the mcrease m busmess, buIldmg tax assessments, tax mcrement
financmg (TIF) dollars WIthin the CommunIty Redevelopment Area (CRA) Will also nse and prOVide the City With more money to remvest mto the
downtown for public projects to continue the rejuvenatIOn of downtown
PrOVIde The Dates Of Ongmal ConstructIOn
And The FlOrIda Master Site File Number
All MaJOr Alterations
(Attach copy of the Site File Form as Attachment M)
Ongma] Use
Current Use
Proposed Use
PrOVIde a bnef statement of SignIficance for the property/sIte
For ACQUISItion projects, proVIde the Full Purchase Amount $
and the acreage of the property to be acqUired
The maxImum grant share for an acquISItion project shall not exceed 50% of the value of the property as deterDllned by the appraisal, the
average of two appraisals, If twO" ere obtamed, or the average of the closest two appraisals, If more than two were obtamed, or 50% of the
purchase amount, whichever IS less
For Surveys, indicate the types ofhlstoncal resources to be surveyed
The Clearwater Central Busmess and the Old Clearwater Bav NeIghborhood Grant number F9702
IndIcate the antiCIpated Number of Ne" Sites to be recorded
and the Acrea!!:e to be covered m the survey area
, the antiCipated Number of FlOrIda Site File Form Updates
For NatIOnal RegIster NommatlOns, mdlcate the number of antICIpated IndivIdual NommatlOns,
WIll a multIple property cover nommatlOn be produced? _ yes, _ no
DIstrict NommatlOns,
For Audio-VIsual Productions, Books, Pamphlets. Walkml!' Tour Brochures, etc, Explam how the product WIll be Marketed and/or
How many mrnutes/pages IS the product?
How many copies of the product will be produced?
If the pnnted/medlll matenals are proposed for dlstnbutlOn, wIll there be a per Item chargc? _ yes _ no If yes, provIde the estImated
For EducatIonal Materials, IS the local school system act1vely Involved m your project? _ yes _ no If yes, descnbe theIr partlclpal10n to date
and antIcipated partlclpatlon rn thIS prOject
Do you rntend to Integrate your prOject Into the Flonda Hentage EducatIOn Program? _ yes _ no
For Hlstonc Markers, mclude Form No, HR3E171294 from the Bureau of Hlstorlc PreservatIOn as Attachment L
25) FOR ALL MUSEUM EXHIBITS PROJECTS (IncludiDl! Special Cate!;wrv Museum Proiects):
Explam the HIstorical Theme for the Museum Elhlblt and why It IS lmportant to FIonda hIstory
What IS the square footage of the museum exhIbIt?
Descnbe the museum's management structure and governmg authonty
27) Descnbe the museum's collectIOns, collectlOns management practices, exhibits, and educatIOnal programs
28) DesCribe the physical faCility, mcludmg square footage of exhIbit, storage, collectIOns, and adnumstratlve spaces
29) Estimate the percentage of the museum's budget allocated to Flonda history
Has the museum been open to the pu bI Ie for at least 180 days per year for each of the 2 years pnor to the apphcatlOn date? Yes _No
How many persons VISIted the museum m the last 2 fiscal years?
19_, persons 19---,
General Operatmg Expenses
Excess (DeficIt) of Revenue Over E:.-penses
DeSlf!n Gwdelmes $ 15.00000 $ $15.000
GRA Funds $ $5.00000 $5,000 00
Cltv Slaff (SenIOr Level PositIOns) $ $3.863 96 $ 3,863 96
Plannmg Director
Planmng Manager
Semor Planner
EconomIC Development Programs Manager
(Mam St Coordmator)
$ $ S
Histone Photof!raohs Research $ 5.000 00 S $ 5.00000
eRA Funds $ $5.00000 $5,00000
G/lv Slaff (Senior Level Positions) $ $3.209 35 $3.20935
Plannmg Director
Plarmmg Manager
Semor Planner
Economic Development Programs Manager
(Mam St Coordmator)
$ $ S
Public WorkshofJs!Educatlon (4-6 mtgs) S S S
G/lv Staff (SenIOr Level PositIOns) $ $2.26450 $2,264 50
Plannmg Director
Plannmg Manager
Semor Planner
Economic Development Programs Manager
(Mam St Coordmator)
$ $ $
Publtc Heannf!s $ $ $
Cltv Slaff(SenlOr Level PoslllOn~) $ S I .4 79 10 $1,479 10
Plannmg Director
Plannmg Manager
Semor Planner
Economic Development Programs Manager
(Mal!] 5t Coordmator)
$ S $
Limited FreId Research $ $ $
Cltv Slaff (SenIOr Level Pos/llOns) $ $972 50 $972 50
Plannmg Director
Planmng Manager
Semor Planner
EconomiC Development Programs Manager
(Mam St Coordmator)
TOTALS $20.000,00 $21,789.41 $41 ,78941
3]) Matchmg and Local Cost Share Funds LIst the sources and amounts of confirmed matchmg funds (For ltems mvolvmg personnel, mdlcate
the number of hours to be spent on project actlvllles wIth theIr perlhour value and the project actIvItIes to be performed) For matchmg grant
proJects, funds must not be expended before executlOn ofa Grant Award Agreement For Special Category grant prOjects, clearly mdlcate 1)
the resources contnbuted to the project dunng the precedmg five (5) year penod and 2) the resources available for the prOject durmg the penod
for whIch fundmg IS requested
CIty of Clearwater CRA Program
CIty Staff (P]annmg Department and Econormc Deve]opment Team)
SenIor Level PlannIng and EconomIC Development PosITIons
Planning DIrector
Plannmg Manager
Semor Planner
EconomIc Development Programs Manager
DesIgn GUldelme Development
P]annmg DIrector
Planmng Manager
Senior Planner
Econormc Development Programs Manager
Llmlled FIeld Research
Plannmg DIrector
Plannmg Manager
SenIor Planner
Hlstoncal Photographs Research
Plannmg DIrector
Planning Manager
Semor Planner
EconomIC Development Programs Manager
Pub]IC Workshops/Educatlon Meetmgs
Plannmg Director
Plannmg Manager
SenIor Planner
EconolTllc Development Programs Manager
PublIc Heanng Approval Process
Plannmg DIrector
Planmng Manager
Semor Planner
EconOffilC Deve]opment Program Manager
$] 0,000 00
20hrs @40 03"" $80006
40hrs @ 26 79 == $] ,07] 60
60hrs @ 2] 28 == $],27680
30hrs @ 23 85 = $715 50
5hrs @ 40 03 = $200 ] 5
5hrs @ 2679 = 513395
30hrs @21 28 == $638 40
15hrs @ 40 03 = $600 45
30hrs @26 79 = $803 70
40hrs @ 2] 28 == S85! 20
40 hrs@ 23 85 = $95400
] 5hrs @ 40 03 = 5600 45
20hrs @ 2679 == $535 80
25hrs @ 21 28 == $532 00
25hrs @ 23 85 = $596 25
10hrs @ 40 03 = $400 30
15hrs @ 2679 = 5401 85
15hrs @ 21 28 = $31920
] 5hrs @ 23 85 = $357 75
Total Match $21,78941
32) Applicant certIfication: TIllS certIfication must be sIgned by the duly authonzed representatlve of the
applicant orgamzatlOn or agency before the applIcatIOn wIll be considered for fundmg assIstance
I certIfy that the mformatlOn contamed m thIs apphcatlOn IS true and correct to the best of my lrnowledge, and that I
am the duly authonzed representatIve of the applIcant
Name (type or pnnt)
WIlham B Home II
Title City Manager
Date ;/30/0 (
/ I
33) Owner concurrence: If the applicant does not own the property, the owner ofrecord must SIgn the followmg
statement mdIcatmg concurrence WIth the proposed prOJ ect and thIS apphcatlon for grant aSSIstance
Ag""'y ~:OfCl'>UWale<
Slgnatur ...- - ~.. """'-1.-~~
I, the underSigned, am the owner of the property Identified under Item 8) PrOlect lnformatlOn on Page Two of thIS app\Jcahon
and hereby acknowledge my support for and full concurrence With thts apphcatlOll
Name (prmt or type)
Daytune telephone
FAX Number
34) Agreement to Execute Restrictive Covenant (SPECIAL CATEGORY & ACQUISITION PROJECTS
For projects mvolvmg hIstone propertIes and those mvolvmg archaeologIcal SItes whIch WIll be mamtamed
subsequent to the completIon of the project, the owner, long-term lessee or other responsIble party must SIgn the
followmg statement mdlcatmg agreement to execute a 10 year restnctIve covenant to run WIth the property deed,
should a grant award be made
I, the underSigned, am the duly authonzed representahve of the _ owner, _long-term lessee, or _ other orgarnzahon or
agency havrng responslbllrty for mamtenance of the property Identified under Item 8) PrO/eel Informatton on Page Two of this
apphcatlOn subsequent to complehon of the project for whtch fundrng 1S requested I hereby rndIcate agreement to execute a
restnCtlve covenant through whtch the orgamzatlOn or agency I represent wlil comrmt to mamtenance of the referenced property
rn accordance With good preservatlOn practIce and the applIcable standards and gmdelrnes of the Secretary of the Intenor for a
penod of ten years I further agree that the orgaruzatIon or agency Will not make any modIficatIOns to the property (other than
rouhne repaIrs and marntenance) WIthout review of the plans and speCIfications by the Bureau of HIstone PreservatIOn and that
every effort WIll be made to deSIgn any modificatIOns rn a manner consIstent WIth the apphcable standards and gUldelll1es of the
Secretary of the Intenor
Name (pnnt or type)
DaytIme telephone
FAX Number
35) The folhwmg supportmg documents are attached to thIs apphcanon
X Attachment A: ClVlI Rights Assurance ofComphance form (One ongmal and thIrteen copies) (ALL PROJECTS)
X Attachment B: Documentahon of Confirmed Match or Local Cost Share (One ongmal and flmteen copIes) (ALL
X Attachment C' Letters of Support, Endorsement, or ResolutIons (One ongmal and tlurteen copIes) (ALL PROJECTS)
X Attachment D: Photographs descnbmg the eXlstmg condihon of the property or site (One setof photograpmc pnnts and
13 xerox copIes), and One 35 rnm color shde of the property (ALL PROJECTS)
Attachment E: If completed, archttectural project schemahcs or construchon documents (ONE SET ONLY)
Attachment F: If completed, museum exlublhon deSigns WIth appropnate sketches (One ongmal and tlllrteen copies)
Attachment G' Letters of comnutment from partIclpahng mstItutlOns for travelmg exhibIts (One ongmal and thIrteen
Attachment H. Samples of reVIews, programs, and brochures of the museum (One ongmal and thirteen copies)
Attachment 1. For Museum General Operatmg Support an mdependent finanClal reVIew or audIt for the prevIOUS fiscal
year, Ifavallable, or a detailed breakdown of the operahng budget ofmcome and expenses for the prevIOUS fiscal year
Attachment J: For non-profit orgaDlzatlOns only: proof of non-profit status (Fourteen copIes) (ALL PROJECTS)
Attachment K: For AcqUISItIOn projects only: an mdependent appraIsal (two appraIsals are required If the value of the
first appraisal exceeds $500,000), an ownershlP and encumbrance search, and an executed optIOn or purchase agreement
Attachment L: For htstonc marker prOjects only Flonda Histone Marker ApplicatIOn Form No HR3El71294 (Follrteen
Attachment M, Copy ofFlonda Master SIte File Form (Fourteen copies) (ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT and
City of Clearwater (heremafter called "Applicant-ReCIpient") hereby agrees that It WIll comply
WIth Title VI of the Cml Rights Act of 1964 (P L 88-352) and all reqUirements 1Illposed by or pursuant to the Department of the
Intenor RegulatIOns (43 CFR 17) Issued pursuant to that htle, to the end that, ill accordance Wlth Title VI of the Act and the
RegulatIOns, no person m the Umted States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or natlOnal ongm be excluded from partlclpatlOn m, be
demed the benefits of, or be subjected to dlscrmunatlOn lUlder any program or actIvIty for w!uch the Applicant-RecIpIent
receives financial aSSlstance from the Flonda Department of State and hereby gives assurance that It WIll unmedJately take any
measures to effectuate tills agreement
The Applicant-ReCIpient also agrees to comply WIth SecTIon 504 of the RehablhtatlOn Act of 1973 and the Age Dlscnmmahon Act of
1975 and all requlTements Imposed by or pursuant to the Department of the Intenor RegulaTIons (43 CFR 17) Issued pursuant to these
tltles, to the end that, no person ill the Uruted States shall, on the grolUlds of dIsabilIty or age be excluded from partlclpatlOn ill, be
demed the benefits of, or be subjected to dIscnmmahon lUlder any program or act:J.vlty for which the Applicant-RecIpient
recelves financlal aSSistance from the Nahonal Park Service and hereby gIVes assurance that It will unmedlately take any measures 10
effectuate thIS agreement
If any real property or structure thereon 1S proVIded or unproved With the aId of Federal fmanClal assistance extended to the Apphcant-
Reclplent by the Flonda Department of State, tills assurance obhgates the Apphcant-RecIplent, or m the case of any transfer of such
property, any transferee for the penod dunng wmch the real property or structure IS used for a purpose illvo1vmg the provISIon of
silllllar servlces or benefits If any personal property lS so provided, thlS assurance obligates the Appbcant-Reclp1ent for the penod
dunng wmch It retams ownersmp or possesslOn of the property In all other cases, thIS assurance obhgates the Apphcant-Reclplent for
the penod dunng whIch the Federal financlal aSSIstance IS extended to It by the Flonda Department of State
ThIS assurance 1S gIven m conslderatlOn of and for the purpose of obtammg any and all Federal grants, loans, contracts, property
diSCOunts or other Federal fmanclal assistance extended after the date hereof to the Applicant-RecIpient by the bureau or office,
mcludmg mstallment payments after such date on account of arrangements for'Federal financial assIstance which were approved before
such date The Apphcant-ReclpIent recogruzes and agrees that such Federal fmanClal assistance Wlll be extended m rehance on the
representatIOns and agreements made ill thiS assurance, and that the Umted States shall reserve the nght to seek JudiCia] enforcement of
tills assurance ThiS assurance IS bmdmg on the Apphcant-ReClplent, ItS successors, transferees, and aSSlgnees, and the person or
persons whose sIgnature appear below are authoTlzed to sIgn thIs assurance on behalf of the Apphcant-RecIplent
City of Clearwater
B~~.JJ.-. "7I.
(Presl ent, Chamnan of Board or
Comparable authonzed Gfficml)
112 S Osceola Avenue
Clearwater. Flonda 33756
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TELEPHONE (813) 562-4040 FAX (813) 562-4052
August 21, 2001
Dear Corruruttee Review Members
This letter cert1fjes that the City of Clearwater Commuruty Redevelopment Agency has
$10,000 m Its budget under ProfeSSIOnal Services for matchmg fund's requIrement for the
Design GUidelInes and Photo Archlvmg Project grant applicatiOn
If you have any questiOns, please call me at (727) 562-4058
Ralph Stone,
AssIstant City Manager for Commumty and Economic Development
Main Street
August 29,2001
Flonda Department of State
DIVISion ofHtstoncal Resources
500 S Bronough St
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
Dear Grant ReVIewers,
I am wnt.1Og on behalf of tlle Cleanvater MalO Street Jomt Venture to look favorably upon tlle City of
Clearwater's DeSign Gmdelmes and Htstoncal Photograph Arc1uvmg Project apphcatlon for tlle
Downtown Dlstnct The DeSign Conumttee strongly feels tllese gUIdehnes are needed so that new
construction IS sensitive to the lustonc character of downtown There are a number of butldmgs wluch
were "modernIzed" 10 tlle 60's We feel tllese gUIdellOes WIlJ encourage new bus mess owners to rehab the
bmldlOgs to reflect Cleanvater's umque character We see tlus as a valuable unprovement to our
Thank you for consldenng Cleanvater's apphcatlon
'- ~
Diane E SlUlth,
MalO Street Coordmator
August 21,2001
Flonda Department of State
DlVlSlon of HIstoncal Resources
500 S Bronough St
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
Dear Grant RevIewers,
I am wntmg on behalf of the Cleanvater Downtown Development Board to look favorably upon
the City of Clearwater's DesIgn GUIdehnes and HIstoncal Photograph ArchIvmg Project
applIcatIon for the Downtown DIStnct We are aware of what can happen when there are no
desIgn gUldelmes m place We have a number ofbUlldmgs whIch were "modernIzed" m the 60's
The Downtown Development Board supports gUldehnes that wIll encourage restonng a
bUlldmg's vIsual character and that encourages new bUlldmgs to have a compatible desIgn to
eXlstmg structures We see this as a valuable Improvement to our downtown
Thank you for consldenng our apphcatIon
Glenn Warren
POBox 1225 0 Clearwater, FL 33757 0 (727) 562-4044
, .
ClEARWATER, fl 33755-4B41
wwwdearwaterflonda org
FAX 72714.49-2889
Exeo:;uhve Commlllee
Fronk Murphy
Chairman of the Board
Gory S Gray
Glano CampbeJl
Vice Chairman . BuSln.....
John Connelly
Vice Cha,rman . Membersh,p
Holly Duncan
Vice Chairman. Governmen/ol
AFfolrs/Ecanafnlc DevaIopmenl
Ed Droste-
Vice Cha"man . Events
FmnclS Purvey
Vice Chairman . T ou n.m
Robert Kinney
Vice Cha.rman .Areo CounCil.
Raymond Ferraro
Ed Armstrong
Immed'OIe Pas! Chairman
Julius J !schou
/.egol Counrel
MIke Meldel
P,.,wden!, CEO
Board of 01 recitlrs
les Agres
Don Andnso
Keilh Appen:reller
J V Blockbum
Steve Book
Michael Ca~,
Jal1lce Case
Steve Chandler
Thereso Crone
Koren Dee
Pot Duffy
Ann Duncan
DeuS Fredendu
Judy GonlSln
Arthal1la Godwu'1
Doug Gresko
Jonathon Hall
William Heller
Darlene Kole
Charlotte Korba
Oliver Kugler
Nancy Loehr
Judy Mitchell
Jim Myers
Dovld Nadeau
Barbara Pacheco
Jeanie Renfrow
Daryl Seaton
DaVid Slpe
James R Steams
Ron Stu a rt
John Timberlake
Doug Williams
August 24, 2001
FIO'nda Department O'f State
DIVISlO'n of HIstO'nca1 Resources
500 S Bronough St
Tallahassee, FL 32399..Q250
Dear Grant Rev:tewers,
I am wntmg to' ask YO'U to' IO'O'k favorably UPO'n the CIty of Clearwater's DeSIgn Gwdelmes
and HIstoncal Photograph Archivmg Project appbcanon for the Downtown DIstnct The
downtO'wn dIstnct has several bwldIngs that reflect the umque character of the CIty from the
1900's These gwdehnes wIll prO'VIde tO'O'ls fO'r the renO'vatlO'n and new constructlO'n of
dO'wntown bmldIngs that marntam the ViSUal character of our dO'wntown
Thank you fO'r cOllSldenng the CIty O'f Clearwater' 5 grant applIcation
Michael G Meldel
The Voice of Business in our Community
Aug 20 2001 02:09PM P2
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Citizens for a Better Clearwater
AUgust, 20, 2001
Diane smith, Economic Development Program Manager
112 South Osceola
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear D~ane;
On behalf of our grassroots downtown redevelopment COffimlttee,
Cltlzens for a Better Clearwater, I would like to emphaslze
and express our des~re to see Clearwaters histor~c character
malntained and preservede
It ~s our bellef that the renalssance of our downtown relles
00 It's greatest asset, the hlstoric nature of our Clty.
We commend your efforts to pursue outside resources to ach1eve
th1S goal and w1ll aSslst you 1n any way deemed approprlate~
/07:;:..? ~
<~y~~ ----- ---~~
Pam Marks, Chalr, Cltlzens for a Better Clearwater
Crtizens for a Better Clearwater, 1811 N Belcher Road SUite ).2, Clearwater, FL 33765
PO POL ADV P~d for by C'lJ::!:em" lor a Selter ClearwatElr Doug WlllJam~ TreaSUfGr
gr~~ c9?~
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~ $k g-tt&u-&
UZ - ----~-~- -
405 Cleveland St. R Clearwater, FL R 33755
Tel (727) 441-8868 TelFax: (727) 447-2277
Email Socrates@RoyaltyThea~re org
Web' www.RoyaltyThea~re,org
August 23,2001
Flonda Department of State
DIVIsIon ofHIstoncal Resources
500 S Bronaugh St
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
Dear Grant ReVIewers
As a property owner in Downtown Clearwater, I have bought and restored
one of the oldest bUIldIngs In downtown, the Royalty Theatre You understand as
well as I do the Importance of preserving our local hIstOry for future generabons
In thIS hght, I am VOIcing my support for the CIty of Clearwater's DeSIgn
GUIdelines and HIstoncal Photographing Arcluvmg Project application for the
Downtown DIstnct These gUIdelines wIll be Invaluable In mamtRlmng and
preservmg the hIstoncal Integrity of our downtown
Thank you for consIdenng our applicatIOn
Sincerely, /? ~
Socrates Charas
<~~.!) ",p~.,,-
$k ~9r1llAUJP ~ ~p gey ~ ~ ~ Itfum,
LMI'7/mM. ~Ahl ~ ~.I",.A ~....ooIl. It)_nn nnd nn, IIlb J _,_/
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I\l G
,.. I.......-?
August 23, 2001
Flonda Department of State
DIvIsion of Hlstoncal Resources
500 S. Bronaugh St
Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250
Dear Grant Reviewers,
I am writing to ask you to look favorably upon the City of Clearvvater's Design
GUIdelines and HIstorical Photograph ArchiVing Project applicatIon for the
Downtown DIstrict The downtown dlstnct has buildings that reflect the umque
character of the CIty from the 1900's. The purpose of these gUidelines IS to give
the downtown buildings visual character by pulling the design together
Additionally, they will encourage the preservation of the an existing bUIlding's
character, proVide examples on what can be done through renovation and assure
the construction of new bUildings are compatible We see thIS as a valuable
Improvement to our downtown.
Thank you for conSidering our application
II J L ]
~ L 'J
August 23, 2001
Florida Department of State
DIvIsion of Histoncal Resources
500 S Bronaugh St
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
Dear Grant Reviewers,
I am writing to ask you to look favorably upon the City of Clearwater's Design
GUidelines and Hlstoncal Photograph Archr,ving Project application for the
Downtown District The downtown district has bUildings that reflect the uOlque
character of the city from the 1900's The purpose of these gUidelines IS to give
the downtown bUildings visual character by pu'llIng the deSign together
Additionally, they will encourage the preservation of the an eXisting bUilding's
character, proVide examples on what can be done through renovation and assure
the construction of new bUildings are compatible. We see thIS as a valuable
I mprovement to our downtown
Thank you for considering our application
~ ~;eft~~
, , ~
~~ Church of Scientology
Office ofPubhc Affatrs Flag Servzce Orgamzatzon
503 Cleveland Street, Clearwater, FL 33755 (727) 445-4338
Fax (727) 467-6875/6855 Webslte W\llW sC1ento!ogy org
23 August, 2001
Florida Department of State
DIvision of Histoncal Resources
500 S. Bronough St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
Dear Grant Reviewers:
I am writIng to VOlce my support for the City of Oearwaterls Design GUldelines
and Historical Photographing Archivmg Project apphcation for the Downtown District.
TIns will be invaluable in guidmg future restoratIon of the lustorical buildings in the
downtown area, as well as assisting developers in designing their projects.
Downtown Oearwater is rich in history. By creating guidelines that maintain the
historical integrity of our city, we will create an awareness of the city's past and bring
back the classic look of our downtown.
I appreciate your consideration of our application,
Lisa Cook
Downtown Relations Director
((On the day when we can fully trust each othe~ there nriD be peace on Earth. "
- L. Ron Hubbard
Copynght 0 woo Church of I><'<otology f1;g S<rvl<" O<gan"",no 0 Inc. All ILgt"" R= ed SCI F..NTOWG '\ CROSS PUG, md <>CIENTOLOGY "'" rmcI<m.ub ,nd !em<<
m:ul.s owll(:d bt ~h.c. Rellgtous 1l!Xhn-olom r I:n ter ~LJld w~ wnh I~ pe:tn"US.s1on Prutfed frt the U VL..
One Steppe Sheppe
08/22/01 '~ l8P P 1ZI1ZI1
j ~ 't ..
One stOppe Shoppe
411 Cleveland Street clearvc'aler PI 33755
(727)449-1674 fax {727,449-0888
E-mail Pans@OneSloppeShoppe com
August 22, 2001
Flonda Department of State
DIvIsion of Hrstoncal Resources
500 S Bronaugh Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
Dear Grant RevIewers
I am wrltmg to ask you to look favorably upon the City of Clearwater's Design GUidelines and Hlsloncal
Photograph Arclllvmg Project appllGaMn for the Downtown Dlstnct The Downtown Dlstnct has
bUlldmgs tllat reflect the unrque character of the city from the ear1y 1900's The purpose of these
gUidelines IS to give the downtown bUIldings Visual character by pulling the deSign together
Addlllonally, they Will encourage the preservation of an eXisting bUilding's character, proVide examples
on what can be done 1hrough renovation and assure that the construction of new bUIldings IS
compatible We see thiS as a valuable Improvement to our down10wn
Thank you for consldenng our city's applicatIon
c-" / ~/
---;- .7(:/
.( l ",Ii
) Park Street . POBox 358 . Clearwater, f.
57 . 727466-6612 . FAX 727466-6616
Boa rd of D I recto r~
Vice PreSident
S ec reta ry
Sid Klern
J acq uel rne RI vera
Mary Lou Guth,1rt
J os eph H uen ke
Steven 0 Carlisle
Whitney Gray
Ron Joyce
Joanne Kavanagh
Karen Seel
Grcgg Rose
R Carlton Ward
Executrve DIrector Carole L ClOklewlcz
Program Director Ed Brdnt
August 22,2001
Mrs Diane SmIth
EconomIC Development Program Manager
CIty of Clearwater
PO Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
Dear Mrs SmIth
The Clearwater Homeless InterventIOn Project (CHIP) IS pleased to offer Its wholehearted and
_enthuSIastIc support for the CIty of Clearwater's DesIgn Gwdehnes and HIstorIcal Photograph
Ardpvmg Project applIcatIOn for the Downtown DIstnct
CHIP IS a resIdentIal and outreach center servmg the extenSIve homeless populatIOn of upper
Pmellas County and located ill the general vIclrnty of downtown Clearwater Smce ItS
IncorporatIOn In 1996, CHIP has worked WIth the communIty to Improve the downtown area as
well as provIdmg serVIces to the homeless ill our commumty Further, as a member of the
Central Area CouncIl of the Clearwater ReglOnal Chamber of Commerce, CHIP IS an actIve
partICipant III the preservatlOn and progress planned for downtown Clearwater
CHIP strongly supports the on-gomg efforts of the City of Clearwater EconomIC Development
Department to preserve and mamtam Clearwater's hIstOrIC character ill the downtown area, and It
IS our SIncere hope that the current apphcatIon WIll be deemed worthy of approval and finanCIal
Very truly yours,
fp .;{~
-~ ~
Carole L ClOklewIcz
ExecutIve DIrector
, ,
I ~
M<\JOR FUNDING SOURCES City ofC!earwater, City of Clearwater CommunIty Development Blod. Grant funds, Plllellas County
Emergency Shelter Grant funds, Plllellas County SOCial Action Granl funds, Slate of Florida Emergency Shelter Grant funds, pm/ate donahons
I .. l ).
November 9, 2001
Mr, Robert Taylor
Grants and EducatIon SectIOn
Bureau ofHIstonc PreservatIOn
500 S Bronaugh Street
Tallahassee, Flonda 32399
Dear Robert
I am wntmg WIth regard to the upcommg HIstonc PreservatIOn AdVISOry CouncIl
meetmg scheduled next week from Tuesday, November 13 through Thursday, November
15,2001 I wIll represent the CIty ofCleanvater's applIcatIOn entitled "Downtown
Clearwater DeSIgn Gmdelmes," (your file number 02F~32 S&P)
I understand that tlus applIcatIOn would typIcally be revIewed on Tuesday,
November 13 due to ItS place on the agenda As the CIty'S Planmng Duector, I am
requued to attend two publIc heanngs that same day begIllmng at 9 a ill and 2 p ill III
Clearwater WIth thIS conflIct, It would be ImpossIble for me to be m Tallahassee for the
begmmng of the AdVISOry CouncIl meetmg and also meet my oblIgatIOns to the CIty I
plan to amve m Tallahassee late Tuesday everung and be present for the AdVISOry
CouncIl meetmg on Wednesday, November 14 begmmng at 9 a m I respectfully request
that the AdVISOry CouncIl defer reVIew of the CIty'S grant untIl I can be present on
Wednesday to answer any questIOns
I very much apprecIate any consIderatIOn that you can gIVe me so that I can be
present for the reVIew of the CIty of Clearwater's grant applIcatIOn Thank you
CynthIa Hardm Tarapam, AIep
Planmng DIrector
11/09/2001 15 59
~ ~ ~ 'Wo.
POST OFFICE Box 4748, Ci.F.ARWATER, FLORIDA 33758-4748
~PHONE (127) 5624567 FAX ClZ7) 562-4576
Mr. Robert Taylor
Grants and Education Section
Bureau of Historic Preservation
500 S. Bronough Street
TAIIAhm::see, Florida 32399
Dear Robert:
I am wnting with regard to the upcoming Historic Preservation Advi$ory CouncIl
meeting scheduled next week: from Tuesday, November 13 through Thursday, November
15,2001. I will represent the City of Clearwater's application entitled "Downtown
Clearwater Design Gwdehncs," (your file number 02F-32 S&P),
I undCl'8tand that this application wou.1d typically be reviewed on Tuesday,
November 13 due to its place on the agenda. As the City's PIanmng Director,] am
required to attend two pubhc hearings that same day beginning at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m in
Clearwater With this conflict, it would be impossible for me to be in Tallamssoe for the
beginning of the AdVIsory Council meeting and also meet my obligations to the CIty. I
plan to anive m TallfthA<;\~.e late Tuesday evening and be present for the Advisory
Council meeting on Wednesday, November 14 beginning at 9 a.m I respectfully request
that the Advisory Council defer review of the City's grant until I can be present on
Wednesday to answer any questions.
I very much appreciate any consideration that you can give me so that I can be
present fur the review of the City of Clearwater's grant application. Thank you.
cynthia Hardin Tarapani. AlCP
Planmng Dir~tor
"EQuAl EMpl ()YMnl1 ANn Mil RMA'1V~ ACTION EMP!DYl" R"
. ..
One Stoppe Shoppe
411 Cleveland Slreet, Clearwaler FI 33755
(727)449-1674, fax (727)449-0888
E-mail Pans@OneSloppeShoppe com
August 22,2001
Flonda Department of State
DIVISion of Hlstonca! Resources
500 S Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
Dear Grant Reviewers
I am wntmg to ask you to look favorably upon the CIty of Clearwater's Design GUidelines and HlstoncaJ
Photograph Archlvmg Project application for the Downtown Dlstnct The Downtown Dlstnct has
bUlldmgs that reflect the ullIque character of the city from the early 1900's The purpose of these
gUldelmes IS to give the downtown bUildings VIsual character by pulling the design together
AddItIOnally, they Will encourage the preservation of an eXlstlllg bUIJdlllg's character, prOVide examples
on what can be done through renovation and assure that the construction of new bUildings IS
compatible We see thiS as a valuable Improvement to our downtown
Thank you for consldenng our city's application
~ ~&If
Pans Morfopoulos
PreSident, One Stoppe Shoppe, Inc
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Clayton, Gina
Gomez, Julie
Tuesday, May 20,2003929 AM
Clayton, Gina
RE Neighborhoods In Downtown Area
Good morning
I Included the registered neighborhood aSSociations below Thank you
President RowfancrMllam
Old Clearwater Bay Neighborhood Association President
1844 Venetian POint Drive
Clearwater FL 33755
Rmllam@OSITranscnptlon com
rJ? 'P'afVaogtln""" r
1326 Pierce St Apt #2
Clearwater FL 33756
> -----Onglnal Message-----
> From Clayton, Gina
> Sent Monday, May 19, 2003 3 08 PM
> To Gomez, Julie
> SubJect Neighborhoods In Downtown Area
> HI Julie - I need to get notices to any neighborhood associations located within our Downtown Plan area I only know of
Old Bay Are there any other associations? Also ~ would you happen to have e-mail addresses for any associations In thiS
area? If not - how about a street address Thanks!
> Gina L Clayton
> Long Range Planning Manager
:> (727) 562-4587
> gclayton@clearwater-fl com
Clayton, Gina
Clayton, Gma
Monday, May 19, 2003 2 44 PM
'Jrz@clwrealtycom', 'kanneble@gomldland com', 'gbeardsl@co plnellas fl us',
'Pj shorseJewel ry@lj net', 'coo@agentmedlacorp com', 'Icasey@prutroplcal com',
'raycassano@aol com', 'kcole@clearwaterflonda org', 'Ij cook@hotmall com',
'caffecoop@aol com', 'ABECramb@aol com', 'p cournoyer@prodlgynet',
'stantone@worldnet at! net', 'bjfallor@aol com', 'pbfernandez@IJ net', 'dcfmermald@aol com',
'FOWLERARCH@aol com', 'jwg@ywcaoffampabay org', 'lalrdgann1@msn com',
'Grayfamlly@cs com', 'GRIFFENBOB@aol com', 'hoytpsm@aol com',
'bobhenlon@yahoo com', 'dleyshock@rutheckerdhall net', 'pmksrn@aol com', 'Artglass1
@earthllnk net', 'm meld el@clearwaterflonda org', 'J meyer@marcusmllllchap com',
'sport@carltonflelds com', 'wa It@waltpowell com', 'peter@Jbpflrm com',
'm aryrogero@aol com', 'CL W HISTORIAN@aol com', 'publlsher@agentmedlagroup com',
'kseel@co plnellas fl us', 'Jslgal@monltoradvlsors com', 'ceo@agentmedlagroup com',
'mookolntl@msn com', 'Tstanton@mall dos state fl us', 'g_wama@csl com',
'patll@eellnt com', 'djwhlte@lj net', 'dJw@gte net'
Green, Anne, Owens, Reginald W , Stone, Ralph, Harriger, Sandy, Tarapanl, Cyndl, PhillipS,
Sue, Manano, Marc, Parry, Mark
Kick-Off Meeting for the Downtown Design GUidelines
Dear Main Street Committee Members
Please mark your calendar}"1'or the Downtown Design GUidelines kick-off meeting which IS scheduled for Wednesday,
~ 28th from 5 30 P m -700 pm at the Harborvlew Center, Meetmg Room 1 As you may know, the City
of Clearwater received a grant from the Flonda Bureau of HistoriC Preservation to assist In the preparation of new
Design GUidelines for the expanded Downtown area Land Design Innovations, Inc of Winter Park has been hired to
prepare these GUldelmes, which Will be Incorporated Into the Downtown Plan update
The Downtown Development Board, downtown property owner~ d neighborhood aSSOCiations have also been
Invited to participate In thiS meeting Please mark your calend rs or two additional public Input meetings on the
design gUidelines that have been scheduled for June 25th and uly 30th Both of these meetings Will take place at 5 30
pm at the Harborvlew Center Please contact me If you have at~uuestlons or comments about thiS project or the
Downtown Plan update I look forward to seeing you on May 2B~,
Gina L Clayton
CIty of Clearwater
Long Range Planning Monoger
(727) 562-4587
gclayton@clearwoter-fl com
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TELEPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
MAY ~ ts lUU3
The City of Clearwater receIved a grant from ~he Flonda Bureau of Htstonc Preservation
to assist In the preparatIOn of new DesIgn GUIdelines for the expanded Downtown area
Land DesIgn InnovatIOns, rnc of Winter Park has been hued to prepare these GUIdelines,
whIch wIll be mcorporated mto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown DesIgn GUIdehnes lack-off meetmg which IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 5 30 pm - 700 pm at the Harborvlew Center, Meetmg
Room I The Mam Street Corrumttees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neIghborhood associations are mvlted to partICIpate m thls meetmg
May 20, 2003
Dear Downtown Property Owners
Please mark your calendar for two additional public mput meetmgs on the desIgn
gUidelines that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
will take place at 5 30 P m at the HarbofVIew Center Please contact me If you have any
questIOns or comments about thIS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28th I
1lJ1MPJ ~ ~1V1,!J,;~ CfJ
U;'~~-~l~~on r ~ ._' .~
Long Range Plannmg Manager
Planmng Department
Clty of Clearwater
~ V'lalllllllg DepartmellfIDOWNTOWN PIAN UPDA [L\Publn Meelmg\\Dwmwll Prop Owner DDG Nowesfor 05280M52803
DDG leller 10 properly owner; doc
........\t'" 1
~''"J "~'t..~..: :
LoUIS Chaconas
72!&Cleveland St
Clearwater, FL 33755
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TELEPHONE (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
May 20,2003
MAY 2 ~ 2003
Dear Downtown Property Owners PLANNI NG DEPARTMENT
The City of CleafVI. ater receI\ed a grant from the Flonda Bureau of :Histonc PIeservatJOn
to assist In the preparatIon of new DesIgn GUldelmes for the expanded Downtown area
Land DeSign InnovatlOns, Inc of WInter Park has been hIred to prepare these GUidelInes,
which WIll be mcorporated mto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown DesIgn GUldehnes kIck-off meetmg which IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 5 30 pm - 700 pm at the HarbofVlew Center, MeetIng
Room 1 The Mam Street Committees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neighborhood aSSOCIatIOns are Illvlted to partiCipate III thiS meetmg
Please mark your calendar for two additional public mput meetings on the desIgn
gUIdelines that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
wIll take place at 5 30 P m at the Harborvlew Center Please contact me If you have any
questiOns or comments about thiS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28th'
2~ fv~
Long Range Planmng Manager
Planmng Department
City of Clearwater
S \Planning Deparl!!lenMJOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Publl( Meetmg:,\Dwntwn Prop Owner DDG NOll('esfor 052803I/J52803
DDG lelter 10 property owner:, do<
.' I
Alan Feldshue, Leasmg Agent
11757 US 19 N , SUIte 275
Clearwater, FL 33764
L_______ _
. ,
Dear Downtown Property Owners
TELEPHONF (727) 562-4567 FAX (127) ~-o6
~'{ '2.- t\ 1~~)
~ R"n!lE.~\
. "",~~\~G ~~\N~\E.R
t>V' oN Of C\.-
May 20, 2003
The CIty of Clearwater received a grant from the Honda Bureau of HIStOfI.... PresehatIOfi
to assist In the preparatIOn of new Design GUidelInes for the expanded Downtown area
Land Design InnovatIOns, Inc of Wmter Park has been hIred to prepare these GUIdelmes,
WhICh wIll be Incorporated mto the Downtown Plan update Please mark your calendar
for the Downtown DeSign GUIdelInes kIck-off meetIng which IS scheduled for
Wednesday, May 28th from 530 pm - 700 pm at the Harborvlew Center, Meetmg
Room 1 The Mam Street Committees, Downtown Development Board, downtown
property owners and neighborhood associatIons are invited to particIpate In thIS meetmg
Please mark your calendar for two addItIonal public mput meetmgs on the deSign
gmdelmes that have been scheduled for June 25th and July 30th Both of these meetmgs
WIll take place at 5 30 p m at the Harborvlew Center Please contact me If you have any
questions or comments about thIS project or the Downtown Plan update I look forward
to seemg you on May 28thl
Long Range Planmng Manager
Planmng Department
City of Clearwater
S \Plannmg Departlllenl\DOWNTOWN PlAN UPDATE\PubllL Meet!llg~\Dwmwn Prop Owner DDG NOl/cesfor 05280NJ52803
DDG letter 10 property owner, doc
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llistonc PreservatIOn Grants-ill-Aid Program
Bureau of Historic PreservatIon, DIV1sIOn of Hlstoncal Resources,
Flonda Department of State
We hope the followmg informatIOn will aSSlst you III gamlOg publlClty for your local proJect~ Be sure
to reVIew the publlcltv reQuirements in Attachment A. as well.
To those of us III the Hlstonc preservatlOn field, the paSSIOnate concern for saVIng and
restoring a lustonc structure, excavatmg an archaeologlcal site or delvmg into our ovm
locallustory often overwhelms our recogrutIOD of the unportance of modem
communication and rts relatlOnship to preservatJ.on vitalIty
One form of modem commurucatlOD WIth wruch we are all familIar IS publIcity If you
ask someone what publicity IS, you'll get the answer from many, "free advertismg," but
publicIty is much more that! PubliCIty IS informatIOn with news value; publIcIty IS news!
If your publicrty IS used by a newspaper, radIo or TV station. the story gams something
adverttsmg can't offer - credIbllIty Smce your Information comes from a dIsinterested
thrrd party, It makes an Impact that pmd adverttsing has dIfficulty matching
There are,a number of reasons \Vhy publIcIty is unportant to lustoric preservatIOn, and
why we as preservatlOrusts must develop the necessary slalls to handle It Here are some
. Your work is recognized within your community
That IS, you gam greater commuruty awareness and goodwill!
. You give your loyal "olunteers the personal satisfaction that what they are doing
is being noticed and appreciated
. You make your membership proud
Everyone lIkes to be assoclated mth a \VlllDerl
. You encourage greater participation in you project
. You heighten your appeal to prospective members
Make them WANT to belong!
. You develop Heater financial support ,
PublIcity IS very important to your orgaruzauon and to your lustoric preservation goals
But publicity IS also unportant to the mema Here's some reasons why newspapers love
local publicIty (remember, and televIsIOn stations work the same way)
1 The act1v1ues of local people and orgaruzations are news Publishing that news is
good for busmess SlDce local news ranks mgh with the readersbtp, and high
readersmp attracts p81d advertismg
2 Newspapers don't have the staffs to cover all the unportant local events, so they must
depend on You If you can contnbute a publIcIty release that has news mterest and
'. 11""'
has been prepared ill a professIOnal manner, you W1il be greatly appreciated by your
local newspaper!
3 Newspapers appreciate Ideas as well as copy .And who ~hou1d know that your _
hIstoric preservation project constItutes a good news feature more than YOU?I GIVe'
that newspaper a call
Now you see that publicity can gamer commumty support as well as financIal support,
and it' 5 important to the medIa, too PublIcity is a necessity that can only benefit historic
preservatlon in general and your project ill particular
The following provisIOns MUST be Included in all contracts between a grantee and a Contractor(s)
or Consultant(s) for \torI... In "hlch Grants.ln-Ald funds are utilized as stated In Attachment A Part
I A 2.c, of the Grant Award Agreement.
1. Project DuratIOn
A provIsiOn for the date of completiOn of the project or project duratiOn
(.:.0 Z liJ
2. Legal Remedies
Contracts other than small purchases shall contam provIsions or condltiOns whIch will allow for
admllllstranve, contractual, or legal remedies m mstances where contractOl s vlOlate or breach contract
temls, and provIde for such sanctIOns and penalhes as may be appropnate
3 Termination
All contracts shan contam SUitable prov1slOns for tenmnatIon by the grantee, mcludmg the manner by
WhlCh 1t wtll be effected and the basIs for settlement In add1tiOn, such contracts shall descnbe conditIons
under Wh1Ch the contract may be termmated Jor default as well as condItlOns where the contract may be
termmated because of Clrcumstances beyond the control of the contractor
4, Equal Employment Opportumty Compliance
The (Insert Contractor/Consultant name here) shall comply with Title VI of the CIVil RIghts Act of 1964,
Section 504 of the RehabilitatIon Act of 1973, and Title I of the Amencans wIth DisabilitIes Act of 1990
10 that No person 10 the Umted States shall on the grounds of race, creed, color, natIonal ongm, sex, age,
pohtlcal affiliatIon, bellefs, or disability be subject to dIscnmmahon under any program or actIvIty whIch
the Contractor has agreed to undertake by and through the covenants and proVISions set forth In thIs
5, I\ccess to Records
All contracts (except those awarded by small purchases procedures) awarded by grantees shall 10clude a
proVISiOn to the effect that the grantee, the Department, or any of their duly authonzed representatlves
shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor whlCh are directly
pertment to that speCific contract, for the purpose of makmg audit, exammatlOn, excerpts, and
transcnptIon Grantees shall reqUIre contractors to mallltalll all reqUired records for FIVE years after
grantees make final payments and all other pendmg matters are closed
6 Copeland "AntI~Kickback" Act (Rehabihtation Projects 01\'1. Y)
All contracts mvolvmg construction work shall Include provIsion for comphance WIth the Copeland
"Antl-K]ckback" Act, 1 8 USC 874, as supplemented In Department of Labor regulatIons, 29 CFR Part 3,
prohlbItmg employers from mduclllg any person employed to gIve up any part of the compensatlOn to
which he or she IS otherWIse entitled
7 Rights to Data and Copyrights
When publications, films, or Similar matenals are developed, directly or mdIrectly, from a program,
project or actlVlty supported by grant funds, any copyrIght resultmg therefrom shall be held by the Flonda
Department of State, DIVISIOn of Hlstoncal Resources The author may arrange for copynght of such
matenals only after approval from the Department Any copyrIght arranged for by the author shall mclude
acknowledgment of grant aSSIStance As a condition of grant aSSistance, the grantee agrees to, and awards
to the Department and, If appl1cable, to the Federal Government, and to 1tS officers, agents, and
employees actmg wJthm the scope of their offiCial duties, a royalty-free, nonexclUSIVe, and Irrevocable
ilcense throughout the world for offiCial purposes, to pubhsh, translate, reproduce, and use all subject data
or copynghtable matenal based on such data covered by the copynght
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Preservation Planning
Preservation planning IS a process that organizes preservation activities (Identification, evaluation,
registration and treatment of historic properties) In a logical sequence The Standards for Planning
discuss the relationship among these activities while the remaining activity standards conSider how each
actIVity should be carried out The Professional Qualifications Stan9ards discuss the education and
experience required to carry out various actiVities
The Standards for Planning outline a process that determines when an area should be examined for
h Istonc properties, wheth er an Id entlfied property IS s Ig n Iflcan t, and h ow a Sl g n Iflcan t pro pert~.!Jo:qld;te ~~
treated ~ ti ~ ~
Preservation planning IS based on the follOWing pnnclples 1="Z-l6
. Important historic properties cannot be replaced If they are destroyed Preservation planning
proVides for conservative use of these properties, preserving them In place and aVOiding harm
when pOSSible and altering or destroYing properties only when necessary
. If planning for the preservation of histOriC properties IS to have pOSitIVe effects, It must begin
before the IdentIfication of all Significant properties has been completed To make responsible
deCIsions about histOriC properties, eXisting Information must be used to the maximum extent and
new information must be acqUired as needed .
. Preservation planning Includes public participation The planning process should proVided a
forum for open diSCUSSion of preservation Issues Public Involvement IS most meaningful when It
IS used to assist In defining values of properties and preservation planning Issues, rather than
when It IS limited to review of decIsions already made Early and continuing public participation IS
essential to the broad acceptance of preservation planning decIsions
Preservation planning can occur at several levels or scales In a proJect area, In a community, In a State
as a whole, or In the scattered or contiguous landholdings of a Federal agency Depending on the scale,
the planning process will Involve different segments of the public and professional communities and the
resulting plans Will vary In detail For example, a State preservation plan will likely have more general
recommendations than a plan for a proJect area or a community The planning process deSCribed In these
Standards IS fleXible enough to be used at all levels while prOViding a common structure which promotes
coordination and minimizes duplication of effort The GUidelines for Preservation Planning contain
additional information about how to Integrate variOUS levels of planning
Standard I Preservatlon Planmng Establishes Hlstonc Contexts
DeCISions about the Identification, evaluation, registration and treatment of hlstonc properties are most
reliably made when the relationship of indiVidual properties to other Similar properties IS understood
Inform atlon a bout historic properties rep resentln gasp ects of hiStOry, arch Itectu re, archeo logy,
engineering and culture must be collected and organized to define these relationships ThiS
organizational framework IS called a "hlstonc context" The histOriC context organizes Information based
on a cultural theme and ItS geographical and chronological limits Contexts describe the Significant broad
patterns of development In an area that may be represented by histOriC properties The development of
h Istonc contexts IS the fou nd atlon for declSlo n s about Ide n tlficatlo n, eval uatlon, reg Istratlon and treatme nt
of hlstonc properties
Standard 11 Preservatlon Planning Uses HistOriC Contexts To Develop Goals and PriOrities for the
Identification, Evaluatlon, Reglstratlon and Treatment of HistOriC PropertIes
A series of preservation goals IS systematically developed for each hIstOriC context to ensure that the
range of properties representing the Important aspects of each histOriC context IS Identified, evaluated and
treated Then priorities are set for all goals Identified for each historiC context The goals With aSSigned
priorities established for each histOriC context are Integrated to produce a comprehensIVe and consistent
set of goals and prlontles for all histOriC contexts In the geographical area of a planning effort
The goals for each histOriC context may change as new Information becomes available The overall set of
goals and priorities are then altered In response to the changes In the goals and prlorltres for the
IndiVidual hlstonc contexts
~ '
ActlVltles undertaken to meet the goals must be designed to deliver a usable product within a reasonable
penod of time The scope of the activity must be defined so the work can be completed with available
budgeted program resources
Standard JJI The Results of Preservatlon Planning Are Made Available for IntegratIon Into Broader
Plannrng Processes
Preservation of historic properties IS one element of larger planning processes Planning results, including
goals and pnOrltles, Information about historic properties, and any planning documents, must be
transmitted In a usable form to those responsible for other planning actiVities Federally mandated historic
preservation planning IS most successfully Integrated Into project management planning at an early stage
Elsewhere, this integration IS achieved by making the results of preservation planning available to other
governmental planning bodies and to pnvate Interests whose activities affect hlstonc properties
Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines for Preservation Planning
These GUidelines link the Standards for Preservation Planning With more speCifiC gUidance and technical
Information They desCribe one approach to meeting the Standards for Preservation Planning Agencies,
organizations or IndiViduals proposing to approach planning drfferently may wish to review their
approaches With the NatIonal Park Service
The GUldelmes are organized as follows'
Manaolno the Plan nino Process
Developrno Histone Contexts
Developrno Goals for a Hlstonc Context
Inteoratlne IndiVidual Historic Contexts-Creatine the Preservation Plan
Coordrnatlno With Manaoement Frameworks
Recommended Sources of Technical Information
Managmg the Plannrng Process
The preservation planning process must Include an expliCit approach to Implementation, a provISion for
review and reVISion of all elements, and a mechanism for resolvrng conflicts Within the overall set of
preservation goals and between thiS set of goals and other land use planning goals It IS recommended
that the process and ItS products be desCribed In public documents
Implementmg the Process
The planning process IS a continuous cycle To establish and maintain such a process, however, the
process must be divided Into manageable segments that can be performed, Within a defined perrod, such
as a fiscal year or budget cycle One means of achieVing thiS IS to define a period of tIme dunng which all
the prelimrnary steps In the planning process Will be completed These preliminary steps would Include
setting a schedule for subsequent actiVities
RevIew and RevIsion
Planning IS a dynamic process It IS expected that the content of the hlstonc contexts desCribed In
Standard I and the goals and pnorrtles desCribed In Standard II Will be altered based on new information
obtained as planning proceeds The Incorporation of thiS information IS essential to Improve the content of
the plan and to keep It up-to*date and useful New Information must be reViewed regularly and
systematically, and the plan reVised accordlng!y
Public Participation
The success of the preservation planning process depends on how weill! solicits and Integrates the views
of variOUS groups The planning process IS directed first toward resolving conflicts In goals for historic
preservation, and second toward resolving conflicts between historic preservation goals and other land
use planning goals Public partiCipation IS Integral to thiS approach and Includes at least the following
I nvo IVI ng histOrians, arch Iteclu ra I historian s, arch eol og IS ts, "to I klorlsts a nd persons from rei ated
disciplines to define, review and revise the historic contexts, goals and pnOrltles,
Involving Interested indIViduals, organizations and communities In the planning area In Identifying
the kinds of histOriC properties that may eXist and sUitable protective measures,
Involving prospective users of the preservation plan In defining Issues, goals and pnontles,
PrOViding for coordination with other planning efforts at local, State, regional and national levels,
as appropnate, and
Creating mechanisms for Identifying and resolving conflicts about hlstonc preservation Issues
The development of histOriC contexts, for example, should be based on the professional Input of
all diSCiplines Involved In preservation and not be limited to a single diSCipline For prehistoric
archeology, for example, data from fields such as geology, geomorphology and geography may
also be needed The indiViduals and organizations to be Involved will depend, In part, on those
present or Interested In the planning area
Documents Resulting from the Plannmg Process
In most cases, the planning process produces documents that explain how the process works and that
diSCUSS the histOriC contexts and related goals and pnontles While the process can operate In the
absence of these documents, planning documents are Important because they are the most effeclive
means of communicating the process and ItS recommendations to others Planning documents also
record deCISions about hlstonc properties
As various parts of the planning process are reViewed and reVised to reflect current Information, related
documents must also be updated Planning documents should be created In a form that can be easily
reVIsed It IS also recommended that the format language and organization of any documents or other
materials (Visual aids, etc ) containing preservation planning information meet the needs of prospective
Developing Hlstonc Contexts
General Approach
Available Information about histOriC properties must be divided Into manageable units before It can be
useful for planning purposes Major decIsions about Identifying, evaluating, registering and treating
hlstonc properties are most reliably made In the context of other related properties A histone contexlls
an organizational formal that groups information about related histOriC properties, based on a theme,
geographiC limits and chronological period A single hlstonc context descnbes one or more aspects of the
histOriC development of an area, conSidering hiStOry, architecture, archeology, engineering and culture
and Idenllfies the Significant patterns that IndiVidual histOriC properties represent, for example, Coal
M In In gin North eastern Pennsylvan la between 1860 and 1930 A set of historic co ntexts I s a
comprehenSive summary of all aspects of the history of the area
The histOriC context IS the cornerstone of the planning process The goal of preservation planning IS to
Identify, evaluate, register and treat the full range of properties representing each historiC context, rather
than only one or two types of properties Identification actIVities are organized to ensure that research and
survey aclivltles Include properties representing all aspects of the hlstonc context Evaluation uses the
hlstonc context as the framework within which to apply the crltena for evaluation to speCific properties or
property types DecISions aboutlreatment of properties are made with the goal of treating the range of
properties In the context The use of histOriC contexts In organizing maJor preservation actiVities ensures
that those actIVities result In the preservation of the Wide variety of properties that represent our histOry,
rather than only a small, biased sample of properties
Historic contexts, as theoretical constructs, are linked to actual historic properties through the concept of
property type Property types permit the development of plans for Idenliflcatlon, evaluation and treatment
even In the absence of complete knowledge of Individual properties Like the hlstonc context, property
types are artificial constructs which may be revised as necessary HistoriC contexts can be developed at a
variety of scales appropriate for local, State and regional planning Give the probability of hlstonc contexts
overlapping In an area, It IS Important to coordinate the development and use of contexts at all levels
Generally, the State Hlstonc Preservation Office possesses the mo~t complete body of Information about
histOriC properties and, In practice, IS In the best position perform thiS function
The development of histOriC contexts generally results In documents that describe the prehistoric
processes or patterns that define the context Each of the contexts selected should be developed to the
pOint of Identifying Important property types to be useful In later preservation deCISion-making The
amount of detail Included In these summaries Will vary depending on the level (local, State, regional, or
national) at which the contexts are developed and on their Intended uses For most planning purposes, a
synopSIS of the written deSCription of the hlstonc context IS suffiCient
Creatmg a Hlstonc Context
Generally, histOriC contexts should not be constructed so broadly as to Include all property types under a
Single histOriC context or so narrowly as to contain only one property type per histOriC context The
follOWing procedures should be followed In creating a historiC context
1 Identify the concept, time penod and geographIcal limits for the hlstonc context
EXlstrng information, concepts, theOries, models and descnptlons should be used as the baSIS for defining
histOriC contexts Biases In pnmary and secondary sources should be Identified and accounted for when
eXisting Information IS used In defining histOriC contexts
The Identification and deSCription of hlstonc contexts should Incorporate contributions from all disciplines
Involved In histOriC preservation The chronological period and geographical area of each histOriC context
should be defined after the conceptual baSIS IS established However, there may be exceptions,
especially In defining prehistoric contexts where drainage systems or phYSiographic regions often are
outlined first The geographical boundaries for histOriC contexts should not be based upon contemporary
political, project or other contemporary boundaries If those boundaries do not COinCide with histOrical
boundanes For example, boundaries for prehistoric contexts Will have little relationship to contemporary
City, county or State boundaries
2 Assemble the eXlstmg mformatlon about the histone context
a Collecting information Several kinds of Information are needed to construct a preservation plan
Information about the history of the area encompassed by the hlstonc context must be collected,
Including any Informallon about histOriC properties that have already been Identified EXisting
surveyor Inventory entries are an Important source of Information about histOriC properties Other
sources may Include literature on prehistory, hiStOry, architecture and the environment, SOCial and
environmental Impact assessments, county and State land use plans, architectural and folkllfe
studies and oral histOries, ethnographic research, State histOriC InventOries and registers,
technical reports prepared for Section 106 or other assessments of histOriC properties, and direct
consultation with IndiViduals and organized groups
In addition, organizations and groups that may have Important roles In defining hlstonc contexts
and values should be Identified In most cases a range of knowledgeable profeSSionals drawn
from the preservation, planning and academic communities Will be available to assist In defining
contexts and In Identifying sources of information In other cases, however, development of
hlstonc contexts may occur In areas whose history or prehistory has not been extensively studied
In these Situations, broad general hlstonc contexts should be initially Identified USing available
literature and expertise, With the expectation that the contexts Will be reVised and subdiVided In
the future as primary source research and field survey are conducted It IS also Important to
Identify such sources of information as eXisting planning data, which IS needed to establish goals
for Identification, evalualion and treatment, and to Identify factors that WIll affect attainment of
those goals
The same approach for obtaining Information IS not necessarily deSirable for all histOriC contexts
Information should not be gathered without first consldenng ItS relative Importance to the historic
context, the cost and time Involved, and the expertise reqUired to obtain It In many cases, for
example, published sources may be used In writing Initial definitions of hlstonc contexts, archival
research or field work may be needed for subsequent actIVities
b Assessing Information AlllnformatJon should be reviewed to Identify bias In histone perspective,
methodological approach, or area of coverage For example, field surveys for archeological sites
may have Ignored historic archeological Sites, or county land use plans may have emphasized
only development goals .
3 SyntheSize information
The In formation collection an d ana Iys IS resu Its in a wrrtten narrative of the h I stan c con text Th IS narrative
proVides a detailed syntheSIS of the data that have been collected and analyzed The narrative covers the
history of the area from the chosen perspective and Identifies Important patterns, events, persons or
cultural values In the process of Identifying the Important patterns, one should conSider
. Trends In area settlement and development, If relevant,
. AesthetiC and artistic values embodied In architecture, construction technology or craftsmanship,
. Research values or problems relevant to the hiStoriC context, SOCial and phYSical sCiences and
humanities, and cultural Interests of local communities, and
. IntangIble cultural values of ethniC groups and native American peoples
4 Defme property types
A property type IS a grouping of indiVidual properties based on shared phYSical or associative
characterrstlcs Property types link the Ideas Incorporated In the theoretical hlstonc context with actual
histOriC properties that Illustrate those Ideas Property types defined for each histOriC context should be
directly related to the conceptual baSIS of the histOriC context Property types defined for the hiStoriC
context "Coal Mining In Northeastern Pennsylvania, 1860-1930" might Include coal extraction and
processing complexes, railroad and canal transportatIOn systems, commerCial dlstncts, mine workers'
hOUSing, churches, SOCial clubs and other community facilities reflecting the ethniC onglns of workers, and
reSidences and other properties associated with mine owners and other industrialists
a IdentJfy property types The narralive should diSCUSS the kinds of properties expected within the
geographical limits of the context and group them Into those property types most useful In
representing Important histone trends
Generally, property types should be defined after the historiC context has been defined Property
types In common usage ("Queen Anne House," "mill bUildings" or "stratrfied sites") should not be
adopted without first verifying their relevance to the hlstonc contexts being used
b Characterize the locatlonal patterns of property types Generalizations about where particular
types of properties are likely to be found can serve as a gUide for Identification and treatment
Generalizations about the distribution of archeological properties are frequently used The
distribution of other histOriC properties often can be estimated based on recognizable historical,
environmental or cultural factors that determined their location Locatlonal patterns of property
types should be based upon models that have an explicit theoretical or historical baSIS and can
be tested In the field The model may be the product of historical research and analysIs ("pnor to
Widespread use of steam power, mills were located on rivers and streams able to produce water
power" or "plantation houses In the MISSISSippi Black Belt were located on sandy clay knolls"), or
It may result from sampling techniques Often the results of statistically valid sample surveys can
be used to deSCribe the 10catJonal patterns of a representative portion of properties belonging to a
particular property type Other surveys can also proVIde a baSIS for suggesting 10catJonal patterns
If a diverSity of hlstonc properties was recorded and a vanety of environmental zones was
Inspected It IS likely that the Identification of locatlonal patterns Will come from a combination of
these sources Expected or predicted locatlonal patterns of property types should be developed
with a provISion made for their venflcatlon
c Characterize the current condition of property types The expected condition of property types
should be evaluated to assist In the development of Identification, evaluation and treatment
strategies, and to help define phYSical integrity thresholds for varrous property types The
follOWing should be assessed for each property type
1 Inherent charactenstlCS of a property type that either contribute to or detract from ItS
phYSical preservation For example, a property type commonly constructed of fragile
matenals IS more likely to be detenorated than a property type constructed of durable
materials, structures whose histOriC function or deSign limits the potential for alternative
uses (water towers) are less likely to be reused than structures whose design allows a
wider variety of other uses (commerclaf bUt/dings or warehouses)
2 Aspects of the social and natural enVIronment that may affect the preservation or VISibility
of the property type For example, community values placed on certain types of
properties (churches, histOriC cemeteries) may result In their maintenance while the need
to reuse valuable materials may stimulate the disappearance of properties like
abandoned houses and barns
3 /t may be most effiCient to estimate the condition of property types based on profeSSional
knowledge of eXisting properties and field test these estImates USing a small sample of
properties representative of each type
5 Identify information needs
Filling gaps In Information IS an Important element of the preservation plan deSigned for each histOriC
context Statements of the Information needed should be as speCific as pOSSible, fOCUSing on the
information needed, the histOriC context and property lypes It applies to, and why the Information IS
needed to perform IdentIfication, evaluation, or treatment acllvltles
Developing Goals for a HistOriC Context
Developing Goals
A goal IS a statement of preferred preservation actiVities, which IS generally stated In terms of property
The purpose of establishing preservation goals IS to set forth a "best case" version of how properties In
th e historic context shou Id be Identified, eval uated, reg Istered a nd treated
Preservation goals should be Oriented toward the greatest pOSSible protection of properties In the hlstonc
context and should be based on the prinCiple that properties should be preserved In place If pOSSible,
through affirmative treatments like rehabilitation, stabilization or restoration Generally, goals Will be
speCific to the histOriC context and Will often be phrased In terms of property types Some of these goals
Will be related to Information needs previously Identified for the histOriC context Collectively, the goals for
a historiC context should be a coherent statement of program direction covering all aspects of the context
For each goal, a statement should be prepared Identifying
1 The goal, Includmg the context and property types to which the goal applies and the geographical
area In which they are located,
2 The actiVities required to achieve the goal,
3 The most appropnate methods or strategies for carrying out the actIVities,
4 A schedule Within which the actiVities should be completed, and
5 The amount of effort required to accomplish the goal, as well as a way to evaluate progress
toward ItS accomplishment
Setting priorities for goals
Once goals have been developed they need to be ranked In Importance Ranking Involves examining
each goal In light of a number of factors
General SOCial, economIC, pollllcal and envIronmental conditions and trends affecting (positIVely
and negatively) the Identification, evaluation, registration and treatment of property types In the
histOriC context
Some property types rn the histOriC context may be more directly threatened by deterioration, land
development patterns, contemporary use patterns, or publiC perceptions of their value, and such
property types should be given priority conSideration
2 Major cost or technical conslderatJQns affecting the Identification, evaluation and treatment of
property types rn the hlstonc context
The IdentJfrcatlon or treatment of some property types may be technically pOSSible but the cost
prohibitive, or techniques may not currently be perfected (for example, the Identification of
submerged sites or obJects, or the evaluation of sites contalnrng matenal for which datrng
techniques are stili being developed)
3 Identification, evaluation, registration and treatment activities previously carried out for property
types In the hIstOriC context
If a number of properties representing one aspect of a historic context have been recorded or
preserved, treatment of additional members of that property type may receIVe lower pnorlty than
treatment of a property type for which no examples have yet been recorded or preserved ThiS
app roach en sures that the focus of record Ing or preserving all elements of th e historic context IS
retained, rather than limiting activities to preserving properties representing only some aspects of
the context
The result of conslderrng the goals In light of these concerns will be a list of refined goals ranked
In order of pnonty
Integrating Individual Contexts-Creating the Preservation Plan
When historic contexts overlap geographically, competing goals and priorities must be Integrated for
effective preservation planning The ranking of goals for each historic context must be reconciled to
ensure that recommendations for one context do not contradict those for another ThiS Important step
results In an overall set of pnorltles for several historic contexts and a list of the actiVities to be performed
to achieve the ranked goals When applied to a speCifiC geographical area, thiS IS the preservation plan
for that area
It IS expected that In many Instances historic contexts will overlap geographically Overlapping contexts
are likely to occur In two combinations-those that were defined at the same scale (I e , textile
development In Smlthtown 1850-1910 and CIVil War In Smlthtown 1855-1870) and those defined at
different scales (I e , CIVil War In Smlthtown and CIVil War In the Shenandoah Valley) The contexts may
share the same property types, although the shared property types will probably have different levels of
Importance, or they may group the same properties Into different property types, reflecting either a
different scale of analYSIS or a different historical perspective As previously noted, many of the goals that
are formulated for a hlstonc context will focus on the property types defined for that context Thus It IS
cntlcalthat the Integration of goals Include the expliCit conSideration of the potenlial for shared property
type membership by indiVidual properties For example, when the same property types are used by two
contexts, reconciling the goals will require weighing the level of Importance assigned to each property
type The degree to which Integration of historiC contexts must Involve reconcIling property types may be
limited by the coordinated development of hlslonc contexts used at vanous levels
Integration With Management Frameworks
Preservation goals and priorities are adapted to land units through Integration With other planning
concerns This Integration must Involve the resolution of conflicts that arise when competing resources
occupy the same land base Successful resolution of these conflicts can often be achieved through
JUdiCIOUS combination of Inventory, evaluation and treatment actiVities Since histOriC properties are
Irreplaceable, these actIVities should be heaVily weighted to discourage the destruction of Significant
properties and to be compatible With the pnmary land use
Recommended Sources of Techmcallnformatlon
Current RecommendatIons
A Plannmg Companion A GUIde for State Hlstonc Preservation Plannmg Susan L Henry Renaud, 1983
(draft) DesCribes an approach to preservation planning that uses fully developed histone contexts as
special technical studies necessary to effective planning and decIsion-making
GUldelmes for Local Surveys A BasIs for PreservatIOn Plannmg (formerly National Register Bulletin 24)
Anne Derry, H Ward Jandl, Carol 0 Shull, and Jan Thorman, revised by Patricia L Parker, 1985
Local Hlstonc Preservation Plans A Selected Annotated Blbftography Nell Gagliardi and Stephen Morns,
1993 Provides an overvl ew of th e range of I Dcal historic preservation pia ns from across th e cou ntry,
Including information on how a number of commUnities have addressed vanous Issues In their
preservation plans
The NatIOnal Histone Landmarks Program Theme Study and Preservation Plannmg Robert S Grumet
T echnrcal Snef 10, Archeology & Eth nogra p hy Program, N atlonal Park Service, 1990, revised 1992
National Park Service, 1994, Thematic Framework Use of the National Park Service Th ematlc
Framework need not be limited to lhe federal level, as the conceptualization It prOVides can equally Inform
preservation and interpretatIOn at local, slale, and regional levels
Prepanng a Histone PreservatJon Plan Bradford J White and Richard J Roddewlg Planning AdvIsory
Service Report No 450, 1994 Descnbes components lhat are Important In a good preservation plan and
explains how several communities have carried out preservatIOn planning activities Available from the
American Planning ASSOCiation, 122 South Michigan Avenue, SUite 1600, Chicago, illinoIS 60603-6107,
(312) 786-6344
Protecting Archeological Sites on Pnvate Lands Susan L Henry, Wllh Geoffrey M Gyrrsco, Thomas H
Veech, Stephen A Morns, Patncla L Parker, and Jonathan P Rak PrOVides useful Information on
- strategies for protecting archaeological sites In local communities
Reachmg Out, Reachmg In A GUide to Creatmg Effective Public PartiCipation In State Hlstonc
PreservatIOn Plannmg Barry R Lawson, Ellen P Ryan, and Rebecca Bartlett Hutchison, 1993
DeSCribes an approach for deSigning publiC partiCipation programs for State HistOriC Preservation Office
preservation planning, With a mini-case study from the Maryland HistOrical Trust May also be applicable
In local community preservation planning settings
Takmg Command of Change A Practical GUIde for Applymg the Strategic Development Process In State
Hlstonc PreservatIOn Offices Douglas C Eadie, 1995
DeSCribes a strategic planning approach deSigned to proVide practical gUidance to SHPOs In managing
growth and change
TELEPHONic (J27) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
August 8, 2003
Ms Mary E Rowley
I-Ilstonc PreservatIOn Planner
Bureau of HIstonc PreservatIon
500 South Bronaugh Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
RE Downtown Clearwater Design GUIdelines, Grant No F0216
Dear Ms. Rowley
As proIllised, I have sent the City'S fourth quarterly report on tIme Please fInd attached the
1 Purchase Order No 6990000036260000 In the amount of $30,000 dated 7/16/03,
2 InVOIce No 1413 from LDI In the amount of $10,000 dated 6/25103 and receIved by the City
on 7/1103,
3 Copy of check number 364305 dated July 23,2003 m the amount of $10,000 made payable to
the consultant (LDI),
4 InVOIce No 1516 from illI m the amount of $10,000 dated July 30, 2003 and receIved by the
City on August 4,2003,
5 Copy of check number 365410 dated August 8,2003 m the amount of $10,000 made payable to
the consultant (LDI)
6 Attachment A
}- Project work schedule for thiS reportmg penod,
}- Summary of project work completed, and
}- Unusual or stgmficant conditiOns or problems encountered
7 Press Releases
}- Press release (June 16, 2003) for the first pubhc meetmg held on June 25, 2003, and
}- Press release (July 12, 2003) for the second publIc meetmg held on July 30, 2003
o Copy from local paper (CItIzen-Journal PublIcatIOns) of press release (July 24, 2003)
for the second publIc meetmg held on July 30,2003,
8 Meetmg agendas
}- KIck~offMeetmg (May 28, 2003);
}- FIrst Public Meetmg (June 25, 2003);
}- Second Public Meetmg agenda (July 30,2003), and
}- Downtown Development Board meetmg (August 6,2003)
August 8,2003 \\
Rowley - Page Two
9 HIstone PreservatIon Grant Award Agreement Survey and Planmng Grants - Advanced
Payment Grant No F0216,
10 Response letters to RFQ from all fIve respondmg consultants mcludmg the seJectmg
consultant, LDI,
11 RFQ 14-03,
12 Executed and sIgned Consultmg Services Agreement dated Apnl 28, 2003, and last but
certamly not least
13 A draft of the Clearwater Downtown Deslgn Gmdelmes - Parts I and II
Thank you very much for your help m onentmg me to the grant process
If you have any questiOns, please do not heSItate to call me at 727-562-4558
Smcerely yours,
p--- -- ~
Mark T Parry, Planner
S \Planmng DepartmenMOWNTOWN PUN UPDATE\CorrespondencelSt(Jle correspondenceVJ8-08-03 Fourth Quarterly Report Cover
Letter doc
Return Completed Report to'
Grants and Education SectIOn
Bureau orHlstonc Preservation
DIvision or Historical Resources
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
Your Grants Manager IS:
Mary Rowley
(850) 245-6333 or Toll Free at (800) 847-7278
FAX: (850) 245-6437 EMAIL: mrowlevla1mall dos
Reports are due every three months of your grant penod
Grant Number F0216
Grantee Name City of Clearwater
Project TItle Downtown Clearwater Desil!n Guidelines
Project Type Survey and Plannine:
Grant Award Amount $10.000.00
Grant Award Agreement Begmnmg Date
Date ofImtIatlOu of ProJect Work
Scheduled Project CompletIOn Date
(0. "Lor. oz..
'/0 ...:,\~) -G'~ ro.1 {.01
Pro;ect Contact Information is shown below. Please correct or update a<; needed.
PrOject Contact:
Ms, Cyndi Hardin Tarapani
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Daytime Phone Number:
FAX Number:
(727) 562-4547
(727) 562-4576
Project Progress & Expenditure heport
Page Four
Expenditure Report
Cash expended tbis Period:
$ 10,00{)
Donated ServiceslDonated Values claimed tbis Period
Total expenditures for tbis Period
$ I 0, tt.1J
Total Cash expended to Date r~
$ [O.ctt>
Total Donated ServiceslDonated Values expended to date
Total expenditures to date
$ fO.OOO
3. Interest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all subgrantees of a State shall remit mterest or other
investment income which exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Historic Preservation Fund
grant funds. Checks must be made payable to: "NatIOnal Park Service".
4. CertIfication:
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information reported herein is correct, that aU goods
and services invoiced have been received, and that all outlays were made in accordance with grant
SIgnature of Authonzed Person
(please SIgn m mk Ongmal Signatures Only Please)
" Project Progress & Expenditure heport
Page Five
5, Cash Outlay
L~J ~!) 1.jV\ Itt-fJ\ICtjt.o
Attach additional pages for Cash Outlay as necessary
PrOject Progress & Expenditure Report
Page SIX
6. Donated Values
A. Donated Materials and Travel
LIst aU donated matenals below
The rruleage allowance IS $ 29Jrrule
(\f ( A-
Attach additional pages for Donated Materials and Transportation as necessary
~ Project Progress & Expenditure h.cport
Page Seven
B. Donated Services
List total donated hours provided by each mdlvldual Hourly rates shall be Federal MinImUm Wage, ($5 15 per hour), unless
the work performed IS that In which the person perfonrung the service IS otheTWlse usually employed or possesses profeSSIOnal
slaUs, and Jor trammg and expenence ill that field of professlOnal expertIse, ill which case the rate shall be that normally pmd for
such services If the hourly rate hsted IS above Federal Mlmmum Wage, attach a signed statement from the mdlvldual hstmg
hls/her qualificatlons
Attach additional pages for Donated Services as necessary.
Project Progress & Expenditure .heport
Page Eight
Progress Report
For Project Progress Reports submitted for all reporting periods other than the final,
please answer or provide information for all of the following items except those
marked FINAL REPORT ONLY. For the final report, please respond to all items.
1 Project Work Schedule for this reportin2 period:
5 J2.e. A..{./G d. ~D..t d- A
2. Summary of ProJect Work Completed
7-4e- ~ ~ l. /"1%1 .A
3 Unusual or SIgmficant CondItIons or Problems Encountered
5' ~ """./.kc h Mc..-z)- A.
4. LIstmg of ReqUlred Documents to be SubmItted or Already SubmItted
L Copy of selectIOn process documentation (RFP, bId notices, results of bIds, etc ) for professIOnal
servIces such as consultants, etc
Date SubmItted
K Draft copy of contract(s) for professlOnal and servIces for reVIew and approval
Date SubmItted
~ Approved fully executed copy of contract(s) for profeSSIOnal servIces
Date SubmItted t(. z.'$ '0 ,
X Caples of Draft Products (Plans, Reports, Brochures) for reVIew and approval
Date SubmItted For ~5'-~", 6....:t6c...product
Y" News Releases
Date SubmItted
--=- Grantee Staff and/or Volunteers (attach lIst of names, pOSItIOns, and pay scales)
Date Submitted
Send to Grants and Educahon SectIOn, Bureau of Histone PreservatIon, 500 South Bronaugh
Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399.0250, (850) 245.6333, Fax (850) 245-6437
Grant No Ft9 2 {0
PrOject TItle l)ou.,..., kt-.... C fo_t lA.- k.r \)/2.-5:,./1 GC/:(1J:~
Name afValunteer
Type of Wark Performed
Hourly Rate of $
/hour Based on
The hourly rate shall be the Federal mmlmum wage ($5 IS) unless the work performed 15 that m
whIch the volunteer IS otherwlse usually employed or possesses profesSlOnal skIlls, trammg and
expenence, m WhICh case the rate shall be that normally paId for such semces m the project area
or actual salary A letter supportmg any rate over mInImUm wage must accompany thIS form
- - -
- -
Total Hours
Total Amount
Claimed $
SIgnature of Employee
SIgnature afProject SupervIsor
Project Progress & Expenditure KI..-port
Page Two
Expenditure Report
Documentation Procedures
For Advanced Payments
Please read all Documentation Procedures before preparin2 each Progress & Expenditure
Report. The following information is required for each report.
Detailed backup documentation MUST accompany expenditure reports.
1. Reporting Period Review
A. Enter your total CASH expendItures for the reportmg penod Cash expendItures MUST be detaIled on
the Cash Outlay Sheet LIst all expenses/mvOIces PLEASE SEE ITEM 5 BELOW
B. Enter your total donated servIces and donated values Donated servIces and values must be detaIled on
the Donated Values and Donated ServIces Sheets PLEASE SEE ITEM 6 BELOW
C. Enter the sum ofItems A and B above to show your Total ExpendItures for the reportmg penod
2. Grant Summary
A. Enter the total cash you have expended to date
B. Enter the total Donates Servlces/Donated Values used and receIved to date
C. Enter the sums ofItenfs A and B above to show your Total ExpendItures dunng the Grant Award
3. Interest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all subgrantees of a State shall remit interest or other
investment income which exceeds $250.00 per vear earned on advances of Historic Preservation Fund
graot funds.
'4. Certification To be SIgned and dated by authOrized person
5. Cash Outlay
A. LIst the mformatIon III the proper columns
B. Back-up Documentation is required. Each cash/check or voucher expendIture must be
documented with an invoice AND proof of payment, either in tbe form of a canceled check (front
and back) or proof of receipt of payment BY THE VENDOR, or a detailed accountmg page
showing debits and credits.
C. The purpose of each expendIture must be stated clearly and III suffiCIent detaIl for the DIVISIon to
determme lfthe expenditure IS allowable
D. For in-kind services (salaries), time sb'eets and back-up payroll documentation are required. In
hstmg paId employees, be aware that the amount clmmed may be greater than the amount of check smce
you are allowed to claIm the gross salary plus benefits A sample In-Kmd ServIces TIme Sheet IS
attached You may choose to use thIS or other forms
E. The maXImum allowable hourly rate for Federally funded grant projects IS $6029
" Project Progress & Expenditure ho;;port
Page Three
6. Douated Values
A. Donated Materials and Transportation
1. Donated matenals must be documented on thIS form
2 Make certam all matenals were donated wIthm the Grant Award Agreement penod
3 MIleage must be calculated at $ 291 mIle DestmatIOn, purpose of travel, and number of mIles
dnven must be lIsted
B. Donated Services
I All Donated ServIces MUST be documented on an attached Donated ServIces TIme Sheet
2 Each attached Tune Sheet must be sIgned and dated by the Volunteer and the Project SupervIsor
3 LIst each of the donors and thel[ donated servIces
4 Be sure to mclude the total hours worked
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Accepted as lndlcaled In "Quanlity Received Column ,f
Rece,ved By
Date Received
~j!ECIE~V~\\l"-i COPY
* Land Design~s, Inc.
140 North Orlando Avenue, Suite 295
Winter Park, Flonda 32789
CIty of Clearwater
Attn: Gina Clayton
100 S. Myrtle Ave.
Clearwater, FL 33756
Downtown Design GuidelInes
~g;s ~i,r;;~
Release # -
ReQu:stlOn # ~ =-
~~~:pt# ~.~}.o
Approved ~
Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with our professional
6/2512003 1413
99026 Ol/Downtown Design Gui.._
10,000 00
T atal
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Thank you for the opportunIty to provIde you wIth our professIOnal
servlces I
~and Design Innovations, Ine.
140 North Orlando Avenue, SUite 295
Winter Park, Flonda 32789
City of Clearwater
Attn. Gma Clayton
100 S. Myrtle Ave
Clearwater, FL 33756
Downtown Design GUIdelines
::hLc;fn ~
Release #
ReqUlstion # - fl.:='
ReceIpt # ~I .S!::/..
Code (D
APproved ~
7/30/2003 1516
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Attachment A
1 Project Work Schedule for this reportinl! period
}>- Klck-offmeetmg held May 28,2003,
}>- FIrst Public Meetmg held June 25,2003,
}>- Second Pubhc Meetmg held July 30,2003,
}>- PresentatIOn before the Downtown Development Board on August 6,2003, and
}>- FIrst draft of the Design GUIdelInes dehvered to Staff on July 23, 2003
2 Summary of ProJect Work Completed
}>- RFQ prepared,
}>- RFQ released on January 23,2003,
}>- Contract wIth consultant signed and completed on Apnl 28,2003;
>- KIck-off meetmg held May 28,2003,
}>- FIrst PublIc Meetmg held June 25,2003;
}>- Second Pubhc Meetmg held July 30,2003,
}>- PresentatIOn before the Downtown Development Board on August 6,2003; and
}>- First draft of the Design GUIdehnes dehvered to Staff on July 23, 2003
3 Unusual or Slgmficant CondItions or Problems Encountered
}>- AdditIOnal time was expended early m the process (wIthm the first and second
quarters) m obtammg conceptual approval form the CIty ComnussIOn, and
>- A tIme extensIOn was granted by the State penmttmg the fmal draft of the DeSign
GUIdehnes to be subnutted on September 30,2003 mstead of June 30, 2003
For Immediate Release
June 16,2003
Jodie Wiley
Phone 727-562-4881
Clearwater Seeks Input on Grant-Funded Downtown Design Guidelines
CLEARWATER, Fla - The CIty of Clearwater IS developmg new Downtown Clearwater Design
GUldehnes whIch are funded by a $10,000 state grant and an addItIonal $10,000 from both the
Commumty Redevelopment Agency and the EconomIc Development and Housmg Department The
publIc can provIde mput on the gUIdelmes at a 530 P ill June 25th meetmg at the HarbofVIew Center,
300 Cleveland Street
The GUIdelInes WIll provide cntena for hIstonc renovatIOn, new constructIOn, bUIldmg additions,
far;ade alteratIOns and sIgnage for downtown areas The GUIdehnes, which Will be mcorporated Into the
updated Downtown Plan, Will gUIde development and redevelopment wIthm and consistent WIth the
VISion for Downtown The GUIdehnes Will Incorporate a hIgh standard of design that reqUIres hlgh-
quahty development and promotes a cohesIve appearance wlthm each of the SIX character dlstncts
estabhshed by the Plan. In addlnon, they will maIntaIn and enhance the pOSItIve aspects of eXIstIng
downtown development and encourage new development that Implements the goals, ObjectIves and
poliCies of the Plan
"These gUIdelmes Will replace outdated gUIdehnes created for a smaller area of Downtown," SaId
Plannmg DIrector Cyndl Tarapam. "The new gUIdelmes Will reflect Clearwater cItizens' VISion of how
redevelopment will look "
Land Design Innovations, Inc , the WInter Park, FIa -based Company awarded the project, WIll have
untIl September 30, 2003 to aSSIst CIty Staff m developmg the new plan
ThIS project has been fmanced In part WIth hlstonc preservatIOn grant assistance provided by the
NatIOnal Park SerVIce, US Department of the Intenor admInistered through the Bureau of Htstonc
Preservatlon, DIVISion of Htstoncal Resources, Flonda Department of State as assIsted by the HIstonc
PreservatIOn AdVISOry CouncIl.
For more mformatlon, call the Planmng Department at (727) 562-4558
For ImmedIate Release
July 12,2003
Joetle WIley
Phone 727-562-4881
CIearwatel' Seeks Input on Downtown Design Guidelines
CLEARWATER, FIa ~ The City of Clearwater WIll host a second meetlOg to dISCUSS the new
Downtown Clearwater DeSIgn GUIdelInes at 530 P m July 30 at the HarbofVIew Center, 300
Cleveland Street Clty staff wIll present results of lOput from a June publIc meetlOg, and seek further
lOput on the gUldelmes
The gUIdelines wIll proVIde cntena for hIstone renovatIOn, new constructIon, bUildIng addItions,
fac;:ade alteratIOns and sIgnage for downtown areas The gUIdelmes, which will be Incorporated mto the
updated Downtown Plan, wIll dIrect development and redevelopment conSIstent With the VISIon for
Downtown The gUIdelInes wIll Incorporate a high standard of deSIgn that reqUires hIgh-qualIty
development and promotes a coheSIve appearance wIthm each of the SIX character dlstncts establIshed
by the plan In addItIon, they wIll mamtam and enhance the posItive aspects of eXIstlOg downtown
development and encourage new development that Implements the goals, objectives and pohcIes of the
Land Design InnovatIOns, Inc , the WInter Park, Fla -based company awarded the project, WIll have
untIl September 30, 2003 to assist CIty staff III developIllg the new plan
ThiS project has been fmanced III part WIth histone preservatIOn grant aSSIstance proVIded by the
NatIOnal Park ServIce, U S Department of the Intenor adrmmstered through the Bureau of Histone
PreservatIon, DIVISIon of lItstoncal Resources, Flonda Department of State as assIsted by the HIstone
PreservatIon AdVIsory CouncIl
For more mformatlOn, call the Planmng Department at (727) 562-4558
Page 2 Citizen-Journal Publications, July 24 - 30,2003
Clearwater seeks input on
downtown design guideilines
CLEARWATER - The Clty wIll SIX character dlstncts estab-
host a second meetmg to discuss hshed by the plan" In addition,
the new downtown Clearwater they; will malhtam 'and enhance
desIgn guIdelines, Wednesday. the posItIve aspects oJ existIng
July 30. at 5 30 P m at the Har- downtown development ~nd en-
borvlew Center, ,300 €leveland cop.rage new deveropment tvat.
St City starr ,WIll present. r"esults Implements tp,e' goals, obJtfctlves
of. mput from a June pubhc and polIcies oUhe plan, '
meetmg\ ?nq seek ,further: mput Land DeSign' InnovatIons Inc ,
o!l th,e ~Ulq<;Iln~"s; '\l "'" '" < 'tl)e 'Yiritei~\arKi,pased cQmp~~r
The gUJd(';lin~$-.WJll ~prqVlpe cn-' awarded, th,e' proJect. will have
~eiia\ for JI{stomc rehovaqon; new until ,S~pU ~O, to.. aS~lst 'crty st.aff
constructIOn: buIldmg addltIons, ' m, develoHmg tne 'new. plan
;: ~"";;.}:('"'" ~l ~ ....... -.. ,( J Y.,u~"'~ I - ~1 'L ~ _ J .rI-
fa~~d,e altera,~~t?n.~ apt1 Sl!p:tage, 'J7!1~s' proJ~ct\;b-a~ beep. fl:,~anced
for downto~ ~I:t~~.s '" ~e; g}lide- 'I~ 'Pca;r.t.-r v.;:'tll.~t:l~t~nc pre~erxahon
lines. wJ:llch wIlI'p~ mcoi'p,orated ,grant' aS~I,~t~~e, ,proVlded by the
into ,'t,he \!Ppa(e,d,' D'qwntown f'JatI<?_~a}, I;'a.rK- \S~rv1c;e. .:u? De-
Plan. W1ll direct development and partinelit of,' the Intenor, admm-
J. 7",) ,;,. \'... .r "" ':!.> i'. to. { - J- ~
redevelopment: conSIstent With -Istered' through>tlIe< Bureau of
,<"_,\., "-I.... _:'l ..- ~ ~~ ~ -IT "'t.. ... o/{";:",\ - l't....1
tfie v:l.SlOn for Downtown J "Historic PreservatIOn" DiVlSlon of
Th'e ,guidelInes Will' mcorpofat~ < H~stoncal Resou~rces': FlorIda De-
,L ~-.\ -YI f r ~i _ "--. - "< - -- l \ I - " ~- '" f .{'
a, fq~~', sta,n:qar~~>of qesign, ~~a,t part~~n,t of Sta.,te, a~ assiste,q by
requ~res h!gh-q~ah<ty dey~lop-' ,tlJ~, EJlstone Pre~ervabon AdVIso-
ment and pr9!li<!t,e~ a co}1-e~\nve ry ~\:n.mcl1 Call 'qIe Planmng De-
appearance wltnln ~ach of the partmeIjt at 562~'4558.
Kick-Off Meeting
Harborview Center
May 28, 2003 - 5:30 p.m.
1 Welcome & IntroductlOns - Cyndl Tarapam, Planmng Dlrector
2 OvervIew of Project - Tracy Crowe, Land Deslgn InnovatIOns, lnc
3 Next Steps for Commumty Involvement - Tracy Crowe, Land Deslgn
InnovatIOns, Inc
4 QuestIOns and Comments
There WIll be two opportumties for publtc mput on the desIgn gUidelInes (pnor to
them bemg presented to the Commumty Development Board and CIty COmmISSlOn
for review) The public mput meetmgs are scheduled for Wednesday, June 251h at
530 pm and Wednesday, July 30th at 5 30 P m. Both meetmgs Will take place at the
Harborvlew Center
Please VISit the City's Webslte at www clearwater-fl com where the draft Downtown
Plan wIll be posted m early June Make Us Your Favontel
If you have any questIOns or Ideas regardmg the deSign gUldelmes, please contact
Mark Parry. Planner at 562-4885 or mpatTv@c!earwater-fl com or Gma Clayton,
Long Range Planmng Manager at 562-4587 or gclavton@clearwater-fl com
Thank you for your participation!
S \Plannmg DepartmenMJOWNTOWN PUN UPDATE\I)owntown DeSign Gl'ldelmeM, Meetmg Agenda doc
Second Meeting
Harborview Center
June 25, 2003 ~ 5:30 p.m.
1 Welcome & IntroductIOns - Cyndl Tarapam, Planmng Dlrector
2 DiscuSSIOn of BasIc Design Pnnctpals- Tracy Crowe, Land DesIgn lnnovatwns,
3 Break-out Groups
4 DIscuSSIOn of Key Issues from Groups
5 Next Steps for Commumty Involvement - Tracy Crowe, Land Deslgn
lnnovatwns, Inc
6 Wrap-up, Questtons and Comments
There will be an additIonal opportumty for pubhc Input on the design gUIdelInes
(pnor to them beIng presented to the Commumty Development Board and City
Comnusslon for reVIew) on Wednesday, July 301h at 5 30 pm at the Harborvlew
Please VISIt the City'S Webslte at www clearwater-fl com where the draft Downtown
Plan IS currently posted Make Us Your Favonte'
If you have any questIOns or Ideas regardIng the deSIgn gUidelInes, please send them
through downtown plancomments@clearwater-fl com or you can contact Mark Parry,
Planner at 562-4885 or mparry@clearwater-fl com or GIna Clayton, Long Range
Planmng Manager at 562-4587 or gclavton@clearwater-fl com
S \Plannmg DepanmenfIDOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATElDownwwn DeSIgn GUldelmes\Meelmg Agenda June 25,2003 dar;
Second Meeting
Harborview Center
July 30,2003 - 5:30 p.m.
1 Welcome & IntroductiOns - Cjndl Tarapanz, Planmng Director
2 Presentation of Key Concepts of the Downtown DeSIgn Gwdelmes - Traq Crowe, und
Dmgn InnovatlOnJ, Inc
:> SIte DeSIgn
:> BUlldmg Design
:> Stte Access/CuculatlOn
>- Landscape &Buffenng
>- Stgns/Ltghtmg
>- Other Special RegulatIOns
3 Next Steps for Commuruty Involvement - Gina Clqyton, Long Range Planmng Manager
4 Questions and Answers/Comments
Please V1<;1t the CIty'S Web SIte at w\v\v clearwater-fl com where the d.raft Downtown Plan IS
currently posted Make Us Your F avonte1
If you have any questions or Ideas regardmg the deSIgn gwdehnes, please send them through
downtownplancommenb@clearwater-fl com or you may contact the Downtown Planrung Staff
. Gma Clayton, Long Range Planrung Manager at 562-4587 or gclayton@clearwater-flcom
. Mark Parry, Planner at 562-4885 or mparrv@clearwater-flcom
. Marc Manano, Planner at 562-4553 or mrnatlano@ckarwater-fl com
Thank you for your participatlOn!
S \Planmng DepanmenNJOWNTOWN PlAN UPDATNubilc MeenngsIJJ7-30-03 Second MeelmgIJJ7-30-03 Agenda doc
Regular Meeting Agenda
City Hall- CommiSSion Chambers - Third Floor
112 South Osceola Avenue
5-30 P M
1 Call to Order
2 Approval of the July 2,2003 Regular Meeting Minutes
3 Approval of the June 2003 FInancIal Statements
4 Citizens Comments
5. Proposed "Downtown Plan" - DISCUSSion
6 Downtown Design GUidelInes - Gina Clayton, Planning
Department Manager
7 Downtown Manna - Reginald W Owens, Economic
Development and Housing Director
_0 8 Adopt Preliminary Budget
a Request for funding - related to purchase of the Miller
property (adjacent to Clearwater AutomotIve)
9 Establish Nominating Committee for October 2003 ElectIon -
Accept Election Timetable
10 FI Festivals and Events Conference Report - Bob Fernandez
11 Main Street Report - Anne Green, Coordinator
12 FInal Comments
13 Adjournment
f~ Pii ~1 M:
_ J:;:. ~f,in k~
Historic PreservalF!y ,~j t r;~' ard Agreement
Survey and Planmlr " -;L J anced Payment
Grant No. F021.!!..
This AGREEMENT IS between the State of Flonda, Department of State, DIVISiOn of Hlstoncal Resources,
heremafter referred to as the Department, and the CIty of Clearwater, a mumclpal corporatIon eXlstmg under the
laws of the State of Flonda, heremafter referred to as the Grantee, relatIve to the DO'>'{ltown Clearwater Design
GUidelines ProJect, heremafter referred to as the Project, and IS entered mto this ol~ "'" day of
t9c..Ao'cri ,2002, and shall end on June 30,2003
The Department ]S responsible for the adrrumstratiOn of grant-ill-aid aSSistance for h]stonc prei>ervatJon purposes
under the provlslOns of SectIon 2670617, Flonda Statutes The Grantee has applied for grant-m-ald assistance for
the Project The apphcahon, mcorporated by reference, has been reviewed and approved III accordance with Chapter
lA-35, Flonda Adrrnmstratlve Code, whKh regulates Hlstonc PreservatlOn Grants-m-AId Subject to the limitations
set forth III thIS Agreement, grant-m-ald funds III the amount often thousand dollars ($10,000.00) have been
reserved for the Project by the Department The Department and the Grantee agree as follows
I The Project shal1 mclude the followmg authonzed project work
A Architectural Design GUidelines for the CIty of Clearwater's Downtown Redevelopment
Area, utilizing tbe DiVision's Model GUidelines for Design Review and the Secretary of
Interior Standards for Rehabilitation, will be produced.
B A draft of the Design GUldelmes will be subrrntted to the Department no later than Forty-
five days prIOr to the end of the grant period for review and approval.
C. Three copies of the Architectural Design GUidelines will be subrrutted to tbe Department at
the end of the grant period as final products.
If The Grantee agrees to adnumster the Project III accordance with the GENERAL AND SPECIAL
Chapter lA-35, Floncla Adrrumstrahve Code, and the followmg speCific condltJons
A The Grantee agrees to complete the Project by June 30,2003 and subrrnt the FlOal Products and
the FlOal Progress Report and FlOal ExpendIture Report, as speCified III Attachment "A", Part II,
subparagraph B 2 , wIthm 30 days of completlOn ofproJect work No costs Incurred pnor to the
conunencement date of thIS Agreement are eligible for payment from grant funds No costs
mcurred after the above project work completion date Will be eligible for payment unless
speCIfically authonzed by the Department before the cost IS mcurred
B The Department shall not assume any liability for the acts, orruSSIQOS to act or negligence of the
Grantee, ItS agents, servants or employees, nor shall the Grantee exclude lJabillty for ItS own acts,
onusslOns to act or negligence to the Department The Grantee hereby agrees to be responsible for
any IRJury or property damage resultmg from any actIVIties conducted by the Grantee, ItS agents,
servants or employees
C The Grantee, other than a grantee which IS the State or agency or subdivIsIOn of the State, agrees to
mderrullfy and hold the Department harmless from and agamst any and all claims or demands for
damages, mcludmg attorney fees and court costs, resultmg from personal Injury, mcludmg death or
damage to property, ansmg out of any activities performed under thiS Agreement, orrusslOns to act
or negligence of the Grantee, Its agents, servants, or employees and shall mvestlgate all clauns at
ItS own expense
D The Grantee shall be solely responsible for all work perfomled and all expenses incUITed In
cannectlOn with the Project The Grantee mdY subcontract as necessary to perform the services set
forth III thiS Agreement, mcludmg entenng mto subcontracts with vendors for services and
commodities, provided that such subcontract has been approved m wntmg by the Department pnor
to ItS executlOn, and prOVIded that It IS understood by the Grantee that the Department shall not be
liable to the subcontractor for any expenses or liabilities mcurred under the subcontract and that
the Grantee shall be solely liable to the subcontractor for all expenses and lIabilItIes Incurred under
the subcontract
E The Grantee shall subrrut complete bid documents, mcludmg plans and specificatIons, to the
Department for review and approval pnor to the executIOn of any contract for construction work
F The Grantee agrees that all acts to be performed by It In connectIOn With thiS Agreement shall be
performed ill StrIct conforrruty With all app hcable laws and regulations of the State of Flonda
G The Grantee shall coordmate consuitalion between Its profeSSIOnal consultants and approprIate
Department staff representatIves as necessary to assure mutual unders tandmg of and agreement on
the objecliveS, reqUirements, and Imutatlons of the Project III relation to the State HIstonc
PreservatIon Program
H The Department shall urulaterally cancel this Agreement m the event that the Grantee refuses to
allow public access to all documents or other matenals subject to the proVISlOTlS of Chapter 119,
Flonda Statutes, and made or received by the Grantee III conjUnctlOn With thiS Agreement
I Bills for fees or other compensatlOn for services or expenses shall be subrmtted III detail suffiCIent
for a proper pre-audIt and post-audit thereof The Grantee shall not charge the Department for any
travel expense Without the Department's wntten approval Upon obtammg the Department's
wntten approval, the Grantee shall be authonzed to Incur travel expenses to be reimbursed \l1
accordance With Seclion 112061, Flonda Stahltes
J The Grantee reco gmzes that the State of Flonda, pursuant to Section 212 08 (6), Flonda Statutes, IS
not reqUIred to pay taxes on any goods or servIces which may be proVided to It pur5uant to thiS
K The Department's performance and obligation to pay under thiS Agreement IS contmgent upon an
annual appropnatlOn by the Legislature In the event that the state funds on which thiS Agreement
IS dependent are Withdrawn, thiS Agreement IS terrrunated and the Department has no further
liability to the Grantee beyond that already lllcurred by the terrnlllatlon date In the event of a state
revenue shortfall, the total grant shall be reduced III proportlOO to the revenue ~hortfal1
L All project work must be III compliance With the Secretary of the Intenor's Standards for
Preservation Planmng
M The Grantee wIll not dlscnmmate agamst any employee employed m the performance of thIS
Agreement, or agamst any applicant for employment because of race, religlOn, color, handIcap,
national ongm, age, gender, or manta I status The Grantee shall msert a Similar provIsion m all
subcontracts for servIces by this Agreement
N The Department shall not be liable to pay attorney fees, mterest, late charges and service fees, or
cost of collectIOn related to the grant
o These grant funds will not be used for lobbymg the Legislature, the Judlcml branch or any state
P Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, shall submIt to an audit or submIt an
attestation statement pursuant to SectlOn 216 349, Flonda Statutes
Q The product of the Project must be the ongmal work of the Grantee or ds consultants If the work
of others IS used as background mformatlOn, It shall be appropnately credited to the ongmator
III The Department agrees to pay the Grantee for 50% of the Grantee's total cash expenditures and donated
values, so long as the Grantee's cash expenditures equal or exceed the amount of donated values, up to a
maXlITlUm payment of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) If the donated values exceed the amount of cash
expenditures, the Department shall only pay the Grantee for 100% of actual cash expenditures up to a
maXImum payment often thousand dollars ($10,000 00).
In order for any expenditure to quahfy for payment, It must be properly documented, be for work
performed dunng the term of the Agreement, and for a charge WhICh IS reasonable In amount and directly
related to and necessary for the completion of the authonzed project work
The total amount as prescnbed above shall be made to the Grantee m four quarterly Installments The first
three may be made at the begnmmg of each quarter for which they are allotted Grantees shall submit the
four signed Requests for Advanced Payment Forms (No HR2E560397, effective 3/97), herem
Incorporated by reference, With thiS sIgned Grant Award Agreement to mlhate the grant The Grantee shall
submIt to the Department a completed "Progress and Expenditure Report" form for every reportmg penod
of the grant penod Progress and Expenditure Reports shall be received by the Department wlthm 30 days
of the endmg of a reportmg penod
WIthm 30 days of completion of proJect work, the Grantee shall subrmt the completed "Fmal Progress and
Expenditure Report" form to the Department The last grant payment mstallment shall be payable durmg
the last quarter for whIch allottea and upon receipt and venficatIon of the Grantee's Fmal Progress and
ExpendIture Report and venficatIon of all preViously subrmtted Progress and Expenditure Reports
When advance payments have been made by the Department, adjustments for overpayments shall be made
quarterly and upon receipt of the Fmal Progress and Expenditure Report, unless otherwise agreed by the
partIes In addition, m the event that all project work whIch IS the subject of thiS Agreement IS not fully
completed m both a tImely and satisfactory manner, the Department reserves the nght to demand and
receive full reimbursement of all sums which It has paId the Grantee under thiS Agreement
Payment for project costs will also be contmgent upon all authonzed project work bemg m compliance
WIth the aforementlOned Secretary of the Intenor's Standards, and the mspectlOn and approval of the grant
aSSisted work by the Department The Department further agrees to the followmg conditIons
A The Department shall review and approve as to form and content all proposed contracts of the
Grantee for the procurement of goods and services relatmg to the project work and all proposed
contract change orders or amendments prior to final executlOn of said contracts, change orders or
amendments, but said reVIew and approval shall not be construed as acceptance by or ImpositIOn
upon the Department of any financial hablhty m connectlOn wIth SaId contracts
B The Department shall review and approve detailed plans, speCifications, and other bid documents
for construction work relatmg to the ProJ ect prior to the execution of any contract for such work,
review and comment on all prelrmmary reports and recommendatlOns, and confer With the
Grantee and Its professIOnal consultants as necessary throughout the course of the ProJect, to
assure comphance wIth the objecttves, reqUIrements and hmItatlOns of the State Hlstonc
PreservatIon Program
IV The payment schedule of grant funds shall be subject to the tlmel y filmg of reqUired reports and to any
speCial condltlOns requHed by the Office of the Comptroller, State of Flonda
Smplus funds must be temporanly illvested and the mterest earned on such mvestments shall be returned to
the State The Grantee shall report mterest earnmgs quarterly, and shall remit the total mterest earned at
the end of the grant penod m the fornl of a check or money order made payable to the Flonda Department
of State
V TIus Agreement IS executed and entered mto III the State ofFJonda, and shall be construed, performed, and
enforced III all respects m accordance With the laws and rules of the State of Flonda Each party shall
perform Its obhgatlons hereunder 10 accordance wIth the terms and condItions of thiS Agreement
VI If any term or provlslOn of tlllS Agreement IS found to be Illegal and unenforceable, the remamder of thiS
Agreement shall remam m full force and effect and such term or provlSlon shall be deemed stncken
VII No delay or omiSSIOn to exercise any nght, power or remedy accrumg to elther party upon breach or
default by either party under thIS Agreement, shall ImpaIr any such nght, power or remedy of eIther party,
nor shall such delay or omlSSlOn be construed as a waIver of any such breach or default, or any simIlar
breach or default
VIII Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, agrees that, Its officers, agents and employees,
m performance of thIS Agreement shall act m the capacl ty of an mdependent contractor and not as an
officer, employee or agent of the State Each grantee, other than a grantee which IS a State agency, lS not
entitled to accrue any benefits lllcludmg retHement benefits and any other nghts or pnvileges connected
With employment III the State Career Service The Grantee agrees to take such steps as may be necessary
to ensure that each subcontractor ofthe Grantee Will be deemed to be an mdependent contractor and Will
not be conSidered or permitted to be an agent, servant, Jomt venturer, or partner of the State
IX The Grantee shan not assign, subhcense or otherwise transfer ItS nghts, duties or obligations under thiS
Agreement Without pnor wntten consent of the Department which consent shall not be unreasonably
Withheld The Agreement transferee must also demonstrate compliance wIth Chapter lA-35, Flonda
AdmmlstratlVe Code If the Department approves a transfer of the Grantee's obligatiOns, the Grantee
remams responslble for all work performed and all expenses mcurred III connection WIth the Agreement
In the event the Legislature transfers the nghts, duties and obhgatlOns of the Department to another
government entIty pursuant to SectIon 20 06, Flonda Statutes, or otherwise, the nghts, duties and
obhgatlOns under thIS Agreement shall also bc transferred to the successor government enttty as If It were
an ongmal party to the Agreement
X This Agreement shall bmd the successors, assIgns and legal representatives of the Grantee and of any legal
entity that succeeds to the obhgatlOn of the Department
XI The followmg provISIOns shall apply for the voluntary and mvoluntary sllspenslOn or termmatIon of the
grant by either the Department or the Grantee
A SuspensIOn SuspensIOn IS actlOn taken by the Department which temporanly withdraws or Inmts
the Grantee's authonty to utIhze grant assistance pendmg corrective action by the Grantee as
specified by the Department or pendmg a declSlon by the Department to terrrunate the grant
Notification When the Grantee has matenally faIled to comply WIth the terms and
condItIOns of the grant, the Department may suspend the grant after glvmg the Grantee
reasonable notice (usually 30 calendar days) and an opportumty to show cause why the
grant should not be suspended The notIce of the suspenSIOn Will detail the reasons for
the suspenslOn, any correctIve action reqUired of the Grantee, and the effective date of
the suspenslOn
2 Conumtments No corrumtments of funds Illcurred by the Grantee dunng the penod of
suspenslQn will be allowed under the suspended grant, unless the Department expressly
authonzes them III the notlce of suspenSlOn or an amendment to It Necessary and
otherwise allowable costs WhICh the Grantee could not reasonably aVOId during the
suspenslOo penod WIll be allowed If they result from charges properly mcurred by the
Grantee before the effectIve date of the suspenslOn, and not III antIcipation of suspension
or tenmnatJon ThIrd party contnbuhons applicable to the suspenslOn penod shall not be
allowed m satIsfactIon of matchmg share reqmrements, unless otherwIse agreed by the
3 Adjustments to payments Appropnate adjustments to the payments submltted after the
effective date of suspenSIOn under the suspended grant wIll be made either by
wlthholdmg the payments or by not allowmg the Grantee credIt for dlsbursements made
m payment ofunauthonzed costs mcurred dunng the suspension penod
4 SuspenslOn penod SuspensIOns WIll remam III effect untll the Grantee has taken
correctIve actIOn to the satisfactIon of the Department or gIVen wntten evidence
satIsfactory to the Department that correctIve actIOn will be taken, or untIl the
Department tenmnates the grant The grant shall be term mated by the Department If the
Grantee falls to respond III wntmg to a nobficatlon of suspenSIOn wlthm 30 calendar days
of recelpt of such notIficatIOn by the Grantee
B TerrmnatlOn TermmatlOn IS the cancellatIOn of grant aSSistance, m whole or m part, under a grant
or project at any tIme pnor to the date of completlOn
TermmatlOn for cause The Department shall have the authority to cancel this Agreement
because of failure of the Grantee to fulfill ItS obligatIons under this Agreement or any other
past or present grant award agreement with this DIvIsion or any other DIVISIOn Wlthlll the
Department of State SatlsfactlOn of obligatIOns by the Grantee shall be deterrruned by the
Department The Department shall provide the Grantee a wntten notice of default letter The
Grantee shall have 15 calendar days to CUTe the default, unless It IS deterrruned by the
Department that the default IS of a nature that cannot be cured If the default IS not cured by
the Grantee wlthm the stated penod, the Department shall terrrunate this Agreement Notice
shall be sufficient If It IS delIvered to the party personally or mmled to Its speCIfied address In
the event ofterrrunatlOn of thiS Agreement, the Grantee WIll be compensated for any work
satlsfactonly completed III accordance with thiS Agreement pnor to notlficalion of
2 TermmatlOn for convemence The Department or the Grantee may termmate the grant III
whole or m part when both parties agree that the contmuatlOn of the Project would not
produce benefic\31 results conunensurate With the further expendIture of funds The two
parties will agree upon the terrrunatlOn conditions, mcludmg the effective date, and m the case
ofpart\31 terrrunatlOns, the portion to be term mated
3 Terrrunatlon by Grantee The Grantee may umlaterally cancel the grant at any time pnor to
the first payment on the grant although the Department must be notIfied m wntmg pnor to
cancellatIon After the lmtJal payment, the Project may be terrrunated, modified, or amended
by the Grantee only by mutual agreement of the Grantee and the Department Request for
tcrrrunatlOn pnor to completIOn must fully detail the reasons for the actIOn and the proposed
dlSposltlOn of the uncompleted work
4 Co ITlillltments When a grant IS terrrunated, the Grantee Will not mcur new obligations for the
terrrunated portlOn after the notJficatJon of the effective date of terrrunatJon The Grantee wIll
cancel as many outstandmg obligations as pOSSible The Department Will allow full credit to
the Grantee for the Department's share of the noncancelable oblIgations properly mcurred by
the Grantee pnor to terrrunatlon Costs mcurred after the effective date ofthe tenrunatlon wlil
be dIsallowed
XII Unless there IS a change of address, any notice reqUIred by tlllS Agreement shall be delivered to the Bureau
of}l1stonc Preservation, DIVISIOn ofHlstoncal Resources, flonda Department of State, R A Gray
Bmldmg, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250, for the Department, and to, City of
Clearwater, 112 South OsceolJ. Avenue, Clearwater, Flonda, 33756, for the Grantee Unless the
Grantee has notified the Department III wntmg by return receipt mall of any change of address, all notices
shall be deemed delivered If sent to the above address
XIII NeIther the State nor any agency or subdiVISion of the State waIves any defense of sovereign 11l1lTIUmty, or
mcreases the limits of ItS liability, upon entenng mto thIS contractual relationship
XIV ThiS mstrument and the Attachments hereto embody the whole Agreement of the parties There are no
proVISiOns, tenos, condltiOns, or obligations other than those contall1ed herem, and thIS Agreement shall
supersede all prevIOus commuillcatJons, representalions or agreements, eIther verbal or written, between the
parties No change or addition to thIS Agreement and the Attachments hereto shall be effective unless III
wntlllg and properly executed by the parl1e5
All wntten approvals referenced In this Agreement must be obtamed from the parties' grant admml:,trators or their
deSignees The Department and the Grantee have read this Agreement and the Attachments hereto and have affixed
their signatures
~/LIt.~.__ ~___ '"l[
SIgnature of Authonzed OffiCial
uJ, 11tA0l 73 ~~.:!:~d 2.: !tA~~d~~~
I' , .11III [t LAND na_'1iN INNOVA~~
I 1
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~ )
February 12, 2003
Mr George McKibben
CIty Purchasmg Manager
CIty of Clearwater
Muruclpal ServIces Bmlchng
100 South Myrtle Ave (3rd floor)
Clearwater, Flonda 33756
RE: Downtown Clearwater DesIgn Gmdehnes (RFQ 14-03)
Dear Mr McKibben
Thank you for tills opportumty to subnut our qualtfications to provIde the CIty of
Clearwater WIth profeSSIonal urban desIgn setvlces It would be an honor for Land DesIgn
Innovations, luc (LDI) to assIst the CIty wlthm the commuruty redevelopment study area
Our finn has speClaltzed expertise In redevelopment planrung, urban deSIgn, comprehenSIve
planrung, landscape arcrutecture and CIVll engmeenng Our pWJect team for thts aSSIgnment
would conSIst of several deSIgners and urban planners, three are certified through AICP, two
are degreed ardutects and all have reCeIved thelr masters ill planrung Our pwfesslonals
have reCeIved several awards lllcluchng the Gma M Langevm Memonal A ward for
Outstanchng Cotnmltment to Urban DeSIgn, the FPZA 1991 Outstanchng InnovatIon
Award and the LeFrak Award
Recently, LDI has been workmg on several small area studtes ami citywIde deSIgn gwdelmes
for the CIty of Apopka Our profeSSIonals have also prepared deSIgn gwdelmes and deSign
oveday dtStDcts for the Town of CdcbratIon and the CIties of Ormond Beach, Orlando,
Wmter Spnngs, Leesburg, Punta Garda, Ithaca (New York) and Sanford In addItion, we
have prepared deSign gUldehncs or lffiplemented deSIgn standards, for many pnvate
development clIents, such as, Osceola Corporate Center, North Pomt DR! (Shell Ou
Company), FestIval Bay Mall, Meadowwoods DRI, and Honzon West (Orang~ County)
We have worked throughout the State assIstmg government5 WIth the preparation of
corndor plans, small area studtes, and redevelopment plans We have been selected on a
contlnumg baSIS to provIde s11:I1.1lar servIces by several of the State's Regronal Plannmg
Counctls LDI currently has a contlnulllg servIces contract With the Tampa Bay Regronal
Planrung Counctl for Commuruty VlSlOrung and Planrung, our deSIgn work IS on chsplay for
the South Pasadena project at http / /southpasadenavlslon homepage com We also
frequently provIde servIces to the East Central Flonda ReglOnal Planrung Council to
facilitate DRI workshops In addttIon, we were selected to partiCIpate ill the Flonda Mam
Street CommunltIes techrucal aSSIstance program, and have worked WIth the CIties of Dama
Beach and St Cloud
1'10 No,'. "'.~. . Su," "5 · W,.'", Po'" F'""do 5Z1" · Phaa. '/01-'J15-1 Z13 . F o. '/01-?15-1Z18 . ~ La"".,=~ JL.
Please fmd attached ten (10) copIes of Oul team orgamzation and quahficanons,
rcprcsentauve expenence and letters of recommendation from recent cbents LDI wul
reffialll cOffimltted to meetlng rn.t.lestones agreed upon WIth the City In a tlmdy and cost
effecuve manner We know you will be satisfied by our comnutment, responsiveness and
overall professlOnal qualtty of work
I [C
I WlllumJ AnglIn,Jr
DaVld L Barth
I Jay H E=m
Jack F GJmmg
Carey S Hayo
J.y R Hood
I Timol hy T Jac kson
WIlham C Keroher ]r
Waller M Kwash
Sharon K Lamanna
I S Raymond Lop""
John H Percy
J oh n F Rinelurr
Gre g<>ry A Bryb
I Fran ccs E Chandl~l"
D .vld R Clau.
Clude, P Cobble
M,clud R Ccx:hnn
I Jeffrey S Collins
Riebard E Durr, J r
A Blake: Drury
Brua C Hall
I DavId M Kutner
F nn k A Jask1<wlc%
Gad D uocy
Bren' A Lacy
Wdham D LIte,
I Ian M Lockwood
Jeffrey F Manuel
EdwardJ McKInney
Thoma, J MoMackcn,Jr
Randall S MeJeur
Douglas A Metoger
John J Moore m
BaIn) N
Ktrk J Olney
TImothy R Pilermo
Kelley S amu ds Peter man
H eathe r J Ph lel
Troy P Ru"
JodI L Rutrnann
Peter C Sech ler
Nathan P Sllv.
JdfM Sug>r
Laura K... Turner
RonoJd L U rba nlak
G W:lde Walker
Gary E WarneT
Donold G WISharl
222 Stree,
S~"e 200
We" Palm Beach
Flond., 33401
P 561 6~9 6552
F 561 833 1790
www gl.mng ~om
Llcen'e # EB 0005812
Letter of Interest
Febmary 14,2003
George McKibben
City Purchasmg Manager
Mumclpal Services Buildmg
100 South Myrtle Avenue (3<<1 floor)
Clearwater, FL 33756-5520
Re: City of Clearwater - Planmng Department RFQ 14-03; Request for
QuahficatlOns for Downtown Clearwater De,o,lgn Guidelines
Dear Mr McKIbben
Glathng Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc. (Glattmg Jackson) IS
pleased to submIt thiS proposal to provide Downtown DeSIgn Gutdelmes servIces m
conjunction With the update of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan mc1udmg the
Gateway area We are a full semce Commumty Planmng firm WIth extensive
redevelopment expenence, and our teams' abIlity to mtegrate urban design,
transportation, land use and strategIc thmkmg m challengmg urban environments IS
natIOnally recogmzed Our team bnngs together dIverse expertise ill commumty
redevelopment, urban deSIgn, landscape archItecture, parks and pubhc space design
and commumty mvolvement to bUIld consensus
Glattmg Jackson's team IS partICularly well SUIted to asslst the City m developmg
Design Gllldehnes for the Downtown area We have consIderable expenence m
Clearwater, most recently workmg WIth the City to develop ItS Parks and RecreatIon
System Master Plan and facllItatmg a Mam Street Design Gllldehnes Workshop for
the Cleveland Street commerCIal area The team we've assembled for thiS project
brmgs the Wide range of skIlls and background and Clearwater expenence that wIll
be needed to develop effective urban design strategies for the City'S downtown area
We are eXCIted about the opportumty to work WIth the City of Clearwater on thiS
project and we are confident that we can complete the Gllldehnes well wlthm
tlmehne for submlsslOn to the State of Flonda We look forward to dlscussmg our
Ides With you In more detail Please feel free to contact me WIth any questions you
may have regardmg our proposal
DaVid M Kutner, AlCP
Semor Planner
Glattmg Jackson Kercher Anghn Lopez Rmehart, Inc
75 NE 6tll Avenue
Suite 215
Delray Beacll, Florida
tel 561 330 9611
fax 561 330 9612
2136 Kipling Street
Houston Texas
tel 713 520 6606
lax 713 520 7797
12 February 2003
George McK1bben
CIty PurchaSIng Manager
MUniCIpal Servtces Bmldmg
100 South Myrtle Avenue, 3rd Floor
Clearwater, Flonda 33756-5520
Re: Request for Qualifications
Downtown Clearwater Design Guidelines
Dear Mr McK1bben,
ClVlC DeSIgn ASSOCIates (CDA) IS pleased to Subffilt its statement of qualtficanons for the
above referenced project As a muln-dtsophnary team of arclutects, planners, and
redevelopment consultants, we are comnutted to the rmprovement, denslficatlon, and
sustalnable urbaruzatton of Amenca's bmlt epVltonment., particularly In Inner-oty
redevelopment situations and the re-Invention of the now ublqtUtOllS suburban development
CDA speoaltzes In an Integrated approach to town plannmg, urban deSign, and econOffilC
development The finn has become nationally recogruzed for its comprehensive approach
to urban planrung through its deSIgns and I11novative development regulations for both new
commuOlties and redevelopment areas The work of the firm demonstrates, at vanous
scales, the cntical relauonslup between land use and transportauon, tnmslt, parkmg,
walkabtltty, the vltahty of an active street !tfe, and a comnutment to strong, healthy
We are great behevers U1 an open, publtc deSIgn process, and are fully comnutted to workmg
closely With reSIdents and property owners of Clearwater to define shared VISIons, goals,
obJecttves. and pnontles for these DeSIgn GtUdehnes We are also great behevers m
tmplemenftng development plans, and would stress at the outset the unportance of Idenufymg
fundmg sources, pnvate lnvestment llicentlVes, and workable deSIgn regulatIons to lIlsure
that qualtty development and redevelopment occurs
It would be an understatement to say that we are merely mterested m workIng on this
project. We thank you for dus opportunIty and look forward to your favorable consideration
of our subrruttal
Chnstopher J Brown
R~'\ PK
February 14, 2003
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City of Clearwater
Mr George McKibben, City Purchasmg Manager
Mumclpal Services Buddmg
100 South Myrtle Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Dear Mr McKibben
We are pleased, Mr McKibben, to offer to you this letter of interest for RFQ 14.03,
Downtown Clearwater Design GUidelines At RMPK we believe success begins wIth a well-
laid plan and an exceptional execution team For just that reason we have assembled the
perfect composltlOn of seasoned professIOnals from our firm and Roger Browne Associates
for your project
The RMPK Group, Inc. has a proven track record III results. In over twenty years our firm
has grown to meet the demands of our clients and their challenges. Our diverse team allows
us to contnbute to projects of all magnitudes and vaneties mcluding community and regIOnal
planmng, land development planning, parks planning, urban deSign, and landscape
architecture Because we stnve to be the best we have earned numerous National awards for
our Urban Plannmg & DeSign projects.
Roger Brown ASSOCIates, Inc. IS a national leader in retail deSIgn and merchandlsmg.
Producmg more than seventy-five retail projects the firm provides design services to retad
and commercial developers and mstitutIonal clients. With over twenty-five years expenence
Roger Browne AssoCiates has unparalleled performance and drives a project through to
Our fifteen profeSSIOnals would lIke the Staff of Parkland to know we are committed to
takmg on thiS project and are truly excited about the opportunity to create the CIty of
Clearwater Downtown DeSign GUldehnes. Our experience should assure you of our devotion
to your project's success, but don't just believe us, please call any of our prevIous clients and
ask them
The RMPK Group would like you to know we are excited to have the opportunity to work
With you on thiS project and look forward to your assiduous review of the followmg proposal
Slncer ly,
PnnclpaL RMPK Group
1'1 '\-'Hll1,J 11\.11111111.:' [:1l\'1l0tlT1lL'1l1'11 Plannln.:' Land"l.l{ll- .\rLllIlldule
, I 111(\ ]JI.11111In-2 \ I b.111 De51,;,:n ~
1110 N Flonda Avenue, SUite 301 Tampa, FL 33602 Telephone 813.318-9100 Fax 813-318-9101
13 February 2003
Mr George McKibben
City PurchaslOg Manager
The City of Clearwater
MUnicipal Services BUlldmg
100 South Myrtle Avenue, 3rd Floor
Clearwater, FL 33756 - 5520
Dear Mr McKibben
We, Abell Garcia Architects and Stephame Ferrell, FAIA as Jomt venture finns, are wntmg to
express our strong mterest m prepanng the Downtown Clearwater Design GUidelines for the City
of Clearwater
Each of our firms has had extenSive expenence 10 creating design gUldelmes for hIstone dlstncts
and mdlvIdual structures, and further, m applymg and In usmg design guidelines In Qur professIOn
As the director of the Histone Tampa 1 Htllsborough County Preservation Board, architect
Stephame Ferrell has both supervised the preparation of architectural deSign gUldehnes and used
them as the administrator of the Tampa Architectural ReView commiSSion, the Barno Latmo
Commission and the Hlllsborough County Hlstonc Resources ReView Board over the course of
her 19 years With the board In that capacity, she also prepared deSign gUidelines for each of the
13 deSignated landmarks m the city As a pnvate consultant, she also authored the City of
Lakeland's Munn Park Historic Distnct GUidelines (1985) for Its downtown histone dlstnct and
most recently (July 2002) she prepared IllustratIOns and additIOnal text for the City of Eustis
(unlllustrated) gUldelmes for Its downtown
Kenneth Garcia has served 10 many roles pertment to the creatIOn and use of deSign gUldehnes
mcludmg servmg as the admmlstrator of the Barno Latmo CommiSSIOn 1975-197& and havmg
served as a Commissioner for 15 years and as Its chair for 5, gUldmg the applicatIOn and
Page 2
LetM to Mr George McKlbbe/l
J 3 febmmy 2003
mterpretatlon of the design gUldehnes to this urban dlstnct Among ItS many hlstonc preservation
projects, the firm of Abell Garcia Architects IS the Architect for the restoration and rehablhtatlOn
of the Umverslty of Tampa's Plant Hall (Tampa Bay Hotel) In the course of this work, they
created design gUldelmes for future work related to both the hlstonc buddmg and ItS
AdditIonally, both firms have extensive expenence In using and mterpretlng the Secretary of the
Intenor's Standards for RehabilitatIOn In their pnvate sector work Stephame Ferrell's pnvate
practice over the last SIX years mcludes a slgmficant element of hlstonc preservatIOn tax credit
consultmg, where successfully mterpretmg and meetmg the Secretary's Standards IS Imperative
Based upon the depth and breadth of our expenence m both creating and uslOg design gUidelines,
we believe that our two firms are eminently well qualified to undertake these services for the CIty
We would be pnvlleged to work with the City of Clearwater 10 the preparation of design
gUIdelines which would address histonc rehahlhtatlOn, new constructIOn, additions, fa((ade
alterations and slgnage
Thank you for your consideratIOn
Sincerely yours,
City of Clearwater
RFQ 14-03
; Clearwater
The City of Clearwater announces that it is requesting responses from qualified
professionals for the following:
Downtown Deslgn GUldeline services associated with the update
of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan Including the "Gateway"
area. The general boundaries of this area are Highland Avenue
on the east, Clearwater Bay on the west, Drew Street on the
north, except for the area contained in the Northwest Periphery
Plan area, and Court Street on the south, but including the
area contamed in the Southwest Periphery Plan (see attached
map). Qualified firms w1l1 prepare Architectural Design
Guidelines for the Clty of Clearwater's Downtown
Redevelopment Area, utIlizing the Florida Department of State
DiVlsion of Historical Resources Model Guidelines for Design
Review and the Secretaty of Intenor Standards for
RehabilitatlOn. Guidelines shall provide criteria for historic
renovation, new construction, building additions, faf;ade
alterations, and signage for the Down town area. The Design
Guidelines WIll provide for appropriate renovation of buildings
in the historic downtown, as well as for new construction and
redevelopment In the surroundmg areas. The GUldelines should
also be related to and su pport the character dIstricts
established in the updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan.
Grant funds are being used for this project and a draft must be
submltted to the State of Flonda for review and approval 45
days prior to the end of the grant period of June 30, 2003 and
the final product must be submitted to the State by July 30,
The frrm(s) selected for these assignments will be expected to SIgn a contract
Wlth the City of Clearwater. The City reserves the nght to select specIfic
companies submittIng as part of a team submittal.
Qualified responses will be reviewed and ranked by the City's Review
Committee. Preference at the discretion of the ReVIew Committee may be given
to respondents with national and/or Florida design experience Specific
emphasIs will be placed on firms wlth proven innovative and state of the art
expenence in developing deSIgn guidelines for histone areas with substantial
areas for infill and redevelopment. Oral presentatIons will be requested of
short-listed potential selectees at the discretion of the Review CommIttee.
S \P1anumg Departmenl\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downlown DeSign GUldelmes\Downtown Deslgrl Gwdelmes
Qualified fmns are invited to notIfy the City of Clearwater of their interest in
being selected by subrmtting ten (10) copies of the information required in the
Submittals section and showing the qualifications of your firm to address the
below by the required date. AdditlOnal response foons and non-technical
information may be obtained from George McKibben, City Purchasing Manager,
(727) 562-4634. This Request for Qualificabons is available on-line at:
www clearwater-fl com. Select: "Purchasing"; "Invitations for Bid"; then "RFQ
14-03" .
George McKibben
City Purchasmg Manager
Mumcipal Services Building
100 South Myrtle Avenue (3rd floor)
Clearwater, FL 33756 - 5520
Mailing address: P. O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
All proposals m.ust be received not later than 4:00 p.m.. local tim.e Friday,
February 14, 2003. The City assumes no responsibility for responses received
after the stated time and date. or at any office or location other than that
specified herein. whether due to mail delays, couner rmstake, mishandling or
any other reason. Late responses will be held unopened and not considered for
Written response, other subnussions, correspondence, and all records made
thereof, as well as negotlations conducted pursuant to this request, shall be
handled in compliance with Chapters 119 and 286, Florida Statutes. The CIty
gives no assurance as to the confidentiality of any portion of the qualifications
once submitted.
The City reserves the nght to retam all submitted responses for official record
purposes. The City also reserves the right to dispose of any or all caples of
responses m whatever manner it deems appropnate. No copies of responses will
be returned to the firm.
S \Planrung Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE \ Downtown DeSign Gwdelmes\Downtown DeSign Gwdebnes
Once a response IS presented, the City shall not accept any requests by any ftrm to
correct errors or omisSIons in any calculabons subrmtted.
The CIty reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all
submissions/proposals, to Willve irregularities and technicalitIes, and to request
resubmission. Any sole response receIved the first submission date mayor may
not be rejected by the City depending on available competition and timely needs of
the City. The City shall be the sole judge of the submiSSIon/proposal and the
resulting negotiated agreement that is in its best mterest and its decIsion shall be
final. Also, the City reserves the right to make such investigation, as It deems
necessary to determine the ability of any responder to perform the work or seIVice
requested. The responder shall provide information the City deems necessary to
make this detemunation.
Any prospective firm should make an affrrmative statement in its proposals to the
effect that, to its knowledge, its retention would not result m a conflict of interest
with any party. Alternatively, should any potential contlict exist, the prospective
:firm should specitY the party with which there might be a conflict, the nature of
the potential confhct, and the means proposed to resolve such contlict.
Any actual or prospectIve responder who is aggrieved in connection with the
solicItation or award of a contract may seek resolutIon of its complaints by
contacting the Purchasing Manager.
By offering a submiSSIon to the RFQ, the responder certIfies, and in the case of a
joint submission/proposal each party thereto certifies as to Its own organization,
that in connection with the submiSSIOn/proposal:
a. No attempt has been made or will be made by the responder to mduce
any other person or ftrm to submit or not to submit a
su bmission / proposal for the purpose of restricting competlt1on; and
b. The only person(s) or pnncipal(s) interested in this
submission/proposal are named therein and that no person other
than those therem mentioned has/have any interest m this
submiSSIon/proposal or m the agreement to be entered into; and
S \Planrung Department\DOWNTOWN PIAN UPDATE \ Downtown DeSign GWdelmcs\Downtown DeSign Gilldelmes
c. No person or agency has been employed or retained to solicit or
secure thIS agreement upon an agreement or understanding for a
commisslOn, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona
fide employees or established commercial agencies mamtamed by the
purchaser for the purpose of doing business.
Professional services requested in this RFQ are within the scope of the practice of
archItecture, landscape architecture, professlOnal engineering, or registered land
surveying, as defmed by the laws of the State of Florida. ProviSIons of F.S.
287.055 apply.
The City, an entity of government, is subject to the appropriation of funds by its
legislative body in an amount sufficient to allow continuation of its peIformance in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract for each and every fiscal
year following the fiscal year in which this contract is executed and entered into
and for which this contract shall remain in effect. The City shall, upon receipt of
notice that sufficient funds are not available to continue its full and faithful
performance of this contract, provide written notice to the Contractor of such event
and effective thirty (30) days after giving such notice or upon the expiration of the
period of time for which funds were appropriated, whichever occurs fITst, be
thereafter released at all further obligations in any way related to the contract.
Interested fmns should state their interest ill this project by submitting eight
copies of the following:
. Letter of interest and understanding on Firm stationery;
. Description of Firm to include only the folloWlng:
'" Legal name, years in business, officers, staff size, and staff breakdown by
'" List of all similar projects or work completed within the last ten years,
with dates of completion, size of projects, project cost, name of lead staff
person, addresses, client contact persons, and telephone numbers;
'" Names and titles of the project team;
'" Resumes of all persons who will be working on this proJect, including
consultants and interior design staff;
'" Table of organIZation proposed by the Firm for this proJect;
'" Selected examples from at least three different design guIdelines where
the firm has been the pnncipal author;
S \P!anrung Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign Gwdelmes\Downtown DeSign Gludelmes
./ Statements of professional and general liability insurance, as required by
the City;
./ Finn brochures and business cards of persons to be assigned to thiS
./ List of legal actIons brought against the firm withIn the last ten years.
Multiple firm or Joint venture teams must clearly identify the roles and
responsibilitIes of the proposed participants.
Approximately $20,000 has been earmarked for these services.
The City Project Review Comrmttee will review the RFQ submittals and select
three to five firms for interviews. Those firms not asked to respond to the RFQ
will also be notified.
The selected finns will be shortlisted and given advance notice to prepare for a
public interview, to be held in Clearwater. The interviews will be conducted
over a one- or two-day schedule. A decision following the interviews will be
made Within five workrng days of the last interview. The selection will be based
on the most qualified frrm with the most relevant experience, the quality of
guidelines completed, their ease of administration and the ability to convey
deSIgn issues to the public.
The City reserves the nght to accept and/or reject any or all proposals; to waive
any irregulanty, variance, or informality whether technical or substantIal ill
nature; and to negotiate with all qualified Firms ill keeping with the best
interests of the City. An award resulting from this request shall be awarded to
the Firm whose proposal IS determined to be most advantageous to the City of
Items which the Selection and Technical Committee will consider and weigh
during the selection process are: availability of the finn, successful experience
creating design guidelines u tllizing the SecretaJ:y of Interior Standards for
RehabilitatlOn, successful experience in prepanng guidelines for downtown
infill development, completeness of response to the RFQ, and qualifications of
key personnel to be assigned to projects.
S \Planmng Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown Design Gwdebnes\Downtown DeSIgn GUldelmes
See Exhibit 4A" attached.
This RFQ is being mailed to FIrms that have contacted the CIty and those that
are believed to have the experience needed for thIS project. The project IS also
being advertised per CIty of Clearwater purchasing policies.
Release date of RFQ
Janumy 23, 2003
Due date of RFQ
February 14,2003
Februmy 27, 2003
Oral Presentations
Selection Committee DecislOn
March 7) 2003
1. All responses become property of the City of Clearwater.
2. The City will not reimburse the respondent for any costs associated
with the preparation, submittal, or presentabon of their responses to
this request.
3. The respondent acknowledges that all information contained wIthin its
response is part of the pu bUe domam as defmed by State of Florida
Sunshine and Pu blie Record Laws. The City gives no assurance as to
confidentIality of any portion of any proposal once submitted.
4. The awards made pursuant to this Call for Professional Services are
subject to the proVlsions of Chapter 112, Part III, Florida Statutes. All
respondents must disclose with their responses the name of an officer,
director, owner, or agent who is also an employee of the CIty of
5. Respondents, their agents, and associates shall refrain from contacting
or soliciting any City officials regardIng this Call for Professional
Services during the selection process. Failure to comply with this
proviSIon may result in disqualification of the respondent, at the
option of the City. Only George McKibben may be contacted.
S \Plannmg Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign Gwdelmes\Downtown Design GlUdelmes
6. There shall be no discrimInation as to race, sex, color, creed,
handicaps, or national origin in the operations conducted under this
7. Due care and diligence has been exercIsed in the preparation of thIS
Call for Professional Services, and all information contained herein is
beheved to be substantially correct. However, the responsibility for
detennining the full extent of the services rests solely WIth those
making responses. Neither the City nor its representatIves shall be
responsible for any error or omission in thIS response, nor for the
failure on the part of the respondents to determme the full extent of
the exposures.
8. Preference w1l1 be gIven to those responses in full or substantially full
compliance WIth the requested informatIOn in this document.
9. Each respondent is responsible for full and complete compliance with
all laws, rules, and regulatIons Including those of the Federal
Government, the State of Florida, and the City of Clearwater. Failure
or inability on the part of the respondent to have complete knowledge
and intent to comply Wlth such laws, rules, and regulatlOns shall not
relieve any respondent from its obligation to honor Its response and to
perform completely in accordance with its response.
10. Any interpretation, clarification, correction, or change to the Call for
Professional SefV1ces will be made by written addendum issued by the
City's Purchasing Manager. Any oral or other type of communication
concerning the Call for Professional Semces shall not be binding
unless issued by the CIty ill the fonn of an addendum.
11. Responses must be signed by an Indivldual of the respondent's
organization legally authorized to commit the respondent's
organization to the performance of the servIces contemplated by this
Call for ProfesslOnal SefV1ces.
12. The successful respondent shall be required to submit proof of
licenses, certifications, and proofs of insurance as reqUIred by the City
13. The successful respondent shall not be allowed to substitute project
team members named in this response WIthout the wntten pennIssion
of the City.
14. The designer IS responslble for all costs associated WIth any non-
discretIonary changes. A bond for this purpose may be required.
S \Plannmg Departrnent\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSIgn Gwdelmes\Downtown DeSIgn Gwdel.mes ,
Documents cited in this document but not attached are available upon
"This project has been financed in part with historic preseIVation grant
assistance proVIded by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of
Interior, administered through the Bureau of Historic Preservatlon, Division
of Histoncal Resources, Florida Department of State, assisted by the Historic
PreservatIOn Advisory CounCIl. However, the contents and opinions do not
necessanly reflect the VIews and opinions of the Department of the Interior or
the Flonda Department of State, nor does the mention of trade names or
commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the
Department of the Interior or the Florida Department of State. This program
receives Federal financial assistance for identrfication and protection of
histone propertIes. Under TItle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504
of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as
amended, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the
basis of race, color, national ongin, disability, or age in its federally assisted
programs. If you believe that you have been discrimmated agamst in any
program, activity, or facility as described above, or if you desrre further
information, please write to: Office of Equal Opportunity, National Park
Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240."
S \PlannI1lg Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE \ Downtown Design Gwdehnes\Downtown Design Gwdelmes
City of Clearwater
RFQ #14-03
1. Llabllltv Insurance. The proposer, If selected, shall furnish, pay for,
and maintain during the life of any contract entered IOta With the City
the follOWing Irablllty coverage:
a. Comprehensive General LiabIlity Insurance on an "occurrence"
baSIS In an amount not less than $500,000 combined Single limit
Bodily InjUry liability and Property Damage LiabIlIty.
b. Business AutomobIle Liability Insurance In the amount of at least
$500,000, providing Bodily InjUry Liability and Property Damage
c. Worker's Compensation Insurance applicable to ItS employees, If
any, for statutory coverage limits In compliance With FlOrida laws,
including Employers' Liability that meets all state and federal laws.
d ProfeSSional Liability/Malpractice/Errors or OmiSSions Insurance, as
appropriate for the type of bUSiness engaged In by the Proposer,
shall be purchased and maintained by the Proposer With minimum
limits of $1 ,000,000 per occurrence
2 Additional Insured. The City IS to be speCifically Included as an
additional Insured on all liability coverage deSCribed above, except the
Insurance coverage Identified In paragraph 1 (d).
3 Notice of CancellatIon or Restnctton All poliCies of Insurance must be
endorsed to proVIde the City With thirty (30) day's notice of cancellation
or restriction
4 Certificates of Insurance/Certified COPies of PoliCies. The proposer, If
selected, shall proVide the City WIth a certifIcate or certificates of
Insurance shOWing the eXistence of the coverage reqUired by thiS RFQ,
If any The proposer WIll maintain the reqUired coverage with a current
certIficate or certificates of Insurance throughout the term of the
contract With the City When speCifically requested by City In wntlng,
the proposer Will provide the CIty With certIfied caples of all poliCies of
Insurance as reqUired above New certificates and new certIfied
S Planmng Dept/Down/own Plan UpdatelE(hlbll A RFQ doc
Page 1 0[2
caples of policies, If certified copies of policies have been requested,
shall be provided City whenever any policy IS renewed, revised, or
obtained from other Insurers
5. The address where such certificates and certified policies shall be sent
or delivered is as follows'
City of ClealWater
Attention. City Clerk
P.O. Box 4748
ClealWater, FL 33758-4748
6. The proposer shall defend, Indemnify, save and hold the City harmless
from any and all claims, SUits, Judgments and liability for death,
personal InJury, bodily inJury, or property damage arising directly or
indirectly from any performance under thiS RFQ, or a subsequent
purchase order or contract entered Into by City and proposer, Its
employees, subcontractors, or assigns, Including legal fees, court
costs, or other legal expenses. Proposer acknowledges that it IS solely
responsible for complYing with the terms of thiS RFQ or a purchase
order or contract ansing out of thiS RFQ In addition, the proposer
shall, at ItS expense, secure and provide to City, prior to begInning
performance under and RFP, or a subsequent purchase order, or
contract, all insurance coverage as reqUired In this RFQ
7. Any party prOViding services or products to the City Will be expected to
enter Into a wntten agreement, contract, or purchase order with the
City that Incorporates, either In wntlng or by reference, all of the
pertinent provISions relating to Insurance and Insurance requirements
as contained herein. A faIlure to do so may, at the sole option of the
City, disqualify any vendor, bidder or proposer of services and/or
products to the City
S Planning DepllDownlown Plan UpdalelExhlbll A RFQ doc
Page 2 of2
Survey and Planning Grants
Consultants/Consulting Firms
Mr Kenneth GarCIa
Abel GarCIa Arclutects
2201 Dekle A v
Tampa, FL 33606
Phone 813-251-3652
Fax 813-254-4935
Ms Marlon A1my
Archaeological Consultants, Inc
PO Box 5103
Sarasota, FL 34277-5103
Phone 941-925-9906
Fax 941-925-9767
Ms Sherry Anderson
22 W Bryan St, #139
Savannah, GA 31401
Phone 912-236-5995
Fax 912-236-6790
EmaIl sherryanderson@prodlgy net
Ms Melallle Barr
PO Box 17
GamesvIlle, FL 32602
Phone 352-377-4217
Mr Robert Carr
Archaeologlcal & Hlstoncal Conservancy
PO Box 450283
Mlarm, FL 33145
Phone 305-325-0789
Fax 305-325-0792
Emall ahcl@bellsouth net
Ms Joyce CUSick
HIstonc PreservatlOn, Inc
PO Box 1905
Dunnellan, FL 34430
Phone 352-489-3093
Ms Jane Day
Research AtlantIca
728 Granada Dr
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Phone 561-362-8842
Dr Diana Godwm
HIstone PreservatIOn ServIces
2086 Las Vegas TraIl
Navarre, FL 32566
Phone 850-255-0801
Fax 850-939-3001
Mr Ken Hardm
Janus Research, Inc
PO Box 919
Samt Petersburg, FL 33731
Phone 727-821-7600
Fax 727-822-2368
EmaIl Janus@Janus-research com
Ms M1kkI Hartlg
Hlstoneal & Architectural Research ServIces, Inc
3708 Flores A v
Sarasota, FL 34239
Phone 941-955-6028
FaX 941-955-6028
Mr Geoffrey Henry
GAl Consultants-Southeast, Ine
201 E Pme St , #200
Orlando, FL 32801-2715
Phone 407-423-8398
Mr Sidney Johnston
HIstone Deland, Inc
535 N Clara A v
Deland, FL 32720
Phone 904-734-6288
Ms Jenmfer Langdale
New South ASSocIates
7064 N W 5200 Terrace
Gamesvdle, FL 32653
Phone 352-371-9050
Fax 352~ 371-9050
Ms Sharyn Thompson
The Center for HIstone Ceffietenes Preservation
1229 Sarasota Dr
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone 904-877-9014
Ms. Gwendolyn Waldorf
2894 Hadley Rd.
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Phone 904-668-3346
Dr Lucy Wayne
SouthAre, Ine
3700 N W 91s St , #D30
Gamesvdle, FL 32606
Phone 352-373-2633
Ms Karen Webster
Hentage Research, Ine
1281 N Ocean Dr, #178
Smger Island, FL 33404
Phone 561-659-0560
Fax 561-881-5441
Ms Susan Gdhs
902 N E 37th St
Oakland Park, FL 33334
Phone- 954-565-3970
EmaJl sgllhs@hobbyltne com
Ms Lmda Stevenson
Stevenson ArChItects, Inc
4900 Manatee W , #101
Bradenton, FL 34209
Phone 941-747-3696
Fax 941-745-5634
Ms Murray Laune
2858 S W 14 Dr
GamesvIlle, FL 32608
Phone 352-335-6784
EmaIl mlaurie@gnv fdt net
Ms Lisa Parks
Management Consultant
157 Kenwlth Court
Lakeland, FL 33803-2601
Phone 941-686-0377
Fax 941-686-0377
Emad lparksalcp@aol com
Ms Jodi Rubm
Preservation Concepts
1025 Eastern Way
Orlando, FL 32804
Phone 407-422-5243
Ms Rebecca Spam Schwartz
2727 13th St
Samt Petersburg, FL 33704
Phone 727-823-0491
S \Planning Department\OOWNTOWN PLAN UPDA TE\Downtown DesIgn GUldelmes\Doc 11 doc
The Purchasing Officer, Clearwater, Florida will receive sealed bld(s) on the folloWIng
commodity(ies) untIl bId c1osing(s) specified at which time bids wlll be opened in the
Purchasing Office 100 S Myrtle Avenue
4 00 PM
Bid documents with instructions may be obtained by contacting the Purchase
Officer, City of Clearwater, P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida, or 100 south
Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater, Florida 33756.
Please reference
aU Invoices
XJTI1 qa:J!
This AGREEMENT made thls:J day of /J.A 2003, by and between the
City of Clearwater, Florrda (City), a Florrda municIpal corporatIon, POBox 4748, Clearwater
Flonda 33758-4748, and Land Design Innovations, Inc , (Consultant), a Florrda corporation, 140
North Orlando Avenue, SUite 295, Winter Park, Florrda 32789
WHEREAS, City desires to have Consultant provide consulting services for preparation
of Downtown Clearwater Design GUidelines (the Project) descnbed In Exhibit A, and
WHEREAS, Consultant agrees to provIde the consulting services descnbed In Exhibit A,
under the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
NOW THEREFORE, the City and Consultant do hereby Incorporate all terms and
conditIons In ExhIbit "A" and mutually agree as follows
1 SCOPE OF PROJECT. Consultant agrees to provIde planning services under
the terms and condItions descnbed In Exhibit "A"
2. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The work product descnbed In Exhibit "A" shall be
complete on or before September 30, 2003
3. REPORTS Consultant agrees to proVide to City reports on the Project upon
request by the City and upon completion of the Project
4 COMPENSATION. The City WIll pay Consultant a sum not to exceed
$ 30,000
, IncluSive of all reasonable and necessary direct expenses as descnbed In the
cost estimate attached as ExhibIt "A" The City may, from time to time, requIre changes In the
scope of the project of Consultant to be performed hereunder Such changes, IncludIng any
Increase or decrease In the amount of Consultant's compensation and changes In the terms of
thiS Agreement whIch are mutually agreed upon by and between City and Consultant shall be
effective when Incorporated In wrrtten amendment to thiS Agreement
Consultant shall bIll City, and City agrees to pay
after approval of the City Project Manager under the terms of the Flonda Prompt Payment Act
6. CONTACTS FOR RESPONSIBILITY. Gina Clayton, Long Range Planning
Manager, wIll be desIgnated as Project Director for this project by Consultant to manage and
supervIse the performance of this Agreement on behalf of Consultant Associated with the
Project DIrector will be staff members whose expenence and qualifications are appropnate for
thIs Project The City will be represented by Gina Clayton or her desIgnee for all matters
relating to thiS Agreement
7. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. The City at ItS sole discretion may termmate
thiS Agreement by glvmg Consultant ten (10) days' wntten notice of Its election to do so and by
specifYing the effective date of such termination The Consultant shall be paid for Its services
through the effective date of such termination. Further, If Consultant shall fall to fulfill any of Its
obligatrons hereunder, thiS Agreement shall be In default, the City may terminate the
Agreement, and Consultant shall be paid only for work completed Consultant may termInate
the Agreement In the event that circumstances beyond the control of Consultant result In
ImpOSSibility of performance of the Agreement, Including, but not limited to, dissolutIon of
corporate eXistence of Consultant
8. NON-DISCRIMINATION. Consultant shall comply WIth Title VI of the CIVil Rights
Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title I of the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990 In that No person In the Umted States shall on the grounds of race,
creed, color, natIonal ongln, sex, age, political affilIatron, beliefs, or disability be subject to
diSCrimination under any program or activIty which Consultant has agreed to undertake by and
through the covenants and prOVISions set forth In thiS Agreement There shall be no
diSCrimInatIon against any employee who IS employed In the work covered by the Agreement, or
against applIcants for such employment, on said grounds ThiS provIsion shall Include, but not
be limIted to the followmg employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recrUItment or
recruitment advertlsmg, layoff or termlnatlon, rate of payor other forms of compensatlon, and
selection for training, Including apprentlceshlp
9. INTERESTS OF PARTIES. Consultant covenants that Its officers, employees
and shareholders have no Interest and shall not acqUire any Interest, dIrect or Indirect, whIch
would conflict In any manner or degree wIth the performance of servIces requIred to be
performed under thIs Agreement.
10 INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE. Consultant agrees to protect, defend,
Indemnify and hold the City and ItS officers, employees and agents free and harmless from and
against any and all losses, penalties, damages, settlements, costs, charges, profeSSional fees or
other expenses or lIablhtles of every kind and character anslng out of or due to any negligent act
or omIssion of Consultant or Its employees In connection With or anslng directly or Indirectly out of
thIs Agreement and/or the performance hereof Without limIting Its liability under this Agreement,
Consultant shall procure and maintain dunng the life of thIs Agreement profeSSIonal liability
Insurance This proVISIon shall survive the terrmnatlon of thIs Agreement
COPYRIGHT. Upon termInation of this Agreement, Consultant shall transfer, assign and make
available to City or ItS representatives all property and matenals In Consultant's possession
belongIng to or paId by the City The City, the Department of State, DIVISIon of Hlstoncal
Resources, or any of their duly authonzed representatives shall have access to any books,
documents, papers, and records of Contractor which are directly pertinent to the Agreement, for
the purpose of making audit, examInation, excerpts, and transcnptlon Consultant shall maIntain
all reqUIred records for five years following the later of final payment by CIty or closure of all
pending matters When publicattons, films, or SimIlar matenals are developed, directly or
Indirectly, from the Project, any COPYright resulting therefrom shall be held by the Florida
Department of State, DIvISion of HIstorical Resources Consultant may arrange for COPYright of
such materials only after approval from the Department Any COPYright arranged for by
Consultant shall Include acknowledgement of grant assIstance As a condItIon of grant
aSSIstance, City has agreed to and has awarded to the Department and, If applicable, to the
United States Government and to Its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of
their official duties, a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and Irrevocable license throughout the world for
official purposes, to publish, translate, reproduce, and use all subject data or copynghtable
matenal based on such data covered by the copyrrght
ATTORNEYS' FEES AND JURISDICTION. In the event of breach of thiS Agreement by eIther
party, the other party shall have such administrative, contractual, or legal remedies as provided by
thiS Agreement, the Code of OrdInances of the City of Clearwater, and the laws of the State of
FlOrida In the event that eIther party seeks to enforce thiS Agreement through attorneys at law,
then the partIes agree that each party shall bear Its own attorneys' fees and costs, and that
Junsdlctlon for any court actIon filed regarding thiS Agreement shall be In a court of competent
Junsdictmn In Plnellas County, Flonda T errmnatlon of thiS Agreement shall be In accordance With
the provIsions of paragraph 7 above
13. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed In
accordance With the laws of the State of FlOrida
14. INCORPORATION OF RFP BY REFERENCE. The provIsions of City of
Clearwater RFQ 14-03, Request for QualificatIons for Downtown ClealWater DeSIgn GUIdelines,
are attached hereto as Exhibit "S" and Incorporated herem by reference
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Consultant have executed thiS Agreement on the
date first above written
William B Horne 11
City Manager
Approved as to form
Exhibit A
1-\ r'rt (l;) Illld
City of Clearwater CITY OF CLEARWATER
Design GUIdelines for Downtown Character Districts
The Planning Department of the CIty of Clearwater IS seek1ng urban desIgn and land
plannmg setvlces to prepaJ:e desIgn gmdelmes for development rev1ew of proJects located
Wltlun the SIX (6) character DIstt1ctS of downtown Clearwater. The deSIgn gmdehnes will
proVlde for a hIgh standard of desIgn to promote a umfied. coheSIVe appearance Witlun each
dIstt1ct and to promote development of the axea conSIstent With the CIty's Chaxacter
DIstricts and Street Classtficatlon Plan for the downtown. The llltent of the deSIgn
standards will be to maintam and enhance the posltlve chaxacter1sttcs of the eXIsting
development Wlthtn the downtown. as well as preveotlng further unpacts of development
that are oot reflect:1ve of the trachttonal development patterns or are ll1compat:1ble Wlth
exISting development.
Description of Tasks
1.0 Pre-Contract Meeting
LDI will meet With City staff to chscuss the scope of this project and dearly define
the tasks to be accomphshed under th1s contract.
2.0 Kick-Off Meeting
A meetlllg will be held between LDI and CIty staff to chscuss the major problems
and opportuntttes Withm the DlStt:1ctS. and to learn what the common lSsues and
lmutations are dealt With on a dally basiS 10 development reVlew that have prevented
the CIty from gaming quahty deSIgn final products from development proJects
3.0 SIte Visits/Data Collection
Through a senes of SIte VisIts and on-SIte meetlllgs Wlth staff, LDI will evaluate the
current development pattems of the DlstnCtS
3 1 LDI will gather mformatton WIth respect to the e:usttng development
patterns and will document these patterns tlu:ough photographs
3.2 Bulldtng lines. setbacks. fenestration, wmdow glazmg. color schemes.
axclutectural styles, and other Issues related to appearance of each md1Vldual
Dlstnct will be documented
33 Alleys, parkmg. c:toss aCcess, and other velucular and pedestnan c11:culatton
tssues will be analyzed.
34 The types of slgnage cunently present will be analyzed.
City of Clearwater DOJ~nlown Dmgn GlIIdclmur
Page 1 of 5
4.0 Data GatherIng
41 LDI will obta11l coptes of recent stud1es related to the downtown
redevelopment and streetscape rmplOvements for consIstency WIth the
desIgn gwdehnes
42 If available. LDI will gather basemaps from the CIty ldenttfyrng the 10cal:1on
of eXlstlng developed and vacant properttes 111 the project axea. as well as the
eXlsttng patterns of development.
43 illI will gather from the CIty and evaluate the extent of mstonc structures
and concenttatlOns throughout the d1stncts
44 LDI will go through hbranes of photos. take new photographs and gather
photos from around the natl.on that best depict the Circumstances 111
Clearwater and potential opporturutles for llOprovement
5.0 Define Predominant Styles
5 1 SeIllor staff at LD I. expenenced 111 both urban deSIgn and aJ:cmtecture. will
define the wban deSign charactensttcs of each dist:t1ct based upon the SIte
viSIts. comments from staff and photo lnterpretations Histonc arcmtectural
styles and concentrations will be Idenbfied. no actual hrstonc structure
surveys OJ: detaJled lustonc preservation analYSIS will be conducted for tlus
scope. The product for tlus task will be either a wntten analysiS of each
disttIct, a map of each dtstnct that ldenbfies key areas, or a combmatton of
both warten and mapplllg analySiS
6.0 Photos/Graphics
61 LDI grapluc personnel will download and orgatllZe photographs taken 10 the
field, as well as attend meet:1ngs, and find unages from other sources that can
be used to educate property owners and developers.
62 Our team of grapmc deSigners will also create unages that depIct the mtent of
wntten codes to illustrate the proposed deSIgn gutdehnes
7.0 Workshop #1
7 1 The LDI staff of urban deSIgners and graprnc artlsts will coordtnate to
develop a PowerPomt presental:1on to educate the pubhc regardmg good
deSIgn pnnclpals
72 The presentatton will be tallored to the speclal charactenshcs Wlthm each of
the SlX (6) character Dlstncts
73 One (1) rugttal copy of the PowerPomt presentatton will be sent to CIty staff
111 order that City staff may provtde add1ttonal copIes of the presentation for
the workshop LDI will also proVlde twelve (12) black and whIte coples (two
per d1stnct) of the presentation for use durmg breakout sessions
7 4 LD I will prepare slgn-m sheets for the meetmg.
7 5 CIty staff will prOVide name tags
76 City staff will arrange the meetlng room and 1llVlte the attendees to the
Ctry ofClwnvater Dalvn/OWII Dmgn GlI/de/meJ
Page 2 of 5
7.7 CIty staff will advertlse for the pubhc workshops
7 8 The CIty staff will prepare the aenals and any other presentatlon boards that
ate needed to ldenllfy the chstttcts.
79 LDI will facilitate the pubhc workshop and breakout seSSIons. CIty staff will
assIst WIth the facIDtatlon.
80 Written Design Guidelines
81 LDI will prepare one (1) wntten desIgn gutdehne draft report Wlth standards
for bmldtngs, SIte layout, parktng. access, and slgnage standards for the
project area. The consultant will proVlde one copy-ready hardcopy of the
draft to the CIty and one digttal verSIon
8 2 The Destgtl GUldehnes will meet the Secretary of the Intenor Standards guidelines, and the Flonda Bureau of J-Itstonc Preservatlon standards.
8 3 The desIgn gwdelmes will be broken into sec1:lons based upon the S1X (6)
character Dtstricts, :Including the Old Bay, Downtown Core, South Gateway,
Town Lake ResIdential, East Gateway, and Town Lake BUS:lness Park
Districts Each section willmclude those standards that are apphcable to
the mdrvldual DIstttCt, as well standards iliat are apphcable to all Distttcts.
8A The destgtl gwdehnes will be integrated :Into the City of Clearwater's
Redevelopment Plan
8.5 Subsequent to the Client's reVlew of the draft copy of the desIgn gmdelmes
and :Input proVided dunng the public meetings,InI will prepare one (1) final
version of the deSIgn standards :incorporatIng the Chent's comments The
consultant will provide one copy-ready hardcopy of ilie final report to the
CIty and one dtgttal versIon
9.0 Workshop #2
9 1 LD! will facilitate a follow-up workshop to htghhght the key gutdehnes m the
proposed report for each character Dtstrict CIty staff will asSISt Wlth the
facthtatIon In! will prepare one (1) origmal digttal copy of the draft and
agendas. The dtgttal caples will be sent to CIty staff ill order that CIty Staff
may provIde copIes for the meetIng. LDI will proVIde SIX (6) caples of the
draft (1 pet: dtstnct) for use dunng the breakout seSSlOns.
9.2 LDI will prepare an agenda and slgn-m sheets for the meetlng.
9 3 Clty staff will proVlde name tags
9.4 City staff will arrange the meeting room and :inVIte the attendees to the
9 5 CIty staff will advertlse for the pubhc workshop
96 The CIty staff Wlll prepare the aenals and any other presentatlon boards that
are needed to Identify the DIsmcts
Gty of Clem water DowlltoJl}n Dwgn Gllldelmes
Page 3 of :,
10.0 Public Hearings
101 LDI Wlll be available to answer quest10ns about the desIgn gmdelme report
dunng one (1) Local Plannmg Agency and one (1) CIty COm.m1SSlOn heat11lg
for adoption
102 If the CIty reqmres attendance at any add.1tlOnal meettngs beyond those
descnbed m 101 above, LDI will be compensated on an hourly baSIS for
meettng tune and travel costs assocIated Wlth the addittonal project needs,
based upon the attached hourly rate schedule
11.0 Compensation and Dehverables
The followmg Items shall be conSIdered the project deltverables, and in exchange for
the Servlces descttbed above herem, the Consultant shall recetve a lump sum fee of
$30,000 for those dehverables, to be paid In three equal Installments based upon the
11 1 Data Collect1on, DefimtLon of Predom.tnant Styles and Pubhc Workshop #1
- $10,000.
112 Pubhc Workshop #2 - $10,000
113 FInal Document - $10,000
All reports, dra.wmgs. photographs, and plans for thts project shall be prepared
uttltzmg either MIcrosoft Word, Excel or Pubhsher, and ArcVIew. An electto1l1c
copy of all final dehverables will be ptoVlded to the CIty upon completion of the
The consultant will be responsIble for dttect expenses illcurred by the consultant 10
preparation of the project. These expenses mclude mtleage, lodgmg. telephone
charges, ill-house matenal costs, as well as the costs assoC1ated Wlth the
photocopymg, as defined above_ The CIty will not pay reunbursable expenses to the
Chent The CIty will aSSIst Wlth reprograpmc, photocopy, and presentation matenals
In addition to that defined 10 tlus scope
City of C!ermmter Downtown Dwgn CfIldelllleJ
Page 4 of 5
Standard Rate
City of C/~(m/J(lter Dlnl1nfown DCJlgn Gmde!mei
Page 5 of <;
Exhibit B
Art< ~;) iUUj
City of ClearwaterCITY OF CLEARWATER
RFQ 14-03
; Clearwater
The CIty of Clearwater announces that it is requesting responses from qualIfied
profeSSIOnals for the following'
Downtown Design GUIdeline servIces assocIated WIth the update
of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan IncludIng the "Gateway"
area. The general boundaries of this area are Highland Avenue
on the east, Clearwater Bay on the west, Drew Street on the
north, except for the area contained in the Northwest Periphery
Plan area, and Court Street on the south, but including the
area controned in the Southwest Penphery Plan (see attached
map). QualIfied firms will prepare ArchItectural DeSIgn
GuidelInes for the City of Clearwater's Downtown
Redevelopment Area, utilizing the Flonda Department of State
DIViSIOn of Histoncal Resources Model GuidelInes for Design
Review and the Secretary of Intenor Standards for
RehabilitatIon. GuidelInes shall provIde criteria for histone
renovation, new construction, building addItions, fac;ade
alteratIOns, and signage for the Downtown area. The Design
Gwdelines wIll prOVIde for appropriate renovatIOn of buIldIngs
In the hIstoric downtown, as well as for new construction and
redevelopment ill the surrounding areas. The Guidelines should
also be related to and support the character dIstrictS
estabbshed In the updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan.
Grant funds are beIng used for this project and a draft must be
submitted to the State of Florida for review and approval 45
days prior to the end of the grant period of June 30, 2003 and
the final product must be submItted to the State by July 30,
The firm(s) selected for these assignments wIll be expected to sign a contract
WIth the CIty of Clearwater. The Crty reserves the nght to select specific
companies submitting as part of a team submittal.
Quahfied responses w1l1 be reVIewed and ranked by the Cl'ty's Review
Committee. Preference at the discretion of the Review Committee may be gIven
to respondents With national and/ or Flonda deSign expenence. SpeCIfic
emphasis wlll be placed on firms with proven InnovatIve and state of the art
expenence In developIng design guIdelines for histone areas WIth substantIal
C \Documents. and SettlOgs\LDI\Loca! Settmgs\ Temporary Internet Ftles\OLK62\Exhlblt B - Downtown DeSIgn
Gllldelrnes RFQ doc
areas for infill and redevelopment. Oral presentations wIll be requested of
short-listed potential selectees at the discretion of the ReVIew CommIttee.
Qualified firms are Invited to notIfy the City of Clearwater of their Interest ill
being selected by submitting ten (10) copies of the InformatlOn requIred In the
SubmIttals section and shoWIng the qualificabons of your firm to address the
below by the requIred date. AddITIonal response forms and non-technIcal
Information may be obtaIned from George McKIbben, City Purchasing Manager,
(727) 562-4634. This Request for Qualifications is aVaIlable on-hne at: Select: "Purchasing"; "InVItations for Bid"; then "RFQ
14-03" .
George McKibben
City Purchasing Manager
Mumcipal Services BuildIng
100 South Myrtle Avenue (300 floor)
Clearwater, FL 33756 - 5520
MailIng address: P.O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
All proposals must be received not later than 4:00 p.m.. local tim.e Friday,
February 14, 2003. The City assumes no responsibility for responses received
after the stated bme and date, or at any office or location other than that
specIfied hereIn, whether due to mall delays, courier mIstake, mIshandling or
any other reason. Late responses WIll be held unopened and not considered for
Written response, other submisslOns, correspondence, and all records made
thereof, as well as negotiations conducted pursuant to thIS request, shall be
handled in compliance with Chapters 119 and 286, Flonda Statutes The City
gIVes no assurance as to the confidentiality of any portion of the qualifications
once submitted
The City reserves the nght to retain all submItted responses for official record
purposes The City also reserves the right to dispose of any or all coples of
responses In whatever manner it deems appropriate. No copIes of responses will
be returned to the firm.
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Setbngs\Temporary Internet Files\OLK62 \ Ex}ublt B - Downtown DeSIgn
GUldehnes RFQ doc
Once a response IS presented, the City shall not accept any requests by any firm
to correct errors or omissions In any calculatIOns submItted.
The City reserves the ngh t to accept or reject any and / or all
submissions/proposals, to WaIve IrregulantIes and technIcalities, and to request
resubmlssion Any sole response received the first submISSIOn date mayor may
not be rejected by the Crty depending on available competitIon and tImely needs
of the CIty. The City shall be the sole Judge of the submIssion/proposal and the
resulting negotIated agreement that is in i~s best interest and Its deCIsion shall
be final Also, the City reserves the nght to make such investigation, as It deems
necessary to determIne the ability of any responder to perform the work or
servIce requested. The responder shall prOVIde information the Crty deems
necessary to make this determinatIon.
Any prospective fmn should make an affirmative statement In its proposals to
the effect that, to its knowledge, Its retention would not result in a conflict of
interest With any party. Altematively, should any potential conflict e:XISt, the
prospective firm should speCIfy the party with WhIch there mIght be a conflIct,
the nature of the potential conflict, and the means proposed to resolve such
Any actual or prospectIve responder who IS aggrieved In connectIon WIth the
soliCItation or award of a contract may seek resolutIon of its complaJnts by
contacting the Purchasing Manager.
By offering a submission to the RFQ, the responder certifies, and In the case of a
Joint submission/ proposal each party thereto certifies as to Its own organIZation,
that in connection WIth the submIssion/proposal:
a No attempt has been made or WIll be made by the responder to
Induce any other person or firm to submIt or not to submIt a
submIsslOnjproposal for the purpose of restnctIng compet1tlOn, and
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Loca! Settmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\OLK62\Exhlblt B - Downtown DeSIgn
GUldelmes RFQ doc
b The only person(s) or pnncipal(s) Interested In thIS
submIssion/proposal are named therein and that no person other
than those therein mentioned has/have any interest In thIS
submission/proposal or In the agreement to be entered Into; and
c. No person or agency has been employed or retained to solicIt or
secure this agreement upon an agreement or understandlng for a
commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting
bona fide employees or established commercial agencies malntalned
by the purchaser for the purpose of domg business.
ProfesslOnal services requested In this RFQ are within the scope of the prachce of
arclutecture, landscape architecture, professional engineering, or regIstered land
surveying, as defmed by the laws of the State of Floncia. PrOVIsions of F.S.
287 055 apply.
The City, an enhty of govemment, is subject to the appropnation of funds by ltS
legislative body m an amount sufficient to allow continuation of its performance
in accordance Wlth the terms and conditions of this contract for each and every
fiscal year folloWlng the fiscal year ill WhlCh this contract is executed and entered
into and for which thIs contract shall remain in effect. The City shall, upon
receIpt of notice that sufficient funds are not available to continue its full and
faithful performance of thIs contract, provide written notice to the Contractor of
such event and effective thirty (30) days after giving such notice or upon the
expIration of the penod of brne for which funds were appropriated, whIchever
occurs first, be thereafter released at all further obligations ill any way related to
the contract.
Interested firms should state their Interest in tillS project by submItting eight
copies of the follOWIng:
. Letter of interest and understandIng on FIrm stationery;
. Description of FIrm to Include only the follOWIng:
./ Legal name, years in bUSIness, officers, staff SIze, and staff breakdown by
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDT\LocaI Settmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\OLK62\Exhlblt B - Downtown DeSign
GUldelmes RFQ doc
../ List of all sImdar projects or work completed wIthin the last ten years,
with dates of completIOn, SIze of projects, project cost, name of lead staff
person, addresses, client contact persons, and telephone numbers;
../ Names and titles of the project team;
../ Resumes of all persons who WIll be working on thIs project, Including
consultants and mterIor design staff;
../ Table of organization proposed by the Firm for thIS prOject,
./' Selected examples from at least three dIfferent deSIgn guidelines where
the firm has been the principal author;
../ Statements of professional and general liabIlIty Insurance, as requIred by
the City;
../ Firm brochures and business cards of persons to be assigned to this
../ List of legal actIons brought agaInst the firm WIthIn the last ten years.
Multiple firm or JOInt venture teams must clearly identify the roles and
responsIbilities of the proposed participants.
Approximately $20,000 has been earmarked for these services.
The City Project Review CommIttee WIll review the RFQ submittals and select
three to five firms for IntervIews. Those firms not asked to respond to the RFQ
WIll also be notified
The selected firms will be shortlisted and given advance notice to prepare for a
public Interview, to be held In Clearwater. The IntervIews WIll be conducted
over a one~ or two-day schedule. A deCISIOn follOWIng the IntervIews WIll be
made WIthIn five workmg days of the last Interview. The selection WIll be based
on the most qualified firm WIth the most relevant experIence, the quality of
guidelInes completed, their ease of admlnIstratlOn and the abihty to convey
deSIgn issues to the publIc
The CIty reserves the right to accept and/ or reject any or all proposals; to Waive
any irregularity, varIance, or Informality whether technical or substantIal In
nature, and to negotIate WIth all qualified Firms In keepIng WIth the best
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local SettmgS\Tempo?ary Intemet FIles\OLK62\E..ullblt B - Downtown DeSign
GUldelmes RFQ doc
Interests of the Crty. An award resultmg from thIS request shall be awarded to
the FIrm whose proposal IS determined to be most advantageous to the CIty of
Items whIch the SelectlOn and TechnIcal CommIttee will consIder and weIgh
dunng the selection process are' avaIlability of the firm, successful experience
creabng desIgn guidelInes utilizing the Secretary of Interior Standards for
Rehabilitation, successful experience in preparing guidelines for downtown
In:fill development, completeness of response to the RFQ, and qualificatlODs of
key personnel to be assIgned to projects.
See Exhibit "A" attached.
This RFQ is being mailed to Finns that have contacted the City and those that
are believed to have the experience needed for this project. The project is also
being advertised per City of Clearwater purchasing policies.
Release date of RFQ
January 23, 2003
Due date ofRFQ
February 14, 2003
Oral Presentations
February 27,2003
Selection Committee Decision
March 7, 2003
1 All responses become property of the CIty of Clearwater
2. The CIty will not reimburse the respondent for any costs assocIated
WIth the preparatIon, submittal, or presentatIOn of theIr responses to
thIS request.
3. The respondent acknowledges that all informatIon contaIned WIthIn Its
response IS part of the pubhc domaIn as defined by State of Florida
Sunshine and Pubbc Record Laws. The City gives no assurance as to
confidentiality of any portion of any proposal once submitted.
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\ Temporary Internet Flles\OLK62\Exlublt B ~ Downtown DesJgn
Gmdehnes RFQ doc
4. The awards made pursuant to thIs Call for ProfessIOnal ServIces are
subject to the provislOns of Chapter 112, Part III, Flonda Statutes. All
respondents must disclose wIth theIr responses the name of an officer,
dIrector, owner, or agent who IS also an employee of the Crty of
5. Respondents, theIr agents, and aSSOCIates shall refr8.1n from contactIng
or soliciting any City offiCIals regarding thIS Call for ProfeSSIOnal
ServIces during the selection process Failure to comply wIth this
prOVISIOn may result in disqualification of the respondent, at the
option of the City Only George McKIbben may be contacted.
6. There shall be no discnmInation as to race, sex, color, creed,
handicaps, or natIonal origIn in the operations conducted under this
7. Due care and diligence has been exercised in the preparation of this
Call for Professional ServIces, and all mformation contaIned herein is
believed to be substantially correct. However, the responsIbIlity for
deterrrllning the full extent of the services rests solely with those
making responses. NeIther the City nor its representatives shall be
responsIble for any error or omiSSIOn ill this response, nor for the
failure on the part of the respondents to determine the full extent of
the exposures.
8. Preference WIll be gIven to those responses In full or substantially full
complIance with the requested information in this document.
9 Each respondent IS responsIble for full and complete compliance WIth
all laws, rules, and regulations including those of the Federal
Government, the State of Florida, and the Crty of Clearwater. Failure
or InabIlIty on the part of the respondent to have complete knowledge
and Intent to comply WIth such laws, rules, and regulations shall not
relieve any respondent from Its oblIgatIon to honor Its response and to
perform completely In accordance with its response.
10. Any interpretation, clarificatlOn, correctlOn, or change to the Call for
ProfeSSIOnal Services wIll be made by wntten addendum Issued by the
CIty'S PurchasIng Manager. Any oral or other type of communIcation
concernIng the Call for Professional ServIces shall not be bIndIng
unless issued by the City In the form of an addendum
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet Files\OLK62\Exlublt B ~ Downtown Deslgn
GUIdelines RFQ doc
11. Responses must be signed by an IndIvIdual of the respondenes
organizatlon legally authorized to commit the respondenes
organlZatlOll to the performance of the services contemplated by thIS
Call for Professional Services.
12. The successful respondent shall be requIred to submit proof of
licenses, certifications, and proofs of insurance as required by the CIty
13. The successful respondent shall not be allowed to substitute project
team members named In this response without the wntten permissIon
of the City.
14. The deSIgner is responsible for all costs assocIated WIth any non-
discretionary changes A bond for this purpose may be required.
Documents cited in thIS document but not attached are available upon
"This project has been fmanced in part with historic preservation grant
assistance provided by the National Park ServIce, U.S. Department of
Interior, administered through the Bureau of Historic Preservatlon, Division
of Historical Resources, Florida Department of State, assisted by the Historic
Preservation AdVISOry CounciL However, the contents and opInIons do not
necessanly reflect the views and opinions of the Department of the Interior or
the Florida Department of State, nor does the mention of trade names or
commercIal products constih.Ite endorsement or recommendation by the
Department of the Interior or the Florida Department of State. ThIS program
receives Federal financial assistance for identification and protection of
hIstoric propertIes. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Secuon 504
of the Rehabihtahon Act of 1973, and the Age DIscriminatlOn Act of 1975, as
amended, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohIbIts discrimination on the
basis of race, color, national origin, disabIlity, or age in its federally assisted
programs. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any
program, activIty, or facIhty as described above, or if you desire further
mformation, please wnte to: Office of Equal Opportunity, NaTIonal Park
Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240."
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Intemet F1IeS\OLK62\Exh1blt B - Downtown DeSign
GUIdelmes RFQ doc
Ui/~VI'VU~ ~v _i r~A ~V'V_QV~V
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Winter Park FL 32789
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TtI9 Clty l)f Clearwater
A'lTN' CIty Clerk
P.e. 90x4748
Clearwatet, FL ~75B4748
8tIOUUl ANt OF~!ABOVEDESClUeECl POUClE9 tJe~eet.Lal iJt;;roRETM expJRA.l1~
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City of Clearwater
Downtown Design Guidelines
Part 1- General Standards
July 2003
Prepared try-
lqo North Or-IC1l'ldo Av;;muE."
SUIte 295
W,nter "Pa,.k Florida 'Z789
'Phone- tf07~975-' l73
rax tf07-975-IZ78
yvww lo"dhlz COI'\<1
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUIdelines
Purpose and Intent of De~lgn GmdellOes
App Itcd-blhty
SIte DesIgn
A Block Con figuration
1 mock SIze
2 Lot SIze
3 Come PreventIOn Through EnVironmental Design
B Butldmg Placement/OnentatlOn
1 BU1ldl11g Onent'dtion
a Street 0 nentatlOn
b EntranceLocation
2 Butldmg Placement
3 ParklOg Lot LocatIOn
C BUlldmg SeparatJon
D ButldlOg Coverage
E Block ContInuity
1 ContmUlty for Gaps between Buud1l1g~
2 ContIDUlty for Rece~sed Courtyard Areas.
3 Vacant Lots
BUlldmg Porm
PART I. General Standards
1 BUlldmg Wldth/Ho[Jzontal Component
2 BUlldmg Helght/Vemcal Component
d BUlldmg Depth
3 SoltdS/VOlds
a Fenestlation
b \Vl11dows/Transparency
1 Htstonc Architectural Style"
2 Fa~ade Design
a Flr"t Floor Pede"tnan Scale
b Corner I'acades
(. Non-Street Facadet>
fleJiy' 9nnwafjom, 9nt:.
G \Projects\99026 01 \Drgfts\PartI\ 18prtl doc
CIty of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUIdelines
3 Entrances
4 M,ltenals
5 Colol s
Roof Design
Corporate De:'lgn
SIte Acce~s, ClrculatJon and Parking.
A VehKular CI rculatlon / Access
B Pedestnan Ctrculanon/ Actes:.
C Surface Park111g Lot Design
Landscap111g, Buffermg and Screemng.
A LandscaplOg and Buffenng
B Scrcemng
1 Fem_es and Walls
2 Streetwalls
3 Me(.hanH...t1 EquIpment, Loadmg and ServiCe Areas
A Types Allowed 60
1 SIte Slgm (monument/ground SIgn:,) 60
2 BmldlOg IdenttficatlOll SIgnS (attached to the bmldlOgwall or wmdow) 61
n SIgn Placement & DeSign 61
1 SIte J dentlficatlon SIgnS 61
2 Busmess Identification SIgnS 61
a Wall SignS 62
b PrOjectlOg ~:llg11<; 62
c Hangmg SignS (Suspended) 62
d Wmdo\V SIgnS 63
e Canopy, MarqUl:' or Awnmg SIgnS 63
f DIrectory SIgns 63
\i"1II On-Site Llghtmg
A Pedestnan LlghtJIlg
B V chIcle LIghtmg
C Accent LlglltJng
IX MI~Lellaneous Gmdeltnes
1 CommerCial Alleys
2 Re:'ldentlal Alleys
OI1!iJ" 91mow/iom, 9m:.
G \Pw]ects\Sl9026 01 \D[gfts\P~[tI\18prtl doc
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
B Accessory Structures
C EXI~ tlOg N on -Con fOfrrung Structu res
1 Purpose and Procedure~
2 GUldehne~ for NonconfonTImg Structures
SpeodlUse GUldehne~
A Parkmg Garages
1 Public Galdges
a Facade De~lgn
b Placement
2 Pnvate Garage~
a Facade Design
b Placement
CIVIC and Tmtltutlonal BUlldll1~
1 Placement
2 Fa~ade DesIgn
f.twI1Jerijn 9mwuaIiom. 9m:.
G \ Prolects\99026 01 \D["ft5\P>l,d\18prt1 doc
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
I. Purpose and Intent of Design Guidelines
Clea rwater' ~ downtown has evolved tremendousl y s1l1ce Its mcorporabon on May 27, 191 I) HIs to n call y,
the CIty had a thnvmg downtown thatwa~ centrally focused along Cleveland Avenue 11m Mea remams
the central commerce focus of tlIe downtown evcn today, howevcr, It IS now commencmg a
revltaltntlon phase ::'1Oce about the 1970's, downtown Clearwater, Slmtlar to many downtowns 10 the
natIon, experIenced a dIsplacement caused by re~ldent~ and merchants leavmg for ~uburban bfestyles
A~ a result the downtown expeoenced some vacancies and deteooraoon from a lack of malOtenance
Today, however, Clearwater has begun to expenence reluvenaoon 1Jl the downtown and several new
mfill developments The CIty ha~ expenenced some new mfill that does not relate well WIth the hIstonc
streetstape patterns and local concern has grown over the deSIgn and aestheocs of new development
fhercfore, the City ha~ chosen to set standards that WIll mamtaln and Improve the image and
appearancc of Clearwater's downtown The basIC premIse IS that a quality appearance will result 1Jl a
quabty hfcstyle DeSign gUldelmes Will also mutually protect everyone's IOvestment When the Image of
a cammuruty IS mmntamed or Improved, a ~ensc of pode develops for the reSIdents, property owners,
and merchants The appeaC'.11lce of the downtown also must be mamtalOed for Clearwatcr to stay
competItIve 10 the regIOnal market In the absence of standards to ensure attractive development, other
areas m the regIOn may pOSItion themselves WIth a more competItive advantage to attract reSIdents and
metchants away from Clearwater
The deSIgn cntena contalfied 111 these guldellfies are tntended to apply to all resldentJal, commerCial,
office, mstltutlOnal and lfidustnal development, tndudmg both pubhc and pnvate fucIlttJes wlthm the
Clearwater Downtown area The c(ltena set out local objectives far SIte plannmg (such as, ~etbacks, SIte
coverage, and bUlldlOg hetght~), butldtng form and de~lgn, acce~s and cJ[culatloo, and Slgnagc In
addloon, examples are provlded to evaluate the appropnatcness of development and redevelopment
The gUldelmes are mtended to be fleXible and encourage deSIgn diverSIty and vanatlons The c[ltena for
development In the downtown WIll pnmanly ensure that the archltecturallOtegnty and detaIls of eXlsoog
structures are matntamed, as well as affirm the appropnateness of new development IOta the hlstonc
fabrIC of the downtown SpeCial attentlOn ha~ been placed on the creatIOn of an attracttve, sdfe and
functlonal urban envIronment
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
II. Applicability
TIle provIsIons of thIs document are appltcable to propertIes located w1th1l1 the followmg Clearwater
Downtown dlstncts Downtown Core, Old Bay, South Gatew,IY, Town Lake RC<'ldentlal, Town Lake
Busllless Park, and Ea~t Gatew,IY They apply to both new development and redevelopment activities
11le City does not de~lgn for any development appltcants It reV1ew<; proposed proJects to ensure that
the de~lgn mtent conta1l1cd In the<;e gUldelmes IS achIeved
Prom time to tlmc there may be an mconSlstency between the dC<;lgn gUldchnes foe the downtown
dlstncb and dle zonmg regulatIOns The ~peC1fic design guldehne~ for tlle downtown dlstncts Will
supersede the gcneral gUidelmes wtthm the Commul11ty Development Code
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
III. Site Design
Thcre arc many site dcslgn features that can have a major Impact on the appearance of the bU1lt
envIronment This "e(.tiOn will provide regulatmns for lot contigurntton, bUlldll1g and parkmg lot
placement, as well a" bUlldmg separation and coverage
A. Block Configuration
To mamtalO the character of the downtown at a pedestnan scale, It IS Important to preserve the
current stze of the blocks, rather than allowing the consoltdatJon of smaller blocks IOto mega
1. Block Size
Large-scale developments should be deSigned to provide pedestnan passageway,,/alleys
to malOt:un a pedestnans abJlty to lTugrate through downtown without the need of
alterna tt ve tran::.portatlOn
New developmcnt should be discouraged from vacattng eXlwng nghts-of-way to form
mcga/super blocks tbat Impede traffic flow through the City and creatc additIOnal traffic
congestton If an opportu11Jty for redevelopment ames where a prevmusly vacatcd nght-
of-way can be reopened, the process should be ::.trongly conSidered
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First Ward, Cha:rlotte, NC
2. Lot Size
1 he Width and length 0 f a lot tmpact::. the app eara~(.e 0 f the s treetscap c Very large lots
With bU1ldmgs that are set away flOm the roadway can create a campm-type of
environment W'hereas ::.maller lots, typiCally found In htstoflc downtowns, <..teate an
urban environment that Ie. walkable, produce a sense of place, and plOvlde Oppoltu11l0eS
for sOCialmteractton
Increased ConnecoVl ty
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUldelmes
Some uses, ::.uch a::. lOSbtut!.onal, may need more ::.pace to adequately fit on a lot,
requmng a larger lot Size, while others, ::.uch as ::'lOgle famtly re'>ldeOtlal or small retaIl
e<;tabbshment::. may fit 111 smaller lot::. However, It I'> the lOtent of these regulaoons to
ptevent gap:. bemg formed between butldmgs that will create lots that are ::.ubstandard
for future development
~~ \,
- f'
'~ '
Standard Lot Wldth
On the other hand, the creabon of excessively large lots m the downtown needs to be
discouraged "Where lOrnvldual lot" have been consoltdated for the development of
large-::.cale developments, the"e development regulations wtll eo"ure that the large-scale
development WI]] :,011 preserve the pedeswan scale of development 10 the downtown
If redevelopmen t and IOftll are p Tl on be<; 111 the downtown, fleXible 10 t SIL:e regulaoons are
nece~sary, keepmg m m1l1d that certam faohbc'> such as parkmg and landscapmg :.tlll
need to be provIded For example, the Old Bay dlstnct has undergone a lot of
reSidential conver'>lons to office use, and therefore the oTlg}-nal lot size may be
substandard to meet the full reqUIrements of the Commufilty Development Code The
,>peClfic c\lstnct deSign gUIdeline sectlOos address alternatIve') such as proVldlOg shared
parklllg facilities
3. Crime Preventlon Through Envuoomeotal Design
Appropnate ,>afety and <;ecunty feature,> should be mcorporated mto bUlldmg and Mte
deSIgn con",l."tent With the concepts and pnnClples of Come Prevention Through
EnVironmental DeSign (CPTED)
B. Building Placement/Orientation
1 he locatlOn of bU11dmg:, on ')Ite<; vane", dependmg on whtch area of the downtown the
development IS located In the older urban area, bUlldmgs need to be located do,>er to the street
to preserve the traditional layout, while newer development along traffiL-flow onented corndors
may have the butldmgs located furthel away from the street Tn eIther case, the placement of
bU11dlOgs and parklOg areas should contnbute to the creabon of a healthier pede::.tnan
enVironment, a more coheSive urban context, and a balanced traosportabon system '1 he
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
Importance of the automobile ,>hould be recogmzed, but dIrect connections and
accommouatiOns for pubilc tramlt, bicycle,> and should be plOvlded
1. Bmlding Onentation
The oaenta tJOn 0 f the front fu<;adc of bUlldlllg" along the s tree~cape IS Imro rtant fa r the
pedestrian vIabIlity of an area BUlldmgs th'i1t hlr11 perpendKular to the public flght-of-
way or only have acce% from rear parking lot,> create an envIronment that IS unfuendlv
for petIestuan,>
a. Street Orientatton
BUlldll1g" ,>hall have their front facades onented to face the pubhc nght-of-way
Comer lots shall have a <'fronr" on both public rights-of-way The only
exceptIon that may be gIven for bUlldll1g onentatlon would be If a larger
development provided hner butld1l1g~ along the fir,>t floor faung the publtc nght-
of-way The 11l1er hmldlllg would eldler have actual smaller shops located facll1g
the streetfront or the appearance of smaller shops WIth wlI1dow ShOpplllg
op portum ties
Example of
b. Entrance Locatton
At least one public entrance of aU pnoClpal structure,> shall be onenteu towards
the publIC nght-of-way VehIcular operungs sllch ,I::' dlO'>e for garages and
carports ,>hall not conStItute as publtc entrances
BUlldmg entrances shall be onented to maXlITl1ze pedestnan access Butldll1gs
along artenal and collector streets should have their pnmary customer entrance
fac1l1g the stleet
Where two major streets 1I1ter<;ect, customer entrances shall be proVided for both
streets, a corner entrance WIll be a perrrutted exceptIon to thIS reqUlrement
Auuloonal entr;mc6 are I;;m..ouC'<lged facll1g IOLal ::.treet::., parkll1g lots, plazas,
waterfronts and adjacent bUlldmgs
L~r f''!....k...o~ .tL~
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
Where areas arc located behmd the bU~lfiesse,>, a secondary entrance ma y
be provIded 111 the back of the bu,>mess A rear entrance can provide customer
01 servIce dccess to the ~tole
.i).~ ~I =- -
,=~ 0'~'~ ~~
Front Entrance
Rear Entrance
2. Building Placement
The locatIon 0 f bUlldlOgs on sites cu rre n tly vanes dependl ng on the a rea 0 f the CI tv Tn
the older downtown areas bUJldll1g~ have located doset to the street, whIle the newer
developments along the hIgher speed corndor,> typtcally locate the bluldmg5 toward the
back of the site with parkmg areas m the front The older downtown pattern I'> preferred
and "houle! be encouraged as It contnbute~ to tne creatIon of a healthier pede,>tnan
environment and a more cohe'>lve urban context
BUilding placement regulations the relatIOnship a bUlld1l1_g ha,> to Its own
property lme~ and the d.dJacent propertJes When e<;tabh:.hlOg bUlldll1g placement
regulatiOm that reqUlre bmldmgs to be located up to the front property lme, It 1<;
tmportan t that su ffiClent width I'> P rc~erved along the sKlew d.lks, and that su ffiC\ent space
IS md.1ntamed to proVide formal street,>cape elements (street trees, hghtll1g, trash
receptade,>, benches, etc) BUlldll1gs placed dt the front property 11l1e form ,1 '>tleet edge
and frame the publiC realm Furtber, thlS type of bUlldmg pLKemem enable~ the
pede~tnan to Il1teract WIth the bUlldll1g5, as the bUlldll1gs are eastly acce~~ed from the
pubitc space RequlTtng buudmg5 to be placed away from the front property Ime can
create a def1t1mg barner between the pedestrld.o and the busll1es~, dl,>couragll1g
111 te ractJon 51 mllail y, overly large setback ~ con tn bu te to '>lgn pro It fera tlon and vIsual
blight because a bUlld1l1g that 1~ set back a large (h~tance often teaLts by "shout1l1g", With
'>Igm, at pa<;smg moton<;ts and user~, b1Cych~ts, and pede,>tnans 111 order to be
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
BUildmg placement regulaoon,> must be defmed based upon the character 0 f the adjacent
roadway s and the desl1ed app earancc 0 f future develop men t T here fore, setb ack
regulaoons have been established by dtslnct 10 Part 11 The followmg standards are
general and apply to mo,>t aredS
3 Parking Lot LocatIon
\Vhlle off-street parkmg IS nece!>!>ary to accommodate automobtle demands, It displaces a
large percentage of the City'S open !>pace and separates structures from the malO
pedestrIan concourses The purpose of the followmg gUldelmes I'> to avoId creatmg the
appearance of a "sea of asphalt" from the nghts-of-way, a<; well as aVOidmg conflIcts
between vehIcles and the pedestnan atoVlty The :.ecbon on Site Access and Clrculabon
Lontam,> speCIfic deSlgIl ,>tandards for parkmg lots
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. Loca/ton Padong lot:, should not be the mO:.t prorrunent feature of a development
WIth the exceptIon of speCIfic dl<;tncts, palk10g lots shall be located beh10d the
buJldmg, or belund tlIe bUlkhng lme
. A1tntmtze Asphalt Consohdated parkmg areas shall be enLOUGlged to lTIllllffilL:e the
amount of pavement and acces~ dnveways
City of Clearwater, FlOrida
Downtown Design GUidelines
r 1
; I
Jm Eft rc=l l
/'j,' >-("j ~I'
I / fifF~ifT t
=> ~__ J~ ~
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Poor Quality Deslgn
Good Qual1ty Deslgn
. Shared Parkmg W'here a mix of uses creates staggered peak penods of parlang
demand, shared parkmg should be unhzed per Section 3-1401) of the City'S
Commufllty Development Code to reduce the total amount of reqUIred parkmg
. On- S'tree! Adjacent on-street parklOg may be counted toward!> the ffilOlfnum parklOg
space reqUIrement
. CPTED CPTED standards should be utill7ed 10 the deSign of parkmg areas
DeSigns that reduce vl<;tblllty, espcclally between parkmg areas and buslOcss
entrancc<;, should be discouraged
. Landscape Par all commerCial or employment uses other than mdustnal and
warehousing, surface parkmg areas should bc planted With shade trees at an
approxImate ratlo of onc tree for every fivc spaces Trees should be set IOta a tree
grate or landsc,lped walkway and pLOtectcd by bollards or tree guards
It Permeable PaVing. The use of permeable pavmg to reduce surface run-off may be
permlttcd, particularly In ovcr-flow and scasonal parkmg areas Howevel, retention
and detennon faCIlities shall be reqUired pet CIty Code
C. Building Separation
BUlldlOg separaoon 111 thiS sectIOn refers to the rmmmum distance requtred between butldtttgs,
whered~ setbacks addre!>;, the m1l11mUm ru<;tance a bUlldmg mu<;t be ~et a1l1QYfrom the properly Ime
One pnmary purpose for butldmg ~eparatlOn IS to ensure that hght and air are not 1l1telmpted as
the demlty and mtemlty of an atea Increa<;es and the bU1ldmg,s get taller A secondary purpose IS
to prevent the appearance of a wall of towers 10 areas With natural resources, such as the
ha(borfmnt properties
CIty of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown DesIgn GUidelInes
In area:. wIth a lot of peuestrIan traffic, bUlldmgs should be as close as possIble to each other on
the bottom floors to create contmulty and f01m the street wall However, the :.eparatlon 15 more
lmportant for the upper floors to let In light and aIr to the strect'> below The requIrements for
bUlldmg m the do\ltntown vary by dtstoLt, and arc covered In Part II
D. Building Coverage
The standards for bulldmg coverage ensure that an area achIeves or mamtall1S the deslrcd degree
of openncs,> ven.m bUlldmg dct1'itty Even m areas where the butldmgs are reqUIred to be placed
close to each other and to the fcont property hne, the butldmg coverage standards wtll encourage
a ccrtam percentage of the lot to be left open, Without butldmgs for pedestnan passageways
The standards vary from rustnct to ruStrlct, refer to Part II for U1Stnct standard!:.
E. Block Continuity
The mtent of the setback regulatJ.ons I!:. to establish the deSIred bruld-Io-Ime on a block face m
relatiOn to the Sidewalk and the street However, setbacks alone do not malntam the contmulty
along a streetscape, the fcont facades should have a hmlted number of gaps along the block
except for pedestnan and vehicular entrance!:. The heIght and WIdth also play an Important, as
descnbed m the bUildIng form deSIgn gUldelmes In some Sltuatton!:. there WIll be a need for a
streetwall or false fO{ode bUlldmg connectIon to mamtam the conttnUlty <is descnbed below
Helght - too taU
lnappropnate Gap
Between Buildings
Helght - too short
~ ~ IDe
~ ~ ~ ~Rf
LJ~ a-.JI~_
BUlldmgs Too Short-
Break 2-Story
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
1. Contmulty for Gaps between Buildings
As dlscu~~ed 10 the bmldmg separatIOn sectIOn, bUlldmg" located m block" that
accommodate a high volume of pedestflan traffic, are reqUIred to have bUlldmg~ closer
together In the!:.e urban areas, If two adjacent bUlldmgo. are comtructed lt1 a manner that
leaves a remammg gap between their Side walls, then a pede:;.tnan courtyard will be
created by that gap, whiCh ~hould also serve J.!:. a pedeHnan alley to the rear of block
\\lhen thl:;' occms, a de(.Qratlve fa1~e fa<;ade IS strongly encouraged to connect rlie two
butldmgs and lcave a pede"tnan entrance to tlie courtyard
Upon substJ.fltJal enlargement, "ubstantlal unprovemcnt or new construction for
pnnclpal bUlldmgs whICh are located wlthm the reqUlred maxImum setba<.k from a street,
If the SIde yard :;.etback IS greater than 0 feet, a streetwall shall extend fmm the pnnupal
butldmg fatadc along that poruon of the frontage hne that I~ not devoted to vehICular or
pedestnan access
Along blocks WIth zero lot lme development, operung!:. should not be left between
bUlldmgs that are too narmw to functIon a~ landscaped pedestnan courtyards If any
operung along the Side yard l~ planned, then the llUl1lmUm dIstance between the two
bUlldll1gs will be 10 feet to allow room for a pede"wan alleyway or courtyard
[Insert pl~rure of <connection< between bwldmg gg.p foc pede<tr"ltl courtyards]
In dlstnct<; wh ere parkll1g IS allowed on the SIdes of the bUlldlOgs, ,1 decoratJve ~ tieetwall
must be provIded to dlsgmse the parkmg lot area, as ~hown 10 thc example below
[Insert p,crure of parkmg-lot screerllng- fcom LakelandJ
2 Continuity for Recessed Courtyard Areas
III several dlstncts, there IS a maxImum <;etback for bUlldl1lgs to mamtaln COntlllLllty
However, there are exceptlOlls that allow bUlldmgs to recess or a portion of the fa<;ade to
reces<;, If a pubhc courtyard or cafe IS Plovlded If the bUlldmg exceeds the maximum
front yard setback, a decorattve streetwall "hall be constructed between the pnoClpal
bwldmg and the front lot hnes along that pomoo of the front property Ime that IS not
devoted to vehteular or pedestnan acce~s
Example of
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUldehnes
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3. Vacant Lots
lots vacant foe a penod of more than SIX (6) months m highly trafficked pedestnan area
shan lt1~tall a low urban streetwall or hedge along any adJacent pubhc street or walk
Height of the streetwall or hedge ~hall be a ITllOlmUm of three (3) feet and a maXImum of
five (5) feet above grade
IV. Building Form
The purpose for budding form reqUIrements IS to estabhsh design standards so that new construction
and additions to bUlld1l1gs are compatible with their surroundmgs A LompatJble structure IS one that
possesses pattern<; of proportion, scale, mass, form and matenals that are found In surround1l1g
<'malOstreet" "tyle bU1ldmgs The onentatlOn and detallmg of compatible structures result 111 a consistent
lelatlonshlp of the bUIlt form to the street and to the human scale Compatible structures are bUilt of
matenals that are harmol1lous m texture and form
A. Mass/Scale
The mass and the scale of bUlldmgs define the urbao pattern of a corrunuolty ThiS sectJon
provIdes gUIdelines for new con"tmctlon, redevelopment and mfill development to emure
consistency and compatlblltty With the estabhshed bUlldmg spacmg, proportion and placement
<.haractensocs of the eXlsong a.od deSired development patterns
The SIze tU1d proportions of a new development :;.hall be related to the scale of nearby bUlld1l1gs
Even If much larger than ItS oClghbor<; 111 telm<; of square footage, the building shaH malOtalO the
same scale and rhythm as the eXlsoog bU1ldmg<>
The lOtent of the setback regulations IS to establIsh the de:;'lrcd budd-Io-Ime on a block face 10
relatIOn to the ~ldewalk and the street However, setbacks do not determlOe how wide or how
tall bUlldll1g~ should be to fit In the eXlstlOg urban pattern By regulaong bUlldll1g WIdth and
heIght, and the honzontal and vertical component~ on the fa<;ade, It Will be ea~ler to achIeve the
deSired urban pattern
1 Budding Wtdth/Honzontal Component
The Width for new ,>tmcturcs And ll1fill development ~hould reflect the ptedorrunant
histone wldth of other stm<.tures along the "ame blockface, or the de~l1ed bUIldmg WIdth
for the future development pattern on vacant bloch
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
A smgle, clomm,ll1t buJdmg mass ~hould bc aVOided m the do\l;ntown Howevcl, when
large developments, over fifty (50) feet 10 Width, are proposed, d1e fOllow111g regulatIons WIll
. Proposed large-settle dcvelopmcnt WIll be lequlled to break up the ma,>s of the
fa<;ade COfl'>l~tent wLdl predommant buddll1g \vldths Long and low-me bUlldmgs
shall be desIgned to be compatJble wIth taller nearby bu!ldll1p by accentuatmg
vertIcil element~ such as entrance<; aod column~, or by breakmg up the facade plane
Into smaller and more vertltal masse~ To break up the hOrizontal mass of a large
bUIlding, vertIcal archItectural c1ement~ must be mtroduced along the facade
. The deSIgn of a new structure or a ~ubstant1al enlargcment or Improvement of an
eXI~tjng structure whICh exceeds fifty (50) linear feet along any street flOntage shall
be deSIgned to have the appearance of multIple bUlldmgs or bUlldmg sectlon~
Example of Appropnate Mass-
VertlCal Bay and Rooflme
. Honzontal masse~ ~hould not excced a WIdth ratIo of 1 3 wldlOut d ~ubstantlal
archltectunl clement dlat eIther projects up, such as a tower, bay (as ~hown m the
photograph above), or other architectural feature, and or recesses mto the bUlldmg
. VariatiOns 10 the roofhne (a~ ~hown 111 the photograph above), If consIstent WIth the
archItectural style of the bUlldmg, are abo useful In breakmg up the honzontal mass
of a butldll1g
. Chtmges Il1 md~S should attempt to retlte to structural ~y~tem(s) and the Olganu:atlon
of ll1tenor space
lInsert dIagram showmg the massmg ba<;ed upon recesses]
2. Building Height/Vertlcal Component
New development and redevelopment, whether re~ldentlal or non-rcsldenttal, ~hould be
deSigned respectful to the e"{lsttng vertIcal heIght of adjacent bUlldmg<;, and ~hould
ma1l1ta1l1 the pede~toan scale The maxImum permitted heights and histonc heIghts f01
the SIX mdlvldual t.!Jstncts are contamed 1I1 the CharJ.Lter Dlstncts ~ectlon of the
Redcvelopmenr P!,lI1
It IS aho lInporrant to break up the vertlcal m,lSS of a bUlldll1g With honzontal
component~ that IdentIfy the <;tones, a~ well as al1gl1log the archItectural clemel1t~ on the
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
fa<;:ade ~Imllady to adjacent bUlld1l1g~ to ma1l1tam the rhythm of the block General
~tandalds for all dlsttlcts are as follows
. Tall bulldmgs "hall be de"lgned to be companble wIth long low-fISC nealby bulldmgs
by accentuatll1g honzontal element" such as balcony l1l1e~ and parapet hnes
. SubstantIal vanatlon", m vert1cal massmg "hould Include change", 10 heIght and
hoozontal plane 1 he facades on multi-story structures should show defll1ltton of
the vaoous stones to prevent CI eating a sohd mass that has no detatl and overwhelms
the block Tn mu..ed-use bUlldlOg'>, the ground floor should be dlfferennated from
uppel floors through the use of strong cormce hnes, awnmgs, dl~tlnct but compatIble
extenor color" or maten,lis, extenoc hghtmg, colonnades or overhan~ that cover the
sIdewalk, Increased setbacks for upper floor" Q( slITular treatmcnts
. New butldmgs that are proposed to have greater heIghts than the predoffimant
streetscapc pattern, \Vdl be reqUired to proVIde tranSItional setbacks to plcvent
overwhehrung the character and scale of the urban pattern
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Example of Ahgnmg WIth the
Predomlllant EXIstlllg Helght of
. Steppmg back the stone" of commercml bUlldmgs Lan also reduce the apparent ~cd.le
of the bUlldmg and e~tabhsh a "base" and a "top" For every story that is above the
predorrunant height of the block face there shall be an addltlOnal bUlldmg setback of
ten (10) feet The setbacks for upper floors may cont1l1UC, but the mmomum total
reqlltred "etback wtli be thIrty (3D) feet for the upper ~tones ThIS reguLltlOn should
not be fi1lscon",trued to repre~ent that all tall bUlldmg~ must utlltze the same "step"
deSign, the setback on the upper floors could Simply be thll:ty (30) feet WIthout ~U1y
<\teps" and also meet thiS reqUlccment
, }
-)'kL'\ \1.
Inconslstent With
predommant helght
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City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUIdelines
I nappropn ate
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J~ _ I 1, - -- ~~!dlJ-_L~ .- --1-,= L - J1W~
. Rooftop~ of hlgh-mc bUlldmgs should be sculptcd to create an mterestmg form and
enhance the collcctlve skylme MultIple rooftops on varymg levels can help break up
the vertICal mas" of the bUlldmg
a. Buildmg Depth
Thc depth of the bUlldmg should be consistent With the malooty length of the
bUlldmgs along the block Most Important It IS ne<..e,,<,ary to align the front
fa~ade and comer SIde facades WIth the hlstonc streetscape "etbacks to mamtam
continUIty for pedestnans along the street A", wen, mfill development wIll be
reqUlrcd to ahgn WIth the predoffilOant hlstonc setbacks for any alleys 10 the
In the examplc of mlxed-usc 1l1fill below, there IS dO eX1~nng bUlld1l1g cucled on
the lcft thdt does not follow thc pattern of the rest of thc block WIth rc~pect to
depth It IS largcr and has more depth, whICh bleak'>> up the pattern and
con tlOUlty It a.l so diVides the rea r parklOg area that could 0 therwlse be u tzllzed as
",hared parkmg
3. Sohds/Voids
In both re"'ldentlal and non-resIdential area~, pattem of a street"cape IS also very
dependent upon the relationshIp of sobd~ to vOld~ on the bUlldmg facades, and other
alterations m the vertical plane of the front facade The follO\vlOg standards are
\t1tended to cre,lte a pedcstoan friendly and coherent urban p,lttern of development
a. Fenestratlon
The arrangement of wmdows and doors should be cono.l"tent With the
nelghbonng bUlldmgs
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
b. Wmdows/Transparency
The followmg rcgulauons Idenufy t.hc amount of trdnsparency reqUired fot both
rC~ldentral ,lI1d non-resIdential stnlctures
(1) Commercial Transparency
In commerCial area,> (mcludlOg retail, hotel, hIgh me offlce and
mstltutlonal uses), the ground floor bUlldmg \Vall facll1g the ~treet shall
contain a 11l1nlffiUm of fifteen (15) percent of tramparent matenals,
located between three (3) and ,>even (T) feet measured from ground level
In general, tmnsparent wlOdows shall compose at least twenty-five (25)
percent of the ovec-dll street sIde exteoor elevations
For commercIal bUlld.lOgS, cledr gla'>S (88% lIght tmno.mlsslon) o.hould be
l11o.talled on the first floor Tmted glas~ allowmg a ffimlmum of 50% hght
transmlS~lon should be comldered only for use on second floor Wllldows
and above
(2) Resldentlal and Low Rise Office Transparency
ResIdentIal and office uses shall have front extenor walls conta11l1llg a
ffilOlmum of fifteen (15) percent and a maxImum of thIrty (30) percent
transparent or translucent matenals on each story below the roof lllle
The street side extenor walls of such o.tructures o.haH each contalO a
ml11tmum of ten (10) percent transparent or translucent matenals on each
story below the reoAme
AddltJonal transparency/ translucency reqUirements for bodl resIdential and non-
resldentJallOclude the followmg
. \VlOdows and door') should be glazed m clear glass wlth no more than
ten (10) percent dayhght reductiOn The use of reflectIve glas') and
reflettlve film I" prohIbIted on all bUlldmgs Glass block IS not permItted
a~ transparent matenab
. The transparency/translucency requIrement shall 'lpply only to new
constructJol1 or to those area" of a structure which are altered as part of a
substantIal enlargement 01 Improvement
CIty of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUIdelines
. Transparent matenals on wa1l~ tnat arc not parallel or approxunately
parAllel to the pubitc flght-of-wJ.Y and on door~ ~hJ.ll not he counted
toward the oull1mum transparency reqUIrement
. Garage facades shall not be mcluded In the trJ.n~pdrency/tra.nsluccncy
B. Architecture
1 HIstone Arcmtectural Styles
The arch1tectural style of new developmcnt or redevelopment slull be consistent wIth
the development III the smroundmg neighborhoods ButldlOgt> 10 all SIX downtown
districts represent a broad range of styles wIth no smgular style bemg predOffimant
Thcrefore, no one particular <;tyle or t11cme WII[ bc mandatcd for any dtstctct However,
new bU1ld1l1gs should complement the hlstonc and archltectura! hentage of the
downtown New de~lgns should avoId stnctly repltcat1l1g the detaIls of a hl~touc style,
whIch would create a false reprcscntatlOl1 Ratner, ncw dC~lgn 'ihould use contemporary
matenals to abstract ru<;tonc de~lgn element~
Modern Bulldmg ConsIstent wlth
Character of EXlstmg Development on
the Btock
\Vhcn an office bmldmg ~tte 1<; located on the same block face a,> or on a block face
acros'i the ,>trect from a resldentul J.rea the office !:.hall have J. re:,tdentJal archttectural
Some the dlstncts may havc spcClfic regulattons for rcdevelopment or renovatlom The
follow1l1g regulatIOns ale apphcable to all districts
. When replacmg ext<;t1ng bUlldmg componcnts, ,>uch as wmdows, that ate
Il1appropnate to the style and penod of the bUlld1l1g, they should be replaced With
new components that are appropnate to the style and penod of the bU1ldmg
" Doors and door detilll~, frame,>, hntels, fan hght<" '>ldeltght~, pediments aod
tlan!:.oms, 111 good cond.ttton or repaIrable that are In character WIth the style and
penod of the bUlld1l1g should be rcta1l1ed
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Desrgn GUldelrnes
. If doors or door detatl!:. 00 prll1Clpal facade!:. Me found to he Irreparable, they should
be replaced with new doOl!:. and doot detaIls m character Wldl the structure 111
matenal, size and configuratIon
. Additions shall have the same wmdow sue as III the pnnupal structure
. Wl11dow!:. on addItion!:. should have t.he :,ame onentatlon and be of a sImIlar :'lze to
the eXls1mg or ongtnal wmdows of the prmopal fa~ade If the addItion IS on the
same plane as the eXlstmg pnnClpal t:H;:ade, then the wmdows of the addItion should
match the ongtnal wmdow!:. III onentatlon, Size, matena!!:. and configuration
2. Fac;ade Design
BUlldmgs shall have arc.hltectural features and patterns that provKle vlsualmterest from
the perspective of the pedest[lan and motonsts ButldlOgS shall mclude substantial
vanatlon III massmg such as changes III heIght and honzontal plane BUlldmgs on corner
lot:, and bUlldmgs that terTl11nate views shall be comldered slgmficant structures Such
stmctmes should Illcorporate adthtiOnal height, ma:,:,IOg, dlstll1ctlvc archltec.tural
treatment!:. or other dl!:.tlllgulshmg fe-ature:, to empha:'lZe theIr pronllnent location
Pnmary bUlldmg facades shall be enhanced by the use of vertIcal and honzontal
elements Landscaplllg may be med to enhance the archItectural features and help break
the monotony but shall not be used 10 !teu of the follow 109 teqUlremcnts
. DCSlgn Malar ,lrchttectural treatlnents on the prlOclple bmldll1g f,lcade should be
continued around all Sides of the buddmg that are VISible from the pubbc realm
. Dzvemry Long, wllldowles s, umo terrupted walls shall not be perml tted BUlldmg wan
pro)ecl:1ons and recesses should also be used to add archltecturalillterest and vanety
Facades shall not exceed dllrty (30) honzontal feet, nor ten (10) vertical feet, 'WIthout
three (3) of the followlOg element!:.
o A change to plane, such as an offset, reve'al or proJeLtlng nb Suc..h plane
proJel.-tlons or recesses bhall have a wtdth of no les:, than SIX (6) illches
(columns, planters, arches, VOids, etc)
o Architectural Detatls such as Ral!:.ed Bands ,illd Cornices
o Awnmgs andl or Arcade
o Change III Color
o Change 10 Matenal
o Change ill Texture
o Doors and/or Wmdows
o Storefront Window and Display Cases
. DtvemfY Pacade!:. that extend for more than one hundred (100) feet 10 length shall
IllLOtpOrate, m addItion to three (3) of the above teqUlrement, at least one (1) of the
followmg elements
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
o A change !fi plane, ~u<.h as an off"et, reveal or projCCbng nb Such plane
Prolcctlon!:. or lece""e" "hall have a wlddl of no less than thlee (3) feet,
and a depth 0 f at lea~t ~IX (6) !fiche"
o Architecturally promment pubbc cntmnce
o Tower
. Secondary Facades Secondary facadcs, whICh are not leadlly Vl"lblc from the street
nght-of-way, shall provIde at lea~t two (2) of the dements requited for pnm,uy
. AccesJory Stnatures Acce~sory structuCc.s ')hall have the ~ame ~uchltectural detatl,
color, matenal, de<;lgn element~ and roof de<;lgn as the pnmary structure
. Add-ons All addItIons and alteratlom shall be compatIble WIth the pnnclpal stmcture
m deSIgn, color and matenals
. AUN1mgs A\Vnlllg~ ~hall have a mmunum depth of five (I)) feet to plOtectpedestnans
from mclement weather The ffitmmUm vertIcal clearance of awnmgs on non-
resIdential bUlldmgs ~hould be eIght (8) feet from the lowe~t pomt to the stdewalk
They may encroa<.h lOto the nght-of-way by five (5) feet They should be made of
fabnc Hlgh-glos') or plasttc lookmg fabncs are not permItted
. Shutters and canvas awnmgs Shutters and canvas awnmgs ~hould be Sized to match the
corre~pondmg wmdow opellln~ Their shapes, matenals, proporttOn~, de~lgn, color,
lcttenng and hardware also need to be m character WIth the style of the bUlldmg
. Awmngs The hlghe:.t pomt of a first floor
awnmg on a multH,tory bUlldmg shall not be
hIgher than the ffildpomt between the top of the
first story \VlOdow and the bottom of the second
"tory wmuow Silt
. Arrades Arcade~ arc encouraged along
pcdestnan commerCIal corndors and may have a
mInimum depth of ten (10) feet and a InlniffiUm
vertl<.Ai clearance of eight (8) feet
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
= _ =::v ~';'~I~
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Arcades Encroachmg mto Rlght-of-Way
. Marquees Marquees should be retall1ed where they are a hl~tonc element of the
buddmg The design, matenals, color, letteong and hardware of a marquce should
reflect the stvle and peood of the bUlldmg The lnghcst pomt of a marquee or Its
superstructure should not be hIgher than the mldpomt of the space between the
second story wmdow sIns and the top of the fir<;t floor storcfront wmdow or
transom Marquees should span the entire fa<;ade or entrance Only one mJ.rquee
"hould be permttted on a fa<;ade '!be ffitOlmum vertIcal clearance of a marquee
should be eight (8) feet from the lowest pOlOt to the SIdewalk
. Windows For new con<;tructlon, aU wmdows should be consistent With the style of
the structure
. IVmdoJPs For all wllldows, glass shall be transparent, wIthout color, except for
stained or art glass, provtded the stamed or art glass IS In character With the style of
the bUlldlOg (churches, craftsman bUlldl11gs, ete)
a. First Floor Pedestrian Scale
The de~lg,n of the ground flam of the pnmary facade of non-re~ldent1a1 bUtldmgs
IS cotical for t.hc atmosphere that wdl be {.reated along the streetfront In
addition to the architectural dwernry reqUirements 10 the prevIous section, the first
floor should tOcorporate some of the followmg elcment~
. ArLades, or other roof treatment, such as awnmgs or secondary roof!', to
provide shade and fa<;ade mtercst whIch help to achieve pedestnan scale
. DIsplay wmdow~, which also help to achieve pcdestl1aI1 scale and
encourage pa~~ecsby to be pO<;Slble shoppers
. Land~captng adpcent to the bUlldmg
Publlc entrances need to be very well pronounced through deslgtl for vIsibility
from the pubhc stceet
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
The fir~t floor of all non-reo,ldentJal bUlldlng~, Includmg ~tructueed parking,
should be designed ro mclude pedestnan activity, such as eetad shops or
communily ~erviCes
The elltrance~ to stnlctured parkmg gal.tges ~hould be from sIde streets and
b. Comer Facades
Butld1l1g~ 111 corner lots are consIdered to have double front fa<;adcs for
archltcctuC'J.l revIew purposcs Corner lots at the 1l1tersectlon of artenah and/or
collectors shall be designed with architectural embelltshments to emphasize their
location whether they function as gateways or major commuOlty tnn~lt1on
. BUlldlllgs III cornet lots shall lllc1ude at least one of the followlllg
embclhshment~ corl1lce, arches, peaked roof f01ms, corner towers,
cloch, bells and other deSign featurc~
. Hardscape deSign, such as pede~tnan plazas WIth artwork or fountallls,
may substitute for bmldlllg embelhshments on corner lot~
.7 ~
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lnaootoonate /
Corner Detail -
. "~_ ~ Creates a Blunt
~ Edge
c. Non-Street Facades
A rearl secondary entrance can proVide dIrect customer ,IU.ess to the ~tore flOm
parbng areas as well as Improve CirculatIon between the parlang lots ,md the
street Architectural embelltshment~, aWlllllgs, landscapll1g .md ~Igns should be
used to mark the secondary entrance .md the deSign of the rear of the bmldmg
shall be con~lstent With the front fa<;ade
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUldelmes
Poor (J'mlit'l Design.
:>".....1 G
:(II ~.;}'\
1 J]1~~~ I
L _~I1~
Examp!o of Good Ooslgn
Rear Entrance Deslgn Example
3. Entrances
The pomary pede~tnan entrance to all bUlldmgs ~hall face the pnmary street and shall be
clearly defined and highly vIsible Addltlonal entrances are encouraged facmg local
street~, parkmg lots, pla7as, waterfronts and adjacent bmldmg<; The follow1Og are
desIgn ~tandards for entrances to commerCial developments
. All pomary entrances shall have eIther a protrudmg front gable, a stoop or a
projectIOn or recessIon 111 the buddmg footpont a minImum of three (3) feet m depth
that clearly Identifies the entrance
. In addJtlon, every prunary entrance shall have two (2) other dlStlngulshll1g features
from the list below
. VaoatiOn 10 bUlldll1g height,
. Canopy or pOrtICO,
. Ral~ed (.Ofmce or parapet over door,
. Archcs,
. Columns,
. Ornamental and ~tructural architectural detalb other than cornlce~ over
or on the sldcs of the door,
. Othcr treatment meetll1g the mtent of thIS ~ectjon
. Coveted drop-off areas are recommended, espcclally to multifamily and 1OStltutlOnal
. Porches arc encouraged III the reSidential and office areas They may have ba1col11es
or verandas above them and may encroach IOta the nght-of-way up to five (5) feet
Porches ~hould bc open and non-air condluoned, except that up to 25% of the
porch may be screencd If not encroaclung IIlto thc nght-of-way
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
Smgle-Famlly Porches
Multl-FamlLy Porches
ReSldentlal- Scale Off1Ces
. Comer ut Entrance - Where two maJor ~rreets mtersect, Lustomer entrances shall be
provIded fur both ,>trccts, a comer entrance wIll be a pcrrrutted cxceptton to rhts
reCJu I remen t
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
. Entrance Emphrms - Pnmary customer entrances shall be dearly defined and highly
vlStble through the use of alchltectural detail for aU structure<;
'L~..-7..i"' -r-.....=:.::.
Well-Defmed Entrances to ResldentlaL and CommercIaL Uses
. Pedestnan Protect ton - l)cotectlon from the sun and adverse wead1er conditions for
patrons should be considered for the entranceways However, aWn1l1g5, canopies
cannot project more than three (3) feet 1l1to the required bUlldl11g setback Arcade<;
cannot project more than SIX (6) feet 1l1to the setback
. Drop-off An:as - Covered VISitor drop-off areas shall be proVided at entries to
1l1stltutlonal bulldmgs
4. Matenals
BUlldmg mateaals can have a major Impact on an area These standards do not
recommend adopt1l1g a specific bmldmg style or type of construttJ.on for new
constructJon or redevelopment However, there are a few matenab that are not
appropnate for a downtown dlstnct
. Materials for new constructiOn should be selected from among those that are typICal
of surroundmg bU1ldl1lg:> and should be compatible With eXlstl1lg matenals 111 texture,
51'le, shape, color and scale The scale of the bUlldmg matenals u:>ed should respond
to the ~ca1e of the pmposed bUlld1l1g Alternative new mate 0 ,II:> should be
compatJble With the phYSical quahtJ.cs of the hlstonc matenals that give the dlstnct itS
umque character
. New de'llgns should complement the histone and architectural heutlge of the
downtown New deSign:> should avQtd stncdy rephcatmg the detatls of a hlstoncal
style, which would create a false representatiOn Rather, new deSign :.hould use
contemporaty matenals to ab:.tract hl:>tonc de:>lgn clement~
. The cxtenor facade matenal for an addition Q( renovatIon shall elthcr be the S,1me as
the eXl,<,tlOg blUld111g, a comblOatlOn, or a matenal that sunulatcs another matenal
The CIty shall approve an alternative matenal for the expamlOn which IS constructed
of the <;ame material as the eXlstmg :>tructure
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown DesIgn GUidelines
. The followmg matenals are not appropnate for bUlldmg~ 10 the downtown cedar
shake'J, corrugated or reflecove metal panels, textured plywood, dnd pla~tlc sldmg
. Minuted glass ,md glass curtalO walls ale prohibIted
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Appropn!l!e~J"-~ "'::'"" F~:
- - fl>~1 _~_...._~... ;,i
5 Colors
Colors have a 'Jtrang Vl::.Ual effect when It comes to bmldl11g de::'lgn ButldlOg colors
should be selet.ted based on archItecture of the bmldl11g (each style has d range of
charactenstJc colors) and trylOg to achieve h<lf1TIuny With adJdtent bulldl11~ Fluore'Jcent
and mtense color'J do not harmonIZe but create ::.tark contrasts and can be as
overpowenng as bUlldmg WIth no transparency BUlldlOg color can be difficult to
regulate, especially when there IS such a wIde r,lOge of u')es and styles However, there
are certam guldehnes that need to be followed to achIeve harmony, wIthout restnctlOg
creatIVIty and mdlvlclualtty, In the downtown
. For Mea<; wIth a predominance of hl::.toncally sIgnificant bwldlllgs, It IS
recommended that the bwldlOg colors be selected accordlOg to the bmldlOg style
Por IOstance, craftsman houses should use neutral colors (white, beige, terracotta),
whtle Vlctonan styles would be allowed to use pastel colors, and Queen Ann hou:,cs
should he allowed to use boghter colors to accentuate toms and arch Itettu ral
. All other bUIld 109'> <;hall be :,ubJcct to Article 3, DIVISIon 9, which prohIbIt:, bwldlngs
from usmg colors that are gansh, gaudy, loud, exceSSIve, ostentatJous or other\.Vlse
constItute a glanng and unattra(,tlve contrast to ::.urroundmg bwldlllgS
Vlctonan BUlldmg - Bnghter Colors are
Key West Style BUlldmg - Pastel Colors
are Acceptable
CIty of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
. No more th,1O thrce dlffercnt colors or color shade~ ~hould be used on a single
. A wide ~electlOn of low reflectance extenor colors may be considered to promote
vaoety and dlVCISIty The general approved pamt colors for commercial, office and
mstltutlonal u~es mcludc light pastel and earth tone wlors Color scheme" must be
submitted to the Development ReV1ew Corruruttee for review
. The use of mtense, f10resccnt or day glow wlors I" prohibited
. Black as the predommant extenor bUlldmg color and Similar monochromatic (all
one-pamt ColO1) schemes are plOhiblted
. . BUlldmg, tnm and detail colors must be complimentary As an example, yellow and
red are not comphmentary color:; and are typICally chosen by merchants that want to
Increase marketJng aclvertJsmg and stand out drastically from other merchants
Clashmg tnm colors Will not be permitted
. A sobd Ime band of color or group of stnps shall not be med for archttectural detail
C. Roof Design
The architectural style of the roof mu')t be conSistent With the ~tyle of the bUlldmg and shall
adhere to the followmg requirements
. BUild lOgs shall have a recognizable top consl~tmg of, but not Itmlted to, cornice treatment~,
roof overhangs With brackets, steeped parapets nchly textured matenaIs and/or dIfferently
wlored matenals Colored stnpes/bands on flat roofs are not acceptable
. Taller bwldmgs or high-me structure" should not have flat roof~ but be sculpted ThiS will
estabhsh an mteresang form and enhance the skylme
. OfficelResldenttal Roof Styles Roof style~ for new constructJon shall be conSistent With those
used on tradlt10nal .residential structures such as gable, gambrel, htp, parapet, pyrnrmdal, or
shed Mansard roofs shall be prohIbIted The Ctty ~hall approve an alternaave roof style for
new construction upon mcumentatJon that 51% or more of the structures on the same
block and across the street are constructed of that style
. The roof deSIgn fOf an addition shall eIther be the "a me as the eXlstmg buJidll1g or shall be a
combmatJol1 that l11cludes the eXlstlOg deSign The City may approve an alternabve roof style
for an expanSIOn, If the new roof 1& Lonstructed 10 the same bUlldlIlg style as the cX1sbng
. Roof form~ ~hall relate to those found 10 the area For the portion of a bUlldmg VISIble from
dIe pedestnan level, repetitIOn of the eXlstmg or trndmonal roof ~hapcs, pitches, and
matenals on new comtrucbon shall be comldered one way of maklOg new structures more
Visually compattble
. Flat roofs shall be hidden from publtc VICW by a parapet of no less than three (3) feet III
height The parapet SIlhouettes may be straight, 10 clCcular segments, or m J. combmatlon of
straIght and CIrcular segments
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
Co[ntce~ are encouraged They mdY be sImple or mIxed (straIght and curved moldmg~), but should not
exceed 24 mches III width
[lOsert dIagram of cormce~ treatment]
D. Corporate Design
Corporate franchl~es ~hould not be allowed to Lleate vIsual clutter and to use atchltecture and
bUlldmg colors to act as Slgndge Therefore, exceptIons to the~e gwdelmes shall not be made for
corporate franchlse~ NatlOn<11 corporate chams that typIcally desIgn their bU11dmgs to read as
Slgnage have been known to modify theIr desIgn!> to blend With the character of the
neighborhood Example~ of well-designed corporate ~tructures Me shown below These
example~ shall be used a~ models for future corporate desIgn wIThm the Downtown
v. Site Access, Circulation and Parking
Strcct~ wlthm the downtown area need to pre~erve a pedestnan character whIle at the same tuue servmg
the traffic needs of motonsts 1 he mtegratJon of flowmg traffic CIrculation and pedestnan dccesslblbty
I~ one pnmary concern for new development and redevelopment The followmg standdrds are mtended
to gUIde the de'>lgn of dccess, parkmg and cu:culatlon !>y!>tems to achu~ve both ~afety and functionality,
and to enhance the vehicular connectivIty among dl')tocts
The City encourages the use of alternatIve mode" of transportation to proVIde access for all reSIdents,
mcludmg the elderly, youth and the phYSIcally unpau:ed Safe, comfortdblc and comlstent pedestnan
connect1ons dre reqUIred
A. Vehicular Circulation/Access
Hlstonully the downtown core dlstnct was laid out In a tradlt10nal gnd pattern that proVlde~
excellent traffic flow conditions In a downtown If a large development project l~ plOposed, It
wIll be cntlcal to ensure t.hat the stability of the block patterns and roadway network remain
lOtact The formation of "megablocks" that vatate street nghts-of-wdY and combine one or
more blocks should not be permitted 10 anywhere 10 d1e Clearwater Downtown The exception
would be an 111110vatlve "megablock" that dId not reqUIre street ught-of-way vacation and was
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
adapted to allow both vehicular and pedestnan connecuons, ~lJ(_h as a design utlll7lng siry
bndges on upper levels to connect bUlldmgs across nghts-of-way on uppel floor"
AlloWll1g curb cuts at evcry ~Ite can h,lve a detnmental effect on the creation of a coheSive,
pedcstnan-fncndly enVironment, espeCially wlthm the commcrclal ~lreas 111 the downtown Curb
cuts to allow vehicular access mto development SItes not only Interferc With thc cre-atlon of a
contllluOUS block face, but aho create confltCts between pedestrians and vehtcles Shared access
and circulation systems are encouraged 10 order to ffimlmlze curb cuts, provide chrect access
between ad/ac.ent use~ and lmprove traffic. CIrculatIOn
=:3 U==
Shared Access Parking
. The use of lomt access driveways 1S reqUired between commercial sItes to reduce the numbcr
of access pomts and dnveway uea, and to mc.rease the amount of landscapmg
. Access dnveway width should be luruted to fifteen (15) feet for one-way dnveways and
twenty-four (24) feet for two-way drIVeways
. \Vhen It IS feaSible to proVide vehicular access to a commercial site from a ~econdary street,
\l;lthout negatively ImpactIng smgle-famlly rc,;tdennal uses, It shall be required
. Street~ ,md other public outdoor spaces wlthm the Downtown should be functIOnal,
attractive, and df''>lgned to enhanLc the pedestnan Vltaltty of the commumty
. New Development must <,eek to create a balanced transportatJon system that mVltes
pedestnans, blCychst<;, and tlanSlt nders, as weil as motor vehldes, as well as prOVide a
system of connections to maXimize chOICes for all modes of tr,lve!
B. Pedestrian Circulation/Access
Pedestnan connections are Important not only along thc pe[lmeter of blocks but also
throughout the center of large blocks If pedestnans feel that they have to walk too far to get
through a block that encourages more use of automobiles In the downtown rathee than foot
traffiC Pedestnon Afleywqys are connections through the center of tl lai:ge block to another block
or rear vehICular alley These Pedestnon Alleywqys can be III the foem of a well-landscaped
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
courtyard or they could be mtegf'J.teu IOta a bU1ldmg along the block, such as an atnum with
door~ on both cnds to allow pJ.s!>age through the bUlldmg
To mall1tJ..11l both pedestrian Lonnecuvlty and ~afety It IS Important to 11Inlt thc number of curb
cuts along the street frontage of bUlldmgs In hIghly utlltzed pede~tnan centers such as the
Downtown Core Dlstrlct, the vehICular entrances should only be from the sIde !>treets and rear
. In commercIal tlfeas, dIrect pedestnan acces~ shall be provIded from the pnnClpal entrance
of the bUlldmg to the sIdewalk on the closest pubhc nght-of-way
. Pedestnan access to busmesse!> ~hall be provIded horn the parkll1g faCIlitIes to the ground
floor uses, clther through rear bu1ld1l1g entrance!>, Sidewalks along the penmeter ofbUlld1l1g>,
01 by pede!>tnan al1e]1\Vays, whIch connect the rear parklng lOb to thc ~ldewalks along the
Front Street Pcdestnan alleyways may be extcnor and locdted betwecn bU1ldll1gs or may be
lI1corporatcd mto the mtcnO( deSIgn of a structure Pedestnan allcyways ~hall be a muumum
of tcn (10) feet WIde
. \Xfhcrc tl1e bu"l1les~ cntrance I:, not located dIrectly on the public SIdewalk, a landscaped
pedestllan C1rculatlon system shall be provIded conncctmg external !>Idewalks to the front
entrancc 0 f bu:,mes~e~
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
Landscaped Pedestnan Paths
Covered Pedestnan Paths
. PedestrIan walkways wlthm the development shall be differentiated from dnvmg surfaces
through a change m matenals, and shall provIde protecbon from the weather
. Crosswalks are reqUIred wherever a pedestnan walkway IOtersects a vehicular area All
crosswalks shall be a mlOlmUffi of frve (5) feet wide and shall be paved With concrete
modular paVIng or mtegrally colOled poured concrete
- =-~~':;---y~
~ -=f~~
, .
The dnver 15 warned that there may
be pedestrians cros5mg ahead
The pedestrian 15 given adequate
treatment and protection from the
weather and passmg vehlcle5.
. Large bUlldmgs that have frontage on streets (not alleys) 111 the front d.11d rear of the lot shall
provIde pedestnan access to both oghts-of-way
. At least one slgmflcant pedeswan amel11ry, such as an outdoor seating area, play area for
chIldren, or courtyard, shall be provIded for every 75,000 gross square feet of new bmldlOg
. Covered VISitor drop-off areas shall be provided at entnes to Il1stitutlonal bUlldl1lgs
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
. Mixed use and lalge-stale developments shall mcorporate bKycle parkmghtorage m thelt
. Pedestndn access from the public sldewdlk, street nght-of-way or dnvewdY to the public
entrance shall be provided via an Improved ~urface
C. Surface Parking Lot Design
Ae; noted In the parkmg placement section, parking IS necessalY to accommodate automoblle
demands, but It needs to be deSigned so that It does not become the mo~t promlOent feature of
a development, and With senSItiVity to the pedestnan achvlty and open space needs The
purpo,>e of the followll1g gutdelmes IS to ensure the proVISion of adequate parkIng while
provldmg landscapll1g and adequate cuculatlon
. Parkmg lot layout, landscapmg, buffenng and screenlOg should ffilntml7e direct views of
parked vehicles from streets and SIdewalks, avoid ~plll-over hght, glare, nOise and exhaust
fumes onto adJacent properties, dnd proVide a reasonable meae;ure of tree canopy "hade
. Large parkl1lg lots shall be Visually and functionally segmented mto smaller lote; With
landscaped I'i>lands and canopy trees
. The deSign of parkmg area,> should aVOid the appearance of large masses of parked cars
Therefore, no more than ten (10) parkmg spaces should be located Side by Side Without a
landscaped park1l1g 1<;,land Flexlhthty may be proVided m accordance With Section 3-1202 E
of the Code
. \Vhere a commercial use abuts a reSidential zOl1lng dlsrnct, the parkmg ared shall not be
located WlthlO the buudll1g setback abutt1l1g the resldenhal area, so e"sentlally the pavlOg
setback will be equal to the bUtldmg <;,ethack along that property bnc
. A" an lI1centlve to reduce the amount of ImperviOUS surface and encourage landsLapmg,
parklOg "pace depth may be reduced by Iw"O (2) feet If abuttmg a landscaped Mea and the
parked vehicle wtll not lI1tel fere With leqUlred plantmgs or encroach on Sidewalks
, .."
~~3.."" "..--.~ - ......t;!:L: ~,,~ r--l
':..'l. !'{,,'....
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown DesIgn GUidelines
G A streetwall shall be required along the <;,treer penmeter of surface park1ng lots The
streetwall shall be m heu of the reqUIrements for landscapmg adpcent to street tlght-of-way
Breaks should be perrrutted In the streetwal\ to provKlc pede~tnan access to the Site and for
the purpose of tree protectIOn
VI. Landscaping, Buffering and Screening
A. Landscaping and Buffermg
The CommunIty Development Code contams standards for landscapmg and buffenng
However, these standards need to be modtfied to apply to the more urban area of the City that IS
the Downtown Based on the fact that wlt!un the downtown bUlldm~ are allowed to locate
closer to each other, and there IS not as much lanu to proVIde landscapmg or berm", buffenng
will be lelYlOg heaVier on decoratIve fences and walls However, those decoratIve walls wdl be
screened With landt:.capmg 10 the downtown The f01l0WlOg standards "hall apply to all dlstncts
. The de<;,lgn of pnvate gardens, courtyards, upper deck", and patios must anticipate the
chmattc conditions of FlOrida A landscape With appropo.ate gardens and nattve plants save
energy, help cool down the bmldlOgs, and preserve the acoustic and ViSUal pnvacy of the
projects IncreaslOg canopy coverage and water conservmg methods wlil proVide
rmmeasurable benefits both environmentally and aesthetltally
Landscaped Pedestnan
Alleyway and Courtyard
Wlth Slde Entrances
. Land~tape de"lgn shall enhance architectural feature~, Visually screen diSSimIlar uses and
unSightly Views, (educe nOise Impact" from major roadway~, create ba(nets between
IOcompatlble uses, ~trengthen Important VI"taS, and remfOlce nelghbonng Site de~lgn and
G Plant species shall be <;,elected and ms talled ba<;,ed on their wa ter need", growth rate, Size, and
resource lOputS In order to conserve water, reduce ma1l1tenance, and promote plant hcalth
Adequate growth area, ba~ed on mature shape and SIZe, shall be proVIded for all plant
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
. '1 he l~ndscape plilll shallll1dude the use 0 f native plant speCIes to re-establish ~n aesthetic
reglOnal qUdbty And to take advantage of the uOIque dlver~lty and adaptabulty of native
speCIes to the environmental condttlons of Clearwater
.. Developers ~hould Lonslder the u"e of mterlockIng pavers, buck or othel slmtlarly textured
ffiatenab for parkmg lot surfacmg The"e matendls lmpwve the appearance and
permeablhty of parking areas
. Trees planted 10 paved areas should use mtedockll1g pavers or tree grates around the trunk
(except for the area neces"ary to allow for growth)
. Hedges and shrub~ and or permanent planters should be used to soften the edge between
the bUtldmgs and the pedestnan area These landscapmg techntques are especIally benefiCial
when there IS little or no pervious area available on a lot for planted Idnd~capmg Img<itlon
Will stili need to be proVided, however, so that the lande;capmg can be eaSily mamtaLOed
. \Vhen .I parkmg lot abuts a pubhc nght-of-way, adjacent to the streetwaJl on both the lt1slde
and the out<;,lCle of the streetwall, .I ffill11mum three (3) and average five (5) foot land~caped
area should be proVided Hedges or shrubs should be mstalled on both Sides of the wall that
are a mll11mUm of eighteen (18) mches high at the time of platltlng, and a maximum height
not to exceed the wall height
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I Parkmg Lot Screen
B. Screening
Screenmg IS Important to preserve the quahty and charaaer of an area ThiS sect Jon wlllldentlfr
when fences and walls are reqUIred and when an urban e;treetwall IS necessary Additionally,
sCleenlOg of neces"ary scrvlce functlOn~ IS also prOVided ll1 thiS sectton
1 Fences and Walls
Tn order to mamt3m pnvaty and mll1lmlZe the mcompatlblllty of certall1 ue;es normally
found together 111 the downtown, tl1cre IS <I need to proVide adequate ~eparatlOn between
uses Whtle other parts of the City can depend on berms, landscapll1g and distance to
buffer actJVltles, 10 the downtown It IS nece~sary to rely hcavler on fences and walls In
addltlon to the ClrywH.le standArds for fE-nces and walls, the followlOg standatcls ale
apphcable to tlle downtown
. Non-leSldentlal u"e" proposed to be located adjacent to reSidentIal ue;es should
proVide a ~IX (6) foot decorative wall between the two propertIes, unless tJle
resl(.Ientlall~ only located on the upper floors Ltkewlsc, If a reSidential commul11ty
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
develops adpcent to a non-reslclentJal use, the re,',ldentJ.dl LOmmUl11ty will be leqlllrecl
to provide the ~IX (6) foot c1ecoratJVe wall ExceptJom can be made by staff, If a
residential commu111ty l" IOCdtlOg next to a mixed u,>e development, dnd vice verS,l
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Wall Between
Commeraal and
Fences and wall:, should be dl<;,couraged betw"een compauble commercial propert.les,
unless It IS regUlred to sueen a servICe area from publtc Vlew
. Fencee; and walls 10 the downtown shall be constructed ofbnck, ma:,onry, wrought
Iron, stone or other decorative mateoals
. Vertlcal elements (posts) ~hould be mcorporated mto the deSIgn of the fence and
shall be spaced at SIX (6) to twelve (12) foot mtervals depend 109 on the matenal and
overall length of the wall or fence
. All fences shall have then fimshed Side facmg outwan:l Posts or column'> must
1l1dude a cap piece extendmg up to twelve (12) tOche" above the allowable fence
. Walls should be deSigned to compliment the prmclpal bUlld1l1g style, mateClals and
. LandscapIng IS reqUIred to camouflage the and walls, and Vll1e~ ate also
. In conformance With Section 3.805, cham hnk fences are not penmtted m the
Downtown Dlstnct Cham hnk, wooden fences and barbed wire In area~ vIsible
from roadway'> <;,hall not be permitted matenals many c\lsrnct
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
.. "'::;!:::lill:l:
Examples of
Fences and Walls
2. Streetwalls
U rban ~treetwal1s dre the only types of fences dncl walls allowed 111 non-re"lclentlal areas
1 he purpo"e of the streetw~ln IS to complete the contmuauon of bUlldmg walls along a
street and to screen areas such as parkmg, courtya[d~ and cafe~ A streetwallls not to be
used m heu of mcetlOg the maximum setback reqUlrement~ from street~
o De<..oratlve strectwAlIs In the downtown shaH be constructed of wrought Iron, bnck,
ma<;onry, stone or other decorative matenab
Example of Wrought
Iron 5treetwall
. Cham bnk and wood <;,treetwalb ~hall be prohibited
. The wall shall be a mlOlmum of three (3) fect and a maxImum of five (5) feet In
height Walls grearer than rhree (3) feet 10 hetght above grade shall be no more than
fifty (SO) pcrcent ~obd
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
. The wall shall be located wlthlll the reqUIred setback
. A e;treetwall <;,hall not be reqUIred along the recessed part of a bUlldmg which ha" at
lea<;t seventy (JO) percent of the front wall meetmg the reqUlrcd maximum <;ctback
from a mam street
Example of
DecoratIVe Streetwall
3. Mechanical Equipment, Loadmg and Service Areas
This section provides regulations to ensure that ~ervlce needs do dommate the
atchltecture and bmldlng of the streetscape
~ r~
I Example of Utl{ltJes Screened from Vlew
. Refu~e contalllers, ~ur condltloners and Slmtlar
elements shall be 100 percent screened from
LandScape with
. Service and loadmg aCtiVities should be placed
111 Visually unobtruSive locatlon~ and take acce"s
from secondary streets, where fea"lble
. To the extent pOSSible, alcas for outdoor
storage, trash collection, and loadmg shall not
be located adjacent to resldentJallot"
. LoadlOg areas 01 docke;, outdoor storage, waste thspo<;,al, mech,lOlcal equipment,
satelltte dlshe<;" truck parkmg, and other "ervlce support eqUIpment shall be located
behmd the bUlldtng 110e and shall be fully screened from the view of adlacent
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
properties both at ground and, if possible, roof top levels Screen walls, If u"ed, shall
be compatible with the exteoor walls of the pnmary structure
. Areas for outdoor storage, trash collecuon, and loadmg shall be mcorporated mto
the pomary bluldlOg design and construcbon for these areas shall be of matenals of
compamble quality and appearance a,> that of the pumary bUlldlOg Where such
faClhbes are located adjacent to reSidential lots, they shal11l1c1ude a visual and solid
acou,>tlc buffer
. Fenced areas such as garden centers ViSible fr0m the pubhc nght-of-way shall be
screened With a decOlatlve fence or wall rhe area shall be landscaped and deSigned
to be compatible with the deSign of the bUlldlllg fa~ade
. Shopp1l1g cart ~torage ~hall be located inSide the bUlldmg or shall be screened by a
four (4) foot wall comlstent With the bUlldrng architecture and matenals or a solid
landscaplOg hedge
. When tlie load1l1g and/or refuse collectIOn area IS adj1lcent to a resldentml district,
deltvenes and collections "hall not occur between 10 pm and 6 a m
. To the extent pOSSible, vehicular Idlll1g shall not be allowed 111 areas ddJd.cent to
reSidential lots Slgnage shall be 1l1stalled prohibiting vehICular Idlmg m areas
adjacent to re<;,ldentlallote;
. UtllItles for all new commercial developments shall be located underground Utlht:y
boxes must be totally scrcened from View of prlOClpal streets, as well a" pedestnan
walkways and areas-
VII. Signs
The number of grapruc elements on a Sign shall be held to the mmlmum needed to convey the slgn\
major message such as the name of the hUlldlOg, the address, and the name or logo of the tompany
aCtIvely uttltzmg the bwld1l1g EvelY Stgn shall be deSigned a" an llltegral architectural element of t.he
bUlldmg and of the Site to which It prlllClpally relates The maxtmum allowable copy area <;hdll conform
With the ~lgn standard~ contalOed 10 the Communtty Development Code Thl<;, section addresses the
placement and types of SignS only
A. Types Allowed
SignS can have several different purposes Some Identify a Site, speCIfic bu<;mess 01 group of
busmesses, while others may prOVide dlrettK)l1 or are for temporary events
1. Site Identification Signs (monument/ground signs):
Site IdentificatIon Sign" are permitted wlth1l1 the C1earwatel Downtown, subject to the
followmg cuteoa and the speufic dlstrKt standatds mcluded m Part II
e. Allowed 10 non-leSldentlal and multl-farmly devclopment~ only
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUIdelines
2 Bwlding Idennfication Signs (attached to the buildmg wall or wmdow)
Butldm.g IdentlficatlOn SignS are permitted for multifamily, office <ll1d commercial
development::. wltnm the Clearwater Downtown, wbJect to the followmg cntena and the
speCific dl::.wct sta.ndards I11cluded m Part II The followmg types of bUlldmg
Identlfic<itlon Slgn~ are perrmttcd III the downtown
o Wall Signs (flat aga1l1st bwIdlng wall)
o ProJectjng/Blade (perpendICular to the bwldmg facade)
o Hang1l1g SignS (perpendlcul,lr or parallel to the bUlld1l1g f,u;:ade,
smpended from a ce,lmg wlthm an arcade, awnmg or marquee and IS not
mtcnded to be read from the street)
o W1l1dow Stgm
o Canopy, MarqUIS and Awrung Slgn<;
o Directory SIgnS (for multi-use developmenb)
Roof signs are prohibited
B. Sign Placement & Design
The followmg general deSIgn cotena ::.hould apply to all Signs located In the Downtown
1. Site Identification Signs:
. Should only be allowed I f the bUlldmg tS setback more than fifteen (15) feet from the
front property Ime
. Shall not exceed four (4) feet 10 height
. Shall1l1c\ude lanc!:'capmg <it the base
. When 10Lated 111 mulh-umt development~, tt should Idenbfy the complex, not the
IOdlvldual busll1esses
. Should not be mternally Ilium mated Externallllumll1atlon <;ources ,>hall be dlretted
downward mstead or upward
. Stgn faces should be perpendIcular to the face of the bmldmg
2. Business Identification Signs:
. No sign should cover architectural detalll11g on hl:,tonc bUIldings
. Shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet m height, the heIght of the second floor wmdows,
or the rooflme, whl(.hever IS less
. Shall not cover wmdows or archItectural features or ornamentatIOn
. A maximum of two (2) bUlldlOg Identification SignS (wall, wmdow, pro)ect1l1g,
canopy, awmng) should be aHowed per bu,>mess to reduce clutter Hang1l1g SIgl1S as
defined above are exempt from thtS reqUIrement
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
a. Wall Stgns
. Wall ~tgns should be limited to one (1) per buslOess
. Wall <;'lgnS shall not exceed eighteen (18) mches In height, mea<,ured from
bottom of copy area to the top, and shall not be Wider than seventy-five
(75) percent of the honzontal frontage of the tenant space
. Wall SignS shall not be placed higher than fifteen (15) feet flOm the
ground, the heIght of the second floor wmdows, or the rooflll1e,
whichever I~ lower
. Wall SignS should be placed on the bUlldmg fat;dde and not perpcndlculal
to the wall
b ProjectIng SignS
. Should not exceed four (4) square feet 111 Sign
e Should be located adjacent to the buddlOg
entrance or tenant ~p,lce
c Hangmg Signs (Suspended)
Up to one (1) hangll1g ::'lgnS shall be allowed per
bmmess, and Sh,lll only be used to Idenufy the
Shall be located perpendKuiac to the bmld1l1g
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City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown DesIgn GUIdelines
. Shall have a ffilmmum cledrancc of eight (8) from the ground
d. Wmdow Stgns
. Should not e:-..ceed twcnty-five (25) percent of wl1ldow arC,l
. Should be mal1ltalOed properly
. Should be pamted or decal only
. Promotional po'>tel!:. for CIVIL events "hould be perffiltted on wmdows,
and !:.hould not be mduded m the Sign alea cakulatlon
e. Canopy, Marqws or Awning Signs
. The copy arca should not to exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the
canopy or awn11lg face vertically or hoCtwntally
. Only one type of Sign from thIs category !:.hould be allowed per bUMness
f Duectory Signs
. Sites with three (3) or more bmlOesses on the premises are allowed a
dIrectory SIgn
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
VIII. On-Site Lighting
Extenor hghtmg shall be de<;lgned and lmtalled m a "enSIUVC ffidnncr tllat IllumlOates Without gldle and
prevenrs color dlstortton DecoratJve bghrs shall be IOstalled along the madw,lY frontage of all non-
reSidential structures Decorative lightlOg fixtures will be m"talled COl1:>I"tent WIth this Redevelopment
Plan No light fixtures shall be placed In a position where eXlstmg or future rree canopy will reduce the
1Ih,lmlnatlOn levels Electrical wlfIng ro all ~lte lIghting shall be provided underground Up-ltghtlOg
should nor be used 111 Older to prevenr light mtnlSlOn lI1to alea<; that It IS nether necessary nor deslled
A. Pedestrian Lighting
Pedestrian smle hghtll1g IS reqUIred Light fixture'> for pedest.nans may be overhead, bollarc\<;, or
bUllt mto the walkway~ Overhead hght" <;,hould not exceed eighteen (18) feet m H'sldenbal
areas The reqUired ml111mUm IlIum1l1atlon for walkway'> and other pedestnan areas IS 0 25
B. Vehic1e Lighting
LIghtll1g along roadway<;, <;,hould provtcle a smooth, even pattern that ehmm,ltes glare or light
flow mtruSlOn onto adjacent properties Fixtures should be mstalled accordmg to opumum
spacmg as recommended by rhe manufacturer Light poles should not exteed thIrty (35) feet In
height conSistent With the Commu11lty Development Code IllumlOatlOn for vehicle hghtlng
should not exceed 0 SO footcandles
c. Accent Lighting
Accent lighting of <;lgnAge, land~cap1l1g and trees, water amel11tlcs and other speCIal features IS
encouraged Concealed sourcc fixtures arc preferred The pldcement of fixtures, fixture types,
and methods of mounbng or wifing mmt be approved by <;taff as part of the hghbng scheme
Max 35' ---r~
Max 18' _
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City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown DesIgn GUidelines
IX. Miscellaneous Guidelines
A. Alleys
In urban areas bke downtown ClearwAter, aney~ 10 commerCial dreas contnbute to making the
pnmary storefronts and stteetscape a more pleasant environment, by removmg the nece"sary
servICe and delivery areas to the rear of a "Ite AdchtlOnally, alleys 10 reSidential area~ Cleate a
more commumty-onented environment by removlOg large g-lfage doors to the rear of resldenl1dl
lot~ and placmg more emphaSIS on the front entrance,> and porche<;, that are VISible from the
neighborhood street The problem 11l the past has been appearance and mamtenance
responslblhty of the alley~
1. Commercial Alleys
The followmg regulatIOn<; apply to alleys 1Il non-residential areas ofthe downtown
. If feasible, alleys should be the pnmary source for acccss to non-residential off-street
parkmg areas
. CommercIal alley nghts-of-v,.ay ~hould be a ffilntmUm Width of twenty (20) feet
Thls will allow fOf a twelve foot (12) pavement lane And four (4) feet of landscapmg
on each Side of the alley
. A low streetwalt ma y abo be 10 cated WI thlO the four (4) foot lAnd scape afea as <;hown
Il1 the diagram below
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. The landscape alley yards are reqUIred to be landscaped, Irngated and mamtamed by
the 1l1dlVldual property owner who"e lot abuts the alley
2. Residential Alleys
The followmg regulatiOns apply to alley<;, m reSidential areas of the downtown
. Alleys are encouraged as the pnmary source for access to teSldentlal parklOg garages
. Alleys, If feasible, should be mcorporated IOto all new reslClentral development
. If an alley IS provlCled, all garage entrances "hall be o[lented for acccss from the alley
. ReSidential alley nghts-of-way should he a mt111mUm WIdth of slxteel1 (16) feet TIllS
wlil allow for d. twelve foot (12) pavement lane and two (2) feet of Iandscapll1g on
each Side of the ,I1ley
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
. The landscape alley yard~ are reqUIred to be land"caped, Irrigated and mall1ta1l1ed by
the 1I1dlvldual residential property owner whose lot abut" the alley
I>> Garage converSion" to habitable !lvmg area wlil not be allowed fot lesld('t1ce~ that
have g<lfages WIth alley acces"
. For re~ldences that h-ave alley acce<;,~ to parkmg, on-~treet park1l1g may also be
allowed 111 front of the house, but driveways w1l1 not be allowed and parkmg on the
lawn IS StflCtly proll1blted
B. Accessory Structures
In additIon to the Clty'~ standards fur accessory "tructure" tn Commul11ty Development Code
Section 1-201, the followmg ,>tandards should be complted With
. If an accessory structure exceeds two hundred (200) "quare feet tn Size, the structure "hould
be con"tolCted to matl.h the ~tyle, de<;,lgn, ffidteoals and colors of the pnnClpal bUild 109
. All accessory structures should be located to the rear of the eXlstlOg buildmg<;, lme of the
pnnClpal structure Arbors, pergolas and trelh<;es are exempt from thIS reqUIrement
C. Existing Non-Conforming Structures
These guldehne" apply to bUlldlOgs and <;,tructure" As such, the City of Clearwater's regulation
of nonconformmg land uses shall apply to nonconfoff111ng land uses 111 the area subject to these
deSIgn guidelines further, any structure which IS lawfully eXlstmg when these regulations are
adopted (or amended), and which does not conform with all the proVISIons of these rcgulatlons
may rematn and be cont.1I1ued subJec.t to the followmg regulations
~ Purpose and Procedures
The Intent and purposc of these nonconforrmng structure proVISions "hall be to unprove
and otherwise encour-age ,>uch <;,tructure~ to be redeveloped and revltaltzed 111 way'> that
con form With these regulations to the greatest extent fea"lble Therefore, such structures,
may be used, enlarged, replaced, altered, el'pand<.d and/or extended subject to the
. .such use, enlargement, replacement, alterntlOn, expansIOn and! or extensIOn "hall be
approved as a conditional me/speCial exception by the Board of AclJu,>tment under
the proccdure~ of the"e regulatIons
. In addition to complYlOg With all of the procedures of the'>c regulations, applicants
shall proVide the City With adequate and suffiCient documentatwn to estabh,>h that
tbe speCIfic nonconforffilng "tmcture In question lawfully eXisted on the effective
date of the~e regulations that tesulted In such structurc becommg nonconformmg
No appl1catlOo for permIt lIlvolvtng sULh d reque~t shall be accepted by the City
Without "uch documentauon of nonconfonruty and proof of pnor legal eXistence
EVidence of a valid occupatIonal license shall not 111 .wd of It~elf, cstabh~h a pnma
faCie ca<;,e for the documentabon of actual nonconfoumty and proof of poor legal
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown DesIgn GUidelines
. All apphcatlons shall be subject to aU appropnate ~afeguard~ <wd condltlons
necessary to ensme that any such approval wIll not he tontrary to the pubhc 1l1tere"t,
the mtent of tllese Clearwater Desl~l GUldebnes Ot ll1Junous to the speCific alea 111
which the eXlstmg nonconfornung structure IS located
. All appltcatlons shall provide complete and wntten Justlficauon regardmg any
proVISions of these legulabon<;, that the appltcant beheves cannot be fully comphed
With Such Justification shall not 1l1clude monetary conslderattom
. Under no Circumstance,', shall the prmrlslons of thls 5ectlon be construed to mean
that any eXlstmg nonconfornung structure may be changed, or that any proVISion,
reqUIrement and/or regulation contatned wlthm these regulations can bc waived or
reduced whIch can reasonably be complied With by the appltcant The proVISions of
thiS section shall not be construed and/or apphed 111 such a manner as to permit the
enla rgemen t, replacement, a] teratJon, expatlSlon and /0 r extens Ion 0 f any eXlstmg
nonconformmg structure Without JUStifiable reasons based on a legally eXIsting and
nonconforming "tatus, that would result m any undue hardship or Il1Junous actIVity
that would depnve adjacent 1l1dtVldual property owners of their property nghts, or
that would be detnmental to the area surroundmg the nonconformmg premises In
2 Guidehnes for Nonconforming Structures
The followmg destgn gmdehnes shall be used to enlarge, replace, alter, expand and/ or
extend a nonconforrrung structure
. No nonconfornung structure shall be enlarged, replaced or altered In any way which
1l1crease,<, Its nonconformity except III conformance With these regulauons,
. It IS further stated that allY alteration, replacement or modification of thc extenor of
a nonconformmg structure shall comply With these deSign gutdellnes to the
maximum extent feaSible,
. Nonconformmg structurcs may be restorcd to .l safe condition If declared unsafe,
provldmg that such restoration does not constttute more dlan fifty (50) percent of
the ~tructure'<;, appral"ed fau market value,
. If damaged by more than fifty 150) percent of Its appraised fair market value, a
nonconfonrung structure <;,hall not be restored except 111 conformance with these
. Nonconfonrung structures may hdve normal repair and mamtenance pelformed to
permit contmuallon of the nonconformmg structure
x. Special Use Guidelines
A. Parking Garages
Pubhc park1l1g garages are an IIltegral part of an urban downtown Because of theIr fUllctlon,
struttured parklOg ~IClbtJes are usually enormous large boxe" The de~lgn of a public garage can
have a major lffipact on the appearance of an area
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUIdelines
1. Pubhc Garages
The follo\VlOg gUldellOes ale appucable to all stlUctured parkIng lots 111 the downtown
a. Facade Destgn
Wlthm the Downtown Corc and along major commerCIal co[ndors such as
Cleveland Street, S Ft Harnson Avenue, Myrtle Avenue, Mlssoun Avenue,
Court Sheet, Gulf to Bay Boulevard and Martin Luther Kmg Boulevard, at least
seventy-five (15) percent of ground floor patkmg garage frontage, exclusive of
entrance dnveways, stlln:vells and pedestoan entryways, shall conSist of active
uses other than parkll1g, such as office<;" "ght retilll111g, personal semces, and
entertamment This reqUIrement IS 1l1tended to cre'ate pleaslOg pedestnan-
onented space~ Other dC<;lgn alternatives that achIcve this lOtcnt may be
approved by the Clty, ~uch as a Ime[ bUlldmg around the outer edge of the
A landscaped pedestnan-onented setback of at lea"t fifteen (15) feet shall be
tequtred for all parklOg garage,> fronting on commercial shopplOg ~treets
However, the setback sh.tll not be reqUIred for any portion of the parkmg garage
frontage that Incorporates ground floor actlve me~ other than parkmg
The exteflor facades of all parking garages frontlOg on pedestnan-onented streets
shall be deSigned to achieve an archItectural Ufllty With the prmclpal structure(s)
that they are lOtended to serve
The parkmg garage should be deSIgned so that It looks Itke the commerCial and
other uses housed wlthmlt and surroundmg It ThiS can best be achieved by the
liner bUlldlOg havmg a heIght greater than or equal to the height of the parking
structure Tn no event should the lmer bulldlOg be less than two ~tones or 34 feet
m height The hner bUlldmg may be detached or mcorporated mto the parklOg
Parkmg Garage
Concealed Parkmg
Street Level Shops
b. Placement
Parkmg structure" should not be vl"lble from a frontage strcct but should be
placed m1dblock 1111'; helps pre<;ervc the pedcstnan scale and does not detract or
mlsusc the promlOencc of a corner property Also, pre<;,ervll1g the pedc<;tnan
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUldelmes
scale, the ~tructures should be setback a 1l1111lmUm of fOlty feet from the
property lines of all adJ,lCent streets ThIs will enable the placement of lmer
butldmg" between the park1l1g struttule and the Sidewalk Qat frontage) It will
also allow for dl ed~ that Will be heavlly landscaped where a 11l1er bUlldmg will not
be used Pomts of entry should be provided from Side <;,treets
2. Private Garages
A povate garage IS esscntJaUy an accessory stnICture or a portion of thc pnnclpal bUlldmg
used for the storage of automobIles of the occupants of the butldmg A mula-car
carport IS conSldcred a povate garage for the purposes of these regulations Pnvate
garage doe,> not Indude s1l1gle family garage:. on mdlVlduallots for the purposes of these
regulations The fa II ow 109 regulations apply to pnvate garages for multi-family
a Facade Design
fhe fa~ade deSign for pnvate garages shall be conSistent In deSign, mateoals and
architecture as the pnl1clpal structure on the lot
b. Placement
Multl-falmly parkll1g garages ~hall be located to the Side or [ear of the site away
from the public rtght-of-w~lY
B. Civic and Institutional Buildings
Many commUOlt!es are recognu:able by thclr public squares, plazas and CIVIC structures The
CIVIC structures often become landmarks and public gathenog places that participate m creatmg
the Identity for the commuOlty These structures often reqUIre dlst.1l1ct architecture to give themprommence In the commul1lty
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
1. Placement
CIVIC bwldlOg,> conta1l1 uses of ,>peCtal publtc Importance They mclude ,>uch uses as
muwclprJ bUlldmgs, churches, lIb Ulfl es, school5, rccrCdtlOn faCllltles, and pLlCes of
assembly CIVIC use" and services, '3hould be placed ll1 centrallocatlons a" highly vl"lble
focal pOlllt~ ~rhere feasible, they should be clme to transit "tops for ease of u"e by
pede5tn<lnS CIVIC stnlCture~ should not be located wlthlll storefronts, "hoppl11g centers
01 malls
2 F as;ade DeSign
CIVIC bUlldmgs do not need to blend mto adJacent shopplllg centers and regulal
storefront<;, rather they should stand out They are monuments to be recogl1lzed as
landmarks and apprecmted by le'>ldents and vl<;ltors alike These type5 of ~tructutes are
lOtended to break the contlnUlty of the street~upe Howevel, the de~lgn, mateual,> and
colors should be tasteful and not gansh
(1\ I TAli
City of Clearwater
Downtown Design Guidelines
Part 2- Spe-cffic District GUidelines
July 2003
Prepared ry
JqQ North Orlando AVi:i:nU3
SUIte 215
Winter Pa,.k. ,FlomJa '2.789
Phone' 1.ffJ7 - '17 5 -1'1.7 'j
Fax lf01-rr15.IZ78
www 10 "d'blz.coM
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown DesIgn GUidelines
PART 1. SpeC! flC D lstnc t Gu Idehne~
A Site De"lgn
1 Lot S!:lC 2
2 Buddlllg Placement/Of/entatJon
3 BUlld-to-Lme/Lot Covcrage
..\. BUlldlOg Coverage
5 BUlldmg Separanon
B BUlld1l1g Porm
I Ma~s/Scale..,
2 Architecture
C Site Acces,> and ClrculatlOn.
D Parkll1g Location
E SignS
F Mlscellancous Gutdel1l1es
1 Alleys 8
2 Plndla" TraIl
A Site Design
1 13utld1l1g Placement/Onentatlon
2 BUlldlOg Separation
B Bl.uldmg Form
1 Mas<;/Scale10
2 Architecture
C Site Accec;s, Circulation and Parkmg
1 Vehlcular Acce<,s
2 Parkmg Lot Design
Land<;caplOg, Buffenng and SneenlOg
Mlscellaneom GUidelines
1 Alley" 12
2 Pmella" Tratl
Site De<;,lgn
1 BUlldlOg PLlCement
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
BUlldmg Form
1 Massing/Scale
2 Architecture
Miscellaneous GUldelmes
1 Alleys 16
2 Pmcllds Tfdll
A Site DeSign
1 BUlldmg Placement
B BwldlOg Form
1 Mass/Scale18
2 Architecture
C MI"cellaneous GUldelmcs
1 Alleys 19
Site Access, CirculatIOn and Parkmg
1 VehICular Access
2 P MkIng Lot Destgn
Site Design
1 Buddmg Placement
Site Acce<;,s and C1[culatJon.
1 Parking Lot De'>Ign
MIscellaneou5 GUIdelInes
1 Alleys 22
SIte Design
BUlldmg Form
1 Mass/Scale24
2 Architecture
Site Acces,> and Circulation.
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
1. Downtown Core District Design Guidelines
Ba~ed upon the Vl~lon for the dl~t[lct, four dlwnct areas have been Idcntlfied for the pUtpose of
estab bshmg design gUldehnes the Cleveland Street atea, the Beach Access Corndor, the Pede~tnan Core
Area, and the Waterfront Mixed U~e Area
. Cleveland Street Pedestrian Corridor
r r
Cleveland Street ben.veen Myrtle Avenue and Osceola
Avenue [unUlons as the Clty'<; "ma1l1~treet", and tS the
pedestnan focal p0111t of the City There arc some
distinct development patterns that tIe the street"cape
together 10 thiS pedestoan corndor, which should be
preserved and encouraged the two-story height of
several front facades, the ~torefront \VlOdow~, the
hlstom.. rece~sed storefront entrance" and the r..;urrent
bUlld-to-lme of the maJonty of the bUtld1l1gs
Additionally, some of the tallest bUlld1l1gs to the City are
located along thl" segment of Cleveland Stleet, aid
depend1l1g upon the deSign of the two first stones of
these butldll1gs they either conwbute to the streetscape
development patterns or detract and break the contlOUlty
of the streetscape To contmue to bc a thoVlng
pede~wan core, the de~lgn of 111 fill and redevelopment Il1 .-:- O'"'O'"~ .'!
the Cleveland Street Pedestnan Comdor Will have to
continue to focm on pedeswan actiVity and vltabty, rather than on vehicular deSign, as 111 othet
area<; A balance needs to be fashIOned between thc predom1l1ant ~treetscape pattern" and new
modern high-rise ~tructu[c,> to lnamraln the pedestflan vltabti
- \iiil -~ "J<-,JI I".
5~ ~~P",~tJ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1
e,. ~~wm~
~rr~\';~' ii:~\~lL ~..~
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. Beach Access Corndor
Ba~ed upon the locatIon of the new Memorial Causeway Bridge connettlOg the beach to the
mamland, Court Street and Che,>tnut Street are gomg to become IUtjor artenal wadway'>
deSIgned predommantly to move vehlcle~ through the downtown at a more f'dpld pace The
development pattern along these streets has been typically low-nse development an average of
approximately _ feet [Need help from staff on number] from the nght-of-way Thcre are a
few hlgh-nse developments ~tattered throughout the arca Pedestrlan~ should be discouraged
ftom mid-block crossmgs on thiS hIgh <;peed corndor, however, the area IS still very urban and
btuldmgs "hould not be too far flOm tlle lOadway New development and mfill ~hould
encourage pedestrian dl.t1Vlty and connections along the t\VO Side" of the corndor, but should
discourage crosslOg the street except at major IOtersectlons due to the <;'lx-Iane ~pan of the
CIty of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
. Pedes trian Core Area
The areas Immediately north and ~outh of Cleveland Stleet contalO a variety of land use type.",
mcludll1g retail, office, ll1'>tltutlonal and lesldentul These areas should contJOue ro be
encouraged to develop at higher urban demlttes .uld vertical heights to malfltam the City'S
skyl1l1e, bong pedestnan actiVity to downto\Vn and provide for econotruc development These
areas do not have the same "ma1l1strect" architectural characteostlcs and bUlld-to-lmes as
Cleveland Street, however, Tne future urban design patterns of these areas should ffialntam
slmllar pede~tnan acttvlty and vttahty that have been achieved on Cleveland Stleet
. Waterfront Mixed Use Area
The harbor waterfront provl{.Ie~ special Opportu01t1eS for development Urban cEl1Sltle<;, are
antlClpated to Increase along the waterfront as plOperty values lI1crease for the superlative
location Similar to the Mixed Use PedeStrlan area, a vanety of land uses are encouraged,
mcludmg ret",lIl, office, lOstltutlonal and reSidential However, what dlstlngulshes the waterfront
mixed use arca I~ the potenttal for an enormous amount of redevelopment of very large parceh
of land that must proVide the same level of architectural detail on the waterfront Side as on the
strect front stdes of the parcels
A. Site Design
L Lot Size
Conststent lot size IS ImpOIT.ult to ffiillfltam the contlflUlty of the histone downtown
buddlOg pattern and rhythm The SIzes of lot<;, along the waterfront and on beach access
corndors, such as Court and Che~tnut Street~, can afford larger lot sizes than othel areas
of the downtown that need to mamtam a pede"tnan walkmg and shoppmg atmo:,pbele
2. Building Placement/Orientatlon
The auto-onented Beach Access Corndor IS Ifltended to be urban 111 form and
character Although thiS corndor tS de"lgned predormnantly to move automobile traffIC
through the City, the Image or view from the road shall reflcct the pOSitive deSign
characten<;,tICs typICal of Clearwater's downtown commerCtal area:" 1l1dudlng compact
bUlld1l1gs of stnular mass and scale that form a street edge or wall Also, the Image
should act as a tmnStuon between the vehteular actiVity on the roadwdY and the
pedestrian nature ofthc mIxed office, rcsldenttal and commerualland u~es Because of
the vehicular o[lentatlon of the street, a hrruted pomon of parking '>hall be permitted 111
front of the bUlldll1gs m the Beach Access Corridor BUlldmgs \l1 the coruuor shall soli
be onented to the public nght-of-way ProVISIOns <;,hall be made for promment
pedestnan connectIons from the penmeter <;'Idewalk through tl1e parkmg area to the
pnmary public entrance
Placement should al,>o maXImize vIews of adjacent water bodies and othcr amenities
The Waterfront MIXed Use Area will be reqUIred to have two (2) bUlldmg fronts, smce
the harbor front IS al~o a publtc nght-of-way
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
Downtown Front Side Rear AUey Rear Water Front
Core Area Setback Setback Setback Setback Setback Bwldmg
Cleveland 0' MIO O'Mm 5'Mm ~' from ROW N/A 75%
Street 5' Max (l) 0' Max 9l No Max No Max
Beach 10' Mm 10' MIO 5'MIO 5' from ROW N/A 50%
Access 20' Max No Max: No Max: No Max
0' Mm O'mm 5'Mm 5' from ROW N/A 75%
PedestrIan 5' Max (1) 0' Max (2) No Max No Max
Core Area
Waterfront 5'Mm Q'Mm 5'Mln 5' from ROW Mll1 - Pcr 60%
Mixed Use 10' Max No Max \->) No Max No Max Code
Area (1) Max 50'
3. Build-to-Lme/Lot Coverage
Bmld-to-hnes are very coucalm the Downtown Corc DI"tnct, to ma1l1talO the contll1U1ry
of the hl"tonc downtown rhythm "1 he chart below Identifies the bmldlOg
setback<;/bUlld-to-lme~ for the four area,,; Wlthtn the downtown The setbacks do not
apply to boardwalh 10 the Waterfront Mixed Use Area
(1) Ibe maXlmmn setback, as measm-ed from the fronl of the Club, may be pem:utted to extend to 20 ft If pedestnan
courtyards, plazas, cafes, faun I al11S or other Pllbltc gathenng pl:1c..~ Me utilized to mamtam contInuIly along the streel front
(2) A larger SIde ~etback may be peDllltted, leavmg a gap between buIldmgs, If It IS a well-desIgned Pedestr:tJ/J Alleyway as
desCrIbed above, however, m no <:ca,e ~hould tbe 'Hie setback exceed 50% ill the BeAch Access CO:[[ldor and 2)% 1J1 the
Cleveland Street Pedestnan Comdor, unlcss It lS Intended to function as a developed uwan park wlth pnblu.. access
(3) The Waterfront SIdes may be the best locatIon for parlung, unless a gar'.Jge IS provIded 11.erefore no maXlmmn
sctba<.k was cstabhshed However, If there IS nO parkIng along the SIdes of the lot the btuldmg sh<:mld be located With", ten
(10) feet of the SIde pmperty hue unless a puhhc amenIty IS proVl<led m the locatIon
Based upon measmement,> taken 10 the field, the hlstonc bUlld-to-lme along the
Cleveland Street Pedestnan Corridor has been the edge of the average fOUlteen (14)
foot "Idewalk '(hI"; hlstonc bUllu-to-llOe IS to be mamtamed by cedevclopmentand m611
projects Flcxlblhty 111 thiS butld-to-bne IS allowed to encourage pedestnan courtyards,
plan", cafes, fountun'> or other pubhc gathenng places BUlldlOgs are cncouraged to
locate at the zero bUlld-to-hne, assummg the pmpcrty line b at the edge of the Sidewalk,
to create a contl11UOU" street wall Corner lot,> are very Important as they havc two street
"front~" There are several alley<;, behmd bUlldll1gs along Cleveland Street and space
should be proVided for IandscaplOg along the alley, as defined 111 Part I
The bmld-to-hne 10 the Pedestnan Core Area should follow the ,>ame pattern as the
Cleveland ~treet Pedestnan Corndor setbach, however, the sldewalke; may be smaller 10
some areas and only requue d teo (10) feet
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUldehnes
The City may mcrease the md'CImUm front yard setback to not more than 20 feet 10 the
Cleveland Street Pedestrian Corndor, Pedestrian Core Area and Waterfront Mixed
Use Area for eatmg ,1Od dnnkmg estabbshments to accommodate outdoor eating areas
m the front yard A strcetwall, when provided for restaurant outdoor eating areas
located between the pnnClpal bUlld1l1g and the "treet, shaH conform to the standatds for
streetwalls m Part I
The Waterfront Mixed Use Area wlil also follow a Sllnuar development pattern as
Cleveland Street Pedestrian Corndor However, the~e parcels shall also have a "econdary
frontage along the waterfront The mlO1mum setback permitted from the seawall wtll
allow room for a boardwalk or pedesrnan esplanade along the waterfront The
maxtmum bmldmg setback <;,hould be fifty (50) from the edge of the 'Caw all unles<;,
plazas, cafes, waterfront parks or other amenities are proVided for Vl::.Ual mtere,>t With
t\Vo fronts, these parcels will preferably proVide Internal p<1tlang areas (such as Internal
lots or parkmg structures) However, parkmg along the sides of lots may also be
necessary, therefore, the side setback has no maxtmum to allow room for side parkmg
Along the Beach Access COnldoe the bmld-to-hnes do not have to be so c1o"e to the
street because the pedestnan actlV1ty should be pushed further away from thc higher
,>peed traffic volume'> Therefore, the maXlmum fwnt setback permitted should be
twenty (20) feet, which would allow for some landscapll1g m front of the bUlldmg The
parktngwould still have to be proVided to the rear ocalong; the sldc.[Questlon for staff-
should we allow at least one bay of padung 10 front of the buddmg along Court Street]
There is no maximum bmld-to-Imc for '>Ide or rear lot ltnes m thiS ared, however, the
mlrumum bmldlOg frontage <;,hould be no less than 50% of the lot Width
4. Bnilding Coverage
In all of the Downtown Core DIstricts, there IS a mlmmum hUlldmg frontage
reqUlrement The percent frontage shall I1lclude the hnear feet of buudmgwlthm rv.enty
(20) feet of the edge of street ROW that has wmdows and entries onented to the street
In addItion, plazas or pedestrian acces<;,lble landscaped area.<;, with streetwalls and depths
no less than twenty (20) feet can be I1lcluded 10 the coverage calculattons In no case
shall park1l1g lots or blank rear or Sidewalls be mduded m the rruntmum frontage
Unusable gaps ~hould not be Icft bctween bwldlOgs along thc Cleveland Street
Pedestrian Corridor If a pedestnan aUey or courtyard l~ planned, It <;,hould be of an
appropnate stze to accommodate landscapmg, hardscape.and other streetscape fur11lture
[<'or new construction, sub,>tantlal enlargement or ~ubstanual Improvements In areas
whele the rruolmum front yard setback t'> five (5) feet or less, whiCh IOdudes the
Cleveland Street Pedestnan Corndor and Pedestrian Core Area, a mll1lmUm of70%
of the front buudmg wall <;,hall meet the maximum setback Porche<;" colonnades,
marquees, overhang<;, or '>Iffillar overhead stnKtures parallel to the street may be counted
toward the 70% front butldmg wall at the reqUIred setback
The mlotmum butldmg frontage 10 the Waterfront Mixed Use Area should be no less
than 60% of the lot Width, and the coverage should be no le~~ than 50% along the
Beach Access Corridor
City of Clearwater, FlOrida
Downtown Design GUidelines
5. Bmlding Separation
In the entlre Do'.Vntown Core Dtstnct, whenever bmldmg" arc placed on the side
property 1ll1e (0 foot setback), no wll1dow5 "hall be permitted on that Side of the
bUlldll1g, and adjacent wul be reqmred to provide either a 0 foot Side yatd
setback or:1 rnlmmum of 10 feet In addition, when there IS an eXI"tlOg Side yard setback
ofless than 10 fcet, the ,ldJacent development shall use a setback large enough to equal
10 feet bctween the two bUtldll1~ to estabbsh pedestnan connections from rear parkmg
areas to the front street
B. Building Form
1 Mass/Scale
In addttlol1, to adhc.nng to t.he regulations conta1l1cd m thc general setbon regardll1g
bUIlding de~lgn, IfltUge developments are proposed 111 the Downtown Core Dlstnct It IS
Important to ensure that the ffia<;s and scale of the bUtlchng IS appropnate for
pedestoans The lower two floors of the butldll1gs have the greatest Impact on
pedestnans Pedestuans can feel overpowered by lalge span<; of walls '.Vlthout any detatl
and feel most comfortable m letall envlronment~ that proVide storefronts along d1e
street::.cape Therefore, m the Downtown Core Dlstnct, large bUlldmgs should g}ve the
appearance of multiple smaller: butldl11gs along the streetfront that are no Reger than
thirty-five (35) to fifty (50) feet wide conslstentwtth the hlstonc street<;,l.ape development
pattern along Cleveland Street Ma1l1ta1l1mg the thirty-five (35) foot wldd1 for
storefronts thlOughout the Downtown Core DIstnct will proVide continuity throughout
the dlstnct There should be exceptions for prom1l1ent CIVIC structurcs ami churches
-1 he depth of a buudmg IS a\<;o crltlcalll1 urban commcrclal area<;, The contmulty along
the streetfront IS dependent upon the front depth of a bUlldmg altgnll1g along the bUlld-
to-lll1e and the ability for an alley to function propcrly 1<; dependent on the [ear depth of
the bulldll1g ahgnmg With the rear or adpcent structures and leavll1g nght-of-way for
pavement and landscapm.g
[Insert picture or sketch "howmg an example 0 f a large bUlldmg WIth mulllple storefronts
on bottom floor]
The bUlldmgwldths along the Cleveland Street PedestrIan Corridor have a definitive
rhythm of <lpproxlmately thirty-five (35) feet 10 Width, a<; shown below There have been
<;orne ll1fill development" that have located on lot<;, With Widths ,b small ,1<;' fourteen (14)
feet 'WIde and other developments that have comb111ed sever'dl lots IOta one large
bUlldlOg However, both of these trends "hould be discouraged 10 the futute and the
hIstone pdttem of thirty-five (35) foot to fifty (50) foot WIde bUlldmgs should be
mamtalOed along thl<;' comclor BUlldmgs that are wldel than fifty (50) fcct should stili be
requued to break up the mas<;,lOg of the buudlng at le~lst cvery fifty (50) feet to give the
ImpreSSIon of ~maller storefronts
[lo<;ert picture of ht,>toflc Width's 111 Cleveland With dimenSions}
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
The Beach Access Corridor area" can accommodate campus <;,tylc developments with
lalger urban setbacks and the Widths of the bUlldlOgs can affold to be jalge without
IOterruptll1g tl1e "treetscape pattern Thelefore, no ma'Xlmum lot '>lze~ or bUIldmg Widths
h,we been est,lbltshed for thl<;' area
The Pedestrian Core Area should be ~1ITular 10 lot de"lgn and butld1l1g \....Idth and depth
to the Cleveland Street Pedestnan Corridor The htstonc pattt'ffi of thirty-five (35)
foot to fifty (50) foot wide butldmgs should be encouraged along Osceola Avenue, Fort
Harmon Avenue, and Myrtle Avenue
The Waterfront Mixed Use Area proVlde<; a "pectal opportuntty for redevelopment of
very large parceh However, <;,pecml ,lttentlon will have to be given to breaklOg up the
mas,> of larger butldtn~
2. Arclntecture
New designs 10 the Cleveland Street Pedestrian Corridor <;hould complement d1e
hlstunc matn street s!Jle de51gn of <;torefronts and archItectural hentage of the downtown
New designs should aVOId stnctly repltcatmg the detalls of a hl~toncal "ty!c, WhICh would
create a false repre,>entatlon Rather, new design should u<;,e contemporary materials to
abstract hlstonc deSign elements CertalO eXI<;,tlOg elements that are chara<..tenstlc of a
matnstreet hlstonc style, such as corOlces, parapets, bulkheads, piers, transom,> and
storefront wlOdow~ should be preserved The diagram. below 1I1ustrates an example of
additional hlstonc elements that create a true <<mamstreet" urban streetscdpe
, \..-.
Odr.apet...... cornu:::e
~' ~
double-hung I IE m m m lintel
sash'lllndO\'>rf I III
1_ _ _ _ ' _!.III
IIXfi"d plate 1
I .....slnng
glass d iSplaV -- _~_
. I -- U COllfiO
Window => _'_~
I -t~tes ' no~; n;t); -,
~~ \"
P I'RA." t;-t
L ::J
O,$P'..A"i" ""..[)::)...
,...., ~.Ib'El'S
a Hetght
The Cleveland Street Pedesman Corndor Ius an IllStonc buddmg height of
two (2) stones It IS Important to mamtam tl11S hl"tOflC bUilding heIght along the
streetscape m thl~ are,l to prevent overpowenng pedestnans With megahtl11c
S tnlctu res Height IS unltmlted 111 the DO\lintown Core DI<;,tnct However,
wlthm the Cleveland Street Pedestrian Corridor, tile perrmtted heIght
Immediately along the street frontage IS two (2) stones A~ diagramed 111 Part T
of these de~lgn gUldeI111e", addltlonal stone" ,lrc permitted if the butldlOg IS
stepped back on the uppel leveb, at le,lst ten (10) feet for e,lch adlhtlOnal story
over two, up to the maximum reqUired addluonal upper story step back of thirty
(30) feet
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
b. Storefronts
All of the areas within the Downtown Core Dlstncts are likely to have storefront
::.hops Therefore, the follow cntena are applicable to all areas wlthm the
Downtown Core
Storefront IJImdonu Storefront wmdows should be '>l1T\1Jar In placement, size and
LonfigtlltltlOn to the stOLefront \vlndows found on contnbutlng bulldmg::. In the
downtown dlstnct
Storefront Deszgn Storefront frames should be built entirely of wood, ~teel or
alumlllum The ~tOlefront "Ide plCIS should be the samc matenal as the upper
fa~ade, 01 covered with stucco The wmdow should be lllteglated with
the door and '>Ignage lllto a smgle Lonstructlon
Secunry Shutt,ers SeLunty shutter", If proVided, are to be fitted as an ll1tegral part
of the ~torcfront deSIgn
c. MiXed Use ReSidential
Whcn reSidential use" arc located III prcdomlllantly mixed use or commerCial
areas, the resldenllal uses on the first floor <;,hall have a firushed floor height
raised a mmlmum of two (2) feet above the Sidewalk grade
C. Site Access and Circulation
The Cleveland Street Pedestnan Corndor lecelves high volumes of pedcstnan traffic
Therefore, for pede<;,tnan safety, no curb tots should be permitted along the front penmeter of
D. Parking Location
AU parkmg whether surface lots or structured parklOg must be located to the rear and '>Ides of
the lot In the Downtown Core The alchltecture ::.hould disguise the use of the strut.ture to the
public nght-of-way
Tn thc Downtown Corc Dlstnct, If a large bUlldmg cont1l1.uc<; from onc maJor street frontage
through to another major street frontage, then thele are essentially two fronts for the bUlldlOg, 111
whKh case, alleys 01 pdrklOg g'drd.ges should be proVided from '>Ides streets, rather than the teal,
for vehicular access
Limited parking o:,hould be allowed 111 the front of bUild lOgs along the Beach Access Corndor
It shall be hmlted to the dnveway and one row of parkl1lg only, and an Ulhan wall or landscaplOg
shall be proVided along the front ptOperty Illle to 9:.reen the vehicle'> from the nght-of-w,.y
"Where the parklllg 1<;, located In front of the bUlldlllg, tlle p,l1klllg are", should be deSIgned to
aVOid the appearance of large masses of pavement, and shall be condUCive to pedestmm access
and CirculatIOn (see Circulation section)
[Insert dtagr'am of 1 bay of parkmg]
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown DesIgn GUidelines
The low speed on the roadway'> m the Pedestrian Core Area should be mamtamed ami on-
,>treet parklOg and pede,>tnan conl1ecbom acros" ught,>-of-\Vay should be predoffilOant CUlb
cuts should be hffilted on the p omary ~treet frontage Side street and alley acce"s to rear parkmg:
lots and shaled parklOg facthtles are encouraged
No rear parking 1", penmtted along the Waterfront Mixed Use Area or along pnmary ,>treet
frontage, With the exceptJon of a row of on-strcet parkll1g Therefore, parkmg must be 1I1tellor
to the lot or on the ~Ides of the lot sCleened from the pubhc view These faclhtle" may be
surface parkmg or structured parkmg
E. Signs
Only butldlOg Identification SignS are allowed wlthm the Downtown Core Dlstnct, except that
monu ment sIgns are allowed In the Beach Acces s Corridor and Waterfront Mixed Use Area,
as long as the standards contatned 111 Part 1 are met
F. Miscellaneous Guidelines
1. Alleys
The development or Improvement of alley'> IS encouraged throughout the downtown
core dlStOCt to protect the character of the pOffiary streetfronts
2. Pinetlas Trail
The PlOellas Trail traverses the Downtown Core Dlstnct Parcels that abut the Pmcllas
Tratl should celebrate the trail and tfeat the Side of the bUlldmg facll1g the trail as though
It were either the front of the strutture Q[ an addltll)nal/ <;,econdary front for the bUlldmg
by provldll1g architectural ll1tere,>t Parkmg lots, dumpsters, and storage areas are
discouraged along the tratl Wmdows and porche" facll1g the trail proVide safety and
Create a sense of community Pnnclpal and accessory butldll1gs should be setback a
mmlmum 10 feet from the traIl
The trd.llls a pubhc nght-of-way and fence,> and walls are dlscourd.ged Anv necessary
fences along the tratl, such a<;, for dayc.lres, <;,hould be constructed of wrought Iron or
Similar decouuve matenals that permtt vlSlbthty through the fence, and ,>hould not
exceed four (4) feet 10 heIght
Propertlcs along the Pll1ella:, Teat! need to take advantage of such" resource by makl1lg It
part of the development Tht5 can be done by
. Onentll1g bUlldll1gs to take advantage of the views
. Provld1l1g pedestnan amemtles Wlthll1 the pnvate property compltmentIng or
connectmg phYSICally to the trail
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown DesIgn GUidelines
II. Old Bay District Design Guidelines
\VlthlO the Old Bay Dlstnct, there IS d. vanety of resIdential, office and commercIal use" as well as land
features, such ,I" the waterfront, that make It necessary to categonze different areas for deSign gUldelmes
purposes Based upon the est"dbh'>hed VISion for the Old Bay DlstrtLt, three dl<;,tmct areas have been
Identified the Waleifront Urban ResIdentIal Ana, the f Fort ]-lamson Corndo,., and thc Office/ R1!Sldentlal
Ana In addition to the standards contdlOed In Part 1, the guldeltnes contal11ed 111 tlm settlon will
ensure that
G The S. Fort Harrison Corridor IS developed as d.
pedestnan-ortentcd corrunerclal comdor, followll1g
some of the urban patterns found along Cleveland
Street; such as bUlldmgs placed at the property lme,
parkmg m the rear, the presence of storefronts, and
heights that reflect ,I pede"wan scale environment
New development 10 the Waterfront Urban
ReSidential Area (west of the Ft Hamson
corndor) must compatible With the eXlstlllg older
reSidential structures 10 the area, whICh III turn
should be pre:.ervcd or rehabilitated The guldelmes
address Issues such as bUlldlOg separation, height
compatibility, renovatIOn of extstmg structures, and
bu ffe[lng between 111 ten"ltles 0 fuse
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The Office/Residential area (east of the Pt
Harn,>on cor[ldor) ,>hapes mto a low-scale
re<;tdentlal and office dlstnct With emphaSIS on
preservatIOn of the re~ldentlal character and ~cale
Element'> that mamtam the resldentml nature tnclude such features a,> porches, parkmg
located to the rear and slde<;, of bUlldmgs, use of pervIOus parkmg surfates, and re<;,ldentlal
color schemes 13u ffer,> and <;,creenmg that preserve the reslC\enttal pClvacy are also Important
to make the deSired use~ compatible
..:~_r", '-< '":f
A. Site Design
1. Buildmg Placement/Orientation
In order to achieve the deSired lmage III the dlstnct, the S Fort Harrison Corridor will
need to focm on gettmg the bUlldlOgs up to the street '1 he front yard setback wlthlO the
S. Fon Harrison Corndor can be 1l1crea,>ed to fifteen (15) feet If a public pL1Zd. 01 an
outdool seat1l1g area IS be1l1g proVided A streetwall would then be leqUlred along the
front property {me There IS no maximum Side yard setbaLk III the S. Fort Harnson
Comdor However, m order to mamtalll conttnUlty along the block face, bUlldmg<;, <;,hall
occupy at lea<;t SIXty (60) percent of d1e width of the lot
The Office/ReSidential Area Will follow more of a reS1dentl,1l lot placement
characten"tlc The preservatJon of slOgle-f,lIluly home structule<;, J" strongly encouraged
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUIdelines
In order to faCIlitate the conversion of reSldentlalllSe~ IOtO 0 ffice use, the City may allow
for certall1 bUlldmg setback devlatlOns from Commllntty Development Code m the
Office/ResidentIal Area. The Office/Residential Area, front yard "etback m"y be
reduced to five (5) feet If a front porch IS provided
The regulauons for the waterfront <ltea take lOto account the ~peClal nature of hlgh-nse
development ffilxed 10 with the eXlstmg low-flse dcvelopment Placement should also
maximIze Views of adjacent water bodies and other amel110e" The Waterfront Urban
Residential Area will be reqUlrcd to have two (2) bUilding fronts, '>Ince the harbor front
IS ,tlso ,1 public nght-of-way
The chart below Identifies the setbacks/bUlld-to-lll1es for the three 70ne<; Within the
Area Front Setback Side Rear Bwlding Waterfront
Setback Setback Frontaee Setback
Waterfront Ueban 10'mln 10' 15' NA Pcr Code
ResidentIal Area Nomax
Office / Residential 5'rrun 5 ft 15' NA NA
Area 10' max
S. Fort Harrison U' mm 0' or 15' 60% NA
Corridor 5' max 5' mill *
* Sep'lOlUon between bmldlJlgs on adJaCellL lots shall be a llltIlUllUlli of tell (10) feet (See Part I)
2. Bwlding Separation
There may be areas In the Waterfront Urban Residential Area where one h1gh-flse IS
proposed to go adJacent to anotner htgh-nse property \'\fhere thiS IS the case, 111
addition to the rrunlmum setbacks noted above, a minimum bUlldmg separatIOn ~hould
be observed so that the pa%age of Itght and aJr IS not lOterrupted BUlldmg,> that are
over four (4) ~tones m hetght should have a rrurumum bUlldmg separabon of one
hundred (100) feet from the nelghbonng bUlldmgs
In the S. Fort Harrison Corridor, whenever butldlll~ are placed on the Side property
hne (0 feet setback), no wmdows shall be permitted on that Side of the butldmg, and
adJ.lcent bmldlOg,> Will be reC(un:ed to proVide either a 0 foot '>ldc yard sctb,lck or a
m1l11mum of 10 feet In adchtlOn, when there I~ an eXI~tlng SIde yard setback of le~s than
10 feet, the adJaccnt development ,>hall use a setback large enough to equal 10 feet
between the lvt 0 bUlldlOgs to estab 11 ~ h P cde<;,tflan connectJOns from I eat parking areas to
the front street
B. Building Form.
1. Mass/Scale
The purpose of these speCIfic standards I'> to ensure dut new development and
redevelopment proJcct<;, are compatible WIth the vanety of use~ pre,>ent 111 the dlStnct,
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
partICularly ,,\11th the olcler smgle-fdmlly homes, whICh already have acqUIred some
hl<;tonc status Because there 1<; a mIx between small-scale low-denSity reSIdential and
hIgh-me condomlfllUm resldentjal along the Waterfront Urban Residential Area, It 1<;,
Important that the tral1~ltlon between the tV,IO be "uch that the resldenttal character be
Stand-alone large-~calc commerCial or office bUlldl11gs ,.,hould be dl"couraged wlthl11 the
S. Fort Harrison Corridor al1d Office/Restdential Area BUlldtn~ that exceed
20,000 square feet of buddmg area (first floor only) should not be allowed 'Wtthln thIS
2. Architecture
a. Fa~ade Destgn
Porches The use of porches IS strongly encouraged III the Watelfront Urban
Resldenttal and Office/ReSIdential areas Porches not only serve a" the "eyes on
the street" but also "erve as a tran<;,ltlOn between the public <;'Idewalk and the
pnvate rC<;ldence or office Porches Will assl<;t In preservlOg the reSidential
chalacter of the area, and Will also help ma1l1tal11 a pede<;tnan ~cale
, ,1\.1.
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~I Public ,~
~ Semi-Public Spacf>
_An un<;creened open air porch of Sl11ular matenal may extend mto the reqUired
flOOt yard <;etback up to eight (8) feet Roof prOJectlOos (eaves) may extend
beyond the eight (8), but not extend mto reqUired ~etback more than ten (10)
\Vherever sllch all extensIOn lI1to the front Ydrcl setback has been approved, no
other modification of front yard <;etback ~tand,lrds shall be approved
C. Site Access, Circulation and Parking
~ Vehicular Access
The u<;e of cros<; actess easement<;, for 101l1t/ shAred vehICular access I" of supreme
Importance 111 the Office/Resldcntlal zone to encourage the pr6ervatlOn of eXlstmg
homes for office u<;c \X7henever a smgle family home IS converted to offICe use, the City
"hall requite an ea<;ement so that Il1 the future, when the adJ<lCent Site change:::. use, d1e
agreement<; wdl already be 111 place
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUldelmes
2. Parking Lot Design
In order to preserve tlle lesldentlal scale of dle lots and to preselve cXlbtmg tleeb wlthm
thc Office/ResIdentIal area IOcentJves \vlll be used to encourage thc converstOn of
rcsldentlal u<;,es lIlto office me, rather than replac1l1g the re~ldenttal ~tructures with new
office developments The City may allow for the deViatIOns from the Community
Development Code, as follows
. Park111g areas may be surfaced with graycl, turf block, shell rock, mulch Or grass
The waiver does not apply to handIcap parlong space" and walkway" connecting the
handttap '>paces With the blllldlllg
o A reductIOn 10 the ffilfil1TIUm number of parkIng spaces required may be allowed
depend1l1g upon the need" of the type of me proposed
. In reSidential aleas, 111 ordcr to make the Itvmg area of a house vlbually more
dom1l1ant than Its parking faulltles, all g,uage:, or carports (whether dtt"ached to or
detached from the pnoClpal strutture) shall be "et back from the front lot Jtne a
distance at leabt equal to that of the prlOclpal structure or reqUIred front yard <;,etback,
whichever IS greater
. Gange doors facmg street,> shall not exceed 10 feet III wldrh 'Whele feaSible, garage
doors should face the Side or leal
D. Landscaping, Buffering and Screening
The preservation of smgle-farmly home structures IS strongly encouraged 10 order to faCilitate
the conversion of re~ldentlal uses 1l1to office use, the City may allow for cettam land<;caplOg and
buffcnng deViatIons from the Commul1lty Development Code
E. Miscellaneous Guidelines
1 Alleys
The development or Improvement of alleys 1<;, encouraged wlth1l1 the Ft Hamson
COlndor to <;erve the commercial area
2. Pinellas
The P1l1ella<; frat! traverses the Old Bay Dlstoct Parceh, that abut the PlOellas Trat!
5hould celebrdte the wul and treat the Side of the bUlldmg faung the trod a:, though It
wcre either the front of dlC' stluctute or an addltlonal/sccondary front for the bUlldlOg
by provldlOg archItectural mterest ParklOg lots, dump~ters, and srorage area::. are
dl<;,couraged along the tr.ul WlOdows and pOlches faung the traIl plovlde bafety and
create a sense of commul1Ity PnnClpal and acces50ry bUlldlllgs should be <;,etback a
ffillllmum 10 feet from the ttall
The tra111~ a publtc nght-of-way and fence,> dnd \Nalb are dl"couraged Any
fence" along the trad, such as for daycares, ,>hould be con<;tntcted of wrought Iron or
sundar decorative ffiatenals that petffilt VI~lblltty thlOugh the fence, and '>hould not
exceed four (4) feet III height
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUIdelines
Propertle~ along the Plficlla<; TctllneeJ to takc adV.ll1t'lge of such a re,>omce by makl11g It
palt of the development This can be done by
. Ouenong buIldmgs to take adV<UlNtge of the Vle\v<;,
. Provldll1g pede<;tU,H1 amenttlcs wlthlO the pnvate property compltmentlllg or
connect1l1g phyw..aUy t? the trail
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUldelmes
III. South Gateway District Design Guidelines
The goal 111 the South Gateway dl<;tnct I" to create a mixed-use mban environment, promotmg a
pcde~tnan fnendly atmmphere Based upon the establt<;hed V1<;lOn for the South Gateway Dlstnct, two
dl<;tlnct alea<; have been Identified, 111cluclmg tbe S Fort Hamson COl1llntlntry COl1lmemal Comdor and the
I-Itgh Denstty Resuienttal Area In addition to the ~tandard~ conta111ed m Part 1, dle gllldelll1es contall1ed 10
tlllS ~ectlOn \NIB ensure that
. The S. Fort HarrisoD Commumty
CommerClal Corridor will develop 111 a pattern
<;11TI11ar to the Cleveland Street Pedestnan
Corndor The gutdehnes are geared to creatmg a
pedestnan fnendly commerCIal area along S Ft
Ham<;on Avenue Thl!, will be achieved through
the use of bUlld-to-lme reqUIrements, bUlldlOg
de~lgn that emphaslze<;, the lower scale of thc
bUlldmgs ll1 the area, and heIghts that reflect a
pede"tnan scale enVironment
. The High Density ResldennaI Area east of the
commerCIal comdor 1<;, developed With re<;,Klentlal
use<;, at an urban scale To achteve thIS goal, the
gUldelmes encourage the redevelopment of
eXIstmg re<;ldentlal properties With higher denSity
resldentMl uses Also the eXisting offices are
encouraged to rem,un and renovate 111 thiS area
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A. Site Design
1. Building Placement
BUlld-to-hnes are very cntlcal 10 the South Gateway DI~tnct as thiS area carnes the
downtown character to the south, especially along South Fort Hdfflson BUlkhngs along
the S. Fort Harnson CommUDlty Commercial Corndor need to be brought up to the
"tHeet, whIle the urban reSidential area can takt. larger ~t.tbacks 'fhe. front yard setback
WlthlO the S. Fort Harrison Community Corridor can be lOcreased to
fifteen (15) feet If a publtc plaza or an outdoor <;eatlOg area IS belOg proVIded A
streetwall would then be reqUIred along the front property llOe
In the High DenSIty Residential Area, a ml1llffiUm bll1ldmg separation should be
ob~erved between hIgh-density resldenttal bwldll1gs ~o that the passage of "ght and au IS
not mterrupted BUlldlOgs that are over four (4) stones lfi height should have a
rnl11lmum bUlldmg separatIOn of one hundred (100) feet from the nelghbonng bUlldmgs
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUldelmes
The chart below Identifies the setbacks/butld-to-11l1e'i for the South Gateway Dlstllct
Front Rear Bw.1dmg
Area Setback SIde Setback Setback Fronta2"e
High Density 5 ft- ffill1 0' mll1 15 ft NA
Residential Area 10 ft max
S. Fort Harrison o ft mll1 0' or 5' mll1* 15 ft 60%
Area 5 ft max
" SeparatIOIl between bmldlllgs 011 adpeellt lots ,bdll be a Il11IHITl um of tell (10) feet (See P'lt t I)
B. Building Form
1. Massing {Scale
Stand-alone large scale commerCial or office bUlldll1gs should be dlscourageu \\Ilthll1 the
South Gateway BUlldmg<; that exceed 20,000 square feet of bUlldll1g area (fir<;t floor
only) should not be allowed wlthm thl<;, dlstnct
"1 he bwldmgs along South Fort Hamson Avenue should follow the development
patterns that characterize the Cleveland Street PedeStrlan Corndor 111 terms ohvldth, and
height Facades need to be broken down to resemblc small storefronts, rather than large
scale developments
2. Architecture
a Histone Architectural Styles
New development and redevelopment should strengtl1en the connection of the
South Gateway District with the Harbor Oaks I-llstOrlC District acros<; S Fort
Hamson Avenue through ar(,httectural "tyle<; and bUlld1l1g deSign
b. F a~ade Design
Porcbej The me of porche<;, IS strongly encouraged 111 the High Density
ResidentIal Area Porches not only ::.erve as the "eyes on the street" but also
serve a<; a tranSluon between the pubhc Sidewalk and the pnvate reSidence or
office Porches Will a~slst m pre~ervmg the lesldentlul character of the. a rea, and
will also help mamta1l1 a pedestllan scale
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
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An unscreened open air porch of Slffillar matenal m,lY extend mto the reqUIred
hoot yard setback up to eight (8) feet Roof pro)ectlon<;, (eaves) may extend
beyond the eight (8), but not extend mto reqUtrcd setback more than ten (10)
\Vherever such an extension mto dle front yard ~etbaLk ha<; been approved, no
other modification of front yard setback standards shall be approved
C. MisceUaneous Guidelines
1. Alleys
The development or Improvement of alleys IS encouraged WlthlO the Ft Harnson
Corndor to ~erve the commerCial area
2. Pinellas T.ra.Il
The PmeUas Trail traver<;es the SOUdl Gateway DI<;tnct Parcels that abut the Pmellas
Trail should celebrate the trail and treat the Side of the bUtldmg tacmg the trail a<; though
It were either the front of the structure or an addltlonal/<;econdary fwnt for the bUlldmg
by provldmg architectural mterest Parkmg lots, dumpsters, and storage ,lleas are
discouraged along t.he trail Wmdow,> and porche~ facmg the trail proVide safety and
create a sense of COITunumty Prmclpal and accessory bmldll1gs should be setbdtk a
tnlllunum 10 feet from the tratl
The tradls a public nght-of-way and fences and walls are discouraged Any necessary
fences along the tratl, such as for daycares, should be constructed of wrought Iron or
Slmtlar decorative materials that permit vl"lblltry through the ~nce, and should not
exceed four (4) feet 111 height
PropertJes along the Pmellas Tr'all need to take advantage of such a re,>ource by makIng It
part of the development 11m can be done by
. Onentlng bUlldmg<; to take advantage of the views
. Pwvldmg pede~trlan ameOlbes WlthlO the pnv.J.te property compllmenbng or
connecting phYSically to the mul
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
IV. T own Lake Residential District Design Guidelines
As noted above, the deSired development pattern for the Town Like Residential dl<;,tnct IS a mr" of
vanou~ land uses at dlffcrent scale~ and development patterns For tlle purpose of est:abhshll1g de<;lgil
gUldehne", five distinct Areas have been ldentlfied the Commercial Gateway Area, the Low Scale
ReSidential/Office Area (north of Cleveland), the Urban Residential Area (<;outh of Cleveland), tllC
Urban Commercial Area (along Myrtle), and the Beach Access Corndor are,l In adchtlon to the
standards contamed III Part 1, the gUIdelines contalllcd 111 thl<; section WIU en~ure that
. The Cleveland Gateway Comdor (along Cleveland Stleet) wul develop With the same
pattern envisioned for Cleveland Street Ifi
the Downtown Core DI"tnct The
gUldcl1116 are gealed to creating a peuestoan
foendly commercml area by requlOng the
use 0 f bmld -to-ltne standard <;, bUtld111g
deSign that emphaSizes thc "mamstreet"
style, which 1<; predom111ant 111 the area,
helght~ that reflect A pedesto3n scale
enVironment, and the re:.tnctlon of curb
cuts A pede<;,tnan enVllonment can also be
achteved through shared use pdlkmg,
park1l1g and services area<;,
. The Myrtle Avenue Corridor IS developed
With netghborhood commerCial use<;, eaSily
a<.cess1ble to the alea rC<;ldent~, and
borrow1l1g urban pattern and archItectural
features from the Cleveland Corl1dor
Slffillar development patterns WJll be
encouraged 111 neIghborhood tommerClAI
area<; along Martin J ,utl1er K1l1g and Drew
Street Tlan<;lt!ol1lng from tommerClal are,lS
to resldentmlts addressed Ifi the g\lldehnes
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. The Beach Access Corndor (along Court Street and Chestllut Street) develop" (I~ an urban
and pedestnan-fuendly area BUlldlOg should not be "etback too far from the roadway, and
p<lrbng should not be allowed to dommAte the frontage of the Sites
. -, he Urban Residential Area (south of Cleveland) develop~ wtth urban scale resldentlal
bUlkhngs, 11l d vanety of housmg type<; 10 achieve thiS goal, the gllldehnes cncoUlage the
redevelopment of eXlstmg propertle" with hIgher demit)' reqdenttal use<;,
. There are certalO ateas Wlt!Ull the TO\vl1 Lake Resldenbal DI~h1Ct, such as the Low Scale
Residential/Office Area (north of Cleveland), that <;hould remalll low-scale, relOforcmg
the character of Significant ~lngle-fa1mly home~ New development and redevelopment
should model the scale of eXl<;tlng s1l1g1e-famtly development lucated In the Grove Street
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUldelmes
A. Site Design
1. BU1.ldrng Placement are very cntICal 10 the Town Lake Re~!dentlal DI<;tnct To est,lbhsh the
neighborhood reslclenaa! or Lommerctal feel 10 the vallOUS part'> of the district, <;etbacks
~pectfIc to each area are needed The chart below IdentlfIe<; the setbJ.cb/butld-to-lll1es
for the five areas WlthlO the Town Lake Resldentul DI<;tnct
Rear Building
Area Front Setback Side Setback Setback Frontaee
Cleveland Gateway 0' mlO 0' or Fi' 60%
Corridor 5' max 5' mm *
Myrtle Avenue 0' mm 0' or 15' 60%
Corridor 5' max 5' mm*
Beach Access 10' ffim 10' ] 5' 50%
Corridor 20' max
Urban ResIdential 5' ffilO 5' 15' NA
Area 10' max
Low Scale Office/ 10' mll1 10' 15' NA
Residenual Area Nomax
.;. Sep amllon between bulllimgs on adpcent lots shall be a mlllJIllum of ten (10) feet (See Part I)
B. Building Form
1. Mass/Scale
The Beach Access Corridor areas can accommodate campus stylc developments With
larger urbcin setbacks and the WIdths of the bUlldlOg<; can afford to be large WIthout
IOtermptlng the street~cape pattern Therefore, no maximum lot sizes or bUlldmg WIdths
have been estdbh<;hed for thl" area
2. Architecture
a Fa~ade DeSign
Porches The use of porches IS ~trongly enwUlaged In the Urban ResldenttaI
Area and Low Scale ResIdential/Office Area Porches not only <;eITe as the
"eye<;, on the street" but also serve a<; a trdn<;'ltlon between the pubhc ~Idewalk
cind the pnvate residence or office Porches Will assist m prescrvmg the
reSidential character of the area, and Will also help malOtalO a pede<;tnan sLale
City of Clearwater, FlOrida
Downtown Design GUidelines
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An umcreeoed open air porch of <;'Iffillar ffiateual may extend mto the reqUlred
front yard setback up to eight (8) feet Roof proJection<; (eAves) may extend
beyond the clght (8), but not extend mto required ~etback more than ten (10)
\Vherever such an exten"lon 111to the front ya,d <;etback has been approved, no
other modtficatlon of front yard setback standards "hall be approved
C. Miscellaneous Guidelines
1. Alleys
-r he development or tmprovement of dlleys IS encouraged 111 thls dlstnct to serve the
commerCIal areas along Cleveland Gateway Corndor and Myrtle Avenue Corridor
D. Site Access, Circulation and Parking
1 Vehicular Access
I he use of cras" acccss e'dsements for j0111tlshared vehlcular access l~ of supreme
Importance III the Low Scale Residenttal/Office Area to encourage the preservation
of home'> for office use \Vhenever a smgle farmly home IS converted to office
use, the City shall reqUIre an ea"ement so that 111 the future, when thc adl,lLent <;tte
changes use, the agreements WIt! already be 111 place
2. Parking Lot DeSIgn
The City may Allow parkll1g area<; wIthin the Low Scale Residential/Office Area to be
surfaced with gravel, turf block, shell rack, mulch or grass 111 order to pre<;,erve the
reSidential scale of the lot~ and to preserve eXlstlOg tree<; The waiver does not apply to
handicap parkl11g space<;, And walkway<;, connectlOg the handICAp spaces With the bUlld111g
Gardge door~ facl11g "treets shall not exceed ten (10) feet 111 width Where feAsible,
gilHge doors "hould face the Side or rear
Limited parkmg ~hou(d be allowed U1 the front ofbulldmg'> along the Beach Access
Corndor It "h'J.H be limited to the dnveway and one row of parkl11g only, and an urban
wall or landscap111g shall be provided along the front property lme to screen the vehIcles
from the nght-of-way W'here the patkmg 1~ located 111 front of the bwld1l1g, the palklOg
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
area should bc designed to avoid the Appearance 0 f la rge mas ses 0 f pa vemcnt, and ~ha.11
be condUCive to pedestnd.n access and cllculatlon (~ee Circulation section)
City of Clearwater. Florida
Downtown DesIgn GUIdelines
v. Town Lake Business Park District Design Guidelines
The VISIOn for the Town Ldke Busmess Park dlstnct IS office park development Based upon the
e<;,whL"hed Vl!,lon for the Town Lake Bustness Park DtSI"Hct, two dlsttnct areas have been Identified,
11lcludlllg the Office Park Area and the Beach Acce.u Comdor
In addition to the standArds contallled m Part 1, the
gwdel11le<; conta1l1ed 111 tillS sectIon Will ensure that
The Office Park Area allows for larger scale
office plrk type development And commerCIal
uses "ervmg the employee" of the office parks,
which vlIn help reduce traffic... Impact" With
larger lot~, the posslblbty of u"lOg heaVily
land<;caped parklOg lot!:. become~ more fea~lble
The Beach Access Corridor (along Court
Street) develops With campus-style layouts, whIch
encourage the prOVIsIon of land"caplOg closer to
the nght-of-way, creatlOg a '"Boulevard" feel to
the area SpeCIal Clrcum~tances Will apply to
Brownell Street became of Its dual purpose as a
frontage street and alley
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Site Design
1. Buildmg Placement
The chart below Idenbfies the setbatks/bulld-to-lmes for the two areas wlthlO the Town
Lake BuslOess dlstnct
Area Front Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Bwlding
F ronta!!:e
Office Park lO'mm 5' mll1 15' NA
Beach Access 10' mm 10' 15' 50%
Corridor 20' max
Site Access and Circulation
Pede<;,trlan fduhttes wch a" prom1l1ent pat.h" from the publtc "ldewalks to all malll enhances
must be proVided 111 all future projects
A mmlmal number of curb cut<;, !:.hould be dllowed In the Beach Access Corridor so traffic flow
IS not Impeded nor conge"ted
Redevelopment plans for the fanner CGI pmperry should COll'>lder re-openmg prevIOusly
v<lcated :,treets to restore connectiVity ll1 the area
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
1. Parking Lot Design
Llffittcd parkIng should be allowed In the front of bwldlOg;, along the Beach Access
Corndor It shall be hmtted to the dnveway and one row of park1l1g only, and an urban
wall or landscap1l1g shall be provided along the front property hnc tu screen the vehIcles
from the nght-of-\vay \Vhere the pal kmg I~ located tn front of the butldmg, the parkmg
ared should be deSIgned to aVOId the appearance of large masse<; of pavement, and sJulJ
be conducIve to pedestnan access and cIrculation (see C1rculatton "ectlon)
C. Signs
Directory ~lgns are allowed to Identify the locatIon of the va[jous busl11e'>Ses 10 multi-tenant
complexes Such <;tgns shall be located With III the property, and "hall not be seen from dle
public street
D. Miscellaneous Guidelines
1. Alleys
Brownell Street functions as an alley for the propertle<;, frontmg on Court Street, but It IS
a1so the frontage road for the parcels on the north sIde of Brownell StIeet ThiS dual
purpose creates a umque circumstance III the dtstnct that needs special de<;lgn attention
Curb cuts from Court Street will not be perrruttcd, slllce Court Strcet IS a higher speed
roadway Only rear acce!'~ fcom BcowneU Street will be permitted for the lot" wtth
frontage on Court Street Therefore the deSign of the rear of the butldlngs facmg
Brownell Street will need to 1l1corporate architectural detail and landscaplOg SimIlar to
the flOntage on Court Street
In order for the Court Street propertles to redevelop, It may become necessary for the
other properties frontmg on BwwneU Street to be utilized for palkmg so thdt those lots
frontmg Court Street will meet setbacks, have a butld1l1g viable for busmess and of
adequate deSIgn and meet parkmg reqUlrement~ If thl" were to occur, adeqUate
pedestnan crosswalks and tmffic calmmg deVIces would be necessary to accommodate
pedestnan traffic flow atro,,<;, Brownell Street Adequate (rear) parking landscaplOg
would be needed, as well a<; rear entry access defmed
City of Clearwater, Flonda
Downtown Design GUidelines
VI. East Gateway District Design Guidelines
The VISIOn for this area calls for development that lS bot.h
pedestnan and vehicular fnendly, e~peClally along the
commerCial c01ndors Based upon the e<;tabhshed VI~lOn for
the East Gateway Dl~tnct, four dlstmct areas have been
Identdied, IOcludlog the Mf)ad Use Comdors, the ww/Medlt/ln
DensIty Rmdenttai Area, the MedIum/ HIgh Densl!) Rcstdcnltal
Area, and the Beach Access Comdor In addition to the
standard<; conta111ed 111 Part 1, the gUldell11es conta1l1ed 10 thIS
section Will ensure that
. Redevelopment of the MIxed Use Corridors
focuses on development that 1<; both vehICular
and pede<;tnan onented PreservlOg the
pedestnan envlconmcnt can be achIeved through
mcasure~ such as shared use parklOg,
parkmg/~ervlces areas located to the rear With
pedest[lan connections to nelghbonng resldennal
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. The Low/Medium DenSity Residential Area Will retam the current ~cale and
development pattern, and wdl con tam a vanety of housmg types and pnces, and the
rehab1lltatlOfi of entmg stmctures Will be encouraged
. The Medmm/High Density Residential Area to the southwest of Gulf-to-Bay I"
developed wtth a harmcnlc ffilX of medIUm and hlgh del1'>lty legldent/al, and ImtltutlOnJI
. Thl<;, Beach Access COJndor develops m a campus-style pattern, encouragmg the proVISIOn
of landscap mg diong the ngh t 0 f way, gtvmg a <'Boulevard" feel to the area
A. Site Design
1. Buuding Placement
"1 he East Gateway [It<;tnct IS the fir~t district VISitors and re~ldents Will encounter when
COlTllng mto Downtown from the east The locanon of butldlOgs on properties wdl
make a big fir<;t unp reSSlon, whether on dle Gulf to Bay Gate\.\tay, the reSidential ateas,
or travehng on the Beach Access Comdm
rhe chart below ldellufie" <;tte de~lgn ch,llacteu<;t1cs ~peclfic to the four area<; 10 ca"r
Area Front Side Rear Building
Setback Setback Setback Frontag:e
MIXed Use (fmm (f or 15' 60'Yo
Corridors 10' max I)' 0110 *
Low/Medium S'mm 10' 15' NA
DenSity 10' max
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
Residential Area
MedIUm/High 5' nUll 5' 15' NA
Density 10' max
Residential Area
Beach Access 10' mm 10' 15' 50%
Corndor 20' max
. SeparatIOn belwel'Jl bUlldmgs on adpcent lots shall be a mmunum of tf'n (lO) feet (See Part 1)
B. Building Form
1. Mass/Scale
The Beach Access Corridor areas can accommodate campm style developments with
larger urban setbacks and the Widths of the bUlldll1gs can afford to be large without
mtercuptJng the streetscape pattern Therefore, no maximum lot Sizes or bUtldmg wldth<;
have been estabhshed for thiS area
2. Architecture
a. Fa.;ade Design
Porches The use of fDrchcs I" strongly encouC'dged 111 the MedIUm/High
Density ResJdennal Area and Low/Medium DenSIty ReSidentIal Area
Porches not only serve as the <'eyes on the <;trcet" but also serve as a tmnSltlon
between the public Sidewalk and the pnvate reSidence or office Porches Will
assist 111 preservmg the reSidential chamcter of the area, and Will also help
mamtam a pedestnan scale
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An unscreened Open-ill[ porch of "l1lUlal maten,il may extend mto the reqUired
front yard setback up to eight (8) feet Roof proJe<..tlons (eaves) may extend
beyond the eight (8), but not extend mto reqUIred setback more than ten (10)
Wherever such an extenSIOn 1l1to the flOnt yard ;,etback has been approved, no
other modification of ftOnt yard setback ~tandard;, shall be approved
", ,
City of Clearwater, Florida
Downtown Design GUidelines
C. Site Access and Circulation
The MIXed Use and Beach Access Corridors receIves 11Igh volumes of ,lUtomoblle tlafflC
Therefore, [united cUlb LUt<; :,hould be permitted along the front oflots for pedestnan safety By
resrnctmg the number of curb cuts ,dong the MIXed Use and Beach Access Corndors, the
trdffic flow Will ah.o be Improved
J ,Iffilted parklOg should be allowed 111 the front of bUIld lOgS along the Beach Access Corndor
It shall be limIted to the dnveway and one row of parklOg only, and an ucban wall or landscapmg
<;,hall be provided along the front property ll11e to screen the vehicles from the nght-of-way
\\!here the p,ubng 1<;, located III front of the bUlldl11g, the parkl11g area :>hould be de<;'lgned to
aVOid the appearance of large masse<;, of p<lvement, and <;,hall be condutlve to pedestnan access
and Clrculatton (<;ee CIrculation section)
In the MedIUm/High Density ResIdentlal Area and Low/Medtum DenSIty ResIdentlal
Area, garage door:, facmg streets shall not exceed ten (10) feet 10 width \Vhere fea:'ablc, gauge
door" should face the ~lde or rcar
In the Medmm/High DenSIty ReSIdential Area and Low/MedIUm Density ReSIdential
Area, 111 order to make the hVlOg area of a house Vlsually more domlOant than It" parkmg
faCilities, all galages or carports (whether attached to or detachcd from the pflnclpal structure)
shall be <;et back from the front lot IlI1c a distance at lea"t equal to that of the pnnCtpal structure
or requued front yard setback, wll1chever IS greater
D. Miscellaneous
If the ei\.lstmg ~Lhool ;,lte on Court Street ledevelops, the pOltlon of the property frontll1g Court
Street should be compatible With the de<;,lred development pattern along the Beach Access
, ,
Return Completed Report to'
Grants and EducatIOn SectIOn
Bureau of Hlstonc PreservatIOn
DIVISion of Hlsto ncal Resources
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250
Your Grants Manager IS'
Mary Rowley
(850) 245-6333 or Toll Free at (800) 847-7278
FAX: (850) 245-6437 EMAIL:
1st 2nd tfd) Final
Reports are due every three months of your grant penod
Grant Number' F0216
Grantee Name City of Clearwater
Project TItle Downtown Clearwater Desil!n Guidelines
Project Type Survey and Plannioe
Grant Award Amount $10,000.00
Grant Award Agreement Begmnmg Date
Date of ImtlatIon of ProJect Work
Scheduled Project CompletIOn Date 6. t
Proiect Contact Information is shown below. Please correct or update as needed.
Project Contact:
Ms. Cyndi Hardin Tarapani
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Daytime Phone Number:
FAX Number:
(727) 562-4547
(727) 562-4576
Project Progress & Expenditun ,e{e~ort
Page Four
Expenditure Report
Cash expended thIS Period:
$ 0
$ 0
Donated ServicesIDonated Values claimed this Penod
Total expenditures for this Period
Total Cash expended to Date
$ 0
$ ()
$ 0
Total Donated ServicesIDonated Values expended to date
Total expenditures to date
3. Interest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all sub grantees of a State shall remit mterest or other
investment income which exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Historic Preservation Fund
grant funds. Checks must be made payable to: "National Park Service".
4. Certification:
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information reported herein is correct, that all goods
and services inVOIced have been received, and tbat all outlays were made in accordance With grant
SIgnature of Authonzed Person
(Please SIgn III JIlk Ongmal SIgnatures Only Please)
L /JJff -z&?
, i
, Project Progress & Expenditure .r{eport
Page Five
5. Cash Outlay
Attach additional pages for Cash Outlay as necessary
Project Progress & Expenditure Report
Page Six
6. Donated Values
A. Donated Materials and Travel
List all donated matenals below
The rmleage allowance IS $ 29/rmle
Attach addItIOnal pages for Donated Materials and Transportation as necessary.
Project Progress & Expenditurt- ..l.{eport
Page Seven
B. Donated ServIces
List total donated hours provIded by each mdlVldual Hourly rates shall be Federal Mlmmum Wage, ($5.15 per hoar), unless
the work performed IS that ill whIch the person performmg the service IS otheIWlse usually employed or possesses profeSSIOnal
slaBs, and lor trammg and expenence III that field of professlOnal expertIse, III wInch case the rate shall be that normally paId for
such services If the hourly rate lIsted is above Federal MlIlllllUIn Wage, attach a SIgned statement from the lIldlvldual hstmg
hls/her quahficatlOns
Attach additional pages for Donated Services as necessary.
Project Progress & ExpendIture ,.",-eport
Page Eight
Progress Report
For Project Progress Reports submitted for all reporting periods other than the final,
please answer or provide information for all of the following items except those
marked FINAL REPORT ONLY. For the final report, please respond to aU items.
1 Project Work Schedule for this reportin2" period:
COftOp~W ).7(/;"'; "'~ CeM #<<,4./ --; ~ (..."1 ') v fk..,,} (, t. b,)
2 Summary of ProJect Work Completed
P('~Gt"'lt.. eFQ
I&. { ~sr.rJ r:;k2: l"t}"Cl"}
CoI1d-r(.r[,.J .......1J.4 (pn}",1 h..J 7;"/l~ f CoAtplJJ: lor. Z~ oJ
3 Unusual or Slgruficant CondItIOns or Problems Encountered
4)J..hot7M( J:Ma- e.)<f~'/s.J .I~k",,;~ Cd"1UPk../ ~fP(o"'''-( Svo?~
C;)-y fUfltll1.;,.>;d-'1
4, LIstmg ofReqUlred Documents to be Submitted or Already SubmItted
x Copy of selectlOTI process documentation (RFP, bId notIces, results of bIds, etc ) for professIOnal
services such as consultants, etc
Date SubmItted
~ Draft copy of contract(s) for profeSSIOnal and servIces for reVIew and approval
Date SubmItted
~ Approved fully executed copy of contract(s) for professIOnal servIces
Date SubmItted
_ CopIes of Draft Products (plans, Reports, Brochures) for reVIew and approval
Date SubmItted For product
News Releases
Date SubmItted
_ Grantee Staff and/or Volunteers (attach lIst of names, pOSItIOns, and pay scales)
Date SubmItted
fTtI /\ 1 /J
This AGREEMENT made thls:J day of UIJ/7Ajt" 2003, by and between the
City of Clearwater, Florida (City), a Florida municipal corporation, POBox 4748, Clearwater
FO'Z 16
FlOrida 33758-4748, and Land Design Innovations, Inc , (Consultant), a Florida corporation, 140
North Orlando Avenue, SUite 295, Winter Park, Florida 32789
WHEREAS, CIty desires to have Consultant provIde consulting servIces for preparation
of Downtown Clearwater Design GUIdelines (the ProJect) described In ExhibIt A, and
WHEREAS, Consultant agrees to provIde the consulting services described In ExhibIt A,
under the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
NOW THEREFORE, the City and Consultant do hereby Incorporate all terms and
condItions In Exhibit "A" and mutually agree as follows
1. SCOPE OF PROJECT. Consultant agrees to provide planning services under
the terms and conditions descnbed In ExhIbIt "A"
2. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The work product described In Exhibit "A" shall be
complete on or before September 30,2003
3. REPORTS. Consultant agrees to provide to City reports on the Project upon
request by the CIty and upon completIon of the Project
4. COMPENSATION. The City will pay Consultant a sum not to exceed
$ 30,000
, IncluSive of all reasonable and necessary direct expenses as described In the
cost estimate attached as ExhIbIt "A" The City may, from time to time, reqUIre changes In the
scope of the project of Consultant to be performed hereunder Such changes, Including any
Increase or decrease In the amount of Consultant's compensatlon and changes In the terms of
thIs Agreement which are mutually agreed upon by and between City and Consultant shall be
effectIve when Incorporated In Written amendment to thIs Agreement
5. METHOD OF PAYMENT. Consultant shall bill City, and CIty agrees to pay
after approval of the City Project Manager under the terms of the Flonda Prompt Payment Act
F S 218 70
9. INTERESTS OF PARTIES. Consultant covenants that Its officers, employees
and shareholders have no Interest and shall not acqUIre any Interest, dIrect or IndIrect, which
would conflIct In any manner or degree With the performance of services reqUIred to be
performed under this Agreement
10. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE. Consultant agrees to protect, defend,
Indemnify and hold the City and Its officers, employees and agents free and harmless from and
against any and all/asses, penaltIes, damages, settlements, costs, charges, profeSSional fees or
other expenses or liabIlities of every kind and character anslng out of or due to any negligent act
or omission of Consultant or ItS employees In connection with or anslng directly or Indirectly out of
this Agreement and/or the performance hereof. Without limIting ItS liabIlity under thIs Agreement,
Consultant shall procure and maintain during the hfe of this Agreement profeSSional liability
Insurance This prOVISion shall survive the termination of this Agreement
COPYRIGHT. Upon termination of thIs Agreement, Consultant shall transfer, assign and make
available to City or ItS representatives all property and matenals In Consultant's posseSSion
belonging to or paid by the CIty. The City, the Department of State, DIvISIon of Hlstoncal
Resources, or any of theIr duly authorized representatIves shall have access to any books,
documents, papers, and records of Contractor whIch are dIrectly pertinent to the Agreement, for
the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptIon Consultant shall maintain
all required records for five years follOWing the later of final payment by City or closure of all
pending matters When publicatIons, films, or SImIlar matenals are developed, dIrectly or
Indirectly, from the ProJect, any COPYright resulting therefrom shall be held by the Flonda
Department of State, DIVISIon of HIstOrical Resources Consultant may arrange for COPYright of
such matenals only after approval from the Department Any copynght arranged for by
Consultant shall Include acknowledgement of grant assIstance As a condition of grant
aSSistance, CIty has agreed to and has awarded to the Department and, If applicable, to the
ExhIbIt A
Art'( f'.) IUlJ~
City of Clearwater CITY OF CLEARWATER
Design Guidelines for Downtown Character Distncts
The Planrung Department of the City of Clearwater IS seektng urban desIgn and land
planrung se!Vlces to prepare desIgn gwdehnes for development reView of projects located
Wltlun the SlX (6) character DIStnctS of downtown Clearwater. The desIgn gutdehnes will
proVide for a h1gh standard of desIgn to promote a urufied, cohesIve appearance Wltlun each
dtstnct and to promote development of the area consIstent WIth the CIty'S Character
DIstncts and Street ClassIfication Plan for the downtown The 11ltent of the deSIgn
standards will be to mailltalIl and enhance the pOSItive charactensttcs of the eXlsttng
development Wltlun the downtown, as well as preventing further nnpacts of development
that are not reflecttve of the trad1tlonal development patterns or are mcompattble Wlth
eXlsttng development
Descripnon of Tasks
1.0 Pre-Contract Meeting
LDI will meet Wlth CIty staff to dIscuss the scope of thts proJect and clearly define
the tasks to be accomphshed under tlus contract
2.0 Kack-Off Meeting
A meetLng will be held between LDI and CIty staff to chscuss the major problems
and opportunittes Wltlun the DIStnctS, and to learn what the common Issues and
hmttatlons are dealt With on a dally baSIS ill development reView that have prevented
the CIty from gau:ung quahty deSIgn final products from development projects
3.0 Site VIsits/Data Collection
Through a senes of SIte VISItS and on-stte meettngs Wlth staff, LDI will evaluate the
current development patterns of the Dlstncts
31 LDI will gather mfonnatton WIth respect to the eXlsttng development
patterns and will document these patterns through photographs
3 2 BUlldmg hnes, setbacks, fenestratlon, Wllldow glaz1I1g, color schemes,
ardlltectural styles, and other Issues related to appearance of each l11d1Vldual
DlStnct will be documented
33 Alleys, parktng, cross access, and other veh1cular and pcdestnan cltculatlon
Issues will be analyzed
3 4 The types of slgnage currently present will be analyzed
City ofCleonvater Downtown Design GlIlde1wes
Page t of!)
4.0 Data Gathering
41 LDI will obtain copIes of recent studIes related to the downtown
redevelopment and streetscape rmprovements for consistency with the
deSign gwdelInes
42 If aVallable, LDI will gather basemaps from the City Idenufymg the location
of eX1~ting developed and vacant properties In the project area, as well as the
eXISting patterns of development
43 LDI will gather from the CIty and evaluate the extent of rustonc structures
and concentrations throughout the dIstrIcts
44 LDI will go through hbranes of photos, take new photographs and gather
photos from around the nauon that best depIct the ct.rcumstances In
Clearwater and potentIal opportunities for rmprovement
5.0 Define Predommant Styles
51 Seruor staff at LDI, expeneoced m both urban deSign and arclutecture, will
defme the urban desIgn charactenstlcs of each d1srnct based upon the sIte
VlSItS, comments from staff and photo Interpretations Htstonc arcrutectural
styles and concentratlons will be Identlfied, no actual rustonc structure
surveys or detaded hIstone preservatlon analysts will be conducted for thIs
scope The product for thIs task will be eIther a wntten analyslS of each
dIsrnct, a map of each chsrnct that tdentlfies key areas, or a combInatlon of
both wntten and mappmg analysIs
6.0 Photos/Graphics
61 LDI graphtc personnel will download and orgaruze photographs taken 111 the
field, as well as attend meetings, and find 101ages from other sources that can
be used to educate property owners and developers
62 Our team of graphIc deSigners will also create unages that depict the 1l1tent of
wntten codes to illustrate the proposed deSIgn gwdehnes.
7.0 Workshop #1
71 Tbe LDl staff of urban deSIgners and grapmc artlsts WIll coordmate to
develop a PowcrPo111t presentatlon to educate the pubhc regardmg good
deSign pnnclpals
72 The presentatlon will be taIlored to the specIal charactenstlcs wltlun each of
the SIX (6) character Dtsrncts
7 3 One (1) c.hg1tal copy of the PowcrPo111t prescntaoon will be sent to City staff
ill order that CIty staff may provIde addtuonal copIes of the presentaoon for
the workshop LDI will also proVlde twelve (12) black and wlute coples (two
per illstrtct) of the presentation for use durIng breakout sessIOns
74 LDI will prepare sl6m-ill sheets for the meeting
7 5 CIty staff will proVlde nametags
76 CIty staff will arrange the mecang room and InVlte the attendees to the
City ofClPOrw<1ler Downtown Dmgn GUldelmes
Page 2 of 5
7 7 CIty staff will advemsc for the pubhc workshops
78 The CIty staff will prepare the aenals and any other presentauon boards that
are oeeded to Identify the rhstncts
7 9 LDI will facilitate the publ1c workshop and breakout sessions CIty staff will
assIst with the facilitation
8 0 Written Design Guidelines
81 LDI will prepare one (1) wntten desIgU gwdehne draft report Wlth standards
for bwldmgs, SIte layout, parking, access, and sIgnage standards for the
proJect area The consultant will provtde one copy-ready hardcopy of the
dxaft to the Clty and one rhgttal verSIon
82 The DeSign GUldehnes will meet the Secretary of the Intenor Standards
desIgn gwdebnes, and the Flonda Bureau of H1stonc Preservauon standards
83 The desIgn gmdehnes will be broken IOto sections based upon the SlX (6)
character DlStncts, IOcluchng the Old Bay, Downtown Core, South Gateway,
Town Lake ReSIdential, East Gateway, and Town Lake Business Park
Dlstncts Each section will Include those standards that are apphcable to
the 1nrhvtdual Dlstnct, as well standards that are apphcable to all DIstricts
84 The deSIgn gmdehnes will be Integrated mto the CIty of Clearwater's
Redevelopment Plan
8 5 Subsequent to the Chent's revtew of the draft copy of the deSIgn gmdehnes
and lOput provtded dunng the pubhc meetlngs, LDI will prepare one (1) final
verSlOn of the destgtl standards lncorporatlng the Chent's comments The
consultant will prOVide one copy-ready hardcopy of the final report to the
City and one rhg1tal verSlOn
9.0 Workshop #2
9.1 LDI will facilitate a follow-up workshop to lughhght the key gwdehnes m the
proposed report for each character DlstnCt. CIty staff will asstst wlth the
facilitation LDI will prepare one (1) oogmal dlgttal copy of the draft and
agendas The rhgttal copIes will be sent to CIty staff 10 order that CIty Staff
may proVIde copIes for the meeting LDI will proVIde SIX (6) copIes of the
draft (1 per d1stnct) for use dunng the breakout seSSIons
9 2 LDI will prepare an agenda and 'iIgn-1O sheets for the meeting
9 3 CIty staff will provtde nametags
9 4 CIty staff will arrange the meeting room and lOVlte the attendees to the
9 5 CIty staff will advertise for the publIc workshop
96 The CIty staff will prepare the aenals and any other presentation boards that
are needed to Identify the DlStncts
City aJC/ea!lJJat~r Downtown Dmgn Glf/dr/me!
Page 3 of 5
10.0 Public Heanngs
101 LDI wtll be ava.1lable to answer questions about the des1gn gwdehne report
duong one (1) Local Planrung Agency and one (1) CIty COtnmlSS10n heaong
for adoption
102 If the C1ty requn:es attendance at any addtttonal meetings beyond those
descnbed In 101 above, LDI will be compemated on an hourly ba~ls for
meeting tune and travel costs assoc1ated Wlth the adcl1tional project needs,
based upon the attached hourly rate schedule
11.0 Compensation and Dehverables
The followmg 1tems shall be conSIdered the project dehverables, and tn exchange for
the servIces descnbed above herem, the Consultant shall recetve a lump sum fee of
$30,000 for those dehverables, to be pald m three equal Installments based upon the
111 Data Collection, Defirution of Predomrnant Styles and Pubhc Workshop #1
- $10,000
11 2 Pubhc Workshop #2 - $10,000
11 3 Fillal Document - $10,000
All reports, drawtngs, photographs, and plans for tlus project shall be prepared
ut1.hZIng etther Microsoft Word, Excel or Pubhsher, and ArcV1ew An electronlc
copy of all final dehverables will be proVlded to the City upon completton of the
The consultant will be responsIble for clrrect expenses Incurred by the consultant tn
preparation of the project These expenses Include nuleage, lodgmg, telephone
charges, tn-house matenal costs, as well as the costs assocIated Wlth the
photocopymg, as defined above The City wtI1 not pay rermbursable expenses to the
Chent The Clty will assist Wlth reprograpluc, photocopy, and presentation matenab
ill addttlon to that defined ill tills scope
CIty ujC/earwolff DVJJJn/01vlI Design G,nde/mn
Page 4 of 5
Standard Rate
eer $97
Crty ojClearwoler DOl/ll1tol/ln Dmgn GlI1delllleI
Page 5 of 5
Exhibit B
An< t::: v iUU3
RFQ 14-03
; Clearwater
The City of Clearwater announces that It IS requestmg responses from quahfied
professlOnals for the folloWIng
Downtown Design GUldehne services associated With the update
of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan Including the "Gateway"
area. The general boundanes of thiS area are Highland Avenue
on the east, Clearwater Bay on the west, Drew Street on the
north, except for the area contained In the Northwest Penphery
Plan area, and Court Street on the south, but including the
area contaIned in the Southwest Penphery Plan (see attached
map). Qualified firms will prepare Architectural Design
Guidehnes for the City of Clearwater's Downtown
Redevelopment Area, utIlizing the Flonda Department of State
DivislOn of Histoncal Resources Model GUldel1nes for Design
ReVIew and the SecretaIy of Intenor Standards for
RehabihtatIon GUldehnes shall prOVide cntena for histone
renovation, new construction, budding additions, fayade
alteratIons, and signage for the Downtown area. The Design
Guidehnes will prOVide for appropnate renovation of buildings
In the historic downtown, as well as for new construction and
redevelopment In the surrounding areas. The GUldehnes should
also be related to and support the character districts
estabhshed in the updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan.
Grant funds are being used for this project and a draft must be
submitted to the State of Flonda for review and approval 45
days prior to the end of the grant penod of June 30, 2003 and
the final product must be submitted to the State by July 30,
The firm(s) selected for these assignments will be expected to sign a contract
With the City of Clearwater. The City reserves the right to select speCific
companies submitting as part of a team submittal.
Quahfied responses WIll be reViewed and ranked by the City'S ReView
Committee. Preference at the dlscrebon of the Review Committee may be given
to respondents With natIOnal and/or FlOrIda design expenence SpeCific
emphasis will be placed on firms with proven mnovauve and state of the art
experience In developing deSign guidelines for historic areas With substantial
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\LocaJ Settmgs\Temporary Internet Ftles\OLK62\Exhtblt B - Downtown DeSIgn
GUldebnes RFQ doc
areas for mfill and redevelopment. Oral presentatIons wIll be requested of
short-bsted potentIal selectees at the dIscretIon of the ReVIew Committee
Qualified firms are InvIted to notIfy the CIty of Cleaxwater of theIr Interest In
beIng selected by submIttIng ten (10) copies of the InformatIon required In the
SubmIttals section and shOWIng the quahfications of your firm to address the
below by the requIred date. AddItIonal response forms and non-technical
informatIOn may be obtained from George McKibben, City Purchasing Manager,
(727) 562-4634. This Request for QualIficatIons IS available on-line at:
wvrw.cleaxwater-fl com Select "PurchaSIng"; "Invitations for BId"; then "RFQ
George McKIbben
CIty PurchasIng Manager
MunIcIpal Services BuddIng
100 South Myrtle Avenue (3rd floor)
Clearwater, FL 33756 - 5520
Maihng address' PO. Box 4748
Cleaxwater, FL 33758-4748
All proposals must be received not later than 4:00 p.m. local time Friday,
February 14, 2003. The City assumes no responsibIlIty for responses received
after the stated time and date, or at any office or location other than that
speCIfied herem, whether due to mad delays, couner mistake, mishandlIng or
any other reason Late responses will be held unopened and not considered for
Wntten response, other submISSIOns, correspondence, and all records made
thereof, as well as negotIatIons conducted pursuant to thIS request, shall be
handled In comphance Wlth Chapters 119 and 286, Florida Statutes The CIty
gives no assurance as to the confidenbahty of any portIon of the qualIficatIons
once submItted.
The Crty reserves the right to retain all submitted responses for offiCIal record
purposes. The CIty also reserves the nght to dIspose of any or all copIes of
responses In whatever manner It deems appropriate No copIes of responses Wlll
be returned to the firm.
C \Documents and Setbngs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\OLK62\Exhlblt B - Downtown DeSIgn
GUldelmc., RFQ doc
Once a response IS presented, the CIty shall not ,accept any requests by any firm
to correct errors or omissions in any calculabons submitted
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all
submissions/proposals, to W81ve lrregularibes and technlcallbes, and to request
resubmlssion. Any sole response receIved the first submlsslOn date mayor may
not be rejected by the CIty dependmg on aVallable compebtion and hmely needs
of the CIty. The City shall be the sole Judge of the submIssion/proposal and the
resulting negohated agreement that IS In Its best mterest and Its decislOn shall
be fmal. Also, the CIty reserves the right to make such investlgahon, as it deems
necessary to determme the ability of any responder to perform the work or
servIce requested The responder shall proVIde InformatIon the CIty deems
necessary to make this determmation.
Any prospectIve firm should make an affirmative statement In Its proposals to
the effect that, to its knowledge, its retentIon would not result m a conflIct of
Interest with any party. AlternatIvely, should any potentIal conflIct eXist, the
prospectIve firm should specify the party with whIch there mIght be a conflIct,
the nature of the potential conflIct, and the means proposed to resolve such
Any actual or prospective responder who IS aggneved In connectIon WIth the
solicitabon or award of a contract may seek resolution of its complalnts by
contacbng the Purchasing Manager
By offenng a SubIIl1SSlOn to the RFQ, the responder certifies, and in the case of a
JOlnt submlssion/ proposal each party thereto certlfies as to Its own organIzation,
that in connection With the submisslOn/ proposal
a. No attempt has been made or wIll be made by the responder to
Induce any other person or firm to submIt or not to submIt a
submIsslOn/ proposal for the purpose of restncting compehtlOn; and
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Intcmet FIles\OLK62\Exhlblt 8 - Downto\VI1 Design
Gmdelmes RFQ doc
b The only person(s) or pnnclpal(s) Interested In thiS
submission/proposal are named therem and that no person other
than those therein mentioned has/have any Interest In thiS
submisslOn/proposal or In the agreement to be entered Into; and
c No person or agency has been employed or retamed to sohclt or
secure thiS agreement upon an agreement or understandmg for a
commlSSlOn, percentage, brokerage, or contIngent fee, exceptIng
bona fide employees or establIshed commercial agencies mamtained
by the purchaser for the purpose of doing business
ProfeSSIOnal services requested in this RFQ are Wlthin the scope of the practice of
architecture, landscape architecture, professlOnal engineenng, or regtstered land
surveymg, as defined by the laws of the State of Flonda. Provisions of F.S.
287.055 apply
The City, an entity of government, IS subject to the appropnatIon of funds by ItS
legtslative body In an amount suffiCient to allow conb.nuatIon of ItS performance
in accordance Wlth the terms and condlb.ons of thiS contract for each and every
fiscal year following the fiscal year m which thiS contract is executed and entered
Into and for which thiS contract shall remam in effect. The City shall, upon
receipt of notice that suffiCient funds are not aVallable to continue its full and
fmthful performance of thiS contract, prOVide wntten notice to the Contractor of
such event and thirty (30) days after giving such nob.ce or upon the
expiratIon of the penod of time for WhICh funds were appropnated, whichever
occurs first, be thereafter released at all further obligab.ons In any way related to
the contract.
Interested firms should state their Interest In thiS project by submitting eight
caples of the follOWing'
. Letter of Interest and understanding on Firm stabonery,
. DescnptlOn of Firm to Include only the follOWing
./ Legal name, years In business, officers, staff Size, and staff breakdown by
C \Documents and Settmgs \LDI \ Local Settmgs \ Temporary Internet Flies \ OLK62 \ Exhl blt B - Downtown DeSign
GUldelmes RFQ doc
../ LIst of all similar projects or work completed within the last ten years,
with dates of completIOn, size of proJects, project cost, name of lead staff
person, addresses, chent contact persons, and telephone numbers;
../ Names and titles of the project team,
../ Resumes of all persons who will be workmg on thIS proJect, Including
consultants and Interior desIgn staff;
../ Table of organizatIon proposed by the Firm for thiS project,
../ Selected examples from at least three dIfferent design gtudehnes where
the firm has been the pnncIpal author;
../ Statements of professional and general liabIlity insurance, as required by
the City,
./ Firm brochures and business cards of persons to be assigned to thiS
./ List of legal actIOns brought against the firm Within the last ten years.
Multiple firm or JOInt venture teams must clearly Identify the roles and
responsibilItIes of the proposed partIcipants.
ApprOXImately $20,000 has been earmarked for these services.
The City Project Review Comrruttee WIll review the RFQ submittals and select
three to five firms for Interviews Those firms not asked to respond to the RFQ
Will also be notIfied
The selected firms wIll be shorthsted and given advance notIce to prepare for a
public Interview, to be held In Clearwater The Interviews wIll be conducted
over a one- or two-day schedule A deCISIOn follOWing the Interviews Will be
made Within five workIng days of the last Interview. The selection will be based
on the most quahfied firm WIth the most relevant expenence, the qualIty of
guIdelInes completed, their ease of adminIstratIOn and the abilIty to convey
deSign issues to the publIc
The City reserves the nght to accept and/or reject any or all proposals, to Walve
any irregulanty, variance, or mformal1ty whether technical or substantIal 10
nature, and to negotiate WIth all qualified Firms In keeping with the best
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Setbngs\Temporary Internet FlIes \OLK62 \Exhlblt B - Downtown DeSign
GwdeImes RFQ doc
mterests of the Crty. An award resultmg from thIS request shall be awarded to
the FIrm whose proposal IS determIned to be most advantageous to the CIty of
Items whIch the SelectIOn and Technical CommIttee will consider and weIgh
during the selecTIon process are' aVailabIlity of the firm, successful expenence
creating design guIdehnes utIlizIng the Secretary of Interior Standards for
Rehabilitabon, successful expenence In preparIng gUIdehnes for downtown
mfill development, completeness of response to the RFQ, and qualIfications of
key personnel to be assIgned to projects
See ExhIbit "A" attached.
ThIS RFQ IS beIng mailed to FIrms that have contacted the CIty and those that
are beheved to have the expenence needed for thIS prOject The project is also
bemg advertised per CIty of Clearwater purchasing polIcIes.
Release date of RFQ
January 23,2003
Due date of RFQ
February 14, 2003
Oral PresentatIons
February 27,2003
Selection CommIttee DeCISIOn
March 7, 2003
1 All responses become property of the CIty of CleaIwater.
2. The City will not reimburse the respondent for any costs assOCIated
WIth the preparation, submittal, or presentation of theIr responses to
thIS request.
3 The respondent acknowledges that all mformatIon cont3.1ned WIthIn ItS
response IS part of the publIc domain as defined by State of Flonda
SunshIne and Public Record Laws. The City gIves no assurance as to
confidentialIty of any portIOn of any proposal once submItted
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Setungs\Temporary Internet FIles\OLK62\Exlublt B - Downtown DeSign
Gmdelmes RFQ doc
4 The awards made pursuant to thIS Call for ProfeSSIOnal ServIces are
subject to the provIsions of Chapter 112, Part III, Florida Statutes. All
respondents must dIsclose WIth theIr responses the name of an officer,
dIrector, owner, or agent who is also an employee of the City of
5 Respondents, their agents, and assocIates shall refraIn from contachng
or solIciting any CIty officials regarding thIS Call for ProfeSSIOnal
ServIces dunng the selection process Fallure to comply WIth thIS
prOVISIOn may result In dIsqualification of the respondent, at the
option of the CIty Only George McKIbben may be contacted.
6 There shall be no dlscnmlnatIon as to race, sex, color, creed,
handicaps, or national ongln In the operations conducted under thIS
7. Due care and dIligence has been exercIsed in the preparation of thIS
Call for Professional Services, and all Information contaIned herem IS
belIeved to be substantially correct However, the responsibIlIty for
determinIng the full extent of the services rests solely WIth those
makIng responses. NeIther the CIty nor Its representatives shall be
responsIble for any error or omission 10 this response, nor for the
failure on the part of the respondents to determine the full extent of
the exposures.
8 Preference will be gIven to those responses in full or substantIally full
complIance WIth the requested mformation m this document.
9 Each respondent IS responsible for full and complete comphance WIth
all laws, rules, and regulations IncludIng those of the Federal
Government, the State of Flonda, and the CIty of Clearwater. Fallure
or InabIlity on the part of the respondent to have complete knowledge
and intent to comply WIth such laws, rules, and regulatIOns shall not
relieve any respondent from its oblIgatIOn to honor ItS response and to
perform completely In accordance WIth ItS response.
10. Any InterpretatIOn, clarIfication, correctIOn, or change to the Call for
ProfeSSIOnal ServIces wIll be made by wntten addendum Issued by the
CIty'S Purchasing Manager Any oral or other type of comrnunIcahon
concernIng the Call for Professional Services shall not be bIndIng
unless Issued by the City 10 the form of an addendum.
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Intemet Flles\OLK62\Exlublt B - Downtown DeSign
Gmdelmes RFQ doc
11 Responses must be sIgned by an IndivIdual of the respondent's
organIZatIOn legally au thonzed to commit the respondent's
organIzatIOn to the performance of the servIces contemplated by thIs
Call for Professional ServIces
12. The successful respondent shall be reqUIred to submIt proof of
licenses, certIfications, and proofs of Insurance as required by the Crty
13. The successful respondent shall not be allowed to substItute project
team members named In this response without the WrItten perrrussion
of the City.
14. The designer IS responsible for all costs associated WIth any non-
dIscretionary changes. A bond for this purpose may be required
Documents cIted In this document but not attached are available upon
"This project has been financed In part WIth hIstoric preservatIon grant
assistance provIded by the NatIOnal Park ServIce, D.S Department of
Interior, administered through the Bureau of Histonc PreservatIOn, DiVISIOn
of HIStOriCal Resources, Florida Department of State, assisted by the Historic
Preservation AdVISOry Council However, the contents and opinions do not
necessanly reflect the views and opInIOns of the Department of the Intenor or
the FlOrIda Department of State, nor does the menbon of trade names or
commercIal products constitute endorsement or recommendabon by the
Department of the Interior or the Flonda Department of State ThIS program
receIves Federal finanCIal assistance for identlficabon and protection of
hIstone propertIes. Under Title VI of the CIvIl RIghts Act of 1964, Section 504
of the RehabIlItatIOn Act of 1973, and the Age DiscnminatIOn Act of 1975, as
amended, the U.S Department of the InterIor prohIbIts dISCrImInatIOn on the
baSIS of race, color, national ongin, dlsabdrty, or age In ItS federally aSSIsted
programs If you believe that you have been dlscnminated agaInst In any
program, actIVIty, or facilIty as descnbed above, or if you desire further
mformatIOn, please write to: Office of Equal OpportunIty, NatIonal Park
ServIce, 1849 C Street, NW. WashIngton, DC 20240"
C \Documents and Settmgs\LDI\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\ OLK62 \Exhlblt B - Downtown DeSign
GUldehnes RFQ doc
V~/1V/'VU~ ~v ~~ r^~ ~v,v~pv~v,
1 t tI:f E (MMID1;IIVfV'l'J
I N,SURER k. Zu rfr;h lnsvranc:e Cori'llllllv I
II<JllIJRER II. AMClClatad Indu!5trl8llllnsurance Comollnv
lN9UR5R tl
.Alexander InG\lranee Agency
202 lookoUt Place, Suite 101
Maitland, FI. 32151
(407\ 82904825
INSUIlE!l land OAign InnoVltlonl, IJtc
1.40 North Ol1ando Avenue
Suite 2.95
W'lIIter M FL 32719
gNI!IlAl-UIIDII.fI"t' ~Il:RENC~ I! 1.1100.000
A X COMMliRCIAL GENEAAll.1A8lt1T't' PAS 039702117 1lDlO3 1/29104 ~ TO RMl!:~ I n 1.000,000
r-- CJ C\..AIMS ll.Wle [!] OCCUR I WID ElO' IArIv .- J....... f 10.000
_ 1 1Io AD\/' ~ ,1,000000
_ I GEl'lERAl..AGGREnlTll ~ 2.000000
~AG(;;~~LlMrrAP~pa I 1>Ri'l000000.COMP~PMlt:l .,2.000000
I" I POLlCY I II:'M; r-j LOC
~otoI08ILE I.1ABlLtI'Y
~ SCHfllULED AVr08
..!.- NON-OWtEtl MI'l'OS
PAS 03970.17
: COUIllNEtl .&1nG1.1! MIT
! 1,000.000
1;1 RMN11QN S 0
I [.Y!'~,~~ under
Prcfesslollal Uablllty
I (1'81 ponclIlJ
100l1 y IHJIJRV
, (P~ 11<<:1&1\1)
PROl'ER'l'V 1:WoW;:~
, 0'<< acdlhnl)
,I .lJ.ITO ONt y _ I'A AI: t: IDENT I
l!AACC "
PAS 039702817
" EI'<CH
I 1.000 000
11 000 000
MeA 254028451
" we &"T A ru. 0J.1t
I E L. EACM ACCmeh s 1.000.000
ELI'dU'"llJ: -8~OVS: r,1.ODD.OOD
I, E.L clSEASE !'Olley LlMlT I, 1.000 000
Ei1~h Oceuntll~ $f ,oW,DDO
General Aggre~ $1,000,000
The City of Clearwater
ATTN' CIty elm
P.o. Box4741l
Clearwate1', FL 331584748
SHOlJLO Am OF nle,uCVE DESC'lUIeo p(lUCll<9 lIE~alED TH1!!~T10N
ACORD" (2001f08)
Return Completed Report to:
Grants and EducatIOn Section
Bureau of Historic Preservation
DI VISIOn of Historical Resources
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
Your Grants Manager IS:
Marv Rowlev
(850) 245-6333 or Toll Free at (800) 847-7278
FAX: (850) 245-6437 EMAIL:
Reports are doe every tlrree mooths of yoar grant ~ i l E
Grant Number F0216
Grantee Name City of Clearwater
Project TItle Downtown Clearwater Desil!n Guidelines
Project Type Survey and Planninl!
Grant Award Amount $10,000.00
Grant A ward Agreement Begmnmg Date 10 - :z.. q - <() 7-
Date ofImtIatIon of ProJect Work tl~ .}l.Cf) 2,-
Scheduled Project CompletIOn Date ~U()e.. l Jun~ 30,2003
Proiect Contact Information is shown below. Please correct or update as needed.
Project Contact:
Ms. Cyndi Hardm Tarapani
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Daytime Phone Number:
FAX Number:
(727) 562-4547
(727) 562-4576
Project Progress & Expenditure Report
Page Four
Expenditure Report
Cash expended this Period:
Donated ServiceslDonated Values claimed this Period
Total expenditures for this Period
.. f 1"'- r~.-q
$ 0
$ 0
Total Cash expended to Date
Total Donated ServiceslDonated Values expended to date
Total expenditnres to date
c ~~: ~ ~~ ~ J
3. Interest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all sub grantees of a State shall remit interest or other
investment income which exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Historic PreservatIOn Fund
grant funds. Checks must be made payable to: "National Park Service".
4. Certification:
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information reported herein IS correct, that all goods
and services invoiced have been received, and that all outlays were made lD accordance with grant
(please SIgn III mk Ongmal SIgnatures Only Please)
-g tI maPtJh ecYJ3
Project Progress & Expenditure Report
Page Five
5. Cash Outlay
Attach additional pages for Cash Outlay as neces~ary
Project Progress & ExpendIture Report
Page SIX
6. Donated Values
A. Donated Materials and Travel
Ltst all donated matenals below
The rmleage allowance IS $ 29hmle
Attach additIonal pages for Donated Matenals and Transportation as neces!.ary.
Project Progress & Expenditure Report
Page Seven
B. Donated Services
List lotal donated hours provided by each mdlVldual Hourly rates shall be Federal MInimum Wage, ($5 15 per hour), unless
the work performed IS that m WhIch the person perfonnmg the servIce IS otheIWlse usually employed or possesses professIOnal
slaUs, and lor trammg and expenence m that field of professIOnal expertise, m whIch case the rate shall be that normally paId for
such services If the hourly rate I1sted IS above Federal Mtrurnum Wage, attach a signed statement from the mdlvldual hstmg
hls/her qualificatIOns
Attach additional pages for Donated Services as necessary.
Project Progress & ExpendIture Report
Page Eight
Progress Report
For Project Progress Reports submitted for all reporting periods other than the final,
please answer or provide information for all of the following items except those
marked FINAL REPORT ONLY. For the final report, please respond to alH items..
Project Work Schedule for this reportio2: period:
~dL f1~
sP7~;J~wor;t;lhUJJ n0 \ro.(lULlj ;)3. flUJ ~ ·
Unusual or Slgmficant ConditIOns or Problems Encountered
LIstmg ofReqUlred Documents to be Subrmtted or Already Submitted
~ Copy of selectIon process documentatIOn (RFP, bId notIces, results of bids, etc ) for professIOnal
services such as consultants, etc
Date Submitted
~ Draft copy of contract(s) for professIOnal and services for review and approval
Date Submitted
_ Approved fully executed copy of contract(s) for professIOnal services
Date Submitted
_ Caples of Draft Products (Plans, Reports, Brochures) for review and approval
Date SubmItted For product
News Releases
Date Submitted
~ Grantee Staff and/or Volunteels (attach lIst of names, posItIons, and pay scales)
Date Submitted
City of Clearwater
RFQ 14-03
The CIty of Clearwater announces that It IS requesting responses from qualIfied
profesSIOnals for the following
Downtown DeSIgn GUIdehne servIces associated WIth the update
of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan IncludIng the "Gateway"
area. The general boundaries of thIS area are HIghland Avenue
on the east, Clearwater Bay on the west, Drew Street on the
north, except for the area contaIned In the Northwest Penphery
Plan area, and Court Street on the south, but IncludIng the
area contamed In the Southwest Penphery Plan (see attached
map) Quahfied firms will prepare ArchItectural DeSIgn
GUIdelmes for the Cl'ty of Clearwater's Downtown
Redevelopment Area, utIlIZing the Flonda Department of State
DIVISIOn of HIstoncal Resources Model GuidelInes for DeSIgn
ReVIew and the Secretary of Interior Standards for
RehabIlItatIOn. GUIdelInes shall provIde cntena for hIstonc
renovatIOn, new construcbon, bUIldIng addItIOns, fa<;ade
alteratIOns, and sIgnage for the Downtown area The DeSIgn
GUIdehnes wIll provide for appropnate renovatIon of buIldIngs
III the hIstonc downtown, as well as for new constructIOn and
redevelopment m the surroundIng areas The GUIdehnes should
also be related to and support the character dIstncts
estabhshed In the updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan.
Grant func;ls are beIng used for thIS project and a draft must be
submItted to the State of Flonda for reVIew and approval 45
days pnor to the end of the grant penod of June 30, 2003 and
the final product must be submItted to the State by July 30,
The firm(s) selected for these aSSIgnments WIll be expected to SIgn a contract
WIth the CIty of Clearwater. The CIty reserves the nght to select specIfic
companIes submIttIng as part of a team submIttal
Quahfied responses WIll be revIewed and ranked by the CIty'S ReVIew
CommIttee Preference at the dIscretIOn of the ReVIew CommIttee may be gIven
to respondents WIth natIOnal and/ or Flonda deSign expenence SpecIfic
emphaSIS WIll be placed on firms WIth proven mnovatIve and state of the art
expenence In developmg deSIgn guIdelInes for hIstonc areas WIth substantial
S \Plannmg Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign GUldehnes\Downtown Deslgn GUldelmes
RFQ doc
areas for mfill and redevelopment. Oral presentatlOns wIll be requested of
short-lIsted potentIal selectees at the dIscretIOn of the ReVIew CommIttee
QualIfied firms are InVIted to nobfy the Crty of Clearwater of theIr Interest In
bemg selected by submIttIng ten (10) caples of the informatlOn reqUIred In the
SubmIttals sectlOn and showIng the quahficatlOns of your firm to address the
below by the reqUIred date. AddItlOnal response forms and non-technIcal
mformatlOn may be obtaIned from George McKIbben, CIty Purchasmg Manager,
(727) 562*4634 ThIS Request for QuahficatIons IS aVaIlable on-lIne at
www c1earwater-fl com. Select: "Purchasing", "InvItatlOns for BId"; then "RFQ
George McKIbben
Clty Purchasmg Manager
MUnIcIpal ServIces BUIldmg
100 South Myrtle Avenue (3rd floor)
Clearwater, FL 33756 - 5520
MaIlmg address: POBox 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
All proposals must be received not later than 4:00 p.m. local time Friday,
February 14, 2003. The CIty assumes no responsIbilIty for responses received
after the stated tIme and date, or at any office or locatIOn other than that
speCIfied hereIn, whether due to mall delays, couner mIstake, mIshandlIng or
any other reason Late responses WIll be held unopened and not conSIdered for
WrItten response, other submIsSIons, correspondence, and all records made
thereof, as well as negobatlOns conducted pursuant to thIS request, shall be
handled m compbance WIth Chapters 119 and 286, FLOrIda Statutes The Crty
gIves no assurance as to the confidentialIty of any portIon of the qualificatIOns
once submitted
The Crty reserves the nght to retaIn all submItted responses for OffiCIal record
purposes The CIty also reserves the nght to dIspose of any or all caples of
responses In whatever manner It deems appropnate No copIes of responses WIll
be returned to the firm.
S \Planrung Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign GUldelmes\Downtown DeSign GUldehnes
RFQ doc
Once a response IS presented, the CIty shall not accept any requests by any firm
to correct errors or omISSIOns In any calculatIOns submItted
The CIty reserves the nght to accept or reject any and/or all
submIssIOns/proposals, to WaIve Irregulanties and technicalities, and to request
resubmlsslon Any sole response receIved the first submIssIon date mayor may
not be rejected by the CIty dependmg on aVaIlable competItion and bIDe1y needs
of the CIty. The CIty shall be the sole Judge of the submIssIOn/proposal and the
resultIng negotiated agreement that IS m Its best mterest and ItS decIsIOn shall
be final Also, the CIty reserves the rIght to make such Inves1:J.gatIOn, as It deems
necessary to determIne the abIlity of any responder to perform the work or
servIce requested The responder shall prOVIde mformatIOn the City deems
necessary to make thIS determmatIon
Any prospectIve firm should make an affirmatIve statement m ItS proposals to
the effect that, to Its knowledge, ItS retention would not result In a conflIct of
mterest With any party AlternatIvely, should any potential conflIct eXIst, the firm should speCIfy the party With whIch there mIght be a conflIct,
the nature of the potential conflIct, and the means proposed to resolve such
Any actual or prospectIve responder who IS aggneved In connectIOn wIth the
solICItatIOn or award of a contract may seek resolutIOn of Its complaInts by
contacting the Purchasmg Manager
By offenng a submIssIOn to the RFQ, the responder certifies, and In the case of a
JOInt submlssIon/ proposal each party thereto certIfies as to Its own organIzatIOn,
that In connec1:J.on WIth the submISSIOn/proposal
a No attempt has been made or WIll be made by the responder to
mduce any other person or firm to submIt or not to submIt a
submIssIon/proposal for the purpose of restrIctIng competItIOn; and
S \Plannmg Department\DOWNTQWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign GUldelmes\Downtown DeSIgn GUldelmes
RFQ doc
b. The only person(s) or pnncIpal(s) mterested In thIS
submIsslOn/ proposal are named therem and that no person other
than those therem mentlOned has/have any mterest in thIS
submlsslOn/proposal or m the agreement to be entered mto; and
c No person or agency has been employed or retaJ.ned to solicIt or
secure thIS agreement upon an agreement or understanding for a
commISSIon, percentage, brokerage, or conhngent fee, exceptmg
bona fide employees or estabhshed commercIal agenCIes maJ.nt.aJ.ned
by the purchaser for the purpose of domg busmess
ProfessIOnal servIces requested m thIS RFQ are WIthm the scope of the practice of
archItecture, landscape archItecture, professlOnal engmeenng, or registered land
surveymg, as defined by the laws of the State of Flonda PrOVISIons of F S
287055 apply
The CIty, an entity of government, IS subject to the appropnatlOn of funds by Its
legIslative body m an amount suffiCIent to allow conbnuatlOn of Its performance
in accordance With the terms and condItIons of thIS contract for each and every
fiscal year followmg the fiscal year m whIch thIS contract IS executed and entered
mto and for whIch this contract shall remaIn In effect. The City shall, upon
receIpt of notIce that suffiCIent funds are not aVaJ.lable to contInue Its full and
faIthful performance of thIS contract, prOVIde wntten notIce to the Contractor of
such event and effectIve thIrty (30) days after gIVIng such notIce or upon the
expIratlOn of the penod of tIme for WhICh funds were appropnated, whIchever
occurs first, be thereafter released at all further obhgatlOns In any way related to
the contract.
Interested firms should state their Interest In thIS project by submIttmg eIght
copIes of the follOWIng'
. Letter of Interest and understandIng on FIrm statlOnery,
. DescnptlOn of FIrm to Include only the follOWIng'
./' Legal name, years In busmess, officers, staff SIze, and staff breakdown by
c las sIfication,
S \Plannmg Department \ DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign GUidelmes\Downtown DeSign GUldelmes
RFQ doc
./ LIst of all sImIlar prOjects or work completed wIthIn the last ten years,
wIth dates of completlOll, SIze of projects, project cost, name of lead staff
person, addresses, chent contact persons, and telephone numbers;
./ Names and tItles of the project team,
,; Resumes of all persons who WIll be workmg on thIs project, mcluding
consultants and Intenor desIgn staff,
./ Table of organIzatlOn proposed by the FIrm for thIS project;
./ Selected examples from at least three dIfferent desIgn guIdehnes where
the firm has been the pnnclpal author,
,; Statements of professional and general lIabilIty insurance, as required by
the City,
./ FIrm brochures and busmess cards of persons to be assigned to thIS
proj ect;
./ List of legal actIons brought agalnst the firm wIthIn the last ten years
MultIple firm or JOInt venture teams must clearly identIfy the roles and
responsibIlItIes of the proposed participants.
ApprOXimately $20,000 has been earmarked for these servIces
The City Project ReView CommIttee WIll review the RFQ submIttals and select
three to five firms for Interviews. Those firms not asked to respond to the RFQ
Will also be notIfied.
The selected firms wIll be shorthsted and given advance notIce to prepare for a
public mtervIew, to be held In Clearwater. The Interviews Will be conducted
over a one- or two-day schedule A decIslOn follOWIng the Interviews will be
made withIn five workIng days of the last mtervIew The selectlOn Will be based
on the most qualIfIed firm wIth the most relevant expenence, the quality of
guidelInes completed, their ease of admmIstratlOn and the abIlity to convey
deSign Issues to the publIc
The City reserves the nght to accept and/ or reject any or all proposals, to waIve
any lrregulanty, vanance, or mformalIty whether technIcal or substantIal In
nature, and to negotiate With all qualified Firms In keepIng with the best
S \Plannmg Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign GUidelmes\DowntoWIl DeSign GUidelmes
RFQ doc
Interests of the CIty. An award resultmg from thIS request shall be awarded to
the FIrm whose proposal IS determIned to be most advantageous to the CIty of
Items whIch the SelectIon and Techmcal CommIttee WIll consIder and weIgh
durmg the selectIon process are availabIlIty of the firm, successful expenence
creatIng desIgn guIdelines utIlIzIng the Secretary of Interior Standards for
RehabIlItatIon, successful expenence In prepanng guIdelines for downtown
Infill development, completeness of response to the RFQ, and qualIficatIons of
key personnel to be assIgned to projects
See ExhibIt "A" attached
ThIs RFQ IS beIng mailed to FIrms that have contacted the CIty and those that
are belIeved to have the expenence needed for thIS project The project IS also
bemg advertIsed per CIty of Clearwater purchasing polIcIes
Release date of RFQ
January 23,2003
Due date of RFQ
February 14,2003
Oral PresentatIons
February 27,2003
SelectlOn CommIttee DeCISIon
March 7,2003
1 All responses become property of the City of Clearwater.
2 The CIty Will not reImburse the respondent for any costs associated
WIth the preparatlOn, submIttal, or presentatIon of theIr responses to
thlS request
3 The respondent acknowledges that all mformatIOn contained WithIn Its
response IS part of the publlc domaIn as defined by State of Flonda
SunshIne and PublIc Record Laws The CIty gIves no assurance as to
confidentIalIty of any portIOn of any proposal once submItted
S \Planmng Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DesIgn GUldelmes\Downtown DeSlgn GUldelmes
RFQ doc
4. The awards made pursuant to this Call for ProfessIOnal Services are
subject to the prOVISIOns of Chapter 112, Part III, Florida Statutes All
respondents must disclose wIth their responses the name of an officer,
director, owner, or agent who IS also an employee of the Crty of
5 Respondents, their agents, and associates shall refraIn from contacting
or solICItIng any Crty offiCials regarding thiS Call for ProfeSSIOnal
Services dunng the selectIOn process. FaIlure to comply With thiS
prOVISIOn may result In dlsquabficatIOn of the respondent, at the
optIOn of the City Only George McKIbben may be contacted.
6 There shall be no dlscnmlnation as to race, sex, color, creed,
handicaps, or natIOnal ongln In the operatIOns conducted under thiS
7 Due care and dilIgence has been exerCIsed In the preparatIon of thiS
Call for Professional Services, and all Information contained herein IS
belIeved to be substantially correct. However, the responsibilIty for
determIning the full extent of the services rests solely With those
makIng responses Neither the City nor ItS representatives shall be
responsible for any error or omiSSIOn In thiS response, nor for the
faIlure on the part of the respondents to determine the full extent of
the exposures.
8 Preference Will be given to those responses In full or substantIally full
complIance With the requested InformatIon In thiS document.
9 Each respondent IS responsible for full and complete complIance With
all laws, rules, and regulatIOns mcludIng those of the Federal
Government, the State of Flonda, and the City of Clearwater FaIlure
or mabllIty on the part of the respondent to have complete knowledge
and Intent to comply With such laws, rules, and regulatIOns shall not
relIeve any respondent from ItS oblIgatIOn to honor ItS response and to
perform completely In accordance With ItS response.
10 Any InterpretatIOn, clanficatIOn, correctIOn, or change to the Call for
ProfessIOnal Services Will be made by wntten addendum issued by the
City's PurchaSing Manager Any oral or other type of communicatIOn
concerning the Call for Professlonal Services shall not be bIndmg
unless Issued by the City In the form of an addendum.
S \Plannmg Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown Design GUIdelmes\Downtown DesIgn GUIdelInes
RFQ doc
11. Responses must be sIgned by an IndIvIdual of the respondenes
organIzatlOn legally authonzed to commIt the respondent's
organlzatlOn to the performance of the servIces contemplated by this
Call for ProfesslOnal ServIces
12. The successful respondent shall be reqUIred to submIt proof of
lIcenses, certIficatIOns, and proofs of msurance as reqUIred by the CIty".
13 The successful respondent shall not be allowed to substItute project
team members named m thIS response Without the wntten permISSIOn
of the CIty
14. The designer is responSIble for all costs assOCIated WIth any non-
dIscretIOnary changes A bond for thIs purpose may be reqUIred
Documents cIted In thIs document but not attached are avaIlable upon
"ThIS project has been financed m part WIth hIstone preservatIOn grant
aSSIstance provIded by the NatIOnal Park ServIce, U S. Department of
Intenor, admmlstered through the Bureau of Hlstonc PreservatlOn, DIVISIOn
of HIstorical Resources, Flonda Department of State, assisted by the HIstoric
PreservatlOD AdVISOry CounCIl However, the contents and opInIOnS do not
necessanly reflect the VIews and opmlOns of the Department of the Intenor or
the FlOrIda Department of State, nor does the mentlOn of trade names or
commerCIal products constItute endorsement or recommendatlOn by the
Department of the InterIor or the Florida Department of State ThIS program
receIves Federal finanCIal aSSIstance for IdentIficatIon and protectlOll of
hIstonc propertIes Under Title VI of the CIvIl Rights Act of 1964, SectIOn 504
of the RehabllitatlOn Act of 1973, and the Age DIscnmmahon Act of 1975, as
amended, the U S Department of the Intenor prohIbIts dIscnmlnatlOn on the
baSIS of race, color, natIOnal ongIn, dIsabIlity, or age In ItS federally aSSIsted
programs. If you beheve that you have been discnmInated agaInst In any
program, actIVIty, or faCIlIty as descnbed above, or If you deSire further
InformatIOn, please wnte to. Office of Equal OpportunIty, NatlOnal Park
ServIce, 1849 C Street, NW, WashIngton, DC 20240 "
S \P1annmg Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSIgn GUldelmes\Downtown DeSign GUldehnes
RFQ doc
Statemen t of Gencral Purpose "
a) Release date ~ ~/A
b) Pre-p rOllosa[ conterence date and tlme ",a
e) PrOD osal due dolle and time of openm~ "-..1
d) Selection of top landldates ~ jtA- ")
e) Vendor demonslr atlOns ~ ~(^
n Site VISit da tes "'-J(A.J fA')
l!:) Staff recommendatIOn date "-J \ Jill
h) Cltv Commission .lctlOn ,'.J (/'
I) Con tract Imtla tlO Ills tart da tc " \I
I) Prolect com pletlOn , '\{
Seolle of Prol ect 1"'-'
Vendor OualificatlOn I""
InformatIOn to be Submitted ~
1 ns t rllchon for Prena raflon/N u m her of Copies Rcq Ulrcd '\J
Whcn and How to Direct InQUIries "-.J
How Addenda Will be Commulllcated '\.,
General Contract Terms 'v
Soeclal Contract Terms ~
Evaluation Criteria ""J
EvaluatIOn Team (N,llnes and/or Departments) ..... '"
Bon dill!!" and/or Ins U I ,I nce ReQ U Irements (a~ t2;1t1( lt rPA -b.c CCIt.J , ,"v
Whcn Proposals Mu~1 be returned V v v- '\.,J
Standard Condll1oll~ (sce attached)
a All 0 rop fla tlOns CLI use N
b Protest Proced u re~ r--J
c No CorrectIOn s Cllmsc N
d ODenncss of Procurement I "'-.J
e No ColluMon Clause ~
f Informalrty/Relecl101J Clause '" i'--.J
g ProfeSSIOnal SerVI(e~ Included 111 F10nda 5t atutes ""
EvaluatIOn Committee M cetmk Dat ........ .....L ~1_ '"
AttachmelJts "
Department Dlrector~~1
R,skManag., ~
City Manage
Historic Preservation Grant Award Agreement
Attachment A
General and Special Conditions Governing Grants
and Administrative Instructions for
Historic Preservation Project Accountability
For Advanced Payment
State of Florida
Department of State,
Division of Historical Resources
June 2000
Introduction and Definitions
In accordance with the provIsions of Chapter 267, Flonda Statutes, the DIvIsion of Hlstoncal Resources,
Department of State IS responSible for the administration of a comprehensive program of hlstonc
preservation activities In Flonda, and IS authonzed to participate In and receive funding assistance from
the Federal histone preservation program administered by the National Park Service, United States
Department of the Intenor as authonzed by the National Hlstonc Preservation Act of 1966, as amended
Major funding for the overaJl program IS derived from State funds authorized by the Flonda Legislature and
from the annual apportionment of Federal funds to Flonda through the Federal historiC preservation
The award and administration of grant-in-aid assistance for historic preservation projects to be camed out
by public agencies or preservation organizations at the local level IS one element of the State's
comprehensive hlstonc preservation program Grants are awarded from funds available In the Histone
Preservation Trust Fund established under authOrity of Section 267 0617, Flond a Statutes These fu nds
may Include a part of the Federal funds apportioned annually to the State, as well as funds appropnated
for thiS purpose by Ihe State Legislature and funds contnbuted from other sources The cost of
administering historiC preservation projects grants IS Included In the overall costs of the comprehensive
program, and IS supported In part by the annual apportionment of Federal funds
Continued eligibility for Federal funding assistance requires that the Stale's comprehensive hlslonc
preservation program be administered In accordance With Federal laws, regulations, and conditions, as
well as those of the Stale of FlOrida The General and Special Conditions Governing Grants and the
Administrative Instructions for HiStoriC Preservation Project Accountability contained herein are Intended
to Inform grantees of and assure grantee compliance With the Federal and State reqUIrements applicable
to hlstonc preservation projects grants
"Allowable project costs" are the direct costs In cash expenditures and value of In-kind donations that
are necessary to the accomplishment of authonzed project work, Incurred dUring the project period, and
properly documented In accordance With the Department's AdministratIVe Instructions for Hlstonc
Preservation Project Accountability
"AuthOrized project work" means those actlvllles described In Sedon I of the grant award agreement or
In a fully executed amendment thereto
"Department" means the Stale of Flonda, Department of State, DIVISion of Hlstoncal Resources
"Grantee" means the agency, organization, or IndIVidual named In the grant award agreement
"Grant penod" means the penod of time beginning on the effective date of the grant award agreement
and ending on the date speCified In the grant award agreement
"PrOject funds" refers to all amounts available for or expended In conneclion With the authOrized project
work, whether denved from State or Federal grant share or local matching share sources, publiC or
private, and whether prOVided In cash or in-kind
"PrOject penod" means the period of time beginning on the effective dale of the grant award agreement
and ending when the project completion report IS approved by the Department or on the date otherwise
speCified In the grant award agreement or any amendment thereto
General and Special Conditions Governmg Grants
All expenditures In connection with projects approved for assistance under the historic preservation grant
program are subject to the provISions of Chapter 267, Florida Statutes, the National Historic Preservation
Act of 1966, as amended, other applicable State and Federal Jaws, rules and regulations, the general
conditions listed below, and special condlttons affixed to project grant awards
These conditions are applicable both to the grantee and to any consultants, contractors, or employees to
which grant-In-aid funds are paid Failure by the grantee to comply With the conditions of grant assistance
Will be conSidered to be noncompliance
A General Condltlons
Grantee PublICity Requirements In order to Insure a Wide publiC awareness of hlstonc
preservation In general and local preservation projects, the grantee shall meet the follOWing
requirements regarding publiCity of his/her project
a At the outset of the proJect, a news release Identrfylng the proJect's speCifics Including
source(s) of grant funds, name of the project, along With ItS nature and benefits to the
community shall be sent by the grantee to local print and electroniC media
b Upon completion of the proJect, the grantee shall Issue another news release to local
print and electronic media
c There shall be an effort on the part of the grantee to encourage publication of one or
more feature stones on the grantee's project by a newspaper, magazine or teleVISion
program of at least local Circulation Salisfactory eVidence regarding feature stones
shall consist of a copy of any newspaper or magazine articles, or letter(s) from
grantees to newspapers, magazines or teleVISion stallons Indicating the grantee has
requested such a feature story, or wntten certification from the grantee to the
Department that an effort was made In any case, If the effort was successful, the
grantee shall prOVide the Department With a copy of any such articles or wntten
statement of when any teleVISion story was broadcast
d DUring the course of the proJect, the grantee IS encouraged to Inform elected offiCials,
Including state offiCials, mayors, and city and county commiSSions, by letter of the
nature and benefits of the project
e Fmally, In the case of rehabilitation or restoration projects, the grantee should also
make an effort, where appropnate In the Judgment of the grantee, to publiCize the
project and the source of grant assistance (at any stage of the project) to the
community through a dedIcation or other public ceremony of some nature
f Federally Funded Projects All news releases and promotIOnal materials relating to
the project shall contam acknowledgment of grant aSSistance, substantially as follows
'ThiS project (or publication) has been financed In part With histone preservation grant
assistance provided by the National Park Service, U S Department of the Interior,
adminIstered through the Bureau of Histone Preservation, DIVISion of Historical
Resources, Flonda Department of State, aSSisted by the Histone Preservation
AdVISOry CounCIl However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the
views and opinions of the Department of the Intenor or the Flonda Department of
State, nor does the mention of trade names or commerCial products constitute
endorsement or recommendation by the Department of the Intenor or the Flonda
Department of State This program receives Federal financial assistance for
Idenllficatlon and protec!lon of hlstonc properties Under Title VI of the CIVil Rights
Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age DISCrimination
Act of 1975, as amended, the US Department of the Intenor prohibits dlscnmlnatlon
on the basIs of race, color, national ongln, disability, or age m ItS federally assisted
programs If you believe you have been discriminated against In any program,
actIVity, or faCIlity as desCribed above, or If you desire further Information, please write
to Office of Eq ua I OpportUnity, National Pa rk S e rvl ce, 1849 C Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20240"
g State Funded Projects All news releases and promotional matenals relating to the
project shall contam acknowledgment of grant aSSistance, substantially as follows
"ThiS project (or publication) has been financed In part With hlstonc preservation grant
assistance prOVided by the Bureau of Hlstonc Preservation, DIVISion of Hlstoncal
Resources, Flonda Department of State, assisted by the Hlstonc Preservation
AdVISOry Council However, the contents and opinions do not necessanly reflect the
views and opinions of the Flonda Department of State, nor does the mention of trade
names or commerCial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the
Flonda Department of State
2 Amendments to the Grant Award Agreement All amendments to the grant award
agreement for the project shall be In wntlng and fully executed by both parties Amendments
Will be prepared by the Department, either at ItS own Initiative or upon approval of the wntten
request of the grantee
3 Changes In Scope of Project Work The grantee may not, Without formal amendment of
the grant award agreement, make changes In the scope of the project which would aller the
allowable project work or services as stipulated m the grant award agreement or make any
changes which might resuIlln a deViation from the Intent of the legislation which authonzed
the award of the grant In the event of uncertainty, questions should be referred to the
Department for final determination
4 ExtenSion of Grant Period No extension of the grant perrod Will be authOrized Without
formal amendment of the grant award agreement
5 Tlmelmess of Work The grantee shall cause work on the project to be commenced Within
a reasonable time not to exceed ninety (90) days after the effec!lve date of the grant award
agreement The grantee shall prosecute the authOrized project work to completion With
reasonable diligence and Within the project penod
6 Project Supervision The grantee Will assure that competent and adequate profeSSional
supervision and Inspection IS prOVided and ensure that the completed work conforms to the
approved standards and speCifications
7 Conflict of Interest The grantee shall comply With the laws of the Stale of Flonda
governing conflict of Interest and standards of ethical conduct, Includmg Chapter 112, Part
III, flonda Statutes In addition, no grantee offiCial, employee, or consultant who IS
authorized In his or her offiCial capacity to negotiate, make, accept, approve, or take part m
deCISions regarding a contract, subcontract, or other agreement In connection With a grant
assisted project shall take partin any deCISion relating to such contract, subcontract or other
agreement In which he or she has any financial or other Interest, or In which his or her
spouse, minor child, or partner, or any organization In which he or she IS serving as an
officer, director, trustee, partner, or employee of which he or she has or IS negotiating any
arrangement concerning employment has such Interest
8 Dual CompensatIOn If a grantee staff member or consultant IS Involved simultaneously In
two or more projects supported by State or Federal funds, and compensation on either
project IS based upon percentage of time spent, he or she may not be compensated for more
Ihan 100 percent of his/her time dUring any part of the period of dual Involvement
9 Contingent Fees No person, agency, or olher organization may be employed or retained to
soliCit or secure a grant or contract upon an agreement or understanding for commiSSion,
percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee For breach or violation of this prohibition, the
Department shall have the right to annul the grant without liability or, at ItS discretion, to
deduct from the grant or otherwise recover the full amount of such commission, percentage
brokerage or contingent fee, or to seek such other remedies as may be legally available
1 0 Use of In d IVld u a I Con s u Ita nts No project fu nd s sh a II be used for Ihe payment of fees to
IndIVidual consultants without the written authorization of the Department The procurement
of individual consultant services must be Justified and documented In accordance with the
Administrative Instructions for Histone Preservation Project Accountability contained In Part II
herein In no case Will consultant fees over and above regular salary be paid to employees
of the grantee organization or of professional firms or organizations whose services have
been properly procured by the grantee for the project The grantee Will not use any project
funds to pay travel expenses of employees of the Flonda Department of State or Federal
government for lectures, attending program funelions, or any other actiVities In connection
with the project
11 CIVil Rights Compliance The grantee Will assure that the project IS administered In
conformance with the CIVil Rights Act of 1964, Seelion 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
and the Age Dlscnmlnatlon Act of 1975, as amended Tille VI of the CIvil Rights Act of 1964
states that no person Will, on the grounds of race, color, or national Origin, be excluded from
participation In, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to diSCrimination under
any program or actiVity receiving Federal financial assistance Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 req Ulres th at no qu allfied d Isa bled In d IV Idual IS solely, by rea son of
disability, excluded from partiCipation In, denied the benefits of, or subjected 10 diSCrimination
under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance The Age DISCrimination
Act of 1975 prohibits diSCrimination on the baSIS of age under any program or aelivlty
receiving Federal financial aSSistance Every grantee IS reqUired to submit a CIVil Rights
Assurance of Compliance Form No grant awards may be made Without a CIVil Rights
Assurance of Compliance Form on file
12 Dlscnmlnatlon In Employment ProhibIted In all hiring or employment In connection With
the project, each employer (1) Will not diSCriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin, and (2) Will take
affirmative aelion to ensure thai applicants are employed, and that employees are treated
durrng employment, Without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin In
addition, no qualified person shall, on the baSIS of disability, be subject to diSCrimination In
employment In the granl assisted project These reqUirements apply to, but are not limited
to, the follOWing employment, promotion, demotion or transfer, rates of payor other forms of
campen satlon, and selection for tra In lng, Inel ud Ing a pp rentlces hi p The grantee and ItS
consultants or contractors Will comply With all applicable statutes and Executive Orders on
equal employment opportunity and grant awards Will be governed by the provIsions of all
such statutes and Executive Orders, including enforcement provIsions
13 ReligiOUS InstItutions If the project Involves a church or church related organization or
property, the grantee Will assure that neither the execution of nor the publiC benefit resulting
from the project reqUire Involvement or partlclpatJon In religiOUS services or actIVities
14 Political ActiVIties No expenditure of project funds may be made for the use of equipment
or premises for political purposes, sponsoflng or conduction of candidate's meetlng(s),
engaging In voler registration or voter transportation activity, or other partisan political
15 Hatch Act No officer or employee of the State whose pnnclpal employment IS In connection
with any activity which IS financed In whole or In part with grant assistance shall take part In
any of the political activity proscnbed In the Hatch Political Activity Act, 5 USC 1501 et seq,
as amended, with ItS stated exceptions
16 LobbYing Activity No part of the project funds shall be used, either directly or Indirectly, to
pay for any personal service, advertisement, telegram, telephone, letter, pnnted or written
matter, or other device, Intended or designed to Influence In any manner a Member of
Congress or the State Legislature, to favor or oppose, by vote or otherwise, any legislation or
appropriation by Congress or the State Legislature, whether before or after the Introduction
of any bill or resolution propOSing such legislation or apprOpriation, as proscribed In 18 USC
17 Safety Precautions and Liability The Department assumes no responslbllrty with respect
to aCCidents, Illness, or claims arising out of any work performed under a grant supported
project The grantee IS expected to take necessary steps to Insure or protect Itself and ItS
personnel and to comply With the applicable local, State or Federal safety standards,
Including those Issued pursuant to the NatIOnal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
(see 20 CFR 1910)
18 Federally Funded Project Audit Requirements Non-Federal entities that expend
$300,000 or more a year In Federal awards must have a Single or program-specific audit
conducted In accordance wllh OMS Circular A.133
19 Reports, Records, and Inspections The grantee Will submit finanCial, program progress,
evaluation, and other reports as reqUired by the Department and Will maintain such property,
personnel, finanCial, and other records and accounts as are deemed necessary by the
Department to assure proper accounting for all program funds The grantee, ItS consultants
and contractors Will permit on-site inspections by Department representatives and Will
effectively require employees to furnish such information as, In the Judgment of the
Department representatives, may be relevant to a question on compliance With grant
conditions and the effectiveness, legality, and achievements of the program
20 Examination of Records The Secretary of State of the State of Flonda and the State
Auditor General, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access for the
purpose of finanCial or programmatic audit and examination to any books, documents,
papers, and records of the grantee that are pertinent to the grant at all reasonable times
dunng a period of five years follOWing completion of the proJect, or until all claims or audit
findings have been resolved
21 Disclosure of InformatIon The grant award agreement may be canceled by the
Department Without prior notices for refusal by the grantee to allow publiC access to all
documents, papers, letters or other matenal relating to the project, In accordance with the
provISions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and with the Freedom of Information Act, 5 use
22 RIghts to Data and COPYrights
b When publications, films, or similar materials are developed, directly or Indirectly, from
a program, project or activity supported by grant funds, any copynght resulting
therefrom shall be held by the Flonda Department of State, DIVISion of Histoncal
Resources The author may arrange for copyright of such matenals only after
approval from the Department Any cOPYright arranged for by the author shall Include
acknowledgment of grant assistance As a condition of grant assistance, the grantee
agrees to, and awards to the Department and, If applicable, to the Federal
Government, and to ItS officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of
their offiCial duties, a royalty~free, nonexclusIVe, and Irrevocable license throughout
the world for offiCial purposes, to publish, translate, reproduce, and use all subject
data or cOPYrightable material based on such data covered by the cOPYright
23 Compliance With EnVIronmental Protection Laws and Regulations No project funds
shall be used for project work InvolVing ground disturbance, modification of land use
patterns, new construelion, or other known or potential alteration of the natural environment
that does not conform to State and Federal laws and regulations relating to proteelion of the
natural enVIronment, including but not limited to the National EnVironmental Policy Act of
1969, as amended, 42 USC 4321 et seq, establishing national policy goals and objectives
for protecting and enhancing the enVIronment
24 Energy Conservatlon The grantee shall promote energy conservation and utilize to the
maximum extent practicable the most energy effiCient equipment, materials, construction
methods, and operating procedures available In the accomplishment of project work
25 ConvIct Labor The grantee or Its contractors may utIlize the labor of State prisoners In
authOrized work release, parole or probation programs In the accomplishment of work In
accordance With Executive Order 11755, no person undergOing a sentence of Imprisonment
at hard labor shall be employed on grant aSSisted project work
26 MinOrity BUSinesses The grantee shall encourage greater economic opportunity for
minority bUSiness enterprises, as defined In Chapter 288 703, FlOrida Statutes, In
accomplishment of project work To the maximum extent pOSSible, the grantee and Its
consultants or contractors Will take affirmative steps to assure that minority bUSinesses are
used as sources of supplies, equipment, construction, and services Affirmative steps shall
Include but not necessarily be limited to the follOWing
(1) InclUSion of qualified minority bUSinesses on soliCitation lists,
(2) the assurance minority bUSinesses are soliCited whenever they are Identified as
potential sources,
(3) the diVISion of total requirements, when economically feaSible, Into small tasks, or
quantities to permit maximum partiCipation of minority bUSinesses,
(4) Ihe establishment of reasonable delivery schedules when feaSible, so as to
encourage partiCipation by minority bUSinesses, and
(5) utilization of the services and assistance of the Small BUSiness Administration and the
Mlnonty BUSiness Development Agency of the U S Department of Commerce
B SpecIal ConditIons Applicable to AcquIsitIon and Development ProJects. The following
special conditions apply to grant assisted projects Involving the acquIsition, preservation, protection,
restoration, rehabilitation, stabilization, or construction of a Site, bUilding, structure, or object
AccessibIlity for the Disabled The grantee shall ensure that the grant assisted properly
meets the requ Iremen ts of the Am enca n s with Dlsab 1IIIIes Act, Pu bllc Law 1 01-336, Seclion
2521, Florida Statutes, and Part V, Chapter 553, Flonda Statutes regarding accessibility for
the disabled Specifications for project work must conform with the "SpeCifications for
Making Buildings and FacIlities Accessible to, and Usable by, the PhYSically Handicapped"
published by the Amencan National Standards Institute and The Secretary of the Intenor's
Standards for Rehabilitation
2 Project Signs When grant aSSistance IS provided for acquIsition or development work, a
project Identification sign Will be displayed In a prominent locatIOn at the project site while
project work IS In process The sign must be a minimum of eight (8) square feet In size
(usually 2x4 feel), be constructed of plywood or other durable matenal, and Idenllfy the
project and source of grant support Any vanatlon In the above specifications must be
approved by the Department The sign wording shall contam acknowledgment of grant
The costs of preparation and erection of the project Identlflcalion sign are allowable project
costs, routine maintenance costs of Signs are not allowable
AdminIstratIve Instructlons for
Historic Preservation Project Accountability
These instructions are Intended to assls! historic preservatIOn grant recipients In meeting the accounting
and public benefit reqUirements of the historic preservatIon grants-in-aid programs admInistered by the
Grantee AdminIstratIve Records and Reports
Grantees are responsible for maintaining finanCial records and project progress reports as outlined below
These records and reports shall be retained for a penod of five (5) years following completion of the
proJect, or until such time as any litigation, claims, or audIt questions arisIng from examination or audit
Initiated prior to expiration of the five year period are finally resolved
All grantee project records and reports are subject to public disclosure under the provIsions of Chapter
119, Flonda Statutes, and the Freedom of InformatIon Act, 5 USC 552
A FinanCIal Records Fmanclal records must be adequate to account for the receipt and
expenditures of all project funds, and to demonstrate compliance With reqUired procedures
Grantee finanCial records are subject to audit by State auditors Inadequate, Incomplete or
Incorrect project financial records may result In Ineligibility for grant assistance FinanCial records
shall mclude, but are not limited to
1 Documentation of Project Funds Project funds Include the total amount of cash and In-
kind values available to defray the direct costs of the project They conSist of the grant
aSSistance share proVided by the Department plus the local matchIng share provIded by the
a Grant ASSistance Share Grant assistance IS authonzed to pay a percentage of
allowable project costs, Within the dollar limits of the grant, as specified In the grant
award agreement Grantee finanCial records shall Include complete documentatIOn
pertaining to the applicatIon for grant aSSistance, the award of the grant, the grant
award agreement, and the receipt and depOSition of grant funds
b Local Matchmg Share Local matching share may be provided In the form of cash
expenditures or the value of matenals and services donated In-kind for use In the
direct accomplishment of authOrized project work Matching share may be derived
from any other sources available to the grantee, With the exception that funds from
other Federal fundIng programs cannot be used to match grant assistance funds
derIved from the Federal Hlstonc Preservation Fund apportionment to the State of
Florida (ThiS restriction does not apply to Community Development Block Grants,
Urban Development Action Grants, or Revenue Shanng Funds)
(1) Grantee finanCial records shall clearly Idenllfy the source, amount, and date of
receipt of all cash funds and donated values applied to the project Receipts
shall be recorded as they occur
(2) Donated services shall be valued at the Federal minimum wage rate, unless the
services donated are those normally provided by the donor In hiS or her
profeSSion or trade, In which case they may be valued at rates consistent With
those paid for Similar work In the local labor market area
(3) Donated materials shall be valued at the donors cost or the fair market value at
the time of donation, whichever IS less
2 How to Obtain Goods and Services (Documentation of Procurement Procedures) Be
sure that your organization provides maximum free competltron when procuring goods and
services related to your grant assisted project Every effort must be made to use small
business firms, mmorlty owned firms, women's business enterprises, and labor surplus
With the one exception noted below, the grantee must obtain goods and services by uSing
one of the follOWing methods
a Small Purchase Procedures Goods and services may be procured by purchase
order, acceptance of vendor proposals, or other appropriate procurement document,
provided thaI
(1) you request cost quotes or proposals from three or more vendors, and
(2) you are provided With an adequate description of the goods and services
b Competitive Negotiation ProfeSSional services may be procured by competitive
negollatlon procedures In the follOWing manner
(1) Request proposals from three or more competitors,
(2) Evaluate and rank their qualifications, and
(3) Select the most qualified competitor, enSUring fair and reasonable competition
Be sure thaI you have also done the follOWing
(a) PubliCized the request through notices In local newspapers or trade
journals, In addition to IndIVidual soliCitations, and
(b) Identified all Significant evaluation factors and their relative Importance In
the request for proposal
c CompetitIve Sealed Bids Contracts for the procurement of goods and services may
be let on the basIs of sealed bids soliCited through formal advertisement In newspaper
of local or area circulation Be sure to Include the follOWing Items In your
(1) Notice of the lime and place of public bid opening,
(2) Instructions on how 10 obtain detailed bid documents or procurement
speCifications, and
(3) A statement that public funds are Involved
d ExceptIon The follOWing method must be used by departments or agencies of the
slale, and by Units of counly, municipal or other local government
ProfeSSional archltectu ral, engm eerln g, landscape arch Itectural, or land surveym g and
mapping services must always be selected Ihrouah comoetltlve neaotratlon orocedures
as stipulated In the "Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act", Section 287055,
Florida Statules
e Qualification of Contractors It IS essential Ihat the project be supervised and
carned out by personnel possessing training and experience appropriate to the nature
of the project Grantees shall require, as a part of the bid or proposal package
submitted by prospective contractors, documentation of the profess]onal qualifications
of the key personnel to be employed Such documentation shall Include, but not be
limited to
(1) resumes of academiC training and employment In the applicable field,
(2) eVidence of possession of required licenses or business permits, and
(3) eVidence of any prevIOUS experience In projects of a s]mllar nature
f Contract ProvIsions In additIOn to provIsions defining a sound and complete
procurement contract, any grantee shall ensure that the follOWing contract provIsions
or conditions are Included In all procurement contracts and subcontracts relating to
the project
(1) Contracts other than small purchases shall contain provIsions or conditions
which Will allow for administratIVe, contractual, or legal remedies In Instances
where contractors Violate or breach contract terms, and provide for such
sanctIOns and penalties as may be appropriate
(2) All contracts shall contain sUitable provIsions for termination by the grantee,
Including the manner by which It will be effected and the basIs for settlement
In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract
may be terminated for default as well as condlt]ons where the contract may be
terminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor
(3) All contracts and subcontracts awarded by the grantee and ItS primary
contractors shall assure equal employment opportunity
(4) All contracts (except those awarded by small purchases procedures) awarded
by grantees shall Include a prOVIsion to the effect that the grantee, the
Department, or any of their duly authOrized representatives shall have access
to any books, documents, papers, and records of the contractor which are
directly pertinent to that specific contract, for the purpose of makmg audit,
examination, excerpts, and transcription Grantees shall reqUire contractors to
maintain all required records for five years after grantees make final payments
and all other pending matters are closed
(5) All contracts InvolVing construction work shall Include provls]on for compliance
With the Copeland "An tl- K]ckback" Act, 18 USC 874, as su ppl emented In
Department of Labor regulations, 29 CFR Part 3, proh]bltlng employers from
indUCing any person employed to gIVe up any part of the compensation to which
he or she ]S othelWlse entitled
(6) All contracts InvolVing the research, preparation, and publication of data shall
Include notice of the conditions relating to copynghts contained In paragraph
I A 22 on page 6 of thiS document
g Contract Prlcmg
(1) Procurement by small purchase procedures or competitive negotlallon methods
may be priced on either a fixed-fee or cost reimbursable baSIS
(2) Procurement by the competitive sealed bid method shall be priced on a firm-
fixed-fee basIs
(3) Procurement based on cost-plus-percentage-of-cost or percentage-of-
construction-cost contracts shall not be Included In determining allowable
project costs
h Documentation to be Submitted to the Department The grantee shall submit the
following Items to the Department as eVidence or compliance with procurement
procedures prior to the execution or any contract for project work
(1) copies of the solicitation for proposals or Invitation to bid and all applicable bid
documents, including construction plans and specifications If required - to be
submitted upon dlstnbutlon or publication,
(2) a summary of proposals or bids received and the baSIS for contractor selection -
to be submitted upon completion of the selection process, and
(3) a copy of the final contract - to be submitted for review and approval by the
Department pnor to final execution by the grantee
3 DocumentatIon of Project Costs The grantee shall submit a Project Progress and
Expenditure Report for every reporting period of the grant
a Determination of Allowable Project Costs The total project cost submitted by the
grantee might contain expenditures that are not allowable In determining the eligible
costs In accordance With the grant award agreement The Department will review
each Expenditure Report, and make Its determination of the eligible costs on the
baSIS of the follOWing criteria
(1) Allowable project costs shall Include
(a) costs Incurred by contract for procurement of goods and services
approved by the Department,
(b) costs Incurred by properly documented small purchase procedures,
(c) costs Incurred by the grantee for the follOWing Items applied directly to
authonzed project work
accounting the cost of establishing, maintaining, and auditing
financial accounts,
II commu n Icatlons specific charges for telephone , telegraph, or
other communications services,
III employee salaries and benefits,
IV matenals and supplies,
v procurement services the cost of advertiSing, solicitation,
processing, and administration of procurement contracts,
VI reproduction the cost of limited reproduction of reports, forms,
and project documents,
VII travel the costs of travel, lodging and subsistence at rates not
exceeding commercial coach fares or current mileage and per
diem rates allowed by the State, only after obtalnmg written
approval from the Department
(d) the properly documented value of donated services and materials
(2) Costs not allowable shall Include
(a) project costs Incurred outside the project period,
(b) costs of goods and services not procured In accordance with required
procurement procedures,
(c) costs or value of donations not properly documented as described below,
(d) costs Incurred by the grantee other than those speCified In the authorized
project work, or not directly related to the proJect, and
(e) indirect costs Incurred for common or JOint activities of the grantee
b State Funded ProJects-Documentation of Grantee Cash Expenditures Grantees
shall provide a detailed IIslmg of each expenditure In Ihe Expenditure Report, which IS
to be submitted allhe end of each quarter Within the grant penod and contains the
follOWing Informalion
(1) check number, or If a cash expenditure, a copy of the recelpl must be
(2) check date or date of cash expenditure, expenditures overlapping the grant
period must be prorated, and
(3) the purpose of each expenditure, stated clearly and In suffiCient detail for the
Department to determine If the expenditure IS allowable,
Unless requested by the Department, detailed backup documentation does not need
to accompany the Quarterly Expenditure Report
c State Funded ProJects-Documentation of Donated Values The value of donated
matenals and volunteer services is not eligible for grant funds, but IS allowable In
determining the grantee matching share Documentation of donations shall Include
lists of IndiViduals donating services or matenals, Indicating the total hours of
volunteer services donated In the accomplishment of authOrized project work and the
type and fair value of the donated matenals
d Federally Funded ProJects-Documentation of Grantee Cash Expenditures In
addition to providing a detailed listing of each expenditure In the Expenditure Report,
grantees receiving Federal gran! assistance must also submit the follOWing
documentation as applicable
(1) caples of contractors' InVOices Itemizing the materials delIVered, services
rendered, and work Items completed,
(2) an ongmal signed and dated receipt from the contractor/supplier shOWing the
date payment was received and the amount received along With a copy of the
check or caples of the front and back of the canceled checks,
(3) copies of In-kind (salary) services forms indicating the dates and hours devoted
to authorized project work signed by both the employee and the supervisor, and
(4) caples of payroll registers for all pay penods claimed for each employee or the
front and back of canceled checks for all pay periods claimed for each
e Federally Funded ProJects-DocumentatJon of Donated Values As with State
funded grant proJects, the value of donated materials and volunteer services IS not
eligible for grant funds, but is allowable In determining the grantee matching share In
addition to providing a listing of donated matenals and services In the Expenditure
Report, grantees receiving Federal grant assistance must also submit the following
documentation as applicable
(1) caples of donated matenals forms Indicating the matenals donated and their
value signed by both the donor and the project supervisor, and
(2) caples of donated services forms Indicating the dates and hours devoted to
authorized project work signed by both the volunteer and the project
4 Transfer of Grant Funds Grant funds shall be transferred to the grantee In four quarterly
payments Payment for the first quarter shall be transferred upon receipt by the Department
of the grantee's first Progress and Expenditure Report Grant funds for the second quarter
will be sent to the grantee upon receipt of a second Progress and Expenditure Report The
third quarter payment shall be transferred upon receipt of the third Progress and Expenditure
Report The final quarterly payment will be transferred to the grantee upon completion of the
grant project and submission and review of a properly documented Final Project Progress
and Expenditure Report, and a determination by the Department that the grantee has
complied With all terms of the grant award agreement The fourth quarterly payment cannot
be transferred to the grantee prior to the fourth quarter
For state agencies and state Institutions of higher education, grant funds may be transferred
on a reimbursement rather than advanced payment baSIS Journal Transfers Will be
processed upon receipt by the Department of an Invoice for the amount requested for
reimbursement (50% of the allowable project costs Incurred dUring thiS billing period), and a
completed Request for Journal Transfer form
a Incremental Payments The total of grant funds transferred to the grantee In
response to requests for Incremental payments prior to final completion of the project
work shall not exceed seventy-five percent of the amount reserved for the project as
stated In the grant award agreement
b Final Payment The total of grant funds transferred to the grantee follOWing final
project completion, Including all funds previously transferred In Incremental payments,
shall not exceed the amount of the grantee's actual cash expenditures In payment of
allowable project costs
B Project Progress and CompletIOn Reports A Project Progress Report IS reqUired for all grant
aSSisted projects, regardless of the type of work Involved
1. Project Progress Report To be submitted at the end of each quarter Within the grant
penod It should be submitted In conJunclion With the Expenditure Report ThiS report shall
a Include a schedule of the anticipated completion of major project work elements and
final completion of the proJect,
b a brief description of work accomplished In the prevIous three months,
c a description of any unusual problems or conditions encountered or any unusual
methods, materials, or techniques employed,
d copies of required documents (contracts, press releases, etc ) as applicable, and
e photographic documentation of construction work In-progress or completed work may
be Included
2 Final Project Progress Report To be submitted Within 30 days of completion of all project
work In conjunction With the Final Expenditure Report In addition to the above Information,
thiS report shall also Include
a a description and explanation of any variations between the planned project work and
that actually accomplished,
b a deSCription and explanation of any Significant differences between the planned
project budget and the actual project costs,
c photographiC documentation of completed construction work, and
d reqUired audit documents
C Reports ReqUired for Survey Projects In addition to the reports deSCribed In B above, the
follOWing reports are reqUired for histOriC and archaeological survey projects
1 Final Survey Report To be submitted In a draft form no later than forty-five (45) days prior
to the end of the grant period and as the final product at the conclUSion of the project penod
Archaeological Survey Reports shall comply With the "Archaeological Report Standards and
GUidelines," Rule 1A-46, FlOrida Administrative Code ThiS report shalf Include In the
followmg order
a a title page indicating the name of the project, the name of the author, and the date of
the report,
b an acknowledgments page citing the sources of funding and other Significant
aSSistance, disclaimer, and CIVil rights statement (CIVil rights statement applies to
Federally funded projects only),
c an Introduction deSCribing the orlgm and objectives of the project,
d a deSCription of the survey area or theme, accompanied by a FlOrida Department of
Transportation county highway map or USGS topographiC map outlining or
hlghllghtmg the survey area With Identified sites plotted on a legible map of
appropriate scale,
e a summary of all past field surveys m the survey area of Ihe current project and their
major flndmgs relevant to the current survey,
f a deSCription of the field survey, mcludlng the speCific methodology employed to
Identify Sites, 10 locate their boundaries, and to evaluate them,
g a summary and chronological narrative of lhe slgnlficanl hlstoncal events or
developments relaled to the project area or theme,
h Identification of individuals and organizations that played Significant parts In lhose
events and/or developments,
a final list of all previously Identified sites located Within the survey area, Including the
Florida Site File Number and Survey Record Number,
a final list of all newly Identified sites Within the survey area, including the Flonda Site
File Number and Survey Record Number,
k conclUSions and recommendations as to the Significance of resources Identified
according to National RegIster of Histone Places criteria, local deSignation criteria
(where applicable), and future survey, plannmg, and preservation action, and
a list of bibliographic sources and other appropriate supplemental matenal
2 Survey Log Sheet To be submltled With the Final Survey Report The Survey Log Sheet
form shall be provided to the grantee by the Department, and shall be completed as specified
In Attachment B
3 Flonda Site FIle forms To be submitted With the Final Survey Report for all sites recorded
dUring the survey These forms shall be completed as specified In Attachment B
D Reports ReqUIred for CommunIty Education Projects and Preservation Plannmg Projects In
addition to the reports described In B above, a draft of the final product Will be submitted to the
Department no later than forty-five days (45) prior to the end of the grant penod, supplemental
reports or drafts of the final product may be required to be submitted for community education and
preservation planning projects depending on the nature and scope of the IndiVidual project
City of Clearwater
RFQ 14-03
; Clearwater
The City of Clearwater announces that it is requesting responses from qualified
professIOnals for the following'
Downtown DesIgn Guidelme servIces associated with the update
of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan including the "Gateway"
area. The general boundaries of thIS area are Highland Avenue
on the east, Clearwater Bay on the west, Drew Street on the
north, except for the area contained In the Northwest Periphery
Plan area, and Court Street on the south, but including the
area contained in the Southwest Periphery Plan (see attached
map). QualIfied firms will prepare Archttectural DesIgn
GUIdelInes for the CIty of Clearwater's Downtown
Redevelopment Area, utilizing the Flonda Department of State
DivisIOn of Historical Resources Model Guidelines for Design
Rev1ew and the Secretary of Interior Standards for
Rehabilitation. Guidelines shall provide criteria for historic
renovation, new construction, building additions, fac;ade
alterations, and signage for the Downtown area. The DeSIgn
Guidelines WIll proVlde for appropriate renovatIon of buildings
in the historic downtown, as well as for new construction and
redevelopment In the surroundmg areas. The GUIdelines should
also be related to and support the character districts
established in the updated Downtown Redevelopment Plan.
Grant funds are being used for this project and a draft must be
submitted to the State of Florida for reVIew and approval 45
days pnor to the end of the grant period of June 30, 2003 and
the final product must be submitted to the State by July 30,
The firm(s) selected for these assignments will be expected to sign a contract
with the City of Clearwater. The CIty reseIVes the nght to select specific
companIes submIttIng as part of a team submittal.
Quahfied responses will be reVIewed and ranked by the CIty'S Review
Committee. Preference at the discretion of the Review Committee may be given
to respondents with national and/or Florida deSIgn experience. Specific
emphasis wIll be placed on firms WIth proven innovative and state of the art
experience in developIng design guidelines for historic areas with substantIal
areas for mfill and redevelopment. Oral presentations WIll be requested of
short-hsted potentIal selectees at the discretion of the ReVIew Committee.
S \Plannmg Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE \ Downtown DeSign OUldebnes\Downtown Design GUldelmes
QualIfied fInns are invited to notify the CIty of Clearwater of theIr interest in
being selected by submitting ten (10) copies of the mformation required in the
Submittals section and showing the qualifications of your firm to address the
below by the required date. AddItional response forms and non-technical
information may be obtained from George McKibben, City Purchasing Manager1
(727) 562-4634 This Request for QualIfications is available on-line at:
www clearwater-fl com. Select: "Purchasing"; "Invitations for Bid"; then "RFQ
George McKibben
City Purchasing Manager
MunIcIpal Services Building
100 South Myrtle Avenue (300 floor)
Clearwater, FL 33756 - 5520
Mailing address: P. O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
All proposals must be received not later than 4:00 p.m. local time Friday,
February 14,2003. The City assumes no responsibility for responses received
after the stated time and date, or at any office or location other than that
specified herein, whether due to mail delays, couner mistake, rmshandl1ng or
any other reason. Late responses will be held unopened and not consIdered for
Written response, other submissions, correspondence, and all records made
thereof, as well as negotiations conducted pursuant to this request1 shall be
handled in compliance WIth Chapters 119 and 286, Florida Statutes. The City
gives no assurance as to the confidentiality of any portion of the qualifications
once submitted.
The CIty reserves the right to retam all su bffiltted responses for official record
purposes. The City also reserves the nght to dispose of any or all copies of
responses in whatever manner It deems appropnate. No copies of responses will
be returned to the fInn
S \Planrung Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign Gwdebnes\Downtown Design Gmdebnes
Once a response is presented, the CIty shall not accept any requests by any firm to
correct errors or omissIOns m any calculations submitted.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all
submissions/proposals, to waive irregularities and technicalItIes, and to request
resubmisslOn. Any sole response received the frrst submissIOn date mayor may
not be rejected by the City depending on available competition and timely needs of
the City. The City shall be the sole judge of the submission/proposal and the
resulting negotiated agreement that is m its best interest and ItS decision shall be
fInal. Also, the City reserves the right to make such investigation, as it deems
necessary to determine the ability of any responder to perform the work or service
requested. The responder shall provide mfonnation the CIty deems necessary to
make this determination.
Any prospective fIrm should make an affirmative statement in its proposals to the
effect that, to its knowledge, its retention would not result in a conflict of interest
with any party. Alternatively, should any potential conflict extst, the prospective
f:om should specify the party with which there might be a conflict, the nature of
the potential conflict, and the means proposed to resolve such conflict.
Any actual or prospective responder who is aggrieved in connectIon WIth the
soliCItation or award of a contract may seek resolution of ItS complaints by
contacting the Purchasing Manager.
By offering a submiSSIOn to the RFQ, the responder certifies, and in the case of a
joint submiSSIOn/proposal each party thereto certifies as to ItS own organIZatIOn,
that in connection with the subrmssion/proposal:
a. No attempt has been made or will be made by the responder to induce
any other person or fIrm to submit or not to submit a
su bmission/ proposal for the purpose of restricting competition; and
b. The only person(s) or principal(s) mterested in thIS
submISSIOn/proposal are named therein and that no person other
than those therein mentioned has/have any interest in this
submissIon/proposal or in the agreement to be entered into; and
S \Planrung Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown Design GUldehnes\Downtown Design Gwdelmes
c. No person or agency has been employed or retained to SOhCIt or
secure tillS agreement upon an agreement or understandmg for a
commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, exceptmg bona
fide employees or established commercial agencies maintained by the
purchaser for the purpose of doing business.
ProfessIOnal semces requested in this RFQ are within the scope of the practIce of
architecture, landscape archItecture, professional engmeering, or registered land
surveYing, as dermed by the laws of the State of Florida. Provisions of F.S.
287.055 apply.
The City, an entity of government, IS subject to the appropnation of funds by its
legislative body in an amount sufficient to allow continuation of its performance m
accordance WIth the terms and condItIons of thIS contract for each and every fiscal
year following the fiscal year m which this contract is executed and entered into
and for whIch this contract shall remam m effect. The City shall, upon receipt of
notice that sufficient funds are not available to continue its full and faithful
performance of this contract, proVIde wntten notice to the Contractor of such event
and effective thirty (30) days after giving such notice or upon the expiration of the
penod of tIme for which funds were appropnated, whichever occurs first, be
thereafter released at all further obligations in any way related to the contract.
Interested firms should state their interest in this project by submittmg eight
copies of the followmg:
. Letter of interest and understandmg on Firm stationery;
. Description of Firm to include only the followIng:
,/ Legal name, years In business, officers, staff size, and staff breakdown by
,/ List of all SImilar projects or work completed WIthin the last ten years,
WIth dates of completIOn, size of projects, project cost, name of lead staff
person, addresses, client contact persons, and telephone numbers;
,/ Names and titles of the project team;
,/ Resumes of all persons who will be working on thIS project, including
consultants and interior deSIgn staff;
-/ Table of organIZatIon proposed by the Firm for thIS proJect;
-/ Selected examples from at least three different deSIgn guidelInes where
the firm has been the principal au thor;
S \P1anrung Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign GUldelmes\Downtown Design Gwdehnes
./ Statements of professIonal and general liability Insurance, as required by
the City;
./ FIrm brochures and business cards of persons to be assigned to this
./ List of legal actIOns brought against the firm within the last ten years.
Multiple firm or joint venture teams must clearly identIfy the roles and
responsibilities of the proposed participants.
ApproXImately $20,000 has been earmarked for these services.
The City Project Review Committee will review the RFQ submittals and select
three to five firms for Interviews. Those firms not asked to respond to the RFQ
wIll also be notified.
The selected fIrmS wIll be shortlisted and gIven advance notIce to prepare for a
publIc interview, to be held in Clearwater. The Interviews will be conducted
over a one- or two-day schedule. A decIsIon followmg the interviews will be
made wIthin five working days of the last interview. The selectIon wIll be based
on the most quahfied fIrm with the most relevant experience, the quality of
guidelines completed, their ease of administration and the ability to convey
design issues to the pu blic.
The City reserves the nght to accept and/or reject any or all proposals; to waive
any irregularity, vanance, or informalIty whether technical or substantial in
nature; and to negotiate with all qualified Firms in keeping WIth the best
interests of the CIty. An award resultIng from thIS request shall be awarded to
the Firm whose proposal 1S determined to be most advantageous to the CIty of
Items which the Selection and Technical CommIttee WIll consider and weigh
during the selection process are: aVaIlabilIty of the firm, successful experience
creating deSIgn guidelInes utilizing the Secretary of Interior Standards for
RehabilItatIOn, successful experience in preparing guidelines for downtown
infill development, completeness of response to the RFQ. and qualIfications of
key personnel to be aSSIgned to projects.
S \Planrung Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE \ Downtown DeSign GUldelmes\Downtown DesIgIl. GUldebnes
See Exhibit "A" attached.
This RFQ is being maIled to Firms that have contacted the City and those that
are believed to have the experience needed for this project. The project is also
being advertIsed per City of Clearwater purchasIng policies.
Release date of RFQ
Januroy 23,2003
Due date of RFQ
Februroy 14,2003
Oral Presentatlons
Februroy 27,2003
Selection Committee Decision
March 7, 2003
1. AU responses become property of the CIty of Clearwater.
2. The City WIll not reimburse the respondent for any costs assocIated
with the preparatIOn, submittal, or presentation of theIr responses to
thIS request.
3. The respondent acknowledges that all information contained within ItS
response is part of the publ1c domaIn as defined by State of Florida
SunshIne and Public Record Laws The City gIVes no assurance as to
confidentIalIty of any portIon of any proposal once subrmtted.
4. The awards made pursuant to this Call for Professional Services are
subject to the provisIOns of Chapter 112, Part III, Florida Statutes All
respondents must dIsclose with their responses the name of an officer,
director, owner, or agent who is also an employee of the CIty of
5. Respondents, their agents, and associates shall refrain from contactIng
or solicitmg any CIty officials regarding thIS Call for Professional
Services during the selection process. Failure to comply WIth this
provIsion may result in dIsqualification of the respondent, at the
option of the City. Only George McKIbben may be contacted.
S \Planrung Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSIgn Gwdehnes\Downtown Design Gwdehnes
6. There shall be no discrimination as to race, sex, color, creed,
handicaps, Of national origin in the operations conducted undef thIS
7. Due care and dIligence has been exercised in the preparation of this
Call for Professional Services, and all information contained hefein IS
believed to be su bstan tIally correct. However, the responsibilIty for
determinmg the full extent of the services rests solely with those
making responses. Neither the City nor ItS representatives shall be
responsible for any error or omission in this response, nor for the
faIlure on the part of the respondents to determme the full extent of
the exposures
8. Preference will be gIven to those responses In full or substantially full
complIance with the requested information in thIS document.
9. Each fespondent IS responsible for full and complete compliance WIth
all laws, rules, and regulations including those of the Federal
Government, the State of Florida, and the City of Clearwater. Failure
or mabIlIty on the part of the respondent to have complete knowledge
and intent to comply with such laws, rules, and fegulations shall not
relieve any respondent from ItS obligation to honor ItS response and to
perform completely in accordance with its response.
10. Any interpretation, clarification, correction, or change to the Call for
Professional Services will be made by wntten addendum issued by the
City's Purchasing Managef. Any oral or other type of communication
concerning the Call for Professional Services shall not be bInding
unless Issued by the City in the form of an addendum.
11. Responses must be signed by an indiVIdual of the respondent's
organizatIOn legally authorized to commit the respondent's
organIZatIon to the performance of the servIces contemplated by thIS
Call for ProfeSSIOnal Services.
12. The successful respondent shall be requIred to submIt proof of
licenses, certifications, and proofs of insufance as required by the CIty.
13. The successful respondent shall not be allowed to substitute project
team members named In thIS response without the written permission
of the City.
14. The designer is responsible fOf all costs associated WIth any non-
dIscretionary changes. A bond for thIS purpose may be required.
S \Planrung Department \ DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown ne"lgn Gwdelmes\Downtown DeSign GwdellOe&
Documents cited in this document but not attached are available upon
"This project has been financed m part with histonc preservation grant
aSSIstance provided by the National Park ServIce, U.S. Department of
Interior, admmistered through the Bureau of Historic Preservation, DIvislOn
of Histoncal Resources, Florida Department of State, assisted by the HIstonc
PreservatIOn Advisory Council. However, the contents and opmlOns do not
necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Department of the Interior or
the Flonda Department of State, nor does the mentIon of trade names or
commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation by the
Department of the Intenor or the Florida Department of State. This program
receives Federal financial assistance for identification and protectIon of
historic properties. Under TItle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504
of the RehabIlItatIOn Act of 1973, and the Age Discrirmnation Act of 1975, as
amended, the U.S. Department of the Intenor prohtbits discrimination on the
baSIS of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in ItS federally assIsted
programs. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any
program, activity, or faCIlIty as described above, or if you desire further
information, please write to: Office of Equal OpportunIty, National Park
ServIce, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, DC 20240."
S \Plnnnmg Department\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\Downtown DeSign Grndelmes\Downtown Design Gwdelmes
City of Clearwater
RFQ #14-03
1 Liability Insurance The proposer, If selected, shall furnish, pay for,
and maintain dUring the life of any contract entered Into with the City
the following liability coverage
a Comprehensive General Liability Insurance on an "occurrence"
basIs In an amount not less than $500,000 combined Single limit
Bodily InjUry liability and Property Damage Liability.
b BUSiness Automobile Liability Insurance In the amount of at least
$500,000, providing Bodily InjUry Liability and Property Damage
c Worker's Compensation Insurance applIcable to ItS employees, If
any, for statutory coverage limits In comphance with Flonda laws,
Including Employers' Liability that meets all state and federal laws
d. ProfeSSional Liability/Malpractice/Errors or OmiSSions Insurance, as
approprrate for the type of bUSiness engaged In by the Proposer,
shall be purchased and maintained by the Proposer with minimum
limIts of $1 ,000,000 per occurrence
2. Additional Insured The City IS to be speCifically Included as an
additional Insured on all liability coverage descrrbed above, except the
Insurance coverage Identified In paragraph 1 (d)
3. Notice of Cancellation or Restnctlon All poliCies of Insurance must be
endorsed to proVide the City With thirty (30) day's notice of cancellation
or restnctlon
4 Certificates of Insurance/Certified COPies of PoliCies The proposer, If
selected, shall prOVide the City With a certificate or certificates of
Insurance shOWing the eXistence of the coverage reqUIred by thiS RFQ,
If any. The proposer Will maintain the required coverage With a current
certificate or certificates of Insurance throughout the term of the
contract With the City When speCifically requested by City In writing,
the proposer WIll provide the City WIth certified caples of all poliCies of
Insurance as reqUIred above. New certificates and new certified
S Planmng DepllDownlOwn Plan Update/ExhIbit A RFQ doc
Page 1 of2
copies of policies, If certified copies of policies have been requested,
shall be provided City whenever any policy IS renewed, revised, or
obtained from other msurers
5 The address where such certificates and certified policies shall be sent
or delivered IS as follows
City of Clearwater
Attention CIty Clerk
POBox 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
6 The proposer shall defend, indemnify, save and hold the City harmless
from any and all claims, SUitS, Judgments and liability for death,
personal InJury, bodily InJury, or property damage arising directly or
Indirectly from any performance under thIs RFQ, or a subsequent
purchase order or contract entered Into by City and proposer, ItS
employees, subcontractors, or assIgns, including legal fees, court
costs, or other legal expenses Proposer acknowledges that It IS solely
responsible for complymg with the terms of this RFO or a purchase
order or contract arising out of this RFO. In addItion, the proposer
shall, at ItS expense, secure and provide to City, prior to beginning
performance under and RFP, or a subsequent purchase order, or
contract, all Insurance coverage as required In this RFQ.
7, Any party providing services or products to the City wIll be expected to
enter into a written agreement, contract, or purchase order with the
City that Incorporates, either In writing or by reference, all of the
pertinent provIsions relating to Insurance and Insurance requirements
as contained herem A faIlure to do so may, at the sole option of the
City, dIsqualify any vendor, bidder or proposer of services and/or
products to the City
S P/mmmg Dept/Downtown Plan Updale/Exhlblt A RFQ doc
Page 2 of2
Survey and Planning Grants
Consultants/Consulting Firms
Mr Kenneth GarcIa
Abel GarcIa Arcrutects
2201 Dekle Av
Tampa, FL 33606
Phone 813-251-3652
Fax 813-254-4935
Ms Marlon Alroy
ArchaeologIcal Consultants, Inc
PO Box 5103
Sarasota, FL 34277-5103
Phone 941-925-9906
Fax 941-925-9767
Ms Sherry Anderson
22 W Bryan St , #139
Savannah, GA 31401
Phone 912-236-5995
Fax 912-236-6790
Emall sherryanderson@prodlgy net
Ms Melame Barr
PO Box 17
Gamesvdle, FL 32602
Phone 352-377-4217
Mr Robert Carr
Archaeological & Histoncal Conservancy
PO Box 450283
MIallli, FL 33145
Phone 305-325-0789
Fax 305~325-0792
ElTMil ahcI @bellsouth net
Ms Joyce CusIck
Histone PreservatIon, Inc
PO Box 1905
Dunnellon, FL 34430
Phone 352-489-3093
Ms Jane Day
Research Atlantica
728 Granada Dr
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Phone 561-362-8842
Dr Diana GodWin
Hlstonc Preservation Services
2086 Las Vegas Trail
Navarre, FL 32566
Phone 850-255-0801
Fax 850-939-3001
Mr Ken Hardm
Janus Research, Inc
PO Box 919
Samt Petersburg, FL 33731
Phone 727~821-7600
Fax 727-822-2368
Bmad Janus@Janus-research com
Ms Mlkkt HartIg
Hlstoncal & Architectural Research ServIces, Inc
3708 Flores Av
Sarasota, FL 34239
Phone 941-955-6028
Fax 941-955-6028
Mr Geoffrey Henry
GAl Consultants-Southeast, Inc
201 E Pille St, #200
Orlando, FL 32801-2715
Phone 407-423-8398
Mr Sidney Johnston
HIstonc Deland, Inc
535 N Clara A v
Deland, FL 32720
Phone 904-734-6288
Ms Jenmfer Langdale
New South ASSOCIates
7064 N W 52nd Terrace
Gamesvtlle, FL 32653
Phone 352-371-9050
Fax 352-371-9050
Ms Sharyn Thompson
The Center for HIstonc Cemetenes PreservatIOn
1229 Sarasota Dr
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone 904-877-9014
Ms Gwendolyn Waldorf
2894 Hadley Rd
Tallahassee, fL 32308
Phone 904-668-3346
Dr Lucy Wayne
SouthArc, Inc
3700 N W 91s St, #D30
Gamesvllle, FL 32606
Phone 352-373-2633
Ms Karen Webster
Hentage Research, rnc
1281 N Ocean Dr, #178
5mger Island, FL 33404
Phone 561-659-0560
Fax 561-881-5441
Ms Susan Gllhs
902 N E 37th 5t
Oakland Park, FL 33334
Phone 954-565-3970
Emad sgtlhs@hobbyhne com
Ms Lmda Stevenson
Stevenson Architects, Inc
4900 Manatee W , #101
Bradenton, FL 34209
Phone 941-747-3696
Fax 941-745-5634
Ms Murray Laune
2858 5 W 14 Dr
Gamesvllle, FL 32608
Phone 352-335-6784
Ematl mlaune@gnvfdtnet
Ms Lisa Parks
Management Consultant
157 Kenwlth Court
Lakeland, FL 33803-2601
Phone 941-686-0377
Fax 941-686-0377
Entail lparksalcp@aol com
Ms loch Rubm
Preservation Concepts
1025 Eastern Way
Orlando, FL 32804
Phone 407-422-5243
Ms Rebecca Spam Schwartz
2727 13th St
Samt Petersburg, FL 33704
Phone 727-823-0491
S \Plannlllg Dcpartment\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDATE\DowntoWIl Design GUldelmcs\Docll doc
The Purchasing Officer, Clearwater, Flonda will receive sealed bid(s) on the following
commodlty(ies) untll bid closmg(s) specified at which lime bids will be opened in the
Purchasing Office 100 S Myrtle Avenue
4 00 PM
Bid documents witb instructions may be obtained by contacting tbe Purchase
Officer, City of Clearwater, P.O. Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida, or 100 south
Myrtle A venue, Clearwater, Florida 33756.
Please reference
all invOices
City of Clearwater
RFQ 20 - 02
~~; '~:~Rrwater
t- .::.rtl~!I. I JI -So..J<~
_ .",,~ - --=_;E'"
The City of Clearwater announces that it is requesting responses from quabfied
professionals for the following:
Urban design, streetscape and wayfinding services associated
with the update of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan including
the "Gateway" area. The general boundaries of this area are
Highland Avenue on the east. Clearwater Bay on the west, Drew
Street on the north and Court Street on the south. Qualified
firms will provide analysis and recommendations regarding the
waterfront and downtown urban design condition and prepare a
master plan for the downtown streetscape and wayfinding
The firm(s} selected for these assignments will be expected to sign a contract
with the City of Clearwater. The City reserves the right to select specific
companies submitting as part of a team subrmttal.
Qualified responses will be reviewed and ranked by the CIty'S Review
Committee. Preference at the discretion of the Review Committee may be given
to respondents with national and/oc Florida design experience. Specific
emphasIs will be placed on firms with proven iImovative and state of the art
experience in urban design. streetscape and wayfinding projects. Oral
presentations will be requested of short-listed potential selectees at the
discretion of the Review Committee.
Qualified firms are invited to notify the CIty of Clearwater of theIr lllterest in
being selected by submitting eight (8) copies of the information cequired in the
Submittals section and showing the qualifications of your firm to the address
below by the required date. Additional response forms and non-technical
information may be obtained from George McKibben, City Purchaslllg Manager,
(727) 562-4634. This Request foc Qualifications is available on-lme at: Select: "Purchasing"; "Invitations for Bid"; then "RFQ
20-02" .
George McKibben
City Purchasing Manager
Municipal Services Building
100 South Myrtle Avenue (3rd floor)
Clearnrater. FL 33756 - 5520
Mailing address: P. O. Box 4748
Cleanvater. FL 33758-4748
All proposals must be received not later than 4:00 p.m. local time
FRIDAY. April 26, 2002. The City assumes no responsibility for responses
received after the stated time and date, or at any office or location other than
that specified herein. whether due to mail delays. courter IDlstake. mishandling
or any other reason. Late responses will he held unopened and not considered
for award.
Written response, other submissions, correspondence. and all records made
thereof. as well as negotiations conducted pursuant to this request. shall he
handled in comphance with Chapters 119 and 286. Florida Statutes. The City
gives no assurance as to the confidentiality of any portion of the qualiflcations
once submitted.
The City reserves the right to retain all submitted responses for official record
purposes. The City also reserves the right to dispose of any or all copies of
responses in whatever manner it deems appropriate. No copies of responses will
be retwned to the firm.
Once a response is presented. the City shall not accept any requests by any firm
to correct errors or omissions in any calculations submitted.
The City reselVes the right to accept or reject any and/ or all
submissions/proposals. to waive irreguIarttles and technicalities. and to request
resubmission. Any sole response received the first submission date mayor may
not be rejected by the City depending on available competition and timely needs
of the City. The City shall be the sole judge of the submission/proposal and the
resulting negotiated agreement that is in its best interest and its decIsIon shall
be final. Also. the City reserves the right to make such investigation. as it deems
necessary to determine the ability of any responder to perform the work or
seIVice requested. The responder shall provide information the Crty deems
necesscuy to make this detennination.
Any prospective firm should make an affinnative statement in its proposals to
the effect that, to its knowledge. its retention would not result in a conflict of
interest with any party. Alternatively. should any potential conflict exist. the
prospective firm should specify the party with which there might be a conflict.
the nature of the potential conflict. and the means proposed to resolve such
Any actual or prospective responder who is aggrieved in connection with the
solicitation or award of a contract may seek resolution of its complaints by
contacting the Purchasing Manager.
By offerlng a submission to the RFQ. the responder certifies, and in the case of a
Joint submission/proposal each party thereto certtftes as to its own orgaruzation.
that in connection with the submission/proposal:
a. No attempt has been made or will be made by the responder to
induce any other person or firm to subrmt or not to submit a
submission/proposal for the purpose of restrlcting competition; and
b. The only person(s) or principal(s) interested in this
submission/proposal are named therein and that no person other
than those therein mentioned has/have any interest in this
submission/proposal or in the agreement to be entered into: and
c. No person or agency has been employed or fetained to solicit or
secure this agreement upon an agreement or understandmg fOf a
comrrnssion. percentage. brokerage. or contingent fee. excepting
bona fide employees Of establIshed conunefcial agencies maintained
by the purchaser for the purpose of doing business.
Professional services fequested in this RFQ are within the scope of the practice of
architecture. landscape architecture. professional engmeenng. Of fegistefed land
surveying. as defined by the laws of the State of Florida. Provisions of F.S.
287.055 apply.
The City, an entity of government. is subject to the appropriation of fimds by its
legislative body in an amount sufficient to allow continuation of its performance
in accordance with the terms and condItions of this contract for each and every
fiscal year following the fiscal year in which this contract is executed and entered
mto and for which this contract shall remain in effect. The City shall. upon
feceipt of notice that sufficient fimds are not available to continue its full and
faithful performance of this contract. proVIde wrttten notice to the Contractor of
such event and effective tlnrty (30) days after giving such notice or upon the
expiration of the peliod of time for which funds were appropIiated, wluchever
occurs first. be thereafter released at all further oblIgatIons in any way related to
the contract.
Interested firms should state their interest in this project by submitting eight
copies of the following:
. Letter of interest and understanding on Firm stationery;
. Descrtption of Firm to include only the following:
-I' Legal name, years in business. officers. staff size. and staff breakdown by
The City reseIVes the right to accept and/or reject any or all proposals; to waive
any irregularity. variance. or informality whether technical or substantial in
nature; and to negotiate with all qualified Firms in keeping with the best
interests of the City. An award resulting from this request shall be awarded to
the Frrm whose proposal is detennined to be most advantageous to the CIty of
Items which the SelectIon and Technical Committee will consider and weigh
during the selection process are: availability of the firm. successful expenence
designing urban envrronments. streetscape and wayfinding projects,
completeness of response to the RFQ. and qualifications of key personnel to be
assigned to projects.
See Exhibit "A" attached.
This RFQ is being ma.I.led to Firms that have contacted the City and those that
are believed to have the experience needed for this project. The project is also
being advertised per City of Clearwater purchasing policies.
a. Release date of RFQ April 3. 2002
b. Due date of RFQ April 26. 2002
c. Oral Presentations May 3. 2002
d. Selection Conunittee Recommendation May 10. 2002
e. City Commission Action (if required) 1BA
1. All responses become property of the City of Clearwater.
2. The City will not reimburse the respondent for any costs associated
With the preparation. submittal. or presentation of their responses to
this request.
3. The respondent acknowledges that all information contained WIthin Its
response is part of the public domain as defined by State of Florida
Sunshine and Public Record Laws. The City gives no assurance as to
confidentiality of any portion of any proposal once submitted.
4. The awards made pursuant to this Call for Professional Services are
subject to the provisions of Chapter 112. Part III, Florida Statutes. All
respondents must disclose willi llieir responses the name of an officer.
director, owner. or agent who is also an employee of the City of
5. Respondents, their agents, and associates shall refrain from contacting
or soliciting any City officials regarding this Call for Professional
Services during the selection process. FaIlure to comply with this
provision may result in disqualification of the respondent, at the
option of the City. Only George McKibben may be contacted.
6. There shall be no discrimination as to race, sex, color, creed.
handicaps, or national origin in the operations conducted nnder this
7. Due care and diligence has been exercised in the preparation of tlus
Call for Professional Services, and all information contained herein is
believed to be substantially correct. However, the responsibility for
determining the full extent of the services rests solely with those
making responses. Neillier the City nor its representatives shall be
responsible for any error or omission in this response. nor for the
failure on the part of the respondents to determine the full extent of
the exposures.
8. Preference will be given to those responses in full or substantially full
compliance with the requested information in this document.
RFQ # 20 - 02
1 L~abil~ty Insurance. The proposer, if selected, shall
furn~sh, pay for, and mainta~n during the life of any contract
entered into w~th the c~ty the follow~ng liabil~ty coverage.
a. Comprehensive General L~abil~ty insurance on an
"occurrence" bas~s ~n an amount not less than $500,000
combined s~ngle l~m1t Bodily Injury Llab~lity and
Property Damage L~ability.
b. Business Automob~le Liability insurance 1n the amount of
at least $500,000, provld~ng Bodily InJury Liab~lity and
Property Damage Liabillty.
c. Worker's Compensat~on Insurance applicable to its
employees, 1f any, for statutory coverage l~mlts in
compliance with Florida laws, including Employers'
Liab~l~ty that meets all state and federal laws.
d. Professional Liability/Malpractice/Errors or Omlssions
insurance, as approprlate for the type of business
engaged ~n by the Proposer, shall be purchased and
maintained by the Proposer with m1nlrnum lim1ts of
$1,000,000 per occurrence.
2. Add1tional Insured. The city is to be spec1f1cally ~ncluded
as an addit~onal insured on all 1~abl1~ty coverage described
above, except the insurance coverage ldent~fled ~n paragraph
1 (d) .
3. Notlce of Cancellat~on or Restrlct~on. All pollcles of
~nsurance must be endorsed to prov~de the c~ty w~th th~rty
(30) day's not~ce of cancellation or restrict~on.
4. Certificates of Insurance/Cert~fied Copies of Policles. The
proposer, ~f selected, shall provide the city with a
cert~flcate or certlflcates of insurance show~ng the
ex~stence of the coverage requ~red by thlS RFQ, ~f any. The
proposer wlll malntaln the required coverage with a current
certificate or certificates of lnsurance throughout the term
of the contract with the city When speclf~cally requested
by c~ty ~n wr~tlng, the proposer w~ll prov~de the city with
certified copies of all pol~cies of ~nsurance as requlred
above New certificates and new certified copies of
pol~c~es, ~f cert~fled copies of policies have been
requested, shall be provided c~ty whenever any pol~cy is
renewed, revlsed, or obtalned from other lnsurers.
5 The address where such certlficates and cert~fied pol~ces
shall be sent or dellvered is as follows'
C~ty of Clearwater
Attention. C~ty Clerk
P.O Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
6. The proposer shall defend, lndemnlfy, save and hold the Clty
harmless from any and all claims, suits, judgments and
llablllty for death, personal injury, bodily lnJury, or
property damage arising dlrectly or indirectly from any
performance under thls RFQ, or a subsequent purchase order
or contract entered ~nto by city and proposer, ~ts employees,
subcontractors, or assigns, including legal fees, court
costs, or other legal expenses. Proposer acknowledges that
It lS solely responslble for comply~ng with the terms of this
RFQ or a purchase order or contract arising out of thls RFQ.
In addltlon, the proposer shall, at its expense, secure and
provlde to City, prior to beglnning performance under
an RFP, or a subsequent purchase order, or contract, all
~nsurance coverage as requlred In thls RFQ.
7. Any party providing services or products to the city wi11 be
expected to enter into a written agreement, contract, or
purchase order with the city that incorporates, either in
writing or ~ reference, a11 of the pertinent provisions
relating to insurance and insurance requirements as
contained herein. A failure to do so may, at the sole
option of the city, disqualify any vendor, bidder or
proposer of services and/or products to the city.
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The Purchasing Officer, Clearwater, FlOrida Will receive sealed bld(s) on the follOWing commodltY(les)
untIl bId closlng(s) speclfred at which tIme bIds Will be opened In the Purchasing Office 100 So
Myrtle Avenue
Bid documents with instructions may be obtained by contactmg the Purchasing Officer, City of
Bid documents wIth InstructIons may be obtained by contacting the PurchaSing Officer, City of
Clearwater, POBox 4748, Clearwater, Fie Florida 33758, or 100 South Myrtle Avenue, Clearwater,
Florida 33756
Please reference f
14032 all Invoices
4:00 PM
Attachment A
PrOject Work Schedule for this rcportme: period
};> FInal draft of Design GUldelmes completed by City Staff and delivered to the
2 Summary of ProJect Work Completed
};> RFQ prepared,
};> RFQ released on January 23,2003,
};> Contract wIth consultant slgned and completed on Apnl 28,2003,
};> Klck-offmeetmg held May 28,2003,
};> FIrst PublIc Meetmg held June 25,2003,
};> Second PublIc Meetmg held July 30,2003,
};> Presentation before the Downtown Development Board on August 6,2003,
};> FIrst draft of the DesIgn GUIdelInes dehvered to Staff on July 23,2003,
};> Two payments made to LDI (consultant) of $10,000 each (mvOIce nos 1413 and
1516 and check nos 364305 and 365410, respectIVely. These have been
prevlOusly attached to the Fourth Quarterly report submItted on August 8, 2003
Should addlttonal copIes be reqUired they WIll be sent up promptly upon
request ), and
};> Fmal draft of Deslgn Gutdehnes completed by CIty Staff and delIvered to the
3. Unusual or SIgnlficant CondItions or Problems Encountered
};> AddItIOnal ttme was expended early m the process (wIthm the first and second
quarters) m obtammg conceptual approval form the CIty CommISSIon,
};> A tIme extension was granted by the State permlttmg the final draft of the Design
GUIdelInes to be submItted on September 30,2003 mstead of June 30,2003,
};> On August 8, 2003 the CIty gave Land Design Innovattons, Inc (LDI) 10 days'
wntten notIce of ItS electIOn to tenmnate the Consultmg ServIces Agreement
between the CIty and LDI The effective date of the tenmnatlOn was 10 days
from the date of that letter (August 18, 2003) The CIty directed LDI not to
perform any further work under the Agreement The cIrcumstances and
reasomng are effecttvely outlmed III the attached letter Subsequent to that
actIOn, CIty Staff have completed the DeSIgn GUldehnes
4 LIstmg of ReqUIred Documents to be SubmItted or Already SubmItted
};> Listed on the worksheet
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5 Bnefly descnbc the project work actually accomphshed and mdlCate any vanatIOns
from that ongmally planned
The work project mcludes Design GUIdehnes m two parts, Part I addresses the
Downtown Plan area as a whole and Part II addresses gmdehnes specIfic to each
character dlstnct The GUIdelInes cover tOpICS mcludmg but not limited to HIstonc
preservatIOns, rehabIlItatIOn, redevelopment and new development SpecIfically, they
cover bUlldmg form, placement and onentatron, lot SIze and coverage, archItectural
details, fences and walls and landscapmg
The final product does not vary from that ongmally planned
Number of attendees at workshop, semmars, etc ApprOXImately 130 among four
pubhc meetmgs
Number of caples of final products produced or pnnted Two sets (addItIOnal sets wIll
be pnnted subsequent to final approval by CIty ComnnssIOn)
6 Descnbe dIfferences between ongmal cost estImate and actual costs of project work
The ongmal cost estImate was for $30,000 but thIS was reduced to $20,000 due the
release of LDI from then contract (see attachment B) The total expendIture by the
CIty was $20,000
7 Descnbe the economIC benefit achIeved from the project Please complete the
followmg mformatIOn
The economIC benefit has not been realized yet although one project has been
submItted to the CIty for Development ReVIew whIch appears to be meetmg the
reqUIrements of the DeSIgn GUIdelines although a formal reVIew has not fully begun
as of the submittal of thIS package
Total numbcr ofpatd person~hours worked N/A
Number of employees workmg on project (do not mclude volunteers) N/A
Total payroll N/A
correspondencelFifih Qua'./erly ReportllO-31-03 Quarterly Repqrt Attachment A doc
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Ms Tracy Crowe, Pnnclpal Planner
Land Design Innovations, Inc
140 North Orlando Avenue
Winter Park, Flonda 32789
Re Consulting Services Agreement, City of Clearwater/LDI
Dear Ms Crowe,
The City of Clearwater hereby gives Land Design Innovations, Inc (LDI) ten (10)
days' written nottce of ItS election to terminate the Consulting Services Agreement
between the City and LDI, at the City's sole discretion, pursuant to Paragraph 7 thereof
The effective date of the termination shall be ten (10) days from the date of this letter
set forth above The City directs that LDI shall not perform any further work under the
Per Section 91 of the Scope of Services [Exhibit A to the Agreement], LDI was
to provIde one onglnal digital copy of the draft Design GUidelines pnor to Workshop # 2
which was held on July 30, 2003 Section 11 0 provides that all reports shall be
prepared uSing Mlcrpsoft Word, Excel or Publisher, and ArcVlew The draft DeSign
GUidelines proYIQ~~Jp the City were In a PDF read~only format that doesn't meet the
contract 9_~~19~t~9ns \~ease ImmedIately provide a copy of the draft DeSign GUldefrnes
In one Of(thEl'\f06T1'ats listed above to Planning Director Cyndr Tarapanl
(~->t\ <\\\
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\ \ The::City received your second inVOice on August 5, 2903~nd IS processing It for
payrneflt Please forward all property and matenals, Inchjdln9)~esearch and working
files, In LDI's possession belonging to or paid for by t~~] ...-Clty" In accordance With
Paragraph 11 of the Agreement, to Ms Tarapanl's attentIon ~3~YOU
--- ;-:;\
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Garry Brumback
ASSistant City Manager
correspondencelFlflh Quarterly Report\10-31-03 Consultant Termmatlon Letter (LDI) doc
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Return Completed Report to:
Grants and EducatIOn Section
Bureau of Histone PreservatIOn
DIvision ofHlstoncal Resources
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250
Your Grants Manager IS.
Marv Rowlev
(850) 245-6333 or Toll Free at (800) 847-7278
FAX: (850) 245-6437 EMAIL:
1st 2nd 3rd ~
Reports are due every three months of your grant penod
Grant Number: F0216
Grantee Name Citv of Clearwater
Project TItle. Downtown Clearwater Desie:n Guidelines
Project Type Survey and Plannin2:
Grant Award Amount $10,000.00
Grant Award Agreement Begmnmg Date
Date ofImtIatlOn of ProJect Work
Scheduled Project CompletIon Date
(0- z.c, 'ol,.
( l.. 0 Z.
Project Contact Information is shown below. Please correct or update as needed.
Project Contact:
Ms. Cyndi Hardin Tarapani
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Daytime Phone Number:
FAX Number:
(727) 562-4547
(727) 562-4576
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Project Progress & Expenditure K....port
Page Two
Expenditure Report
Documentation Procedures
For Advanced Payments
Please read all Documentation Procedures before preparin2 each Pro2ress & Expenditure
Report. The followin2 information is reQuired for each report.
Detailed backup documentation MUST accompany expenditure reports.
1. Reporting Period Review
A. Enter your total CASH expendItures for the reportmg penad Cash expendItures MUST be detailed on
the Cash Outlay Sheet LIst all expenses/mvOIces PLEASE SEE ITEM 5 BELOW
B. Enter your total donated servIces and donated values Donated servIces and values must be detaIled on
the Donated Values and Donated ServIces Sheets PLEASE SEE ITEM 6 BELOW
C. Enter the sum of Items A and B above to show your Total ExpendItures for the reportmg penod
2. Grant Summary
A. Enter the total cash you have expended to date.
B. Enter the total Donates ServIces/Donated Values used and receIved to date
c. Enter the sums of Items A and B above to show your Total ExpendItures dunng the Grant Award
3. Interest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all subgrantees of a State shall remit interest or other
investment income which exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Historic Preservation Fund
grant funds.
4. Certification To be SIgned and dated by authonzed person
5. Cash Outlay
A. LIst the mfonnatlOll III the proper columns
B. Back-up Documentation is required. Each cash/check or voucher expenditure must be
documented with an invoice AND proof of payment, either in the form of a canceled check (front
and back) or proof of receipt of payment BY THE VENDOR, or a detaIled accounting page
showing debits and credits.
C. The purpose of each expendIture must be stated clearly and m sufficIent detaIl for the DIVIsIon to
determme If the expendIture IS allowable
D. For in-kind services (salaries), time sheets and back-up payroll documentation are required. In
hstmg paId employees, be aware that the amount clazmed may be greater than the amount of check SlUce
you are allowed to claIm the gross salary plus benefits A sample In-Kmd ServIces TIme Sheet IS
attached You may choose to use thIS or other forms
E. The maxImum allowable hourly rate for Federally funded grant projects IS $60 29
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Project Progress & Expenditure ncport
Page Three
: I
6. Donated Values
A. Donated Materials and Transportation
1. Donated matenals must be documented on thIS form
2 Make certam all matenals were donated wlthm the Grant Award Agreement penod
3 MIleage must be calculated at $ 29/ mIle DestmatIOn, purpose of travel, and number ofmlles
dnven must be lIsted
B. Donated Services
1 All Donated ServIces MUST be documented on an attached Donated ServIces TIme Sheet
2 Each attached TIme Sheet must be sIgned and dated by the Volunteer and the Project SupervIsor
3 LIst each ofthe donors and theIr donated servIces
4 Be sure to mclude the total hours worked
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Project Progress & Expenditure hc:port
Page Four
) ,
Expenditure Report
Cash expended this Period:
Donated ServIceslDonated Values claimed this Period
Total expenditures for this Period
Total Cash expended to Date
$ lO 000
Total Donated Services/Donated Values expended to date
Total expenditures to date
3. Interest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all subgrantees of a State shall remit interest or other
investment income which exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Historic Preservation Fund
grant funds. Checks must be made payable to: "National Park Service".
4. CertIfication:
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information reported herein is correct, that all goods
and services inVOIced have been receIved, and that all outlays were made in accordance with grant
( C7. 'Z.2 'C? ;,
SIgnature of Authonzed Person
(please SIgn m mk Ongmal SIgnatures Only Please)
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Project Progress & Expenditure h~port
Page Five
S. Cash Outlay
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Attach additional pages for Cash Outlay as necessary'
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Project Progress & Expenditure Report
Page Six
6. Douated Values
A. Donated Materials and Travel
List all donated matenals below
The rmleage allowance IS $ 29/nnle
Attach addItIOnal pages for Donated Materials and TransportatIOn as necessary. T
! I
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Project Progress & Expenditure h-.::port
Page Seven
B. Donated Services
List total donated hours provIded by each mdlVidual Hourly rates shall be Federal Minimum Wage, ($5.15 per hour), unless
the work performed IS that III whIch the person performmg the service IS otheTWlse usually employed or possesses profeSSIOnal
slo11s, and lor trallllIlg and expenence III that field of profeSSIOnal expertise, III wluch case the rate shall be that normally paid for
such servIces If the hourly rate lIsted IS above Federal Mmmmm Wage, attach a sIgned statement from the mdlVldual hstmg
hIslher qualificatIOns
Attach additional pages for Dontlied Services as necessary.
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Project Progress & Expenditure .h,.,;;port
Page Eight
Progress Report
For Project Progress Reports submitted for all reporting periods other than the final,
please answer or provide information for all of the following items except those
marked FINAL REPORT ONLY. For the final report, please respond to all items.
1 Project Work Schedule for this reoortio2: period:
Z 02- ;d{e0,~ & A
2 Summary ofProlect Work Completed
7 /ls2... 4.f1o.~J A
3 Unusual or SIgmficant CondItIOns or Problems Encountered
f €e- k~t..I"'P -vi- A
4 LIstmg of ReqUlred Documents to be SubmItted or Already SubmItted
x Copy of selectIon process documentatIOn (RFP, bId notIces, results of bIds, etc ) for professIOnal
services such as consultants, etc
Date SubmItted 7- 'l(.() '1
>\ Draft copy of contract(s) for profeSSIOnal and servIces for reVIew and approval
Date SubmItted
X Approved fully executed copy of contract(s) for profeSSIOnal servIces
Date SubmItted t(. Z1'-o )
">s"" CopIes of Draft Products (Plans, Reports, Brochures) for reVIew and approval
Date SubmItted 8'-".CD) For ~J =,Ii 6 v:J..{;"f1 product
>< News Releases
Date SubmItted 'i$'.~'o")
--=- Grantee Staff and/or V olunteers (attach hst- of names, pOSItIOns, and pay scales)
Date Submltted ,"
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Project Progress & Expenditure Keport
Page Nme
FINAL REPORT ONLY (items 5-8 are applicable only to the 4th/final report)
5 Bnefly descnbe the project work actually accomplIshed and mdlcate any vanatlOns from that ongmally
5 C!e- A ./la..t.,.,... J. i-
Number of attendees at workshops, semmars, etc'
Number of copIes of final products produced or pnnted
6 Descnbe dIfferences between ongInal cost estimates and actual costs of proJect work Items
Af/-se- ~ ;t.-,-. r A-
7 Descnbe the economIC benefit achIeved from the project Please complete the folloWIng mformatIOn
5' Qe ft ~ 1, .-... 4-'1 J-. A-
Total number of paId person-hours worked
Nwnber of employees workmg on project (do not Include volunteers)
Total payroll
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Project Progress & Expenditure .I'..:port
Page Ten
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8 (FINAL REPORT ONLY) Attestation Statement
I attest, under penalties of perjury, that this organization has complied
with the provisions of the grant and that all information reported to the
Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources is correct.
( o. 2.8'"l?)
SlgnatuTe of Duly Authonzed RepresentatIve
Grant AWaTd AgTeement NumbeT
FtJ "Z. ( b
GTant Award Amount $ ( 0 f tJc)C>
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Send to Grants and EducatIon SectIon, Bureau of Htstonc PreservatIon, 500 South Bronaugh
Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399~0250, (850) 245-6333, Fax (850) 245-6437
Grant No PO Z ( b Project TItle Vo'c...... h"..~.... r: feu.. r-t-kr i::e S'7'" (;v.fIc 1.-"1f~)
Name of Volunteer N fA
Type of Work Performed 1\.1 (.A
Hourly Rate of $
/hour Based on
The hourly rate shall be the Federal mmmlum wage ($5 15) unless the work performed IS that m
whIch the volunteer IS otheIWlse usually employed or possesses profeSSional sla.lls, trammg and
expenence, m whICh case the rate shall be that normally paId for such semces m the project area
or actual salary A letter supportmg any rate over mmImum wage must accompany thIS form
- - - -
Total Hours
Total Amount
Claimed $
SIgnature of Employee
Signature of ProJect SupervIsor ,
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Return Completed Report to:
Grants and EducatIOn SectIOn
Bureau of Historic PreservatIOn
DIvIsIOn of Historical Resources
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250
Your Grants Manager IS:
Mary Rowley
(850) 245-6333 or Toll Free at (800) 847-7278
FAX: (850) 245-6437 EMAIL: mrowlev@;mail
el 2nd 3rd Final
Reports are due every three months of your grant penod
Grant Number F02t6
Grantee Name City of Clearwater
Project TItle Downtown Clearwater Desil!n GUidelines
Project Type Survey and Planninl!
Grant Award Amount $10,000.00
Grant Award Agreement Begmnmg Date
Date oflmtiatlOn of ProJect Work
Scheduled Project CompletIon Date
June 30, 2003
Project Contact InformatIOn lS shown below. Please correct or update as needed.
Project Contact:
Ms. Cyndi Hardin Tarapani
112 South Osceola Avenue
Clearwater, FL 33756
Daytime Phone Number:
FAX Number:
(727) 562-4547
(727) 562-4576
Project Progress & Expenditure h...port
Page Four
Expenditure Report
Cash expended this Period:
Donated Servlces/Donated Values claimed this Period
Total expenditures for this Period
Total Cash expended to Date
Total Donated Services/Donated Values expended to date
Total expenditures to date
3. In terest
Except where exempted by Federal Statute, all subgrantees of a State shall remit interest or other
investment income which exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Histonc Preservation Fund
grant funds. Checks must be made payable to: "National Park Service".
4. Certification:
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information reported herem is correct, that all goods
and services invoiced have been received, and that all outlays were made in accordance with grant
SIgnature of Authonzed Person
(Please Slgn m mk Ongmal SIgnatures Only Please)
Project Progress & Expenditure h",port
Page Five
5. Cash Outlay
ltr' ">.%11$-'" ,> ~01!!_'X"-\ - ~V0Icr-
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UNIlJlfj IlL" "kM€jl;}!',jIM
, "ECK.,'::' ~.Jc~llttEn ,
Attach additional pages for Cash Outlay as necessary
Project Progress & Expenditure Report
Page Six
6. Donated Values
A. Donated Materials and Travel
List all donated matenals below
The nnleage allowance 18 $ 29/nnle
Attach additIOnal pages for Donated Matenals and Transportation as necessary
PrOject Progress & Expenditure h",port
Page Seven
B. Donated Services
List total donated hours provided by each mdlVldual Hourly rates shall be Federal MInimum Wage, ($515 per hour), unless
the work performed IS that ill which the person performmg the servlce 1S otheIWlse usually employed or possesses professlOnal
slaBs, and lor trammg and expenence ill that field of professIOnal expertise, m which case the rate shall be that normally pald for
such services If the hourly rate lIsted IS above Federal Mmnnum Wage, attach a SIgned statement from the mdlVldual hsrmg
hls/her qual1ficatlOns
:~. r8'~.1 i' " ~irs'1iii~ "'" P";P'f~1f" ~t~~~,j j " ~.Yf~~L"" j II:
~~"oJAI~ti\dD\;~~4~ ,JWORKrtASK;COMPLEliED- .DA1ES l.wl~~,Hfj)_Uji~'
, ',",~ ~{-,:- . :d&k).,. I ".~~i;I W0 J "Y@R!~D ~l ~ WORNED IIptii
-'-; :..,L '" ~~ r -';f ~"1W!..~_'1" - ~.... ..:,.; "''' _ I l '!I~.." ~
Attach addItional pages for Donated Services as necessary
Project Progress & Expenditure h...,port
Page Eight
Progress Report
For Project Progress Reports submitted for all reporting periods other than the final,
please answer or provide information for all of the following items except those
marked FINAL REPORT ONLY. For the final report, please respond to !ill items.
1 Project Work Schedule for this reportioI! period:
2 Summary of ProJect Work Completed
3 Unusual or SIgmficant CondIttons or Problems Encountered
4 Llstmg of Reqmred Documents to be SubmItted or Already SubmItted
_ Copy of selectIOn process documentatIOn (RFP, bId notlces, results of bIds, etc ) for profeSSIOnal
servlces such as consultants, etc
Date SubmItted
_ Draft copy of contract(s) for profeSSIOnal and servIces for reVIew and approval
Date SubmItted
_ Approved fully executed copy of contract(s) for profeSSIOnal services
Date Submitted
Caples of Draft Products (plans, Reports, Brochures) for reVIew and approval
Date SubmItted For product
News Releases
Date SubmItted
Grantee Staff and/or Volunteers (attach lIst of names, pOSltlODS, and pay scales)
Date SubmItted
Project Progress & Expenditure h.eport
Page Nine
FINAL REPORT ONLY (items 5-8 are applicable only to the 4th/final report)
5 Bnefly descnbe the project work actually accomplIshed and mdlcate any vanatlOns from that ongmally
Number of attendees at workshops, semmars, etc
Number of copIes of final products produced or pnnted
6 Descnbe dIfferences between anginal cost estImates and actual costs ofproject work Items
7 Descnbe the economIC benefit achIeved from the project Please complete the followmg mformatlOn
Total number of paId person-hours worked
Number of employees workmg on project (do not mc1ude volunteers)
Total payroll
PrOject Progress & Expenditure h~port
Page Ten
8 (FINAL REPORT ONLY) Attestation Statement
I attest, under penalties of perjury, that this organization has complied
with the provisions of the grant and that all information reported to the
Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources is correct.
Signature of Duly AuthorIzed RepresentatIve
Grant A ward Agreement Number
Grant A ward Amount $
Send to Grants and EducatIOn Sectton, Bureau ofHlstonc PreservatIOn, 500 South Bronough
Street, Tallahassee, Flonda 32399-0250, (850) 245-6333, Fax (850) 245-6437
Grant No
Project TItle
Name of Volunteer
Type of Work Performed
Hourly Rate of $
/hour Based on
The hourly rate shall be the Federal minImum wage ($5 15) unless the work performed is that In
whlch the volunteer IS otherwIse usually employed or possesses professIOnal slalls, trammg and
expenence, III which case the rate shall be that normally pald for such servIces In the project area
or actual salary A letter supportmg any rate over minImum wage must accompany thiS form
Total Hours
Total Amount
Claimed $
Slgnature of Employee
SIgnature of ProJect Supervlsor
Project Progress & Expenditure K..port
Page Two
Expenditure Report
Documentation Procedures
For Advanced Payments
Please read all Documentation Procedures before preparing each Proeress & Expenditure
Report. The followine information is reQuired for each report.
Detailed backup documentation MUST accompany expenditure reports.
1. Reporting Period Review
A. Enter your total CASH expendItures for the reportmg penod Cash expendItures :MUST be detaIled on
the Cash Outlay Sheet LIst all expenses/mvOlces PLE ~SE SEE ITEM 5 BELOW
B. Enter your total donated servlces and donated values Donated servIces and values must be detaIled on
the Donated Values and Donated ServIces Sheets PLEASE SEE ITEM 6 BELO\V
C. Enter the sum ofItems A and B above to show your Total ExpendItures for the reportmg penod
2. Grant Summary
A. Enter the total cash you have expended to date
B. Enter the total Donates Servlces/Donated Values used and receIved to date
C. Enter the sums ofItems A and B above to show your Total ExpendItures dunng the Grant Award
3. Interest
Except wbere exempted by Federal Statute, all subgrantees of a State shall remit mterest or otber
investment income whicb exceeds $250.00 per year earned on advances of Historic Preservation Fund
grant funds.
4. Certification To be SIgned and dated by authonzed person
5. Cash Outlay
A. LIst the mfonnahon m the proper columns
B. Back-up Documentation is required. Each cash/check or voucher expenditure must be
documented with an invoice AND proof of payment, either m the form of a canceled check (front
and back) or proof of receipt of payment BY THE VENDOR, or a detailed accountmg page
showing debits and credits.
C. The purpose of each expendIture must be stated clearly and III suffiCIent detail for the DIVISIon to
detenmne lfthe expendIture IS allowable
D. For in-kind services (salaries), time sheets and back-up payroll documentatIon are required. In
lIstmg paId employees, be aware that the amount clazmed may be greater than the amount of check smce
you are allowed to claIm the gross salary plus benefits A sample In-Kmd ServIces TIme Sheet IS
attached You may choose to use tlus or other forms
E. The maXImum allowable hourly rate for Federally funded grant projects IS $60 29
Project Progress & Expenditure h....jJort
Page Three
6. Donated Values
A. Donated Materials and Transportation
1. Donated matenals must be documented on thIS form
2 Make certam all matenals were donated wlthm the Grant Award Agreement penod
3 Mtleage must be calculated at $ 29/ mIle DestmatIon, purpose of travel, and number ofmlles
dnven must be lIsted
B. Donated Services
1 All Donated ServIces rv1UST be documented on an attached Donated ServIces TIme Sheet
2. Each attached TIme Sheet must be sIgned and dated by the Volunteer and the Project Supervisor
3 LIst each of the donors and theIr donated servIces
4 Be sure to mclude the total hours worked
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TELFPHONF (727) 562-4567 FAX (727) 562-4576
October 30,2003
Ms MaryE Rowley
HIstonc PreservatIOn Planner
Bureau of HIstonc PreservatIOn
500 South Bronaugh Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250
RE Downtown Clearwater DeSIgn Goulelmes, GrnfJU
Dear Ms Row ley
The ImpossIble has happened, the fifth and fmal quarterly (or would that be qumtarly) report IS
enclosed herem Please fmd attached the followmg
1 Project Progress & ExpendIture Report
2 Two caples of the City of Clearwater's Downtown Design GUidelines,
3 Attachment A
):> Project work schedule for thIS reportmg penod,
):> Summary of project work completed,
):> Unusual or sIgmfIcant condItIOns or problems encountered,
):> LIstmg of ReqUIred Documents to be SubmItted or Already SubmItted,
):> Bnefly descnbe the project work actually accomplIshed and mdicate any vanatlOns from
that ongmally planned,
):> Descnbe dIfferences between ongmal cost estimate and actual costs of project work Items,
):> Descnbe the econOITllC benefIt achIeved from the project. Please complete the followmg
I nfonnatI on.
4 Attachment B Letter tennmatmg the consultant (LOI)
Thank you very much for your help m onentmg me to the grant process
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October 30, 2003
Rowley - Page Two
If you have any questions or need any addItIonal matenal, please do not hesitate to call me at 727-
Smcerely yours,
Mark T Parry, Planner
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S \Planmng Departmenf\DOWNTOWN PLAN UPDA TEJJOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDEUNES\Corre Ipondence\Smte correspondence\Flfth
Quarterly ReporNO-3I-03 Fifth Quarterly Report Cover Leller doc
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