06/02/1908�-- - � ,.s,� � - �.�.. ��� : � j ��..� ;`� . $ `, �,. -,�;,� , `��t� } - � i . , :, • i �- , � � : . t � s : , : ; a ' ;` ; s y up p? �s�.� f a� �aving For-� sarrison :�:ver_ue +r�=�.th p�.o�p�a�� roc�s ,. ' � ; �o'�. Phinz�.ey �nd ,Aa' C. L3.n.�.��.�, C�tzil �igineRrs frc�m ; , �'amp€�, ac�dressecl tI�.P mee��.ng upon. sevzera�� and establishi:ng � � �ermanen� �radas for s�reet� and s�devra3ksn Thes� mat�er� were � , p:cesexr'�ect in a eareful and in�er�stin� n7a.�,nex�; a..�,�. C�un.cil a�;rsed �o ha�re h��ssrs. I'h�.r+��ey � Liilda�:�, submi� � bid �o� a � t��ograpnical survsy a�' tha �ov��n of Cleart�ratero ,' �.e fo 1�:oilin� �v�.rr�n.ts w�re ��rc�ered dr�vrn: t�o e 978 � avor Jorx�. �Yic�;lva� S caven.�,er 1°+1crk �� 65 AO�J � ��79 " verav �randen, 1�en��cCour� Sessions 5��Q '� 9Ec �a �`. �:. �Icl�idge S�.1a�.=y 30m`G0 981 ': T. t�t. I�:cC�.un.�,M�ra I�ight �C ��Jater 5;�.50 � 1.53.50 A���st: T. 3o a'�.e�.�j.danp Clerka K�GUL,�ttt I4���TTI�C �:s�E �nd � 1908 0 Cau.�lci.1 me� in �egu7.ar session �.� 7<30 otc�.oek PaM. v�ith the s"��.io�ri2�.g ms�.bers �resento 1'res�.tlen� �ldri�.g�, �a�iels, Je�'�oras, I,ittwe, Tcoke E� �Ji� soz�. I��inla.�es of pr�vioL:.s mee�in; �tc�re r�ad �ncl. ap�,roveaQ ���ita.on �ece��P�3; fratn P�r. �it�l.n.s an.c� i�;:rs, ��,vev, askin� Ca�:�.��c� l �o ha�re a cemen� si.dev�alk yai� t�n soLi�t;h alde o� Pierce S��reet �ot�veei� Osce�l� S��eet and �th� 3a��a S�ra=�t Co�uni�tee �Y�s instrttc-ted -�o J,iave s�id i�a3.k builts �'a.nAz�.c� Goz�m:?.��ee �l�er� �.n.strizcted �a co�r�spond v��.tk�. ��?� Goui:��;y .Assess�r andle€�rn ho�� r�vch r�o�z�r is cZue the �ocvn �x�um GoLuzty �aad Ta:�: and proc��d. �a col3.ec� sarne. Chaixm�n. Zittl,e of Street Gor,re:it�ee adv�sed agai�:s� g�radi:ng Havsn AveniaeF �� the Bay; sttt�ir�� �ha� �he coat of �rada.n� ��JaLi�.d iZot .be gre�.�a "��at pro-�ecta.n.g a�.joina.ng praper�y , ��_ � _ —. . - - �µ� . ` 9�'1 %r "0� s , Ay^� ■� f � s , . ' !'M � , . : . , .,,w,r. . . , � . , � �� . ' . � � : � , ..�.;fi.-' . ` . , . � . .. : . .. . . � . . ��$.. � � � � . � . .� �. . . � . . . . � . � .. . �. � . . . . . `. . '�� -� � � . . . � � . . � .. . .. . . . �� . , . . ....� . rr ,' , >` � . woul�. be troublzsome �zd e��erisive. Chairmasz �,ittl� als�i j ; ` re�orted ha.v3.rzg rebail�t a bri�.�e on Turn�r �trc��� �^��ere ; , ; , Turno� St�.��:et �s.�.��; ditch in prarie at a cost of y�p`8,50s � ry� , '' Rspo�tea F�, I�arr�.son partially strav�ec�., ovri�.g �o burn.:i.ng ` of -the zr�oods su�ficient stra�rr cou3d not k�e had to comp�.c�-�e the eaorke RepG�ted �.1.so that �he cost of paving Ft, ��a.�r.�,so�, �, Avenue i'r�m Cle:relan�. to North limi�s �' Town �arttld be , '��'3418e60a (Pav�.ng �o ba ph4sphatQ roek } Reported A�.so that a dock at the foot of Turner S���et such as �he citizens p�opasec� , �a b�iilci, v�ould cost �29�.�.6. The S��ee� �r��unitt�e �rras ins�ruct�d to have �he �.%-tches in ths �ovrn c�.earzed, �.'.�!e So. �igineez�irlg Co. of Tar.zpa, �y1�,a, � �L�;brn�.t�ed a�ropositi,on to tk�.a Cou.ncil. to mat�e �, permansnt � surv�v of �k�e ta�an arx� ta make a nevr map. Th.e �at-��r �vas 7.aid ovsr t�.n�il ne�.� �eg,ular �e�t�.n.ge S�x*eet. C�rnmi�toe v�r�zs instru:cted tfl se�rch �:he i�ecorcls �d learn vrh�� the Council h� in its possession :in rErerence to the sttrveys o�' -tY�.e tovTn. �.t�.cl determira.� vrhether it tirou�.d be A�,visable �to hav� surveys anci. ne�� map inade, i� sa: �a secur•e '°.,ids �'cr s�.i�, Zrorlia Cou,.�ca:l, ins�tructed �the C7.erk to d.ravl a�r�ar•r�.nt of y�9e3'i favo� of J`akin. Phillipoff, r��'vnd of or� �al;� of h�s �?ersona� tax� C1rdi.r_a�a,c� Corr�ittee �:r�s z.nst�uc�ec� �a d�=atrl 7.z� an amendmen.� to S�c6 ? r�.�" Ur�3.3.nazzcs ��6g re�erring �� Con-�rac�or�. Counci 1. ins�t�,�uc��d T� �a1lec�ox� to cance�. �ho �erson.al tax of �e��'ords . ��impsan for }rear �.9Q�7e �tree� Coz�mi��ee ins�ructe�, tc hava a�.l obst��.tetions �e�o��ed f�a�n �oot af J'on.es l�venu.e �.-� the Bay. T��Ir. Tooko tisras giuen permission �c4 pl�ce stone cu?�b �.n ��oz�� ox" p�veir;�n� adjairting ha.s property oa� Clevelt�nd u�rea�. '1'ri.e � Council agreein� �ha4 the Tovrn sxso�..ld pay ona �third 1./3 �� +„Y�.e , c�3� os sur.� 0 2'Y�.e Gollact�r'� repor� was rea�, at��. �.�cepted. Ct�Il�c�or's s�e�os�t or� side�ral��s ti°aas rec�ived and Co�.lec�ox ' �ras ir_s�ructed to �.�n. �ve� �he bil�.s far s�de�valk �a �he Asses�or, Tr�asurer�s a�epor� v�As received a33d aces�p��d. � .� � ririrrr ,�sr� - -- �i����q�AlR9!�INRnqiM19�A�c��s.����":niqAf"2 . � . � � , . _ . _ � . . , , ,. - _ .� ' J:. �'� ' ' .... � � t �:� ,f � ; 2i�� � � � ,� . .� ; �; ; , ..� . � - . .�. . � � . . . � �. . . .. . . . . � . . � . . . '? . {> , � ; � _ �; � f Tne fo� �.ovaing bi�.1s �SeV�e aucta:�ced and vrarran-�s d�a�r�n a'or , �� E ; , . �, , s�me. � . t . . . . . . � . � .. � . . � . . . . . � . .. . ���1 ' .�F I ;` c� : I�a . 98� f avar J�ohx�. Mc�Tvey S cavenge� �ork 5� 65. Qt� =i `� , � �E33 a� 1'ress Z'ublis�.ing Ga. F��.x�.iing 4.g0 � , 984 s► J. ���� o��i:ll�.ains on Pavaxzg .32'7. �.2 s , . , 98� J� Pp Lit-�1e �nga.n.ser �.5000 986 R. T. �`Jan:i.e.� �i�eil for S���et 4o'7C? j 987 �e�a� �3ra.ndan I�en� �p4.OG j 9 a OQ 5 terms Gourt 5enQ} �88 J. Em �Id�id�e Com� Taxes etc. �92.90 ' 9�9 John Ph�.11�.u�ff x�efund oi' Taxes 9.3'7 9a� Js �i. 1�iaC�.t�1� Li��.�L's F� i'�a.ter 57,00 �'QT.kT, � � 784 .9 J 1i.T`Z'�S T � '�. �. S1�.erid.a�: Clerl�. He�;tz��r IuT���ing �'u�.;� '7�h, 39C?8, Co�nci� rn�t zn ��guZar se���.an �t �7:34 P.I��. tirivh �iie foZ7.aw�.nQ r�etn�a�s �resea.i�: roless?�s. L'an�e�., I,xtt�� �C G�3.lsons ' _ ThR�.�s t�a.i..,� �.Q auoru�n� me,:,�3,r� �as ad�ourned to �"-ra.day, �'�a,ly ' ` �,t?�h, �.96�, a� 7:3Q P.M. ..y.��P9'�: `.�' . cT . t��'1G'2' ].C� `a.TI � Glex'K• ' A�Jt�'f�i�+1�k+�i� :�:��:T2SdG JI3LY �Qth, i.908. Cawi.il me� in adjourx�ed m�et:+� •.L at 7}30 '�.I��= v��th �he �o�.�.o.va.n� me�.�ue��s ��ese7��. i,2essi�s. E1.dx�id�e, �aniel,� �ittle �, : ax�c� Tool�e. I�t��.nu-�es of prev3.ous mse+ i��.� rea3 ax��. �z�proved. �'�,_. Cc�mm�:i,catzon fr�� T�ayo?� Fr�.ndon r�ce�.v�d �s � o�.Za�^rs t �a t�.�.e Hoize Taw'n Covslci� o�' Cled��ra�er, Fla,, �en�lerao�l : ' ;rS �.�r�e'�� recommsnd t�at ;�ou dxc�.�r -thP tveecis on: aa.l t�� v�.��.nt 10-Gs, �1 streets i�, that �art of zovT� bou.�d�� oi� the east _ b3�' the A» �a :%. Ry., on 4he �°,Te�t by -��� ��.y, on tlze Sout's3. 1�y