05/05/1908. � �� :.s `t. ytf. � ��' � ��� ,. i ,. � - � [� . _ 4 ; �� , ; : � ; , � # - f , , ; i., , t i` The fo�.�avring W�.rr�:n�s �rere ardered. dra�lr�:. � a. f , �. ' �� No. 369 fatror a� Sal:�z�. Mc�7.vsy Scz�vengar G�Jor� 85.C?� i � � 9'�� is J'. �e Bran�.or_ �ient & ��? �es�io�s �o-�rt 8.00 t � 9'71. S. E. i�IicY�,a�.son, Harrlwa�e 1.65 , �'72 �favo� �'. Na I'JIGC+�.'L2T2�gMgI's�,i�Zts&'�J�tez� 5`7e�� r �'73 i� l�d �'�, Uon�rex=se,�M�r. P�3xzting 2�.n�5 � • 974 �". i'�. tiV�.11ia?nso�. P��,rin� sidevtalks 3.�t�.�"! � 9'7v Jo P. L�tt1e Sur.ve�in:� 15o�?Q i _ 9'7f �T. �. E�.dri��� �a].a...�y' �3Q eQ0 � S'�1'8G'� �,i01:°Z� `4+j;rF6�J� �$.JrJ ; Bo�.r•d o�` �'risaners �.O.SO ' t �'7'7 Chas e Liavies �3.dv�g. ' 5�.�d � ���ss�� T. �', �heridaa�. R�CrtiLAR Tti�'wz:;`1.'.LNG IViAY 5�h� 1908. ' Coaxi�il me�c .`�t xegu? ar a�s s�.o�. cr� �;h �he f oJ 1,av�*a.ng me�Uers ���sen�; TwTsssra. :�ani.els, Litt�.e, �artax�ius, �uol�� ; s� 1�i�,�one ?Vlr. `�'aal�o acting Pa�e�ident Fro tem. ��� ma�nute� o� th �r: � ,� . , , d � , �e e pre sous r.2 � a.n.g �te� e rea a.n a�px o�reds h peti�ion cvas re�.d �'rQr.� re�:i.d�n�s on H�v�nc2es �sl�ing Coi�ncil. ta �.�tT�e th� �i`±?a�f' a-� �he f aot oi' T�aven �.venue �;raded, so �hat ��.� rEsiden,�s coul.d g4� -�o �he tiaAters e�ge� Refe�,�ret� ta , S�reet Comr.�.��tee � a�e�� t1 on ��i�om, a�kir_g for �.ssista.�ce �o b�;il� � doc3i a� the feo� of Turner Str�a=:�. �'etition r�as refe�red �o Sts�ee� Coru�i��.ee, vrho ��r�re instruc�e�. to secure ��.�s and spa�a.�ications o� �h� dvck, to be presenied at rext ���ular nieeti.ng of the �ouncil. C�.airm�.n L�.t'�le, of t�a:e S��eet Cor:unit�ee, rAporte3 �h�.� he i�,d closed. a cant�ac�t tiaith �T. �J. V�il.lir�isan$ to �ay c��nent t:��7.k oi�. tY?e vrest siae o� Osceola Strec�, betv�re�rz Pa.�rce an� Cl��ela�.d S-��Au�s. A p�tition t°ras recea.ve�. �'ro:n t�.e p�:�o�erty ov�n.ars on Fort �-tArri�cn Ava�ue, north a� Gleval�nd 5�ree,t, aslr�.n� _ e, Cour_ci�. to Y�ave sai�: st;re�� g�averS to nor�h limi�s oi'' -��.ie �tov�� 1&`! -8 miles 4'�he Str�at c;orrnn:f.�•ues t�z�.s i�.s�s�uc�ed to dra�� _ �-- - � ,.s,� � - �.�.. ��� : � j ��..� ;`� . $ `, �,. -,�;,� , `��t� } - � i . , :, • i �- , � � : . t � s : , : ; a ' ;` ; s y up p? �s�.� f a� �aving For-� sarrison :�:ver_ue +r�=�.th p�.o�p�a�� roc�s ,. ' � ; �o'�. Phinz�.ey �nd ,Aa' C. L3.n.�.��.�, C�tzil �igineRrs frc�m ; , �'amp€�, ac�dressecl tI�.P mee��.ng upon. sevzera�� and establishi:ng � � �ermanen� �radas for s�reet� and s�devra3ksn Thes� mat�er� were � , p:cesexr'�ect in a eareful and in�er�stin� n7a.�,nex�; a..�,�. C�un.cil a�;rsed �o ha�re h��ssrs. I'h�.r+��ey � Liilda�:�, submi� � bid �o� a � t��ograpnical survsy a�' tha �ov��n of Cleart�ratero ,' �.e fo 1�:oilin� �v�.rr�n.ts w�re ��rc�ered dr�vrn: t�o e 978 � avor Jorx�. �Yic�;lva� S caven.�,er 1°+1crk �� 65 AO�J � ��79 " verav �randen, 1�en��cCour� Sessions 5��Q '� 9Ec �a �`. �:. �Icl�idge S�.1a�.=y 30m`G0 981 ': T. t�t. I�:cC�.un.�,M�ra I�ight �C ��Jater 5;�.50 � 1.53.50 A���st: T. 3o a'�.e�.�j.danp Clerka K�GUL,�ttt I4���TTI�C �:s�E �nd � 1908 0 Cau.�lci.1 me� in �egu7.ar session �.� 7<30 otc�.oek PaM. v�ith the s"��.io�ri2�.g ms�.bers �resento 1'res�.tlen� �ldri�.g�, �a�iels, Je�'�oras, I,ittwe, Tcoke E� �Ji� soz�. I��inla.�es of pr�vioL:.s mee�in; �tc�re r�ad �ncl. ap�,roveaQ ���ita.on �ece��P�3; fratn P�r. �it�l.n.s an.c� i�;:rs, ��,vev, askin� Ca�:�.��c� l �o ha�re a cemen� si.dev�alk yai� t�n soLi�t;h alde o� Pierce S��reet �ot�veei� Osce�l� S��eet and �th� 3a��a S�ra=�t Co�uni�tee �Y�s instrttc-ted -�o J,iave s�id i�a3.k builts �'a.nAz�.c� Goz�m:?.��ee �l�er� �.n.strizcted �a co�r�spond v��.tk�. ��?� Goui:��;y .Assess�r andle€�rn ho�� r�vch r�o�z�r is cZue the �ocvn �x�um GoLuzty �aad Ta:�: and proc��d. �a col3.ec� sarne. Chaixm�n. Zittl,e of Street Gor,re:it�ee adv�sed agai�:s� g�radi:ng Havsn AveniaeF �� the Bay; sttt�ir�� �ha� �he coat of �rada.n� ��JaLi�.d iZot .be gre�.�a "��at pro-�ecta.n.g a�.joina.ng praper�y