02/05/1907....., ;
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Moved tha:t t�e S�reets Co�nm3t�oe ns appoin�ed -�o repo�t '
j, at nex�t �eg�.Za� mee�ting to be used. Ca�r�w�d.
��,,,,�,.. : �'
Moved thAt i;h� �irsance Comm3tt�e get u� �i11s aga.3:n�% ;
tha �.butting prrperties of a1.1 s�ree� p�vin� �r�i. sidevralks �
now w�.paicl �nd i�vrn s�zme over to the Co7.lsc�ar vri�h
i.nstx�uet3.ons to callec� at once. �arried. ;
It vr�s moved '-�t �he O�dina.nce' in regaz�s to �Zeal�:;.ng ,
u.p a:11. underbrus�i. tr�.sh etc., 1�.yin.g VVest af A. C� �+» Ry.,
and Letr•�eEn Jones kvenue �.nd Turner ��treet to Bay be
ii.�f orced. Carried.
` IJo further business the C��ncil adjaurnede,
Attesta Ap�roQed Fe'�. 5th, I.9Q7o
E, H e Eul� r�rili4 ,
City C�.er'�.
Febr-a�r;� �th, 1907 j�ouncil met ixi �egular Session �vitk�
Presui.ent Starr i.n �,Yie Chm.irr �he follo�ving Coi.tnci'1m�in
t�ere p��sont, Braizdon, Tool�e, Kizykp��tra.ck, Arms�ror_g and:
�'ef'f ords .
�.'Y�.e r�tinutes of last regula'r �n.a �clja�.trned me�tings of
January ls�, 8th aru�. 1.O��i vrere r�ad �nd. s.pprov�3, also
Ga1.l:Meeting af ��a.a 23rc3 of �'an.
A Mot3.an rJa.s rnade th�.-� P o J. Bayl�t z s Pe �ition �.n�. �i13�
ior d�iages to Bic�clt PatY? be den,ied hit�e This Petition
c�une bef ore the Cour_ci1 De cer�bex� 5tYf, 1906 S�his motion
�r�as c�r�ie�lo
'�`he repor'� of I'in�.nce ��va� re�c� recomm�nding the
employinent of an Aitorney to codi:fy �he sovm Ordin�nces,
`, buti did not con.�ide� it �idvi��bla to emp�oy an A��ornes,� b�
the year at t�:is tima e Presenting a 1e�Gtcr from DAn C.
PlcI�iullan of Tampa t�rha offerecl �o cod3.fy tk�e �ovrn �
O�d,in�nces �'or OnQ Hur.��.red DolZars �nd rac�;nmand ths
�mp�.oymen� af r;Ir. ' n2cly7ul�.en,on. mat�on tk?e reper� �rith its
rs�ommenc�at�.ons t�t�s accepi:ed. N�otion c�.rrie�..
�. , _..� : , : ... _,,.�_._
4 � _ - �,:
, £�� r ' � ? � �-� 'u
, . �.�' ;
, , ,
, ;
T'�.�'Carn�nit-te� a�p�,oint�d to rspoz�� an the Cost of bu�ring
a�.'eam ior use of tla� Trnrn. ;�as gi�rsn an��her month �o make ;
�+�.: its r�por�co
T'ne S-treets Gc�minitt�e v�as requested to repor-� a� nea�t
regul�r meetirig the cost ai v�idenin� Fo�t Iiar�isan Avenua ,
a:t T��e-�hodist Chu�ch Sauth and Os�eola Strezt Nor�th of ;
�1eve�and Stree-t.
On mot ion �th.a S�re e t Comm3.tte e was ins truct�d to
rece:ive Uid� ior the rep�ix�s of s�.devr�lk� on the ��s� s3r�.e
of tr� Johnson Stoi�e Building c�n F�. ��:rrison .Fivenua and
repor� �t ne�t re�ula� me e�3.ng . Mo't 3on Carr�_ed o
On motion t2�s Stree �s Co�:iitt�� tvas ;iven the power to
remov9 an� �trces ��rhich a»e ii1 the �t��ets tlz�.�t ini�h�
i��terfere vri�h traf�'ic ir_ any r�spec�s �oition cua.�r3.�d.
, On motior_ tYie Strset �o�nma.��ee rv�s ins�ructed and
empa�ere� �to act upon � ts otvn juc��ement in makin� sueh
repairs as m�.y b� u:��ent at any Uime �nd �.iso to ltaap thn
s�troet� �xzl a13.eys �l�s�ned u�. Th3.s �o�a.on vras sscondeci �.r.�.
c�rrisc� o ,
Yolice verl�i].y reported un�'avorable on ��.e incz�eas� 3.n �).ze
sLaggested 3ncreas� o� -�,1ie Ni�xsli�l°s saZaryo
A nro�ion ��r�s mara.a €�.na c�.rr�.ed that �ha Fo�.ic� Coinmittet;
have a�vritten report �� rxex� reg�la.7.' t�eeting. Th3.s motion
Ord3.i���ce No. 59 tir�.s a.ntroduced �r.�3. z���a. On niotion -L-he
ru.1�s yre�e suspend:ed and Orditiance ATo. 59 oi�dered �l�ce�. on
its secand ro�ding, same yvas done a On ca1.l of' ro11 �'ox+
votes ;�n �rdi����� i�o. 59, it passed unaiaimous: and «as
; ordez�sd pub].i.shed.
� . � r4 .. . . � . . . . . � . . � . . .
0?-�.iizan�e Nca. 64 ��ras intr�duced and re�do 1?, mo�tion to
suspen.d th� i��3.es �nd plaee Ord�.��n.�� 7�6G an iv� second
t�eadinga On vote being tal�en� th� s motion anas :los� and the
Ordi���.nce l,a�s over un:til next x�egul.a� mee�Gzn�,
The repor� o�' Treasttrer �.t�7. �o1�.e ctor v��:s read. Treasu_'�er's
�,..._ .
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re�ort: shovTin� � ba3n�.ic� on hand fo� all purpose� o�' ,`
�16�A��o Go1l.ecto�'s �opor� sho��ring' �. col.lect3.on in j
, E` ,
��.x�.'� �aizu�ry af' �416.53. �:ese reports v,tere �.ccepted �.nd �
ard.ex�ed ii3ed� . ;
'cJn �Loti�n secondeci.;+anc� c;arried �. Wa....rran.-t for Tvrc�x�ty- !
iive Dr�1.lars be dravrn for Stree•t Co�uritte� for i�►uned3:�.fi,��
usa ar�: that the Streei� Cor�rni�tee r�t-�zrn a.� e�.�h i�e�ular .
z��eti_ng �.n: 3.t3.miz�d sta�emen°� s'hovra.ng �ovr �he �g:orey �r�as `
span�. ,
Om m�-L-ion �% City Ass�ssor ��as ins�.��,lcted -to assess
- An m�ka ou� 'b? 11� ag3.ins�c �.i1. property ov�nsrs a�uttii�
un��.id sa.dedvalks an.d Stree� p�ving, Ar_d tu7.�n s�une ove�,
to �he �o�.lec�oxY �o be Go17.�Ctsd• Ths �sa�ssor to
receivo 22� Gommiss�.an on s�rne fo� thi.s work. TJio�ion
A17. bi1�.s V,��rx�� ���cl.itecl and tt�taz�r�.nts orc�ered drav�rn for
8�1T21@ �.S fO�.�.QW�'u e
Jno. �Tc��lvsy � Sc�ven.�er �p 30000
Ja Ne rtle��u.n� Li.gh�s J�.n.7�.9�7 �Q.�Q
D�va�r I��cr:,u�.1.�xs. Re��:� H�,7,1 �.UO
�°�. F. Gi�eon 114avaa.ng Sts. 15.00
�.[J,,Nlilli�.�son Herair Sid.atFrA�'_�s 5.5Q
Ca,s� Dry G�od:s Co, Cii��.rs 5.1c?
E. H. Becket� IvIa��h�l. & Gol. 11a6q
St, �anunittee �°dork 25 000
�Yo �da T�.ampson l�ars�ial l�,�J
TOT� li,T�tI�A3:�'!.'S 7,�RAt°dN � �5�.�9
ardirlance NQ. ':59 I�ead� as i oll.o�nrs :
Oz�d.in�nce iJo. 59
t�lr_ Or�� z��nca entitled an ordi�i�n,ce px�ovici.in�; ceri��:in
p�nal affenaes �.ga:i�i_�� -che town of Cle�r���atsr,, F1,orida,
and prQv�d:in� puxiishment for viola�io�i af s�nQ.
Se i� ardaine�. by the Town Council af -�he toU,m of
C1e arWatc�, F�,orida. •
��,,.,.>�., ...,, _...: . � "___ . . . . .. . . .. �- . . . k . .
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.. ,
. ,
: SECITION 1.. That it shall �� un��wfu5. far any c�.ttl:e, ;
F hags s�oa�s, shesp, horses, �sses nr r�u1.e� to � at ,
, }�
large up�n �,_ny of' th4 stre�ts, �7.1o�s o� h3.�h�raSTs, ox� ,
� upon �ny un3ncZosad lot o� premises �+i�hin th� 'corporat9
limits Qf �]�8 to��vn og Gle�rv�rater; and in ca�e of a viala�ion
�f tria Sec�ion the ot�anezR or the partg h��ring cl�a.r�e or
�ustad.y of s�ch animal or a�ima� s, sh�zll upon �onvictaon bs
ptu�.ished �.s pres cril��d, in. : e ction 6 of th�s or��nance . � ,
_ Seca 2. �t shai.� �e unl.a�v�u3. for a.n.ST �ez�son or p�rsons to
tia o� iz�.teh �y anim�l o�y an3ma�.s upon any o�' �ha s�ree�s�
a7.leys ar high��ray� for �tlz� purpose o� �Asturin� the same
withi7� tl�e corpo�atg zimits oi �he Tosvn of Cle ar-dti��tgr. Ang
. nersoil gui.li�y of a violation af thi.s section, shall upozl
conviction be punished as prescribed 3.n sactic�. 6 of fi�.is
ordi�lsznce o
Sec. 3, Any persan driv:ing or to1l:�ng an�* an�mal �.ri.�o �th�
corpora.te �imi�s of �Y�e `�ov�rn f or' the �uxPose af liav�.ng �ne
same :.Lm�ounded sr�a11 uP��. c�rzvic�ion Ue pun�.sl�:ed as
px�e s c�ibed i1i se c �i on 6 or^ this �rdi.n�nce .
See. 4. �t srzall l�e �zn.3.�w�u1. for �ny person or person� ta
a�tach in an:y �n�nnex� to an� bu3.lding, vral.l, f ence, tel.ephoz�e,
tel.egraph or �1.octrie lielzt I:,o1e ar upan �ny �2�ee er �hz�ab
tzpon any of t;he stre�ts, �lleys, vac�n� lota or� prsmises
with:Liz the eorpc�r�te Zixnits �f the �c�wn of C�.e�sv�rater, any
bil1., �oster, sign or any advertisiz�� mat�er �f an.y I�izzd
�vhatsoever without �irs�L having obtainecl the �vri�ten
� consen� o� the o�rrx�er of the pr�pez=ty to tirJhic�: �.� is
proposed to att�.ch suc%. ad�erti�ing r�Atter. Any pei�son
',�, uiolatir.� tha provisio�is of this sec•tion, sh��,l upon
c�nviction �e punished a:s p�.�escriusd uz secti.cn 6 of .this
ordiizamce o
S�c. 5, zt shall be unl�v�fu1 �o� �.nY :p�rs�n ar parsans to
writa or cause to Ue Fvri �ten tzpon. or an any- �uhlic bui3d.ing
ox p7.ace ��rithin the coruor�te limits of the town of CZ�ux*�v�.-�er,
�` :
, �
, _ �. �
' � � : , � ���
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�n.y obseene or vulgAr zan�uaga, or i,n. any mRnner d;afaca, :
, ,. .
,'w� in�ure a� damage any publzc pr��ar�y, streat or s�c1e- �
. �,
w�lk or shad:e tree 4 Any p�rspn guilty of a v�,�1�.tio� ;
of thi� section sha� l upon conviet3.�n �e punished As
pr�scril�ed in section 6 of �this osd.in�nceo F.
uece 6, .�iriy per9�n or pez�sons guil�cy of any of' �he
o�'�enses mentioned in secti:ons one to five inclusive, ,o�
th� s o2�dinance , s%t�11 vuhen ci.ul�r cQz�.viG�od � l�s p1u�.ished
� by a f ine not e�ceedi,ng one hund�ea dollars , o� by
imp�3.soz�m�n� iia the 2otivra. j�3.? or by labor upan the �tree°ts ,
or other publi.c vror.ks of the Town, no� exeeQd�.ng �i�lety days
or both �� �he dyscretion of the Nt�yoro
Passee'1 Co�nCi1. FBbrU�.ry 6th, 1.9�7ti
ATT�'S T o , C.'P . S�'A�tR,
E. H. Eub �nks , Pi� e�, Tovrn C oun. c il
Cit�r Clerka .
Approved Uy me thi.� 5th day o� F�brua�y, _4. �. , 1907a
There '�ein� no fur�laer 1�usiness Counca.l �.djot,.riled .
AmTE�`• T :
E, H. Eub a�.ka s
Cler��o -
IYarch 5th, 19U7, Couri�iZ met 3n regul.ar sess3.on
z^rith �residexa:� C. P, St�rr ir the �ha3.r �nd t:h.e foZlQv�rizlg
Council_meri pres�i��. Messrs. �efford�, BrAndon� Kirkaazricl�.
,. _
>: and Tooke e
Nta.nutes oi last xegular ineeting �vere `read t�.n.d approved.
Co�munication �'rom �,�s. x�.aaer �a x. L. Mi1w�.rd vra�
read., pe-�ition�n.g tha GA�.cil to c�ose �the �lley be��aeen �
��ieir pr�per�y nn. the Bay. The Petitian t�ras on. mot�.on :
aenfioc�. ,