03/09/1906_ __., � , , ; f j � � : �j �� , .,.,... : ::;.,,.^ i ; t , C�mr�L;:n.ication fr�m �.Campa F�.zrnitur� Gai�gan�r in rr�gs�rd.s to ' f ���,� Iiaak for lown Ha]:1 vra� a�es�d also bid of Sohn Phil.lipof'�'y CS1,erk w�s ordered to pt�:rchase � de�lt for the use o�' tho �o�m Qf`f ici.��.� o Re�or� o� Go�lector Georgs �e �o:tton ti�as ref'�rred to Fix�.ance Canunztt�a o _ IVIoved �h�.t tY� Bill of L. L. :'Patkin� :�:r Ten DoZlars, a bal�nce due for Crua��� Ihzty be pa3.d� 1Raved tii�t fY�.e szll Af Re Ha Pad:gett l�e rstu.rned for rorz�ec�ionv Aal other bi11s vrere ordered p�id s�i:�.th e:�ception af the A.r � Stone C'oml��:y ordered th�.t 1 ive �o1l�xrs be helt� ba�l� * unti? s:ide��alks an Tur�n.e� �treet �re-re re�ared� 13ills Paid: Prass Pu�a. Go. Printin.g �'7840 I, Ee Nicholson & Co. HardEFrare 4.�0 Geo. J'. Bolton Serv�.ces 5a1.0 'dd. Ts Harrison Co. Ch�.i�s 4044 ti�VeF. Gz�aen �au�ang 2a00 E. �. Eubank� Cle;ck&�e�;zstr.��or 46m'70 Art �t;one Co. 8ide`�'�ll�s �C8a�0 , �o H. 3ecicett P�Ia�sS�al '7�50 Jno vii �E? ��ey � cavengar 24.00 Tt?T�3..L 489.8� ( aPPitiOVEII�) IZo �'urtt�er bus3.ness Council �djourned, Atte��. � e x o �'ub an.l�s , Tovan C1e�l�e I��CH 6th, 1�06, TYz�e bein� no quorur� ?�reson�, Presideii� o�' Council crdered ad j euri�m�nt until Fr�.da.y P.�3 0 7 a� cZock, B�I�,rch gth. Atte��, (4pUroved) E. ZHo .�bank�, 'Town ClPs�l�o M�rch 9tn,p ].3Q6 0 By' Order o� Presicteni c��' Cou�1c�.�. no Quorum ;;���;�:. - . �;����,�,�.�' -- - :�� ,, :::� t � - � , � ' ��,� $ � , �. , , , , k` ; �.: �� � ;"�� �- � . } � , s. `;r.' �� , F y � i , � ., _ , A pre�en.�, Caunc�.Z adjo�mned to me�� MArc� 14th� 1906e ' � ( App� eved j ; �� ; : �t-tas t , �^' Fi b H e +�.0 AY1�C.g � `' �,1.$Y'lr e - March 3.4th, �SC� o Couz�cil. mot in: �d. j �urned , - . Sessiono Eldrid�e, �oot�a., Bol.ton, Kir��pa�i�icl� vrere pres�n.�o , Presid:ent Br�ndon l�eiilg absen� �i'drm Eldridge w�s e1sc��d �res:I.�.ent Pr� tera. D4iilutes of last regul�.�.� and �.jourr_ed meetir�gs were reaa a mnd approve e Comirn�rication froir J. LP10 Z"Jill3amsan sfa�ing th�t he v�roulc� e�.e� o�� ����ae ana �u� do�vn a�ive f oot �ernont sa.de�rralk on; the Eas� �idr� rsf Oal� Sts�eet zrom Haven Avenia.a to Turner Streat for Nin;e (9) ce�zts Sq. Foot vaas accep�ede Communica�ion T''rom .��-torney Gener�l of th� atat� isi r��ards to �nforc3ng cattle aff the s �reets vTag orderad filed. Pe�it3.pn o�' Da G. I�cY:�ulle�, �sking that no �i�i.eiNa2� ba laid on t�.e South sid� oi Drew Avenue '�etv�reen Fart Karri�an �nd Osc�t��a Strest �rras gran.�ed' (;oxiun�a.nic�i,icm from T o �� ,:.�yg�,son. .�: tendex�3ng hia res? gna�ion �.s Cour_�i�:man vras acce�t�de : _ � Commtzra.ication irom G. LosRrrey tend�ri�.� his r9S:ign�.tion as Counci�nar_ was �c�ep�es�.z Gonimunica�ion fs�am t�ie �.,�rd o� Govenors of the Boaz�d: of trsde yvas re�d, re�rueating �'ho � n Coun�il to c��.1. a speciaa, el�v��i+an. for the bonding � A: ,g tovan :f`or €� suffici�sn� €imoun'� �o put dov�n �ewer, ����er �rorlis a�d. p�ve streets r�nd suc;ll other �azuch nc�edecl improvements. Ihis communie��ion tFras una�.:�meusly accep�ed by tho Councilg and u�on n.oti�s�� �lie Fresiden� pro ��m ap�o3.n.-t$d �'. R, Seffords, , , ,,, p , ���