02/06/1906�r... � ��
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, Fr�s�.den� Brandan �.Ppainted Bo�.tan, Iiis�pa�ricK,%E1dr3.dge ,
`� ;` , 'v�ri.t�. power to �c�G.
° Mayor �efford� made an �clre4s ta �h� Co�.an:ca.l assur3..��g �hem ;
of hi,s interLtion �o d.o �.1.1 in h�.s power to improv� tha ,
pro�ress o�' Clea.r��ater t4 he��atify and keep i� c.�.,ea�, and ='
to carry ou.t tha ordin�.nces to best o�' his �.�i�ity and '
requasting eack�, Coi.�.n�ilm�n te give him tha3.r� hear'��* support `
is�. t?�.e perf ormance of the s�.me.
' The Bond caf EQ H, Becl�et� as �ax Go�.�.ectar was
�resen�ec? si�nec� by J. �Ta PJla�cc����, S. 8, Goachma._n,/�. H.
Bsc]se�t as sacitritios and rv�s upon mot:�on �cc�pted �nd
ordexsd f i'led o �
Moved trat Fin.anco Comm3.t�ee check up the Ta� baol�s
and tux� same over �to E. �o Bocl�ei:-c as soon as practica�.=
Ct�2'2'7.8CZ e
�.�ir '�sing no �'�;?°ther �usiness CoL?n.cil adjourned to
meat'first Tuesd�y 3.xi �ebru$zry 1JOGa
' Eo H. Eub�nks�
Approve� a� cas�rectede
Fe1�ru�r�r 6ths 1,�06,, Counc�.�, ms� �.ri l�egul.€€a:cc Session
wi�h I�residen� nrandon �.n the Chair. I�embers preaen� d�rere,
KirI�a�rick, �olton.,�/�Idridge . Conununicat�.on: �'r. om tr�e
Cit3.zens of �t�ie to�rr2� a�stting tne Coiu�,cil �o p�:ss ax�. 4rclin�n:ce
prohibi�i.ng �he runna.n� at large o;� cattle w�s presen-tee,
s�ating tha� they were a nuisan.ce and detra.menta�, to �ubl3.e
safstyo '
'; _
'`" Thern v�ras an ordir_:�nce presez�ted �o rspeal o1�c�.3:n�ncs
_ � 3a wh3.ch is as f o llovrs .
. - An Ordinance N4. 56.
Entitle� an, O�d�saaa.lce -�fl prs�ent tre running a�
1.arge o� horse�, mul,ss, c�ttle 3.r�. tYB u�v�n of Cle�uater,
F1. �rida.
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be it orda.ined by �he trnvn council. of Clea�rwater, F� ao ;
�ece 7.. Thet the tovrn c�unci� shal�. provide �. pound
f'�r �Yze impoundin� oi� stock in said •to�rm ox Clearw�i�ere
S�ec. 2e Th�t i� �hall bs �he duty 'o� the ma.rsha7. �to
ixnpottnd �.11. hor5es � mules' Catt1� �znd rogs that m�f be
f c�und raa.nning at larga w3.thia�. sa.id tonn oi' Cle�rvra�ex o
Sec. 3. �ihen ar_y axiim�.1 is im�ounded by the marsh�Z
he 3h�.1� �anmecly��L�'].y give n.�tic� by po��ing natices a�
1.ea�� th�r�e pr. am3nent pla�e� vrit;hin said �oY�n ��ating
the kirri ax� d�scrip�ion oi' e�ah and ��rery �nim��. im�ounded,
��d a� tY�.� end of tr.x•e� du.ys ? afte� tl�s pos�i.n.g cf said
notic�s, the marsha� sh�Tl sall �� auction �.11 �s�.imals thtt�
impcavnded, �nd �hs �roceeds arising therefroru, sha31 �e
�tlzrned over ta the tovin �reAsurer, pro;rided, that with�s±
the abov� thr.ee days the ovrn�� s1�7.1 a:ppear and p�y the
m�rsh�.I. Orie clollar fc� e�ch animal, s�id a�.lima,l sh.�11 bs
dalivered o�er �to said ovr�ie�, �r_d th.e s�.id. pro�eed� turned.
ovar to the �owri tr��asurer�y as pr,avided al�oveo Providad.
�k�at tha marshal shal.l be allowad a� fee of f ifty cants
�or ea�k�. s�ni�mal impovnc�ed.
Sec. �. 2'h�t Ordinance No. 3� a.s he��e�y re�eal.edo
�ec. 5o This Ordinanca �h�11 �0 3.nto effect �h3.rty day�
after its pAssa�e,, and approvr�l by the m��,ax��
�'he Cozuaci� ordared �h3.s p:l�.cod an its fi�.�s� re�.d3ng
s�m� bear� done. Council moved th�.t the ru].as be suspended
��dsx�:�ix�����x��x��t���� t�r_d �ha� O�d3.nence No. 56
�a� p�.a�ed an its s�cond rea�.ira.g by a votE of Couna�.lmon,.
P�e�en�G those vo�ing to sus�end tlere.
M. H. K:Lrkp�trick9
GaQe J, Bolton,
M � H. Eldric��e,
president A� Sa Brar��.ois,
AZZ voted to suspencl the rule� and pl�ce Ordit�:�nce �e.
56 on i-�� s� cond re ad 3ng e S ame �tr as done as repe �lyng
drelin�.uce N�, 34 and an its bsing read �tho second �3.me i�he
. ...� . �_ ve_.,.� m�...�
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f`ol�.awing counc3.1, vo�a� £or- i�s pass�ge a.nd �o be �
, , mad8 �rd.inance Na. �6a IVIA H, Kixkpztrick, Gea. J.
� ;
�:";;,�: Baltan, �2. r�. �ldrid�e and A. J,, �3randon, �'rssident -
Of �nuxa.c�.la ( Booth, �Zaso�,, I,d�tre� no� presen� ) ;
Or•d�.nan.ce No. 56 Sr��as aac�.����a �s5�a��na ordered �ubli�had
fo� thirt�,� days as Urescribad }�y lavr �rh�r_ same Call become
ona of �he �rd�nances of �he to�r�z of C1.�.�.rwa�er Harbar,
�'1.or icla .
Con�munic�ti.oil from Citiz�n� on Oak �trse-t asl�ing � or �.
. cement side��,alk 5 fee� vride czz Ea�t sidc� of sa��. strtee� irom
Faven A.venue 'to Turn�x� St� e� � vr�s z�ead �.nd �].erk v�ras
oi�d,e�ed ta not i�y broper ;,� oV�x� rs on the �as t s i.de of s A:3.d
street �o ?ay �ama in the neh�c 30 days.
Co�uma�.ica��ian from C.�.mptx►ol3:ar 3.n regards �0 4F1esi�ern
Union Zice�.se ti�r��s o�.�dered �'ilerla
Commun.ica�ion z"'rar.i t'ia 3, ��rring ita »e�ai�d� t4 closiizg
of Garden Aveilu� v,r�th check att�ched 4ras ref�rred to
Street Coin,:��.t'tee to repert at next regul.ar mee�in.g a
Corrumuzic��� on from A. E,p �'�:ring in r�gard� �o coi�rect�n�
Tax Asssssors �oo��s. Sar1e vras or�er�d filed.
5i:reet Go�nmittee r�conimended �lzat Sect.;.oi� di�ch �.eeded
clea�zing �L�t As it r�vas' ove�s�n��� the �a� ��ide of
C�.e�e1�.n�. Street .
�ov�d, secor_3ed and carr� od tl�.at �he T�euo:c � oy �"!. I�,
Ker�ibalZ be aecen t;ed and placed on f ile .
p Cha�rrnaxz o� Strec�t Gc�nunit�ee I�. h. Ki�.�Iipa�ric�: ms�de
re�or� that �i.e hAd a b�.lance on hand bel.on�ing to streei�s
�15�: 027.
� Comimulic.��ion frorn: Comr�a.itt�e appaiiitad at 1as�c meetinb
tc� secui�a ha11. �eported tha� �c1�ey l�ased i'rom J, Y�s
u1i11� amaon for �.'wo Dollars �er mon�h the af�'ice Soui�'!a of'
ii. Ga Bror:n°s Cool Drinl� Stana.
__., �
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.,.,... : ::;.,,.^ i
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C�mr�L;:n.ication fr�m �.Campa F�.zrnitur� Gai�gan�r in rr�gs�rd.s to '
���,� Iiaak for lown Ha]:1 vra� a�es�d also bid of Sohn Phil.lipof'�'y
CS1,erk w�s ordered to pt�:rchase � de�lt for the use o�' tho �o�m
Qf`f ici.��.� o
Re�or� o� Go�lector Georgs �e �o:tton ti�as ref'�rred to
Fix�.ance Canunztt�a o _
IVIoved �h�.t tY� Bill of L. L. :'Patkin� :�:r Ten DoZlars,
a bal�nce due for Crua��� Ihzty be pa3.d�
1Raved tii�t fY�.e szll Af Re Ha Pad:gett l�e rstu.rned for
Aal other bi11s vrere ordered p�id s�i:�.th e:�ception af the
A.r � Stone C'oml��:y ordered th�.t 1 ive �o1l�xrs be helt� ba�l� *
unti? s:ide��alks an Tur�n.e� �treet �re-re re�ared�
13ills Paid: Prass Pu�a. Go. Printin.g �'7840
I, Ee Nicholson & Co. HardEFrare 4.�0
Geo. J'. Bolton Serv�.ces 5a1.0
'dd. Ts Harrison Co. Ch�.i�s 4044
ti�VeF. Gz�aen �au�ang 2a00
E. �. Eubank� Cle;ck&�e�;zstr.��or 46m'70
Art �t;one Co. 8ide`�'�ll�s �C8a�0 ,
�o H. 3ecicett P�Ia�sS�al '7�50
Jno vii �E? ��ey � cavengar 24.00
Tt?T�3..L 489.8�
( aPPitiOVEII�)
IZo �'urtt�er bus3.ness Council �djourned, Atte��.
� e x o �'ub an.l�s ,
Tovan C1e�l�e
I��CH 6th, 1�06,
TYz�e bein� no quorur� ?�reson�, Presideii� o�' Council
crdered ad j euri�m�nt until Fr�.da.y P.�3 0 7 a� cZock, B�I�,rch gth.
E. ZHo .�bank�,
'Town ClPs�l�o
M�rch 9tn,p ].3Q6 0
By' Order o� Presicteni c��' Cou�1c�.�. no Quorum