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- -- �-� �.�, . _..::,....i.. -� , � . . 'i S _ . � �z � _ $(3� � .t � f � �� ; ;_ . � ; , . _, . . � ; . . . , .._ ; : � - Novemb�� 1Q�h, 1905, Cowa�il met in arljou�.ed Sess�aa�. ,, . ; . ' or_ acc�unt af no qu.orume �auncil Adjourn�d un�il -� �f�adnesday No�ember 3.�th, 1905a I �� . Attes�s � . � ' � E� �I. E��.b�r.��s � �1ark• . (.k�r�jl'�VFC7.� , � ` November 15th9 19050 Council �ne� in acl. journed Session to tr�nsa�t �uch busines� aa should corne beioi�e its regi.11� meeting f irst Tuesda�r iti each montho Councilmen Presento Pres�dant Lorvrey, NIsgsrsa �r�ndon9 Kimbul�., Jeffor3�, Boo�h, Mason nn�. K�.sb�e M3.nutes af' ].ast regal�r zne�;tiizg and �djourned n�eetizigs reAd �a �.���,�ovea. Corn�munic�tion from Nr. J. R. Da�ray ar�.d Jo ��°, Sa�r�ry reques�i� the post-panemen� of la�in� sidew�.�k on the �ast si�e� o#' the�r p�operty along �sc�o�.a Straet un�Gil the Street h�d �eezx properl� gY'�38t3.e 'i'his i��ques� �rr�.s granted anci Gouncil. orders Osc�o7.a Stroot Ue gr�d.ed from Pierce �1ti=eet t� I�aven Avenua aiZd then si.�.e�ralk� lai�. �� ordarea. Commua�?eation ��om J. �� �rotian, A�ent o�' C�pta?n C� W. . Jo}��on� tha�c i� thc� to�nn v�i�.l pu� do�v� an exgh� foot cement side�v�.lk on the sauth side of the Johnso�. prap�rty be�tvvsen For � Earrison �v�nu� ar�i. tiYat-cerson Strest, '::ie tvou�d sfl�Gtla ths rvhol.e cost, and vrhen ths ta:x.es ziex� to b� pA3.d town rafand 1/2 c� Gost. The Cour�c;i? ciisctissed thia aues�i.on r�t soL�e lengf�, asid after co�.�ider�ng the recent cos� og put�zng f' dov�rn the asph�.1� side1�ralk, p�ssed thzs m�ti.a�. tl�.at i� Ca�La3��. � .," Co �'l. Sohn�on yvisY�es to put r�oti,rrz an 8�'t. cement si�terr�zlk parmissio�. a.s ;_=�reby granted h�i-� t� do so, and 3.f ndt th�t � he.. t� rapa�.r th� gre�an� si3e�va�.k �.r�. good condition. CommLuiic��ion. from C�:�he��.ns �o Shaffe� in regards to S�crPet be�n� opened up throu�Y�. hs� praperty �i�hout