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�`' . . ..�. _ - ___._. _ _ _ : - �
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11�Yoved -�hat Ox�c1.3.z1�nce Noo 55 be pl�ced on second
;E" ': reading. Same t^r�.s cY'or.� a.nd on `Ro7;l C�11, 27A9'I", the Counc3.�.,
by un�i.nous vote e
Mavect t+h.at a comm3.t�e� be �p��int�c� �to asce�ts�.3.�+. tne
� cost of �videning Fort H�i�3.sar_ A.venue f�a� th� North s3.d�
of h��tn.od3st ParsQnag� to �ch� �ou�;h 3.�ne of C. V�a Jqhnson's
proper-t f. Pre s ider_t T�ot�rrey �ppointed J". ?� e J'ef iorcls , A. �° e
Bra�dnn, T, :�, Mas on �o serzre on -�nis coin.mi��aa e '
- Moved €�nd seconded that �henav�r the �c€��ranger sh�l.l. f�.�.1
to emp-�y �.ny '�zclret ��.Zd sha1.1 b� r�portecl t� �he Ma�yo.a�
or niar����.1 or s�ritary. committea, tllat 2�� sha1.;L be deducteci
�roin hia pay for each and eve�y �a�fe�ca and that ��.�.
propea�ty owners be requirod �o furni�h f'�ci].it�.es �or tl�.a
sca�vengex to got a�t ��.�. cToss�ts. .
Th$ falJ.owin� bills vrexe auciitad and �rrarx9�.n�Gs drawn.
f or s �tme .
Jno v ��Ic�l.vey � �t�ven��r
Geoo Ja Balton �Iarsh��.
V�'. F. Greeia
� 300�0
1.0. Q0
�A�proved} 4�e65
Thera being zzo �zirtha� busin�ess Conu�.c�:1 a�djou.rnact„
i owYl
�a �a �ubz�.nks J�C1erl�.
SP�CIIi� l�'i'�.t�TI�vG 4CTQ�R 7.Othq �.905.
By orde� of I�iayor Paclge�� Cr�ixnc:L1 was no�3:E'ied ta
mae� in specia�Z sassiosz Ur� �onsider �he paving of Fc¢�t��
H�arrison Avenue �o�.ith of C1�veland S�ree�t dvith �s���r�.al
now on h��� �.nd to des3.gnate the loc�i�tion oi' �rlactric
li�ki=ts f or �he town:a •
Membsrs pre�entp President Lorarey M�ssrs.,Kisby, Br��.�.ons
Boo �r_, Kimb�1�., J'effoz�ds and M�son.a
Ivioved, seconc�ed �d ��a.�rieci to place t� .A:rc li�h�cs as
f a1J.ovrs ;
�"' ._s.:�.. .. — - `�'.a.,,: F �.
� '�� � ��' �+Di f
� � � � � -,-� �
: -�
� �
: .,
' I at Crossing Gx�t�den &Clev�l�nd S�r$�t t
, 1. �� For� Harri�on Avenua & CJ.�vel.and £t. �:x
Y r
`��: �. q1 O,scool� a�.cl Cleve? an�'�,. Stx�eet�t �
1., �� F�rt H�.ra�isc�n and Jon�s S-�rec,t
. ,'
� �c F ar� �as�r is o� ran.d H�v�n Av�nu� ,
Tho Tncc�ndas4en� �o be �Za�ec� as fo�,Zo�r;�,n :
l at Fo�'� s��,rri�an & '�'u.rn�r �tr�e�
1 �r �� �� & Pea�ce �' �
1 u O� co ol�. �.n.d Jona s�.v�n.u.e
3, t� �,aux��.g �.r_d �sceol� sr
l�� �sceas.� i� Pe+�c� 5tree �
1. « Osceol�. a�i Ha�ren �.venue
]. u O�i� �d Roag�r Stree� *
� te �r �f Tt,rner St�ee-� :
x �z�ange P1�ce and �io�.g�� S•treeti •
1,� ay S tz�e e� and Haven �venue
Moved th�� Lids be advez+tised fos� ten d��rs for grad�.n� ,an.�.
pa�zng k�or� Harrison Avenue o Tovyn to �urnish materi�:l, b�.ds to
'�s �'ar �xcsrl� �s fa� �xs material ��ri�i go. �paei,f3.c�.tions can ba
� four�d ��rith Stree� Com�nittee� Carried�.
� �iov�a, secondad an�. e�.rried th�.•t the pava.��g b� pl�.Ced axa
btzs i�e s s
' ceast�r os For� N�.rriaori Avenue. Being no �urth9rjCow.zcil.
Ea H� �u.Uanks, Touvn C�.erkq
Cari�i�d an.d approved.o
�tovember 7�hA 1905 0
Counc�.� me�G in regulaz� s�ssion on a�couz�� of no quos�u.m.
,�'� Go*anc3.l �.d�ourned to meet Fr�.day, Novemi�er l�?tn., 19�50
t`�::s:: �f.�ctes�:w Eo �. Eub�..nitsn Glerk
� : t �����/`i � Ap�� raved }