10/04/1904d� ,. z ; -- ; € >' � ' � {� . � �Q ;. _ : ; � ; CICTGBEr� 4�h, 1904 e : ' { ; Caun�il met 3n r�gular mee�axa.g �Tr3:th Coun�i7.men� �Ic��.tan�, � ��.�!,.�,�' Coac:hma.''i, N3cholson, Kisb�'3 Kimba�3. pre��n�. TJpan. mo�ioii � A��C1w�g Ura� �lscted Presi�.ent pro t�mo A pe�ition �?��ri1 �Ume Of' 't,`h6 citizens ask3.n� �he �atu�.cil to �h�t� the n�u.�.s�.r.ces of the no3.s� maa�' by th9 H��.�. �Y3.i�.d IVI�.17. wAs read and upoiz m�t,ion a.t was or�ered �hat the �.gen� of t��� ` Ii�Zi �roperty be instra�ted vo �.b�.te the nuistznce� A Pet,ition fro� th� C13ar;��ts�.� Cnzn Club a�l�i.ng permiss�ion �o �hoAt ov�� ts�aps at C1.c3.y Pigean� on l��se U�1� gra�unds an the pararies. Upon mo�cior_ th� permi,ssion vras granted, ' M.ra Davey o�' the Sch�ol '�rus�ees �aqtaests that th� � M€xnure pi�.e �� pen �.r� a1Z�y o�. t�e north si�.e of �che:ol. ` ' nouse proper�y be xaove�. � x@�dl'1'E.iCl 'L'O s€inita.rg commi�ttee wit�i. poVrer to uct, T�.e v�id.aning of C1.e�re�.�n€� �'�]°�� 4 1FTEls 'L"�t.1K817. tiP an�l �he S�ree�t Commi��ee Vras empawerec� to ��ke arran��men�s to w3.�.�n Clevel.and S�r��t :from G�sxclen Aveni�.n to tho K�.3.1 Roadb The Strea� Gemmittee w�.s irys�ri�.cted to have th� �rade of Cleveland �+ree� ea�a'blished �,nd }r hav� snm:e grs�.ded anc7. to m�,lse ai�rangemant� f'�r rflck to pati*e the same f�om the vaest sid� of �az�t $arr�.son Ajr�i�aua to �he �aiZ Road. 2':h.e Street Gonunit�ee 1tas instxu.ctad to havQ asphal� sia�- w�lks built on tns South s�.d� a� G:Leve��nd �treet fran T'tp �arrison r�venue ta the Hai�.z�oad and tha �as� side o� F�e H�rrison Avenue fxom C�.eve�l.and 5�., to Park A.vsnue, excep� st�eets and ��.Zey� v�hicla. s;n.�11. be roc�ce�.o Jrd3nAnce No, 50 ez�titled an Crd3.nan:ce to nun3.sh vagrency '�.,�. in th� `�otvn of Gloarvra�er, ��orid�, vvas placad on its sacond read:ing and Qn roll eal.1 �3�.e s'ame was p�ssed unamn.zouslyo The Street Ca�.nii-��ee viAs �nstruc�ecl to build sido�ralks � ordered put �o��n �y Councii in �ron�; o� the Ha1.ph and �Ticholaon property on the t��est sid.e ��' Fort �ai�risor_ Avanuej ���.rae �s not bui.:.°� by �time a�ec3..f ied by �rdin�.nce, � � .,.. _:,�-- � - ,�.�v,� : ;� • _ ., ,: , : . : .� � ,� , �, �� r' ; � � . - � . . . . � .. . . . . ,F . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� � . . � . . . . , . . . . . . . .'`.. � . . . �... � . � � � . � . � . . . ' .. . � . . . . �.. . . . � .. . . �.i � . �:opo�t af` Treasu�er arrl. Callecto� ;rr$�e r�ce3:ved axzd .� , r�rd�re3 p1.�ced c�n file. - , ,, _ .. .4 . � . . . . . � .�� �,� I� Vras move�3 �h�.t tk�.e res3.gnation o�' h, �. W�i.ite�ell �s Marsh�.1 � C��11:�ctor be ac�c�pteda �he C7.erk �vas orei.e�ed to no�tify Mr. Whitesa7.7. �h�.t his resignatiar� as DZ�rshal_ �nd Col7.ector h��l been a.ccepted �o i�ke sffect upon �he qual.i.fic�tion of hi� succe�sero T� irru� ordered that a warra�r�.t be d�awn �or �p200.04 in f�avor af J. W� 1�Vi11.iEunson to be turned over to him upon the c�mpl.gtion o�' his contra�� �'or -�he mov�.ng of tli� lv�a-�tingby arc3 Pres� build7.Xigs and the acceptance e�' sFun:e by Stree� G�ornmitteo. �1� fo?1ovr3.n.g biZ1s were audited, and wszrran�a dz�avrn f or aame. Jahn SuicElvey �c�.vonger �� 3Q.Oa � ?` T. �'. NiaYia:l.�on. Hardware 50.QC► � Jame s Cri�bet;; Pa�ring 250 a0Q Pre�s Pxtix!�ing T� Roceir�ts 6,00 J'. �N. ',�,1i17.i.�,mso�: �iov�ng B'tzi7.d�.rig� 200 000 � Em Ii. .�ubank� z:�:��esscr �.10.9'7 H. Gs Wh�.tesel�. �i�xshaZ i.0.00 To�:�.L - - yG �0�.�•7 Co�a.nc�.� Ad�'ous�ned until �`Jeclneaday, Oeto'�er 12th, 1R04. I�p�:r oved �1t �ast; Em A. Eu,b€zn1i�, Clerko Couxici.l m�� in cor��iizaed �ess:iono 3rand��, Ni�;holsc�n,$ Kimbal.l, �isby and �IcClun�, Counci3men: p;.�osen�a Mr. McCl�asl.� was upon mot3on. elec�ted President pro tem. `.Cl�.e �uesta.on of getting a Bonded I��arshal a�d Collector to f:il� the resign�tion o� h, C`�. Whitesell. ez�n:e up. hIra E�.lis reports tha:t up to this timo he has L�en unabl� to �nalz� �he necess�.ry bond rsquix�ed by the mov,rn Ordi.nances , M�r,�ed that the m�.tter of I�a:�slial & Gollec�or be corlt3nued until nex� mee�in� of CQuncyl.. Carriec�a Mo:,red at3d seconaed that Ca�ancil �d�o�xn. G�rra���:, App� oY� ed- �t�es �t • �E. �. h�u.b�s��3�erk . _: . . �: _