10/13/1903_— - _ .; :., ' ,. _ _ a. _y, .. . , . . , .> . , .: _ i .: r' , ! i , f ; , .. ; ; , o£ Wi34.0 'o S eet ti ork, vJh .ch upon. io ;ian :as raxa.tec%. ,' Th Cle k rtas ins x uctPd t not3. y Messrs:. Sh . fes of ; ; ,:` Hart 'ord, Gonn. and . J. G 1mar ir ta fiZ1 in he hola or Eas en . of their lo abut 7n.g on Fur uarrisan, Avenue. Police Cnm 3.ttee rspax i;ed the 1,ass of' some of the ' ea .n - a.x . the ai .t d ubor, a-timi., said. cor mit e vaa i.nstruc ted t o purchase the neca3sa , beding. ' Upon 142o c cm, Tre S .n.itary Comr.ii tee was n.Ltruc ed to m .l e a tour oi .nsp icf,ion o tho toi 'n and r avo the MarsY .l notify the propert;V ow-nors to cT .n up their lot , wherain the jud ient o. said commit ae it was naeess .i y a do soo iipon motian, t .e otu . il agreed upox r levy of ].0 milla 'o the pre s ent ye ar _, The follov ing, b .11.s rrere audite . and vrarx ants ards e drr vrn o s me . No. 509 JoY ra. iCElveyi 'aC .ven. e Se viCe 24.00 5-10 Ge a e J' e Bolton S alury a n'Iar h .1 l0. QQ 517. ;r .Aes PtYblishing o, P 3n ir_g .L Q 5i2 Str a Gos . ee tree t i "dork - 300 68.Q0 :, 9d j ou z?ad Thos, J. Shex i:clan., Glerk,. REG TJ AR I EETI? IG OG' OBER l ti8 .903. Caunci' iet in regula.r se siqn. October 13t ., I.903, yv . . Y e #'a .lotiving memUers re ent; I esQrs. Lorvrev, 3ooth, Br t .dan, McCluri u1d Nicholso ,. b2a.nutes o previnus m e ing wrere rc d id ppi oved. Gommunic tion-fro . rs. . E. Sha fer .is2 ref eren.c t o tY f il.l.ix o: ink an E. s erid o#' . r lo r . re ad and Clerk .ristructed to vvri e ner and laar!n vrren she qould be hare o aook after sai.d wor , Co uua.cai i.on 'rc m J M. McCl an: , asking p xmi s .Qn to 7.a yv er pipes ir_ fi17.e s reets of Glearv . gr ic tha purposa of sE .l.ing v a .er Yie resa d:ents oi se.3. ov n,