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_, . .. <.� ..��.4_ _: � � ,- --�.__._._._._ ,.,,, _ _.�_ �. __ _� � . :. �- - , r .: M � `, ,>� , ; , i � A,t'. . � . . ..t;M � ;.� ��, � f �X � - , �; ��; � � �� . SPECI:I►L P�.EETISIG JAl`�7_�1RY' 29ths '`� 8�2 . �t ,� ; Cc�txx�.ci1. �et f��� �kie purpo:se of granting �; �J. McIdiu'! lexi, ; �l�e righ� to erect; a tempora�� �co�.ephone ] in4 on ia'o�� , , H"arr3,3a�. �,venue �'rom �he Sotti:l.i �.3.�iit� o£ tli� tav�n �o �:ne . ; NO3''��']. 33.d:e fl� C7.OV�1.�.2�i. S'tT'��7'�a Pre;��n�, �1.1 memben�. �1l�eting �ras cal�.ed �ta ord�x� 'by tihe 'G1c�xk, and atx �otiax� Mr. Jea2�n Thomson tivas e�.ncted temparary ehaa.rman,a Ths certif�.ca�e o£ �he i�ayar s�.a�ing, the n��N�.y �1.ectoa co�znc�.Zm�n w�z�� dul.y qu�li�ied anci �a�.s rea�. b�r the cls�^,lt. mh�a p�� �it�.an of i�r. rdcNt�zl.�.en r�a�est3a.°�� permwssaon to ersct said t�l.ephanca 13.ne �as rsac�. �.nd af�ter due cozzs3�dera.tiqs� 3.t �vas m�ve�. b� Je�z"o�ds ancl ss�ande3. "b� Booth, �nd c�rri�d tkxat the cn�nci], �s�ant n�x°. Mcxt�aZ? ens s�equas� sub jeG�; to the fo�lacv3.ng co�di�ion�, �o erect sai� tel.epho�ze on east �3de af F�rt Har��.son Ave, a;nd ' the wires. pl.aced 1� '! sas� 'I'vven�y {2Q� f'�e� high. T.he pol��► �o ba e�ec�ed. 2u�.der �ht� clirec��.�n of a special co�nm�.ttse �.�pointed by the chai�. T�.o comt�i��ea ap�ointgd �v��z�e JeffUrd�, Nic�.�l.son and Booth.� Motion ta �djourn, carried A��sstt Thos. �e Shor�.d�, C�,��tK 9 �