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Project: Reclaimed Booster Pumg Station C lorine Feed System IM2rovements 1 -SLI
Location:n: ni tl S eetPump Sta
tLon Miert Booth
Contract ate. I1 1 I Notice to Proceed Date: Sf25I1
Substantial Completion ate. 19 Warranty Expiration ate: 5/22/20
Consultant:, Tetra Te 'hInc..
The work performed under this Contract(specifically modification and improvement a existing
chlorine injection and chlorine I tial monitoring facilities to improve the automated operational
reliability at the Skycrest,Drew Street and Union Street Reclaimed Water Pump Stations)has been
inspected by authorized representatives of the Owner,Contractor, and Consultant,and the project,as
indicated above,is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date.
Substantial completion is the stage in construction when a project or designated portion
thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance whet contract documents so that the Owner
can nese tete wort:, or portion thereof,for its intended use, Items that affect operational
integrity and function of the work must be capable of continuous use.
A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected, in the substantially complete portion of the project.
described above,is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive,and the failure to include an iters on
it does not alter the responsibility of the Contractors to complete all the work in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
The Engineer accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct
the items on.the t"- 'ti,'
list within the time indicated.
By: .Tames Shuler RE. �f
T h,Inc.. _k Print Name ofAuthorized Representative Bate
The C tractor accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion of the outlined project area and
agrees complete d correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated.
�.��� ; ,David Kloote
to retracting,Inc- y Print Mame of Aurhorized Representative
The Owner accepts this specified area of the Project as Substantially Complete and will assume full
possession of the specified area of the Project on hiLy 23,2019 punch
—if list items beencom te
.Rle _d
J heir eThe res nsibility for utilities,security,and insurance under the Contract Documents shall
be as t rtli i the tract Documents.
By: —Jeff walker PE
city f1 arwater Print Monte ofAuthorized Representative Date
A punch list of items to be completed or corrected by June 2, 19,is appended hereto. This list may not
be exhaustive,and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the Contractors to
complete all the work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
1. Bloom/rust stain on East blind flange's ARV nipple base.
2. CL2 analyzer reads in Celsius. Please change to Fahrenheit.
3. Small leak/weeping from the coupling an the CL2 dosing skid where the pvc transitions to
polytube(see Pic).
4. City requests price for placing a locking valve handle cover an the bleach tanks drain valve(see
5. Label Gal./inch on bleach tank(place label beside tank scale).
6. Blank/cap the abandoned dosing pump HOA switches that previously were used with the pump
VFD driven motors. Removal of abandoned wiring is included in this item(see Pic).
contract section fill
If within one year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period of time as may be prescribed
by Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract
Docunients or by any speciftc provision of the Contract Doct me s any W rLisfound to defectives
Contractor shall promptly, without cost to the Owner and in accordance with the Owner's written
instructions;(i)correct such defective Work, or, if It has been rejected by the Owner, remove it from the site
and replace it with Work that is not defective and(ii)satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage
to other Work or the work of others resulting therefrom...
Where defective VVork-(and damage to other Work resulting therefrom)has been corrected, removed or
replaced tinder this paragraph the correction period hereander with respect to such Work,will be extended for
an additional period of one year after stack correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily
Substantial Completion Date: /22t19 Warranty Expiration Date-_L/22/20
7, a
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A copy of this signed and executed document should be provided to the following parties.
City Owner Representative
City Engineering Construction Office Specialist
Project file
o S d*n h rive ee s RXe ffi
Location: Sicycrest P§ on(90l N.Saturn Ave,) �.,
Contract a 3116/18
Substantial Completion Date: . 61x, 119 Warranty Expiration Date:
Consultant.-__Jetra Tech.lT
TIte work peifinmed under dais Con (specifically modification and improvement a existing
chlorine injection and chlorine residual monitoringfacilities to improve the automated operational
reliability at the Skyerest,Drew Street and Union Street Reclaimedter Pump Stations)has lr
fitspected by authorized representatives of the Owner,Contractor,and Consultant, the Prqjas
indicated above,is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above
Substantial completion is the stage in construction when a project or designatedportion
thereof is sufflcientlycomplere in accordance "th contract documents so that.the 0VMer
can use the wo rk or portion thereof ,for its in e.Rems that affect operadonal
in an dfunction of the work t he capable of con$inuo us use.
A tentative list of items to be completed or corrected,in the substantially complete portion of the project
described above,is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive,and the failure to include item on,
it does
not after the
.responsibilityof a Contractors to complete ete all a worki arta ruins the
The Engineer accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and co
ffie items the t ative list within the time indicated.
,., go Shuler P.E. ri
tm Tech,Inc. n.. Print Nanw ofAuthorftedRepresentative late
The$ ontractor accepts the above Certificate of Substantial m letion of the utlin project and
agre°,s to complete and correct the items on the tentative list widlin,the time indicated,
� mad to
Kukmoonc Inc_
Print Name afAuthorized Representative late
The Owner accepts this specified area of the Project as Substantially Complete and will assume full
possession of the specified area of the Project on June 27, 201'9 utter list items havebeencompleted
in their entiretv. The responsibility for utilities,security,and insurance under the Contract Documents shall
be as t oo h in the Cort �t Documents.
x y: Jeff Walker, P.E.
city Vearwater Print Name qfAuthorizedRepresentalive Yate
A punch list of items to be completed or corrected by July 26,2012, is appended hereto. This list may not
be exhaustive, and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the Contractors to
complete all the work in accordance,,with the Contract Documents.
1. Paint bolts on top of manual 20"valve.
2. Confirm exhaust vent from bulk storage tank does not need additional supports.
3. Confirm system mode screen source data was not deleted per this contract&replace if it was,
4. Label Gal./inch on bleach tank(place label beside tank scale).
5. Place locking valve handle cover on bleach tank drain valve.
6. Ruston underside of large ARV.
7. Rust on Bermad valve top plate bolts.
8. Rust on MOV mounting bracket.
Contract Section III,
If within one year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period qftime as may be prescribed
by Laws or Regulations or by the terms ref any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract
Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective,
Contractor shall promptly, without cost to the Owner and in accordance with the Owner's written
instructions; (i) correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by the Owner, remove it front the site
and replace it with Work that is not defective and(ii) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage
to other I'Vork or the work of others resulting there from...
Where defective Work(and damage to other Work resulting therefrom has been corrected, removed or
replaced under this paragraph the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will be extended for
an additional period of one year after such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily
Substantial Completion Date: 6/26/19 Warranty Expiration Date: 6/26/20
Certificate of Substantial Completion Page 2
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A copy of this signed and executed docnrnent should be provided to the following parties;
City Owner Representative
City Engineering Construction Office Specialist Project File
Certificate of Substantial Completion Fuge 3
" ' Al
Project: oos r PStation Chlorine Feed S � -UT
Location: Drew PUB!"tation 421 , c t'
Contract ate: Notice to Proceed ate. 5/25118
Substantial Completion Date: 711119 Warranty Expiration ate, 71112
Consultant; Tetra Tech,,Tnc. .,_,_,,
The work performed under this Contract(specifically modification and improvement the existing
chlorine inje 'on and chlorine residual monitoring facilities to improve the automated operational
reliability at the Skycres4 Drew Street and Union Street Reclaimed Water Pump Stations)has been
inspected by authorized representatives of the Owner,ContrWoT, and Consultant, and the Project,as
indicated above, is hereby declared to be substantially completed on the above date.
Substantial completion is the stage in constmetion when aproject or designatedportion
thereof°is.r ' iendy complete in accordance with contract docum en is spa that th e Owner
can use the work, or portion thereof;for its intended use.Itenu that affect operational
integrity andfunction ofthe work must be capable ofcontinuous use.
tentative list of items to be completed or corrected, in the substantially complete portion of the project
described above,is appended hereto. This list may not be exhaustive,and the failure to include an item on
it does not alter the responsibility of the Contractors to complete all the work in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
The Engineer accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion and agrees to complete and correct
the items o a t *ve list within the time indicated.
mler p -2LLQaR-
TAlfia Tech,Inc. Pfint Name of Authorized}tepresentative Date
e orr ctor accepts the above Certificate of Substantial Completion of the outlined project area and
awe to complete and correct the items on the tentative list within the time indicated.
x �., y3 DavidKloote
E300 Contracting, nc. Print Name of Authorized Representative Dat4
The Owner accepts this specified area of the Project as Substantially Complete and will assume full
possession of the specified area of the Project on July 2.2019, if 12unch list..items.,.have been completed in
their entirety. The responsibility for utilities, security, and insurance under the Contract Documents shall
be asne
x rth in the Co�tra��l Documents.
�1111 y Jeff Walker. P. r'
Print Name ofAuthorized Representa—five - Da Ce—7
A punch list of items to be completed or corrected by August 1,2019 is appended hereto. This list may
not be exhaustive,and the failure to include an item on it does not alter the responsibility of the Contractors
to complete all the work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
1. Small chemical leak in skid at pump diaphragm headcover.
2. Improve support of RFP floor grating in front of skid,left side and to the east of the tank.
3. Touch up green wall paint inside MCC room, right side of door,
4. Bla n k/cap the abandoned dosing HOA switches that previously were used with the pump's VFD driven
motors. Removal of abandoned wiring is included in this item,
5. Rust on Manual Valve.
6. Rust on MOV mounting bracket.
7. Label Gal./Inch on bleach tank(place label beside tank scale).
& Place locking valve handle cover on bleach tank drain valve.
Contrat Secdon III,
if within one year after the date of Substantial Completion or such longer period qf time as may be prescribed
kv Laws or Regulations or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required kv the Contract
Documents or by any specific provision of the Contract Documents, any Work is found to be defective,
Contractor shall promptly, without cost to the Owner and in accordance with the Owner's written
instructions, (i)correct such defective Work, or, if it has been rejected by the Owner, remove it from the site
and replace it with Work that is not defective and fli) satisfactorily correct or remove and replace any damage
to other Work or the work ofothers resulting therefrom,..
Where de; e ct i ve Wo rk(and damage to other Wirk ries ulting the refto al) Bras been corrected, removed'or
replaced under this paragraph the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work will be exte, ndedfor
an additional period of one year qfter such correction or removal and replacement has been satisfactorily
Substantial Completion Date: 7/1/19 Warranty Expiration Date: 711/20
Cenmkcs'te of t s Is 8 Comp!&Aior' Page 2
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Vle ,n
copy of this signed and executed document should be provided to the following parties:
City Owner representative
City Engineering Construction Office Specialist project pile