LECTURE/PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT (18) CITY OF CLEARWATER 0 CLEARTATFR RT11C LIARATLYSYSTPNI, 100 Nown i Ost.LoLi Avi:.ti:,CLLAicx.vri:R,Fwitni 337 55-4083 Fns 1,127.�562-077 TFJXV110NF: 2 562-4970 LECTURE/PERFORMANCE ACRE EMENT Agreement madL., April 10.2019 By and between: Clearwater Public Library System and JR&I Science Enterprises,Inc.dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay Address of Performer: 20437th Avenue North,#123,St.Petersburg,FL 33704 Telephone of Performer. (727)$95-5595 Email of Performer: madscienceereRtertamnahavna 2mnil.com The Clearwater Public Library System contracts JM Science Enterprises,Inc.dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay the terms hereof, specified as follows. 1. DATE.TIME AND PLACE OF ENGAGEMENT: V" onday Augest26 4:30 I'M Main Library onday September 9 4:30 Py[ Main Library 2�05A—Monday V7 14t September 16 4:30 I'M Main Library ) alt I -Monday q, September 23 4:30 PIM Main Library APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF PROGRAM:I Hour PROGRAM VENUE: Lab Works,Wacky Waves,Detective Science Bc Movie Effects 2. An honorarium in the amount of$185.00 will be provided following each program.A Social Security number or valid Fcdcral ID number is required before paymcrit is made. You must provide et W-9 form(Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). 3. This agreement commits the signatories to the performances herein specified as to time and place, No substitute presenters are allowable. Should the performer cancel.their appearance for any reason after signing this agreement,no fees are payable:and any advances paid to the performer must be returned within two weeks of the cancellation date. At the Library's option and subject to the.availabiliry of the performer a make-up date for the missed performances may be scheduled consistent with the terms of this document. 4. The City reserves the right to reschedule the date.time,or location of the performance for any cause beyond the reasonable control of the City. The City shall not be liable for any claims,damagm losses.costs or expenses resulting from such unavoidable disruption or interruption of the performance. The City agrees to reschedule the performance as soon as practicable to the extent it is within the City's reasonable control. S. The City's preferred method of payment is through a VISA City Pcard after the performance has been completed and a receipt for balance from the performer must be provided.Payment may be made on a Square,performer's website or through a PayPal account and no convenience charges will apply. 6. Performer hereby agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the City of'Clearwater from and against all third-party claims.actions or suits. for direct damages,costs and expenses including reasonable attorneys'fees resulting from and to the extent of Performer's negligence. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary.this indemnification provision shall not be construed as a waiver of any immunity to which City is entitled or the extent of any limitation of liability pursuant to§768.28,Florida Statutes. Furthermore.this provision is not intended to nor q>aH* nterprctc6As limiling or in any way affecting any def,nsc City may have under §768.28,Florida Statutes or as consent to be s*,,d by thirdTa�< I nw "y r ra Rothstein,Assis Directoric Meister,]RM Science Enterprises,Inc. is ClearwyaterPubli,c,L'4m,y.�%,, ac d Mad Science ofGreatcr Tampa Bay Zry 11 Z Z Date Date George N.Cretekos,Mayor Jay Polglaze,Councilmcmber David Allbritton,Ct sun 61 member M.lkib Cumliff,Councilmember 0 lluyt Hamilton,Councilmcmbtr N CITY OF CLEARWATER \R\GAZER P[TW:LIBRARY`YS 13:.11, 11111 Nowni 0-ri:0l_1 ANI.-NUL.QXA?,t\'WMR,FLO uim 337i5-4083)ff�7i5.408 I IJ.l.pi10-a.(727)562-497o I r1X f 771:1112-'1.111 , 1 LECTUREtPERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Agreementmadc: November 8,2019 By and between: Clearwater Public Library System and JRM Science Enterprises,Inc.dba Mad Science of Greater 'Pampa Bay Address of Performer: 204 37th Avenue North,#123,St.Petersburg,FL 33704 Telephone of Performer: (727)895-5595 Email of Performer: madseienceereatertampabayf@amail.com The Clearwater Public Library System contracts 3RM Science Enterprises,Inc,dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay the terms hereof, specified as follows 1. DATE,TIME AND PLACE OF ENGAGEMENT: JkgZZThursday January 9 4:30 PM Main Library APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF PROGRAM:1 Hour PROGRAM VENUE: Electricity&Lasers,Optical Illusions This is a revised contract clianeing the date ofone pr emm from January 23'4 to January VA. 2. An honorarium in the amount of S185.00 will be provided after each program.A Social Security number or valid Federal ID number is required before payment is made. You must provide a W-9 form(Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). i 3. This agreement commits the signatories to the performances herein specified as to time and place. No substitute presenters are allowable. Should the performer cancel their appearance for any reason after signing this agreement,no fees are payable;and any advances paid to the performer must be returned within two weeks of the cancellation date. At the Library's option and subject to the availability of the performer,a make-up date for the missed performances may be scheduled consistent with the terms of this document. 4. The City reserves the right to reschedule the date,time,or location of the performance for any cause beyond the reasonable control of the City. The City shall not be liable for any claims,damages,losses,costs or expenses resulting from such unavoidable disruption or interruption ofthe performance. The City agrees to reschedule the performance as soon as practicable to the extent itis within the City's reasonable control. S. The City's preferred method of payment is through a VISA City Pcard after the performance has been completed and a receipt for balance from the performer must be provided.Payment may be made on a Square,performer's website or through a PayPal account and no convenience charges will apply. 6. Performer hereby agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the City of Clearwater from and against all third-party claims,actions or suits, for direct damages,costs and expenses,including reasonable attorneys'fees resulting from and to the extent of Performer's negligence. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,this indemnification provision shall not be construed as awaiver of any immunity to which City is entitled or the extent of any limitation of liability pursuant to§768.28,Florida Statutes. Furthermore,this provision is not intended to nor shall' e interpreted as li iting or in any way affecting any defense City may have under §768.28,Florida Statu es or as consent to be sued by t 1rd pard r: LAk,--lhda Rothstein,As ant Director Jeff Meist ,J Scie ee Enterprises,Inc. Clearwater Publi ib Sy tern dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay Date Date Gcorge N.CCC LAVH Jtap)r ]ay lk lghize,Cuuncilmernber David Allbritton.Councilmcmlkr Dr.ikib Cundill;Counciln:ctnbrr I layt liamiltun,Councilinember NNW *Dual I mHovntent and Affirmative Action£mplovcr" r TTY of CLEARWATER t:i raa;r:rErR Pi'riE Tf'I.IAR.;31`�l'S'ET;t, 10o NoicnE i)srE.en t:1Vt.Nt E,(;t.i:-eR��,rlt.�l,l l.a e:na 33-55 ac183 T111.11;u,a.;?2")56-1-497(1 >':;x;-2?)502497'7 LECTURE/PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Agreement made: September 27,2019 By and between: CIearwater Public Library System and JRM Science Enterprises,Inc.dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay Address of Performer: 204 37th Avenue North,9123,St.Petersburg,FL 33744 Telephone of Performer: (727)895-5595 Email of Performer: madscieneeere:itertampabava^a�pmail.com The Clearwater Public Library System contracts JRM Science Enterprises,Inc.dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay the terns hereof, specified as follows: �( 1. DATE,TIME AND PLACE OF ENGAGEMENT: P,'"`'� Wednesday January 29 3:30 PM Countryside Library APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF PROGRAM: 1 Flour PROGRAM VENUE: Mad Science Workshop 2. An honorarium in the amount of 5180.00 will be provided after the program.A Social Security number or valid Federal ID number is required before payment is made. You must provide a W-9 form(Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). 3. This agreement commits the signatories to the performances herein specified as to time and place. No substitute presenters are allowable. Should the performer cancel their appearance for any reason after signing this agreement,no fees are payable;and any advances paid to the performer must be returned within two weeks of the cancellation date. At the Library's option and subject to the availability ofthe performer,a make-up date for the missed performances may be scheduled consistent with the terms of this document. 4. The City reserves the right to reschedule the date,time,or location ofthe performance for any cause beyond the reasonable control ofthe City. The City shall not be liable for any claims,damages,losses,costs or expenses resulting from such unavoidable disruption or interruption ofthe performance. The City agrees to reschedule the performance as soon as practicable to the extent it is within the City's reasonable control. 5. The City's preferred method of payment is through a VISA City Pcard after the performance has been completed and a receipt for balance from the performer must be provided.Payment may be made on a Square,performer's website or through a PayPal account and no convenience charges will apply. 6. Performer hereby agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the City of Clearwater from and against all third-party claims,actions or suits,for direct damages,costs and expenses,including reasonable attomeys'fees resulting from and to the extent of Performer's negligence. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,this indemnification provision shall not be construed as a waiver of any immunity to which City is entitled or the extent ofany limitation of liability pursuant to§768.28,Florida Statutes. Furthermore, this provision is r mtende��'tp nor Shall it be"nitre d as Urniting or in any way affecting any defense CA may have under £768.28, Florida Statutes or as consentl be sued third les. k4 nda stein,Assistant Dir r Jeff Mei er,JR Sci.nce En •prises,Inc. &water Public Library dba Ma cience of Greater Tampa Bay ,CleDate Date c;<�+rgc�;.C:rctvlc+..:,Sa}•c+r lar Polglazc,Councilmember David Allbritton.Cuuneilnmmber Or.];obCundilt;C:ounrilnteinhrr Elsn't Fl:imil[un,C:uuncilnxmher "I.Wal 1smrh,•;r1e11t and Affirmative Action]-Annlnver" CITY OF CLEARWATER 100 Noiti,n Avr.\ri-,Cu %R\[xn.R,FiAxL.m.%33755-408 TITITHONF.-,72_-)562-4970 F.vx("27,)562-4977 LECTURE/PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Agreement made: November 6,2019 By and between, Clearwater Public Library System and JRM Science Enterprises,Inc.dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay Address of Performer: 204 37th Avenue North,#123,St.Petersburg,FL 33704 Telephone of Performer: (727)895-5595 Email of Performer: madsciencegreaterturrigabsyna Umail.com The Clearwater Public Library System contracts JR M Science Enterprise; 7 ac.dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay the terms hereof, specified as follows: 1. DATE,TIME AND PLACE OF ENGAGEMENT: 9&_ 12.11#kl Monday December 9 4:30 PM Main Library bei Thursday Ze JjZq�v Monday January 27 4:30 PM Main Library Thursday February 27 4.30 PM. Main Library APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF PROGRAM:I Hour PROGRAM VENUE: Digging for Dinosaurs,Electricity&Lasers,Slime Time&Decomposers 2. An honorarium in the amount of$185.00 will be provided after each program,A Social Security number or valid Federal ID number is required before payment is made. You must provide a W-9 form(Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). 3. This agreement commits the signatories to the performances herein specified as to time and place. No substitute presenters are allowable. Should the performer cancel their appearance for any reason after signing this agreement,no fees are payable;and any advances paid to the performer must be returned within two weeks of the cancellation date. At the Library's option and subject to the availability of the performer,a makeup date for the missed performances may be scheduled consistent with the terms of this document. 4. The City reserves the right to reschedule the date,time,or location of the performance for any cause beyond the reasonable control of the City, The City shall not be liable for any claims,damages,losses,costs or expenses resulting from such unavoidable disruption or interruption of the performance. The City agrees to reschedule the performance as soon as practicable to the extent it is within the City's reasonable control. S. The City's preferred method of payment is through a VISA City Peard after the performance has been completed and a receipt for balance from the performer must be provided.Payment may be made on a Square,performer's website or through a PayPal account and no convenience charges will apply. 6. Performer hereby agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the City of Clearwater from and against all third-party claims,actions or suits, for direct damages,costs and expenses,including reasonable attorneys'fees resulting from and to the extent of Performer's negligence. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,this indemnification provision shall not be construed as a waiver of any immunity to which City is entitled or the extent of9y limitation of liability pursuant to§768 28,Florida Statutes. Furthermore,this provision is not intended to nor shall'The cdoslimii gorin way affecting any defense City may have under .4 769.28,Florida Statutes or as consent to be sued by this artier. /1,iaCa Rothstein,Assistwd'Director Jeff M "W AM Sfence Enterprises,Inc. Clearwater Public K"ry Svstc dba ad Science orGreater Tampa Bay Date Date George N.Crctekos..Nlavor lay lk)lglue.Councilmernbcr David Allbritton,C.ouncilmember Dr.Bob( undilr.Couocilincinhur 0 [loyt Hamilton.U)unolinember ,Lcual 1`1110ovillclit and AffinnatM!Action FniplovtC CITY OF C LE ARWAT ER r 1:1 f tltt!,1FR J':'2+[If l.[R;i',R1J1'<<k-t!, 100 Nom-ii 0:,u >i.,Avk.�r!•,(:Lf 1a:�ATt.R,FISAIM.t 33 5A S3 'L 1-2-1 5624 1 () LECTUREIPERF'ORMANCE AGREEMENT Agreement made: ]December l 1,2019 By and between: Clearwater Public Library System and JRM Science Enterprises,Inc,dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa gay Address of Performer: 204 37th Avenue North,9123,St.Petersburg,FL 33704 tl Telephone of Performer: (727)895-5595 � p ( `��7� Email of Performer: madscienceareatertampabav(Q)¢mail.com The Clearwater Public Library System contracts JRM Science Enterprises,Inc.dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa gay the terms hereof, specified as follows: 1. DATE,TIME AND PLACE OF ENGAGEMENT: Wednesday March 25 3:30 PM Countryside Library APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF PROGRAM:I Hour PROGRAM VENUE: Mad Science Workshop 2. An honorarium in the amount of S180.00 will be provided after the program.A Social Security number or valid Federal ID number is required before payment is made. You must provide a W-9 form(Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). 3. This agreement commits the signatories to the performances herein specified as to time and place. No substitute presenters are allowable. Should the performer cancel their appearance for any reason after signing this agreement,no fees are payable;and any advances paid to the performer must be returned within two weeks of the cancellation date. At the Library's option and subject to the availability of the performer,amake•up date for the missed performances may be scheduled consistent with the terms of this document. 4. The City reserves the right to reschedule the date,time,or location of the performance for any cause beyond the reasonable control of the City. The City shall not be liable for any claims,damages,losses,costs or expenses resulting from such unavoidable disruption or interruption of the performance. The City agrees to reschedule the performance as soon as practicable to the extent it is within the City's reasonable control, 5. The City's preferred method of payment is through a VISA City Peard after the performance has been completed and a receipt for balance from the performer must be provided.Payment may be made on a Square,performer's website or through a PayPal account and no convenience charges will apply. 6. Performer hereby agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the City of Clearwater from and against all third-party claims,actions or suits,for direct damages,costs and expenses,including reasonable attorneys'fees resulting from and to the extent of Performer's negligence. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,this indemnification provision shall not be construed as a waiver of any immunity to which City is entitled or the extent of any limitation of liability pursuant to§768 28,Florida Statutes. Furthermore, this provisio 's-riot. nded to nor shall it be interpreted as limiting or in any way affecting any defense City may have under §768.28, Florida Sta tes or as co c sued third parties. L' Rothstein,Assist DJrect� Jeff Meislcience 1R fence Enterprises,Inc. Clearwater Public Li ry System dba Mad of Greater Tampa Bay Date Date Geurgc N.C:retel oa,\tayur Jay 11olglaze,Councilmember 1)at id.ltlbriltun,Own6imcmber 11r.liob C:undifl:(:aunrilmenlirrr I iuvt I[unlilton.Counci[mentlxr "Equal lanplrn'ment:uul Affirmative Action Emplover" W . CITY OF CLEARWATER r is 1.1tt'•i'.tiiT=ti 1'{"Rt1t'l.IR3.i?S'�T�'f:-fit, '1':tt1r1:.().\T,�2 , 563-;97(1 F%x r-�?)362-4977 LECTURE/PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT Agreement made: February 7,2020 By and between: Clearwater Public Library System and JRM Science Enterprises,Inc,dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay Address of Performer: 204 37th Avenue North,#123,St.Petersburg,FL 33704 Telephone of Performer: (727)895-5595 Email of Performer: madscienceareatertatttpabav(WEntaii.cont The Clearwater Public Library System contracts JRM Science Enterprises,Inc.dba Mad Science of Greater Tampa Bay the terms hereof, specified as follows: 1. DATE,TIME ANIS PLACE OF ENGAGEMENT: Wednesday September 16 3:30 PM Countryside Library APPROXIMATE LENGTH OF PROGRAM:1 Hour PROGRAM VENUE: Mad Science Workshop 2. An honorarium in the amount of$180.00 will be provided after the program.A Social Security number or valid Federal 1D number is required before payment is made. You must provide a W-4 form(Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification). 3. This agreement commits the signatories to the performances herein specified as to time and place. No substitute presenters are allowable. Should the performer cancel their appearance for any reason after signing this agreement,no fees are payable;and any advances paid to the performer must be returned within two weeks of the cancellation date, At the Library's option and subject to the availability of the performer,a make-up date for the missed performances may be scheduled consistent with the terms of this document. 4. The City reserves the right to reschedule the date,time,or location of the performance for any cause beyond the reasonable control of the City. The City shall not be liable for any claims,damages,losses,costs or expenses resulting from such unavoidable disruption or interruption of the performance. The City agrees to reschedule the performance as soon as practicable to the extent it is within the City's reasonable control. 5. The City's preferred method of payment is through a VISA City Pcard after the performance has been completed and a receipt for balance from the performer must be provided.Payment may be made on a Square,performer's website or through a PayPal account and no convenience charges will apply. 6. Performer hereby agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless the City of Clearwater from and against all third-party claims,actions or suits,for direct damages,costs and expenses,including reasonable attorneys'fees resulting from and to the extent of Performer's negligence. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,this indemnification provision shall not be construed as a waiver of any immunity to which City is entitled or the extent of any limitation of liability pursuant to§768.28,Florida Statutes. Furthermore, this provision is no ' tende to nor shall it be interpreted as limiting or in any way affecting any defense City may have under §768.28, Florida Statutes o as consent{pss>e third rties. Ce a Rothstein,Assistant ector Jeff Mei e , Science Bn rprises,Inc. Clearwater Public Libra Sy m dba Ma Science of Greater Tampa Bay Date Date Gcurc�.Crctekua,\layer lay lWplite.C ouncilmember David Allbrition,Coantilmcmber Dr.Bob C:undiff,Cnundlinemher I lcn t l lamillun•Cuuntilmember "r�nuai ILnntrx•n+•nl:auk Attirmatitn .l.-li.tn Ainntrr.•r"