November 6, 2000
Present: Commissioner Ed Hart Facilitator/Non Voting Chair
David Hemerick Committee Member
Bruce Littler Committee Member – arrived 5:09 p.m.
Arthur Lupien Committee Member
Dan Moran Committee Member
Roger Schulman Committee Member
Carl Wagenfohr Committee Member
Bob Bickerstaffe Alternate
Absent: Herb Brown Committee Member
Lucile Casey Committee Member
Hoyt Hamilton Committee Member
Bill Jonson Alternate
Also present: Mahshid Arasteh Public Works Administrator
Paul Bertels Traffic Operations Manager
Lt. John Slack Police Department
Sue Diana Assistant City Clerk
Patricia O. Sullivan Board Reporter
To provide continuity for research, items are in agenda order although not necessarily discussed in that order.
The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. at City Hall.
ITEM #1 – Approval of Minutes
Member Lupien moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 23, 2000, as submitted in written summation to each board member. The motion was duly seconded and carried
ITEM #2 – Old Business
Public Works Administrator Mahshid Arasteh reported staff is reviewing the roundabout’s lighting when the fountain is turned off. Street lighting far exceeds the one candlefoot per
square foot level recommended for a medium use road. It was requested staff review recommendations for higher levels of pedestrian and vehicular activity that exist during tourist season.
In contrast with the bright illumination of Pier 60 Park and the Marina, the roundabout appears dark. People feel it is too dark. It was recommended the Mandalay streetscape project
also consider lighting. It was suggested lights be adjustable and designed for high traffic. Traffic Operations Manager Paul Bertels reviewed minimum lighting requirements for residential,
collector, and arterial roads. It was stated lighting must be “turtle friendly.” Staff will review.
Mr. Bertels said Barry Crown is providing the City with a copy of the Rodel Modeling program, which Mr. Crown had used to evaluate his recommendations to tweak the roundabout. Staff
will learn the software and verify Mr. Crown’s analysis. Ms. Arasteh said the City would use the software only with proper authority.
It was indicated Mr. Crown had recommended against narrowing the Mandalay Avenue entrance. Concern was expressed Mandalay Avenue would back up into the residential neighborhood during
Spring Break. It was noted the Committee’s recommendation to alter the Coronado exit so that it is similar to the Causeway, costs only $2,500 compared with Mr. Crown’s recommendations,
which are estimated to cost $1.3-million. Mr. Bertels indicated staff had liability concerns related to the Committee’s recommendation. The Chair stated Mr. Crown had said he would
guarantee that Mandalay will not back up if his recommendations are followed.
Discussion ensued regarding traffic flow and its dominant flow from east to south. It was felt the majority of accidents do not involve traffic off Mandalay. The difficulty of accessing
the Marina immediately past the Coronado entrance was noted. It was stated American drivers are trained not to turn right from the left lane. Concern was expressed Crown’s proposed
change would locate the Mandalay entrance too close to the Coronado exit.
In response to a question, Lt. John Slack said some candlestick designs permit easy removal. It was suggested north beach traffic be directed to Poinsettia. Concern was expressed
the City Commission would support Crown’s recommendations over the Committee’s. It was suggested a less expensive solution should be tried first. Staff will contact Mr. Crown regarding
liability concerns. The Interim City Manager said the City values the Committee’s perspective. It was noted Mr. Crown still recommends exiting from the left lane.
Discussion ensued regarding the traffic signal, which stops Causeway traffic from entering the roundabout. Lt. Slack said based on experience, staff feels an 8-minute interval for
the traffic signal is ideal. Mr. Crown had recommended moving the signal closer to the roundabout and using it also to meter a split pedestrian crossing. Mr. Bertels said it now takes
79 seconds to clear traffic from the signal light to Coronado. Lt. Slack said the signal must remain red for 60 to 90 seconds to clear Mandalay traffic. The Interim City Manager recommended
traffic movement be deferred to vehicles leaving the beach.
Opposition was expressed to Mr. Crown’s recommendation for a pedestrian crossing on the Causeway road in front of the Marina. It was recommended a barricade in the median would obstruct
pedestrian crossings. It was felt persuading pedestrians to use the walkway under the bridge would be more successful if some type of attraction is located there.
Member Littler moved for the City to carry out the Committee’s recommendation to force right lane traffic to exit at Coronado on a temporary basis and that two lanes of traffic from
Mandalay continue.
It was noted the Police Department could easily remove the candlesticks if problems occur. It was recommended the trial be evaluated in mid January.
The motion was duly seconded.
It was stated the candlesticks would reduce backups on Coronado as the right lane could flow freely. Concern was expressed the change would help south beach traffic but could impede
north beach traffic. Ms. Arasteh said staff would need flexibility when supervising this trial. It was recommended the project be labeled as experimental. It was stated the only way
to depart the beach from Mandalay and Poinsettia is via the inside lane.
It was stated one of Mr. Crown’s goals is for the roundabout to be self-sufficient. It was stated that the Police Department handled beach Spring Break traffic long before the roundabout
was constructed. Ms. Arasteh said that goal relates to normal conditions.
Mr. Littler agreed to amend his motion for temporary changes to occur between November 15, 2000 and January 15, 2001, for staff to monitor traffic, and for staff to remove the candlesticks
should problems occur. The seconder agreed. Lt. Slack agreed the trial is worth trying.
Upon the vote being taken, the motion carried unanimously.
It was suggested the City also enact temporarily one-way pairs on Coronado and Gulfview. It was stated Beach by Design plans for Gulfview to be a destination, featuring a serpentine
road. Lt. Slack said changing the roads to one-way pairs would require significant alterations, such as removing Gulfview medians and changing signage, lane markings, and curbs. It
was stated each road’s egress must be widened for truck traffic. It was felt one-way pairs could be established on an interim basis as development will not occur for several years.
Concern was expressed resident access to Devon Drive and Brightwater would be hindered if 1st and 3rd streets are vacated for a resort hotel and one-way pairs remain in place. It was
recommended that Coronado be widened to add a reversible lane. It was stated Beach by Design recommends widening Coronado to four lanes, which would remove visitor parking at small
motel properties.
It was indicated staff’s first priority in adopting Beach by Design is replacing Gulfview with a serpentine road. A beach parking garage should be constructed by 2003.
ITEM #3 – Discussion Item – Waive Rule of Absences
The Chair reported he had been unable to contact Member Brown. He said the Fire Task Force had waived its attendance rules for a member who traveled frequently on business.
Member Hemerick moved to waive the attendance rule. The motion was duly seconded.
The Chair suggested he ask Member Brown, who has missed 5 meetings, if he will resign. Discussion ensued. It was noted Member Casey has made efforts to stay current when she misses
meetings due to business. It was suggested the decision be delayed.
Member Hemerick withdrew his motion. The seconder agreed.
ITEM #4 – Discussion Item – Educational Model
It was stated a new film and brochure related to the roundabout need to be produced. It was requested staff gather educational items that require modification. It was recommended
staff use educational recommendations listed in Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, published by USDOT and the Federal Highway Administration.
ITEM #5 – Discussion Item – Costs Breakdown for each Modification
The Chair recommended the committee’s report to the City Commission include recommendations, a cost analysis, and priorities. It was recommended staff provide the committee with a
draft for further input.
ITEM #6 – New Business
Staff will provide committee members with updated parking passes.
Ms. Arasteh reported an ADA (American Disabilities Act) related issue had occurred regarding the pedestrian crossing on Coronado. A person who uses a wheelchair could not reach the
signal button, which has not been activated due to concerns traffic would back up into the roundabout. Similar concerns relate to the pedestrian crossing at Mandalay. Once the design
of the Mandalay egress is finalized, plans are to move the bus stop away from the crossing to avoid confusion. Mr. Bertels said the crossing could not be moved to Papaya, as it is too
far for handicapped access.
It was suggested the signal button be limited to use by handicapped individuals. Mr. Bertels said a pedestrian crossing signal light would have to remain red for 20 seconds, which
would cause traffic to backup the roundabout. A pedestrian must wait up to 45 seconds for the traffic light to change. While traffic related loops are installed in the roadway, none
is installed in the sidewalks to detect a wheelchair. Once signals are activated, their use will increase. Ms. Arasteh said the Coronado crosswalk should be moved farther south.
It was requested staff determine traffic numbers moving onto and off of the beach.
It was noted the Beach by Design proposal for a fixed rail tying north and south beach would require an 8-foot lane along Mandalay.
Meetings to obtain resident input related to Beach by Design are scheduled for tonight, November 8, 13, and 15, 2000
ITEM #7 – Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for November 13, 2000, at 4:00 p.m. at City Hall.
The meeting adjourned at 5:39 p.m.