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Ruth EcEcerd Hall, In�. �ease Agreerr�ent far the �apita.i 7heatre This.Agt�emer�t is madetfiis.22nd:'day ofAug�sstYti�tween Lessar Ruth Eckerd.Hafl, €nc., Yiereinaf�er referred to as � "Cen€er" and Cify Qf.Clearwater hereir�after`re�erred to a5 ".Less�e" �Lesse� c.ertifi�s �ha#.the ahove is the true l�gal iitEe:j It is rr��tuaf[y agreed'between the parti�s as.fal�aws: 7.. FRGiLI"f`Y !lSE: The Center agree5 ta the use Of fhe Capitol T'heatre at 4D5 Cle�e.land 5treet, �learwater, �Iorida .33755, specifed:hef�w; f�y the Lessee forthe. p�rpQses Qf: derrying Gra�ity �AC[LETY [JSAGE �tENT DATES INCLiJSIII� TINtES Capitai Ti�eatre Riay $x4Q� waived Sunday, October 8am-5pm Auc�i�orium, 27�' 2Q7.� Dressing..R��ms, Lab�y Forspaces, dates and times specifed afa�v.e, the.base rent`is $140p. �essee wil.I be re5�ronsihIe farar�y additionai expenses. ADVANCE PAYMEN`f5: f�e55ee agreas to make a deposit of 1�25 to Center nv later ti�an 9�2��2[}19. to ho[d t�e date and for reimk�:ursakaie of such sums as are r�ecessary to co.verthose c�sts which.the �i�eafre/Cen�e� anticipates it waufd �ncaun�er vn be[�aif af Cessee in preparatiori for and pfanning o�' �essee's ��enti. The remainder nf advance payment tincludir�g all dnllar amnunts ref€ected or deveioped as identi�ied an Estimated �xpenses 5cE�edule] will be dUe priurtn day �t performance. 3. C�RTIFICAT� f]F.IHSURANCE: Lessee will pravide a certifca#e o'F insurarice ��on execution af the lease agreem�rif. P[ea5e see the Usage �alicy for c�verage rec�uiremen�s. Lessee is responsi6le f�r any deductihles: �4. FlI�A� �AYM�NTS: Finaf paymer�ts rnust be made'�a tne TheatirejGenter no laterthan 7.5 days after ti�e perfortriance da#e. If payrrtents are nat m.ade. by this ti.me a 1.6°/o interest rate per month will automaticalfy be add�d #o the Less..ee's. hil[. Aclditio.naE€y, nb future dates.wi�l 6e.held until final payrrten# has 6een made. �Cny unused portiQn of the reimiiursahle �nsts.will �e re'�urned to.Lessee with.�nai settlemen� sta�ements as saan thereafter as }aossible. Payment5 can E�e made.iay ccedit card a�check. Cash is not acceptec�. 5. STATE SAL�S TA�{: The �urrent 5tate.5a[es 7ax rate is app[icahfe ta:ail rer�ta[s and certairt services.[e.g, rent; Facility Fee,.ticket printingj ar at�erthings of �afue. If Lesse� has a Tax Num6.er whic.I� exe.mpts Gessee. frvr� ti�e �'�atc S�E�s ��x, l.�ss�� v�riNft �r�w��e ��r�ter wit� a��a�ay aaF ��r� S�ate Y�x �x�r�u��fl�r�� ��r'�t�f's�c�t� �� s6�rrir�,� �f c�aa��r����. �Y�7h1'.���L� S��V�IG��. ��ss+�r� s���a�r����y ��re�s �a ��a��r� �ar c��se �t� �a� per��arr�n�� servi��s �et��ir��i ���'th�e Less��`s e�«��t �� Dis��� t�rn �cR����a4e A. Tf�e.�e s�rvic�� �r� ncat s�alb�ect t�s ��t�iri�� 5ta�� S�l�s ��x �e.�. Sec�arity ��aards, �ox �7��� �e�r����, �t�.� 7. �A�C��.�4TVd��9 ��" �,�SSIF�: S&���uld Lessee ��s��e �c� ��r���h Clh�s A��-�e�ao���, �o-t�twficataa�r� nrm�st b� ��ver�� �c� vuri�ir�� t�a ��� �����r �� �eas� �i� c�ays prf�e 'C�a th�e da�� c�� scN��d�ape� �ver�t. �n ��we c�se �s� ca����l���r��a �y ��e l�ss��, c�ro� C�uat�r r�ay �-ec��a�r� t�r� c�n�r��t r�r�t, �rr f�ull' d�pa�i� ��d� �ry �.�s�e�� as N��q�a��dat�� d�r��ges� �I�rs �r�� addi�i��ad ���a��rs�s 6r�e�acr�c�, a�n� the L�sse� ��d t9�r� C���e� sk�a�� b� ������r��� �p� ac�y fua�th�r �a�r�i,���m�ar�s �n�9�� this A��,r�e��nt. . �. �Af����.1.�"��i��NI �Y CE��'��. S'�a�a��d tk�� T�a��fi�e/�era�er d�s�r� �� c�r��el ti�is A��re�rro�r�t �r he ur���I� t� r �e�ar� �ar�der ���is �:�r�err��rr�, n�tu�ic�tia�r� +�il� �e ��r��a ��a t�r� �.�ss�� �� �e�s� �Q �3�ys ��ia�r �c� fi'�� ���e �f seh�d�f�d �us�. Th� TI�e���rr�/�er�t�r s���l� ret�r�a a�y r�r�� �ayr�ra�r�t� and �k�� �.�ss�� a�d t�� �ecrt�r s�ra�ll b� �el�ev�� �� �ny ��a�th�r c��aP�����i�ras r�r�der th�6� ,A�reer�rr�nt. ^�. P�EBt�+�Eik�,�6��� B��N�. 7Fa� �he���e/�er���r ��s��v�s t�r� ri�ht �� re����� t�� L�ss�� �a �e�s� a��r�c�rr�ar�c� ba��a� �r� �.... ��f�a�r� ---, eut�ae� �ry Ca.s��er"s �h��� ��a E�c��h �c�er� H�a�ll, I�c., �pa' k�y � du��y ae�red�t�� ��rir�di�n,� c�r�p�ray. "�h�e t�rtt`�s �af�d�� ����d �nr��l ��: �GA 3�. ����tiC� �l�l�������'�"�: �.�ss�� a�r�es ��a a�i�� �y �ray ��¢�e�r�r�nt� car c�r�tra�� c�rr��rt�� ��r f�rce b�t�e��r th� ���w�er �r�� �n+� labc�r �on�crr�s. �.�.. �,�����'11� �C�R T��'�'�''�l�"CI+�� i��� L�J�S�: ��e T'���tr�/���ter' rraa+� fi�r�t��p,��� �k��s �.��s� �� Lessee ��ils ��ro pem�ca�rr� ar��r ��' it� t�b�6,��ti�r�s, h��er�d� �et ��a�kEa, �r �Ipp��r,� tc� �h� �C�rrte� ��m �re �"in���'ral�y ins�c�ir�, ir-� v�������r� �f ^�h� V'�w, o� ����t t�r d�f��us� d��r��� �F��e t�r�ru� a� �h� L��s� �.�r�+�m��� c�c- C'�e �Ns��� �'����. �p�� ��rr���s�����r� �1� tf�� L�ase �t�r��c�e�t f�r �rhro�t�v�� c����n, L�ess�� �����s �� �r�sr�p��y se��v�� �� l.�ss��'s ex�e�s�, �14 �ts �r��a�rt� t��r�ro �h� �C�r���� ���r�ms�s ^����im� �� k��a�,c�s �n� ��r ��a�ei� �19 a�dv�nc� p�+�r�r�r��s rm�d� �� �h� ��r�t�r. ��. �SSI���"���f� �� ���I�TS� '��a� l.�ss�� sh�a��' ��t ��segra this ��r���ru���rt �r �ray ��g�rts h�r���r�l��- r�or s�mbA��t s�id p�-er�ise� �r�t�c��t tl�e �r�-d�t�� c�r�s��t �af ��n��r. 1�. �' ����'�{��R.�+�': L����� �A��R�'�S �� 4��a�RV'� A�I� ABI�� BY ��9� �'SA.fi�� �(7�LI�C�'�''�fIHICW� 1�1�'1����5 �"F�� R'�L��' ,�,GU�3 ���L��,.�,T��NS �G�7V��'�'�GVC� T'�� U'S� �'� �fhi� PER�C3�"�IIYkI�� A�Z'S �EN���E A��BC3 �"�I�A:T�R'. I� C�7�Y 4�� S�N� t�5a4�E �'�����'� ��.�5 R��T�Ci A,"b�"A�C�ii�EIN'�,'u�'ll.l. B� A�P��q�l�� �iIER��� ,4I�a N��C7� A���"�" T6�����'�. L�SSi�i� A���N�'VW�ED�a�E,S ����G�T" A�� ��ld��J 4�F'T�#� �'5,4�� ��C�I�k°. FCAm': L�55��� � ,��� � �°' ���� � ��� � ««�;�i . . �� 1'� � �°" �"��°�''��" �.. ' � n „� � F"ri�ut �I�r�� �.�,�pt,1� � � �,'�'-�'�'����� � � �'��'k�� � ���d ��'�, ��I�'�r�ss; �����"�;�� �..���� � ����a"���� �� �;�� '°��� �:���. � � � ���� ���� � �..� u d������, ��...�.� � ����"�u.w'��� �'M�;-:s �", � m�,,.���,.�� ����": ��V. �' � � ���,m � u� � u.i � ":" ��r: ��� ��Iheirru�� �ap� 11" ��kr� e ��� ��. �` � W��� � � �� � d ���°���; �� ��a�a� G��a�k��t, �r�si�'e�� � �E� �"�� �A11�eim��- C�pi�t�IN �'I���tc� �u�� ����rd 1���1, n�c. 119.�. �"IcMNul4�� �a�t�a ��a�d Cfe��o�rwat�r, F�. ��759 �c���: 'u i� a',,,� ; �5TlMA7E0 EXPEiV5E5 �V�NT: Denying Gra�ity EV�NT.DATE: �ctober 27th 2i]'i9 EV�IVT C�NTACT: peter G�shee �Clearwate :ental Fee �dminlEveat ManagemenF Fee 'acility �ee per ticket {Non-PmftlCa.mmercial} 'ntal. Usage Fees , 'ickef Sales Base Charge icket P�irlting �nIy �ay of Shaw Dnty 7edit Card 5ervice Fee otal i ickst Serrrir.es - ��� s �tagehands auiptnent& lighting F2ental 'rojectionist ifm R�ntal ;�dia.andlarVdeo Reoording :ayalry Fees �ASGAP, BMI, SESAC} atal f'roduction 5ervices Guest Foad & �erierage 8aekstage Cafer�r�g i'�tal Hos�ifality 5ervices 5ecurity - R.equPred Police Valet 5ehrice Custfldial Fee - R�:quired '{otai Other ServicEs �sfimated Expenses 7°� 5ates `faz {5.7°/a an Space Rental) or Exer�►pf � .51 °Io Alcohol 5r�rta5c for Alcdhalic Beverage sa�es llisalMClAmF�clDiscover accepted Please make check payable ta:. R�th Eckerd Hall; Inc: 1�'i'f N iV1�Mu{lert So4th Rd Cf�arwafer, FL 33759 9 54:�0 5a.oa �a.ao � . ��'t[HEtrilER" - C'��I�P ['T � L. _��, wai�e wai�e inc..d we�Ecs:of advance sa 5°Ie aF credit rard.receipt • $f}.� : S9�f}:64 Bas�tl..o.n needs! Rate 5: Sfl.40 .Contaci Br�tt.Aii��iols, Produ�fion 7�7.7� 2.; S�.Dfl �56.Ofl �o.ao �a�oa.00 �i3.0a 50.fla �275:00.. S85d �arifa�f Rene Eiche€be�ge 727:772.27fii �i 51}�r {4.hr minimum �4�Ihr {4. hr minimur� �3aD ar 52fflra �z7srd��