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lliis Instruir�ent. Prepared By; Nl: Sve ]anes Actiori No. 401.31 Bureau of Pulilia L.and Adininistration 3�Ob Cominonwealth So.ulevard IVlail Siation.Na: 125 Tallal�assee, .Florida 3239� BDARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 1NT.ERNAL IMPROV.EMENT TRUST Fi.JN� �F THE STATE.OF FLQRIDA SDVC1t�lGN'I'Y SUE3lN�1�G�U LANDS �"�E �VAIVED LEASE RENEVa'AI; BD'F F[i:F N.D. 5��344583 `I'HIS LEASE is hereby issued by che Board af Trustees of the Internal Impra�ement 1'rust T'und af the 5tate of l� larida, f�ereiriafter referred io as the Lessor. W ITNESSETL-[; That. for.a.nd iri conside.ration of tl�e faittiful and timely performan�e:of and campliance wit}i all terms and conditions. stated he.rein, tlie Lessar does hereby iease to Citv of Clearwater1 �'irrida, hareinafier re%rred to as the C.essee, the.sovereignty subnaerged.lands as.deFned in ] S 21.003, l,lorida Administrati�e Code,.contained within the follawii�g legal descriptian:. F1 parcel of sovereignty sUb:nerged Iarid in 5ecti.ah 16, 'fownsf�ip.29 South, Range 15 �ast, in.Clearwater I�Iarhvr,. Pinellas Coun#y, Florida, cqntain'sng 39.80I square feef, ;more or [�ss, as is. more partic�larly described and. shown an Attachment A, dated Anril i 4, 2b�9. TD HAVE THE USE D�' the hereinaba�e described prerriises from 7uly 27:.2019, the affecti�e date of t}iis lease rer►ewal; tht'oug�i luly 27, 2�29, ihe.expiratian date of this lease. ren�waL T'He terms and con[]ii.ions on and for wliic�i �kiis lease renewal is granted are as.fvllows: 1, U5E DF .PROPERTY: `The Lessee is hereby authorized to apera#e the.l0-s�ips. located on so�erei�nty suhmer�ed ]ands as part af an exist'sri� 150-slip pUblic docking..faoilit�r [the ather 140 siips are 1_ocated an pri�ately-owned subrner�ed lands. ta be used exolusiyely for moorin�;ofrecreatianal vessels in.con,}�anction with ari upland.pu6li� marina; wifhaut fueling.facilities, without a.sewage.purripout facility if i} riieets the.regulatpry requii�eriients pf.tlie 5tate of F�orida.Uepartment of �n�iranniental Pratec#ion or SiaTe �f Florida Deparfinent of I-iealth; whi�3�euer a�ency has juris�iction, and wit�iaut I.ivealiaards as de�ned in paragraph 25, as shoivn :and �onditioned in Attacfiinent A, and the State vf Flvrida �epartment qf. Enyii•onmental Pmiection Cvr�splidated Enyironrnental AcsoUrce Permit ..N.o, 52-02G5938-Q62, dated..FulV�7.;20�9; incorparated.herein artcl in�de a.parYof this le�se by referen�e. All of the. foreg�irig suhject to tf�e remain.ing:ca.nditions of #his lease.. [42129] 2. . AGREEIvIENT TD. FXTE�IT QF US�: Ti�is. lease is..giv.en .ia the Lessee: ta use or.occ�apy the [eased premises os�ly for those activities. specified herein a.nd as.conditia.ned b.y the. permit referenced. in paragraph 1 of tliis. lease. The Lessee shall noi (i} ofrange o.r add tv the appra�ed use vf the leased premises as de.fined herein {e:g.;. Frors� cammercial fa multi-fasnily residentsal, from #emporary mooring ta renta] af wet slips, from rental af wet s[i.ps Fo �vntractual.agreemasit with #hirri party for docking:of cruise ships, frarii rental af recreatiorial pleasure cra£t to rental ❑r fernpora .ry moaring a.f charterlFour hQats, From laad�nglo€tloadin� camriier.cial to rental of wet. s[ips; etc.}; {iij.chan�e acti�ities in. any nnanner that rrtay. ha�e an en�ironrtiental impact that was riat.considered in f}ie original. aufhorization or regulatory permit; or (iii} cl?ange tl�e: type a.f �se vf the riparian uplands or as p�rrnitted by the:Lessee's �n.teresi in the riparian upland .�roperty.that is more. parti�ularly descri�red in Att.a.chment i3 withaut �rst: obtaining.a re�ulatory pe.rmitlrriodified.permit; if appl.icable; the Lessor's written autharizatipn in flie,fo.r.m of a modifed iease,.the payment af addition.al fees,. iF appli�able, and,.if".applscable, fhe rema�al of.any structures wl�ich may na longer qvalify'for aufharization under fhe modified Iease. If af any time during fhe lease term #his leasa no ionger safistes the regiiircinents ❑f sulaparagrap�i ] 8=21 A i 1.(3 �(h}T,: Fiorida Adrriinistra(ive CQde, fQr a fee wai�ed lease,. fhe Lessee shall he required ta pay 1n aiinual lease fee in accordan�e wifli: Ruie l 8-21.Q 1],.Florifla Adniinistrati�e Code, and if applicabie,.remv�e any strn�tures which r►iay nv ]on�er.qualify far aut�orization under this Iease. 3. SUBMIT`C'ING ANNLJAL, CER`I'IFIEI] FINANCIAL. R�CURDS: Within 30 days: after each anhiversary of ihe aff'e.cti�e date of this. ieas.e; the Lessee shall s.uhmifi. ann�aa[ certifed financi�� reeards Qf incame and expenses to the 5.tate af Flo.rida. �epartinent of Cn�ironmental Prntection, I7ivisian of Statc Lands, Bureau of Public Land Administration, 330� Commonwealth. Blvd,. IvIS 13D, Tallahassee, PL: 32399. "Income" is de�ned in suhsection 18�2I.Ob3(31.}, r�prida A�im.inistrati�e.Code. The subsnitted finanoial records shalf be certifed by a certified public:accountant. �.. �X�IMCNA'1"I�N DF LFS5��'S RECORDS'; The Lessor is Herehy specifi�aIly au.thorized and empowered to. examCne,. for the terixi af this. lease: including any reriewals, plus ihree (3) additional.years, at all reasona�le .h.ours, the books, r�cords, contra.cts,. and otk�er docuri�ents conFirming and pertaininb to the �omputatian: of annual lease pay►nec�is as spe�ifi�d in. paragragh twa (?) abor�e. 5. MAINT�NANG� dF L�SSE�'S REC�RDS; The T�essee shall mainFain separate.accounting re�ards. for: [i} gross. revenue tieri�ed dire�tiy fram the u.se. af the leased premises,.(ii} the .grQss re�enue derirred indirectly from the use oi tl�e leased premises, and (iii.} all ather gross re�enue derived from the Lessee's aperations on the riparian upland prvperty. The Lessee sl�all se�ure; maintain and keep all .reoorcis. for the term of this lease an�€ any renewals plus three` [3) .additianal. years: This period shall ba eXtended for an addit'ional iwo [2] years upon requesi for examinatian. df all recards and accoUnts far fease. veriFicatian purpases' by. the Lessor . G. PR�PERTY RiGHTS� The. Lessee.:shalI ina�e no: �laiin ❑f fitl� or interest to said.lands herein}�ef.nre descriioed by reason of the ac.cupancj+ or use.thereaf and all title arid snterest to said. larid hereiribefore descrihed is:vested.in the Lessor. The Lessee. is prahibited from including, or making-any �laim that �uc}}orts to in�l�ade, sa'sd lands.descrih.e.d .or fhe L.essee's.1easelivld interest irr said lands into any form af.private ownership, includ'sng`but not limited to.any form.of candominium or.caa�erati�e ownership,. The Lessee is.further prohitiited from making. any:claim;. inaluding any ad�ertisement, [hat said land, or the use thereof, may be. ps�rchased,. stiid, qr re�sold. 7. 1NTEREST IN RIPARIAN UPLAND PROPERT`Y: During the term af'this lease, the Lessee: shall �naintain satisfactory e�idence. of'sufficienY upland interest as i'eyvired by :paragraph 1.$-21:OQ4[3j{b}; Fior'ida Adrrainistrative Code, .in the riparian upland.praperty.thai is more pai-ti�ularly described iri Atfachment B and �y referencc made:a part herea.f together witH fk�e ri�a.rian rights appurtenant.thereto. Ifsu�h.interest.ss terminated.or th.e Lessor datermines that.suoh interest did not:existan the ei'fecti�e.date of this lease, ttiis lease may he terininateti at the aption af the. Lessor.. If the Lessor terrriinates this.lease, the. Lessee agrees n.ot to assert a claim:or defense against the l,essvr arisin� ouL of this fease, Prior 4o sale. andlor termir�ation of the Lesse.e's inte.rest in the riparian uplan.d property, the Lessee shall inform any pateniial buyer ar transferee oi'the %essee's intcrest in ttie riparian upland pro�erty and the. existen�e vf tl�is lease and all its ferms. arid. conditions..and shall cvmplete and execute any dpcuments required 6y the Lessor to.effeat a..n ass�gnment of.this lease,. if �onsented to by tHe Lessor. Failure fo da so �vill nqt relie�e the �essee frnm respai�siY�ility For full cori�pliance witti .the ter►ns and: conditivris of this-laase wHich in�lude, but are not limiied ta, payinent v#'all fees aniilor penalty assessments incurrad prior ta s�ch act. Page. ? .Qf l5. Pages 5overeign#y Sabmerged I.ands Lease Nv: 5243445$3 8. .�1SSIGNIVIENT �F LEASE: This fexse shall nvt.he assigned or otherw'sse transferred withaut.prior wrikten c.onse»t af the. Lessor or its duly a.vthvrized agent. Such assignment or ather transfer shall �e. suloject to th� terms,:�onditions and prQvisions af nianagement standards and applicable Iaws, rules. and regu€ations in effect at .that time. Any assignment.o.r qiher transfer without priar written cvnsent of the T,ess.pr shall be null and �oid and withvut legal .effect. 9. LCAB��ITYIfNVESTIGATIQN D�.ALL GLAIMS: 'fhe..Lessee shall ia�estigate a[1 alaims aie�ery naiure at its expense. .Ea�h party is responsiii.le #'or all personal injur.y and pr.operfy damage atfriliutable tv:the.riegligent acts pr oinis.si❑.ns of that pa�ty and tfie oFficers; employees arid agents thereof. Nothing.herein sliall.he construed �s an ind�mnity or a wai�er of sovereigri irrimunity enjoyed.by any party hereto, as provid.ed in 5ection 7G8.28, Flarida 5tatutes, as amended from #ime to fime, or any other Iaw prv�idirig limitatians.on.claims, 10. NOT'iCESIC�M�LTANCEIT�RMiNATION: `The Lessee bin�s itseif, its. success¢rs.and assigns, to abide liy fhe pror+isions and condiiians lierein sei farth, and. said pcovis'ions and candiiions..stiall be deemed ca�enants of #l�e Lessee,.its successors arid assigsis. In t�e e�ent i�ie Lessee fails or refusas to comply with the provisions an� �onditivns fierein set.foitli, ar in the e�ent t�e Lessee �ivlates any of fhe ptv�isivns and conditions herein set fvrth, artd the.Lessee faiIs:or refuses to compiy wit}i any nf said prq.�isians ac conditions within twenty (2Q) days: af receipt of tlie Lessor's riotice to correct; #his lease may be terminated by tF�e: Lessvr upon thirty {30} days writte.n riotice:to the i,essee: f f cane.e[ed, all af the:ab.ove=described parceI of land. shall re.vert.ta..the Lessvr, All.nvtices req�'ired tA be giyen.tv #he:I�essee by tliis leas.c`ar appli�abfe law or administrati�e:rules shall be sufFicient.if seni �y U,S. Mail :ta tY�e.fallowing. address: Gity af Clearwater P. D: Sox 4748 Clearwater, F'larida 33756 T}ic .Lcssee shall noiity tf�e Lessor by �ertified mail of.a�y charige to .tliis address a#. least tei� �I0} days liefore the change. is effective. 11. TAXES AND ASS�SSNI�N'I`S: T'he.Lessee. s.hall assume a[1 responsibility for liabilities that accrue to #he subjec# property .o.r ta the impro�ements .thereon., including any and all drainage o.r s�recial. ass.essrnents ar :taxes nf .cyery ks�id and descripti❑.n: wliich are: now or. may be herea.fier lawi'ully .assessed and le�ied agains.t the suhject praperiy during the .effec�ive periad ofchis lease: ]?: N.11ISANC�S`DR ILLEGAL �PERATIQNS; 7'I�e Lessee shail nc�t permit the]eased premises or.any part thereaf ta: be used ar o��upied For any pur�ose or business 'at�ier than. herein speci�ed unless sueh prApased iisc and .occupancy are �onsented. tp by the Lessor and the lease is modified a�cordingly; nor shall Lessee.knowingly perm�t or suffer: any nuisances or illegal.operations of.any kind dn..the leased premises. ].3. MAIN"1'�NANCE OF.I=A�ILI'�YIRIGHT T0 INSPECT: The..Lessee shall maintain fhe.ieased premises in good condition, keeping tfie strvctures and equipment located thereon in a goad state of repair 'in the interests .af pubfic health, safety and welfare: No dock or pier shall be.�oflstructed in any manner tihat.wo�ild cause harni to wildlife. The leased pr�mises shall be subjecf to inspe�tion by fhe Lessar ar its designafetl �gent at ariy reasoriable time. 1.4.. N�N-DCSCRiMINAT[ON: The.L,esSee stiall.ntlt discriininate agxinst any in�ividual be�ause df•.that ii�di�idual's race; coIor, re]'igion, sex, national.arig'sn, age; handicap, or maritai:staius rviYh respect.:co any activity occ.urring within tlie area subject to iHis lease.or upan �ands. adjacent tv and..useii.as an adjunct vf the.leased area. 15.. ENFDRCEMENT OF PRDV[SI�NS: N�: #'ailure,•or successive failures, an tHe part. af the Lessor to enfvrce any prq�.is.ian, nor any wai�er or successi�e.wa'iyers.on ifs part of any prq�ision herein, shall operate as a discharge the.revf ar render tlie same 'snoperati�e.or i�npair the riglzt of the.Less.or to enforce the saine apon any renewal t��erevf ar in the e�erit of subsequent �reach or hreaehes. 1G. PERIvTISSIQN GItAIhTE�: Upon eicpiration or �ancellatian of this lease aIl permissian granted. hereundez• shail cease:and terminate. Page 3, a.f 15 Fages 5o.�ereignty Su.hmerged I,ands Lease �io. 520344583: 1:7..RENEWAL PR�VI5IDN5: Rene.wal of ihis Iease sha]l be at the. sqle optio.n of #he Lessor. 5uch. renewal shall he. subject to.the terms; conditions. and pra�isions of management standards a.nd applicahle laws,.rules and reg�[atians in effect at that time. In fhe event tliat the. Lessee is in.full compliance. with.the terms of this lease; the Lessor wiIl begin.tlie renewal prpcess. The #erm of any renewal �anted hy the l�essor sha[1 commence vn tl;e.last day oithe pre�ious lease ferm. In the e�enf tl�e. Lessar dves: not grant a rene►val, tiie Lessee shail �acate tYie leased premises arid remave all sfructures and equipment vccupying and. erected therean af its expense: "Flie obligation ta remo�e a!! structures:authorized herein upon termi�afion of`tHis:lease shai� cas�stitutie: an affirmafi�e.�ovenant up.o.n the..I:essee's interest in.tlie ciparian upland property.more.particularly described in Attachriient B., which shal! run: with the title to ihe Lessee°s interest in said riparian uplai�d property attd shali be �inding upon.tha:Lessee..and f}ie Lessee'.s suc�essors in �itle or successors in interest.. I8. REMQVAL C]F STR�JC'f'.l]AESIA.�MTNISTRATIVE FIIVES; Ift.the i.essee does nat remv�e said: structures and equipment vccupy+ing and erected z�pon the Ieased premises a�ter expiration ar cancellation of tl�is lease., such structures and equipment will �e deemed fQrfeited tp tiie Lessor; and the �essor may aut[ivrize rernaval and rriay sell such forfeited structures and equipment after ten {74} days written natice'hy certified m�il addressed to the �essee at the. address speciFed in Paragraph ] D: or at.such address on reoord as pra�ide� to.thc I�esspr by the Lessee: Howe�er, sucfi reriiedy shall be in a8ditioi� ta all other remedies. ayailable to the .L.e.ssar un�er applicahle laws, rules arid regulatians: sncluding the right. #o conipe3 remo�al of all. structi�res and.the right.to impbse administrati�e. fines.. l9. IZEIVI�VAL.005TSILIEN �N RI.PARIAN.UPLAND FROPERTY: 5ubject ta:the nq#icing pravisions af Paragraph l8 of,tliis lease., any casts incurred by the.Lessor'sn remo�al oF:any structpres and.eguipmenf.constructed ar maintained on.stace lands. sh.all be ¢aid by Lessee and any unpaid .costs and. expenses shall.�onstitufe a lien upon the Lessee°s iriteres# in the riparian upland proparty that is riiore particularly described in Attaclirrsenf B. This lien Qn the: f�essee's interest in the riparian iipland pr.operty st�ail he enforceah.le in suriimary.proceedings as pro�ided. by faw.: 20. RiPAR1AN RIGHTSIFINAL Ai71UD1CAT10N: ir� ttse e�ent ihat any part of;any structure aut�orixe�. hercunder is determined. �y a. final adjudicatiori iss�ed.by a�ourt af competent}urisdiction to en�rvach on or interfere with adjacent riparian rigtit:s, Le.ssea agcees to eithe.r ohtain wrstten consen# for fhe offeniiing siru�ture from the affec.ted riparian c�wner or to.remo�e fhe,interference ar encroacliment witliin Gfl days #�rom the date. af the adjudication, Failure io comply with ihis: paragraph. shail constitute a..material breach of this lease agreemer�t and shall be grounds for immediate termination of this lease agreerr�e.nt at the ppfion of The Lessor. 2I. AMENI]MENT5IMDDIFICATIDNS: This lease is the en#ire and onty ags-eement between tHe parties. Its. pra�isions are:not se�erable: Any amerid►nent or mtldifcation #o this iease must be in writing, must he ae�epted, acknotivlcd�ed and executed by tkie .Lessee.and LessQr; and must camply with the: rules and statutes in existence ac the time of the exe.cutinn vf the. mbdiFcation or:amendment. Not�vithstanding the.pra�isions a£this paragraph, if mooring.is au.thari�ed by .this.lease, the Lessee..may install haatiifts within the.leased premises without.formal modifi.cation.of'the l.ease..pra�id.ed tliat (a) t�e Lessee obtains any state or local regulatory permit that m.ay be required; and (h) the I.oc.atian or size of the lift daes not incr.ease tf�e. maQring capaaity of the fac'ility. 22, ADVERTISEMENTISIGI*fS iVdN�WATER DEPENDENT ACTIVITIESIA�DTT[ONAL ACTIV3TIE51MIN0[� STRUCTURAL RFPAIRS: No permanent.or.temparary signs dire�ted iQ the:boating publi�.ad�erFising tf�e saie of alcofivfic beYerages. shail be.ere�ted or placed::wifhin the leased premises. No restaurant or dirisng activities are tq o�cur withiri tlie Ieased premises, The Lessee. shall ensure: that rio pa�manent; temporary :or floating strUctures, %nces, docks, pilirigs ar any :struoiures whose use is no.t water-dependentshali. he erected or coniiucte�i o�er sv�ereignty submerged [ands withput: prior written consent. from the l.e..ssor: No additional sts'U�tures azidlar acti�ities inclu.ding dredgin�, relncatiQnlrealignmerit or major repairs or renovations tn.authoriaed stru.ctures, shall be erected Qr cvnducted an Qr o�er soVcreignty, sahmerged lands without pr�o.r written consen.t frvm.the Lessor. lJnless speaif cal ly authorized in tivritirtg by the Le.ssor, such activities or stxuctures stiall be considered unauthariaed xnd a �ialation af Ci�xpter 2�3, Florida Statutes, and s}iall subject the Lessee:ta admiriis#rati�e #ines under Chapter 18-� 4., Fiarida Ad.ministrati�e Code. This cvndition does not apply to rrFinor sfructural repairs req�ired to maintain the aut�iarixed sfruct�res in a�oo�i sfate: of repair in flie interests.of pulilic tiealth, safety br welfare; prvi+.ided, ho.we�ei�, that su�h acti�ities shall nat.ex�eed.the acti�ifies autharizeii by this agreement. Page 4 of 15 Pages So�areignty Submergc.d Lands Lease No. 52.�344.583 23. USACE AUTE���RIZEL'i'ION: Prior. tv .�vmmencement. vf cvnstructian andlar a.ctivities sutlinriaed t�erein,.:the Lesse.e shall obtain.the LI.S., Army Corps af Engineers (llSACE} permit if if is required by the USAC�. Any madific.ations tv #he constructiori andlor acti�ities authorized �erein that ri-iay he required by the i]SAC� s�ia�l require corisirieration hy and tHe prior writteri.appro�al nf the Lessor prior ta .tfie �vmriiencement'vf canstru�fion andlvi any acti�ities ori so�ereign, s�i�merged larids, 24. C�MPLfANCE W3TH FLORIDA LAWS: Qn or in c.onjun�tivn �vith the use.o€'tlie. leased pre.m.ises; the Lessee. shall at ali times. coinply with ail.Tlnrida. Statutes and all.administrativc rules. prpmulgated thereunder. Any unlawFul acti�ity whicli oe�urs on the leased premises ar.in corijunctipn with ihe use of the le.as.e.d, premiscs shall he grounds for tha terminati.on of this leasc by t�ie Lessor, 25, LIVEABOARUS: The #erm "liveabQard" is. deFnetl as a vessel dacke[i at the. facility si�d. in�iahifed by.a persvn or p:ersons far any fiVe �5} conse�uti�e days or a total of ten (.10}.days wifl�in a thirty (30} day period.. Ifli�+eabaards are aufliorixed �y paragraph Qne.(].} oftfi'ss lease,.in no e�ent Sha1l sucH "li�veaboard" status exceed.six (6�.manths within any twel�e {.1:2} manth period, nor shal.l any such �essel cansfitute a legal or primary residence. 2G: GA�viBLING VESSEI:S: During.the term a.f.tIiis lease and any renewals, extensions, modificatians or.assignments thereof, �.ess.ee shall prvhibit tlie operation of or.entry onto.the•leased.prerr�ises of gambling �ruise. ships,.or.�essels tha#..are used pri�icipally for the purpose of gambling, wHen tl�ese vesseis are engaged in "cruises. ta. iiawhe.re," wi�are the ships leaye and refurn 4o ttie stata ofFlaritla i�vithout an intervening stap witliin.anotlier: state ar fareign �ouritiry or watiers within t}ie jurisdiction af anatlier stace or foreign co�nfry, and any �vater�raR used to carry passengers fo and fram sc��h gam�ling.ci-uise ships. 28. SPECIAL LEASE CDNDIT[ON: A minimum of.ninety per�ent {9�%} af th� wei.:slips at the �lo�king'facility shall be Yriade available far rent.ta t�e general pr�blic o� a"first c4me, frSt served" basis, as defined in Rule 1.8-21.Q43, FIorida Adm's.nistrati�e Code.; with no..[anger than one-year rentaf terms and. with na automatio renewal rights qr �ond.itions. T.a help ensure compliance with and :to .a.ssist.in providing pu6]ic awarene.ss.of this re.�uirement� .the .Lessee shal! erect permanent signs ai the �va.terwar.d entra�ice ta the docking faciliiy that. are clearly �isible fo: passin�; bpaters and at thc upIand .entranc� to the. docking ia�iliiy that are clearly �isible Fo the general public: The signs.shall contain Ianguage. clearly indicating that a minimum of n'inety percent �90%a} of the wei slips at f�ie docking fa�ility are available £grxent to the general public. Any doalcage rafe s4�eet puhli�atiions and dockage ad�ertising for t}ie docking facility sliall alearlystate tliat a minimum oFninety percerit {9a%o} of tlie wet slips at the dockin� �'acility are open tv the general public on a"firsi come, �rst.served" liasis. Pa�e S af 15 F'agas 5o�creignty .5ubmerged .Lands Lease N6: 52Q3.��4583 I� Wl"1`N�SS �I1-I�i��,C��^, the �.�ssur a�d tka� Lessce ha��e exec�ed �lais instr�rra�e�t c�n fl�e �ay� ar�d y�car fi�st a�vve u�s°i�tcn. y�.� S: � �� � r � �, � �..�-� �,�� C3rigir�al Sagnat�r� STR,`1'F �J� F1...C]��I�A GC3�NTY {��' I.�Q�1 3� C?ARG i7�' "I`£��JS�`��S C3�` '�`�t� �'�`�Ro''�1F�L. t����v���t��` `�tt�s�' �t�r�� �3�` ���..:�� �'��.�['� ��� ��C���� � "�� '� ���Ai,} � �,w # � �� ��heryl �, N1�Cal9y Cl�ieF; i��arc�er of P�blic 1�n�i Ad�nini�drat��r�, �7�v�s��r� c�#'�tat�: Lar��s, Stat� c�f ��r�ricia �pa�t���nt �f �,nvis�nnraent�� �rc�tect�a�a, as a�ent far arad c�� �half a�"�he �o�rd p�`T�-uste�s aa�°the In�ernal �rz�pro�ert�en� �rc�s� Fund ���he �ita&e of Flnrida �F ' The ��re�€aira� ir�str�r�e�t r�as �ck�sa�v[ed��;d 1�efvre �xae il�is t��'�`lori�a. �hc is �ersonally krac��v� t�a a�e. AFYRt)!u'��7 SUF3JECe1' `�'f� �'�tE7i��:� �X���.i'�`I��I� �; .�.^ �� ,., :�w:__ �11912[� 1 �3 _ ��'�' r�,�icai�€aey . ` I)ate I�a�� fi (3f I � F��e� �o���r�i�nty� Su�s�rser�ed ��nds I.,ease 1��. 5iQ3���� i � "� da af Y �Ia��'ry k'�blic, S�te af F�or�da � Z(3 �y Pri�t�, Typec3 �r �r � , a� ���� � ��� I�7y �vrramissi�n � � ���� � � ��I�a ������ � :. �� ����. ������� �����a ���� avsa r� �P!' ��� �ii,Pi •: �.t�dtili'IISSRU4���fi ' mm •r. s -. » . « Mi��ael �r�i�v Ass��t�nt �i�y F�,t�orrt�y � , ;� �,. ,�. �. �► • � �,- ,�: �� �, � �, � � � � f� �� . ♦ f l� Ilf. 1 1 �l � i �� p 6 � V � U � � � � ��' : �^�,a e d �' 'i�li����i �3. �G�`i�� f� � Cifiv t�a�a�ee i���S1: 3 � �ro f k , �m� � J � �.. �� � � ,� FivS�in��i� C�I� � Gity �k�r�t � ���,� �� �� � . ykad° ��.y � : �ffi ir � .:� ��� . -'.. �����y- .y �� � r r,�,Y"� { a' �� � �� �� w�r��� �` q ��� ._ � � �� � �.;� � ��9�, � � � �����,��,�"' �� `�����.a������ r �.�s • � -�rw-• �- r s. � � f � � i 'w �e �" �M. � ,. ` . . � s' � � • � � ��' �- • . 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"' G �• .L'3.... ,.. .._ .. - - :` : ......... . ,'�r ::.-.:�:�:�:::-.:... . - .....::....... . . .., , �. :......:...... .. ..::..:....:.:...: . �.;......::. � . ...... . ... . � � 1�� .. r .. . � � . . .._..... .... � � - i>:�:::?::.•'?:: i�.'i.':> . ..: :-- : ::. .. .....: :....... :. �... � n � .� ; .:��: n - :� . .. -::;.;:. ; �.,4_ �pfFl�i�"�S; r . � �. �....:t . -�����'Vi�'Ii a ._ ;� : . �a 8 i i 1. a � Alrk...._L _i.i _r5. .......... ..... � ���� ce�nFi�o rv: �: �� =w� .o r�.� ..; SIT#��ERGED LAND T.�EASE � Boord of irus�ees:.:(ti�[�:}-: ��f. �;�,"3C��RY+�A�-R BAYFRONT MAR[NA - .•—� f'1 a_ :,.: !:" :. .; .� 5 QN � ;� 7f}1YNSIiIP .28 5. RNVGE �5 E •.��rrgl p�vte��an �q y � � ���� SQ'`�'+�sr o;sr�r E AhfO ROCK T1E5 i4�6 IHfNdS I1ATE"i, `' r: �7:s.fs 7..�' tiJ.� � ,E06 H0� � ��� ;'�A. ,�, '. ;-=�.�` ' Gearge F. Yaung �z�.c. .'� �s".�'.:.�.'= ':�`:s :: � . ,;'- g Q933�3f8a6 ORAA7f WGR df 13.fi9 ..� -�� �•.`r .�.C'!!`.°• ... � 2B9�OR q7VRiIH.LU3FIER..1fRiG:�R.SffiFET. H. ST..PETfRS&1HC� FLOfilOA�33741 CHECI[�0 �SN a4 i3LU9 G. ' r r.., . w.;p.S}A. 5683' Pi�a�e .Crx7l 6zz=f317 Fuc [rr►j ezx=��e 5NEEF H0. FlE[D E001C � ! - - �p �.•, 91151HES5 �Ft1TIrY L9Q1� FROtiTECiiNtf�ENCQIFE79HG•FfHR0fiN4tTFL•L1�1EQ5CFPE�PI.Af11pNC�5UR4EYp8i•1111!]TffS � ��. e�b DATE �� Since ]9fs ..oAwrs�u.E�+woo knricrroeulaw•PaLu �nai cumtru•s�. �nseuac�rtiup�•v�rucE � SPE�IFIC P�1RPQ5� SURV�Y SIJBMERGED LA�i� L�ASE. �ESCRiP710N A p.arcel of sut�.merged lond in State 5v�ei-eign Lands vf Cler�rwater Harbar, lyin.g and being ir� Secfion 1.�, Tau�C�ship 29 5outh,. Range i5 Eos�E, Pinell❑.s County, F'larida. Camrrience ot a FLC7T N}onumerit` "HAf2Rl5 �C"; �nca{ed nt .the .5outha�st �orner..of the jur�ctian of t1.S. Af� 19 and. S.R. 534, .ir� fF�� Cit.y qf Cle�rwoier;. fhence 5.8�'42'42"W., ]2�3:94 feet .to a point on tfie Snutlierly line af Deed i�v, 17;5fJ4,. 7roci i8. 5�id. poPnf also being .on �he fQoe af seawal! ond tFie Meon High Wafer Line; therice �long. said 5outherfy. line o.f tJeed [�o. 17,500, Tra�t 18 N.83'14'��"Yl+:, 5fi_�3 f�et ta: a.point an the tNesieriy iine of Deed IVn.. 14fl23a :and ��e Pofn.t :oi B$.girrning;. Efien�e �Iang sa'sd 1�Yestariy Ii�e of Deed �Io. 9q0230; 5.2Q'27'55''W:, 9.39:93 feet tp a pnirit fln the Norfh F2ight of 1Nny L:irre of Marnoria� �vuseway; thence along. soid North Righi. ❑f .1Npy Line nf Merridr-iol Causet�vy 1�.83'23'S6"W., 259,7❑ �eet;. then�e leaving said .Right of Way: Line N.ZB'ST'24"E., 492.32 feet; then�e N.�5'00'23"�.;. 37.fi8 feet; thence S.S�'A�2'58nE.� 115.Q8 feet to n pafnt on the. iV�sterly. �ine af said f�eeii Na: �.7;5�0, 7r��t 78; thence along said Westsrly. lins. af s�Id Deed.{Jo. �7,50Q, Tract.18.5..2.9'DO'12"W., ].86.58 f.eet; ihenes c.or�#inue piong safd Wes�erly line of said. i7eed l+io. 17,5Q0, Tract '18 5:.07'C}4'Oi]"YV., 15:00 %et; thence olong �he 5autt�erly line pf soici C1eed No. 1.7,5C}I7, Truct 18 5.89'1 �-'27"E.; l fi1.�:� feef #a the Pain� ❑f 8eginning. Co�tpining 39,6�� square feet or D.914 aeres rriare or less: LEG�Nq: EL. Elevatian FiAT Flr,rida Depprirr�ent vf Trnr�sportativn PS�A Pco{essiqrtpf Surveyor artd Mapper fi/W F�ight oT Y�foy Sq: Ft_ Squara Feet 1JL7TES: 'I. TF115 is n�t o 8aundary .5�ir�ey, 2. The iflce 6f seawaii .ds si�own herean represent9 th� aPFrvxirc:ate Mean iiigh :Wr�ier Line. 3. Lecise Area: Gontpins .�9,47'1 square Feet or 4.9flfi aores more ar fess. 4. S+te has approximateiy 0 fE�t of linear sFivrelins. �: Basis af 8earing is Gricl N.orth. 8: As per �elci ins�ecfion. the �pp�oxim�te A�lears High Water ��ne oppears. io �e at tne seaw.qrd .fo�s nf th.e existing .seowall. The oppraximcste �iepn High Water L3ne as sitawn an this map is not u{icfol prvperty boundary and was not i4cdied in acco.rdor�ca wiih prac�dures speGified i.n thie "�'���do Cadsfal. bilapping AGt af 1974", Ci�opter 177; .Ppr} II af t#�e Flnrida 5tptutes ond. the "f2ules of the Depar#menf. of En�irvnmer�tc�l Fratectiqr�"., Chapter 18.-3: ❑f the .Flvrida A�minis�rQtive Cade. 8. �leVatians refer tv: the Narthi American Verticpl Da4um g. �hareline ���� Ifrieo+- feet Narth vf subject. of 79$8: Benchrrzark: .Cify of Gfe.arwdter Rench Mark praperty consists af 975� s�owalf arid 3� '�F-05",. �Ievatian= 6.5Q75 feei .NAVD 8$. ���d.y shvreline. S��rsEin� 1C1�0 lineor faet 7. Stp.te F'tarie coardinates. shown . herean .ore bbsed on ��uth ❑f .suhject property consists of 1�0% i�AI] 83 (Narfh American t]aturn af 1.983}, p�;�� ❑{ seo�al). Scatterec! s�aqrasse.s exist throsaghout. Bag9nning cnordinafes bvsed an sub meter GPS and j(). LOGO�fOl1 af Oeeds 17,�96; 17,496-A, 17.5p�, scolad iram drawing. 17.5.�Q=A arid 14023i� �s showri herean prvvided by the City of Glearwat�r: c�R�F�Ea �o: SUBNMERGED LAND LEASE �' °Ai� ° '�°" GR. 14 fl REViSE.LEASE 6QUNOAI3Y, Al7p RlPAREAN BaQrd of 7'rustees. ('�iF} CLF4E��iAT�R BAY�'#��NT NIARINA � u�� nHa..oacK n�s m��wu unu. AlfachinentA GR� ���� C'x�ar�e F, YQung Inc. �,�� w� �����ns rvn�: s� s��-r raa. i FRR 7 CHfCKf�7 GSN R4 �� pg SIGHATIIRE :Aµp 5�AL. xtis o� u,�tnH: LU�7t laka.�ki: s�'r. �, s�. �k�u�tc, Fl_ae�� 33�pf � r � �xn ax�-+s�� .Frx {�z'� sx�-xa�s ��ld B�vK : Pagc 9 Rf i.5 Pagcs eusi�sss Fxmr �i �a.o onr� SS1:1...N0. 520:i44583. Sinee 19I9 nacwrreon�•�o�ne��nnnrsa+u�rrk.�uwosc,rre-rc,w�n•svx�ew�s�vr�r�s � � BNIFESY0.LE'LIHEM� R1�31pi•[Y�:kHOO�PAIL�,B'cACfl GNiI7Q75•5'f- PE1�i1RC?AiIAA��4a[E �� �. �9T3�3160Q � � n 0 ui �: � 4 � � � 0 s�r. HQ. � � � � �� 50' ❑ 5p' 100' r GRAPHIC SCA � LE 1 = 1�� .,. .�,...� � � I t'1 �c .- HOTE: I]ISTANCE FROM RIPAREAN �� y6j L1NE iQ 1.�ASE BplfNaAF�Y IS ����' 58:7 FEEI,.:afSTANC.� FROA� ;� i RfPARIAN LJNE.7p. PgOP45E0 � �Q ° ooatc is s4:s. �-r � .��.. m r�,j '�6''r°` ❑ 4 2 O �� . ��'� � R� y �, �-�r �C�.UC I -R�R�.�, s,xi � ,��_. ��CI gC 4� : �F 4� ��m vq . �,��--� � � �� T; ,. r� Oi� �������' r � ' �3 : � J�$n� �. ' < >:�� �, . `^ ' k71:: ..pCi{.�:.. �j, y �. ,�,�; i a' r 1.:. •. *,.;,r�, ��rA'�� _�,;::; i :r: _ 1 - r :>:�'': `::��:_:: ;; �:;�:::�;::'`; ; �... �- � � :ry::: ::: ::: :::. .::: ` �u,-� �- ,.::: _:::::::: , fl � t���. � � :::: ;::: :.,, . .,:� r �, � �;:; : :,::::: ; q� •i0 [ o T o ::;:. �: �;;�i; `'�!�:.�.. I•' L :`�R� ' � t � � '��3�,, B: _,�; . i;'r;�; �`r`; �. y� ! i�. `- !' •" R� r. .::;; ,�: � i � :s� ' �' er_�t �fsr � ;,�_.nf F'� . 'rt: r.. _._'.�l..- t�<��:_=r �'Cr . . . . Qeed #,'] 7,455--A A�tachment�l Page .1.4 of 1 � Pagcs. SSL� NO. 52fl344S83 . ."�� � r`�� ,. �. ��� .:+' . . 0.�'l., ��-•� �� �� Qeed #. i7�496 TraCt 14 �. w.� . � � � �N �g �.a a �� . � i �. `:� o o� ti �� � � .� � N y � ❑s�� #.�`17,5Q2 Troct 2{ 'd ❑ � 1 n��. . �' _ v� .E� �.l�'Y ~, o � ;� ° �. a � � POINT OF �� -��GIN�iING a.Y N 1.32� 7B� ' E 398570 .� • _..�. --- — --- � ~ ; ca L1 � �` . -,--- ---. � � �FACf OF�SfAWALL AN� � �,� APPR�%IRIATE MEAN H3CH VfAIER.fIHE� o � (fl.85 FffF HAW 88]�og�pe� Idpi� 592 ��° wrrw.lo6lna.org, M � rQi �� ❑eed # 14-�230 � � � a� �. . � � �q' . ,�. ,_�_..._____------ � � q a �o � N �. 0 r . y. £L. 5:�9 � � �:. � ,i�,... � 7���hN H�GH� J �YkiErZ. LSYE.. •�; EL. L�.55 �.. t:� p� .. � Q � GF�Oilhla � . , ,�.?; � �EL..--1.7 : • . : Q . � � �" � � �[���: S �� .¢]�� y� N f`.`vi���� .Z fA m O LINE 7ASL� � LINE LENGTH ��ARING a L� 56.4-3' h789'74'27. 1 L2 3.7,68' N�5'0�'23"E i3 t 5.0�' S{37'00'00"W n � �: C�RTIF[ED T0; S'UB1I+SERGED. LAND LEASE R 4�p REVf5E LEASE HD�UN�pf ROY AOA.CtiPARIAH � 6oard of T�ustees .{711F} CLEi4RWATER BAYF'RflNT MARINA �. LINE W�lD..AqCK TIES - SEL"fION T TflYVMSHIP 28 5: RAHGE '15 E,. a ,� INRUiiS Q10� J�B Hdr � CREk' CHIEF N�TE: SEE SHEET N� ,��� .. George F. Y�ung� 111L+. Q�1 ���i�a� � aRR�I WGft 04�13�09 .SiGNRiURE AND SEAL. 297 �. w�RnN u�R aNG. J� sm�r. H. sT. �E�uRc, �coHt�,i 3rm CHECkE� GSH 04 13��9 AHCHS (717y 822-�317 FA% (72� 822-xs119 SHEET H0, o FIEl� HifOE(� �.� BusHEs5 [NrrrY L9Y1� FiFLC. DATE SjIIC9 IBI� ARSt1.tTECNH£�EPEGQ�t1HG•EHFROHItEHTAI.•WIDS���VPE•PE�4lY71HG•SilFl4EWi6•Ililll'fIE4. �. �� � o� CNHES�Slf..E•1.A1�',qCU R.wq�f�CREA!(a0•AhL1A BEAaI C�RDEHS�ST: Pf7£t[SBI.]RG•TAIIPA•�f7CCE a z � �' , 'I,'�'1 . �,'�:: +•• E:�4f����'•�i?i �r � ] �� r-Irll�ry,�. xjr: L,cwr[Ns• ;�il,� .c;uh�r�reTr F�u6, orr�; ��v F�rsn�n� i ._4:,��� � - il !f r� �, f �Gi � ��] �t ��• � � (liriia� 1fi.i:nn� �i:ltr+li��lr1 R �Inir�rill�ie �Lr� ��l������� ����� '1'.lill'GMlf4Pii1h1;�5?.Fl:v![[ll,1 � � STAS!{70RY � U��if3 ��idr:ilurr, Afaeic.tliis i 7J � tEay uC fdav����}�er , A. i3. iJ�+7 , �ir�IktiCFf.; IiAY�Yr'tiRT3 C:. tv.E;Y�1�� J�i��t�d lYy:hie w.if1:, CiV.L•:NUC]1.Yf�! iri. .hSEYI:iEI �i 13�E�I:iHIISIy f]I V�esle:lse�tler� , S#ata.af� �N.eti� Yarlc � ��:��� iek �ii tlic �rsl Fr3il, �a<<.1 f.;I7'X C7F' �LE:ARWIL�'I:R, � tr}uii.i.ci�al C�x �iyrali.uii aF. Lf{c Sl��e uf Floa•.ii�a .SYIit7$i) �Ilt5t�UQiCC ilfi[3fr,SS i5 ��i�c.�rvctc[�zr� F'fUx'ir,i.a . . . . uF Y!�r Cnriuly of �iiii:llaA �.in lI�r .5i;ile ui I"l.i�ri�la ,��:u[ y of �[i� ss:couc{ ��:�li�: �:�CiiilY]1P,�II�, 'L'Ii:�! li�a �:�isi �iRrt.ies uf i!�c Gr3i Fs:i=t, f��r :>>��3 iei �:ir�isiile�.r;iliiirs vf :tiio sitnz i�i _ � _ � es� .. _ � f]�iIl:irs� � II[I� I]IIICf �[1pCI.nl1[� if:i�ll:ll�34 �i:i7F�3i[IGI�3tf[i[55 SO �����Z:Y3 iii 13auci:�paiil� liy�s:ii� 4�s�t��y �ii II�e: si:eqis�� l�uit�, �l1ic reLzi[ri srliurctif is iiereUy. arkiEawl�:�ige:ii, fix V�. �rxplcr3, I��irb;liristl.�si�d sut�{. i� �l�� saiil �r�r1 Y af tfee st:cond.l�iitl, I�clis �uiei �ssi�;:u furu���r, dic Fr�Nisv,-irf� deserili�d litii�d, siWafc, Iqi:ig au�i L��i�F�•I�� tl�c C:�iuit�y t5F FirielIa9 in di� 5Lute of Ffdridrs, ln.�vel: 8e�l.rt al a poin! on tlse Jrckian li:xc k�e.iwenn '�ecLiuny nlize [$j anrl si�tt4e;n ([.5}, 'Cnwn.alri�� 'i'wrniy-rxirrr� �niath (�y5j Rang� F'iEcee:� EasE {FSi�}, ur+ tiic ivc�si :sicle nf t�sccolx .4�e.: ,�aii3 �,qir�� i,����g l7[�8 iers! r=rnre. ur.lc3s wcr�t �f �1tic NU:tl�eas[ ca�:ier tE+t� c.ar.� of aa.ii3 S�ceisii� l�; rs=ri Fi«i�ce uUulh �l�,�y r.kie. west•sidc nt O9C�.P1� AVC.. �If�t.}r i�1(}� E'eet, cherrr.r_ wG�� ��a tlzd hi�;liwaCe�r inaric.:un �te�irw�mt,;r A�iy; ll�e�ice na.ttliitaaL�rFy atp.si�; I.lie �ii�ht�a.Gar u:ark to Lhe .sutti.p:s fie�e; thencG aast aSong oaid a�ption liiic Ca 17oi�i! �f l3c:yinoiing; tc�gethnr vii[l� BElL[[FI7Y'b�[( F$ryf� a��d riy�arian ri�;hts.a�i�n�rt�na�i� Lherel.a, as cair�ie parFic��larly sie:�arif�cd in i�ced iVa: 175p2 af tf,e 'Trusiaes of !he iraiernx),IiT�gra�em�ii[ k'issnd uI c}te 5tate nf k lrarzd:i. •a,,•r�.• �n •:. `� l la ('.E aF h' L L3 f=i.1 LI:A '� �""' ❑DCU�IEN�AR'.fr,,57Af•1P 7A7f. �`-�-i � . ' +ri.. � W- G7.: =. � H9Y LaS9 7_i� ,,. ........ .�,.. . _ ii.. cs� w. hr''t;.tr, . ry y�:, . . � P.U.1'S�Cy�i'R��i�� ,.....4..�� � V y �.._ U�s.v����{a�i�r�-'},�ihni,- inY. � � � � 1.Y�q2C5A�a if�{ �:. . Y ci� c}. � rr� ,�:��� � 3. � �.= cenfrTnatE.E�3 �1 -=�7. . P.�.Esa�ro �,x��i;t:�...... - aiiel i�+n s:si�l paft ic.a q[ Il�� fi�s! jrarl.ili� lwref�y .I�4liy wa3rinzi llu: litic .[u st�iei Ia�itl, ;�nd wiIl i�4}'cittl il�r, saerie ,�ainst d�c liisvFu! �latms s�F.all ����sur�s wluriusae��er. �isi �itupn� 'i�1[�rrrs��; •n�s s:��.l ��a:� 1C� se�l y:lFi� dny u:u; yc�r fiist nluf.v.e wri![ui. Sigu�il;rsCnl�ii anr3 cl�livercd in �r:uir ��res�nce� .._ �..��.� �CrC�. e;. rij��" e,.�_c.,��ewi._ � � _.� �_4t.:r._ �.� � 'l _R.:�'sf �.._.. �.__._.. � . _...... .;� si;tz�i: or IY�t� �u� j� ct5tr�v�ix [�r• W��•r �,tr.� ��c� f IIL:itL1SY £;E:21'.l1i�Y �1�:��. p�: ��erxu�sally.AZtpeared f$A.Yt9't1FtC] C OC ll�i; &rsi.iri:i li:�Ve; lic4ei�c+Li� 3c:S ��l�iir ]w�u3s �tu.l j . :• k .:�.1 wL'�J..-..F,. �J J( 1 i �f '�.c�YJ.� �—+L S � Si s;, - � ' :,.:���.�..��•��.�... . ��_`.�.�r �-�:.._..:(s�:�i] � v -- _... _{:sE::�� __ _.___._.... .:.��s�:�s7 il�ii d;�y Iscloie i�ti�, �u r�lli�i_r tlii�a, epr,�ld{i•c! tn lpkc nek=,niYle�f�;mei:ta, Nf�'YE:� �tf=cl G1YL{�IX3C�LYN t�f. 1�iEYL•"li,.. liia wife I:7.17YL';�AlQyvll Lp I]L' lllr, �7415nsi�8 �L'SCi'7IILYI �f1.:311(I svl+u�cs;exuiL�1..11�c Fvi•��b�ii��b�i>>slsusniii# u�:ii �they :�«k=unvlccl�eei p�rCnre �.�i��.11ufl. t l�,,y cxei:iil.eil �1�e sai��e. � IVi7'T�f45S, n.ay :Ii.,r��1 sisd u[fiii:�1 scal iri .11ia L�unrif. � ��ucl 4E' €c 1:ti 3 ipFcsrts;iid [Iti� j3 f 4 Sluy i�£ fVi�V c �lz�:.�� � rl 1J. 1� 5�._. E?fGYP� f.'+"� t j `.s.I� i� �li� � /' � �:Oj�l�i I...�.:� ,'��'''i i7••�.ifFF� : Cr�.,�.T.fic�yl'. �Gt .. ��� �G.o.:r,;re.�� . . �'•� ' r. �i r : , e � .... ..___ ..---- . :..�... S _..,µ.:�:i_rl ir ' �' =��F - : Nutas l°eiLiin i 1 3����=�' �:)1url�lis'siiiu us��iicr: I���+� 3'a� r e L�I �•..-�:;�.�=. - -- ..�i._ �. � � 3 ���I � � urii=r'M�t.'�.....,�, ;r ` .__......_ _. r�---'�"'- - --_�—'--».. .........__..•: � ___..� y .. . . _— . f�ilgci F!r ; ..��.�y�• �ry �r r..._M. t� , 7 U.� �� ; n� y +'r";±nP. r-'.-...: q i I .. '" : � �. g' ��:�'^.: �ti �: �� ' �]'> k' �.' Y Ili:i� i�i:� �[tl � �{ L � ! • ^ ]' � E<� . 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Ei���NC�i:h :i�s i�. :i i! i, r�err� ;; . u cncyit �s !•�l�1hL3.,i �lAi{T�� �t��hC�3C1�: ,jAiri�� k�y�iicr �k4F9:�:IlILI; Cd.YUE fl.��{COCK,, � r,j .11ees Cfv:r�e�s �i� �k��cFto�c� ri�u2S[utc.�( F2ori�ld l��erlr/�/'�lie�/irxt��rer•!, {:I'I'Y {]p� Gl.�_.i1;;d:LTk:it, a. munieiW;�l c�s���razia�a� i�• ' , �� f7ee !,'siierrlJ w� 1ne1I:.5 u�t�2 i'[rrLe. p�� f'.�t�riJd pirrf� r�f [!li x.•Curicf. �urrl, i +5�����'�¢::�:F¢'��2,: i1r�r.t 61��• .riirl �rr�i•(f� u' 11i�• jiraF ��irr�, ���r rri�if i�l cr�ri.iitlr•�rrfir��� a/` (I�N.t-fi1+l Ir1� D�L' I}L3LLr�iZ� 1SISS OLIi�I'C ��Yil�l1$�}1C C�qS15�]k�i:I'dClbfl�-.��•::•�-•.__-�tir.rE�itM; -. i�� lir<Hrd. �r�rRd hry lJrn nv+.lri ]ife�'Ij( aj`flra xFrriuif. ��r�r•r, rir�•;������•,�rr �������.•�•� f' i.•• l�ci•rl,i� rx+;�-�uae�L- r�i�.�+��i, jrrrn �rri��r:ir�l, ��:Ir•[rn��t¢ irrril r�ir.tlr•!flilrrr•1; +r7�i� Frr� N�I:te j�r•f'.;+'ief,� rl+�r.L i•r��fi.�r. ��•!i rra�' i+r7�J ��t+ilrl•rr�;� rrs,lu t�rr. srri,I, �,ui�l,� r�f I1,rs�•,•,.u�l p�i�•1:rli lhr•+•i�lrl. �e1lr, rrrl�re'rxl : Pflff}�IH Nrrr� ilr'i�lrfrrri r�IliiCJr� Nee' v!litG �HLr[ij U]' �Jrr; ffl �'� ,IifNr r,,;5.;;� r:,�fi r.�, �i11'� ].f���f�f?'lllr . fL�scriGuil l�fl � lr��a:� eu� jxel�cr.•L uf (e�iltl. si{i�rr��• lytr�� riiirl. lir�i�r}Y r�r �he f.'e:�wrf� u�" ]�inc'l1.�i ,5'iz�r•`�,j �1u����r�., rs t�dt: Trac[ .l.is. Sicyii3 �..c a painz 5Q .f�.at .icst�sZ= arsd.31#� tcct 1ay5C� '��� C�IL: 1.RLC1"-i�Cu�J.�R�II �Of C�SC C.L'f1C�`,C 1��.i1L O[ �j1;•v!il 5�tre.e�. an�i t}i[: i�.c�:t 3:iEse of (is�eala SErccr.� t#ici�c:c Nest .GQa Fect m: � ta elte i:as� ed�e pf nc� cli�rsne� �(' L'lc.ari±a��r Ilay; t.hen�e: ":�: r S.o�.E}.�. 29 d.e�recs 3.U' N�sc, .I$3.-3 fcer; thar��e Sni�rh 7� �"' x�:; � '�'�s.[ ].5 f"cc.t; tlic:�c.e L•:asz G�[Y f,5et; el��:.nce NoreH 7° ;.ast �.=„ 15 fe4t; �]�i�nce NarCh 2]° 3D' East 1�3..�i fett Lfl :EI1C pn.i�st r=�` :i� v:f lrc�.f,Fniai=� iirst abo.�e d�scril�eci; can�a:�.ni��� 2_5'y .aeres, �+:: � mar�: or 7�s�.; und ly�n.s and he1n�. i.�i Tt7HIt5I11�3 ��].S.PilCff� y�i `5 lian;;e i5 .�us:�, Cizv of' Cl.cart+�zer,. C�ii3)tv ¢L Pir:�:l].as,. �:�: � ` 'rG of E�iur:iJa. �� �¢ : � � �•, • `�' S � 1 ��ii �(�:Z1`r�' 1ilY4� �f3 ��.[1�:� di,r� .ree�irc, lrr�i'l�rrr r��ii]r ici! re�irl sfir�sii.[rr�� tjri: rr��1i+�i'lc�srtx.�.�� !!re•rr{�refm. f�i•I,UriKi�r�; eir r+± rFi��re•r�c rr�epe�rlririijr7��, �rfrfl ;iLL 117� r•.til+rf�d, e•�•alf�l, �ilir�� ;�rl�;r•u�'1 r>>r:l c2�rilli lilr��j�Pii!'L'1'Y' Yr�' 1��r� :��rr'�� .�x�,rr� rl Plir� �Ir.til �,rrr•1, r�i!leryriir 1[t�p or c'rfru:"�, !u II!l:.4trl f)71 rl�lC+• 1ejC� U['d}e'�f L 1L7ti� Uu'IlF7f7�.:l�f. j11i .til12lL.�!(L7`I f ii�' (I�u.:ii•t�irr� ��tcrF, } � ; _ �It �G�F.I.Q7��'ti:i '�'�' flLi'£:Si�; llrt� :�rriil �iier'1r�.+7�' IJrr. Jir�.i� jirri'( I�rr:.r !r�•i•1�ti��![r xr'l Iir.n• { s Jere�ici ctfeil .���f1 Eltr rlrrr� ecr..ri +Ji�ir.Jr���! reGuur re•rrl�er�. , I `.iirE[ui: �i;�� �l :�riil !]riii'�rreil ii� ['ceric�se:e: u1; ? .. •;�.s=�r�-� _..•��{.��L/� . . � . � rli �LLrs-E�.}{ 1 . �' j • �aTF r� s �!: Ilancaqk � �� • .` •'�CP ��,r• �� ���lir� ... �I �y r�,�,,,:� y�- f! / f Clyd� 3f;��oc�k �T ^ �� 'i4,,.�' ° � Attadhnient B: ` i Pagu;72. of ] 5. Pagcs 55L� N0. �2f3;445{pj�3 Y 3 t f 6 � �-. -,;..,., �}.� f�`� a .1� s�sl ����. z� r.s �. i�:i . t� i�;�� � �.�`. ...-�.� � ��►,r.E ���. i � �.'i P� �� 1 t� TI-iiS TNE�Ei�f' ;CiIR� rria.iu [lsi:s �� � day ai ��.]� , A. C3.,. iryGZ, � }.iiiCvi.een �ALII�lE k#�.FI Pl�l]1R, u,iirt�.sl-rie{i, ❑f Cti� Guisisty af I�'ii3t:iias �insi r :itr'�tr� oCk'luxiela, pz�ty oC thc Iirst. ��n:rt, aiici GI'I"i UP Ci',.�!1F'41+Yi�'l'�•:�Z, I� I..C33ZIF31l, a ri7unicipxl. e�x����z•;sLiirii, :+�l:us�• it7:�i]'irrb.a��lres5 is 1�f;� ]':�=s 13-i�3; Gltarwatcr, Pii�c]T:Ag Cu�.c��4y. ]•:l�,ri�la, r�arty crf thc: sucr�i•icl �.��sri. 4V r�}' .FV �<`.3 S. i:: '{' H, �'h;�t iFic ��id par�y� ;;�f iiis� �irs.t �arl, fos' alt�i i» �c7i7sid�:r<ti�icsn ci( ei�e: sltm u[ C1ric LY61le�r 2.ois] raLE�ssx .�•alii�3�i� curssid4.racion, in ?��sn,I.Isr�S�.I l,+y Cts� 5aizi pariy- ir.f i}�� s�con�i .�; zri, �I�i; YE:C�:1[7L WII�I':C;7C 1S flLl`t:Ll.� �i� k���aa�- ktiiL�;c.d, "]ius rGi'riis:etl� .r.31s:2zsFrt �iii�I +.�iiztcl:<<iri�epl, ai5d l�y lh�sc !ii•i�:. q�l� �l���:s rerxli6c, rcLGSS� e.xfti t�t�iE�3ui��� iixiEv Lkie. �itirl fitstly tif Uac s.c�i�ii�4 �,srt .-i31 lU�: rigla[, Lit�1[:, iiiter�at clairlt..��i��3 �3c:n:acid wIliekx.Cl�c saicl Iie,.r�y ui tf��: l.sr.::l ��airt. i�aa in aiac] Lo. L�ic [ui�r.�w';it�; .i.:sLrii�crl �Sa�rcil nf Ias�rl, siln:,tH lyiia�; :sr��l Ise:ii�} in Liic C:uu�iL}I ❑C F'i��e:ll:is:, ;i�;�L� �rf I"Iaridia., Ey rvir.: EieUiun.iiig uk t17ti:. IV1�Sr c.ai•.i�.�r :.��: T.,s3t. G i.�f 7�fliiid's anci Sm�yer�s Svl�cls�isi��n c�f Gl�_urv:niar, CIUr.ida; t1��nC� VTest 506 f�:ct Lv �}�c E:a.st �c3�.� c7E 11�� c;l�ars+�l [iL GT�.arwatcr F3ay; il�e�nsa StouLliwe;sterly alang l�av �.'.�35l: H[�y+8� A� 8r"'1L[1.CFt7fliild� L�9 �II �7i31.1I�� rJ��� �d�tv� �C6E af:ihe Sasilhwast:G[+i'nc�r o[ `1���k �; theiice ?:ast 5l5[} Fect to the1iigt� tiva.t�:r maric �]:�-llie L•'ast slipre af Clcsarwa�c:r i3ay aL ilsu `,3�ullrwcsf Cc�rnrr ni 7.:ot. �.; �liericc. hlqrf:ki�ase�rly :sl�r_� r;'aiil iiibi� �valcr in�rk...o ehc i+(oril�wsss evrixr;r vi xsirl .f:ot �, tlic ys[iS.nt of S�e�znuisig Fir.st.ahav� �ir�xcrii�ur3. C:oFiCai;3inh S, 0 �iere, is�ure ur.iass; and ly3r�;; aiid 6eiAy iii Sc:cLiaii I6.: ',I'uw.a�sisi�a 22 St;uYli, Ii.aii�� � 5 L•"ist, Pinellas CouraLy, State af .k lnriel3. =i�e jsur.po.se. �zd iiitceit �t i,si s ciiilv��raei�� xs ta claxiLy and corxcr.� Lhe cl�ser.i���ie.�iz r�� r.,:r��i:xs.suLi� n�yx�c:sl ia�s�Ss inc��ic��ri aa th�.�J�s�rip�ior.i c�f [li+i �=aP.er�y grc�ier�a�ly �t�i��cy�:�! l�y t}�c Granta.r tu tE.�� GiLy uf C7i:arwai�:r, 1"lcsz•zd�, l�y iYairwcrty iJc:ud l'�3t8LI� M..'17CCLt� �3lj.i f.�9G2�, �vE�'s�1� ���as c�cordeal o�z lipri�. �� 3�62, �a CJSt i3nnk I 3qG: f'3ye� 575 of rk�a k�ul�]i� Jteeaxds ai l�i»�lias G�iva�zy, F'lrixid�. ,. . :,�.. .,........ . � y- S�A�T ��F F I_ C] R�[ C1. Q �; i� CICsELR�7EFl7P �-"�,.STAt�tP T,r„7}C �; ` � . ' u �;� .:.. .----•_..... � `-r � � urlc•d� • �j;l.��t+ � i � � � F:.� ���oM , r.�r�niaaLL[R , — �- '� P.B:e�sza . ��L ¢ `........_........ _......- � Atia�hment F3 Page 13.:of i � Pages SSLL N.�. 520344:i83 p.k. 1`��7 Pr,CE ��� Thzs rui,��:y�ince: s3i�x71 nnL �li�:C.6 tl�� Li.csn ur Viil[�LLy a[ tl�aL �:ur.iain 1vlor€ga�c; iiurrs tii�: L:ity U# C#.earw�,tcr, � ]nx•'idd, :is :�feiri�;ak;c;r �� S:sl.isia HuFf�airir, as Mn�igagec., �S.Ll.eci i�rlarclx lfl; 1H��, tlnd r.ecorci[�d in tiie. �'srhlic..ite�ot'�:ts V�. j�.ki3G�Siis CuunLy� .1`iarzcla, wi�ie.h t�#carCbs};� encuiYiL+ers �lie uhavL descrik�ec} pro�erfy ia�cLF��.r v:i.th nur[ain .�ddiiinnal.dr,s.�riLud �:rQpt�riy. TC]:I-iAV3� �TV7) 'I'C? Ni"71..l5 1hi�.�xm�:, tn��i$c�r witL u.3] aiid si.ri�?ular tlse ap�urs.�;nancc:; tlicr�u�itu i3i_Iu=��i»�; (ir lil c"'.ik]rW13� :tp�crt:aiisinh, aiiu a.il tli� Lstal�:, ri�lit, tI[Ii:. 1iSE4Y�S� €iil�� elainz �v.hatsoevea• nf tlie ��iid �srty qf. thc� fixat part, �iLh�r i�i ]uw. ur �.��ui�y; t.b t}ae ai:ly. p�'ap�r u.s�, E;�nefii anri Iacixuai cf fh� said �rarty yC s},c se�oncl purt. 1N: V�I'I'3v`�55 VT3�lk:ktl•'CJk , ti�r :sui�l ��a�ly �E tl�e [irst ��ui�[ l;as. iie:ie- tiint❑ set. tnur l�a.ii� aucf si�:sl �lr� 1ap ar,ci y�as tirsi ai�uvc tvx.•i�t�.ri:. Si�;zie�i, S�aletl.�zzici 17�:livts•ud in tlLFi.. �1 C34'i1CC:' . . � :f �; .J.i�.,CF�.( ..G..'��' !.�C.`! i:�"' .. , . .�... C� � ��~` _~ Q � _ ".... - e:.�.F: f= 57:A'L']E 7� Fi:,c7FiitaA � l �QUiVTY D�' PITiELF.AS ] +{,, R� ��� ./ f.!�i �'+.;{.�.j ���.1'.l��a� � .�j l I k.iE1�EXiY C.Ckt'iF�'X, tLiat,. un l7zi� day �Lr.ar�r�a11.Y.:tplr�arcrJ kicicrr� me,; an aflicer rluly asxt}�e�rsrc�,i tu-t:elm'sni,sl�:r.na.til�� �nc4 iair� :�ck�1��w.Ii:d�ments, SALlN� HC]k'F'PAUIIt+ uxiniarrieci, Cq ezze:.tvell k.ito�vn Lv hc fii�: ��:rsr�n d`es�r:i.i�ed in and wha excceterl Llz�:. [uc��;oin�; €�aslruincnt a[td si�e: �cic�iowir'.clgeci tx[-far� me that sl�� ex�cuc.ed tik� sart�e ic.::�sly aeid vuluritarily.Fur tlic: purNus.:s th�re:ixi �xpress[:d. i�JI'CN�55 nny lsarae3 �rid af,{'ici�l s�:�1 �iL C1aax.waL�r, �ounly ul I'i.sicl3as, znd SiiEc of k:lai•iila,. c3,;s /1 f'� day of ��; J1� I]. i�)�2: My.Gamniissivn �xpir�:a.:. 'R : , :iVc��«ry�i�il�lic 5i.�fP:qE�Fi�ri'ti •I.���,'� ' .. . 1� �Cu:Mir;sEnr� F.xr�.ris F^9.. !i, ! ��r3� 4tisi�till"ff��rJr.�l��•.t;rre-�r�n_� ..�»r., `Y�• -��G •C.F,���r:� . �e�; Q-rn1��: _ ,t � _ - : � 4j y: „.'�'.f�U pUY .�.a_ : '+�.� .,, : .'ti�, , t``¢ '• .:. • ��'•y� .j • �`'r,�'�i :"11;�''i , �-':rri�i��� fllltlC�lrilCril � i'age 34 of 15.['ages SSLIa NC7. 52a344583 -x� i. ��� �r �`�� :r.'�~k �fi r.; £ :: �.,�. .r r, f. .��.a:�: _ r ' i�u;�ry F��,lalic �.�����Q� ����.I������N-�° 2��� ���,����� ;� � s1u.w... ....e "i....'n !ir tirn. 'va�is'` i?.II: f-rfud. t,li Riin. �..•r..ai •.lr....c.h.w. �.IJ.....+�1 f w�aa:t�i rf �W .ny.�r4a� i..!s..� 4n.4. �+ �:a� � IA.:..r.in� � wM :�N i.�B.A�'��... i:�•rF:.�d fA. rA.r.1 w....l.br. w.... f n.p �..�.. .w.i1 �..si.d. L� j.nJ..._ ..:j. f.�.ef, w L...'rei." i+!�4 �.�M. e!f I1...�.r.� Mn�..dur•a.A �•.:..: 'Fin- rw� . rr . . . . . YH � 1 .Rfnrlr. L7r,ri �' ��' -- {liia{ i3f �ct.rhr.r .4_ F,1. %9 h5 �CL14'Gl:il �I:.Fiil: ra i': F,4hFt527:1.C:F. a.nr3 J�.�53f�: G. ?,.iARSi[11i..I.�, }�is �yife,. , Q� Llr.c C_`air.r��.y ol P37tL�.� Il5 rrn �f �rL7r �,r' nj � k.lor ida ,�l�i�r�Y Gf �Lh� f rsE.p[r�rG, tr�r.t� Gi.TY �k' GI.]:A�Ll�4'A7"i:T:.r F3.,DAi.L7A, � 3"Inr�r3x: =r3�tnic:i.r+zl v�rr�nra.tzan, � rrj Llie C{rrr.�r.G� nj Pincl:3�s rr�r.l ;`;f.sri:�+ r� �"lorida. , jir�•iar ��f I.Ire sc�o�aCl pttri. �i�I�3lE:S5I.'•�}�, ll�n.f [hr• atriti �rxr1T� n]�.t1+.r. fr�c r7n:,•r, fnr �r�rr� r;A. Gf7i1:.C7i7Cru.}.Lfllt� Of �7r�;.,srwn. of Dns ar,ri.nnJlDt}_.._.__.--------__-------„_.,..._:._.,___-_,_�_. -Dvl�rxr :s, r,ia lraar.rL r�u�i,d iy�j llrr.. srcl:ri• ��Cr.�•�.y.rtf Gir,r, .cr,c�n,t1 �ir�,rt,. �1t,c i•frrr•jiE rr�%1.�'rY,.ry� t.5 ]],CJ'C21TJ f1:G1F;7ZALt�l etl{��r�; l,�rs. rcnz.irrcl, r�rler�cirT. �r.ird. .qt�i•l.r7rt.ir�inci; ��il Tji� Rl+.r,sr;: yr�-rx•i'+i.(.� r��ir.e rr.�►�,r:.pF., rele.r�,sa a.nd qr.■.i•trL.i,i.rr:; :�.,i.l:�, fiir �r�,ia.� ji�rFt� oj' fli.r se.r:a�r.rl �ir�rl rr,ll, �lir, r•t���+�, l,Lfl,r, i:at.{�:rc:�L �T.ri.r;m.rr.n.rT. �lcma.++.■.I. �rlrir;l�. 'l�r mut par� of L7e.c �r.t� �iarf. ItR.,c irr ri.,rrl ln (h�r. fnlintc+rir_�' d�esenTiec� Zof. ,,t�':�'rr rrr �zeii•r.rr nf :Ti�.ir�ii� S1.�i?{Ltl: J��7i7� FF:72(7� Ti/�l77}3 j7a I�c•. Cnrear:��� nf r�a:ncll� s St�r,lr. ,af .T26rtiii�, fo. r{-r.G.: Any :ind all. �t+nri�, �e•fie[jtier up�asld5 a.r stib�ncY�t�r# ].in�it:. Iqing. �nr3 �c.�:i���ir.3i.np it"est Qf Lhc Vles.r bouxyd.:ry iir:n nf LQt "�:" c�£ S�f13:��"!' G.�LIkLT S..[3IIT]IV.€5lOF�, accos•dii=.� ta ii�a]s ur �ilaf siperr.�i.. .recorded iri F]�t SQak � 3. ...f�a�e 74; Pu1,liG Rr.c.rarrls a! Pin.el3as �aunty, Florida. '� - si�T��FF�_o�io� �- ❑acur��NrA�� s�b,ptP rp�s: � .� .:.,,��• .� .._ •. _:-- � .. � � ROW-f'v5 i } � G � :.: • : �} r �� J lJ c e ` �.: �- 4 �;j� . tL C:7:ia7T3CLL".:�,�'~- � _. . PS.i3C+i:i =c� •- r 0 y � �s "'� � c:-7l. i �f3 ����rF �3�� {� I E1 ���� [� th� srznr.�, �'a�t��har rr!a�ii, rr.d1 nrr,[L si,���tctri.r t:]r:e a7��i4r�:ncirices (h.�:rr..��,rr:fn lir��n�i.�r;r�� or i.rz �n:�tuiFc aF��Jrrtrtiarin�r, u.�rd- r�•l� Llin hsirx�r.. rr.�3at� �i.l%r, r.�rl�cres:t• �x.ri.�l r:�.rz.i:rrt• au]r.tt.tFaeucr of i3r�.Frcr:r], �3ua'hj vj Ilif �t.�•; f]�n,rl.r r.tL]��:r i�G I.u•ru pr eqir.t�j, Ev Itir, r�s:.iy prn�er a�, e,.barzr�.i an.d. $elrirr�f nf tl�c:at�,,:�1 �u.r�J.af t.h.r. srco►i[� �awr�: �F7 ���1 L�7 CS� 1� �]7 C.:i'i'C)�., ilee scr•iti �txz.rL� of tFzc j"�r��f- ]rn.r� J�rts l¢r.rr.rr.rilo. sc� Ir.i,r 1e�rtd anG� Sr.ctZ iJr� rLray und. yRur �'crst a�iove writi�n. Si�rir;1. fiez]et�; nad r1i�'crr.eZ in C1nr Frencnec: r _ �� � K�'ca���1�� ,- r���r•5 � '>.r?�'�%.:.wa i �C�;� � '�,W`�i' �' , r IiIfres� 1�. Marslza33� ' ��r ....r���'�' ��� �. �'� �"t l s;4`^{'�.. .f'i'�" . . .. . .����r..'.. .. .. . ., �,-.3- �..-......,�_ ^.. ]�,..3_� a `� f .If=ti.^•1C �.�. r-'�•��.i5}j:'� l� L.� ,.z. , �� � f " �t.:�i e ra�' Flcir-� ��.►_ 1 � + r.�,�nt�� nr �i:v���..��As � i ! tiE.i{FIi1' CE:Ti'I'f 1� ]'. Tl+.r1.t �rr.. f,1r,i:s. rIu f per,r.�irr.i�l.l.y n�+pcnrc+d bcfr�rr rri.�, (1.i1 Cl�•CCF i: d;�i�! a11.l.li:ari:.aetl• �.r3 qrl��xi.i+i.5l:.r.r �nf.]rs q,�r.d r.rrkc rs.c.f,:�rQii-�c��rr�.c,�,k:r. 1 i; � :: A7fred 1�.: h1a�•rlsali :�r,� 3r.ssie C.. .t:�iarshal7, �i�s �;qfP, � �� F� � '11I371e l'G� L3�. )7rc ��e2I k�r�r?tnrz .f;� I+r. t�r.c.j7cr.rqrts. rZe�rrr.l�rr1 i.n ri.nd tr=hn. errr,ir.l.rrl f.1�.c..�Rrr._{�o(.n� ' ::rd•,.•L1i:CL'T.�r�kfn� �.ah�d t3zr:y . � a,c�iav:r:lt�ti.daed �te/nre ir�•r. I.h.al.�. t�3eey � j r,�cGwt.�il •L?i.r su►�r.d frr.r,lr� rr�r•d .zrv7u,z;.f.nril� Jnr {:3r.� �rir�aosr.s I,Irr.Tciii. r�y+rr:efir�, j *�ii ;; p'" .'[['•7'I;h:E55 tr�.�/ lirfvrrl ri.�rd t� f]i.r.i.nl sr,ert p f• Ckeas-v:sa li� r �rt�r,izt,�r;:af` 3�inellxs , aai� STnI.i3 c�/.F'fa.rii9r�, .1.lric ..�,�.'�� ' r3Qi� .df .; Oclnf�e i- .7. 7.3. 1 nea5 �7 ° ' ., . ; ��'. �� A~•� y. : j/,(�J � � � F�I i.3._ �n `��' . - .�"^�;'�.f :'� � !r� , �f=� . . •� � � ..�.v...�i�.`,-_',�y. ".� iile+.rr�,..ti� r�:F�l.ir. � � ��.�.�YaChI71CI1T � � �arnry�hii53��. 5:ale ai 3'1ar:da�al t.a�;i� ,fl,�� f'rrii�r��ixsra�i ��t'�'[�!�tihn.u:.� �.r�;.�_x��:a_ :�bl Paga 1 S. of 15. Pages: r:�,-...�� fl, r.,....-���� ���.ric rn n� r7 SSLL.3�10.5203��583 �