01/01/1951CI7)�,' COn3��ITSSION 1dEETTNG
Jai�tz�ry ;L, 1951
_ .,, _� _ . _
� .
The City Coimniasion of t3�ie C3ty af Clearwater met in Regular Session
at City Ha11, r.fonda�, January lst, 1951 at 7:30 P. A4. with the .follorvtng mem-
boro present:
Harry D. Sargea��,t
Herbert M. Brown
E. B, Casler Jr.
Leland F. Draw
Joe Turner
A�lso'Present W.ere;
Boyd A. Bannett
Ge�rge T. hicClamma
Ben Ii.rentzrnan
-Cozr,mis yion�r
-C�irnniasi oner�
NC3ty is4akla�er
-Ch3ei' oP Folice
-City Attorney
Tho hlagor called the meeting to Qrder. It was movefl bv Co�niasioner
Drew that the minutea of the regular meeting of December '18th and the specia�l
meeting� oP December 20th, 23rd and De�ember 26th be approved in accr..r3ance
with the copy theraoP i�zrnished each member in writin� and that their r9adin�
be diapensed wlthe The motion �rras �aconded bg Co�issioner Turner and carried,
The City Attorney adviaed the Co�iss�on tha�t Lot 27 of Lloyd-�i�liite..
S�kinne� Subdivision cauld be purchased fram Rir. H. S. R�iott o� Tampa, Por
$p8,000.00; this lot being the only l�t sepaz�ating the t�vo garcel� naquired f'ram
Mr. Le S. Ruder. He seco�mended that it be purchased and that title insurance
be obtained. It was moved by Commissionar Turner tha� the City Attorneyt�
recorrmienda.tion be acceptad. The r.�otion was secondad by Go�missioner Brov�n a�nd
carriad unanimouslp.
ChairmanTof therCityaPlanningeBoard,'Bcalling attent�iongto�the�faict �nat�tezsu��on,
Af saveral members oP that �oard ha.v� earpired, attd assuring the Cormiissian of
v�hich�w�stsecondedbby�C amii�sionerrDrew�and�carried,�theyletterswasnaceept d,
Mayor Sargeanb no�v addre�sed those present, point3ng out the acccmplish-
ments of the Cormnission auring the past Lwo years and expreasi2�,� his appYeciation
of the cooperation of the other members of the Commission and of the City o�i'iciaZs.
The City Attorney a,dmini�tered the oath of o�fice to Riagor-elect Herbert
N. Bro�vn and to Co�mni�s�3oners-elact H. bi. Blantfln and Garland D. Zynn. Com�
miss�oner Turnea and r�tiring Coir¢nissionars Gasler and Dreti7, made brief' talka, as
did Co�nniss3oners-elect Blanton and Lya�n. On � mo�tio:� by Counnissioner Turner�
which was seconded by Gormnissioner Dre�v and carried, tha ola Cor�ission no� �d-
Mayor-Cammissionar Broivn izorv called the meeting to order and addressad
�hose prasent relative to the aceomplishments of ihe past tc�o yeara and the pro_
bloms i'ac3ng the new Corrnnission. He thanked tha retiring Gomnisgioners for
thm3r cooperation.
It wss moved by Commissioner Tnrner t2�at the appointment of a; Co�nn3ss3ozaer
to fill tlze vacancy craat�d by the resignetion oP Co�.nissioner Drew be def�rrerl.
The motion vras seconded by Ceramissioner I,gnn snd carried.
The bia�or subtnit{;ed the name o� d+Sre Gharles E. Nlara f�r corisideration a.s
an appointee For City Atta,rney ai�d invited the other Corrunissionars ta ma2sa
sugges�ionso Coaunissioner Blanton moved that ur. Ci�rles E. t�are ba appointed
G�ty Attorna3r. The mction �va� sec�nded by Corrunissioner Iynn and carri�do
It was movad bq Commissioner Turner that hir. Ar�;hur Vd. Jor.d�tt be a:ppois�ta;3
Judge of the Tlunic3:p�1 C�urt, Ths motion was seconded b� Co�nni�sianer Blsntozz
an� c�rried.
Co�unise3.oner Blanton moved that bir. Charles I�, �hillips J're be appain�ted;
Associate Judge of ths i�dunicipal Cour�� The motl.on was yeconded by Commis9i.oz�er
Lqnn anc� o�rried.
There being no itzrther business to come be�ore the Board, the meetin,q
vr��a �d journe$m
M�,yor..Camnis s 3one r
ty t�uriitor anr� Clerk
I_ _ . _. , ._...,
Januaxy T, I95]1
aieyar�Cotunissioner Harry D. Sargeant
Comm3,�sioner�: Leland F. Drew
Herbert Ai. Erown
E. B. Casler, Jr.
J'�e Turner
�;i��4�s: FI�x�b�r� Fs3�r,�ors, $r.
t�a3�:a��:a D. �Y'nn
_. .. _�.....
+v - ,
Deaember 29, 1950
Regular �ee��zs� .,,a �che City Cor.miission will be held I�Ionds.y evaning, sanuary I,
195I a� 7;3Q P,, lti. in the Cit� Hall for consideration of the following:
I. Rr�ading and approving minutas of regular mee�ing of
December T8, speciaT meetings Dec. 20, Dec. 23 and Dec. �6.
2. Consideration of the purclisse of 1nt �7 in the I,lo�yd-Whi�ce-
Slcinner Subdivision on the G�a.lf of 4Iexico.
3. Any other business the �oamniss�.an �rishes to consider.
4. Installation of Ma:yor-Coruniss3oner elected, Her.bert n�. Brown
and Cozmnissioners electad, Iierbert Blantons and Garland D. Lynn.
5. A,ppoin�tment of a Coa�nissioner to fill vacRncy created by the�
resignation of Coimnissioner Leland F. Drewe
Appointmt�nt of. Ci�� Attorney.
A�pointment oP Pnlica Judge.
�ny other appointments tlze Comffaission desires to make.
6. Consideratic;� of any natters th�e Co�ission, by unanimous c�n—
sent; wish to 3iscuss.
Ver,y tx�slv yours,
Boyd A. Bennett,
Honorable Aoard o� Cit;y Counnissioners,
Cleare�ater, Florida.
Clearwater, Florida,
December 2�Jth, 1950�«
kt the December 1950 meeting of the City Plsnning Board, I was instructed
to advisa you that the terms of the membere �f the Board v�ho �vere appointed for
one year, have exp3.red.
TYieS are Mr. Y�tilliam r. Rehbaum III and Rir. dack Russell. The third one
year member, Mr� Y�Jilliara Oeitger, died during the pas� ,year.
The mernbers oP the City Planning Board also �rish to call the attention
oi the 2Jew City Conmiissicn to the fact that the Planning Board is available at all
times to study any projects the Corrmiission may gee Yit to refer to them.
We �aish the m��bera oY the City Commission the grQatest success in alI
their �ndeavers• during the enauing year, and assure you oi our complete co-
operation at a�ll times.
�'s/ YV. S., SYLar_non
Chairman Git�t Planning Board
,7anuary 8, 19571
The City Coxrmiission of th�s City of Clearv7ater met in Special Se9sion
at City Hall, Monday, January 8tii, 1951, at 7;30 P, td., wlth the following
membsra present:
Herbert IJI. Brown
Herber� IJI. Blanton
C�arland D. Lynn
Joe Turner
Also Present 'Nere;
Boycl A. Bennett
George Te NicClsrmna
Chas. E. FYare
-b4ayor-C�rrmiis s ione r
-Citp �tanager
-ChieF oP Police
-City Attorney
The r+iayor callc�d the meeting to o�er and announced 'that the firat
matter to be �onaidered would be the appointment oP a member of the Com-
misaion to fi11 the unexpired term of Leland r. Drew, resigned. It was
moved by Gommiissioner Turner that Tvlr. Thomaa H. 131ack J"r. be anpointad a
Commissioner to serve the unexpired term o£ Leland F. llrerr, whose resig-
nat3on was effoctive Janusrg lst, 1951. The motion was seconded by C�_
missioner Lynn and carried unanimously. The Oath of Office tiva� ad-
ministered to i2r. �;lack by the City Attorney, w�ereupon air. BlAck took
his place on the CorrBni�sion.
At tne request of 2dr. Lloqd �hillips, Atto:ney, :�Ir. 3lanton moved
that the application oi Dan Iley be granted, that Ivir. Ile� be allowed to
install a 12 fooi: driveway on the Norbheast cortter oP his property on
Cleveland Street, �vith an opening on �Iissouri Avenue, and that Com-
missioner Turner and Corrixnissioner Blanton be a ppointed sa a Committee to
irzspect t�Yie premiae3, with power to �ct, in regard ta other possible
openln�sa Tha motion was seconded by Cominissioner �ynn and carried.
St was moved by Commissioner `1'urner that the minutes oP the meet-
ing of Janusry lst, 195T be approved in aecordance with tYxe copg thereuP
3tzrnished each member in w.riting, and that their reading be dispensed
with. The motion was seconded bp �ommissioner Blantan an3 carried.
After discussion oP Air, A1 Rog�ros request for tha construction af
a storm sewer on Llarianne Street from Poinssttia to the Ba�, at an es-
timated cost oP ��,420.00, it was moved bq Connnissioner Black that a Con-
mittee be ?ppgt_=±i_a_u ta inve�tigate the feasibility of the proposad e�A
tension a:,d make a report and raco�rnnendetions, The motion �ss seConaea
bq Cosrnnissiorier Turner and carried. The Ivfayor appointed Commissioners �ynr.�
Blanton and City Aisnager Bennatt to the Committee.
The plet of Venetian Foint, as submitted bq &tessrao Bil�.at and
Blakelg, was approF�ed on a motion by �o�issioner '2`urner, which was
second9d by Coirnnissioner Lynn �nd carxied.
The City i�ianagsr submitted a list of trailers, prepared by ihe
Police Department, oP t�venty-one trailers presUmaoly violating Qrd:inar�ce
�591 (the Trailer Ordinancej, hIr. S, R. Cuykendall and 'nir. aumner Cro1'�ell
addressed the Commission, stati�g that striet enforcement o� �he Ordinanca
would impoae savere h�rdship in some instancas. City At�orney Vlara statsd
that it would be possible to amend the Orciinance and provide £ar a hard-
ship certiflcate to t�e issued by the City Mana�er, where conditiona; war-
rant such action. Commissioner Turner raoved that the City Attarne��s sug-
gestions in regard to an amendraent providing for a hRrdship certificata
being issued by the CitS biana�er, and providing for appeals from decisior,s
of the Gity D4anager t� the Coimnission be dratvn by the City Attorney. '1.'he
motion was seconded by CQ�isgioner• Black and carried.
The City bi�nager submitted to the Couuniss3on the raquest of ofPi.cials
of the Philadelp�ia National Bssaball Club far additional boxes and seats
at the Baseball: Park at an estimabed cost oP �p270Q.00; i;h� C3ty to b� ro-
paid by �sn per cent (10�,') of gata receipts, a� collectade Cormnissi�ner
Black movt�d that the City Manage.r, be authorized to provide t'he addit3ons]L
seating facilitisa as recoimnended. The motion was seconde�i bq Commissianer
Blanton and carried.
On a motion by Commissioner Blanton, which wass seconded by Commissioner
'.Purner and unanimously carri�d, Dra Verrnon Hagan was a;pgointed a:s City
The City Manager reviewed his corraspondence with bIr. John S'egelkan,
relative to Mr. S'eg6lken�s� offer to purchase part of lots 18 and 19, Block
F, Sunae� Po3nt F3rst Addit3on. Coaunissioner Blariton moved that the ms�tter
b� deferred for further atudy as te possiUle need of the proper��* for use
for street purposss. The motiun was seconded by Com��issioner. Blaek and
carried. By consez�t, the matter was referred to Commissioners Blanton snd
Turner, appointed by the Mayor as an Appraisal Qomnit�ee.
The City a4anager infc,rmed the Comriission that the Pinellas County Title
Company had agreed by letter to pex�iit the City to use its prop�rty at the
J�nuary 8, 195�71
North�vest corner of Oscaola Avenue and Havdn �reet e�s a publics parking ldt,
i� the City would talce care of the taxea. The agreemen� could be ca,�aeZled
upcn 't2iirtg days notice �ay aither party. Cotmniss3onar Blanton statsd thst
he'would prefer having the Osceols Averiue widaning projeat proaeed at the
ear2lest poss:ible momeint.
Commissioner Turner moved thst the City Attorney investig�te and
report as to the best metllod of procedure fbr acqu3ring �he Thomas pro eit
on South 0aceols Avenue for widening Osceola Avenue, and slso find outP �
ebou� the Ho�Ye11 property. The motion was aeaouded by Coxrrmissioner IIlanton
and carried.
Goimnissioner Turner moved that paymsnt of $�400�00 as dues for member-
ship in the Florida League of Municipalities be authorized. The motion was
seconded '�y Commiasioner Black and tsarried.
The Clerk read a letter addressed �to the Co�ission by Dr. R. H. C�nter,
in which letter Dr. Center requests that the Crnnmission formally dedicate
for street j�t1Pj]6903 the Esst 70, Peet of lots 25 and 32l aof Ro H. Padgetts
Estatos Subdiv3sion, extending South Lincoln Avenue to Clevsland Street. Can-
missioner Turner moved that the matter be referred to the En�ineering Depart-
ment for a al�etch and for a reca�mnendation by the City h4anager. Tha motion
was saconded by Commissioner Blanton and csarried.
On s niotion by Commisaicner Black,, which was secanded by Commissioner
Blanton and carried, the Plat of 5kycrest Unit �5 was�approved�
Cormr,issioner Black moved that approval oY the Plat of Skycrest Unit °tC'P'
be deferred and the Plat b� referred to the City Manager for investigation
and a report, The motion was seconde3 by Commissioner Tura�er and carried.
Consideratior_ of a Plat of Tagareili Subdivision was deferred, by con-
Tha City h4anager reported that the Pollowing gas and water main ex-
iansions, costing less than �;300.Of1 hed been authorized by �iim.
{a) December 27, �950 _ 300 ft. o� 2�� water main on
Hobart Avenua -----Est. Cost �p]:9Q,00
(b� Janusry 4, 1951 - 150 ft. oP 2�� watar main on
Harbor Drive -----Est. Cost �110v00
(c) January 4, 1951 - 200 ft. oi 2,�' water main on
Park Street � ----_Est. Cost y�p`550.00
Tt was moved b� C�mmissioner 2hzrner that the watar main extensions authori�ed
by the City I�anager be approved. The mot3on was geconded by Commissioner Lynn
and carried.
The C3ty 2�4anager recommer�ded 350 f�t. of 6 inch water main extension on
Iaura Street to serve the Pinellas Couaty Junior High School Ph�sical Edu�cation
Building at an estimated c�st of �7,�G0,00. On a motion by Conunissionar Turner,
which was seconded by Coamiissioner Blanton and carried, the extansion �ras approved.
Tt was moved by Comm3ssioner Turner that Mr. Gerald Tedrick be appointed
a member oP the Barbers Examining B��ard� The motion �vms seconded by CommissionAr
Black and carried.
It was moved bq Cottnnissioner Biack that Mr. Jack r. YJhite be re-apgoint�d
a� a member oP the Recrea�tion Board for a two year term. Commissioner Blanton
seconded the motion and it carried.
On a motion by Commissianer Black, ssconded b� Coam►iasioner Blanton and
carried, hiesara Lewis H. Homer and Island F. Drew were appointed members oP the
Z'oning Board. On a motion bg Conrniasioner Turner, vrhich wa�s aeconded by Com-
missiolner Blant�n and carried, bir. E. C. biarquasdt eras appointed a membo� of
the Zoning Board,
The Mayor appointed. the Pollowing Committees:
Grand Central Street Extension Committee: Mr. Lynn and 2dr. �urner
S'eminole S�treet Dock Comrnittee: bIr. Black, Mr, Blanton, h4r„ Bennett
Park Devel.opment Coxmnittee: Mr. Black, hir. Turnor, nir. IIrown
Osceola, Street Widening Cormnittees hir. Blanton and Mr. Lynn
Cormnittee on hl�rtle Ave. Y�[idening (�Qlso opening �ura Street a+nd Prospect
Avenue: � hfr. Black, �ir. Lynn and Mr. Brovrn
Cnrmn�.ttee on Coechman Heig2i�ts Replat ahd Court Street Right-of-VYay:
Paro Blanton and Mr. ?'urner
Beach Iaease Comraittee: Entire �ovuniasion
January 8, 1951
City Attorney Ware informed the Commias!ion, that a suit had been Yi].ed
against the City by C. M. Shehym to collect cer�ain old coupons, soma bearing
date oP 1914; tha� htr. Sheh'ym had filed the suit erithovt hsving presented the
ooupons for pagrrAent. Iie said it waa his opinion that part or all the items
were uneollecta�le on account of trie statute of limitations. It w�s moved by
Corrnniasioner Turner that th� C3.ty Attorney procaed with a defenae against the
auit filed bq C, b1. Shohym `Vs the City oP Cleartvater. The motion was seconded
bv Corrmi3saioner B1ack and carried.
By unanimoua consent the Commission approved the Pollowing office i�ours
for the City Attorneye
Vieek Days 1:00 P. Mo to 5:00 P. II�i.
Saturdays 9:00 A. M. to 12:;00 Noon.
There being no further buainess to eo�e bef'ore the Board, the meating
y uditor d Clerk
Mayor-Commissi oner �ierbert bi. Brown
Joe Turner
Gary Lynn
Herbert Blanton
h yor-Commission ., '"--
January 5, 1951
A special meeting of the City Co:mnission v�ill be held riondey evening - Janue�:y
8, I951 at 7:30 P. M. 1n the City i3a11 to consider itema on tha attached agenda.
A ti;a ciune nt
Very tru1J yours,
Boyd A. Bennett
1. Approving of minutes oP regular meeting oP Cormiission of January l, 1951.
2. Appointruent �P �ommission�r to Pill vacanc�* c'reated bq the a�esignation of
114r. Leland F. Drew,
3. Consideration of request c,f h4r. A� Roger� for the construction o£ a storm
aewer on biarianne Street from I'oinsettia, easterly to the Ba,q s defers�ad
at the meeting of the Conanission held December 26.
4. Gi�Ey bqana�ar�s report on the pre�ent vioiations of the �railer ordinanc�,
requestin� a policy Proan the Co�ission, with respact to the enforcemen� oY
5. Cons3doration of the request by the Phillies, Base Ba11 Team for �dded seat-
ing capacity at the Base Ball .Pield.
6. Conaidera�tion o� the rec�ueat of the Chiaf of �ol3ce for the appointmen� of
a City Physic3an, deferred by past commission.
7. Considerattion of the uffer of r�lr. John Segelken to purchase lots 17, 18 and
19 in Bl�ek F- lst Addition to Sunset Point, it being necessar� tc have a�
s�arvey mado for the City to filo a plat, ded3:cating a� certain portion o�
the property at this location �or atrect purposes and at tha s�tne time ta
have the lot lines established so that proper description and deeds ca�a bt�
8. Report of C3ty Manager on the of�e� of Pinell�s County Tit1e Compariy. to let
the City txse the propertp loc�ted at the Narth-west corner of Haven Street
and South. Osceola Avenue a� a� publ3c parlsing lot providing the Cits cleared:
sRme and paid t�xe� on the property during the period it is used for a puv-
lic parking lot.
January 8, 1951
� .. _� . ..... ......... ,T-�.. . _..
_ (�
9. Consideration of bill for duas to Florida T,eagua of hiunic�palities in the
amount of �i400.00. �35Q.00 was approved in the bud�et, but owix�g to the
increase in population by tho last census - duea under the rules of tiie
I,eague maka the membership for Clearwater �p400.00 a qea�.
10. Receipt of a letter from Dr. Center, relative to the dediaat�,on of City
owne& property as a publin street,
11'e Considera�tion of ra p2at known as Venetian Point by n�tessrs. Billet a�nd:
Bla ke ly .
12. Consideration of two Plata - Unit 5 a nc1 Unit D, Skycrest Subdivision by
the A& W Bulb Gompany.
1�. Consideration of a plat known as Tagarelli Subdivision, owned bg� btr, V. A,
14e Cona3dera�ion and approval of water and gas� mains, a pproved by �ity Mena�er,
costing leas than ��`,300.00�
a. Dec. 27, 1950 - 300� of. 2�� water main on Hob�rt Ave. to
serve one custnmer st estimated cost of �;190.00.
b. Jan. 4, 1951 - 150� of 2" water main on Harbor Drive to
servs one cuatomer at estimated cost of �p110.00,
c. Jan. 4, 1951 - 200� of 2�' water main on Park St. to serve
one customer at estimated cost of �;150.00.
Z5. Consideration of 350� of 6"'water main extenaion on Iaura St. to s�erve
ginellas:County Jr. Hi�h School Ph.ysica�T Education Bldg. st estimated cost
oP �1200.00.
16. Gonsideration of a,ppointments ta fill vacancies on the vsrioua committee�
appointed by the past Co�nnission - whiclz vacencies were created by the in-
stallation of new Cor�issioners.
January 8, 1951
The Honora�ble Mayor, and
Gity Go�ission,
Glearwater, Florida
Dear Sirsc
Over three montha ago9 T paid to the City Glerk the sum af �p5U�.00 for the
rersaining parts oP I,ots I8 and 19, First Addition to Sun�et &oint, which is�
south of the proposed f�itg-foo� extension of Overbrook Avenue.
I had understood that �he �oimniasioners of tYle City had approved the sa le,
but becsuse of a controversy about the surveying of this property that the
matter has been set aside.
Abo�?t a month ago I made an offer with the City Glerk that I v�ould take care
of tne surveying in order to have the deal setbled. After a:ll this time notrh-
ing has been done.
I am now �vriting to ask if 3.t riould b9 possible far qou to appoirat some one
or a comrnittee, with gower to :aring this matter to a sati�factory ending, to
r.neet me on the premises and iron out an�* misunderstanding so that I nay complete
this purck�� se oY the small tr3an�ular pieces now owraed by the Cit� which ara ad-
joinin� of tke Lots 20 arxl 21 tivhich I already o�rne
Thanking �ou for anything you might do to br�ng this matte'r to a conc:Lusion
satisPactory to us both, I rsmain,
JS�m �
�s� JoYu�. Sege]:ken
Cloarvrater City :Cozmnissioners
Clearwatsr, Fla.
Res Lots 25 and 32�
Fadgett Eatate Subdiv3.sion
Dear Sirs:
ll�cenber 29, 1950
In LZarch 1947, I purchased Tot 25 and later loi; 3� of the Padgett
Estates Subdivision, Prom the city of Clearvrater. At that time bhe ].ast savanty
�eet oP lots 25 and 32 were retained by the city for �� continuation to Cleveland�
street oP Lineoln Ave. To my knowledge this strest extenaion has naver been
dedicated as, such. T would like to ask that this portion east sevent�* feet of
a�bove mention lots be dedicated by the City Conunisaioners, a� to preserve lot
2.,, a corner Sot.
Th�nking you for thia consideration, I beg to rernain,
Your� very truly,.
/e/ R, H. Center, M. v.