01/02/1950= d� CITX CONII�IISSION MINUTES January 2, �.$t�} I y, o The City Commission o£ the City of Clearwater, Florida met in regular session in the Gity Hall, tdonday, January 2, 1950, with the following me�-nbers present: G. L. Kennedy - Acting NIayor-Commissionar Hcrb�rt M. Arown - Domnissioner E. II, Casler Jr. - Commissioner Leland I'. Drew - Commissioner Absenic Aarry D. Sargeant - Mayor-Cormnissioner Also present: Boyd A, Bennett - City Manager George T. McClamma - Chief of Police Ben iCrentzman - City Attorney The meeting havang been called to order, the invocation was delivered by Rev. J. Y,T. Pearson who as a representative o£ the Ci�,y's Pastors, also read a statament wishing the Cor�ission a successful and harmonious year for 1950. On a motion by Corr�aissioner Drew, which was seconded by Corenissioner BroH�n, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the spcc�al meeting of Dec�mber 15, the regular meeting of December �.9; and the special meeting o£ December 21, were a�proved. The City Nlanager recor�ended that the salaries of the Chief of Police and the Chief of the Fire Denartment be raised £rom �325,00 to �350.00 per monih� effective January 1, 1950, It was moved by Coimnis�ioncr Brown, seconded b,p Commissioner Draw and unanimously carried tliat the Gity Maaager�s recommendaticns be approved. The Cit,y Managr,r submitbed the bids tendered by a number of Contractors for the construction oF number 3 Fire Station at south Ft. Harrison and Bellevizw Bovlevard; W. �.. YJalker �p17.300 R, rf. Thompson Co. 17,714 , A,C. �dyllie Constr. Co, 18.350 Clearwater Constr. Co. 1$,200 B& W Constr. Co, 1$,990 �a, xocn 1g.990 Wm, Oeftger 19.kl�7 W. F. Strang 20,49g B. C, Moorc 21,362 R, C. Lent 22.500. He stated that the low Uid of ;�17.300 submitted by W, A, Walker had not been signed, and did not conform to soecifications, therefore iyas an irregular bad. He stated tl�t the next lowest bid had been te�dered 'oy l�. M. T'nompson Conpany, in the amount o£ �17.71[i. �r. Walker was present and told the Go�ni_ssion that he had forgotten to sign his r.ame but since his bid was irregular, he would withdraw it. It was moved b�� Commissioner Brown, seconded by Corrunissioner Casler and unanimously carried that the irregular bid be tl�rown out and the rest of the bids be considered. Commissioner Hrown moved that the lowest properly signed and executed bi�i ba accepted. The mation was seconded by Conunissioner Drew, and carried unanimously. `�is iras the bid tendered Uy k, M. �'hompson Gompany, in the amount of �17.71/�. It was moved by Commissioner �rown, seconded by Convnissioner Cssler and unanimously carried that consideration of an agree�ent batween Mr. & Mrs, ��:. F. 2�linor and the �ity of Clearwater relative to the s�tablishmeni. of a used auto parts business be deferred. '?"ne City h�anager did not have a report on the proposal to hire a filir.g clerk for the Police Department, and this item vras deferred. Tha City nct��rney ad,-ninistered the Oath of Office to Leland F, llrew and Joe Turner, wlio were elected Uecember 20, 191�9 £or a two year term as Corunissioners. Commissioner Kennedy surrendered the chair to Commissioner Brown, who was nominated as Chairr�an by Commissi_oner Casler. Comriissioner Casler nominated Co�runissioner Drew as �cting T•iayor Com„m;�sionex , Commissioner Turner maved that nomir_3tions Ue closed ar.d Co�u.ssioner Drew now assumed chaixwanship as ticting-t•3ayor, i Cn a motion by Commissior.er Casler, z�rhich was secor,ded Uy Commissioner Turner and carried, consideration of standing committees and special cornmiitees were deferred until such t3me «s tlie Acting Z�Iayor can conf�r with the PSayor, concerning the matter. Item �$ }, relativa to an increase in garbage coll.ection fe�s, was de.ferred by consent. Tne City Attorney reoorted ttiat he did not have ar; Ordinance regulating tha parking of trailers ready to submit at this time. The matter zaas deferred on a motion R,ade by Commissioner Brown, seconded b,y Commissioner Caslcr and unan9mously carried. On a motion by �ommissioner Birown, seconde3 by Co�¢nissioner Turner and carried, consideration of the Fxchange Club�s request to erect shelters for bus stops on P`,andalay Avenue was deierred. Relai:ive to a oetition irom residenta of the Pine Brook area requesting tl�at ttie street now named Cedar Street oe changed to Palmet.+.o Street. It was moved Uy Commissioner Gasler, seconded by Commissioner Turner and unani.mously carried that the City Clerlc give proper publicity for•a Pub1Yc Hearing at the n�xt regular neeting of the Commission. The City Manager renort�d that a fiftaen foot strip of marl on Hillcrest Avenu+s from Chestnut Street to Druid Road ��ould cost $p1000.Q0, and if the streat had tu lae graded and ditched the costs would Ue double that amount. Commissioner Brown moved that the C�.ty hianager be instructed to contact h4r. Black of the Black ltealty Company and find out wl�at part of the cost:> his company ti�rould be willing to ti�ear. The motion was seconded by Con�issioner Turner and carried unanim�usly. The City Attorney reported that he had not drafted an ordinance on regulating the growing of shrubbery at d�,ngerous strzet intersections, but wou'ld submit one a£ter further study of the Tampa Ordinance. Item � 13. The City Afanager�s report on proposals from or.gineers and contractors ta renair the Digestor at the 5ewer Plant, was deferred. Attorncy George W, Smith reyuested that a client ba issued a license to conduct a Jewelry Auction Store ios a fee of 9$200.00 per year, citing a Suprema Court decision, which he asserted nullified Cic� Ordinancc �1�67, which Ordinance hequires a license fee of $'v1000.00 for a period of fifteen days and th� filing o£ a bond in the anount of ;e200.00. Commissioner Casler moced that the City Attorney and the City hlanag�r submit pror,osals for a change in the existing Ordinance to a Comnittee composed of Commissioners Arown and Casler for studyt and reco�iendation to be made at the next regular meeting of the Commission br to a special meeting called for that purpose. The motion was seconded by Commissi�ner Turner arid carried unanimouslv. Tha City Manager reported that the Clearwater Flying Company had requested that ti:e City have the boun3ary runwag rnarkers repaired and painted, and that the cost would be approximately �250.00. He submitted the original contract with the Piedmont Flying Company, in which the City assumed the responsibility £or maintenanct of the field. Tfr, Bennett called attention to the big decrease in the City�s income from the Air Port during 194,9. Commissioner Cssler moved that the City 2•ianzger contact the Clearwater Flying Cemt-M-ny for the purpose oi reviewing the contract and clar•ifying its terms. Co�issioner•Turner seconded the motion and it w�s carried unanimeusly. The City 2�ianager reported th-t the Chief of Police had recommended installation of eight parking meters on 5outh Fort Harri,�on bet,ween Hsven Street and Niarkley Street� two meters to be twelve minute meters and the other six to be one hour meters. Mr. �ennett said that County Coimnissioner Ghesnut would like to conf�r with �ha other members of the County Commission before the City tooY, definite action. By unanimous consent it was agreed to hold the matter in abe;lance until the County Commission could be heard from. Item �r 17 was deferred, by consent. TYie Clerk i�ead a letter from J, W.'. Rowe requesting that the Conmission transfer the lease on the Big Trail Inn, held by Walter Jadlow:,ki to George L, Millar and Evelyn Ftuth hiillar. Co�riissioner Brown noved that P1r. Rowe�s request be granted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimousl,y. The City htanager presanted a letter from Governor ilarren requesting that the P•iayor appoint a Safety Chairman for �he City of Clearwater. Gommissioner Brcwn suggested that PZr. C. R. 47ic'�an be appointed, Acting Ma�or Drew designated Mr. C, R. Wiclanan as Sa£ety Chair;aan for the City cf C1essR,�ater. The City Manager r�cou�ended the following Gas and �4ater �ain extensions: 150 feet o£ 2 inch water main on Ewing Avenue �stimated Cost �p90.00 160 feet of 1 inch gas main on Lincoln Avenue Estimated Cost 75.00 �40 feet of 2 inch gas main on Eranklin Street Estimated Cost 85,00 250 £eet of 2 inch gas main on Bay �splanade Estimated Cost 165.00 It was moved by Commissioner Casler, seconcied by Commissioner 'Pnrner and unanimously carried that the recomnendation of the city 2danager Ue approved. The City Tqanager submitted a letter from S, W. Curtis, Princinal of Pinellas Higli School reouesting that the City permit the operation of the Ho]man Rides under school 3ponsoish�p, the rides to b� located on the propert� recently purchased from the City by the County Board of Public Instruction, and to be in operation for a five day period. Commissioner Casler moved that the usual method of remitting licenses be followed. The motion �ras seconded by Commissioner Turner and carried unanimously. The �ity Manager presented the renort of the Piumbing Exar�uning Baard for the year 191�9. The renort showed �eneipts of �20d.00 in examination fees and axpenditures in the amount of $`v]2.b0. A check in the amount of �p187.40 was attached to the report, Commissioner Turner moved that the report of the Plumbers E:ramining Board be accepted. The motion was seconded by Corunissioner Casler and carried unanimously. City hlanager Bennett submitted a resolution which required bk persons to clean their lots o£ grass, weeds, and underbrush. Ori a motion by Comrnissioner Casler� seconded by Commissioner Brown and unanimously carried, the resolution was adopted. On a motion by Corr�issioner Turner, �conded by Comriissioner Casler and unanimously carried, the Cormr�:ssion re-qppointed all appointive officers for th� year 1950. There being no further business to come beiore ths board, the nteeting was adjourned. �.-�-P�-���.,�.��--= -_ Actint; T:.ayor-�or,�r�liesioner ATlEST: � , -uy u or and �er�:� ` � � �� � CITY COt�iISSIUDt AfINUTE5 January 2, 1950 tdayor-Commissioner Harry D, Sargeant Gonimissioners: Guy L, Kennedy Leland F. Drew E� B. Casler Jr. . Herbert 2+I, Brown Joe Turncr Gentlemen: � 0 0 0 Th::re will be a regular meeting of thc City Commissicn Monday evening, January 2, 1950, at 8:00 P,M, - City Hall. Yours very tr'uly, Boycl Fl. Bennett - signed , City i+fa.nager BAB:gg :'� x� a Regu]xr t�teeting, of the City Gommission - A;onday January 2, 1950 - 8:C�0 P.r•i. -- City FIall ' l. Head:Lng of minutes of,Special rieeting of Decanber 15, regular maetin� Dec�ber 19 and special meeting December 21, 1949. 2. Installation of new Commissinners. ` 3. Appointment of Acting Mayar. 4. Consideration of standing commit�ees and =�ecial committecs of the Coa¢aission, arno�nted during the past year wiih particular reference to the continuation of thesc cou�mittees auring the comi.ng year. {List laiil be pr9sented j 5, Report o:� the Committce on increasing the charg�s of garbage and trash collection of business p�a.ces requiring one and ons-half truck loads to be picked up per da.y, 6. Consideration of the agreement between �r. �J. F, riincr and wife and the Ci�y of �learwater relative to the erection �f an auto �rts T�uilc3ing on South Greenwood avenue. 7, Report of City Attorney and City hianager on the proposed Ordinance covering the r,ark.ing of trailers in the City Limits. 8, Report of tne City Attorney and the Chief of Police and City l!fanager on the requcst of the Exchangc Club to erect shelters for bus custtomers at two locations on ifiandalay ivenue; [Idver- tising to be placed inside the shelter to cover the cost of the installation 3nd income i�r the Exchange Club, 9, keport of the Commitiee or� thc request of the: residents in the Pinebrook section to change the name o.f Cedar St, to Pa]rsetto Bt. 10. City Pfanager�s report on the cost of placing a strip o£ marl 15 ft, wide on Hi7lcrest Avenue from Chestnut Street �o Druia �.oaa. 11. City Manager�s reoort on the hiring �f an added clerk for the Police Department. 12. City Attorney�s report on a law to protec+, autoists and pedestrians at corner of Pierce and Osceola Avenueo 13, City rTanager�s report on progosals from engineers and contractors to renair the Digestor at the 5ewer Plant or the construc�ion o£ a new Digestor. lt�. Consideration of the rec�uest of the Air Port to have boundary runway markers repaired and painted at an estisated cost of �250,Q0; re£erred to the City Manager at the meeting of Dec, 19, sequesting that tiie contract between the Air Port and the City be oresented to the �- Commission. 15, Consideration of the bids received by the Architect for the South Ft. Harrison Fire station which matter was deferred fram the mesting of December 19, � 16, Report oi Chief of Police on parking meters adjacent to the County Court House. 17. Consideration of the letter dated Decanber 20, 1949, from 3tate Irnprovement Commission rvlative to Federal Governm�nt Public Law 352, passed in the 61st Congress, regardin� the advancement of mone,y from tha Federal Government for the drawing of plans and specifications .� for Public Works other than Fedaral Public Works. 1$. Request from Attorme,y J. W. RoWe for the transfer of a lease of Dig Tsail Inn From 4Talter Jadlowski to George L. P4illar and his wife, 19, The Manager�s suggestion as to the change in the salary of the Chief of Police and the Chiaf of the Nire Department. 1.,.._.'�=�"�-�-.�.'..,--�..,.~�._ � . __, _:.� �p, Consideration of Governor Warren�s request of the Tiayor for tha appointment of a Safety Chairman £or the City of Clearwater. 21. Consideraiion of the request of Attorneys :9askin and Slnith for a license to cover a jewelry auction house, 22, Consideration of lb5 it. of 2" water main axtension on a new street, named Queen 5t. at estimated cost of �p]25.00 requested by Gladys Dunaan, to fim nish domestic water s<trvice to one conswner which matter was brough.t to the attention of the Conmission at its meeting o£ November 21 and was referred back to the City Manager, sug�esting that the property awner deduct a 50 £t, right-of-way for street purposes t�efore the City would snend any mone,y on this proposed street. � 23, Consideration of l50 ft. of 2�! water main on �wing St. for a domestic customer and lawn service, at an estiruated cost of �90.00. Zl�, �onsideratian of 180 £t, of 1" gas main on Lincoln Ave, for one domestic gas customer at estimated cost of �75.00. 2j, Consideration of 140 £t, of 2" gas main on Frankli.n for one domestic gas at estimated cost of ��5.Co. 26. Condideration o£ 250 ft. of 2° gas main on Bay Esplanade Ave, at es�iwated cost of �165.00 to serve four (4) domestic gas customers. 27. Report for the year from the Plumbing Board, 28. Consideration o£ resolution requesting si�cty-four (61�) property osaners to clean their lots of weeds and grass. 2q; Consideration of ordinance relative to advertising signs. . 3p. Consideration of application Prom the Principal of the Pinellas Higli School,£or a license to operate auatsements, to be sponsored bp the colored school. Adjourn�ent ° Ceu�mi§`sion acting as Trustees Yor the Psnsion Plan. � # # �si- ._ . _ Decenber 28, 1949 �ity'Commission • City of Clearwa�ter • Florida "'"' ' RE: Transfer of Lease on Big Trail Inn . Geritlemene Because of reasons o£ health P�Ir. and Mrs. iaa.lter JadZowski desire to sell their plade' of business, Big Trail Inn, Clear�tater Beach,, ta George L, riillar and his wife, Evel� Ruth Millar, and request that the lease Ue trarrsfea•red to the new par�ies, � I trust" that your coinmittee wzll find Mr. and rirs. I�Iillar desirable tenants and will permit Mr. Jadlowski, through his agent, Joseph Hudak, to transfer the lease to the 2•4illars and place your approval and consent �hereon. 'tour consideration of this natter will be greatly appreciated. � 'c .. r- . Respectfully yours,. _ _ _ , , _ kdOLFE, WIGHTMAN & R01+1E , J, vT. Rowe •.• sigaed . . :r -- - . .. . . . . .. .� � � . . � , . ... .r _ . � . . � # # >-'f � � - To'�he Honorable Ma.yor and membe'rs of the city coimnission o� the city oi Clearwater, FTa, ..r . Since this is your first officia]. meeting of the new ;�ear, and since I am now a property�owner of this city� I am respectfully requesting this body to accept this � statement �.s a'New Year wish from the pastors of the many churches of this cityo � .:r:r . It is the prayer and the wish of the pastors of this ci�y that it shall always seek to'15e as beautiful the things that Have ta do with kiwnan.welfare, as God has made it,in the things_of his own creation. s v CITY COP�dISSTON MINUTES Janvary 2� 1950 ' It is the wis� thr�t all the leaders in civic, educational, fraternal and , religious insti'tutions, sf�all at all times seek cooperatively to advance the.total ' good of cvery human being in this community. 2t is our wisli that there sha11 be the maximum of appreciatiori and commen- dation �f all public officials and leaders in the schools arri churchea an3 a miriimum of criticism of their acts until and unitss such lza.ders are blamworthy. It is our wish and prayer' tkat evary ei'fort sh�.11 be uiade to safeguard the youih o£ this city, and that we give most earne^�t attention to a71 movements that have for their purpose'tlie better race relations, + '�!� suggest that some form of allegiance to the best interest o£ our city bc expressed either by private resolve or public declaration, It is our `conviction, a� mi.iiisters and Teaders, that Clearwater F1a, is so near a perfect city in its physical cleanliness and the observance of law tliat we should not nermit any power or influence to hinder the u�oral progress o.f the city which is now beaoming tha baloved lovers city of the state of Florida. ' God bless you and God speed you in evesy good work. J. W. Pearson. Tiie First Methodist Church. 4 R� S O L U T I 0 N LVHEREAS: it has been determined by the City Comr,assion o£ tne City of Clearwater, Florida, that the property described below should be cleanad of weeds, grass and/or underbrush, and that aftar ten (10) days notice and f ailure o£ thc owner thereof to do so, the City should clean such property and eharge the costs th<•*.reof against the respectives projxrty, ' NOL+T TfIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Comtm.ssion oi the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the following dcscribed property, situate in said Cit�, shall be cleaned of weeks, grass and/or underbrush w2 thin ten (10) days a£ter :!otice in writing to the owners thereof to do so and tts�t upon failure to comply ' with said notice,�the �ity shall per£orm such cleaning and charge the costs thereof against tlie respective properties ir� accordance �rith Sectaon 128 of the Charter of the City of Clearwater, as amended, ° Owner Pronert.v Dew-Aendry Fixrniture Co. Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 12 721 Cleveland St., City Go41d & Ewings 2nd ° Ed, S, ti+hiitson ° N, 32.5 ft, of Lot $ ' Davey-McMullen Bldg. Property of Geo. F. 47ashburri St. Petersburg, Floi�ida ' County of Pinellas ` Lot 9 " Clerks Office, City ` Clearwater IieighLs ' Oscar Hendricks � Lots 24y25,30,31,19 ' 117q Cleveland St,, City � Cleartiaater Heig�ts X „, 0 �% �,;� �., � �� �� J. W. Scoficld Drew St., City R. bf. Goodroan 2254 Franklin St., City Newton VJ. Aopkins 1218 Jackson St., City Frank M, Sikorski 11+].2 N, Ft, Harrison, City Robert FI. Chi•istian 4835 Divisicn St. Grarid Rapids� Michigan Rev, Thos, L. Colreavy 520 Jas�.ine Y7ay, City Virginia C, Brown 1102 S. Prospect, City David Bilgore & Co. " Franklin.St., City Robert C. 1+liller 1565 Grove st., City Virginia C. Brown 3102 S. Presp�ct Ave,, City R, G. Crotaartie blq court st,, city Burd Metal Products ' City Hamilton C, Forman P, o. Box 399 F't. Lauderdale, Fla. R. H. I'iudley b01 S, Piyrtla, City R. L. Smith 303 E. 9tn st. Bradsnton, Eia. �Ierbert II. Blanton City Wm. H. Wolfe Pianson Arcade, Gity Asa Fontaine R. F. D, Route,5 Hamburg, N.Y. Mrs. �dward L. Bippert c/o H. I,, Thompson, City PSiss Wyllie Brown c/o Paul Brown PSer�:dian� Miss. rir. George Bigby Anderson, S, �, Mrs, Geo. C, Leoris 408 Wash:ington St. i+Iatertown, kiis, ' L�Talter S. Hendershot 265 Edgewater D:, Dunedin, Florida Louis B. Crayton 3Z7 deffords St.� City Louis B. Crayb�n 327 Je£fords St., City I,eslie Pfeiffer Yarmouth Port Cape Cod, I+fass, � � Lots 1,2,3,�, Hlk. 3, Overbrook Subd, Lots 5}b, Blk. 3, Overbrook Subd. ' Lots 7,8,9,1�J, Hlk. 3, Overbrook Subd. Lot 1, Blk. 4s Overbrook Subd. Loi:s 12,�3,14,15,16,1'�lg,l9 Blk. 4,; OverUz�ook Subd. Lots 25,26,3�, B1k. 3 Magnolis� Heights Subd. Lot 5, Blk. 3, A:agnol.ia Height� Subd, Lot l, Blk. 5, Magnolia Park Subd, Lot 5, B�.k. lz Tlagnolia iark Subd. N. t�1' of Loi; 14, B11t.' l�i i'fagnolia Park �ubd. Lots 1b,Z'7,1�, B].k. 13 Magnolia Park S. 30� o£ Lots 1 and 2, a11 of Lot 3, Blk. 19, riagnolia Park Lot �, Blk. 21 riagnolia Park S, end of Lot 16, Blk. 22 �i+lagnolia �ark Lot 21, Blk. 23, i4a,gnolia Park Lot 21 Court Square Subd, Lot l, D1k. 2 ' Zs1a�.la:.e Subd. W, 80� oi E. 134.5' of S2'of Blke 8 inTalla�e Subd. W. 222" o£ Lot 53 R� L, ko� oi 55 Harbor Caks Subd. W, k5� of Lot 107 & E. 25* of Lot 109 iIarbor Oaks �ti. 10 � of 3,28 and E. 60 � of 130 Harbor Oaks W 20' of Lot 130 and:E,..50� of Lot 132, Harbor Oaks ti`1. 35' of Lot 132 and E, 65 � of 134, Harbor Oaks � W. 34' of Lot 25, E, ?_l�•o� 26 Bluffview uubd. N. 32wt of I.ot 26 all of Zot 27, E. 2£i� of Lot 2$, �lu£fview 5ubd. Lot 3�, Bluffvie�r Subd., Zess Deed 87925g (for 3treet) and less S, 90'. 0 0 Roy and Ida Harter 1775 Largo Rd., City Mrs. Dluc 1281� u, Greenwood Ave., City John D, Waite 636 �. 83rd Place Chicago, I11, � rir. John C, Dean 1t�39 2nd Ave., City � Bertha McQuarie 606 Belleview �1vd,, City `�inifred �. Godwin c/o J. �`. �+7allace Ft, Harrison & Je,ffords, City Blanche R. Beddo 1305 S. Ft. Harrison, City T'd, Vlright � P. 0. �ox 21�. St. Petersburg, Fla. Henry S. Metz 2819 Staunton Rd, Huntin�ton, 4i. Va. Norman B. Beecher t+32 Druid Rd., City Fred Ganglehoff 1477 S, Ft. Harrison, �ity Vincent Ceraelo 1104 S. Myrtle kve.}� City Mrs. Geo. Haseman 1120 South St., City B. P, Hicks R. F. D, 2, Box 210A I,akeland� Florida Wm. Ii. Tr�olie Manson Arcade, City H. R. Dozier 1020 Washington Ave., Largo, P'larida Jack Kiefcr 1571 S. Myrtle, City Joe Greco 3407 12th st. Tampa., F1a. Cosmo Anastasi c/o G, C. Spicola 200 Madison Bldg, Tampa, Fla, Andrew Alexander 5520 Harford Rd, Baltimore, Md. Edith Homer Cleveland St., City Ella Mannirg� et a1s 1903 Jelton Ave., Tampa, Fla. Paul J. Chipello 629 Cleveland St., City Stanley G, Miller 1�1�2 Sunsct Dr., City CITY GOI+�IIS5I6N M7.NUTES January 2, 1950 Lot 8, nik. 3, ' P�ii.lton Park uubd. ' s].k. 19 Milton Park Subd, zot 3, IIlk. C � Belleview Court I,ot 4, B1k, D Belleview Court Lot 12, Blk. D � BelleviEw Court Lots 1,z,3, L1k. 13 � Bel3eair Subd, Lot 8, Blk. 13 Selleair Subd. Lots 9, 11, BZok. 13 I,ots 1�,15,16,17, �lk. 13 Zots 10,11, Blk, lb Lots 3,4,5, Blic. 16 Lot �, Blk. 2k' a11 in Be7leair Subd.` Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6, Blk, A. Belleair Hi�lands Lots 16,17, Blk. A Belleair Hi�lands Lot 45, Blk. B Belleair Highlands I,ots 16,17,18,19 lst Addn, to Be]leair Highlands Zots 2z,z3,z4, Blk. s Lakaview Heights Lots 41�42, Blk. A $nd Addn, to Belmont ` � Lot 27� Blk. D, 2nd Addn. To Belmont Lots 42,43, IIlk. D, 2nd A@dn. to Belmont �o�s 1l�,15,16, Blk. K. Belmont 2nd Addn. Lot 5, Blk. 5, P+1an dalay 5uh d Lots 7, 8, Blk. 5 Mandalay Subd, Lot 3, Blk. S`c 7 riandalay Subd. Lots 2,3, Blk. B Tfandalay Subd. Lot 4, �• g Nlandalay Subd. Lot 5� Elock 8, Ma��dalay Subcl. Lot 9, Block 9 Mandalay Subd. ��� Otelia B, Gamp 501 S, Newport Ave, Tampa� Fla, Marvin hi. Odom 1005 rionroe St., Station A. Gretna, La. � Sam I,umia 1001 31st Ave. ` Tcunpa, Fla. Sam Il,, Friscia 2529 Elmore St., Tampa, Fla. Louis Lombard� � 718 �a Salle St. Tampa, Fla, Saauel & Rebecca.Stein P. 0. Box 1669, Tampa, Fla. Barnet Powell 319 �olumbia Dr. Tampa, Florida Nick Sagonias 113 Ring Ave. Tarpon Springs, Fla. Ste£ano Spoto, et als 2118 Nebraska Ave. Tampa, Fla. ' Estelle Baker Eufaula; alabama I�ot 10, Blk. 9 Mandalay Subd. Lot 15, Blk. 10 Mandalay Subd. I,ot l� Blk. 11 Mandalay S•ubd. Lot 2, Blk. 11 Manda]:.�y Subd. � Lot 6, Blk, ll hfandalay Subd, Lot 11, Blk.� 11 T4andalay Subd, Lot 14, Blk. 11 riandalay 5ubd. Lots 15,1G, Blk. 11=• Mandalay Subd. Lot 8, Blk: 12 Mandalay 5ubd, I,ot 1/�, Blk. 72 Tfandalay Sul�d. � � � � P1?SS'r.'D �2Ti AL�PT�13 by the City �onu*aisuioxi of the City of G'learwater, Florida this 2nd ciA� of Jairivary, A. D. 1950, Le la nd F. DreBc ___ _�, �Sctix��� I;[a'yor Co�i9sianer AT�EST: ' h. G. 1�Jingo City Auditor and Cler3> � 0 csmy cor:�t; :�ss�o�a r,����zi�G Ja xrua ry 2, 1950 December 21, 1949 T� �he P�iayax ancl Honoreble Ci�y Corrm?issi oners City Hx11 CJ.ear�rater, Florida Uontl.omen: I am enclo5ing a Tet�er herewith frorn ��ir, Floyd T. Chriqtian, Sunerintendent og Public Instructi�n, Pinellas Caunty, 3n which he �;ivea ua perr.�tission to s�onsor the �"Holman Ridos�', provicl3n�; �ou gentlemen will issue a per.mit to us. The P1an: The sc�ool will receive twenty-five percent (25�5) of the �;ro�3 recaipts, plus five dollars, (yr5.00) �'or aaeh conoessic�n bootYa; this entertainraent does no� carr;� any garnes of e�iance. If you desire �o investigate, the following is tY,e �aaresg of tr.e o�mer: P.;r. uani Ho3man 2��5 Cholsea Tampa, Florida Telephone: 32915�. Yaur favorable oonsideration oP tr�3s r.7atter 1rill be graatl? appreciatecl. Respectfull�r sub:aitted: S. 'I1. Curb�iss PrincipaZ vmc Encl. P. S. Plaase return enclo�ed letter as s��n as possible. Deceznber 22, 1949 P�ir. �am Holman 2105 Clielsea Tampa, b'`la o liear T,ir. iiolmsnr TYzis �vill ackna�rZedge your letter of liecer.iber 21, addressed to �-�e i,:ayor r�nd Har�orable City Co�riissioners o�' ti�.e Cit�7 of Cles�r��ater relat�ve to the establishment oi �fHolman Rides�� oz� the propert� owned by the Pinellas School �soard; th�s to be spcnsered b;* the idegra School.v � F3efore thia i� presente�3 to the City Cor.r;tission ti�ill yau Alease �dvise me in detail vJhat the Ho7.raan Rides are coziposed of. i'ours var�r t�zl�r, Sl�,ned: �3o�d Aa Bennett, Cit� T:;gr. SA B : g€, Ueoembex 2g� �ga.g ` A�r. I3oyd A> �ennett City T,iana�er Clear�^Jater, Florida Post O,ffice f3ox 134$ ' liear Sir: Your Zettar of December 22 received, in regards to FIolznan Hides, on the propert� avrned bv the Pinellas School I3oarc�; this to be sponsered by the Tdegro sclzool. C�ur rides consi�t of T�Ierry-�o-rotind, farris v�heel, boat ride, v�rhirl-vaind ride, bab� ferris whael, train rida, anc� RnlI-A-S';P_zirl.s �lso srrin� ride. TriAniting you for �*our letter, we are SiJIJSI�iIV't? l.iFCr. G`0. Signed: T,ee Erickson Sec�y . _ _ . .. , � - , � ..,. - - �, ,� . . � , +� � , � ` ' ' J �' ", _ , 4 r . ;. _ t� ,I e _ , ;, , ' _ j > , . _, i +r�� �Yi I _ ��� � „% CITY CC?AIRtTS51AN I.,L�,^T�1`tG CZTY COIa11133S5TON �rIT�L�"�'T,I'dG . _ Januar� �3:, J:350 : Januar� 2, 1950 , , : ; 7�c�acmbax la, 1.9�k�J , ` _ _ December 31, 1949' ' _ To: NCr, Bennet� : , ' _ ' �Ir . 5 . 'hJ. Curti s � ' Princ:Lpa l ' , - Pinellas �i�h SchoQl From; hir. Perry, Plumbin� Tns�ac�or , Cle�rsr� Ear, Ploi i�a : Ai:tached l�erewith i� the financial repoa^t o£ "the �3oara oi Plumbing Examine;.s and Deax l�ir. Curtis; cYieck �`or the balanee on hand of ��187.6a, r ,, _ - - • C1eArwater Ne rQ schools ssed vrith the boaz� tY�.e �os��.'�i13.ty of the � Names of a licant� takring �he 2,Zaster Piumbars e�caminatio� 1949-------; I have disou PP s onsariir the ;�iolrian ride3 on the recently puraYiased achool pxo�e,rty. ; p � , Jaxnea Rof Chastain Fee paid---------------w25.00 , , �- ob'aet�.on �o vour s�onsorin� thesa ridea anc� the usa of the _ Theza r�ill be no J � he' ro ext . It vidi there is a'bsolu�oly na �amUlin�; on t� � p Y T E. a nswart'h --- 25.(70 . school proporty, pro �� • a i the z, H y u ir -_--_-' ---'----- is also understood tha� the ts�o �ther elenientaz�y schools �v�.11 ahqx k� :; iu he rides and that you will act as clzairr.ian of . the �;roup _ in 5. Gross _-_ 25.�0 profit der_ved fro t J`o� rr a-------- and present this a�'fice �riibh a statement af tha pxofits derived anc� distrik�ut�on � _ of the s�ine. _ V"V, A. Johnson ir u_-----'--_-��---- 25.0�. _ _ . v iIl rant ou a ermit for tho pro ject,, as I knayv you st T hns n a� �r' ,,_______________: 25.00 ' I trust thatr the city 1 �; Y P .�o � }iave a worthy cause in mind for the use oz tho r.ioneq o'G�a3:nad tron the co7ce�sior.s• V. A ' P,Zarvi�: N. 4VLlliams � n �r ------------__�__ 25,�0 �iz�cerelg you�s, ' TOTAL ' �150.OQ _ SiUned: Floid T. Christian _ Superint�ndent az I'ablia �nstruction Journeyman Pluinbara Fee: _ _ • James Vd. Bates Jan. 1949' Fee �a,id��,�T..�..t�ttYY-.-1�J.00 J. V1. Starling„ Feb. 2, 1949 it �� -------------- 10.00 • i�m�: j , I„ D. Harcell Feb. 17, 1949 n �i _--- -- 10.00 _ ---_- _ Ii. R. Falmas Feb. 17, 1949 ir ii -------------- lU.JQ _ _ Charle's H. Slauter kug. 10D 1949' c� u---------=---- 10.00 -----__,�------------------------_ TOTAL �50.00 4�200.00 . December 29, 1949 _ Expanditures; P,�xe S. V'�, Curtis, .Principal Pinellas i�igh �chaol Ptatexicls anrl �r�.nt_zzg; _ �12.60 12.80 �sox 291 � . � rida Clearc�at:.r, Flo �alance on hand turned over to the city �18'7.�0 Dear I,ir. Curti3; _ _ _ : , o a er oi llecember 21 19�9 addresse� to the Tw?ay or �nd HonoraUle ------>------------------- ------_-,-_�-- Wi-t�. refer.,nc:e_ to �our 1 tt , �it Co*,�n�.asioners regardin� s�onsorin�; the �T��olr7an Rid�s�". �'h�s of£ice is advis�d , 9 FII�A�TC7AL REPORs^ � b the Sunshine hlanui'acturing Ceanpany oi Tarapa that these ridea conaist of Dlerry-g�- g PLUI�i$iI3G COT1TRCiG'�'OR�u r,XA1�=TiIIiG BOARi7 round �'erris whee'1, boat :ride, whirl-tvind ride, baby ferris v��hee1., tra3n ride� Ra11- A-VJhirl aizd Svring t�ide. Vtould you please advise �s how �.on�; you propoae �o have these 19n9 - rides in operation, _ R�CEIPTS , � � Examination Fees ----------------------�?150.00 The City licens� law requirea a licen.se of w50.00 per :year �.or each ride or arRiuserr.eni, IF�as�er Plumber) there�ars the question oi how lon� you expect to operate �Yiese amusements, because � the Cit �ommission has �he authority�, ii' it sees �it, to proratc� the 1lcense fea ai�d y Jou.rne an Fees: - 50.q0 . even remi� it, rrhich it �ight do in this case,. Ym --------------------- G'Ve v�ould a recia�e a re 1 at an early datE so tha� the natter can t�e put on tha TOmAL �200.00 pT� . p � agenda for considexation by the �orru�i:ss�.on at its meetin� January 2, 1�J50, }I1 �PENDITTJRES tiiaterials i'or Exam�.nation �_--------- 12.60 : Your� very truly, 'TUTAL 12.60 Signed: �3oyc1 A. Benne�tt . ' _ Gity iutanager _ _ �3ABr�6 Bal. an hand`turned over to City w187v40 _____________.,_------- ' Uecerabar 30,, 1949 � Respectful'lg� sub�itted, Itira t3o d Ae iiennett Cit Pri r. _ Si6ned; J. A. Perr� � ChRirrnan � , Y � PLUbIBING :fNSY�CTOR �'ost �t'iice Tiax 134c� _ Clearv�ater, Flbxida ; Ji��'' ja _ peai �.r. t�ennett: _ ' In re ara to tk�e in uir made concernin �he sponsorin�; of the nfiolma:n R�tcles", we , � cl. Y � v�isYi ta have uhem operate five ni�hts, �eginnin� passik�ly on Tues�lay, Jazu�try I0, 1950. '9e reatl a reciate our rom t xes onse_'to �ur request, and trust that matters vlag , r � y pP 'Y P P P - be, arz�an��cl to the sa�Gisfaetion or the ciiv officials: ' _ ' �ospect:ftzlly aaurs, ' Si�ned: S, ;JVo Curtis , `.<, . ti �, i , _ � , zzsT�%�{ corsiwlTT�;E� 'P ""'.�C% T�a��r�lc coni�.z�l�y: cor;imissioner F3rc�wn �' Drew LICENSE COt1iTuITTEE: Jan. 11, 19�9 Cor,�:iissioner �3ra�rn " Dre��u (ta work «i�h Ghief o� Police) LAPdD APFRAIStiI:� COt�IAiITmEF: P�Iar. 21, 1949 Commissioner Bro�vn • �c Dre�r QOI�i2:IITTEE ON SAL.4R1�S OF CITY EP,iPLOYEES; Apr. 18, 1y49 Cor.imissioner Brown �" Itennedy COP,uiITTEE OIJ BP.,ACI£ I,F'�ASi�,S: .Tune 13, 1949 fitayor Sar�eant Conwi. Brov�n ��' Casler COIti'lll�iITTEE ON STGNS: June ],3� 194y Comm. Brown °' Casler COI4iiIITTEE OT, PtTBLIC CODSPORT STATiOTi June 13, 1949 Cor.nn. Brown �y Ca sler CO2,�,IITi�E 02J S2'R22dG COUFtT I1`iYROVE'i�.;E2:TS June 27, 1949 CoTM.�rn. E�rown u Dretiv L�ecember 21, 7.949 I�r. J. A. Al�schuler, Hrc:zitect, Citvo Dear Sir: In refex*enae tc� our bid for the construction of Fir•e Station I�to. 3 for the City of Clearwater, *r�e stated that we included a concrete beam acro3s from corner of office to dorrii�tor� i'or support of' roof slab. �Je under3tand this 3s not necessary, so instead of this item w�e vrould app7� this amount of ��45.00 wrich �ve used for this be�� totivard clearin� the trees off i'rom lot. Trus�ing this mat�ar meets wi�h your approval, we sre, "�'ours vesy truly, Signed� 1�. A. P�lallter r. 0 �