12/22/1948 (2)SPEC7A7� COIvIC?ISSION MEETING December 22, 19� The City Commission oY the Gity c�f C1earweter, Florida met in special session at 12 o'clock noon in the City Hall, �ece�ber 2F'., 191�8 with the Pollw�ing members present: J, 0. HOULE R�layo�-Conunissioner Lel�nd r. �rew -Commissioner J', x, �rane -C�mm.issioner Harry D. Sargeant-C�rnmissionr�r Guy L. Y:e.nnedy -•Commissi�ne�r Absent• None. xlso presen�: City bttorney - Geor.ge VJ. Smi�h City Manager - Boyd x. Bennett Chie� o� �'olicc� - J, J. Flliott 2'he meeting w�s called to order by NIayor Houze and the �la�or explained that the purpos8 0� the meeting was to canvass the December 21st election. ' Tlte ceri;ified report of the Election Officials v�as read by �he Gity C1erk. Tt was mov�d by Commissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Grane and unanimously carrZed that the report be accept�3 and declared ofPicisl. It vaas moved by Cozunissioner �rane, seconded by �onmissioner Kennedy snd unanimously c�,rried that the �,lection OfYicials be paid y 10.00 p?us �1.00 �or lunch, Yor their services 7t the El��ction. By unanimous consent, Commissioner Drew rep orted thst the �ank of Cls�rwster held � iaortgage o� ten t�iousand d�llars, fivs thousand of which is payable 3�arch 1, Y949, on Li�ns Club pro�erty, bir. Drev� rep�rted that the :Bauk �f Clearwater is willing to issue a partial release if the City will make the ��5000.00 IvIarch payment i� the imm:ediate f.uture. It was raoved by Gommissioner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Crane and unanim�usly cc�rried that the City Ivianager and the City �ttorne� be authorized to proceed with negotiations witY� the Bank of Clearwater as outlin,ed, to obtain the legal d�scription end surve�� of the praperty, and pay the bank �p5000.00 and secure a partial r�laase. '� Thore beiug no fu.rther bnsiness to come bePore �he Bosrd the me ting was adjourned, �� v�tay--�- oiom.iss r ATT�S : Gity xuditor d �lerk ,, _ . . �. � . . 'r � . . . . .. � � . . � � � . � . . . .. . . . � . . . " ' . ' . I r�� l D STATE OF FT,ORIDA C OiTPiT:.' OF PINELLAS �' CITY OF GZEARWATER We, the und�rsigned, Clerk and Inspectors �or the Cit� General Election to be h"s.ld on Decemb on N: Gard�npti�e �� plAce at the Cle�rviater �� Fire Stati��n� do hereby solemnly , swe�r that we will well and fait�fully perform the duties of Clerk and Znsp ctors at s�id election. �� �G % G�l,! �C/ • �� , � �yj h�, 7y1 ��.t .�:.�v�v CLERK �� .TiiSPECTOR . � ��� ' `-.o-�.'�j-�.^In' . Q: �C �.�YYI�/'�' " SPECTOR NSPECrPOR � . � /� 0 INSPECT ��. � � ��u�� � � - �INSPECTOR SPECTOR V �„ y �✓ D' TNSPECTQ INSPECTOR Sworri to end subscribed bePore me at Clearwater, �'loridn this � day of �ec�ber, 19/��. . � . Vlingo City Auditor nd �lerk s'- ' i, � F . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ..... . .. . ... . . . ... .. . . . .. . . . J 4. . .... .. .. . .,. .. .,� 1,'�. ' <..,,. , � . . . . � . . ' . . . . . . ..>.-..$ , � ��� � STATE OF FLORIDA CUUNTY OF PINEL7�i�.S CITY OF CI;EARVIATER V�'e, the undersigned, C1erk xnd InsPeetors for the �ity General Eleetion to be held on December ,21, 194�, polling Besch pl�ce �rt the Clearwater/� Station ' ,a�g, do hereby solemnly swear that �ve will well and �aithfully per= fbrm tho duties of C1erk and Inspectars at said election. ����y /�s ��.��, �� • IIdSPECTQR INSPECTOFt � -�-' INSPECTOR ��,� w � �' TN�P�CTOR _ IAtSP.rxTOR i `i� �/V � INSPECTOR , INSPECT I SPECTOR IIl�PECTOR Sworn to and 3ubscribed bePare me at Clearwater, %lorida this �day of' Uac�nber, 19ta.8, � H. G. Wi:ngo City Auditor d Glerk � � ST1iTE OF FI,ORII2E1 zzE C6IIDT^lY �F FLORIDA CITY OF CLEPRWAT� 4Ve tize undersigned Clerk and Inspeators of the Ci ty General �lection held on December 21, 194$, polling plaoe at the Clsarwater Fise Station on North Garden Avenue do hereby certify that v�e have conducted said election eacording to law and upon counting the bal.lots find the result of said election to be as follaws: Toto�l neuuber of ballots cast. �� ��- Total nwnber of ballots mutilated � � �, For Mayor-C�mmissi n r to serve ior a ter� oY two years: � �/`f ,�I 1� TSa N C K�Q R l�! xeceived !� La U votes t�, D• S09 f�' G-'�E�¢Nl received /3 1 d votes For Commissioner tc serve for e t^rm oP two years. L�• i?� • l� l�Q �N /`� xeceived,�� S Y 9 votes (� , i�� � b'�rS,C �%' r! lQ received ! a�( y votes �S. C �STp��V,R ree'eived�_ votas .�, R• CR 1411' E received �� S� votes S• C•� l� Yv l...S' receivea 7 y�% __ votes Given under our hands ati Glearw��er, �lorida, this 21st day oi Dec- ember x, Do 1�8. ���� ��i � �',�d�, i�.+�/ :• t.�'' ../ � y � - r - ��� i..,i',�� ff`-'�,ci l �.<r.1 �"',x''P� p E ' INSPEGTO�t � � A� INSP�CTOR PECT� "^� 1 ,� r c� _ � ,r -: '���� ,�''1 �a,, ✓%�/1.^�. -,�'�.."'..Gt'r'w.v t �, y,-� ` C-.- ,� G-�+- 'C�i,�� t �' �n -, � ,• , . „ ,�1 v f". INSI'ECTOR �TNSPECTOR l .. �� .f ^� !.� '' ' - r �� ..7 �- � } - - -- - -- �INSP�TOR INSY�CTOR , ��'}fn 1` !` I'� 1 1, �'/ � � _ � � '�...' . �' IIJSt�CTOR -- --- IN�PECT(,)R Sworn to and subscribad beYore me at Glear�vater, E'lorida this 21st day o�' Decsmber, H. D. 19/��• O /������ i�� �ity Auditor a�lark v i .� .;f' +� � STAT� OI�' I'T,OI�IDA GOUN'T'Y OF 1'IN�LAS CITY OF CLEaItVIxT�+:f3 UJe the undersigned Clerk a�d I�pectora of the Gity General Election held on December 21, 191�.$, polling pl�ce at ;;he Clearwater �e�ch Fire Stat�on do he�eby certify that we h$ve conducted said electian according to law and upon counting the ballots find the resnit of �aid election to be as followsf Total num.ber oP ballot� cast �-�� Totsl num.ber of bal.lots mutila�ed -'�d-��- For M�yor-Gommissioner t� ser�e for a term oi two years: .-- ��' `���` �� received /.7/ votes � �� /i'�^� yC'JQ� ����` receivecl /O� votes �o� Commissionar to ser•ve for s term oY tv�o years. • ��%�f`�tii��c�d-=.�-�t. received %��- votes �� ��� �� received � / .� votes ��C�� �-`��' '��4�j' �t received �� - vot es _,�. � l^ � / received � G' � votes ,f�; �/ E� "rece;ved Q � votes Gi,ven under our uands at Clearwater, Florida, this 2Zst �ap of DecemUer, A. D. 19,4$. T u � ✓a� C ERI� � ��iSPEC TOR �..�-��� -�. 1.�� 1�.-,��� I�TG' < INSt EGTQR , ' ��� INSPI�CTO' INSPECTOR ���al�(X/� r IPTSP�'CTOR . INSPECTOR Sworn to and sub scribsd before me at Clearwater, Floricls this 21st day oP llecember, 1�, D> 1948. ' r�.� City l�u�i it�cm �nd rk � � � � ����, iC`. ��� ':1 ;� �� / r; �, J l� WE, THE LTi�IDERSTGNED II,ECTION OFFTCT� S DO HHEREBX CFI3TII�'Y: That on thia 21st day of Decem.ber, 19�s, as soon as the po11s were ol�sad, the curtain lever on each voting machine was lockad against movement. 'I'hat the said curtain levers were sealed, That the number of eaoh voting machine,�and the number on the curtsin lever seal, aud the ntunber regisi;ered on the protectivA counter of eac�h v�ting machine is as followa: A /' b2achine No. �����- � Seal No. ��f ,�'`'� 1'rotective Counter No. b��d(o�� Machine No. Seal No. Protective Courztor Na. ____ Machino No. Sea1 I`To. Protective Counter No. Th�t the Glerk of the Election Board, under the scrutiis�p of the mgjority end minority, Inspectors and watchers, if any, called oi'f the vote for each cendidate as sho�vn on the oounters of eacsh machine, and that such vote was recosde�i on the Origin�l Return Sheet, Duplicate Return Sheet and Triplicate Return ShPat by the Election Officers. That the vote recorded on the �Jriginal Feturn Sheat, liuplicate 'tteturn Sheet, �nd `lrip7-icmte I2eturn Sheet was then compared v�ath the f�gures on each machine by bein� called thereirom by an i;lection Officer. 'i'ha� the machines are closed and locked. ' Thet the total nttutber of votes as shown by the ITumbered uignature S1ips and the rublic Counters are as follows: Machine No.�Ll (� �—.� Vot es � �Q Niachine No. nQtes — Machine No. s Vot es Total Number of votes for � GC the s aid Election Dis trict Vot es O STkTE OF FLORIDA ) C OUPTT'Y OF PIN ��Li�S ) V�Te, the undersigned ClerY> and Inspectors of .�lection 1'recinct i�o. , Clearwater, Florida, do hereby certi�y thst the �aregoing tally of the vote as sho�vn by the return sheet is correct, and that each machine has been duly and properly �ocked aecording to instructions. VTitness our hands and seals this 21st day of DecemUer, 19�:8. G--��-��-t/ R R /.�r�r�[-'�-G.i��j '��s-/ —v � ` � INSPEClORS CLERK - �� . � fl - F S �Y.: 7y '4 � . � W�, THF UNDEf2SIGIJED II,EC'1T2ON 0�'}+TCERS DO HEREBY CERTIE'Y;' ' Thot on this 21st day oP Decmiber, 191�$, as soon as the polls were closed, the curt�ain lever on esch voting machine was locked against movenent. 7'hat t�s said curfiain levex�s were sesled. Thrat the nunber of each voting machine, a�d 'th,e nwnber on the curtdin lever �eal, and tlie number registered oz� tL�e protective COUTl't8T of e�ach vcting machine is es follows: Machine No. /d��p�� Seal No. , '`" �'rotective Counter No.�p/��2 d ��f : - Mac2iine Noe '(�� �� 5ea1 No.. Protecti'�e Count.er No, j1D/��.2 Machine No. f�lji �� Seal No. ��%f %� Protective Gount er I�o. L16 �;y/ Machine 'No. ��� �;� Seal IQo. �lv C� �cf Protective Counter No, [g(�/�D� Machin� No. Sea1 No, Protective Counter No. Machine No. Seal No. Protective �ounter No. That the Cl.erk o� the Election Board, under the scrutiny;: of the majority a�l minority, Ins�ectors and watchers, i� any, called oif the vate Por each candidat,e as shown on the counters of eac� macuine, and th�+t such vote tivas recorded on tihe Originel Fteturn Sheet, Duplicete Return Sheet and Triplicate Return Sheet by the Election Officers. °:`hat the vote recorded on the Original Return Sheet, Duplicate Ret�rn Sheet, • and Triplicate Return Sheet was then compared v�ith the Pigures on e�ch msc;hine by being called therefrom by an Election O�ficer. That the machines are closed and lx�ed. Thst the total number of votes as shown by the Numbered Sign.ature Slips and the Public Counter� a�•e ss folloivs: b'fachine No. ��� � � 'Pot es �Z d Machine �?o. � -7� � d� Votes �/ r Machine No. � �o 027 Vntea � ,�� MachinE No. Votes Machine No. Votes Machine No. Votes , Tot�l Edumber of votes for the said Electi�n District Votes s�H2�E oF FLorzDa ) C�?TJNTY OF PIiJT�LLt�) _ .__.._�.. We, the undersigned Clerk and Znspectors of Elaction.Precinct No. , Ci:earwater, Florida, do herebe certi�y that the f oregoing tallp of the votes as shown by the return sheet is c� rect, and that each mschine has bepn duly and properly locked according to instructi ons. Witn.ess our nands a nd seals this 21st day of December, 194g. _ � /7 ^ `�''�7 , "�.,� ,, /+`�" r" fIL,,� e 1`;��„ � �.4 � '� . �� ,'�' �t` �" `; .�::..,... F. � , . � \ � a � ; �.-. � r , .� t �j � :. �, . � . �� u- �'�' @. - � ._ . ' �-'_ � _.. . R— d � . , � . � 1 � fi��r.k �� _ _ .. a , . - - — - - . ..- � .. , � _ . �. � . . - , ...... ,.. � � � ` . F.9} . . , . . �� lr �t . � L. d � L.�.!� �,.r`;�L( — - — ��/z-a `��fi'� ` 3't f�„�� "G'�l,a .�c'� �-- 4� , :� , � Ag: - � .. . . �� ' . . . . F ` .<`" INS1'ECTORS �% O.LE ■