12/16/1948 (2)Special Commission �ceting
�ecemher 16, �9l�8
�he City Commission of the c:ity of Clearwater; F'lorida met in speciel. session
��;:•12.o'_clock noon, at the City Hall with the follo�ving members pres.ent:
J. 0. Houze - �iaypr-0ommissianer
T. R. Cra�e - Comraissioner
Lelend I', tirew - Corumissioner
Guy L. Kennedy - Commissioner
Absent; Harry v. Sargeant.
blso present were Boyd ti. Bennett, City Maneger, George S7. smith, City Atit�rneg,
and J. J'. illiott, �hieP of Police.
The meeting was aelled to order by M�yor Houze, who explained that the purpose
o� the meeting to re�tare tlre names caf any persons v�hc had been erroneou"s�y � o;�y�ted
i'rom the list of qualiPied Yoters. '
It w�s moved by Cammissioner Craiie, seconded by Commissioner i3rav� and unsnimously
carried thst the list as prese�ted by the Count�jr Supervis�r oP Registration be a�proved
as no one was present to request correcti�n.
There being no i'urther business ta come before the Board, the meetin� was adjourned.
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oRnTrr�rrc� r.ro. 56? � �'
Section l. USE OF YOTING I�CHIIJES �UTFIORIZED. The use of voting macl�ines
for the canduct o� elections in the City of Glear�vater, Florida, is hereby
Secti�n 2. DEE'INITIONS. �he follo��ving words and texms when used in this
ordinance have the meaning ascribed to them in this seatiUu`,: excep� when the
context clearly indicates ra different meaning,
(l) The �vord °ballot" {excegt tvhen reference is made to irregular
ballots) meane that portion oP the cardboard or paper or ot}�er material within
the l�aTlot frames containing t�e name ai the candidate or a statement of a
proposed charter anendment, or �ther question or proposition i�rith the w�rd "yes�'
for voting for any question �r propositi�n, and the worl "yes" far voting for
�ny question or proposition, snd the word "no" for voting against �ny question.
(2) The word '�question" s1�,11 mean any charter amendment, proposition
or otiier question subiait�ed to the voters at any election.
(3j The term,'(o�fieial ballotT' shdll mean the printed strips at aard-
board conteini�g the names af the candidates nominated and a statement �i' th$
questions subnitted.
(1�) The t�rm•'Eirregular ballot" shall mean A vote aas�, by or on a
special device, for a person whose name does not ap�ear on the bal.lots.
(5) ^lhe ter� "vatin� macliine custodian" shall. mean the person who
shall hace charge oP �reparittg and arranging the votin� machir,e �or elections,
(6) The term 'tprotective counter" shall r� an a se�arate counter
built into tlie voting nachine �ahich cannot be reset, which reaords the total number
of movements oY the operating lever.
(7) �'he term "bomrd o�? election�" shall �an the c.lerk and iusPectors
appointed °to co zduet an election.
Section 3. RE�UIRE�14t!,i. S OF VOTIIJG I�CFIITd"iS. any voting machin.es may be
sdopted, rented, purchased oi used whzch shell be so construeted as to fulfill
the requirements oP the lav� oY the Sta�e of'.klorida governir_g voting msch�.nes.
SectiAn 4. YRINTIi1G OFFICII�Z &�TZOTS, �11 3a1].ots shall be printed on p�per
or clear white material, o� such form and size as v�ill fill the ballot fr�mes of
the machine, in plain color type as large as the space vrill reaonably permit.
lhe cagtion o�' the various ballots on said machines shell be so placed on said
machines as to indicate to the voter what push knob, key, lever or other d�vice
is to be used or opexated in order to vote for the aandidate or candid,ates of his '
Section, 5, SAIt4PLE BEiLLOTS. The officer or officers whoae duty it may be under
this ordinence to providp and furnish ofPicial ballota Yor any pollin� pl�ce where
a voting machine is to be used, shell also provide two gample ballots or instruetion
ballots, which sample or instructian br�llots s�al1 be arranged i.n the Porm of a
diagrem shorving such portion of tl� front oP the voting machine as it, will appeAr
after the oPficiaT'ballots are arraqged thereon or therein f�r voting on election
d�y. Such saraple ballots shall be open to �e inspection of sll voters on election
There shall ba furnished to the election oi'ficia?, at each polling
plsce, a sufficient number of sample bt�llots (s� facsiiazle of the faoa of ths
m�chine) of s reduced size, so that one may be given tg e�ch voter desiring
the same.
Section 6. NUR7BN� OF OFFICIf�L SALLOTS TO BE FUkI�1ISHED. Two sets uP official
ballots sha11 be provided for each vating machine at each p�olling place for use in
and upon the v�ting m�chine, one set thereof sh�ll be insert;ad or placod in or
upon the voting machine .nd the o�•her shall be retained in the custody a nd
possession oi' the boArd of electi�ns, unless it Ghall become necessary during tha
course of the election to meke use of the same upon or in the voting.�achine.
Section 7. �U'I'S.r OF GLr�?K. The City Clerk shal'1 have the voting mEchines
and all necessary furniture snd applisnces at the proper polling pl�ce D�r places
before the tine fized for opening of the gollsa the counter,s set at zero (000),
and otherv�ise in good and pr�per order ior usa at suc:h elections; and for the
purpose of plecing ballats in the bc�llot Premes of the mechine, p utting it in
order, testing, end adjusting and delive.ring the �achi�e, `1'he �lerk may eraploy
one or more competent persons to be kn�wn as cutodian ar custodians of' voting
mac�iines; who shall be fully competent, thoroughltr instructed, and slvorn to perYorm
their duties hone�tly rind i aithfully, and Por sech purpose shal,l be appointed and
instxueted at lzsst seven days be�'ore the electin� and shall be c ro sidered as
o�Picers or elections, BePore preparing a voting mac�aine far s+ny election, wri�Gten
notice sha�l be rnailed to each candid�te �hose name will appear on the iaallat,
str�ting the time and place e�here the m�chines v�ill be prepered, at which time each
candida�e shall �e a�forded �n oppnrtunity to see that the machincs are in proper
condition �or use in the election. Vlhen r� machine has been so examined, it sha'll
be sealed with a numbered seal, The cust�disn shall;;certify to the numbers of the
machines, that all of' the counters are set at zero (OD0), and as to �the number
registered on the protective counter, iY o�e is pravided, end on tho seal. ��fter
the pre�>aration af the ma�hineU, the Clerk or someone duly authorized, other than
the person who has preparecl them for election, shall inspect each machine and report
in vrriti.ng to the �it� Conmission concerning the faats as to whether or not all of
the registering counters are set at zero (000), the machine is arr�nged in all
respects in good ardAr Por the electi�n and lx ked, and �s to the number registered
on the protective counter, and on the seal. �1hen a voting machine has been proterly
prepared �'or election, it sha11 be l�eked against voting and s�aled; and the Yeys
thereoY shall be del ivered to the ��ity �ommission, together with a wril:ten report
mdde by the custadian, stating that it is i n every way properly pra��are$ for the
election. kfter the voting machine shall be transYerred to the polling �1ace,
=t shall be the duty oi' the �ity ivianager to provide ample pr�tection a�ainst
m�les�ation or injury to the machi�e. The lantern or el�etric light fi�.�Lure shall
be prep�recl in good ordex for use before the opening of tlie polls.
Section 8. IriSTHUCTION UF E'L�CTIOPd OFFICERS. Not more th�n 21 i.�ays prior
to d,ete oi eleation, the custodian or custodians oP the �chines sh�ll instruct
the election oi'�icers v�ho sre to serve in r�n election in the use of the rr:achine,
._ and in their duties in connection there�vith; and he shall givF ho each election
oYficer who h.«� receivetl such instructian and is Yu11y yu$lif ied to properly
conduct the election with the machine, a certificate to that effect, ror the
pur�ose of giving such instruction the cuatodian shell call such meeting or
meetings as shall be necessar3�. Such custodian sball v�ithin five da�xs, file a
repert with the �ity Clerk steting that he has instrueted t�e election officers_,
giving the n�mes of such officers,'ai..3 the time �nd place where such instruction
was given, The election officers oY each election district in v�hich a voting
maclline is to be used sha11 sttend_such geeting, or m Etings, as shall be cal]_ed
fcm the pu.rpose of receiving such instruction concerning their duties ss shall be
necessary for the Proper conduct of the election with the machine,
Section 9. OFFICIA�, BALLOTS. Oi'iicial ballots oP the P�rm and description
set forth in this ordinancie Yo� use upon voting machines shall be prepared and
Purnished bv ciirectiou o� the City Cornmiasien.
Section 10. LNP1I}3FFt OF VOTt,RS FOR r�GH I�ihCHIATE. There shell be not less
than one voting machine f�r Each s'ix hundred registered voters or Yraction ther•eof,
qualified to vote at any designated polling place.
Section 11, VOTIYTG n�IHCHINE OUT OF ORDF�2, In case �ny voting machine used at
any polling place sh�ll, during the time the polla �re open, became injured so es
to render it inoperative in v�hole or in part, it shall bs the duty �f the 9lection
board, if possible, ta substitute a perPect macha.ne for the injured nachi�e, and at
the close of the palls, the reeords o?' both m�chines shall be taken, snd tiie votes
shocvn on their counters shall be �dded togei:har i n a saertaining snd determining
the results of the election; but iP no other mschine can be pregared f'or uso zt
such election, and the one injurPd canno� be repuired in time ior use at such
election,unofficial ballc�ts msde se nearlv &:> possible in the form of the afficial
ballot nay be used, received by the elect�ion officers and pl&ced by them in xe�ep-
tacle in such case to be provided by the eleetion officers, and countad vaith the
votes registsred on tYie voting inaehines; and the result shu11 be declared :the
same as though there had been no accident to thF voting �echine; the ballots
th.us voted sh�ll be p reserved and returned as her�in directed v�ith a certificate
or statoment setting forth how and why the same were voted.
Section 12: OP�ING OI' pOZLS. The aleetion officers of each polling placP
shall �ttend at tYie polling pl.ece three-quarters oP an hour bePore the time set
for opening of the polls, at each election, and shall proceed to �rr�nge within
the guard rail the furniture, stetionery and voting mschine P�r the conduct of
tha election. T�e boards oi election sh�ll then and '�here have the voting
machine, ballots, and stationery required to be delioered to them for such eleeti�n.
I� not previously done, the3� shall insert i n their proper places on the voting machine,
the ba].1ots containi�z� the n�r�es of offices to be filled �t s�xch election, and the
names of candidetes nominated there�'or. The keys to the voting m�chine shall be
delivered to tlie election officers at le�st three-quaxters of an hour liefore the
time set tor openi�:g the polls, in a se�l.ed envelope on which shrll be wril,ten
or gri,nted ilie r:umber and looation of the voting nir�ohine, the number of the sea,l
ar.d the nu�ber regis�te�red on the protective counter or device, �s reported by the
custodi�zn. I3efare oPe�i,�g the envelo�*�e, all election cyficers pre3ent shall
e�snine the nunbar on t�ie ueal on the machine, also the number registered on the
proteetive oounter, and shall see i� they are the same as the number written
on the envelop�; arx� if they are not the same, the �.ch ine must not be opened until
tha custodian or other authorized p erson sh�ll have beei� notified and shall h�ve
presented himself at the polling place for -Ghe purpose of re-exaniining such m�ch ine
and shall certiPy that it is prcpesly arranged. If the number� on �la;e seal and
pr�tective coiu�:ter are found to �gree with the numbers on the envelope, the elsction
oPficers shall oroceed. to open the doors c�ncealing the c�unters, end each ofiicer
sha11 carefully exen�ne every counter �nd see that it rggisters zero (000), and the
same shall be subject �o the inspeetion of oificial w�+tchers. The machine shall
remain. locked sgainst votir� until the polls are i'armally opened, and shall not be
operated e�cept by voters in voting. Tf any counter is found not to register zero
(OOJ), the board of election shall immediat�ly noti�y tt�e custodisn, wh� ah�rll, if
practicdble, sdjust the c�unters at zero (000), but is it shall be impracticable
�or the cutodi:an to Grrive in ti,me to s� acljust such counters before the time set
ior o�ening the polls, the election o�ficers shall immediately m�ke a written
statement of the designatir� letter-and number of such couttter, together with the
number re;istered thereon, and shall si�n and p�st same upon the vyall oi the o
polling roon, where it shall rersain throughou-t election day, and in filling out
the statement oi canvass, the5� she,ti subtrect such number from the number then
registered thereon.
Seetion 13. IRREGULtiR BALLOTS. Ballots voted for any person whose name
not appear �n the m�+chine as. a qual:LPi.ed c�ndidate Yor office, �re herein referred
to as irregular �all�ts. Such irregu.lar ballot sh�ll be deposited, written or
aPf�xed in or upan the receptacle or device provid ed on the machine for that purpose.
kn irregulrar ballot must be cast in its appropriate place on the machine, or it shall
be void and not counted.
�ection- 11�. LOC�i'IOr1 OF VOTING IvI�QHINES. �t a11 eleci;ior�s where voting m�chines
may be used, the arrangement oP the polling ro�m shall. be �he sane as is now provided
f'or by law; the exterior oP the voting mach�ne and enery part of th2 poiling ro�m shall
be in plain view oi the election oi�ioers; tha voting machine shall be placed at least
three feet �'rom ever-y wall or �,ar-tition oY the polling room and at least iour feet
Yrom any ta,ble where any oP the electian oPPicers may be engbged or seoted. The
voting machine ahall be so plaeed that ths bellots on the face oY the machine can
b� plc�inly seen by the election oFficers vahen not in use by voters. `l'he election
officers shall not themselves be, or permit an� other �erson to be in any position
or near any position that will permit one to see or ascertain how a voter votes, or
how he has voted. The election oYricer attending the m�chine shr�ll in.spoct the f�ce
of the machine aft:er eechvoter h�s c�sti his vote, to see thet the ballots on th�
/� �
f�ce of the machine are in their prober plsces and that the machine has not been
injured. During elactions the doar or other cavering at the counter oompartment
o� the mtchine slral.l not be un'locked or open, or the counters exposed except for
goo� an.d suificient reasous, a statement of which sh�ll be r�ade and signed by the
election officers and shall be 3ent v��i•Gh the returns. No person shall be permitted
in or about the polling roam except as now pro�rided bg ordinsnce in elections where
ballots and ballot boxes �re used.
Sectian 15, TIM� rxLZOVdED b VOT�H. Where a vot er presencs himself for tha
purpose of voting, the election oPficer shcll �scertain v�heiher his name is upon
the rsgister of voters, and if his ner�e a�pe�rs thereon and no challenge be inter-
posea, or if interposed, be not sustained, ane �f the election oP�io-ers to be
stationed at the entrance through the outer guerd rsil shull announce the name oP
the voter �nd permit him ta pass through the entrGnce opening in the outer�guard
rail to the hooth of the voting m�chine for the purpose of eesti�ng his vote; no
vGter shall rem�in in the voting machine booth longer than Pive minutes, unless
Yc,r gcs�� and suf�iaient reason he be granted a longer peri�d af time by tha
election oYficers in ch�rge, and having c�st his vote the voter shall at once
emerge therefrom snd leAve tLe polling room by the exit opening in the outer guard
r�il; if h e shall refuse t� leave after the laase of five minutes he sha11 be
removed by tL.e election offiaers; t�e eleotion cfPicers shsll ascert�in the n�me
and acldress af each voter in the manner n�w provitted by ortlinance, beYore he enters
the v�ting mf:chine booth for the purpose of voting; no voter aYter having entered
and emer�ed froni the voting m�chin e booth shall be permitted to r�-enter the same
on a�y pretext yvh�tever; anly one voter ati a ti..e s2� 11 be permitted to _�ass the
ar.ter guard rail t� vote.
Sectian 16e INSTRUC'I'ING VOTERS JiJ ;I,�CTIOid D�Y. For the instructi�n of voters
on any election day� there sha11, so far ss pr�ctic�:ble, be pr�vidad for esch polling
pJ.ace a malel m�chine. Such mudel, if furnished, shall, during th� election, be
l�cated in sorae�convenient place where the v�ters mus� pass to reach the maehine, and
each voter shall, beP�.rs entering the machine booth, be instructed regsi:ding i.ts
operation bnd such instructi on illustrated on the modeT, and the voter givan oppartunity
to personally operate the model. �'he voter's atte:ltion shall also be called to the
diagr�m of the fact of the iaachine so that the voter ean become famili�r vrith the
loc�.tion af the questions and the r�mes of the offiaes �nd candidates. In case any
voter, after entering the voting machine booth, sh�ll ask far fur�her instructions
concerni?Zg the mr�nner of voting, two elaction oificers sha11 �ive such instructi�ns
to him, but no officer or person assisting a voter shsll in an� manner reguest, sug�est
or seek t�. p�rsuade or ;i.nduce sny such voter t� vote for or .against a�y partiicular
cen.didate, or for or egcainst any particular amend�ent, question or proposition. xfter
git*ing them instructions and before such v�ter shall heve regi�tered his vote, the
ofiicers or persons essistir�g him shall retire and such voter shall then register
his v�te in secret ss he may desire.
Seotion 17. BLII�7D OR PHS'SIC�ZLY DIS��BZrD VOTERS. The prouisions of' the
ordinairces of the City rela�ing to the assistance to be given to blind or
physically disabled voters shall apply slso �rhere voting machines �are usad, and
the v�ord '4booth," when used in such secti�ns, shall be interpreted to include
$he voting mechine inclosure or curtAin. '
palls of the electi�n are alosed, the inspectors of' eleai�ion thereat shall
immediately l�cic and seal the voting machinP egainst voting, The inspectors than shall
sign a certificate stating that the maqhine has been locked ag�inst voting and
sealed; the nunber oP vaters as shown on the publio counters; the ntu�'�er �n the
seal; the number registered on the protective counter, if one is pr�vided; and that
the goting machine is closed and loc�s�d, The inspect�rs then shall open the counting
compartnenLs, in the presence o� the watchers and all at�er parson� who may be lawfully
within the p;alling place, givieg full vieva oP a 11 the aoun�ter numbers. The clerk oP
the board of electi��ns shall th� read and announce in distinct tones the designating
number and letter on each counter for each cr�ndid�te's nanie, the result as snovun
,by the ,ounter numbers, and shal"1 then read the votas recordsd for each office on the
irregul�r ballats. He shall also �,n tae same manner read arid announce the vote on
each charter anendment, p�toposition o r other qsestion. The vote as registered shall
be entered on the tabulati�n, by tv�o inspectors, but not inciuding the c�erk, i n the
same order on the spaca which has the same designating ntunber and letter, aiter whic�
the figures shall be verified by being cslled of� in the same manner faom tha counters
of the maahine by an inspector, The tabulation shall then be filled out, which sha1:1
shorv the total nunber of votes cast Por each office, the number o£ votes cast for.
eac� candidate, as shown on his c5unter, end the number of votes Por persons not
nor�inated, end the statsment sha11 be signed by each inspector. The counter campartment
o£ the v�ting machine shall remain open until the o�'�iciel returns and all other
reports have been i'u11y cor�pleted and veriPied by th.e board of elections. Any cr�n-
didate or duly accredited watcher who may uesire to b e prespn�b shall be admitted ta
the polling plsce fron. the closin� of the palls until count anci t�ibulation are complete.
The proelam�tion oP the result oY the votes ;cast shall be deliberately announced in
a distinct voice by the c.lerk of the b� rd of elections who shel l read the name oi
each cnFsdidate, with the designating .nu�ber and letter of h�s counter, and the vote
registered on such counter; slso the vate cast for and egains:t each question submitted.
During each praclamation ample opportuniiy shall be given to any person ].aw�ully
�resent' to compare the re�:.ults so announced �ith the cour_ter 3ials of the machine,
and any necessary corrections shall the n and there be m�,de by the bo�rd, after
which the doors of the voting machine sY�ll be closed and locked. Before adjourning
the b� rd shall, wit� the seal provided thereior, so seal the operating lever oP the
m�chine that the soting aad counting mechanS.sm will be prevented f rom operatlon.
The s�ame procedure shall be Pollowed for each machine where more than one maahine
is used in any polling place. Irregular ballots, enclosed in properl.q sealed
pAckages and properly endo-rsecl, sha11 be filed with the original statement o�
returns. `�he inspector filing the returns shall deliver to the said board or
nfficer from vahich or whom they were �eceived, the keys of the voting machine,
eiiclosed in a sealed envelope havin� endorse�i thereon s certificate of the
ins�ectors stating the num,ber oP tlle machine or mdchines, and tha election district
where it h�s been used, the ntunber on the seal and the number on ,the prateetive
counl�er, if any. As each vate is read and announced, it shall be recorded on t�vo
s'catements by two other members oP the board oi elections, and when completed shall
be c�mpared with the numbers on the counters of the macliine. IY found to be
correct, tl�e result shall be announced by the Clerk and the tabulation oi' votes, $i'ter
being duly certified and sv�orn to, shall be delivered torthi��i�h to the �ia�ror-
5ection l9. RETUiiATS. In e�ch election wi�ere voting machines are used, certi-
ficates of the result shall be printed to coni�rm with tha type of voting machine ased,
on a form approved by the City Commission. The designating number and let�er on the
couiiter for each candidate shall be p rinted negt to the cnadidate's name on the
certi�icates of the resolt. The P�rm of such c�rtificates shell also provide for the
entry oP the total number of votes f�r each eGndiclat:e and uPon each question� 'P�v�
such certificates shall be made in each such polling place. Gne of said cer�ificates
shall be transmitted to the Masor-Gommissi�ner and the other to the Git� �lerk.
Seetion 20. INSPECTIDN OF :�ir,CAI1ZT�S BY CafJVriSSI�7G BOxRD. �+lhenever bePore tiie
election returns are canvassed by the canvassing board any elector, believing thati
the electi on returns are erroneous or f'raudulertt, shall heQe a right to file a pro-
test sgainst the canvass of such returns with the canvassirg boerd specifying in
su�h protest the pol:Ling place or places in which he believes such retur�s are
2rr�neous or fraudulent. Before canvassing such returns the eanvassing board shall
examine the counters on the voting machines in such polling place or places and find
whetlier the xeturns oorrectly shrnfi the vote cast m such mrchine or macliines. I�
there be discrepancies bet��:een the returns and the counters oP such machines, ihe
counteis oP such machines shall be p resumptively correct, and the vote as sh�swn
by seid counters shall be c,anvassed tvherever there is discreDancy bet�veen the
returns and. the vote shotivn b5* s�id counters; provided, hrnvever, that �the rights of
all parties in interest t� ap�al to the courts for protection against error or
fraud are not herebv an.nulled.
election officers sl�all, as soon �as tha count if completed and fully ascertained,
as by �his ordinance required, loc3� 3►he counter compartment of such machine, e�d
3t sh�ll so remai� for a period of not less than ten days, unless snothar election
is to be held v�ithin t��ee weeks, in which event such machine shall remein lacked
for a periad of fi�ve d�ys, except in either event i t may therefore be opened by
the ��n�assing boa.rd, �s procided b� law, or may be opened by ordar of s court '
'' of competent jurisdiction. Z'Vhenevar i.rregular ballots oi whatever description
1 p z'�
have been �oted, tha elec�tion oPficers shall raturn a11 such br�llots in e prope�ly
secured peckage endorsed "irregular ballot�" and x�e tuxn and �ile auch p�ckege with
the originalstatement of the result of the election }nade by them. Said pacic�ago
ahell be p�reserved i'or six months next succeeding such electioii, and it shell not
be opened or its contents examined Siuring that time exeept by a judge of � orourt
lawfully empotivered to direct tha s�me to be opened and examined, At the end o�' said
si� montl�s, said packsge shall be opened and said b�llots disposed oi.
Sect�on 22. DSSPOSITION OF KLYS, The keys of the machine shall be enclosed in
an envelope to be supplied by the custodian on wh�ch shall be v� itten the number of
the mechine and the district and ward vlhere it has been used, which enveloPe shall
be securely sealed and endorsed by the eleetion officers, and shall be returnad to
the oPficer from whom the beys r�ere received. The number on the seal and the ntunber
registered an the protective counter shall be written on the envel�pe containing
the keys. Al1 keys for voting m�chines shall be kept securely locked b3T the
off'icials having them in charge. Tt is unla��fuJ. for any una�Ythnr3�ed person to hava
in his posaession any key or keys of a�y voting mrchine and All eleetion officers
or persons entrustisd with such keys for eloction purposes, or in the preparation cf
the machine therefor, shall not retian th� longer tl�an necessary to use them for su��.
legal purpose. �11 �afichines shall be �oged and stored as soonafter the close of the
elzction as possible, and the tt� chines and the boxes Yor the macYzines shall at all
times be stored in a suitable place. It shell be unlawful Por any unsutharized
person to have possession of any voting machine or keys thereoP.
(1) Every elector desiring to participate in any election, shall, upon presenting
hi:mself at the p�lling place on election day and before being admitted to the voting
machine to cast his vote, be required to identify him4elP to the clerk and inspectors
of such election as a duly registered and quali�ied elector at such election by
signing or affixing his signature, in ink or indelibls pencil, to an identiiication
blank or sTip, which shall be substantially the Porm hersinafter provided.
(2j It shall �e the duty of the clerk or inspector in whose presence the signa�ure
identification .�slip �fs signed to compare such signature with the signature of the elec�tor
uPon the registra�ion books, and :if satisfied that such signature is the same as that
appearing on the re�istration t�oolcs, he then. shbll sign such slip in the place provided
thereon, efter such comparison, end the signing shall constitute an oath or ai'firmation
oY tihe �acti staLed by auch clerk or inspector ab�ve his signature,
�3) The City C1erK shall furnish a box, or can, i'or er�ch votin� machine in each
voting place;. sech box, or can, shall be provided r^rith a lock ao that it ma� be
securelq locked; snd ebch said box� or cari, shall h�ve a sl�t ther•ein large enough
to reeeive tl�e identiYication sl.ips herein providec� f'or. Bei'ore opening the po11s,
the clerk in the presence o� all inspect�rs anci the public, shall open sr�id box,,
or can, and ascert�in th�t it is empty, s nd vihile empty ahall seou�ely locls t�e
same and plece a se�il aeross �he lid and body of said box, or can, leaving the slot.
opeu, so that the box, or can, cannot be again opened without breaking or r�oving
said ssql; and �aid clerk �and ins�ectors shall si�3n their nar�es upon said seal.
Printed fassus of se�ls sha7.l 'be furn9.shed with each box, or can, uhich shall contain
� statement ove� the ple�ce for the �ig nature of the clerk and inspectors that said
box, or can, was opened as herein provided, �pt,ied, locked �ancl sealed whil� empty
be:Pdre the polls were onened; and the sig ning of said certificate by t�.e clerk and
inspectors sh�ll constitute -Gheir certificate to the Pacts therein stated.
(1�) No clerk or inspector shall adm.it to the voting machine any person unless
such person presents t � s uch clerk or ins�>ector an identification slip duly signed
by such person: and by s clerk or inspector certifying t� a comparison of the
signature on �he sZip with that on the registration books.
(5) Before any e�ector enters a voting machine he shall deliver the identifi—
cation slip, signed by such elec�or, arrl certifiecl to bg the clerk or i nspector,
as herainafter providad, to the clerk or the inspector operating the machine on
which such elector e�peets to vote $nd said c1Erk or inspector shall also �ign such
slig as hereir� providec� for, in the form hereinafter proviaed, and such signsture
shall constitute an oath, or aPfirmatiou, as to the matters sn� iacts set forth
in the printed mattex• above his signati.ire, and thereupon said eZerk az• inspectar
so receiving and signing seid identification slip sah11 deposit the same throug�
the slot zn the locYed and s�aled box, or c�n, harEine�ter provided �or,
(6) The identificr�tion,slip, when signed by sn� person as an elector and by
the clerk or inspector comparing his sign�ature and by the clerk or• inspeetar
admitting him to the voting machine and deposited in the box, or can, nereiu provided
for, sh�,ll, be s�rims facie evidence that the person v�hose name appears thereiri as an
elector was admitted to thevoting machine and thet he then aad there voted.
(7) It shall be the duty of the clerk and inspector to deposit sll unused
signature identification bl�nks in the box, or can, herein provided f or i.mmediatelg
on the closing of the polls, and then seal the slot oY said box, or can, wiin a
seal signed by all the election oYficials in that voting precinct and it shall be.
the duty of the alerk forthwith to deliver the locked and se�led boxes, or cans,
containing the official i dentification slips to the Glerk of the Commission.
{8) The identific�tion slip herein referred to shall be in the followi ng form:
Held in Cle�rwater, 1'inellas County, Florids, on the day of A.D.
l9_ T afiix my signature hereto in the place and at the time o� voting �or the
purpose of identifying myself as a dtil.y registered and qualifisd elector in this
�ignat ur e ai ele etor
T herEby certify t�st the foregoing signature was signed in t�y presance
during voting hours and by n�e oompared with that on the registration books
ond approved far voting in this election.
(Signr�ture of alork or inspector�
I hereby c�.rti�'y th�t l admitted the person wlio signed �this identification
s'lip to the voting machine; that 3Aid elector was personally known to me, or
told me that ha signed it; and that the number of the voting machine is
Signoture of official operating mAchine�.
(9) It shall be the duty of the citg co�mission �o cause to be preparad and
sent to each polling place f or use in evesy election t�ie same number of signature
identiYication slips as there are cualified electors for �uch poll:ing pl�ce. Zn
preparing and printing said identification slips the same shall be numbered
consecutively beginnin� with num.ber {1) and continaing to such number as there may
be identiiication slips printed far each e].ectiion. In preparing said identific�tion
slips �'or use at an5{ such election the appropriate informstion to designate the date
and knnci of election shstl.l be printed in at the �p�ropriste blank spaces appearing
in tre f orm prescribed sbove.
(1Q} hny certificate si�ned by sny person,.or persons, as a clerk or inspector
of any election certi.iying to the result oi �aid election in or for an5= precinet
sha11 be admissable in evidence in the trial of auy cause, ei'�her civil or crimin�Z,
in any court in the State of Florida, and when so adniitted shell eonstiitute prim�
faeie evidence that it was signed by the person, or persons, whose names are
signed hereto and csonclusive proof' that any person who signed s�iid certificate �;s
clerk or an inspector of election was dul� appointed and qualified to act throughout
said election as such clerk or i,zspector o� election andin the capacity indicated
upon ssid certiPicate, unless the contrary is disclosed thereby.
(13) It shall be the duty oY the City Clerk to dsliv°er the required
number �f identification slips, numbered in consecutive numerical order, to ecch
v'oting place, an� to preserve for one year a record in his o��ice shosving the
number of iclentification slips which he delivered to each aoting place designatir.�
the number an�C ada�ess of eqch voting plaee and the number on the identification
slips so delivered.
(12) Tbs identificatio�: slip� and al 1 other election material of para-
Fhernalia required to be delivered to each voting pla ce shall be dElivered by
enclosittg and locking the srame in the voting machine, or mechinas, deliverecl
to that precinct; along with such slips �,nd other material �there shall be.enclosed
an 'itemized list thereof with a r.eceipt thereon in the �'orm: "T hereby certa.fy
t�st I have checked i;ue items list�d hereon attd acknowledge receipt the;eof,"
which receip� shall be signed by the clerk oi' ���e voting precinct anc� depoaite3
by him in •the can, or b�x, herein provided for the deposit of iclenti�icution sligs.
(13) The pol'lirig lista her�toPore required by ordinance �axe hereby dispensed
with, the preparation an' use o� identifieation slips as herein required being in
lieu thereof. ,
(l�.j It shall be unlawPul fcs any person, other than tha axinter v��hile
pri.nting and deliverin� the same tc �he citY commission, ths ci�v commission
and their agents en�aged by them in deliuering tl�.e seme to the Gity Clerk an� his
agents em�loyed by hi.m in pl�cing the s�,me in the vating r�achine��or delivery to
the voting places; the clerks and inspectors and qualiPied electors while acstually
inside the polling places of election during th� election; to have in his
possession any sign�ture identification slip �r other slip cont�ining the same, or
substantially tY�e same wording as the signature identiiication slip herein provided
f'or; and it sY�a11 be unl�wful for anq person or ofi'ic'ial to deliver any official
sig��ture identification slip, or atkiar slip containing the samer br substantislly
the same wording as the sig nature identificaicion slip he.�ein provided for, to sny
person otherthan as herein providedo
(l) VJhenever any clerk or inspector of electinn, upon a fair and just comparison
of' the sign�rture hereinaiter mentioned� shall e�oubt tY�at the handwriting oP the
signature �ffixed t� a �ignat�e identifa.cation slip by any elector at the time oY
presenting himself at the polls to vote is the same as that of the signature oi' the
named elector aifixed in the registration book at the time o� registration, �t
shall thereupo:2 become the dut;r of such clerk or ins�ector of election to fortuv�ith
delivc�r to the person so preseniing himself to vote a i orm of aYfidavit, which
shall be in substantially the follav�ing form:
I do solemnly s�vear (or afiirm) that my name is '; that
my occupation is trat o.f ; that I am gears old;• t�hat I
was born in the State of ; County of ;» that
I personally made ap�lication for registration �nd at such time signed my name
in the registr�tion book, snd at s8id time l resided on Street,
in the Uity of Clearwater, uounty of �inellas, State of �ln�ida; thst I am s
a�ualified elector of the city aforesaid and have not voted in this election,
Signature pf elector .
Sworn to and subscrived before me�th is day oi - A.D.
Clerk ar,Inspector of �leetion
(2) Such person shall then be permitted t,o fill out, in his orvn handwriting,
the blanlz spaces of euch form, and a�tzr h�aving filled in the blanks to make an
affid�avit tb the facts stated in such filled-in farm, such af�idavit to be sv�orn
tu and subscribed hefore one of the inspectors or clerk of election, f�uthority
is h�reby conferred upon any oi the inspectors or clerks of ,election to administer
the foregoing oath. Vlhanever such afi'idAvit shall ba made and filed b5r such
person with the elerk or inspector of election, such person shall then be admitted
to the vcting �achine to c�ast his vote, but if sueh person:fails or reiuses to
make out and file such affidavit �as aioresaid, then such person shall not be
;per.mitted to vote.
Section 25• �uNATION OF t'IiYSICtiLLY INFIRI�4.
(l) The provisions oP the foregoing section shall not be s�plicable in
those crises where the elector is unable to write, or is inGapacitated for
writing, in thoss cases where the alector l�ec�ause of blindness, inability �o
read, or physical incapacity, is unable to operate th� voting machine, but in
such cases the clerb or one o� �he inspectors sl�all place such person under
oath and arally examine him aacording to the iorm prb vided below, which form
the clerk or inspector shall fill ou.t in his own hQndwriting and certify
to in the space provided therefor. �uch �orm shall be in, lieu of the identifi-
cation. slips' and the elector sllall present the saa�e to the clerk or inspector
operating the voting machine; which clerk or inspec-tor sha11 also certif� and
sign the same according to the form provided therefor, �nd deposit the same
in the container for identification slips. This form shall be es follows;
Form to be �ollowed by clerk or inspector when elector cannot write, or
requires assistance in voting, and to be placed in the container with identiPi-
cation slips.
I hereby certi�'y t�at an spplicant to vote stated that he could not write,
ehereupon I.propounded the following questions to the applicsnt;
1. Hold up y�ur right hand. �o you solemnly swear that the answers you give
to these questions sre �.rue9 so help you God�
2. �'Jhat is y o�r name?
3. Your �ge? • Your sex?
I�� Your address?
5. Your occupation?
6. 1V�.y are you unable to write?
7, Did you: previously present yourseli and have your name entered
on the city rebistration boolss in time Por this election?
8. Are you � duly qualified voter in this City?
� 9. �re you phy�ically eble to cast qour vote? (If answer is "no,"
then ask: (a) Do y�u now request assistanee in voting? (b)
Vlhy do sau need such assistance?
I hereby certi�y that tnis form �illed out signed by an election off icial of this
precinet was }�anded to me b;� the applicant who v�ras personally kn.own to me or who told
me that his name and a;zdress was tha� shown on the form; and thst 1 aclmi��ed the
applicant to votiin� machine 2Jo.
Signature oY official operating nachine)
7Theu assistanee is �iven, electi'an of�icial rnust sign below:
(IQute: It i.s unl�v�ful to r�ssist, or be in the voting machine, while tlie
curtain thereaf is cl�sec�, with any elect�r unless such electar is blind, unable
to read, or wo physically incapacitated as to be unuble to onerate the machine
and requests such cassistance.
I certify that I assisted this elector in votin� at his reguest.
Sign�+ture of clerk or nsnector
assisting elector to vote)
(?_) It shall be unlawPul Yor any persan to be in the votfng machine with
eleotor while the curtain of such machine is closed, except in cases where sucY!
elector is hliiid, unable to read, or is so physicr�llf incapecitatefl as to be
unable to operate the voting machine. In such cases only the eleeto.r may upon
request be assisted in voting b,y the clerk or one oP the inspectors as the elact�r
may select. The ofPicipl giving the assistance shall f irst be reyuired to sign the
certificate last provided above.
(3) It ghcall be the duty of the city commissi on to Purnish a suificisnt number
oi these forms to the City Clerk who shall deliver a sufPicient aumber therzoP ta
e�ch votiug precinct,alon� with and in the same manner as other election para-
�hernnl ia . _
1,11 signatura ideiitificsti�n sl ips shall b e caseiully preserved by the Clerk znd
ingpectors o�' electi�n, but in those instances where an affidavit sha11 have aZso
been m�de b� a person signing a signature i�entiiicatio slip, then the signature
identification slips and afiidavits bearing the signatures of the same persons
shal'1 be placed togeth�r in a senarate enuelope to be kept separate and distinet
from the remaining signature identiPication slips, but all such signature
identification slips and afi'ida�its preserve� as aYoresaid sah11 be returned to the
City Clerk v�hose duty it shall be to care�ully preserve same for the periad of at
least one year, subject, h�r�ever, to inspection by sny elect�r �f the City and to
deliver the same to the eity cammission upon demand, aYter tak'ing a written
receipt therefor.
section 27. Dt!,LIViI2Y OF RyGISTRriTION BOOIr�S. 2t sh�ll be the duty oY the �ity
Clerk to deliver the original registration books containing the signature oP the
electars to the clerk and inspectors oi the various polling placss for all elections.
Sect�bn 2�. VOTING It7ACHIr1�S, CUSTODIAN, The City Clerk shall be austod�an.
of voting machis�es. Such custodian shall have authority t� a�point such assistants
or deputies as in his opinion shall be necessary to pr�uerly and ellicently prepare
and supervise machines pri�r to and during elections.
Section ?9. Sr�HLING CUttT�INS. Curtsins on all voting mschines shall be securely
sealed or fastened before being used in any electi�n so that the clearance lever
cannot be operated without opening or closing curtai ns. �nd no voting machine, while
itt use for the purp�se of voting, shall be hidden ox concealed in any voting place
or in eny manner, so os to hide or obscure the same frorn public vier�.
Section 30. 2'he members of the board of elections sha11 seceive sueh compen-
s�tian Por their services as may be provided by the City Commission.
Seci�ion 31. ��I'I'LICi�TION OF OTIiLR �,LECriIOI� ORDIN��IdC�S. All ordinances srnd pt�rts
of ordinances nwa ir� force rela ting to elections shall bpply to elections under this
orclinance so f�ar as the same mey be applieable thereto and not in conflict therewitl�.
Section 32, PEN1aI,TIs''S. . bny person violating any of the terms or provisions of
this or dinHnce shall, upon convictibn thereof, b e fined not to exceed �500.00 or
imprisqned not to exceed 60 days,
Saction 33. This ordznance shall be effective immediotely upon its passsge.
1d �
FASUED kND 1,I?OPT� by the �ity Co�nission of the City of Cle�r�v�ter, Floricle:
Deaomber 14., 1948; PAS ED ON THIRD REi�DING: December 15, 19L�$.
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` I�ayor� �ammis,si-a'�..r�
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kTTES'�[' • /��,C,�TT'� SEiiL )
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City iiuditor lerk
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