12/13/1948 (2)0 � r City o� Cleerwater Special Ca�mission b2inutes Dec ember 13 , 19La8 The City Commission oi ths City oP Clearw�+ter, Florida met in special session the evenin� oi lleceaaber l3, 194� in the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. with the �o�lowing members present: J. 0. Houze - Mayor-Commissioner T,eland F. Drew-Cornmissioner Guy L. Kennedy - �ammissioner Harry D, Sargeant-Commissioner Absent; J'. R, Crane tilso present were, Boyd 1�. Bennett, City I�4an.ager, Geor�e VJ, Smith, Gity Attorney, and C�apt;ain'. George �rIcClamma, representing the Police Department. ..�-- ' 't'h�e meeting was called to order bSr �ayor Houze, who explained the �urposes oi the meeting weres l, to establish the _orocedure for holding the regular �iunicipal L+'lection, llecember 21, 191�g., 2, the consideration oP the Citiy bianager's report and reco�mendation regarding the open storm ser�er ditch through thE �roperty �n which the 1+�erson Housing rroject is to be located., also the surfacing of Palm Bluff'Street adjacent'`�the project at an approximmte cost of ��200. The City .fitt�rney now read Orcli�aance Ido. 567 in Pull. It wGs mo�ed by Commissic.ner Drew, seconded by Commissioner Sargeant and unanim�us]�y carried that the OrdinAnce be passed on its Pirst reading. The City �aneger made a report on the �merson Buildi� Project, and recommended that the City b��y suPficzent L�8 i�ch tile Por cl.osing the open drair�ege ditcY� at a cost of approximately �6500, to be paid from the Gas and 4Vater Fuhds, since this ditch is usea by the Gas �1ant in dispasing oP its waste matarials. 'The installation oi t�ie pipe to be handled by the developer. The City Ivl�iiager also recommended that the City surface a twenty foot wide strip oP Palm B1uPf Street, as requested by Mr. FF�nerson. It was moved by Commissioner Sargeant, seconded by'Comm.issioner Kennedy and un�nimously carried that���he recommendations oi' the City �+Zanagew be �pproved. It was moved by �;ornmissioner Drerv, sec�nded by Comnissioner Kennedy and un�nimously carrisd tl� t the following persons be Eleetion Qf�icials for the �iunicipal �lection on December 21, 194�. Clear��ater Fire Department on (�ardon kvenue: Robert L, Dixon, Clerk Mrs. T. C, Wilson, Inspector �rs. Sallie Guz�an, Inspector Mrs. Niollie Shearer, Inspeetar Mrs. J'as�s Hope, Inspector Mra. Vl. Le Gomstock, Inspector Mrs. Bert Brgdy, Inspector J. R. Thomr�s, Inspector Beach Fire Station Henry R, Hearsey, Clerk _DQ11as 1�. Sherwood, Inspzct�r ��rs. K. I,. Sweger, Inspector Mrs. Eddie Burt�n, Ins �ector Ordin�nce No. 567 3;s set out below,.and is herewith made a part of' these minutes, There being no Yurther businass t� come before the Board, the meeting v�as adjourned. C�� G�=��� Mayor- ' ssion�., ATTES • `� �����%' �' �, ' � ' . i� ty 1�udltor & lerk � �