11/22/1948 (2)r,,.., ,,. .: �� '�,. ,�. . ; , ,, „ �� �, - , - �; . � _ , ,, , , a. ; � _ , ; � , ',IQ��c� _ _ ;, , _ czmY oF c�.�:���yrt.�r,�c _ ` , _ , ' , cor����szorr n��zraum�� . ' i�ovemb�r 7"�; 1..�4:; " �:. �!� - . , .�"ilx� �i°ty Cor�r,iis��ion raet in s�ec:zGl sessi�n-tlie evenir> oi' Td � , _�,�L : 0 l�.iy�,' iu tYr� "3t Ha .� . B �vettiber 22, 191r� 7 3_ u y 11, �,1.�-ch tixe fi�l�.ati•�1n� n�u���rs �xe�eni;; _ _ - �', t7. Iiouze -< T,�ay�r-Cor�mi.ssi�rier , . • J. Ft. G�'�arLe --, t;onurissi�nox F!. �. Sar�cant - Conusa.ssi;�a�i � Lel�,nd �". Uxoc�a - Corar�li�sii�ner _ _ • G. L. Yennecly - Cor:u;�issio�er _ _ , , �.bsen,ts ' IJ'one. _ ��1s� ��ege�i�L �ia��e, I3� a r�. I3e��nett �i�t L'i�n� er- G 7.. �. . Y Y , y � ,, eor�e ��. Sm�.tih, �7ii,y s>ttorney, , , aiicl J. J, �1liott, ;a�iiei oi �:�oliae. ' T�i�ayo� l��uze se�d the noi;ice of the sp:eciai m�;etiLg, v�,hich staied tY3at the ur �se . ' .n p _ tiv�� i;o c�nsic�er the Beach Lro3ion iroblem. , _ , Tt�r. �esse �, ami�h, Chaiz�aan, �nd C, E. Lrare, httorney �'or the r�each yrosi�n 3oard , revie��ed '�he v�ork ef'�he Board, durxinothe last threP ye�srs, to��aard �r`riving �t the beat �ossib:le �alution �i tiie �3e�ch iroei�L ��rablap�, "�hey sti�ted t�at it �^tds �he c�uclusion ' of tne 13oard .thr�t a eo�ieint��ti�n gr�in �t�xZ sea-��a11 z�rojEet vaould b� the a�st 3�lution; groins t� bz s��Gcect r�t �:, distunce oz`` 180 ieet,. . : t.ti�orn�y 17hill.ips �ncl otrers for the Jaycees urged that iramediave s�et�s sh�uld be tr��:eu i,� s��a �tie a�ily �,v�shing a�vay �f' tne J'aycee oeach lr�n�age -�he beach par-G be;izg pi�<;tic;ally 411 vvushed cv�ay n���r, _ Chairras� Crune, Ch�irr,�en oi' t�E �each �:rosion ::or�ittee, s:.a:ted �thet all snlciety - c�ticernin�; �he erosion o��;�osite t.�?� J'apeee builtiing ��r�s ent`irelY dustified, �nri tl2�t tYie c;.�r�cliti�n i�rau szx�i�us, �,17.a �.fiat i� ��r:s tY�e opiiiian �f tho L'o�czi�ttee:�h�t �he invEstigG-�i�n _ ;�}��u1d cozll;iliue until �he final solui;i�n of 4'rie >>roblem is az°rived' at, , Con�r,iissioii�.r Tielinedy movzci t�.�t tYle r���rt'�f Gar�u.ission�r Crane be aceepted an3 , tYi�t tlie vo�,usittee c��.iti�rze i;heir tnark in the investi:gation �and 's �udy of r��aper- solu-Gion. , ��a�rnissianer Ureva secandect trie taoti �n an:d t�e sar�e vaas carried unanira�us2y. . �,_.. r leti;er zvus re�c� ir�u the Zions C1ut�, settin� �or-Li� � teritat:ye �len �;hereby- the . , .:��-.� Lians �lub tiasuld deed_ tha �ro�erz�� an tne south side �f tlie �lqter �r�nt ��r�'_ t� tJ�e �i� _ . , . � Y, • auec thaz tiie �i�Gy in exchange vaould lease to tre I�i��s Jlub i'or a peri�d �f 50 years tivith a���i�n,oi' r�n�t:�.l U tr�uct of lund 95 x l0S fe�t �n the nor�th sic"te ��' the rjat�r �rant ' , �ark, s�,id plot o7 ground lving 1'7'S feet v�est oz Osceol� �n�t 10 fec� sau'th �f the :n�rtL _ ' li�ie �t �}�e t;ity i'ark pro�rty. _ Un the �o�i�r� of Comi;lissioner Dreva, t�ie tentative 4arU1�osa1 vvas referreci Go t�i;e _ , Cit;y t,ttorney, with �a reyuest tY�;t lie explore the le�sl as_7ects af tihe case - the City ht�orr�ey t� re,��rt his finctin.gs �t ii;s next re�ulsr nee�iag. ' tst the request of Doct�r Center, the City Gommissi�n unanitu�usZy extanded the ` �iuilding r'ex�ii; recently issueci �� i;he Zions C1ub �'ar a�eri�d �� thirtv dsys. . ' It was movetl by Conunissi aner �rane, s`�conded �3> Cozuulissiones Dre�=d ann unsnim�usly carried tiiut �ha City i4i�nr��;er �nd �ne re��resent�;tive �f the Beach Lrosi�u i3aUrd be r�utllori.zed to a�tenc� a r,ieetin� of tY�e Southern Sta�Ges �:o�stal �rosian �ontrol hssociati�n , . to be lielcl in i'alrii 13ec�ch, Florid�, veginnirg December b, at the City'� s e�aense. � ` It �vas l:toved by Co�missi�uer Crane, secande& by Coramissi,�nur Sarg,eant and unanzruou�lg � c;arrieci tYi�t �on�1d Tu. Stron�'be a�,�ointed City Judge �a haar the case of ttex P�rtin. T3�ere beii� n� furttler busi�ess ta c�tne beiore the i3o�rd, tiie tneeting was adjourned. _ � a � �. .. , l' , ��a yar -C ommis si �n eX"�..-rv _ L � �ST • , i . . , _ Ci y. dito.r and Clerk , �� , _ _ ' _ ^t , _ _ a. � , _ _ _ __ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _.._. _ _. ,. : • ,�.,, .,,.-� . ,. e���`� ` � ��,�r � . � , �, �,�+ " � f °, ; � . , . � : ' � i ; , ' , � , , L , �� �� � � � � � : � r -; , , tD�',: : _ , ': _ Iion. �ity Commission, ,: ; , - ' Clear«�ater, 1loride. ` , , , Gentlemen: ' ' _ ` ' L1011S t;�.11� C'011iIlll�,i> $j� �i111C�.1 ll�. ' • Lhe buildin cor�iti;ee of �t1ie Lions �lub lias asked me to set :E'or�Lh '�l�eir � _ underst�n�ing of �Ehe i;en�ta�;ive arrqn�ements dis�ussed t�vi�tt s�r�e of y'bur :meuiUers,: ' ' co.neernin an. e�c:i�an,re of pr��ertic:s c��ii:h re���rd ta tha I,s:ons C�t�rnuni�y .�uildzn�. ; _ • � , � , .- The Liaus Club o�ons I,at % uud an unntunbered loi� in i�'d�rard r�iills <Sti�b, wtiioh _ , lo�s �re nEarly surrout�dea by city pu.rk ;�rop�rty. Tk�ey. hcve a tiuiltii n� �ertni� far , , _ loc�ting t}�eir buildin� �n s�tid ].ots. �ur understr�ndin i,s'tYz&t in e�chan�e �'ar �t doed to i:Yiese lat�7 t±�ie oit� v�i�.l' Iease to us G tract r�ughly desciibed as � tr�s4'� 95' � XOS' feet, 15�ing 1;'5 '�'�. w�s�t � _ oi Osczola riva., �nr� i� r;ee� sautYi of thz n�r�h line of -Lhe ci�;�r i-�ark pxo:,erty, e�cl a sfer our Uuilciin , ar�i� ta said 1x �ti�n. The laase t� run f�r 5Q ys�rsf with' _ _ trn €�� • option of_renettal zor a 1�ike ter�, �,t .�1.U0 �er year, �rnd that tlie �ro�erty, being a civie building woulci uot be sub�;ect t� �axes. The city wouTd h�ve ti�� ��xivilege - �i taking over the building in the_ event the Li.ons �lub shoul,�i de�'euli� on `GYte pr�ymen� oi its mortgage obliga�tions'. that the best arran ement yu�uld be to use the satue pxecedure as w's t�kencUith theIIJayCee Beach Club; th�t isy deed the prope_ty to the Lians Club , a untiy the bu�il.ding is financed and 'erected, whereupon the T�ion� Club vaould deed the proPerty back to the cit5= and teke a lease. This 1��ould avoid techn�cal difficulties , _ - in the: matter of financiiig. , �Je und�rstend th�:at the city also �rrants t� officia 11y vacai�e t}�e plat oi' , Gausew�p Bu�iness Distric�, end dedicate the prope��ty for park pw��oses. , , , ,. Yaurs very truly;. J".E. Satterfield - signed„ * � * _ f , -�, `;l,� _ , ,k ,