10/27/1948 (2)�
�) �
�:O1.:i,SS:3IJT�' 1::Il7U''i'i!;u
��2'GB�i 27, 191}f3
'I'he i;ity (;anuai�sion x:ce1; in ap�ci�l sEssian �� 11:3C� �,,T.w�, , Oetaber ?,7, 1gL}g
wit1� tl�e fo17.u���i�i�; ��etr�}��rs j�resesil;:
J. 0. �Iouze - T�t�ayor Co�;,i;-,;,ioner
Guy L. Kennedy - Gamrnis3i�ner
� . I?. Cr�ne - uoi:ulissianer
Eiurry I?. ;;�r�eant - Corarni,�si�ner .
ribsent; Le1�;nd �'. �r�vr - Cornruissi�ner
U�;her5 ��re:�ent: 13�Ya 21, I�ennett, �ity iu��n�,g�r, �en r.relltzr?an, Ci�y ��ttorney,
�nd J. J. Llliott, Ghief af i=olice.
iha i�ivetir�� yaas cal:i,ed to orde.r by Iv�ayor Iiou�e, �a�i� read u notice stati:�� ta2•t
tlie s��eoi�]e t;i�eting 1,��s et;�lect ior the �ur�ose ot c�n�iae�ilZg tr1� re-z�ning �f Z�ts
_. �nd .3 in 13ergen�� Hei�l�t, ��tiich is � re-;�l�t oi Jones Nubdivision,
r.tt�rne;� Zloycl .��hilli��s reZ�resented the �vaners of •tfie 1�roy�er�t�r �aug;�t to be
re-zaned, �nd ,�tai�ed th�;t �e v�a� ready in Ueiiali' oz tY_�e o�yners t� p��s2ni � desd t�
tfle t;ity c�vGriiig the ;Jest 15 fe�t ai' tue t�,�o lots to ue used as an alle;�, i,:r, i., n.
f>ei���ie, tii� aya�er os' tue ��roaerty immeaiu�ely to tn.e ?�est of lots �� 4n;� B, Vads pre�:;e��t
Uiid ofi`ei+ed tio �ujecti;�n �o ttie re-zuniu�,
�� resolution ��auc re�cl Uy �,�Lt�,.Iley I£rentzman, re-zoning Lhe pro�ert;,� �nd'"accepting
i�tie ae�a t� t:�e west 15 Seei;, It �,�z4s �oveci by Corn�-:iissioner �rane, seco�d ci by ;;�r,iriissi�ner
I�etriiedy und uneniruousl�� carried t�at the resoluti�n ba Uao�,�e�.
`1'ne res�lution � s set oizt iri iu11 bel��o.
1t i; ,:� 0 L U T I t� id
;��ti:�.8, rzublic heuri� ZJ�s .ielct on �ctober lii, ly�;.0 �fter due notiee �nd
pursu�nt to -Lhe ��nin� t�rctinAnc;e oi' t}�e i:it;r oi" Jle;:rtiaater �n the �etiti�n �f raul
�3e?•geii for c�r�•ect�on �f tYie �ity �oniii� I.:�,y to locUte the ilereinefter desc;r� bed l�ro-
perty in ��e sUr,�e i3u�iiiess {]3) TJistrict in t�hich otYier properi�y .ir�nt;n� �n r_T�rth Fort
H�rrisou _.v�nue in tiiz vacin_ty is ciesign;sted �nd,
t`THLn�S objectio,is to such correcti�n vaere fully hear�i and �ction by ti�e
Co�r�is:si�n �t s�id raeeting �d�s cie.farred inr a period ot tY��o cae�;lis or un�il suct� tirr,� �s
tne y�etitioiler and th� �bject�rs to t�:e a�� r�v�l of said petiti�n ci.ght rer�ch �orne
4greeLient, �nd
• ��Hini�r,u �etit�oner hus subrsitted ta �he �it3F a pro�er d•�e�3 �raniitag r�nd
c�nvey�ng to the Cit�� of vle�rvaater, �nd fledicGi;i:� -G� sai�; �ity a;id t� t:�e ,�ener�l
Pul�lic U sitteeti-lo�t strip, a� h�rein�fter de�crit�ed, f�r use as �_;ublic all,ey, a�c�
„Fi,-%1�;�,.� 'G�ie �ujeoti�ns t� the �;runting ;�i sai3 petiti�n li�iva been i.iet b�; the.
su��.iis;;ion. o� tiaicl deecl, �:.nd
tiT}i-i�r�i��S after full c�nsider�atian �f all �bjec�ions it up��ears -�� the ��mmission
r�rtex 4ue consicier��,i�n oi ttie i�:cts h�resented tha�L the i�r�}�erty i,i cuesti�n has never
�u�en 2ouecl i�i �l�e Ufficial zonitxg �:a� because �f ari erx�or therein resulting fr�ni the
ai�L�ra�i; �zi �Uia �:,�,,� to �o1ie .L�t 5, }31�ck 2 �f JOi7'�� SUi3, U�' idlJrioL;�ON for business use,
�,�hen ir� i�act tliere v��s �iot asad is n��t any suc� ciescriUed �rol�erty in the Gi�cy, thUt farruer
1��� 4, .�l�cl€ ?_, o� �aid :�ubciivisi�n w�,� iu ��c;t the gro�erty ir�ntin� o�. Td, F"or-� Hurris�a
r=ve,, �Gti�t l�etii�ioner ii�;; filed 4 pro�7er re�1��t of tY�e i'�ri�er
T,�1; l� �ilut i;he „`�.,,^,t 2%3�s U� Lot 3, �31�ck 2 of SUIdi�
SUI3. OI�' DIICF{UZ50id es rec�.rd�d in ;��J.�t book l, ��ge 1.g,
o:� '�l�o ,�ixblie recnrds oz Hillsborough Gnunty, i"lor•i�a,
�i �vtiicki l�inell�,s �ounty v1r�s �o�•t�,erl� � ���art,
, �
� 7' �
owned by hi�t, Cruich ha lias �rayetl to �iave dosi�nated �ar Uusine�s use �� the �anie
depth as o�her �roi�erty fi'ron�ting �n Idortil Foxt Hr�xrison �>venue iu t.he vitsinii:y, 'that
thore is �.�� reason.lvtiy descxibed pr��erty sl2ould no� no�v be ;�roperly uesi�n�ated on
t�ie Zonin� Te:an �or a de_�th of 115�07 fee�, res�'rving a riglit-bf-way for r�n alleq,
f?fteen (15) feet in width a1on�; the ysest boundary thereoftiand that tnere are
�rr�ctical difi'icu'li;ies aizd an unnecessary harctship resultii� in carrying ou� tile
prese�t erroneaus ctesi�n�tion, ar lack of desi��i:ion en�itling �aetitianer to tY;e
relief pr�a5=ed �'or, tvl�ich is in harm�ny t�,ith the �ener�l ��urpose �;ncl ir.te-it �f the
�i.ty �otiiu� Orclii�nce:
IJO�'I 7�'fL+;ii�OHL �L IT 1:iS�1T,Vi�D by i;he i;ity U�i�rai3sion of tue i:it�� �f �l��r�vdter,
Fl�rida, that the follo���ing described property, to-�•ait:
I�ots "t�" arid �rBer oI ByiiG�7' S Ii-Li�Lt�7' of I,ot !y. �11d
•the i; 2/3 0� Zot 3, in Block 2 of J'��iPS SUB. �I+
;dIC�-O�SJ'�1 as record�d in �i�t i3o:ok 1, p��e 13,
l�ublic rec�rds oz �?illsboro�gh t;ountp, il�rida, .
� of' i;aizicn i'inellas C:ounty �yas iornerly a�art,
sliauld be und it is �.ereb3� d�sign�ted in tha Susi�ess °tB" Distric:t for a depth oil
llj.�7 feet rr�m 7';:u�t Fiarris�n rive.lue, lsavil� a 15-foo� ,right-�f-�^aay for Ulley Gl��n�
ti�e buck, or :Testerl�r bouna�ry ancl tnat the City ��niag T�,iap be correcied accordingl5�.
B�' ZT F'URTA�i 'st�,��qZV�•�'n by the i;ity Gomr�issia� of the City r��' Oleas�:�,ter,
I'lorida thc.t the fee sin�le deed datzd October 27, 194s from .�aul �ergen, coiiveying
�ncl dedicating the ioll�wing described ;�roperty:
Tl�e ?;est ii�i;een (15) ieet of Lots "i�" and
�B", B-+u,.G%'t3'S l.�i'�.T, acc�rdi.�g i,o the m�p
or plat thereoi' as recorded in �la � baok 26, .
�age i�l of %he public rec�rds af rinellas
�ount,-�, Fl�rid�
t� the Gity of l:lear���aier for the uue of �'�e CiL� and of' the generul public �s �
public u11e5r, be, and i;lle same is nereby uccepted and sai3 dedioati�n for i;he use '
o� the general public is herel�y accepted, appr�ved and c�niirmed.
Y�SS� r_i7D �.DOyT.�D this 27th day oi �ctaber h1D. ,191�.�.
I�ia or-�ommissione,
. :TT�ST: . ,0 1
;, C y rnudit or a nd Gler'r.
�= * � '
i:"rembers a2 the City C��n.i�siori
C1e�r��a�ter, �'lorida
�i'here wil7. be a Sl�ecial cneeting of the Cit� C�mmission �t �1:;0 n.I�'i., Oct�ber 27, ].9/��
at the i:i�� Eial1..
'I'he purl�ose oi i�his speci�l meeting is ta cons9.ci er the re-zonir� �f Lots x and 73 in
� �ne� iubciivisi on.
Very tru].y y'ours,
�°yd t.. t3eunett
There bein� n i'urtYier busiiie�s �� �orr�e beiore the 13oar�, the �ieetii� v��s ed' u2�ned.
� ✓�`� 1�1ray�r-Co ssion
r'udi _or �_ e • y