06/16/1948 (2)�
June 16� 194�
The Gity Commission met in special session at 12 o'cloc� noon, June 16, 194g
in the City Hell with the following members present; J'. 0. Houze, J. R� Crane, Guy
L. Kennedy, Hr�rry D. Sargeant, kbsent: Zeland F. Drew. Also present: Boyd �.
Bennett, City Manr�ger, J. J. Elliott, Chief of Police.
Tb.e meeting yvbs called to order by n4ayor Houz�, who explained that the �urpose
oi` �he meeting was to review the results af the Zor�ing Lie�ction held on June 15., ig�s,
The City Clerk read a report signed by the �,lection Ofi"icials showing the vote to be
as follov�s: Total num.Uer of ballots cast - 2pg
Total number of ballots mutilated - 0
I�or the approval o� Ordin�nce No. 555 - 140
kg�ins� Ordinance No. 555 - 68
The report of the �;lection Officiels is set out in full below,
It vaas moved by Coram.issioner Crane, seeonded by Commissioner Kennedy and unanimously
carried •Chat the report of the Election 0�fici.als be a�proued.
There being no further business to come before the �oarc�, the m ting e�as �djourned.
��Iayor omnissi er
� J
ity huditor and Clerk
ti'Ie the undersigned Clerk and Inspectors of the special �i�Ly Zouing El,ection
Y�eld on J'une 15, 191�.�, polling piace at the Clearti,ater Fire Station on North Garden
�lvenue, do hereby certify that we ha4e eonducted said election according to law and
upon counting �he ballots fir.d the resniti o� said eleci;ion to be as follows:
Total number of ballots cast �d S
Total number of Ballots mutilated Q
For the ap�roval of Orainance No. 555 / y Q
kgainst Qrdinance ?V'o. 555 � ��
Given under our hands at Clearwater, F1�rida, this 15th day of June, A,D. 194�.
�C���c t or._.� �Q��il�� ��
Swarn to and subscribed before me at Clearwater, Florida this 15th clay of
June �, b. D. 194�.
c ov�v� or �zral �z��s
CITY Oi' CLf:IiRt'�I�xL+'f!
VJe the unclerni�:ed Clerk anci Sns�orstors oi' the special �ity 'Zoning Election
held on June 15, 1R4g, pollitt� place at tho C1eaa�vr�ter Fire 3tation on Psorth Garden
l�venne, do hereby certify i:hr�t v�e h�ve conduoted said e�:Iecstion accarding ta lay� and
apon cpunting th.e bt�l,lots f,ind the xesul� q� sa3.d electian to be gs �ollows:
�ota1 number aP ballots cast �Q��
Tatal number of $allats mutilated �
l�or the appr�val o� Ordinanca No�� 55g % y O
kgainst Orclinence l�ar 555 �j g
Gi4en under our hands at Clearc�ater, Florida, th�s 15th da� of �'una, A.D. 191F$.
�/i��`�2'-Gf o </Jf57iI�� 1/�?-�LP'
Inspector "'r`�'`
Ssvoru �o ancl subscribecl beforo me a� Clearvrater, Flnrid� $his 1.5th day �P
�'uno $ �. pa 1948.
� ��
� �Cd�ti s<.�' �
�iltv liudit.nr arrl !'�ic�-�
. , �' , ' . ' , .
smkmE or F�oRra�
. c ou1��r oF � zr LLLas
~ GITY Or CLr�i2VlxTr,'�
V�e,the undersigned, Clerlt ond Insp�ctors for tl�e Gity Zoning Llection
to be held on June 15, 194g, polling �lace at the Clearwater Fire itation on
No.rth Garden xvenue, do hereby solemly swsttr that we will v;�ell and feii;hfully
perform the duties oi Clerk ancl Inspeci�ors
Svaorn �o and subscribed before me st Glearwatsr, Florida this 19th day of
June, lg4$.
� . • . - , : . .