06/10/1948 (2)�`:
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cT� cor,�7zsszarr t�NUT�s
June 10, 1�>t�:8
The City Commission met in special session at 12 o'c1ocY noon, June 10, 194�
with the following rsembers presei�tt J, 0. Houze, Lel&nd F. Drew, Guy I�. Kennedy,
H�arry ,, Szrgeant. kbsent: J. I3. Crane. Others present: City Ivianager, Boyd
Li. Bennett, Chiei o� Police, J, J', ;�,1liott.
b7�yor Houza a�cplainecl that t�e purpose of the meeting was to re�iew thz
certified regis�ration list of qualified voters eligible to vote in the speciel
voting election, June 15, 1.>4$.
The voters list, certified to by ti`l. C, Rei�:, Supervisor of Registration,
I'inellas County, was �resented and revietivefl by the Board. It appe�ring that the
list was iii order and properly certified, and there being no objection to the
sarse, it v�as moved by Commissioner Sargeant, seconded by Commiss,ianer Kennedy
�nd unanimously carried that ths list be apprQved.
TYiere being no iurther business to come bei`ore the Baerd, the meeting was
�djousned. �
�'Aapor issioner.
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City Commi.asion I�'Iinutes
June 10, 194.8
i The City Commission met in special session the evening oi June 10, 19L�8 at
7�30 P.Pd, in the City Hali with the following members piesent: J. 0. Houze,
Guy L. Kennedy, Leland T'. Drew, Harry D, Sargeant. kbsent: J. R, Crane. Also
present: Boyd h. Bennett, City Man��er, George TP�, Smif,h, City t�ttorney, J. J,
Elliott, Chie�' o�'l�olice. Commissioner Sargeant was not present when the meeting
was opened but ceme in shor-L-ly bei'ore the vote was taken on granting the Sea Horse
Mayor Houze called the meeting to order and read the official notice of the
meeting �vhich is set �ut belrn;u,
It was moved by Commissi�ner Kennedy, seconded by Co��nmissioner Drew and
unanimously carried that Baskin's Replc�t, being a replat of al1 lots 3 to 8 inclusive,
Block 1� of Clear�vater Shores, Inc, as recorded in 1'lat Book 16, P�ge t�2 o.i Public
Records of Pinellas County Florida, be approved. This plat show�d the property in
question designated as acreage blocks 1 and 2. It was "orought out that the approval
of this plat was needed in order that the County might vacate the plat oi Cleartivater
Shores Inc., which covers the same property; further that the plat oi' Clearwater
Shores Inc. v�as vz�cated bf the City Corn.mission on kpril 6, 1gt�2 by resolution.
Gity 2cSana�er Bennett reported that Mr, Ed�vard Brady was interestied in leasing
for a min�ture �;ol� site, the v��estern part of block 9, City �ark Subdivision, at a
total rental f'or three years of �2000.00 payable �600.00 the f irst �ear, sn� �700,0�
on each of the last t�vo years,; the rent to be payable �nnually in advance - the Ci�Gy
was to pay brokerage f ee of �100.00, filso �Zr, Brady planned ta spend �5,000.00 for
buildings bnd irnprovements, and that he wanted a recapture clause in thc lease of
$p1600.p0 per year. ��fter discussion, the Commission without Porraal vote, referred
the matter to the Citg P,1ana�er for �urther negotiations as to rental price and
recapture clause.
1t was moved b;� CoLimissioner ��en Ledy, seconded 3y �oznmissioner Saroeant and
carried - Commissioner Drew not voting, that the lease c��ex•ing the Sea Horse property
bs approved for transfer to Johns� J"ohns and Dan Calbos, for a period of five �eaxs,
� without a recapture clause at a psice oi �3,600.00 per year. Ths last years rent to
be Z�aid in advance; the term of lease to begin I�arch l, lq4$ and the new rental of
$b300.00 per month �o start from the date of'the signing o£ the lease; also, it was
agreed that the insurance provision of t�e ald ler�se be changed so as �o provide that
if th e building bur�s do�,vn or becomes destroyed, th e City would be required to rebuild
�the building t� the extent of the insurance moneys received, and �uring the period of
destrmction �oi' the building, no rent vaould be required of the lessees. �
llie approval of the oper�tion budget for the fisca�, y�ur ending June 30, 194:9 was
brought up �nd opened for public discus:>ion. rittorney V1are ststed that he believed all
rents collected b3T the Hecreatlon Dep�rtment should be turnad in to the City, and t'�at
the City Comwission should have entire control over these proceedse The Commission
told ivIr, ;7are that a netia arrangement had been entered into ivith the l�ecreation
Depertment, v�hereby that department �vas to give a complete m�nthly report to the City
IaIaneger of al1 receipts and expenditures. There oein� no objection to the budget,
as presented, City httorney Smit�h now read a resolution setting forth the budget in full
and assessin� 5� mills f'or operatir� expenses, and lr 3/!� mills for bonded indebtedness,
making a total of 10 mills and setting-�he_even'rn� �f J`une 18th, as th� tir,ie of a
public hearing on the budget. It w�s m.oved by Commissioner Isennedy, seconded by
Commissioner Dre�v and unanimously carried that the xesoluti:on as read be adapted.
The res�lution and otlzer p�pers m�ntioned in these minutes are set out belo�v, and
are here�vith m�de a �art ti�ereof.
Mayor J. 0. Houze and
�Zembers City Gomnission
Clear�vater, F'lorida
Gen.�lemen •
There vaill be a special meeting of the City C�miuission Thursdey night,
7;30 P.hI., J'une 1�, 194�, at the Ciit� H�all for a public hoaring on the budget.
Also to consider approv�l cf tl�e Baskin replat; c�nsider renting property on the
beach for a miniture go� f course; and consider transfer of lec�se of Seai�orse
property on Cleveland Street, klso any other business by unan:imous consent the
Commission mi�ht with ta discuss. . ,
Very tru13T yours, ,
Boyd A. Bennett - signed
Boyd .�. ]3ennett
City Mana�er
B1�B: �is
* � �
OF T2a�.tiTION •
j+�IHERF�S, the City Manager of the i.'ity of Clearwe�ter, Florida has submitted an
estimate of the amount o� money necess�,ry to carry on the City Government for the
iiscal yeAr beginnin� July lst, lgta.g and ending J`une 30th, 1949i and
�',�fiPk?r`'�;5, the City Commission has, in mes+ing duly assembled, e�amined carefully,
considered, and rappro�red the same; and �
V�iERLkS, the tax assessment ro11 iiss been s�zb�itted to the Eity Commission by
the Equalization Board in G�rrect fozm;
F'LORIDA, in regular session assenibled: ^
First: Th�t the iollovuing scheclule be and it is hereby a�.apted as the operating
budget ior the City of Claervaater for the fiscal year beginning July lst, '191a.�, and ending
June 30th, 1949:
b�iayor-Gommission �l 700.00
City �+Iana�sr 6,50U.00
City kttorney 3,500..00
�ngineering Department 11,800.00
Insurance 13,000.00
liuditing - Treasurer 7,950.00
hssessing - Collecting 6,900.00 �
I�unicipal Bidg# (lard-City Eall) 7,?_OQ.00
�u.�ici�al Court (Police Court) 1,5�0.00
Civil Service Board 2,300,00
Employees Pension '7,100,00
Yublic Plelfare snd Outside Charity 7,1�00.00
Elections 600�Q0 ,
ChambPr of Comnerce 1%,000.00
J'r. Chamber of Comm.erce 2,0�:00
Building 1�,g0�.00
Elec�ric�l y.,500a00
Pltu¢bing !�, 500 .00
Police Department g�.,S00.00
Traffic Indicators,signs,parking meters 9,500.00
Parking Zot 1,200.00
Fire Departinent 52,000.00
Fire Trucks 2,000.00
�;lectric Bureau 7,t500.00
Street I,i�hting 15,5GC.00
PUBLIC S +L'I�nFTC� D.�l'r�FtTIU«'.,�tT
Total Streets, sidetivalks, storm sev+ers,
docks, bridges, dra�tibrid�e, garbage-trash
collection, street repair 131,'700.00
City Commiasion Minates
Ji:ne 10, .191�8
Lib ra ry
,-f T'arks-Cemetary 1�1�, 200.00
F2ecreation-Operation 21,800.00
M�intenanc� oi' Buildings, ground,
Iiecreation purposes 11,775,00 '
' �luditoriw�: 7, 500.00
1GTOI�1.'Gr,GE �,OPtTRE�CT PkYPdr.,-�NTS
J'unior Chamber of Commerce ]31dg.
Y'ayment to Jefferson Stand�rd
Zife Insurance �o. Zoan Bal, g,1�30,1�1 1,C00.00
Coachm�n property 5,600.00
Cleveland Street Yroperty 10 200,00
TOT1�Z OPi;ZttsTIONS :���15� �� 531+,625.00
Packex Garbage Truck 6,500,00
�.dded Police Car 1,500.00
�Vlidening Pd. C�sceola 5,000.00
City Share of Sea �'�lalls 7,000.00
Opening Streets, no improvements 1,OOO.DO
Paym�nt Ihiladel��hia Ball C],ub" Contraet 500.00
VJork at Isirport to off_set franchise �,�00.00
Benches - se�wall steps 1,70�,0�
I'ire Trucls 13.5�0 ��
TOT�iL Cts�'IT�iL i+�".t?��TDI^lURLS 3�,500.00
TGTbL Ol'LRx'PITTG �IJD C1,�IT��I� E�.'i,'�TDITUit�S �573,125.00
DL�'BT CH1+EiGi+,S
4.-z interest: Series Zg1�6 kefunding G.,260,000 1y1,700.00
Retiiement 10,000.00
Bank Costs 900,00
�ssessing, Colleciing, Bool�lteeping, Costs '7,50U.00
Qost o� Suits 1,SOO.QO
TOTrL y� 21'l y 600 .00
Second: That it is hereby determined that a ta� of 5y: miles upon all real
property and personal property within the City, not exemp� from +axation by law,
shall be necessary to raise tha said sums appropriated i'ro operating purposes,
and the said rate of millage is h�reby assessed on a11 real and personalipronerty
upon said tax assessment roll not egempted by lat�� fr�m taxation.
Third: ThUt it is hereby datermined that the following rrates of millage shall
be necessary to rGise the necessary sums for debt s'ervice on the Git.y's outstanding
banded indebtedness, and said rate oi'millage is hareby assessed a�ainst the property
included in eaid tax assessment roll, as follows:
All re�l estate and personbl property within the City of Cle-ar�r�ater �. 3�1� mi11s
B� IT FURT.NiFt 1�i;SdLVID that the i'oregoing Schedules and tax rates be publi�red in the
Clearv�ater Sun �ncl that the City Gommission shall lueet in the City Hall= City of Cleas^rlster,
at 7:30 Y.Ni. June 18, 191�FS for the purpose oi h�lding a public hearing upon said intended
tax levy, and the Qity ��udi�;or and Clerk �� hereby required to publish a notice o� su,ch
public hearing, setting i'orth the time and place afar.esaid for holding such m�eting,
together with the proposed budget and tax 7:evy as herein set fqrth, and unless sufficient
objections sh�ll be made at the tirce arYi p],ace stated in ssid notice, said budget and tax
levy ehall stand for the fixcal s�e�r beginning J'uly lst, 19L�8, and e:nding J�e 30th, 1949.
THIS HLSOLUTION 1'hSSED AI�TD hDOI�ID by the City Commiss.;.an o� the �ity of Clsarwater,
Florida, this 10 d�y oi' J'une 1�.D. 191�8,
• �
1:�SFiY�R" IW29IS5I0
ATTESa��--. 1�/� f %%
xua�tior ana C1erk �
Thexe being no further b
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llit _ �
ity Au �tor �nd � erlt
to com.e before the Boerd, the meeting was adj ourned.
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