04/26/1948 (2)r � ■ CITY C OPiII�4`IS3ION MIP7UTl�S �Spril 26, 194g The City Commission mei; in special session at 7:30 �.M., Hpril 26, 1948 in the City Hall �n�ith the following members presen.t: �, 0, Houze, �T. R. Crane, Guy I,. Iiennedy, Leland F, Dreva. iibsent: H. ?1, Sargeant. klso present: Boyd #,, i3ennett, City T�ianager, George V1. S�ith, City �.ttorney, and. J'. J, Llliott, Chie� of 1'olice. Mayor Houze exglained that the purpose oi' the meeting was to consider the approval of a lease enterecl into by the St�te koad llepartmant with the Coastal 1'etroleum;Company concexning the ds•illing oP oil wel?s on the right of way of the Courtney Campbell 1'arkway. By unanirnous cansent t1�e C�mmission at this time took under. considera�ion a reauest of the nev� radio station, V�T�T, for permission to aaa an additional room to the auditorium so that more space might be had �or the broadca.sting st�ti.on. It w�s bro ugh-� out that the room would be c�nstructed at no e�pense to the City. It v�ia3 raoved by Crane, seconded by Conunissianer Dreva and unanimously carried that permission to conairuct the addition be grented with the underst�nding that the tvark meeti the appr�vr�l of the �ity i.;anager and tkia�G the adci:,tion bec�me the groperty of �he C1ty of Clearwater at the terraination of' the lease. 14Ir. Gurney �f the Coastal i'etr�leum Company explained that his conpany had entered into an agreetnent with the State i3oad �epbrtiLnent wiiei�eby the� were given the privile�e of drilling oil wells on the Courtney Campbell Causetivsy r��ht-of-way, the lease �aroviding that it v��ould have to be epproved by t�e cities of aafety Hurnor ond Clearv�ater ti�,ithin sixty days from 11i�.rch �; further the lease provided that even if appraved by the municipalities bef'ore any �irilling could be done each Gity together vlith the 3tate h�ad Department �vould h�tve to �ive their spprov�l to the drilling site, It was broughs out that on any oil produced, the State t�oad Department �;�uld receive 1/gjo royalty and the sta�e and county together 5� per berrely the Ci-�iss nothing. �' It was brought �uti yhati in a recent survey that the 2dorth Uoundary line of the property upon which the Falconer npartraents are located, encroaehed on City property to the extent oi 11� feet at the �ayside, to a point of no encroactunent on Oseeola. t,n appraisal by the City tLppraisal Committee �;�as before the Board setting the value of the proZzErty in question dt :�25.00. It was moved by Co�nissioner �rane, seconded by vonmissianer Drev�� and unani.mously carried that the City a�ree io sell the City land encroached upon f'rom �sceola to a�oint three f2et west of the first apaxtment buiiding at a��rice oi' �25.00 plus the cost of the survey, There t�eing no furtiher business to come bEf�re the 3oard, the meeting was adjourned. Diayor-C ' ssione � * lt vaas moved by Conuaissi�ner Cr�i1e, secanded by t�orarnissioner �retv �nd unr�nir�ously cariied tiz�t cousicier�tion o� the lease be rieferred �or iurtaer stuay „nel ti�t tile matter be considered ��ain �t th� �eetiug on �:��y 3rd. lhe Ci�,y L'omriissian of �af'et-y Harbor v��s present anc:i took pdrt 'in tise discussion. � � e � czmx con�m�sszoN r���r�Es iF hpril 26, 194� Nir. Boyd Bennett, City It�anagdr l.,_ � Clearv�ater, Florida , ".;� Aear T��ir. Bennett;- r � V7e h��ve been asked to exgress our opinion as to the v�lue of a sma11 trangular ��iece of land lyin� North of the Falccn8r i-�p�rtments on Osceola Kve�ue, and on ths south line of Ci�y owned property o�cupied by tlie l�'loman' N CluU, yTe ha've examined copy of a sur•rey made by nlr. T�eb T3utler indicating th�t this s-L•�ip of land rurs i'rom Osceola to t�,a b�y, and th�t i� i� appxoxi�atiely 14 feet wide at the bay and comes to an apex at Osceola,, From an examin�tion of the property it �ppeass that this strip of land has been ac�ually' uaed and occupied by the �alconer fsmily for more th�an twenty years. But iL ,appears that this property technic�ally belongs to the City because of some discre�ancy in simveys. 4'7e understand tha�G the �Falconer fanily desires ta clarify tlhs title by obtaining a deed f'rom the City of C1ear���ater coveri.ng the srnall trian�ular �iece of l�nd a�ove mentioned. IInder the circum:stances as they exist, it is our opinion that the City oi Glearvrater vaould not be justified in asking consiieration of more than �25,00 ior a deed conveying its interes� in �&iis s�all strip of land. • Very truly yours, L.R. Capes -signed C. K. Charles - signed Ivleiabers of the 4ppraisal Committee � 3S . . . . ... . .. _... ...,, ,��"�� . . � . � � � . � � . i`,a . . � . . � . . �. :��